The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL 2iCIS 12 T3 SL Silk Hat Harry His Side Splitting Stunt nail; On Our Magazine Page. YOk XU-NO. 252. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXIXG, APRIL 6, 1912 SINGLE COPY TWO CEXTS. ZfalTe&theySaxy Where Styles Are Newest faSttS?Chfftfaz? Where Quality Is BestZfo&z(aTfiagrs. & H. Stamps Given Here VkmeffGii!$any, h Until The l&st Minute Yill find Swift, Satisfactory Service At BENNETTS 4 v Easter Suits for Men & Youhg Men I If men will make comparisons they will bur here, for, to use a common phrase, "we have the goods." That men appreciate the quality and price advantages our clothing store of fers Is best shown by the volume of our pre Easter business which already exceeds the high mark we set for ourselves. Bennett Suits at $15.00 $20.00 Value We say our $15.00 suits are equal to any others in the city selling at $20.00-and that's a strong statement to make. But see the suits-all sizes, all fabrics, all patterns-choice $16.00. Of course there are other suits at $10.00 to $25.00-eaeb the best obtainable in its class. And every one is ALL WOOL. For the Young Men who know the importance ot being correctly dressed, and who know what Is "right" In the way ot clothes, we have Installed the famous "National Student" clothes made especially for young men by tailors who make nothing but young men's clothes. All the favored styles, patterns and colors as well as blue surges at $7.50 to $15.00. Boys' Easter Suits An attractive showing that Includes the bent from men who specialise In the better trades ot boys' clothing. Correct in style-faultless In making-matchless values. Our Boys Suits at $5.00 Parents see no use In paying $.o to 17.50 for tli same quality garments we sell at I ft 90. That's why our boys' clothing business keeps jumping ahead. Our $6-90 suits sre made of sll wool materials-two pairs of kBlckerboeker paata-ln all the new patterns. Ages to 11 years, oilier suits at $3.50 lo $7.60. You will also find at various reasonable prices, top costs, hats, waists, shirts, ties snd all kinds of Kaster furnishings tor the boys and the smaller brothers. TBSI-Saturday, with every purchase of $1i.00 In the boys' store, we will give a six months' sub scription to the "American Boy" magasine. abso lutely free. w. ( Easter Furnishings Ferfsot-flUUuj, full-eat shirts for Esster wear. In sll of the latest patterns and colorings, $l.vt and $1.60. The aew Columbia Oaf tore shirts In neat, dressy pstterns; you will wsnt at least one after we how why they are superior to others: 11.60 each. Easter aeekwear In over 600 dlffereat styles snd patterns: 6c, S6c snd 60c, according .to the mar terlal, style and quality. ... Kxtra special-One lot of 30 dozes new tubular four-ln-lianda In new bar striped designs i the regular 3Qc kinds; slight defects which ao one but an expert ran find bring the price down to 8 for (1, or, each. 35c 11 A new shipment of tke famous arady suspeadere very comfortable and possessed of superior wear. Ing qualities has just been received; 60c for your choice. All the aew shapes la mea's hats sre to be had In our hat department. The new rough and plain felt hats, designed particularly for Kaster and sunmer wear. $2.00 and 2.50. Mow eaps for msa aaa bora. In all of the wanted and fashionable styles and patterns, 60c, 76c and $1 Women's Easter Wearables A Mere Mention of Some of the Garment That Will Prove Attractive from a Style, Quality and Price Viewpoint Your Easter Outfit Is Here And, whether1 or not you find it mentioned in this ad vertisement, you may rest assured there is something at this store which exactly suits your, peculiar requirements. Assort ments are larger, finer and better than those of any previous season. AVe made it a point they be not excelled in the entire Middle West. Extra help has been provided that sen-ice may be satisfactory, but we advise coming in the morning if possible. To give you an idea of the wonderful range there Is for your choosing t each price, we mention that there are twenty different styles of tail ored suits priced 910.90. Plain and fancy models in every new and de sirable coloring and material. Plain and novelty tailored suits many of them copies ot famous Imported models $24.75 for Saturday's selling only. Cream colored suit of serges, diagonals, whipcords and other fabrics; the finest suits you can obtain for Easter and summer wear; $18.50 to $58.60. EXTRANovelty and plain tailored serge and fancy mixture gait in black and all colon; value up to $18, priced a an extra tpecial for the latt day ft r r f before .Eatter only tpl&tQU Cream wool coats, for both women and misses, in the most charming and newost sty Ira of the season, $14.85 to $35.00, according to the quality and finishing Three special kits of coats at 10.93, $12.01 and VI $. 03--plain tail ored and novelty styles of serges, diagonals, whipcords, mixtures, striped fabrics, etc.; in sixes for misses, small women, women of average slxe and the woman measuring up to 63.. Black taffeta silk maternity coats, In novelty styles, $14.(5. Here's How the Dresses Are Priced Dresses of fine wool materials, I.V0S to lit 00. Taffeta, fati lard and other silk dresses, to $31.00, Klcgant lingerie dresses, $7.60 to $.16.00. Cream wool serge dresses.'st $7.60 snd up to $36.00. Dresses of neatly striped wool challles. In the now apron front effects, vsry special at $111.60 each. Clearing Waists One lot of black taffeta' silk walata In a variety of styles that previously sold from 13.96 to $6.00 each, datur as y, or whlls they 93c SIM aew Unrsrts waists la high aaa low seek styles, with short or -long sleeves as you prefer a dosen eUf ferent styles to choose from df q Saturday, choice ..... ' Muslin Underwear Three lots of muslin undergar ments, in a variety of styles, offered at these prices for Saturday only: Corset covers and drawers, worth up of to 16c, uaturday , "v Corset covers, drawers, skirts and (owns, yn. worth up to S6o, Saturday only wrv ' Corset covers, drawers, eombinstlon suits, chemises, skirts and gowns, worth up lo 11.60, (Saturday... M7 Oil DtiJ VAiUM Mil Easter Suits and Coats for the Juniors Junior wits in snappy, nov.elty styles; trimmed to harmonize with girlish tastes all-colors and sizes 15, 17 and 19; very specially priced at 12.50 an $U.n3. Misers' and juniors' Norfolk suite of serges and fancy mixtures, self trimmed or finished with materials of a contrasting color; all sixes, $18.60 and $24.75. ...-.; . .t. Junior coats In good variety of new, smart styles, made of finest serges and wool mixtures: all colors with the newest revers and lapels trimmed with silk or wool fabrics ot a shade to add tone and character to the garment; sixes 13, IS, ,17 and 1; $S.6, $8.50snd $12.86. Mothers will vote them the finest girls' coats they have ever seen at-the price. ' - i,' ' Children's Coats, $2.50 to $5 The coats that come under this caption are for little ones from t to 0 years of sue. Charming little styles of black, blue and white straes-some with dainty blue stripes-wlth contrasting collars and cuffs. ) Girls' Coats at $2.75 to $8.95 Several styles ot tan, gray and blue mixtures and serges; novelty cloths and light suiting fabrlcs-to fit girls from g to 14 years of aye. $2.75, $3.60, $5.00, $8.85, $7.60 and $8.85 for your choice. Easter Flowers Consisting of all kinds of blooming plants, Easter lilies, azallaa, spire as, hyacinths, hy drangeas, cinnerarlas, etc, snd sll kinds ot cut flowers for all Kater purposes, will be offered Saturday at Special Prices Pedestals for Easter flowers 17 golden oak and five wethered oak Jardlnere lands like the Illustration, that regularly sell for $100 each, priced for Sat'day at 65c Each Also 05 small bamboo lardlalsrs stands with nist ting tops, worth 50c each, will be closed out Satur day at 33s. Other Jardiniere sianJs are priced 6c snl up to $6. Pure, Sanitary Hair Goods for the Easter Coiffure 30-Inch pure hair, natural wavy switches, reg ularly sold at $5.00, Saturday. $2.98. 26-Inch pure hair, natural wavy switches, reg ularly sold at $3.00, Saturday, only, $1.81. 18-lnch straight switches, worth 8o each,, priced for Saturday's selling at 75c. - Transformations are marked down to $2.75, $3.50 and $5.00 for Saturday only. 60c washable hair rolls, 39c. 25s washable hair rolls, 19c. Large sixe human balr nets. 8 for 25c." Large auto nets, 2 for 6c or 25e the dozen. Center Aisle, Main Floor. Choice I - I of JU I aii hi V Puff, f jr. I Half I V I Price O 1 Easter Handbags The newest creations In lan, cream and white wash bags of the most desirable and best wearing fabrics; 60c to $5.00 each. Also one special lot of leather handbags In a variety of leather and styles, formerly priced up to $10.00, choice of the entire lot, Saturday at J5.00. 1 Easter Parasols Just 25 beautiful parasols worth up to $10.00 each, only one of a kind so come early for the best choice. Saturday, while tbey iMl, 84.98. 20 Discount on Every Trimmed Hat in the Store SELLING AT $15.00 OR MORE IN TRICE. This offer is a fitting climax to the greatest pre-Easter business in the history of our mil linery store and, coming as it does the last day before Easter, it will vn- able a woman to get the hat she wanted and which she thought im possible because she couldn't afford the price. Just think of It- 20 Off On Every Trimmed Hat in the Store Sell ing at $15.00 and up. Every ostrich trimmed hat, every bird ot paradise hat, every flower trlmmel hat, every Imported Freneh model hat worth $16.00 or over Is for your choosing Saturday at tbla GREAT REDUCTION none are re served. Tell your friends about the sals and bring them with you early Saturday morning when the choosing Is best Tk to per oast wUl be e aaetsa at the tlaw the par- saaso la Improve Your Easter Gown MM t r Hand- maaame urace r.w Cor sets Will Do It No matter what your figure may be, you are sure to find just the right corset for your requirements at this store. Good corseting is the really essential basis for fashionable dress. $4.00- Our expert corsetieres will aid you in selecting the correct . model for your figure. If you decide upon a MADAME GRACE or an AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET your figure will reflect unde niable smartness and grace. Beautiful MADAME GRACE and AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS are now being shown in a multitude of new and beautiful styles for the spring and summer seasons. They are priced $1.50 - $2.00 - $3.00 $5.00 and up to $25 ' Ribbon for Various Eatter Uses 4 snd S-fnch taffsta an noire hair ribbons, in all colors, worth :i- the yard. Saturday, 16c. A asw lias of striped ribbons, 6 snd inches wide, suitable fr nat trimmings, :6c 16c, 190 and 60c the yard. . Tslvet ribbons la all eolora, black and white grosgraJn ribbons, and other ribbons for hat trimmings,- variously priced according to the .1.1.K n4 mialltv W.U.M . . ' 1 Dainty , New Easter Neckwear New cream and white laes eoat and waist seta In n acrame. Princess and Irish crochet laces; lie, 11.2. $1.60, 11.60 and up to $7.00. Vlehoa and Jabots with Irish crochet trim mingsnew styles $1.26 and up to 15.01). On lot of sos aeekwear. Including lace and embroidered Dutch collars. Jabots, fichus, ribbon novelties, etc., Bsturday only, S5c LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS HALF PRICE Gloves for Easter. Decidedly. smart, and in exquisite good taste, are the new French kid gloves we are" showing for the Easter toilette. "White with black embroidery and white welts, they give the wearer individual distinc tion. Good, wearing, Cost $1.75 a pair. Orsaobls Ha (loves In the favored , shades and black and white, a most excellent w e a r 1 a g glove. $1 76 the pair. Capital kid (tores, mads especially for the Bennett com-' pany ' and unex celled for every day wear; all good shades, $1.26 the pair. Koar kid gloves, in all of tbe wanted colorings and all sixes, 13.60 the pair. Wfz ? an sfSW&v atasMkim rloTta. with one lu r-ers Twavaurl htfttasti for fastening; one of the most popular gloves of. the season; tl.OO the Pair. lVbattra leagth washable aoaekta (teres. In white only, 63-0O the, , WMTti 1-elasy silk r loess In all of the new and staple shades, ic lie and $1.00 the pair. Bursar's loaf silk gloves In both It and it button lengths, all desirable shades, 1.0, $1.6 and $t.r the pair. rone's eape (lores hi mannish styles for street and travel war: choice ef black, white Hosiery fot Easter Women's pure thread silk hose made only, by the most reputable manu facturers and finished with tops, heels, soles' and toes that insure the maxi mum of wear; black, white and the wanted colors; plain and embroidered; according to the quality, $1.50 and up to $5.00 the pair. "Women's fine silk hose with wide garter tops and lisle soles, black and the wanted colors, $1.00 the pair. Women's full regular made silk hose, in black, white, light blue, pink and tan shades-a very special number at 50c the pair. Women's fast black, full regular made hose, worth np to 35c the pair, Satur day. 21c. OUldrea's fine or coarse ribbed, fast black, seamless hose, worth up to 25c the pair, Saturday, i c. Children's fancy aad Plata socks the kind that stay up in a variety of pretty colorings and all sixes, 25c the pair. an i Milady may once again blossom forth in dainty; and attrac tive Spring attire. Ap propriate footwear neces- sary to suit the occasion. Just the correct designs to harmonize with the pre vailing dress creations, here in "Dorothy Dodd's." Smart Pump and Oxford patterns in profusion in all the newer materials. Easter Toilet Necessities Large can "Odorshun" a new preparation for neutralising and preventing odors from perspiration Katurday BSo Osbrook's 60c toilet waters ate lie H. t O. Laurel toilet water ....4Ss Reiser's flower drops, at II JO Pond's 26c vanishing cream ' ISe $1.60 Oriental cream, at SCO 60c Pompeisn inasssxe cream, see the 7nc sise 4S :6c Bathaweet ....IBs Isabell a 600 facs pow der e One lot of talcum pow der, Saturday only, ran so Colgste-s 26c tooth pasts le Physician's and sur geon's lOe soap . -So Coigste's and Men nen's 16c talcum Its 10c Palmollve soap, cakes for ISe 60c bottle peroxide SSs Kleck s - Easter Egg dyes, pkg. of sis col ors oe Sassafras bark, pack age . So, loo ssd IBs $1 Ideal hair brushes, at Tse Candy Specials for Easter 60c fresh rluffeta chocolates. Saturday, 20c the lb. 40c chocolate dipped caramels, Saturday, 25c the lb. 20o fresh salted peav nuts, Saturday, 19c the lb. 25c assorted candy Kaster eggs, 18c the lb. GROCERIES "Pride of Bennett's" flour special offer bf a sack for ..1JS Bennett's Best coffee and 20 st'ps, lb. BBS I lb. Bennett's Best coffee and 00 stsmps. at U1-00 Assorted teas and "6 stamps, lb. BSo Tea sittings and l' stamps, lb. IBs 24-lb. sack "Queen of the Fan try" pa-try flour anf 40 sumps for ! 14 -lb. can pure pepper and 6 atan pa ...10s Full cream cheese snd 10 stamps, lb. ...SBs Snider s chile sauce and It stamps, bot tl Bennett's Cspltol pears and 20 stsmps ..950 J rsns Evergreen corn and IS stamps.. toe S-lh can Bennett's Capitol bsking pow der and 100. si ns SI ajl kinds ef flower sad esgstahle seeds, package for ...lie I lint navy beans ..S6e I-1U roll Premium fcnt- I terine ' Bennett's Capitol ex tract and 20 stamps, bottle IBS $ pkgs. Toasto corn flakes, 1 st ps ..BBS J-lb. pkg. Bennett': Capitol rolled ' oats and 10 stamps . 10a 17 lbs. Granu lated Sugar, $1.00 Van Houten's cvf and 5 stamp, ran K-e Onion nalt and i t'pa. botti .15a Bennett a ' Capitol plums or rapDcrr1ea and 1 Rt'p-. (-11 SOe t cans Eagle iye ar! 1 stamp" 95o I cakes fryrital White map and iU Vp 35c On (In, boxea Safe: matches , to Pint run 'aillanl a pure oltre oil reohir ed to 40e Sour and I a Blannps. quart ...18c Fruits- Vegetables 3 lane bunches rhubarb Fancy Florida tomatoes, lb. , Large bunches young beets for California asparagus, bunch and ....10c . IOC turnip 6c ....10c Large, juicy lemons, dozen 20c Those fsmous Redlands, oranges shipped di rect to us from Redlands, Cal., 13c, 20c, 23c, 80c and 8Sc the doxen. Special price quoted on Early Ohio and Eed Rose SEED POTATOES on application. EasterHeatSpecials FOEEQUAETERS MUTTON OE LAMB 6Hc HINDQUARTERS MUTTON OR LAMB ..'.......SVtC LAMB LEGS 92c PORK ROAST . .ic PORK BUTTS ............... 12Hc VEAL ROAST ...12VjC-10c POT ROAST SYsC-WjC COUNTRY SAUSAGE, 3 pounds 25c HAMBURGER, 3 pounds 25c LAMB CHOPS 10c 9- lb. )kg. LEAF LARD ...... $1.00 DIAMOND "C" HAMS 16Vgc WORRELL HAMS 18Uc iii MI TV