Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Dainty New Things for Baby Folk
L. H. Bat ft Co. or Nwr
hav achieved a wonderful success
ta the fashioning of exquisite
Bttle dresses for infants, and it 1
the inimitable charm and dainti
ness of the dresses from this firm
that hare made our department of
Infants Wear so widely popular.
It is Terr important that in
fants' garments be made of ma
terials which will not irritate the
baby's delicate akin, and we pay
particular attention to the elec
tion of fine, soft, smooth-flnlshel
For Long Dresse and Skirts
we use fine, soft nainsooks and
sheer lawns: some styles are
plain, others have dainty hand
embroidery and featherstltchlng.
still others are more elaborately
trimmed with fine lace or em
broidery, insertions sod edgings.
Prices very reasonably at 50 to S4.75
Short Dreaees for Ages 9 to 6 rears are made of dimity, lawn and nainsook In the clever little
French styles, with full or pleated skirts. Effectively trimmed with fine laces or Swiss embroHer',
pretty medallions of lace or embroidery and plainly showing the painstaking care spent la their mak
ing, which gives each little dress tn Individuality apart from other makes of French dresses.
, Prices range from $1.50 to $5.00.
We also show a complete line of Russian style dresses which Best ft Co. hav brought out especially
for baby boys; many mothers also find this style more becoming to the small daughter than the French
style. The Russian styles are made of lawns, piques, linen and madras, finished with embroidery
edging and little touches of band work. Sixes 1 to a ear. ;
Priced at S1.00 to $3.50. . ,r
Clever Little Coats for Ages 2 to 10 Years
We are fortunate in having the exclusive agency in Omaha for the children's coats mad by Michaels
ft Bedlach, on of the foremost firms in the country.
The splendid material!, such a serges, English mixtures and all-wool shepherds' checks, together
with the fine workmanship and perfect fit of these clever coats, give them a distinctive and dressy
appearance. They come in box and reefer styles and the now popular English cutaway front
Large sailor collars, many styles with detachable wash collars aod cuffs, other modal with trim
mings of buttons and braid. Sixes for age I to 10 years.
Prices J5.00 to J12.50.
Footwear for Tiny Feet
W carry tb celebrated BonlU ahoes for babies. W hav found, after careful comparison and
study of shoes mad for tiny feet, that the Boulta la the best fitting and th beat quality soft sole shoe
old anywhere. Canvas, fin kid and velvet or with patent leather vamp and soft kid top, In all colore.
500 to 85 ;
Ankl Tie In all color of Kid, Velvet and Canvas, 500. 1
Baby moccasins In dainty styles, made Of soft kid with lac or ribbon trimming, also featherstitch-.
Ing color ot whlt. pink and blu 50 75 nd S1.0O.
Spring and
Now Ready.
Oar tkumlogao
how everything
la IWiy Wear
Bead for it.
ar moving their families and belongings
to higher land. Water la within X yards
ot Laforga. a point In Jsw Madrid count v
never heretofore reached. Ftar ef thi
Inadequacy ef the levee te held the blab
waters ef CaruthersrUle haa caused some
residents of that place te come to Mai
den lor safety. t , ,
ItalM Hn.l4t, , ,
CT. LOUIS, April 1-Wi the atlssla
etppt river (ansa bar deleter;.
feet the weather gar today In aae
ateJ forecast predicted a further rl ef
1.1 feet. On the t- Louie aide ef th
river feet 1 considered the denser
Mne. Bine recent Improvement In the
levee system t East St. Louta th dan
ger Una there I 8 feet.
The epedal foreosst issued try the
weather bursa Is as follows: -
"The river at St. Louis will begin te
lies Wednesday night and will reach a
state ef thirty-one feet by Thursday
night' The effect ef the Missouri river
nee will have passed by Sunday morning.
Th Mississippi at Dubuque has earned,
eauatnc Increased rise above HannlbaL
The stage at St. Leu la will remain at er
slightly abeva tblrty-ene feet for several
days. -
dim rtaalaa at Mewahla, '
MEMPHIS, Tend.. April l-With water
pouring ever the lewlande through bait a
dosea gaps la private levee south ef
, Carre and wasting the main embank-
meats at several point, the flood sttue-
Ho along the Mississippi mar thta mora
itn7 Is grave.
Officially tt Is predicted that the stag
at Memphis will reach forty-rive feet.
Testrrday rorty-foar feet was forecasted
ee the probable saMlmuia. bet today the
aredtetfea was revise. At T o'clock this
aasnemg the gaog ehewed tt feet, a
rise ef Jt since 1 o'clock Mat asrht.
Ooverunant officials ar still optlmUtls
that they will hold th river within
hound. S tar all the main lereee ar
Intact, although several points are re
garded as dangerous. The government
! embankment Immediately weet ef Hick.
(man. Ky- wbk protecta th ReeKoot
.lake bealn. and several west Kentucky
I counties, the White river front at Modos,
Ark., sad the levee aear Linda, Mo., ar
jgtvmg the greatest eoocern.
Fifteen ret Wate la Mlekaaaa.
Breaks la srlvate leveee at Bird Point
.and near Commerce Mow, and at Hick
man. Ky, havs relieved the situation at
I Catra and the flooding of that city which
I was threatened yesterday probably will
Ik averted. At Hickman, tha factory dls
jtrtot, where the levee broke Monday
sight. Is la undated to a depth ef trout
i fifteen to twenty feet thla morning and
.jthe business district Is almost covered
'wkh water. New Madrid. Mo, and Cb
tambsa Kr, alas are flooded.
The ga plant and th sewerage pump
ling statlea ta North Memphis went out
.of eoaiiiilssloa hut Bight. Early today
ith supply ef ga waa cut cff. I'ntll the
i water raced ee Memphhj will be without
that commodity. The flooded are la th
jaortbera eectwa ef the city I rapidly la
I creasing. It la estimated that is or
(mere famlliee bar been driven from their
lesmee aad practically every Industrial
stent ha that district has suspended
loperations. Meat Ilpwu4
LOUISVILLE. Ky, April (.-The reaoua
party that left Fuitaa. air., lau laat
laught t ssarck far three saea said te
ibev beaa killed while they were Inapect-
.lag tracks along the Illinois Central rall
(reed. did sot report today, : j
Tk tare victim were:
K. F. DCPOT8TBR, Illinois Central
road eupervlsor. Fallow. Ky.
J. A. HENRT. Jackson. Mia.
X. DAVIJJ, tlramaa, Jackaon. Team.
The men war Inspecting Hie track for
Jveshoms, Forty mile south af Fwtn
khetr traia went tbrou bridge, ec
jCercHii ta th report reoetred here.
Mle tataug at WvtsBmrg.
fTTTSBrRO. April 1 Heavy volumes
jef water eamlng out ef the AliegnenT
(rteer for the laat twenty -four noun bars
Cad a sharp rate la the OMe river and
weather bureau her smwuncee that
)twsr or mora feet win to registered
New Nebraska Mayors
Alllanc W. O. Barnes ( )
Alma J. B. Billings (rep.)
Ashland.... Hugo Wlgglnhorn
Auburn Higgins
Banaon. .. .Joseph McGulre (dem.).
Blair , . .W. U. Haller (rep.)
Broken Bow.. Andrew Snyder (clt.)
Clay Center J. E. Wheeler
Crawford O. McKelsey (clt.)
Crete Drwdla (rep.)
Falls City W. 8. Leyda (cit.j
Florence.... 0org Boransoa (alt.)
Oeneva..;.-, j.. ,W. H. Blslen felt.)
Hebron John McOlllle (rep.)
Holdrege. . , , .a Kngstrora (united)
Humboldt. , J.t. Dnvt (clt.)
Leitogton.. .....W. H. Wlsda
McCook D. F. Hoatlff (rep.)
Mlndea J. H. Cardwslt (alt.)
Nloa ...,F. O. Bothenfleld
Orleaas... .....J. C. Oay (cH.)
Oaoeol..... U Snyder
Pawnee a E. Wherry (rep.).
Plattamouth. .. ,J. P. Battler (dem.)
Hone., N. C. Heydon (rap.)
Randolph U F. Holts (prog.)
Red Cloud. .. .0. W. Turnur (rap.)
South Omaha... Tom Jloetor (dem.)
Sutton... Jacob Bander (clt)
Scott Bluffs F. Alexander
Tecumseb William Ernest
Valley ,C. B. Nicbola (dem.)
Weeping Water. .F. II. Oorder, (clt)
Wymor J. A. Reuling
Tkamah.....A. M. Anderson (cit)
Ord I J. H. Carte
before sight. Tb high water I caused
by renewed rain about th headwater
of the Allegheny tor the laat three day.
A have FUeel Stasia at Kewkak.
KEOKUK. la.. April l Th Missis
sippi river passed the flood (tag bar
today by two fast two inches, the gangs
reading aUteen feet two Inches. The
top ef the power cofferdam la enly three
feat above the water. Service on the
Burlington railroad te tb south baa been
discontinued again.
be postmaster at Stuart, vice John Wi
Warts, resigned, and J. H. Overman, for
postmaster at Stella, were aent to tha
senate yesterday for confirmation.
P. M. Waleett ef Valentine Is spend
ing several days In Waahlngton on bust
ness st the bureau ot Indian affaire.
C. N. Wright of Scott's Bluff, repre
senting tk trl -elate ditch., called en
Congrsasmari'Klnkald today. Mr. Wright
I taking up with the redamatloa bureau
tha matter of obtaining water from ,th
govermaamt dtteh for Ma project.
Congressmen Lebeck has gon to Now
Tork city for th dlatrlct commute to
make further study of ths matter ef
the proposed plants In Wsshingtoa for
burning gmrbs.
J. V. Kendall ef Omaha waa a caller
at Congreaaman Lobeck's orflc today.
Hs Is spending a lelaurely three days in
the capital with a boat of other Easter
vacation vllsters.
Jack Johnson Will
Be Prosecuted on
Smuggling Charge
CHICAGO, April I -Jack Johnson,
world's champion pugilist, wlU he preas
eutad by the I'nlted States gorem merit
for smuggling unless ths sura of .
paid a penalty tor secretly brtnglag
a M.M diamond aecklaea into thta coun
try from Europe without paying duty.
(Continued from First Page.)
ataakere Aah Frwtertlaa.
repreaeotlng MS Nebraska bank, has
asked through O. E. Johnson of Omaha,
manager of the protect! v department,
that congress legislate to protect them
from swindles through ths sale ef artort
gaged property and from loaaa of
money obtained under fals pretenses.
It is claimed that ear present Canadian
treaty does not make such offense ex
traditable, aad that a trip to Canada is
sit that la necessary for a swindler te
protect himself after having defrauded
the hanks la tha manner mentioned- It
la claimed that many losses have beaa
auatalned through tb defect which caa-
grees la asked to remedy.
Sllbert gawks Preaaettea.
r. 8. Gilbert, a former anrveratty stu
dent at Lincoln, wb for many year has
beea vie consul at Nanking. China. Is
now in Washington taking nsmiaatlees
preparatory to saearlag a prearaMlesi to
become full eonaul. Mr. Oltbert' family
remained la China, where be exports ta
return wben he haa completed bis tests
fw. promotion.
Westrrw Matters of lateraot.
Ed P. Peck of Omaha I Waahlngtoa
visitor, having came east ea business-
1 Tb colony of attorney Interested la
th argument ef the Minnesota and other
rate cases befcr tb aupnrm ooart this
weak was further enlarged today by tha
arrival of Royal Jobneon, attorney gen
eral of South Dakota, aad P. W. Dotarh
erty at Den Rapida, a D, es msaal tor tb
Soatk Dakota nallaray amsaleelo.
Th bill of Ceagrissms Stapbena ta
aarmtt the taastiisuOuu of a bndaa across
tb Missouri river at South Hots City
waa reported favorally by th Interstate
Comsrc eonmttt raatardsr.
, Th assess C Bobsrt B, CbJttlck to
Columbian League
Asleep for Season
CaiCAOO, April l-W1lllam C. Nleeen.
o of th prosotara of tb Columbian
Baseball league, announced tonight that
the organisation would to reprsaontad la
tha United States league. Kiesea further
aid tb I'nlted State leagu a aspen
would open Msy 1 and does Oct. I. A
schedule of games would to forthcoming
in a few days, a said.
"W will bold a meeting la Pittsburgh
April M to cwniplete plena for the year.
All ef tb teams saw ar signing plaarrs,
and w mu to ready to play ball whan
th season oeene. May I," asM Klesen.
"For th present tb Columbian Isague
is sleeping, but tt la Bot Seed. It win
to vary much alive next year, I think."
Tk schedule te said to be la the haad
of Marshall Henderson of Plttaburgh,
secretary ef the United States leagu.
White Sox Seconds
, Beat the Eourkes
JOPL4N. Ma. April t-Tbe asMod dlri
alaa of tb Cox Aaasrlean today de
feated Omaha at th Western Isagwa.
Saor: R.HaV
Chicago l
Omaha 1 I
rlstterlea: Chicago, Pens. Kierts end
Block; Omaha. Ittcka, Fttitreea and Arbe-
4. . !-. aillUed Espwrt, ta Dead.
stlNNFiA-POUa Mfnn., Apra t. -James
M. Logan, agad . well known as a bil
liard player la the northwest. Is dead at
hla borne nee. Tb body wUI to take
te Marten, Iowa, Mra. Letaa's former
home, for Inter meat.
Law CartaiB Sal Heaaar, Apr! Stk.
Ke.S stack af lace certain goes ea
sale at prtee eaw-tntrd lees than regular
Orchard WUbeim Carpet Ca.
PsraalU to smefc ie, Ail dealers.
etrd om Will Aid.
WASHINGTON. Aprfl t Ttlearams
srsra aent frasa th National Red Croea
headoaartare here today e vernora
Mocreery ot Kaanseky aad Hadkry of
Miesoari aeatin that KOS would to sent
ta each ef ttoa state tk sarlea
ef a local fund for flood eorferere. The
Red Croea wiii also sand a aaaa hat tha
need dtstrtrta aad will bee. I tmtnh
with eoitdltlona a th Cos snu down
to Mlsstsaippa.
Mayor of Bti Koine Outlineg Work
of City Administration.
Preside at af Mine Werkrra' l'ala
few District Thlrteea Seta A writ
It far Recwavealag ef
District Detegatra.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. la.. April 1 (Special
Telegram.) Jreater economy In. the ex
penditure of public funda, continuance of
the policy of normal and material prog
ress and harmony in the dty council.
were urged by Mayor llanna in his an
nual mesaage to the new council today.
Mayor llanna stands for good roads.
He recommenda narrower paving In the
residence district and the use of the King
road drag on dirt streets. Me urgea the
Immediate erection of the market house
and river Improvements In the way of
flood protection and beautlflcation of the
river front. He asserts that he la in
favor of tha establishment of a mu
nicipal vrorkbouee to car for the minor
offenders and tha opening ot rescue
homes for fsllen girls.
Dare fer Mlae Ceafereace.
W. H. Kodgere, president of the Mine
Workers' union of District No. It, today
aet Thursday. April U. as ths date for
the reconvening of the district delegates
In Das Moines. Ballota on the referen
dum vote on the proposed wage scale
formulated in Cleveland were distributed.
Ths vote is to be tsken on April 1 and
the ballot are to be in the hands of
the. district officers by April tt.
Water Cewrt Adioansa.
The water court, appointed by the su
preme court to hear testimony and ar
rive at an appraisal of tha water com
pany'a plant and bu"ines. adjourned the
session scheduled for today until to
morrow morning. Th court adjourned
several months ago. when Judge Mc
pherson Issued a restraining order against
the city's going ahead with the con
demnation. Threw RepaMlraa Coavealloas.
Three republican county conventions
were held In low today, two of which
Instructed delegates to tha state con
vention to work for the nomination ot
Senator A. B. Cummin They were
Cerro. Gordo and Carroll countlee. The
Linn county convention waa controlled
by the Taft forces, who Instructed dele
gate for the president.
wa found and placed In car of a
Physidan. H will die.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
TIES MOINES. April t -(Special Tale
gram.) William J. Bryan declared him
self here tonight to Iowa democrat a
favorable to either Wilson or Clark and
dead opposed to both Harmon and Under
wood; also as distinctly saklng his Iosra
Ii lends under no circumstance to use his
name as a candidate.
Ha addressed the Jefferson club In the
afternoon; also tha Jefferson banquet in
the evening, where he spoks to sbout f.
"I think I can to ef snore set ilea to
the party helping the progretsivs In each
slate who Is strongest as against any
reactionary," said Colonel Bryan.
"I have been trying te gat the progrea
elves to unit against reactlonaiiaa. That,
It oeema to me, l tb real fight In eur
party. What her th progressives or re
aeftonartes win control." '
John T. Hamilton of Cedar Rapida and
Prank OTonner of New Hampton also
epok at th banquet. ' The Jefferson
club elected John Holland of this city
to be piestdent , ,
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia-, AprU 1-J. a
Dunn of Boston. Mas., waa appointed
desn of the Iowa Law school at a meet
ing of the Bute Board of Education
tor thai afternoon. Dunn waa formerly
an Instructor In law, but has been prao
Uelng la Boston for th I sat tea year.
Deaa Scott takes ths professorship of
law st Harvard university.
IOWA CITT, la., AprU t-Prof. F. E.
Bolton, bead of the department of edu
cation at Iewa university, today ae
oepted a similar position st th t'nl
varsity ot Washlr.jten st Seattle.
J. L. Oltlln. assistant professor of
economics, baa accepted a position as
head of th new social survey depart.
merrt at Wisconsin university. This de
partment la tha first of tha kind created
In America.
Tries to End His Life.
TAMA. la.. April t-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Going to tb grav of hla wife.
Beth Both, a retired farmer, today at
tempted suicide by shooting himself. After
wounding himself he started to town.
Experience Gained While
In the Drug Business
I hav beaa troubled more er less In
the last five years with kidney trouble
aad from the experience I gained while
la the drug business aad from estforent
cases where I have sold - Swamp-Root
with perfect eatlsfaotioa te those wbe
purchased it, and I aever bad a em!
oosaplalnt regarding the medlesne whli
I was la business, I waa ta a position to
know that It waa a great preparation and
It did aet fall me when 1 used K myself.
It has osrtalaly afforded as great relief
at all times that any kidneys have troub
led me and I era 14 aot to without It. I
always reeemmsad Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root te my frisnds aa I bailer it ta to
a ssedlela ef great curative value In
ths diseases for which yo recommend tt
Sincerely. t
. Columbia, Ala. '
Personalty appeared bsfor nee. this
Uth of September, 10S. D. A. Koonce,
who subscribed tb above statement and
mad oath that tb same ta true la sub
stance and la fact.
C. T. Harris, Notary Public.
MARSHALLTOWX, la.. April 1 -Special
Telegram.) The Citizens bank of
Story City, a private bank owned by John
Swan and managed by blm and his son.
V. J. Swan, is closed and M. J. Bwao Is
mining. The senior Swan is in Chicago
trying to settle with eastern creditors
and has not been notified that his bank
la closed and bis son, who is cashier, is
gone. An unverified report is that the
caahier's speculations brought on. the
bank's trouble.
Terra Gordw for Cam as I as.
MASON CITY. la,. April .-(.Special
Telegram.r-Cerro Gordo county went
solidly for Cummins for president and
endorsed John C. Sherwln for supreme
court end T. A. Potter for Fourth dla
trlct delegate to the national convention.
Thia Sideboard Set, decan
ter and six glasses, given
away with a gallon or more
of Killer's Pure Food Wines.
Either Port, Sherry, Angel
ica, Tokay or Muscatel
$2.50 Per Gallon
75c Per Quart
The Pure Food brand of
wines are recommended by
physicians and used by the
best hospitals.
A glass of wine at meal
itime is Nature's
Spring Tonic.
Bottle of Wine
This week only
:n : v,
ive vtiii give a uui-
tle of Port Wine
ree with a quart or
more of
Miller's Whiskies
Hiller'a Straight Whiskey
' 80c per quart. ! .
Hiller'i Old Stock Whiskey
11.00 per quart.
Hiller'i Standard Whiskey
. $1.25 per quart. ,
Don't forget that IDller's
carry the largest assortment
of fine Liquors in the west.
All the popular brands of
Whiskey at wholesale prices.
Family Liquor Store
1309 Farnun Street
la hsksspsaiana Barparaotra
Thurs. Bight: 'Taming of ths 8hrw
FrMsy night: "Msrcbant of Vanloe"
Sat. matinee: "ftomeo and Juliet"
eaturaay nignt: "Hamlet'
Prices Mc to tt. Beau Now Selling. '
lu wan BAJZ.T MATxan
Paste nays Se Lue
angsta. la a BOa. la, iso, tas.
gML. t Pays, rwm Tnrq maid
(&KtaVNwm Si
Mas. Brery Say, til. vry Bright, SO
Theodora Roberta; JUy noida A Douagan;
Juliet: Caraoa Wlltara: The bour
fllehle; Th Vwrber Olrl.; Brrtfe and
Mildred Pott: KeBOtoseope: Orpbeum
Concert Orchestra: Prkgee. Might. Ma.
Sc. Wo and lie: Matinee. Me. ben aeats
Sc. except eaturaay and Sunday.
aVetter so -Dr.
aUlaser Oe,
rrtn WW Sriag-ltsst Yifl D ist Ts
Send to Or. Kilmer Cat. Maghamtsa,
M. I. for a saaapss hotba. It wiu esa-
vta anyen. Tea will also receive a
booklet eg valaake Bsformatloa. tailing
aoat th todawy aad baaader. w'bea
arrttmg. be aura aad mecttoa The Omaha
Dally Hasi, Jtegular fifty -osM aad oe
atlar Sis Bottle fur sal at all drag
American Theater
realgSt, state. Taea, Tkara, (JsA
BBd k
rooDWABD rrocz ookpab-t u
m giBaT or Tn ooa
BTea Ww-rl alOaTZ) SOPg
Btstlase Today SiBS angat tse
Laprag- DAH.T stn atArurgs
The Show That Always Peck Km
Teolght and Balance of Wsk
MAD A. X-cisew!
and Bowery Burleaaiuara with Luna
ellgii. Eddl Fitgarald. Sam Brewa.
Jark tttlnn.
taeW ansae Btattae Xvwry Week Day
iiui guadag aod Wea "Vanigr Fmit j
Beautiful Easter Hillinery
Thousands of exquisite hats on dis
play. Thursday we place on special
sale a complete purchase of five
hundred sample pattern hats. (no
two alike) at the extraordinary prices
$5, $6.75 and $8.75
Visit our new . children's department..-
A complete . selection of
children's hats at very popular prices.
1508 Douglas
iKlow .pen
Hoivery Hurlesquers
A r,.E
Matinee Every Day
There's contemplative
pleasure in it.
Old Age Is the kind ot beer that you
Ilk to think of befor you drtnk tor
there la mnch pleasure In looking; upon
th sparkling fluid and reallilnr that
you are going to have a good, satisfying
drink.. .
The Amber Bottle
kp Old Ag ver pure, by preventing
light from decaying It Ask for th
amber bottle.
B 0"
a i
1 H. I
n ja avrrs
Curtis l?Tibli8hiBg Co. Will Deposit $5,000 In Trust for
Some Public Charity. John Gordon to pare
the Interest $25.00 a Month,
I hop every reader of The
Omaha Bee will help Gordon, the
Magaalna Man. to get 77 sub
scription to th Ladles' Horn
1 Journal, Saturday Evening foal
and th Country Gentleman by
April toth price ti e a year
each. Frleodiee and paralysed,
having neither feeling nor power
of notion from waist down un
able even to elt upright only aa
he supports himself with hla
hands: (or yeara thla broke back
man has not only struts led to
provide for hie own treatment and
' aupport but alee te help other un
fortunates. Truly his is a chiv
alrous aplrit and that te under
the moat adverse circumstances.
Two yeara ago to establish a
buslneaa he earned a ll.o prise
for the Chllde Saving Institute;
hla MmmlulflM belna sufficient
for his support. A year ago as a final hope of provision for his future
he undertook te write 1S.00S subscriptions for the above n.agaslnee for
which the publlehera will deposit tkOOe In trust far hla benefit, th prin
ciple to revert to aome charity ta b chosen by the vote of hla subscribers
Gordon does not handle the money and may never aee it. But tha In
terest will bring him t:f a rnseith aa long aa he lives. He haa succeeded
In writing nearly . mbaeriptloas, but must have ever se la April or
the It. SO can aot b earned I hav sent blm a check for ta. Ge tboa
and do likewise. Ton set full value and at the same time you are doing
a good dead whk-h le worth more t you than the paltry IX Th Ladies
Horn Journal will be t May 1st. Send In your renewals la advance. Now
l.i a year. Sav Sac. Joha Cordon' addrese is 2421 Be. :th Street.
Omaha. Neb.
Easter Flowers
Foar thousaad Easter Lilies at very moderate pries. Aniens,
Hyacinth. Clmarians. Hydrangeas and all kinds of spring b loosing
plant. Cat Flowers and Decorations. -
Phones: Dong. 1258; Ind, A-1358.