Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Great Gain,Li February Karketin.
Cm S.uae Month in 1911.
ttfwM frm Dareae at Statistics ml
llepartate-at ef CwmTrr anil
2 .a leer hw mr Imtrr.
las Facte.
The commercial mwiwntt of Uv
r.oc ia February. I?::, at ihe evn Pfn
interlcr mart,..;?, lamfly, Chicago.
Kepwii City, giii.!?'. St. Lout. St.
ioserh. St. Kvii S:ox Cltv. " re
torted to tl i bureau of statistic ot the
D-psttT.trt of Commerce aad Labor,
uwti a tvutly increase as compared with
the r.:-."pt durine the same month of
th I ao preceding yean. The total re
c m i ia February. 1U. wore IBSM
reft', gain of over Je per oent whea
ccirierel vita J, bead reoelred la
Ireiiivkry, Kll, and over per cent when
coi.i ar d with 2,763.204 bead received la
ye'jruery. 1'. The receipts In February,
we to Iras than the precdln month.
l'it ereaior than la December, 1NL These
live stock receipts IncliMled cattle, calves.
Lcs, sheep, horses and mule. '
Tue re-.-clpts of cattle at these markets
avr steatlliy declined from month to
nuiih October. Ull. Those for
Fet-roary. liU, W7.X1 head, were the
rau.Icit February receipts si DCs UN.
acu t'.w seven principal markets re
toitru a decrease in cattle receipts In
I'tb:t.-.::'. Ml, as compared -with the
tsate month Ot the preceding year, the
decrease Ik Ins most marked In 'Kansas
l'!:y v. Vre it was is per cent.
vfssaba'a Meej lacreaee.
TS receipt of bog show a steady
lac.xi.s u-ilaf the vast au months ex
ceiit tin the number of head of bote
received la January was (lightly
greater than la February, Mil The
Jiog rccilpta during that nvntb, im.Kt
head, were the largest February re
ceipu In the past decade except In
vFebrusry, INs, when the number was
S.:il.t7 head. An Increase la hog ra-
e-tlpis lu r'ebruary, 1PU, as compared
with Mil Is reported . at each of the
seven principal markets. At.Woux City
these receipts wsre more than' double
while at Omaha the Increase was 71
per cent, at 81 Paul a per cent and M
Chicago X per cent
The sheep received . at the principal
w astern market show a decline in
February. Wit. when compared with th
average receipts for th six preceding
months, but the number, ss9.7 head,
wa nevertheless greater than In any
February during the last ten years,
Compering February, Mix, with the asms
month in nil, th return show an In-
crtas la th receipts of sheep at each
Ihey Have Beta Established in
Omaha for Yetn.
heir Weadrrfel Care at Chrwale
Diseases Excite Caasateat treat
I Preen, Paklle and th
i f Falait. ,
many time the question la asked.
"Who ere the United Peelers" that a
Mef history of their Institution Is dus
h public. '
The United Doctors, as th nam Im
l'll. is an association of expert medical
specialist who hv united to organise a
.e school ot medicine; a new and more
ftclentlflo and positive system of curing
human all menu than was formerly used.
For centuries the world ban been full
ef different ; cult" and Isms" of medi
cine. We have the old root and herb
doctor with Ills bitter potions, the alio-r-th
with calomel and quinine li heroic
4oc; la KlKlle without his calomel;
the osieinlli and the Christian scientist.
.V wer doctored by beat, by electricity.
lyibaih at th hot springs and by a
n.uiiltude of men aad methods. Horns of
trie atleala war cured, some died who
s.iuuld have been cured. It' waa Impos for th ordinary person t say
which method of treating diss wa
tli best, and th physicians ef th varl
oj school wr a biased that they
could see good only In their sws methods;
It others war, necessarily, bad.
lMdently tber I good la all ef them,
(or tbey all cured some cases. Also there
Is Ud la all, for tbey all tailed at time
and allowed misery la raraaln or death
to com whsrs a cur should hav bees
A tremenduoo atrld forward waa
tnade whea the asorislloa of th United
iKXtors waa formed. The founder ot
tail assocjatttta consisted t eminent
peclallst from th various sohools of
gracMc. eclectics, homeopaths, allopaths,
tegular aad Irregulars, all met and
greed to drop their prejudices and form
new system of treatment, which should
niO! at all the good point of th eld
methods and leave eut th bad. Th re
suit ef the effort ef the wor id-famous
specialists, ot th various schools, was
to wsndcrfal treatment now being used
ty th United Doctor. All at this wa
i.ot accomplished la day or a week,
tut has takes year of patient work by
tars eptcleluu la their Institution I
th east aad middle west; homeopaths,
eclectic, allopath. all working aid by
.4e, each throwing away hi aid Me he was eanvlned there was soroe
teing better, until at last eut of th old
chaos end confusion cam the new and
perfect system, a it la new used by the
United Doctor.
Th cost te these spec tilts wa gnat
net only In th laser of forming th new
srstem of treatment, but alas la th
effort H coat thee t lasers their preju
dice In favor of th vsrtoua schools I
which tbey wer originally educe ted
Jtst their record baa been great ia health
and happtn I elated to hundred aad
thousand who were going ts their grave
Is misery, prsaeuaced Incurable by old
The wonderful new systssa of medicine
M aaed by th United D -xn haa cured
tnoueaeds of case of chromic dlnasss of
the. Sir sr. ktdaey. skis, heart, hugs,
towels aad stemack. IncradSng rbeama.
tisra. perslrels. xmralr. appeadtciUa,
rsll etenes. ntlea. rupture, dlensn of
women aad disease ef seem, which had
'res pronounced Incurable ry other
The fact that th United Doctors hav
kad their Omaha lnetltut located ea the
econd floor sf the Kavlll Mock, earner
skiteemh end Harney streets, tot year
and thst they hav a multitude ef cured
sstirnts throughout tit middle west wb
swe their present good health to them
t whet keep their reeestlon . roome
crowded daily srtth new psUents wasting
a ooneult Ums specialists, whoa coo
iitatten and examination I free U aa
of the vcn markets, this Increase be
ing si ir cent ia St. Louis, M per
rent la St. Paul. X per cent ia Chicago
and n per cent In Omaha.
A much greater number of horse and
mules wa received at the principal
markets In February, UlS, than daring
any of - the twelve preceding ' m
This number, eJ.SM head, wa th larg
est .February shipment received at these
markets during the past decade. The
increase in February. Jl. a compared
with nil. I shown la flv of th seven
markets, Omaha and Sioux City alone
reporting a decrease. Th Increase was
greatest la 81 Loai. namely. 1 per
' Carload Lata. -
Th number of loaded lire Mock cars
received nt th asvea market la Feb
ruary, Ull. wa ss.KT, compared with
i.4M In mi and ,Mt la lilt This was
th greatest number In any February
during th last ton yer.
Th Hv Mock received at the four
leading Atlantis see pert cities of Boston.
New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore
show a movement similar to those re
ceived at the principal western market.
The receipts of meat animal la February.
ms. aa reported at these ports amounted
to Ttt,;l head. While this number was
mas than th receipts during th flv
preceding month, it wss th largeM Feb
ruary ahlpmant received sine February,
1801. when H wss nt.M hand. Th Feb
ruary receipt of cattle In 1111- were
mailer than thoss of any February of
th two preceding years, while th re
ceipu of calve and sheep were th great
est duiyg this period, and the receipts
of bog wer only exceeded In February,
00. The receipu at each of.theae port
show aa Increase when compared with
the February receipu ot th preceding
year, th Increase being more marked In
New Tork and Baltimore than at th
other two pons. Th total receipu of
food II v Mock la 'February, 111!, were
PtM head la Boston. - tu.ta In New
Tork. K.KT in Philadelphia, and W.Ct
la Baltimore.
htawaaat f Prod eel,
Th February, lflt, abipmenU of pack
ing bouae product from Chicago, 141. -Ms.8
pounds, show a continued study
decline nine 1M', du chiefly to the de
er eased shlpmsms ot pickled menu and
lard. There wss a alight recovery In th
shlpmsnt of fresh beet and a moderate
Increase in th shipment of cured meats,
pork and tallow, aa compared with th
shipment in February. 111.
; Th stork of meat at th flv principal
pscktng nous centers at the eloss of
Fsbruary, Mil. 87.tfs.KI pounds, wa the
largest amount reported at any tim since
February, Mot.
To upon ot food animal during the
tight month ending with Fsbruary, Ull,
show a slight recovery from th stsady
decline which marked th outward move
ment of these commodities In recent
yes re, the vslus of all food animal ex
ported having Increased from 17,86. KM In
lill t H,0M.N1 in Ull
Th vlu ot 'th aggrsgaU exports at
meat prnducta shows an inert from
Wl,eJ7,a during th sight month ending
In Fsbruary, Ull, to IIO.ta.Vi during
th earns period la Mil Th very de
cided decline la fresh beef ex porta, which
has marked th last fsw years, continued.
the quantity s ported during this period
In MU. U.M.sH pounds, being leu than
ooe-hslf th export during th same
period la Ull. Th comparison of all
thar principal meat product during th
nm period for th tw years ghowa aa
Increase la ch case.
tlona In Europe with thl voltage, none In
thla country, aad the Butt installation
will be th first of any magnitude to util
ise such high voltage In direct current. '
Th entire electrical equipment of this
road will be supplied by th General Eleo
trle company and th work I now under
way to build the powerful electric loco
motive, the substation and auxiliary ap
paratus. Th overhead trolley construc
tion will begin as scon a th frost la out
ot the ground and It ts hoped to have the
line electrified well within the year.
Fifteen powerful direct current locomo
tive, each weighing seventy-five ton are
bellg bully, to Uke care of the freight
movement between Butte and Anaconda,
consulting principally of ore train. Thess
locomotives - will' run in groups of two.
hauling 3.501 ton trains against a ruling
grade of I per cent on the main line,
whll single locomotive will make up
train. In the yards and spot ears at th
smelter. Two additional locomotive ot
Identical design, except for a high speed
gear ratio, will be used to haul th regu
lar passenger train- between the two
cities. :
The Butte, Anaconda and Pacific now
smploya twenty-eight locomotives,
twenty of which will be replaced by elec
tric locomotive, th other flv to be re
tained for temporary service on Butt
Th railroad will secure power from the
Butt Electric and Power company. A
substation will be located at Butt and
another at Anaconda and each etatlon
will be equipped with two 1.0M kilowatt
motor-generator sets and auxiliary ap
paratus. The locomotive will draw cur
rent from overhead catenary trolley con
struction. Th advantage of high volt-
ad direct current la shown from th fact
that th two subststlons will be located
twenty-elx miles apart and the amount
of feeder oopper required ia very moderate
sven though th train weigh S,X ton
end th ruling grade Is t.l per cent.
Th Butte, Anaconda and Pacific la a
very Important road In th heart of th
copper district, and, owing to th large
daily tonnag. should make a very fav
orable showing with electric operation.
Th success of thla new Installation will
be carefully watched, a th problems to
he solved sxs very similar to those ob
taining on the mountain division of th
main transcontinental line. Electrical
Mirth place ef l.aet De-asarratle Pres
ident tw Re r reserved by
Pablle. '
Th old manse where Graver Cleveland
was bom seventy-five years ago ia about
to become a national memorial of him.
.Th cltliens of Caldwell. N. J., have
organised a committee to raise a local
fund of SMOv that I to be supplemented
by a national fund of 4s.M for th pur
chase and Improvement of th property,
and they hav already secured more than
half ot th required amount, and Bay th
success of the enterprise I assured.
Dr. John H. Plnley. president of the
College ot the City of New Tork. Is chair
man ot -th national committee, which
will appeal to. many friend of Graver
Cleveland throughout th country. Th
exact method, to be employed by the
national committee In soliciting subscrip
tions has not yet been disclosed, nor
hav the name of It member been
made public.
William H. Van Wart, editor of the
Caldwell Progress, hss been largely In
struments! In organising the local com
mittee, which includes Mayor John Espy,
Leon A. Carley, James R. Campbell and
Cyrus Crane. The project contemplates
the purchase of a plot of ground ad
joining th Cleveland property as a site
for a library that Andrew Carnegie has
promised to give to the town. Th ad
joining plot ass formerly a part of the
Cleveland manse estate, but passed out
ot control of the First Presbyterian
church several year ego. -
Th mans itself I a small and aged
bouse, with nothing- to diMIngulsh it
externally from lu neighbors, except that
It is placed a little further from th street
and flanked with two well grown and
shapely elm tree that In th summer
rim obscure the upper portion of the
building from the g lanes ot th passerby.
But there to something about th place.
j possibly in th arrangement ot th tree
ana inc sir oi permanence arxorueu oy
their well achieved growth, that tells
the sightseer at once that this house and
no other 1 the one that must claim hi
The house is dignified, simple and un
pretentious and It has th repose hut not
the dilapidation of a well assured and
serviceable age. A short hallway open's
Into the parlor or living room, where the
windows ar: not so larg aa they would
be nowaday and where th ceiling I low.
Through the window can be been the
width of Bloomfleld avenue, which in
spit of It trolley car Is la many place
like a street in Hadley or 8alem or some
other old New England town.
Behind the parlor I th room with the
tablet, a room so small that two steps
in any direction will bring one's hand In
touching distance with the walls. On th
left of this room Is the dining room, which
opens upon a small veranda screened
with vine. Between these rooms another
that Is almost an extension of th hallway
serves as a library, and on the second
floor ar all th present bedroom In the
house. There Is no veranda other than
th small on in front ot th dining room.
Between the mans and th First Pres
byterian church of which It I the rectory
there He a quarter of a mile. In prac
tically an th history of this old house it
has been the home of ministers. Nelson
C Chester, present rector of the Caldwell
Presbyterian church, haa written an ac
count ot this manse. In 1832 it sheltered
the Rev. Baker Johnson, who wa aseo
clate pastor of th Presbyterian church.
with the father of Graver Cleveland.
The house was a fine one In its time and
cost nearly 11.500. which la the days when
people crossed the continent la wagon
trains. If they crossed at all. was a great
lac New Tork Bun.
Orlaiaal Wad Set Disiim-
isneei ay hi rnweeiy
A reliable statement made ia IMC placed
the sum of Mr. Carnegie's capital at
tn.000.ON. including the existing premi
um on hi bonds and several million of
dollars la gif U bestowed but not paid
over. This would produce Interest, on a
i per cent basis, ot ttt.7Se.MS per annum.
A business associate, on the other hand,
estimated when the Steel Corporation
was formed that Mr. Carnegie income
wa somewhere between $24,000.00 and
tSs.000,00 a year; while In 195 It was
said to he In tbe neighborhood of 13s,
000.0M a year. Indicating aa increase of
tW.000.00 In capital since NM.
From 11 to 1M) the list ot gift ag
gregated upward of tlls.008.sOO, or sn
average of tS.OuMM for each of the five
year. Sine then, or between April 4.
190s, and April S. Hit th list of glfu
was swelled by additions totaling about,
t3S.00t.wn, an average of tll.0t0.0t) for'
each of the three year. In 111. a was
computed recently. Mr. Carnegie' bene
factions aggregated t30.516.000.
From these figure th Impression I
gained that hla Income and hi benefac
tion from year to year are not widely
at variance.
From these estimate it would appear,
then, thnt the glfu of Mr. Carnegie hare
not made serious Inroada into hi cap
ital, whilch Is over tMO.OtO.000, and prob
ably nearer t2iO.ON.0M. and that hla In
come range from fll.OOt.00 to t30.00O.O0t
per annum, and is possibly about mid
way between th two. .
Th waya In which such fortunes In
crease In an am ting manner Is Instanced
in a story told of Mr. Carnegie-apoc
ryphal, of course, but precisely to: the
point. One of Mr. Carnegie' friends
called on him. so the etury gem. and
wa shown by him through the resi
dence on Fifth avenue, then recently
completed. After they bad looked over
th great halt the marble bath, the
great organ, and tbe long library over
looking Central Park, the visitor turned
to Mr. Carnegie and remarked:
"Thl must have coat you a lot ot
money. Mr. Carnegie."
"To tell you the truth." Mr. Carnegl
replied, "It didn't cost mo a cent."
"How do you make that out?" asked
th astonished guest.
"It was like this." Mr. Carnegl re
plied. "I bought this block ot ground
from Fifth to Madison avenue a number
of year ago. It value Increased rapidly.
When I was ready to build, I oid
oft th Madison avenue end and got
enough for It to pay roe what I had
pent for the whole plot."
"But that didn't pay for th tin house
you hav here," retorted th guest,
vn: itooui mat sir. carnegl con
tinued confidentially, "that was rwkeoff
from Frkk." New York Times.
A Fertesate Texan.
E. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a
aura relief for malaria and . biliousness
In Dr. King's New Lite Pill. Only Sc.
For sale by-Beaton Drug Co.
: . I
Pet ft Hill Pblleeophy.
How much money I It necessary for a
man to have before he find times good?
w omen live longer then men because
they do not worry so much it they fai;
to become famous. It Juet about kills
a man If he doesn't attract attention.
A girl doesn't always want to get
married because she fears her heart will,
break If she does not; sometimes she
know It I up to her to get married or
go to work.
A tact once estannsned lasts a long
time. Everyone knows a crow Isn't as
good to eat as a quail, yet I doubt If
any man now living ever tried to eat a
crow. Ed Howe Monthly.
Bight Were w't College Men, On a
- aalt aad Ost Lft
Washington, Jackson. Van Bursa. Tay.
lor. Fillmore, Lincoln, Johnaoa aad Cleve
land are th president wh ware net sol-
leg men.
Buchanan was th only bachelor sresl-
cent wh remained so. Cleveland marry.
Ing whll la office.
Jefferson. Madison. Monro. John
Quincy Adam and Buchanan each held
in ornc of secretary ot Mat Before
being president.
During hi career Tan Bursa wa sena
tor, governor, minister t England, vie
president and president
After being president. John Quincy
xoama sat in congress, Andrew Juhnsc
Mcam a united Slatas senstor. John
Trier waa sleeted to th confederal con
gress and James Monro became a iuitlee
f th pmc ot Virginia. No other former
Presides! ts hav held public office.
Cleveland wa sworn In a governor and
aa president on a Bible given to him by
hi mother In 11
Ptre was th first president bora in
the nineteenth century.
Jefferson, John Adam aad Monro all
died n July -th first tw la 12.
Washington and Jackson were th enlv
presidents to deliver farewell addresses.
sn Buna waa th tint presldect not
bora a British subject.
Garfield waa a left-handed president. Hs
studied tor th ministry . and arte
Breached, though he waa never erdalned.
Theodore RooMvelt haa a lrer eoi
tectloa ot college degree than any other
president ever acquired. -
Roosevelt aad Taft figure a th only
prearaeeu amu I regular aad ay.
tematle athMUa practice..
Washing Ion and Jefferson war both a-'
Ubl rider ea horseback.
John luincy Adam, Ilk no other
president, roe before sunn in warm
weather t go bathing la th Potomac
Th crowd - cheered at hi vtmrau
handling of th spade when, la let, he
broke ground for th Baltimore Ohio
Tber ia a pleasant description ot Van
Buna la eld ag. Maall. quick and white
haired, walking briskly through the
treeu m New York.
Jackaoa wlkd aad rode, hut waa not
an especially actlv ma a.
Lincoln, despite warning, would walk at
midnight, with a lngW companion, troia
th War department t th Whit Houee.
Washington, ia Kht year a prmwdeat.
took m day to thweelL Jeha Adaaw wa
away from tbe at ef awvarnant a year
aad twenty day la tear years. Jefferson
left th capital ? Usees ta tight years.-
Mllwaua aejrctnoL ,
Pre)eeved Chaaa f fewer p.emd
ta the Cwppe Dsatrsrt
t watt.
Another wtra railroad, the Butts.
Anaeaada aad PadOe. le to be alectrirted.
Thl road comprise a total at 114 mile
ef single track. Including mala Une. aid
ing and yard, ef which seventy-five will
b equipped with electricity thla siuneaer.
lee. "lag the track ea Butt Hla to be
ceratad tesnperarliy ay Meant power.
Thl Montana tesKallaiioa I aotmbis be
saoee of th fact that h is the largeM ta
sullatioa la th warm la which law volt
direct current leoeeooelve wtu be as is.
There ar a tew direct current ""V1r
I :
Exclusive In The Bee
tmm Arti
The Katzenjammer Kids
Mutt and Jeff Foxy Grandpa
Happy Hooligan
Silk Hat Harry Dottie Dimples
Sherlocko, the Monk
Only a Dream Joys and Glooms
Nemo and Flip .
Daffydils Desperate Desmond
Exclusive in The Omaha Bee
Greatest Colored Comics Each Sunday