V 12 THE BEE: OMAHA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1911 3 LADIES' fin wishing I erne. Call Webster 4ft:4. ally done WANTED ITTATION8 iffiBSUari,"u WiH"7 Ctrried try Bull Lead- COLORED (Irl want work. Call D. WANTED Sweeping. Ironing and duel Phone Webster 3- F.XFER1ENCED laundreoa aant day work. Phone Web. 4U. TOl'NG lady wants office work; ma wages to start. Phoiw Web f."v EXPERIENCED ealesA-lv -ll posi tion In genersl muse : imiti (Hrmn and Xngllsb; good references. Box 232. Eualia, J.'eb. WASHING or cleaning for Friday and Saturday. Wen. 4T1. FAMILY washing to lake Phone Doug. 4T LADY wante short ordar work In restaurant. .Harney "74." particular and conw-ienllous); three day to fill ia Haraer 347. LIVE bTUCK MAKKET OP WEST Sal your slock ta south Omasa. See Aileae; and tnrli.kag. Tour coaaaga. xnia rtveive ita-oai aad cartful auaa lit stark Caluli Utrrkiala Byen Bro A Co. Strong and raapoaalbla. W OO D BHOA. 04-a Exchange Bldg, Croat Wast, Com. Co, Omaha A Dearer, "w. R. SMITH A SON )ut handle ebeen, Clav. llobwaon a Co.. Exchange BldgT "jalerilate Co. Bettor roaul la Ship to as, ""CLlirTUN com Co.. xu Asanantta BldaT Coi a Jone Com. Co, bunch of hustler L. E ROBERTS A Ca. V Each. Bid. " Faraiere L. A Com. Co.. as) Each. Bkl "klarl'n Bro. A Co.. .MM Bseh. BUlg T A GCl" BHOA handlo cattle, nog, ahaaa, DeponF pteceed of sMpment la Stock tarda i-al'l Bank. Only hauk at yards. 03UHA, THE CRAM MARKET l EEKA URA1N CO, (rain mere beaut, t awiHiuu aoticlteA, tat Brendala, lM-XML NOTICES. NUTICR TO CONTRACTORS. Reiarate hlda will bo received until 4 eV-och on Monday, April I. 111!, at tha ifJc of the Secretary of tho Board of Ju-ltyni". I'nlveralty of Nebretka, Lln i.i.ir, for th construction of a Medical i Mz laboratory Building, alao for lasting and ventilating apparatus, plumb lug and electrical airing for tha iw; iii IntHl wet lu ha approximately k).uw to bi built on tha northeast corner of ) tarty-second Ayonuo and Iieeey avenue, t li v of Omaha. Nebraska; arcortling to I'lana and specification by tihepley. Ituian and CooliUge. Architect. Chicago, 111, and now on flit In tha offioa of tha euperintendent of ' Construction, Room Administration Building, University of Nebraska. Lincoln. Blda muet ba sealed and marked with tha bidder s i,am and the words: bid for construction of Medical College Laboratory building. Bid tor heating and ventilating appar atus of Jiedkal College Laboratory Building. Bid uf plumbing of Medical College La boratory Building. Bid for electric wiring of Medical Col Irge laboratory. Building. Written plainly on the outside of each hid. respectively. A deposit of Ten ' Dol lars illO.tni. pay a hie to th undersigned, will be required for tha use of each sat of piani and specifications, the aama to lie surrendered on return of eaJd plana and specification to tha Superintendent uf Conatructlon. J S. DALEH. Hetretar. UOVERXMEXT NOTICES. Or'FICK OK THE Cjl ARTfcKMArTKR. .r'ort Logan. Colorado. April let, llt rtlcd propoeale In triplicate will be ro- alved hers until Mam.. May U lll. for furnishing Corn. Oats, Hay. Straw ar bedding Hay, Wood, Fuel Coal. Char- oal. Mineral Oil and Oseollne. required during th fiscal year tndlng Juno Jo, 1113, a), Furt lgan. Colo. Information tur iilihed on application here. Envelops to be marked "Proposals for forage, ted ding, wood, fuel coal, charcoal, mineral II and gasoline at Fort Logan, Colorado, T. T. PYlaaell. Quartermaster. A---7-9-7 1 KOPOSALS FOR WOOD. CHARCOAL, HM1THINO COAL. GASOLINE MIN T4UI. OIU FORAOR AND BEDDING chief Quartermaater'a office. Federal Running. Chicago, Ills.. April 1. lile rtealed proposals will be received hers !!! It A. m May I, uu, for furnishing euppltea mentioned above required 'in this lifvlalnn during fiscal year eammen i ng July I, uu. Information furnished Q appllcaUon. Col. J a o. L. Clem. Chief Viuartermaater. Al l l-e-S-M. i'KoPOHALS FOR REPAIR OF ROADM Fort V. A. Ruaaell, Wye, April 1. Illl Healed proposals for repair of road, lurba and gutters will ba received here iiatll W a. m May I. MIX and then pened. Information furnished on appli cation. Envelopea containing pnoposala tinuld be endorsed "Propoaala for tepatr rvada," and addressed Amos W. Kim. htlU Major A Q. M. Al-M-4. S, V r Kaart af NEW YORK CITY ae aeleool aeeesle tier. Is aseeeedV raseasslHseri Unnur la I! Hbeara,! I nil (eery kanry ea aafaM 1 wejees, karery, ee, esses boss f om. BTorr ninrl Quidt, DtGiitfJ V-YiM Via Frend. line Steamers L Hew neiwPisiis" lab . Onereeei Sereer Tailaii ilieeier - T 'aoal V am W FetMt .P2llS. . St. Ms every 'isrstay. eBeelaeBMr aAaes S7X lnil.il. I. el I.. i nb. aWeeerr !-aee estety essiessea. Fee nmealsti SJb .. BOCK, ISM Faraaaa . Is aTBBga. nret aTeUeeal Bank. t. B. IITI9UII. l&oa raraaaa St. ttWiafTE STAK Oommton Canadian Srvtcm ONLY M.'i ieye.Jeaa L Meaaeek Mey 1 1. JsA. J. a 4 DAYS AT SEA Teeeeekate, laja.lsjj.ll I s.ieiii isr Js-njrj Ftrat eJ, SesslBl TI.! ; For 25c The Bee. Evening and Snndaf. ' ' ciOelivered at your home.- OMLSiia, MiniMaaut l Tksd Casa 11 Jl a Hut I Anaiigetsaaliaii wwALacal Agoem ar Ceaenwy'e Oaasaw CMcaaja, tel. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET era are TfnriaTTated C0S5 SnrrDEEHTO TOCHAHGED There Is a Tr.de aey to Take Fraflta as Ike Serella, Wblek Lawka Sensible, . aa Prtcwa Are It r warded aa lUarw. OMAHA. April S, UU. Tha (enaral optnlona expressed on the wheat altuaUon Indicate that th big bull leaders are getting tired of carrying the heavy load of rash wheat which al ready shows a big loss. With stocks very heavy and no cash demand coupled with -k. . . .... . il- al this tea son. bears aeem to be well fortified In tnelr position unless some very ''"'- able crop conditions develop. . I neve wee noituns umytrv - - holiday to changa the sentiment In corn. There la a tendency to take profits oa the swell, which looks sensible as price sre high. Although cash prt-es show no agns of weakening, th natural altuaOon Is very strong ana may iorve higher later In tha araaon. S.. . . . i. a.h.ai tnarket I no euse we .. . . . and with any attempt to aell fun' out neavy oiieringe inn Cash wheat waa Ml lower. J ne corn mareei - - - some reaction from those levels I prob- n.r, ae ine hbik Cssh corn waa WyV: lower. Primary wheat receipts were fao.or) bu. nd shipment were C3.0 bu, against . . trrwrWao. a. Aai si hi tv. "TP" ' " KU rnmarr wi n rnxiiii. - - and ablpmenia were .W bu, against . .vn k.. .. shin- receipts last year w -.vw -mente of .0(K bu. Clearances were IM-Ot bu. of oorn. . hu or nets and wheat and flour equal to Llvsrpool closed VwLsd. lower on wheal and unchanged on oorn. . The following caan aaiea were r-i-w... WIIEAT-No. I hard. 1 car, Jra. l,Olli o. wnue: I - yellow- 1 car. TJc; cars, TRsC mled: 1 car. Kc. , OATH standard: 1 oar, . w- white: 4 cars. 53VC No. 4 yellow: 1 car. Omaha t'aaa l-rlees. WHEAT-No. hard. Il.ooaiol: No. I hard. V,frtl.vl; No. 4 hard. tx)RN-No. I whit, jurrcsc; 0: i white. !::ic; No. t color. 13,:3e: No. I yellow, ijesTlVi; No. 4 yellow. 71;ic; No. ?:s.f;ic: No. 4. 7lt44t;:4c: no grade, OATH yn. I white. sIhuvc: stanaaru. Utltac: No. I white. Utjol'ic; No. 4 white. U'ioir: No. I yellow, aMsMVo; Ne, I ysllnw. K',Uc. . . BARLEY Malting, II.SStH M: No. 1 feed. Mwe; heavier, feed. HlcOdl . RYE No. , Mytc; No. A a0M. Carlst lleeelpta. When. Cora. Oata, Chlcaaa 4s las M Mlnneapolla , 174 " -. Omaha t 11 T Duluth H . ... ... CHICAGO ORAIX AJID PROVISIONS Prlree aa Board of Trad. CHICAGO. April l-OIlt edge weather for growth In Kansss and Oklahoma and far seeding In the Dskotas and Minne sota encouraged speculators today to pound down th price of wheat. Latest trading left the marks! at decline of Ml So to Iho net. Corn finished H0o to V off, oats at a loss oi oho ana hog prices varying from th earn as Monday night to drop of a dim. Attention In the wheat pit veered al most completely from th May option to ine monin reprsseniing aeuvery oi ine new crop. Th southwest sold Isrgs amounts of th July futur here, th rea son being not only the fin growing weather or tn laat two day, nut an or flctal ' forecast of ' atmllar condition to com. Crop experts traveling tn that aec lion reported th outlook superb. Mlnne spolia sent word at tha same that aeed ing operations would be la full awing all oter tha thro principal norUiwsatsra Is tea by tha end vf tho week. Mom seeding waa said to be already under way across tn boundary lino in Canada. Prices suffered also because of eonalgn- menta of Haakatchewan wheat pressing for sals dear from Duluth to Omaha. An estimate put forth on klgh author ity that tha wheat crop of tho I'nlted mates April I showed a condition of ft, I per cent, sgslnst (VI a year ago fell flat. Tha crowd went on sailing new crop month and forced a new low level. Be tween the opening and the close July rasged from Kc to W'tC, with ths final tnas 'Steady at WUts. ljlo under forty-eight hours before. Corn weakened with wheat and because of a general move to eecure profit on purchase mad during th recent ad vene. Prospect of lighter feeding In view of tha clear eklea and rising temiierature had a aotnewhat disconcerting effect en the bull aide. Cheen offerlnga of low grade Canadian wheat at Omaha counted also agalnat values of ordlnry forage. My corn fluctuted from 7Sc to He and rloaed eaay 40 down at VfcfyTSUc. Cash gradea war weak. No. I yellow waa quoted at JeSeFilr for carlors. Bright prom la or a start soon on plant ing made -the price of oata wilt. The northwest reported a big acreage prob able and ald soil conditions wsre per fect.' Outside limits for ths May option proved to be Mo and Hc. with last sales MMrettkC an easing off of Sc from Monday's Istost figure. Thar waa a huge trade In provlalens. Packers, however, met freely the general outside and foreign buying so tnat In the nd the market stood unaltered or had us on rrora a naas to rue. tjuotatlona on futures cioeud as follows: Article! Open. Hlgh. Low, Cloce.l Yea y Wheat Itm'lelKltl letH M4:Jtr May (1 BU' July.lMrMS, ept.JH Corn I May.WV 1 K eW I T4k k7MUrH;KHck4 . July.!7Ul, 7 7HI T Hept.lilw1 Oata I May.fufiWtl July.iSostJSI ' Sept. invUV IIS HU.I 4 OS '. tesoj iw H41I) 41H4rHi4ntt4) Peru I I May. IT HO! I 17 , 171 1T1TH 17 ITHI ITS7H ITsTH ll July.llt Ts-asi ITS IT at 17 M Sept Lard May 'July, It II ITHI 1UW UHHI Hin. IN I 140 M U I W U Hawses is oa MM MM Willi 1 B Sept.) M 4I Rib May. T,1 July.l M f Sept. I W H MH 7H tr;i n I K M loM N 11U Nek MS tn 14 M 14 104 1 i ! Caah nuotatlona were aa follows: FliOl'R teadv: winter patents. Hit? Ill: winter straight. KiautHm; spring patenta KMr: spring atralghts. He 1 70. ask era. l.0. RYE No. t Wc. BARLEY Feed or ml ring. SOcfitl.e; fair to cnoena malting. fvrl.R. KKROK-Tlmotliy, jlJ.v. Clover. PROVISION-Mesa pot. llT.1JHe17.l Iird, la tierces, B) K. Short ribs, looaa, P.. Trx m I .U.MIUM a! terKel m rA 11... two days, were equal to fTXeD bu. PrK mery recetpta. two aaya, were o.ng bu, compared with e&,0M th con ponding two day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. II cars: corn, tn cars; oats, X'. cars; boas, Ft.ota) heed. Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. I red n.mei H: No. I red. BV-erO 45: No. t herd, H.'T1.4V No. t hard. ac1.l: No. 1 northern, 1 Mri II: No. t northern. tl.OMri M No. t northern, tl at91.r; No I spring, MHc4te1.l: No. I epring. Kr-w II 44: No. 4 spring, Mrertl M; velvet chaff, ajobtl 7: durum. aMtH.OS, Corn: No. t TM7lc: No. I white, 7etT75lc; No. 3 yellow, !lW(e; No. A nHy7jc; No. 4 white, 7SHr7c: No. 4 vellow. n,w71ie. Oats: No. 3 white, Uve.Aae: No. t whit. SetKoo: No. 4 wait. Ue4c; standard. RtMH. RYB-No. t, . . .. . BARLET-Mrtjll TEAL-eJteady. 'otitic. ' TIMOTHY BEED-4S 'lia. CLOVER 8EEJta.a. BUTTER-Steady; ereamart, rfrc; dairies. XMrTic. EOOS-Weak: receipts, W.19S cases: at mark, esses Included. iac; ordinary firsts. lSc, firsts. Utilise. CiiEESE - wak, dajnta, Ofay. twfris, r; young America; ttSlic; long horns. lMk01c POTATOES Firm; receipts. 4S ears: Wisconsin. .eLJ; Michigan and Mla aesots, Il.4ew1.4a. POl'LTRY Strong: turkeys. 14c; chick ens. Ufrc. sprrnga ltr. HW YORK. OEM KRAI MARKET atatlea ml lbs Day en Varlaae eesssedlim NEW TORE. April J.-ELOUR-iulet: spring patenta. X4ti.it; winter etraiehts. U tbtti.it; winter patents. H 04 . spring clears. M.S44M: winter ex tras. No. 1, t TObl.s; winter extras. No. i, .:ie14i; Katwas straights, Vt Tetrl A, Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. S.aHHu. choice to fancy. tO-j.. CORNMEAL Steady; fine whHe or yel low. i.MsLM; coarse. el.4jLH; kiln dried, a RYE Firm: No. tlc'r. I. f. Buffalo. BARLEY Steady; malting. tl.41.3, c L f. Buffalo. WHEAT Ppot market Irregular; No. I red (Lots In elevator, export basis to ar rive, and II 7'4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. eLlHi f. o. b. afloat opening of navigation. Futures: Further liquidation of lata month occurred today In response to bearish crop and weak news The market was weak all day ad closed aV net lower. May. K 9 1.47V closed ll oTt-ll; July. tl.W 7-lMf D.flV closed tl.M 7-14. Recetpta, llT.aj bu.; shipments, IM.flht bu. CORN Spot market eaay: export. Wee f . o. b. afloat. Futures market was nom inal. No receipts; shipments, I.U bu. OATH-Spol market steady: futures market nominal. Receipts, Ctfc!i bu.; ahlpmenta. Sut bu. HAY Firm: prime, ll.4n; No. t, Jl.K; No. t ILS; No. A 1.1MI . HOPS 8teady; state, common to choice, 1911 crop, SSei&c; 19H crop, nom inal: Pacific coast. UU crop, 41b44c; ln crop, nominal. - HIDES Quiet; Central America, S4Hc; Bogota. :)Sc. LEATHER Steadv; hemlock firsts, ere; seconds, J1ic; thirds, HtjiJc; re Jecta, l&c PROVI8I0N8-Pork, firm: mess. 1-7S fili.S; famlly. t,00jZl u. abort clears. ITtOeHlTO. Beef, firm; mesa. tlljOft 1440: family, lls.wajllSI': beef hams, taut klLO. Cut meats, firm: pickled belllee, N to 14 pound a, .5Uftll.M; pickled hams, I11.7efl2 l. lrd. ean) ; nilddl west prime, llO.IOtil'lJO: refined, steady: conti nent. 10; Mouth America. Ill.u; com pound. IT O0tf7 J7H. TALLOW Firm: prim city, hh.hv, fc; special, aic; country. etieAc, BUTTER Firmer; rec-lpts, AA33 tuba; creamery specials. 31c; etnas. Ille: first. BrWlyslc: stst dairy, finest. 11c; good to prime, SMtduc; common to fslr, ltiJ7c. CHEESB-FIrm; receipts. If boxes; stats, whole milk, currant make, colored, epeotal, ltc. KOOit-ntcadlcr: recelpla, J7.SU cases; fresh gathered, first atorage packed, ll'i fjSc; fresh gathered, flral regular packed, J0til'c: fresh gathered, accomla. tlV; weatem gathered, white. jrnaSr. POl'LTRY Alls, very firm: chickens, Kc; fnwla. 17c: turkey. 17r; dreaacd, quiet; foejls, 14414lc: turkeya. W&ac Cra aad Wheat Realea B.lletla. United Statee Department of Agricul tureWeather bureau report fur tha twenty-four hours sndlng at S a. m, 75th meridan tlms. Wwtnesday, April April I: OMAHA . DISTRICT. -Temp Rein station. ' High. Low. fall. Sky. Aahland, Neb, 14 li .00 Clear Auburn. Neb... 41 B k n Bow, Nb. at Culberta'n, Neb 44 Falrbury, Neb. 47 Fairmont, Neb. 43 Or. Island, Nb. 47 H'tlngton, Neb. li Hastings, Neb, 44 Holdrege, Neb. as Lincoln. Nb.. 44 No. Plstts. Nb 44 Oakdale. Neb.. 16 Omaha, Neb.... 4.1 Tekamah, Neb. U Valent a, Neb. 44 Altai la. 41 Carroll, la Clarlnda. la.... M Sibley, la 41 Hloux City, la. U e .04 .la) .01 Clear Clear Clear near at 4 17 31 M XI M II 37 31 M 34 ill Clear ' Clear Pt . cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear .04 Pt. cloudy Minimum temperature for twalve-hour period ending at I a. m. . DISTRICT AVERAGES. Na. -Temp. Raln Centrai. Stallone. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 17 M . M .a Louisville, Kr .. n n 34 India pot la,' lad. 11 44 at Chicago, 111 M 44 . 34 .00 St. Loul. Mo... 1 M C " . De Moines, la, 33 41 M Mlnneapolla U i . Kan. City, Mo, 43 IB .) Omaha, Neb 17 43 Bi ,4V Ralna occurred within the last twenty four houra In the eastern snd soulliern portions of the corn snd wheat region. Temperatures at or below freesing were recorded In all except th Loulsvlll dis trict. Is A. W ELSH. , . Ljcal Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. I.eala Ueaeral Market. ST. LOC18, April t-WHBAT-FIrm; track No. 3 red. II. 4; No3 hard, 1101 fjl.i:. CORN-Strady; trick No. 1. Tec; No. I White. litytliSr. OATS-Steady: track No. t MfWc; No. 1 whit. 4e44c. - Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-lower, Ma , ll.OOStil 40H; Julv, .'ilric. CORN 'xiwer; May. 77c: July. 7c. OATS-Weak: May, tic; July. 4eHo. RYE Unchanged, tie. v . FLOL'R Firm; red winter patents. MA teS.eu; extra fancy and straight. M.VUQ 1. 16; hard winter clears, C 403.7e. . SEKD-Tlmothy, ll4.aoeil3.4a. , , CORNMnAL-13.es. BRAN Firm; sacked east track, $1.33 61. St. HAY-Stronger: timothy, t:iliitA; prairie. Wl loti'iS.t. PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; Job bing. 114.71. I-ard. unchanged: prim team. B9.47saS-a:. Iiy, aalt meat, un changed; boxed extra shorts,. $9. 3fi; clear ribs. $9.31: abort clears. $9. 7a. Bacon, un changed; boxed extra shorts, lie.3; clear ribs. 114.26: short clears, tla.-e. FOl'LTRY-elteady; chicken. KUc; springs, lie; turkeys, ,17c; duck, lie; geese. 7c. BL'TTER Firm: creamery, 'JJ4J31 VtC EOOS Unchanged, lac. Receipts. Shipments Flour, barrel M.Oft U.W0 Wheat, bushels .......... I,) M.ntn Corn, bushels il.tta) ' M Oata, buahel 4.401 , Tl.aa) Kaaaaa City tieala aad Prevlsle.a. KANSAS CITY. April I WHKAT Cah. unchanged: No. ! hard. tl.jl.h); No. A n 4IW1.; No. 3 red. ll.O201.tt. Na I ll.IIOBl.41. CORN-MJ'c Vtgher: No. J mixed. 77J Tec; No. A MOWsc; No. 2 white. r.Qllc; No. A 74c. OATS t"nchnged to He higher: No. J whit. WCIedec: No. 3 mixed, MtjMc. Closing price of futures: WHEAT May, MV: July, 9;,J tic; September. He. CORN May, TSc; July, 73S7,c; Sep tember. 70c. OATS May, Wto; July. 4Sc- ' - - RYE tiflafir. HAY Steady: choice timothy. W.44; choice prairie, UI.7sn2C.4a. BUTTER-Creamery. Mc: firsts. Kc; seconds. 2c; packing stock. Ben He EOJ 8-Extra. c ; f I rale. uv. . . Receipts. Shipments Wheat bu..... 1I.0M - loi.aiw Corn, bu l.io wan Oata. bu 4.4M 34 OW Mlaaraaalla Urate Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 1 WHEAT May, 1.S; July. ll.aV, September. 7Sc. Caah: No. 1 hard, $l.o; No. I northern. II OS's; No. 2 northern, "tl.l.; No. A H AI14. FLAX-3.nS. BA RlY-9ctJa .. CXRN No. I yeltowTHr. ' OAT8-N0. I whit. tttjo.'Sc. RYE No. A . HKAN-la Ms-pound aackt. I34.s MM. FLOt'R-Flrat patenta M.WOe.3: sec ond patenta M So4.M: first clears, S3 a wl.o; second dears. 13 ti1.u. Userpssl Crwla Bf arket. LIVERPOOL. April A WHEAT Spot, firm; No. I red western winter. ts3Hd. Futures, firm; May. 7 MSd; July, 7s vd; October. Ts 4VA CORN Spot steady; American mixed, new. ts Hd: American mixed, otd. 4s MHd: American mixed, new, kiln dried. 4s7d. Futures, steady; May, 47VI; September, i Jiwd. Peweta Market. PE03J.A. April A-CORN CncbaBced. No. I yellow, TMtc; No. I mixed. Tiltc. No. 4 mixed. 74V. OATH-Lewer: No. 1 white, (i'ic; tan dard, See, No. t Ut. EW Y0RKSTOCK MARKET Dealing- Decrcmj ia Volume, with Prices Yielding- Little. S1E-SAW H0VE3CE5T LAST EOTJS Tradl.a Elease.t laellaee Derldedly TaerarA ftclllag side, with Stee-I a.d 1 a lea Pacific lades Pr r ee.re. NEW YORK. A mil 1-Althouch of sundard atocka yielded but Ultle to day, the reactionary tendency of the early week heoanie more pronounced and dealings fell to the smallest total record d in any full day for more than a fortnight. Virtually all the activity waa In the first hour. The trading element Inclined de ddeclr toward the selling side, this atti tude finding Ita surest reflection In the reistlv heaviness of I'nlted Statee Steel, 1'nlon Pacific and Reading;, with some pressure on the coppers. Advances for the most part occurred In issues with Uttle public following. Declines far outnumbered rains at the opening. Canadian Pacific was the most I conspicuous exception, opening here with a gain or more than z omnia. i.,uoinc Its rise of slmost t polnta In Ixindon. The strength of this stork wis need a an exeu-w to advance Kries on the now famllUir rumor of a Canadian Paciflc F.rte traffio alliance. A brisk movement In Wabash preferred and the 4 per cent bomia furnlahed a baste for rumor that lArkawanna Interests were buying those issue for control. The market assumed an even tone In the last hour under the lead of steel ehares. Activity Increased, but the move ment wss of brief duration, and Amalga mated common, American Smelting. Union pscinc and Lenigb valley reii to ine lowest of the dav. Theie was some re covery from this level just .before the close, with a spurt in Amencsn t-an common and preferred, both of which ePtabllehed hlah records. The day brought no new adverse In fluences uf groat moment. The only new financing announced today was that of the Erie road, which has received per mission to aell 1D,dw. of three-year 1 per cent notes A compilation of the new securities Issued In the first quarter of the current yr shows thst the railroads put out a mailer amount of nol-e than tn the same quarter of Ifll. while the Industrial companies Increase, I their output by over tta,wi.iyv. Total offerings of bonds, notes and atocka for the last quarter aeere gates 7S9.win.uia, an Increase of ir.i'W.0 over last year. I tonus were firm. Total sales, nar value, C.II!Vin. tnlted States bund were unchanged on call. Number of aaies and leaTtnv quotation on stocks today were a follow: SSI Hire. fce ties. 4tlls-1ilsier fit IH i AaMlsswsle CSpeer ... M M CS l Awsrkss Afrtesllsrsl ... S t Anerlrsa. IMet Sutsr.... 1 79 fl't aS Smencsa Css II.TM ll'k t! Aaericsa '. r. ....... M . U HI Assrrtcas Cottea Oil Aearlesa M a L I4... Aa. Ire sersrlllea M Ut4 Arserlrsa Llness 3 4 " K M4 . ... J4H II lltk nia Aawrlrsa LeroautlTa ., m tH AnerMaa a. m R W in Aw. s. a R. pre aa Aa. Rlesl ysunrte a 17 liw leS " m Lit ia t t.sw iiiv lU'i n"i ii ICe 41 Ut J1 t.laa laH lest lt in wi mi kui I1S l ew lets IM't WIS i.Kt Ji' us N I Ma ti a'S us l.W I4ll twi III Aw. auger Rsrinisg, Aaierlcsa T A T Aiserlesa Tca ptt. Aaerlraa Wsslea .... Asscoada MlsUig Ce.. Atrklesa l....e.. AtrfelBMI Ptt Allamlc Coast Us... Ball law A litis ftatkleheei Steel Brsoklrs Ral4 Tr..., rasselsa rarlfle ..... Ceslrsi laaiker 1 i Jl Pi Cselrsl Lealker pt ...... let U tslisl of Nav Jseasy., -, Choaaseske a Okie M.14 TH. V I lease A Alloa OUrsae O. W.. sew 1a 1 MS t dieses a. w. I4 e rd I'klrsss N- W M 111 I7l 114 114 IIMt 17 H !t 444 1'klttio. M 41 P.... I1.W 111 111 . : cam. u... Colsraaa F. m I Cslaraos A Bawtker. M 47 T. B S S r'onsolMale Uss ........ Be tU 'era Prolseta ia Ilk IKS 1H IIS I4S Delaeare a Haese 11 uesasr A Rle Ursade. D A g. O. ( nieiuanr geurlllss .., 41 S lit IS Ka s S l-'S 174, M s IIS s s grle ane 1st sf4 grle M sM General Klerlrle . Ores! Nan Iters fd Oreat Nortasm Or atta.. Illinela IVntisi IsMrftorousk Met Isler. Ual. Interest loss! Harvester .- Inter-Martse r4 Islernatlonsl raaer Internalises! Pm ...... loos tSanlrsI Kansas CHy asutaera..., K. Se. r lanlel Uaa Loelavlll A Nallla... Mil. at. Loul m , at. p. A a a M... Hlaesari, K. A T.a. U.K. AT. sl4 Mlasearl Parin National blemH Nalloail Las N. R. R. el M. M et4.. New York Central. N T . o. w Korfeik A Westers. Nortk Awericsa Naeikers Parlll rsrirtr Malt , eoaesrhsnla Peaele'a uas MS l.tn U7t la N7S 4. IMS 111 I lua 1.1 4?S 4I 4IS I l i;u m ins l l MM S ii. a ats 1I1S 1UU 111 J3S US US MS S US I"4 .... leas MS U7a IMS 1M IIS ii zis ; is ut in I s 4S 141 4. AN S 4iS lao MS s s 1.U ms nit lo mat la M.tu IKS I" tfl s S Ills us HIS TS U.;a i:is ir-s las a nt ns as l.Ha t:is ims is - i'a T f. C. A St. L ruisbarsk real .... P I Steel Car.. sm :it us is I.MS MS ' MS 14 . . . 1S its US Pullsiss Psiaco Car. Kallwsy ftael rl.... let . IIS Rsama 7. ! Ills 13S 14'S ItesuhlM Steel Rsssklle Steel scd.... Rock lalsn Ce Dork Ulead s. s(4... h. L t r M sf4. :s us ws JIS 1:s l.lrs ' M , IM v KS live tea, M . US MS MS 41 S S s 44 I ll'i 1S n s 14 S l:S 17IS us ns MS St. Leaia a. w . u S. W. sM aises-Skarllel I. A I Baalkera rarlfle 4.4M eoslnsra Rallwsr ' J.1S toalker Kellsar Ptt.... le in'. ; aw, 14 IIS .. iiis" us lll'a MS 74 41 ' U Tao.i e Cesser W Tesas A rarltit M '., l. U m . si. C A I w ' ie W. aM t'slea rarlfle M.na fnloa Pan pM aa IS n MS S line mala rteanr e t'slls stales Rooter.... I.HK ns M M't I'sHel Stsiae stool .re V. a Steal a!4 Sn CU Carper . Va.-rSrellsa Caeaueal .. M Wabask t.14 Waneak I4 law Westers Marrlas4 " 111 41 MS 7S MS 4JH nil ins 4SS us. is n TS IM Waoilsawsuss Elect rla .. , Waolara tales ,,. 44 Wkoells ALB. Utlsk Valley 4.M 144S 141 S IM rklee One. ei-rtgkte.. ' MS MS Rsr Cosaalisato 9S Asaerirsa Tokacce Total aalea lor tke ear. M.o aaaroa. New larM Money Market. NEW TORK. April l-MONEY-On call, steady; 2at4 per cent; ruling rata : per cent; closing aid. 1" per cent; of fered at 4 per cent. Time loana. easy: Ixty day. I1- per cent: ninety day. 3163 per cent: six montha 34 per cent. PRIME M ERCANT1LE PA PER-4-,9 44 per cent. 8TERL1NO EXCHANGE Steadv. with actual business In bankers' bills at MATS for sixty-day bills snd HaTTS for demand. Commercial bllla hB SILVER Mexicaa oonare, a.c. RON Del Oovenunent. steady; rallreaA firm. 1 . Closing traotadong oa bonds today were a follows: 0. s. eat. Is. reg...ietetr. si at. as-.. s ta anwaa WeS-Jan. 4 MS . g. as. leg MIS 4 4S " esse. 1SK. C. So. lot So S n a 4a. rae, 114 L. a. d-o. ea latl... MS s. - - 114 l A NL aal. 4a ... MS Allie-Oeal. 1st -.. MSM. X A T 1st ,.. M Aassr. Aav to. MIS sea. 4S ass .TAT. . on-.a..-.t raruia oa....... las Aav Teeaet 4a. SX. It K. at H 4Sa Ms 4. sa IMSN. T. C. a ISa.... It Ameer A Ce. S MS ea ea. 4. us Atctlaea ea. .... e-a-ia. i. ia. as. t a. Ie ao. . ...i s ee. 4e. HSN. A W. let a s.. MS I C. L la a sas ae ee. aa. ills SaJ. a OOIO sa " rawe oa. aa, TlV MS oa u aes , AW. IV ''tO- L. rM. aa.... MS kesa. Tr. v. 4a..- tTSPeaa. ee. ISe UU.. Irs ,w J OS. Is. IMS o rea. ...MS Oa. Uetker as..... MSlteaalag gee. .... Ms d K. J. I M..H1HS. U A a F. ta. 4s Ts Caea. A Okas 4Sa...MS e see. as M e e. a" - a. .-.. o. oa.. aiw ruesa A A. IS-. M let oM 4a.... IIS C. B A Q- J. 4a.... liUm ie,.... Ms ee sea. 4. go. Pee. eeL ts MS c. a. A a. r. i a or. 4s ts C B. t. A P. a 4a. Its do 11 ref. ta. MS 4 its. a atsaa. Railway 4a. Mis Ota. la, as. t4 o too aa. as Colo. Mi, ta. ttHValea rarina as.... 11 alt tit IS S7S e. 4s....'....Ms a A B. ev. 4B- MS e tat A ea. 4s.. Ms aap. A B 41. 4a.... MSL. s. Bekbee a....iei oo ret. se.. ........ - a. aaeei ss oe...ias nwillaeV M ........ Ilal'UV. aana. is..ws aitrte a. I 4s.. vskea 1st as 17 s e aoe, at. ''a i oa.... jew so . ts. w. A- M Wsstara MA v... Uk So imo. a ISVWaol. Klee. ev. Is.. SS Oes- Elee. re. es...HoSWle. Ceatnl SA ni. res 1st roT Of - aSMo. Pee. ce. M sa sue. Mat ase 91 Psasssa la MIS Bis. Onetea.' Laaalwa atatrk Market. IvONOON, April A Anteelcsn securities were ouiet and steady during the early trading today. At noon prices ransjed from unchanged to V higher than yes terday's New Turk closing. Canadian Pacific was strong at 2 points advance. London dosing stock quotations: Cesools saaaay .... aSLoeMrllle A Naak. Hl s aecsset 74 1-Uslo.. Kaa. A Tea.. IIS Aaaat. Coeasr MSXae Tart Oetrsl .lH Asetoaea S.Norik A Woetere-lltS Alrklaoa HIS et r- 4o eM lttsoeurls A Waetera. 4 Bainaaore A Okle less ISseaylasala SIS CsssSiaB rarlfle ..tatSRas lllsss " Coaasseske A Okie. MSResSlB It (.Sjl. Orsat WsMsrs. M Sesisere Br . 3S CM., MM. A . P.11JS eo T, dm Bears ISSSoethers Paelfte ..117s beaver A Rat .... 4',lalos Pacific , 174S e t4 so eta M trio aSC 1. Steal S So 1st ft 7 so ftt 1U ae a ef4 4sassa IS Orsat Trunk S eo t H UllseM Central IM - SILVER-Bar. steady at Zl l-ld per ounce. MONEY per cent The rate of discount in the open mar ket for short and three months' bills Is ls per cent. . Roatea Sleek Market. BOSTON. April A Closing quotation on stocks fre ss follows: Alien 41,Mokask Anal. Cesser Neaaes Coo. .. AIL 8 llSNInlaalnf Hiaea Arias Cean iSMortk Bulla ... B. A C. P. A . M. ISNonk Lake .... 'sl. A Artaoss. "SSI nosaislea . ... S ... MS ... 7S ... til ... MS ...11 Inl A Heds... Cestesslsl Ksst Ball C. M FraskUe Olroel Cea Orssby Cea Groeee Csosses . tale Morale Coeeff Kaar Lake Las Cooper 1 Salle CSpBer.. Mlecsl Cosser ... . HSUslory M . HSKkeaaoa IS . US porter U . ISmnorior A B. M... 1'i . 42STsaasrark S . 4SV. a S. R. A M... MS . IIS a af4 4as . I'aruk Cea 1 . MSI tak Coeper C. ' . ilSlena t . M Wolaerlae Ill tre Yark Mlalagt Sleek. NEW YORK. April I-Oosln; quota tions on mining etocka were: Alice M Little Cklef I Bras.olck Ce I Maalcaa M Coat. Tossel eteck.. I OeurM IM koaes 11 Osklr II Cos. Cel. A V 71 Standard M Iron atuer 11 Yetlo. Jackt 13 Leadline Cea. 1 OMarnd. Baak Clearlass, OMAHA. April 1 -Rank clearings for today were 3Z,.tMI.7k3.3o and for the corre sponding day last year fc'.ia.nu... OMAHA UE.1EHIL JIAKKET. BL"fTER-No. 1. Mb. cartons. Xt: No. 1 In M-lb. tuhe, A'c; No. A c: packlus, 13c. CHEESE-lmported Swiss. 3!r: Ameri can Swiss. Sic: block Bwlss. 33c; twins. 2Jc: daisies. 23c: triplets. 21c; young Americas. 33c: blue label brick, 34c; 11m berser, 2-lb.. 20. ; l-lb.. Sc. FISH (fresh froseni-Plckerel. c; white. 11c; pike, lie; trout. Sc; large rrapplrs. lltflic; Suanlah mackerel, lie; eel. I:: haddorka, Uc; floundera, 13c; green cst flsh. l.'ic; ros shad. II each: ahad rue, per (air, USc; aalmon. 10c; halibut, 11c; )el uw perch. 4c; buffalo, 9c; bullheads, lie. POULTRY-Brollcra, tniakii 7.S0 per doa; springe, 2uc; hena. 17c: coi.'k. lie: ducks, Isy.uc; geeae. lc: turkeys. Kc; plgeona per doa., lLuc. Alive: licus. Lc; old roost era, ltlc: Ntsgs. 4c; old duck, full feath ered, lee; geeae, full feathered, 9c; tur keys. Kc; pigeonspr do., a:; homers. p-r doa., K eu; squabs. No. 1. 31. eO; No, sOc. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. t Vc; So. i 14c; No. 3, lie. Lulna: Nu. 1. lbv; No. 2. Kc; No. A 154c. Chucks: No. 1. 7c; No. J. 7tc; No. 3. 4c. Round: No. 1. WV: No. S, ltrHcT'No. 3. ec. Plate: No. I. tc: No. 3. 4c; No. 3. ilyc. LOINS-No. L Mc; No. A lVc; No. 3. (& ' CHUCKS- No, 1. lc; No. 1. le: No. A RlBS-No. A 171-fC; No, 3. 14c; No. A 'ROi;ND8-No. A lie; su S, lWc; No. i 14c MlaCELLAN ROCS Almonds: Tarra gons, per lb . lSltc; In asck lets lc less. Cocosnula: Per aark, li.wl. Filberts: Per lb., 14r; In sack lots, lc lenn. Pesnuts: Roasted. In aack lota, per lb., 7lc; roasted, lesa than aack lota, per lb., ae; raw, per lb., 6c. pecan: Large, per lb., lie; In sack lota lo lea. Walnuts, New crop, mil. California, per lb.. 17c; In sack lota, lc lr. Cider: New "Nehawka, per IA-gal. bbl , A im; per e0-gal. bbl., t5.s; New York Mott a, per le-gal. ti bbl.. ll jO. per M-gal. bbl., KA Honey: New, 24 frame. I37n. Kraut: Per li-gil. keg, IXi.; per I gal. keg, 11.21. toffee Market. NEW YORK, April A-COFFEK-Fil-lures oiiened uutet at a decline of 4ti7 polnte under a renewal of scattering liquidation or moderate aelllng. which waa aunrjoaed to be Inatilrcd by the con tinued large receipts at Hraall. The close waa barely steady at a net decline oi from i to I polnta Sales, 4n.iJ base. April, U64c; Mav. ll;:V; June. IS.TSc, Julv. 13.85c; Auguat. nunc; September, 13.loc: October. W.SOc; November. 13.10; lecemler, HaSc: January and February, 13.11c; March. Ii3c. Havre was frxnc hlgHer. Hamburg waa unchanged at !'3o. Samoa wa unchanged at HtVCr); "a. 7Wh. Receipt at the two Kraaflian ports were H orn lissrs. aaainat 7.(4)1 laat year. Jundl- ahy receipts were 9.1A0 bags, against 2v lat vear. rociav s apeciai caotee in'm Santos reported the market Inactive, with 4s unchanged, and Sao Paulo recelpta of I2.B bass, against 13.Ct the previous day. Th world visible supply statement howed a decrease of Mo.Kt! hags In th viaihle for the month of March, agalnat a decrease of 36,H2 last year, making th aupplv as of April 1 l.' tJV.'l.i bair. agalnat 12.i.72R laat year. Spot coffee, quiet; No. J Rio. 14,e- No. 4 Santo. lSci Mild, quiet; Cordova, IC?t'SStc, nominal. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aorll 3. METALS Standard copper, quiet; spot, aia.uiiia.ie; April and May, tle.a0nle.7v: June and July. tli.jMtle.ii, London market, atrong; spot.' ! lea future. fi 13s 4d; arrival reported at New York today, 62 ton: custom house returns enow export of 3.02 tons ao far thla month. lAk copper, tl4.00trlti.25; electrolytic, IIMU; casting. tlASntjlaTe. Tin. firm; spot. t43.104J43.iO; April. 341 110j43.10: Mav. t S4i .40: June. H2.37Vi43.iiiH; July. t42.l3Mr43.7o; Auguat, t4l.7Vt'41.27ti: lxmdon market strong: aiot. 197; futurea, ft; Vat. lead. quiet; M.4.. New York: M.lIMtd. F.t St. Loula; London, fl 3s sd. Selter, dull and nominal, BveiafilW. New York; ia East St. I.ouls: lindon. 1 .'i 7a 4d. Anti mony, quiet: Cookaon'a. tS.Ha. Iron. Cleve land warrants, ale V in London; lo cally Iron waa steady i No. I foundry northern. fiajS4ili.7e: No. 2. tl17iilo.z;; Nit I southern and No. I southern soft, "sUR-IS. April 1 M ETA I.S LeeC firmer, K2i. Spelter, firm; te-oft, Erape rated Apples aad Drteel Fralta NEW YORK. April 3. EVAPORATED APPLES-Uulet. with prlcea about ateady; fancy. Mili"fC; choice at V9 lc: prime. 7'a8'. tRIEl FBl'ITA-Prunea. quiet but steady, with nuotatlona ranging from 4tc to 19SC for t'allfornlaa up to 3s-40s and from to to lie for Oregon. Aprl eota. dull but firm, with choice quoted at 1fl4Ac; extra choice, lieiltSc: fancy, ilic; no fresh feature l reported In the market for peaches; choice, WMlc; extra choice. 11iIISjc: fancy. UseilJc. Rsislna unchanged : choice to fancy seeded. ,7V;; looee muscatels, otjsa,!-; seedless. eS:7ac; Londoa layers. tl.a) I.. . , Pklladelphta riaelaee Market. PIHLADEIJ'HIA. April 3.-BCTTER . ... . . ., lafwanr anectal. 13e: ereaauj . - - . extra. 2c: nearby prints. 34c. BOOS Weak and lower: Pennsylvania and other nearby first a. free saaes, pi.44 per case: current receipts, free cases. 3&.M per case: western firsts, free case. Ik 44 per cane, current recetpta, tree cases, te-M per case. OataBTa Hay Marks. . OMAHA. April t-No. L t33.4: No. I tJ2.; No. A m: No. 1 midland. . TtT , I tea- olfalfs rhelra Xrl and 4th rutting. SAW: 1st snd 2d" cutting. tJriT.s; o. e-.oia.oe, a.w. e, 4o-i-a. Saansr Market. NEW YORK. April a Sl'G A R Raw. . .. i ea aea la. aenirir.' acsAM test. AMe: mo ma sugar, t test. S.41C. gteilBSWa. ajwaoa. Refined Bacar la B4atA NEW YORK. April A All grade of re fined auarar were reduced ( cents per MB pounda tooay. . OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET Killing Ctttle Around Quarter Signer Than last Week. HOGS STEONG TO FIVE HIGHEB Sheep aad Leaaba Active a.d rally steady. Leasee Toachlaa Hlgheat PwlatSiaee Moath- f Jaae, Nlaeteea Tea. SOUTH OMAHA. April 1 Mil. Receipts acre. cattle. Uog. Siiecp. OfflcUl Monday 1.741 1.37 1, Official Tuesday !.! 1.9 2.S6 Estimate Wednesday.. i,AM i.x i.5 Three dav-s this week 4.7S9 Same daya laat week. .18,172 Same daya i wks. ago. MM Same daya 3 wka. ago. .14. 787 Same days 4 wks. sgo..lS.4f5 Same day laat year.. 10.4 J The following table ahow th receipa of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha fur the ear to date as compared with last year: 1J11. IM!. Inc. Dec. Cattle SaS.JOJ 174.710 17.410 Hogs SM.71 asa.SSi SxV,.el Sheep S7.7 AiSl 117. K The following labia show eeie rang of price paid for hoga at South uenaua for the iasl few daya. with oomfiaireetia: Date. 1M5. ilsll. bl.:19ia.ill.il'AM H'ch 211 M'ch to! M'ch 34; M ch s; M'cn i 7MI J Wlal 7 37 I I 4M," 7 41 10 t3i ( 36,10 5: iWW 3k. J 12 It TO; 6Ci W 71 4 24 le iti iS 10 I7 37,71) 401 :11 ( i 4 5ii 4 m ; 68! 4 S f I 47i ul ( o f M a! -.2, t 221 111 SI o i M 4 tM 4 VT s' Ii3iia; I t 67! Ml i 14 M ch i3t i .el 13 -Mc h i It 773 7 7! Mch t 78 J 3S 14 April 4 7.11 t 7TA 4k i April April 3. 7I TSi 451 4 74, i 7 t 47: 6 24 Sunday. Recelpta and disposition of live stock at the L'nion Stock yarda. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o ciocg p. m.: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shp. li r a C. M. A St. P. Ry.. 1 4 Wabaah Ry I 4 .. .. Missouri Pacific Ry.hr 7 4 1 Union Pacific Ry 1 1 C. A N.-W., east ...10 Ml C, St. P.. M. A O... II St. P.. M. A O... II -2 B. A Q.. east 3 4 4 1 ".. B. A g.. wet....1 3 21 6 C. C. C, R. I. A P.. east.. I 11 1 C, R. I. A P.. west.. 2 1 Illinois Central Ry.. 7 S C. Q. W. R I 2 Total receipt It M 32 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha racking Co 30 ftio HI Swift A Co 272 1.3M 1.781 Cudahy Packing Co 384 1.114 2,30 Armour A Co 507 1.312 1,318 Schwartx A Co 3.3 Murphy l.H Sinclair 31 ... ... B. A M 237. -.. Hill A Son ' Hi F. B. Lewis Ill Huston A Co 3t J. B. Root A Co J. H. Hulls 3 L. Wolf... "0 a McCrrsry A Kellogg.... CK Mo. A Kan. -Calf Co.... 83 Cltne A Christie tx Other buyer 231 Tutala 1.92 i.SM 1,715 CATTLE Receipts of rati: today num bered seventy-one csrs, being the largest for the week ao far. It would appear that Hood conditions are slightly Improved sa shown by the Increase in recelpta. The total arrival of cattle fur the week to date foot up only 4,7o9 head, being only about one-fourth as many as were re ceived the same das last week and only about oue-thtid as large as th averag run. Buyer of rattle wra out in the yard In good season In th morning nd with a reasonably good demand and with ao few cattle on sale it naturally took them very little time to clean up everything In eight. Price thla week, owing to the extremely light recelpta. have been ad vancing ao rapidly and the market from day to day haa been so uneven that It la not easy to make comparisona Still It la aafe to quota desirable killing cattle of all klnda as steady to strong aa compared -so I4.it yesterdsy and around 26c higher than lust week's close. oalng to ths difficulty of shipping cat tle out the feeder trade naturally con tinues aloefS Most of the buyera her thla week have come from Iowa roads to the eastward being open. Prlcea paid have not ahown very much change, be ing In the main about steady. limitation n cattle: Cood to cholc beet teem. I7.0taji.tw; fair to good beef steer. vKti';.t, common to fair beef steers. ti.elMio.iiO: good to cholc heifer, Se.50t-.li.30; stood to choice cow, 14 7&4J5.7S; fair to good cows, HW4J4.75; common to fair cow. t3.vtil.W: good to cholc stock is and feeder, to.ivi.M; fair to good tuckers and feeders, B2id.0; common to fair Blockers and feeders, e4.6ojti.li; lock heifer. Uaoo-t Zi; venl calvea, ILUvtf .: bulls, tag, etc.. HSflCK. Representative sales. BEEF STEERS. Na Ar. It. No. At. Pr. I! 77! I I t im m a H ia it tin t 1 144 I M It 1M4 f 1 Ill 11 loot t M I uu 4 w it.-. im t a ii tai i u rt no 1 1 II 1114 I M 11 14M tit U IMt I IS M UOt T 1 COWS, STEERS AND HEJFERS. i tn i a it... it m is i... t 111 I a COWS. 4 42 I M I... ...nil M ...UU tit im i a IM MM' I S MS 4 St M IB im i a M7 4 71 MT 4 7S Ml I 75 174 I M Ml I M Ill I tl TU 4 a IB 4 M 175 I M im i a 14 I U . M 4 li M 4 II ne 4 a rl 4 a 111 4 174 4 IM 4 75 117 I M 12 I It 1.. I.... I. ... II. ... M..... a. HEUER8. H7 la 4 s I a n 712 I U I 7i i a s it. 4 m is a I Ill 4 M BULLS. 1 MT 4 ti 4. ,.M IX .117 5 4a .MIS) ..U4 I M .MM 4 M .114 S IS ,. Ttl 1 71 . M I la I lat la l trw 4 TS l ... ni I ea 1 in I 1 IMS I II i. 1.. l . .. - .115 t IS . lit M ... tw I a . STAGS. ..ims 4 a CALVES. .. m im i .ta i ta 11... t a s t i 14 M 1 IM 7 M 4 14 la I II 1 -4 1 let I M I IM 7 S I It 1 2M T 3 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. II SI l M I a 1 44 1 M t TS I S 1 tot I m rl . aw i m 4 44 4 M n.. lit s a IIOGS-Seversl store trains have been marooned at feeding ststlons for several !aye past, arrived today and brought In enough hogs to relieve famine condi tions In the trade. Over AO head were received, a run that originated la rat"!'. In Iowa and Included, as weH. a big atring of wagon nog off the "Sarpy Central." offerings met with an -aggieaalve de mand from shipper and a fair demand from packers, but competition among the local buyers on elaugbter account, was rather slack than otherwise. Shippers set the pace at prices steady to a nickel higher, buying one-fourth of the total receipts during early rounds. Packers followed reluctantly, one of the laraer concerns taking only four or five loads. Aa soon aa outside awpport began to weaken, the market took oa a rather angary appearance, closing a Uttle lower than yeeterday. , xJBest heavy hogs sold . at the high praeee. tofra remaining at 17 SV Print to this weer. the 37 limit tit not been raarrrl la over a vear. January or 1911 claiming aa ta-1 top. For good butcber gradea, it waa largely a 7 trad with raeoa classes selling oown to si.tn. Sales beeow 17 to were few and scat tered, the I nice tanre baring; narrowed considerably this week. Seventeen car of nogs tnat came in about mSbday after the atarket had prac tically closed and buyers had moat of them left th yards, did not far ao well aa the early arrival. , Buyers wanted to take off Mo from to Burning Ctrvu-ts .73 11.571 37,181 37.5l .41 23.01i 32,480 27.4W 41.23S &. lXi3S Z1.4a2 and In some cases more then that, so that there set still hogs unsold at a late hour. Representative sales: Ji. At. ga. Pr. No. Ar. Sa. Pr. a -tn Ml. 4 M I m . its 7 a in -M 7M IM M IS n lit ... 7M it ..a t 7j m i t m S" . tot m : a - i' ' il'r...!W ... IT 71. II ... I M S i. M ... 7 75S II. Ill ... IM ti. JO ... T7H, 14 W IM 5 a m I ts w ai m I . ...Ml ... 7 71 7. 144 IM a ....-us t ti m ... t st' ....tn ... its a c ... is ...Mi ... 7 75 M... .,...! 7M a 34 1 7 To it III. M 7M a . Sit M 7 Ti 5 4IH ti" Ma ... 7 Ta 67 Ml ... 7 HI, a 1 !) ITi 47 144 ... 7 SS 111! S4 84 7 71 61 IM ... 7 TI ..! 71 41 Ml 7 I""....! 1 7 Ti lol IB a' i5 ia 7 is tr MS ... 7 a n Ml ... 7 75 U M7I ... 7K a.' tl ... '. TS 74 C ... 7 Hi !' in ... 7 73 a a Its V 221 M 7 73 41 41 ... 7 13 ta M 7 IT'S 71 !4I 7 Jr: 144 ... 7 77 HI I a , til ... 7M a ra ... 7M 71. us - a 7 a M.....l ... 7 M. C ....M7 M 7M a.....rS4 ... 7M H......U4 im a.. ....a; ... 7 a 74...-. tn ... 7a ' SHTJKEr-Conslderable ' Improvement In rails ty service from polnta west of Omaha was reflected m sheep and lamb receipt- For the first time this wees: enough stock arrived to give the market a life-stse appearance, about 7.5i" head ahowlng up. The bulk consisted of lambs, both worded and shorn, bia there waa aleo a very respectable showing of sheep In cluded In the run. Packers were nat urally hurtgry for all klnda of fat stuff, and the demand proved active from the tart, most ottering moving on a gener ally steady basis Good shorn li mbs were among the first to sell and prion paid Indlonted the same limited margin below wouled offering that have been shown on most days re cently. Attractive lambs minus fleece brought 37 0047.25. wtille good to choice wooled lambs made a top of $7.80, hlgheat sl.ice June. 1910. Pretty good wooled lanibs were cashed at, 17.45 and less. A few strings of wethers and ewe were the only offerlnars of consequence in the sheep branch oaf the trade. Some of the ewes were topriy. being similar to tine pi.00 article of yesterday, and the wether were alao well finished, bringing 16.20. No shorn sheep appeared In the early supply and yearKngs were very scarce. Country outlet was practically closed, nothing whatever being purchased for shipment thus far thla week. The de mand for shearing stoclt, one of the trsde features last week, ha vanished and feeder orders are esaeonahly scarce. Aa a matter of fact, almost all of esch week's feeder output lately has consisted of fat stuck in the wool, bought tor shearing and a short finish. quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs: Goorl to choice, S7.5&7.90;, fair to good, eSMKr?.: ahorn. eS.o0tjp7.25; fat shearing, pj.4b4e7.2o. Yearling: Handy. to.4ov7.00: heavy, M.2o4t.tw; common, tb.ad i.uv. Wethers: ISood to choice, 35.90 Jf: fair to good. ti.Mtl.1t. Ewes: Good to choice, e5.504d5.oi; fair to good. tt-W Rtep.-vsentailve sale: No.- Ar. Pr. 117 fbd lsmbs 7! 7 i 10 fed lanibs, culls ill 16" 301 sliurn lambs 72 7 2.1 , 31! fed lambs , 73 7 S 234fer!; lambs 80 " A. fed iambs 7 80 - SS4 fed tvel'ter .....HO 20 H fed ewes 1 6 80 14 fed ewea. culls M 4 147 fed ewea W 5 a CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Dtrmsjad foe Cattle Stress at Mart -. Hogs aad Sheew steady. CHICAGO, April l-CVATTLE-Recelpts. 13.40D head. Market reached le.S for dis tilling cattle, the highest since 1882. but closed weak, except fur rows and heifers; beeves, S7Jb303f8.66: Texas steers, M.505.85; western steers, t5.35fie.ot: mockers and feedeia, PJZbt.GO; cowa and heifers, 13.60 (14.75: calveii, 35. 7568. 50. HOGa-Raceipta. 23.000 head. Market opened steasly lo 6c up: ndvnnca lost; light. r.oOOT.SS; mixed, t7.4MrK.00: heavy. !7.S5tS.06; roajtrh. r AV87.T5; pltja, t5.30v7.a); bulk of sales. t7.807.95. SHEEP AND LA M BS Reorlpts. XOfr) head. Markea steady to 10r up; native. H. e6..rj0; weatern. t4.50T7.(-0; yearling. o.uat7 15; larraba, native. IT.-lx-'jU.SO; weat ern. ee.25438.aft. St. Lo.la Live Stock Market. ST. LOTIS, Artrll 3, CATTLE Re ceipt. 2.W head. Including I'D Texan. Market Mr higher: native ahlpplng and export ateers. 17.501 KJiO: dressed beef and butdier steers. 05.001(7.55: ateers under I. dW pounds, tlOWtiS.Ott: stockers and feed era. I3.1;HS.26; cowa and heifers, tiOOw 4.S! bulls. XiMtfiM; calve. t5.00(7.00; Texas snd Indian steers, t5.flPif7.00; cowa and heifers ll.iOtt8.2S. HOGS-Iteoetpta .0O head. Market trady: pigs snd light. t5.5iii:8.00: mixed and butchers, I7.S6iJ0; good heavy, w.00 fj0. SHEEP AND 7JtMBS-Recelpts'l.00O heads Market lofrloc higher: native mut tons. R2Sti. 76; lamba, 36.00&O.25: cull and bucks'. t2.25iH0: stockers. -.5tr3.75. a Kasssas City Lira Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 3. CATTLE Recelpta 5.0UO head. Including 300 south ern. Market ateady to strong; dressed beef and export ateers, t7.25tT8.50; fair to good, fc.75ti7.ao: western steers. o.774i 0u: atockers and feeders. KoOit.75: southern teers. I5.10ty7.50; southern cowa, 33.504 .00; native cows, t3.75a3.fi0: native heifers. H.7it7.10; bulls. M.25f5.75; calves, K75a t.00. HOGS Receipts. 9.500 head. Market steady to rrong: bulk of Bales. 17. Sot' 7.96; heavy, t7.864jo.00; packers and butch era. tT.iatyT.te; light. t7.ae7.8; nlga, t5.ii 4j50. PHEEP AND LAM BSr-Recel pts. S.nnri head. Marker ateady; lambs, tf.iiOias.Ofi: yearlings te(y37 Ml: wethers, K.tMa.35' ewes. t4.50u.i; stockers sn feeder. 13.00 fe5.60. St. Joseph Live Sleek Market ST. JOSEPH. April 1 CATTLE Re ceipt, 11.0011 head: market atrong- loo higher: steers. 3S.ooes.00; cows and half era. tS.25IV7.O0: calvea. !50fT)l 00 HOGS-Recefpta AW0 head; market Vow. strong; top. IS.09; bulk of aalea t7.75J"7 95. ' SHEEP AND IMBS-Recelpt. 1 TV, head; market ateady: lambs. t6.0Oty7.ti. "lack la Slgkt. ' Receipts of live stock at fji fly prin cipal western markets yeeteralav: - .. . Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 10 t.n St. Joseph li.ocn t.59 Kansas City 6,ot ajaw tw St. Louis two can) lonio Chicago - 13.0W 23.000 JO.OW) Totals , 33.40 53. 40 4.25 Cattaa Marka-t. V F W TflP.li tnrll a-am-ec. m closed quiet. M polnta lower; middling no. lB.aa UK., w.,., ii ,. .. ... CaDTTON Futures closed ouiet. Clos ing bids April. M.40c: Mav, lo.iSc; June M.9c: July. lASSc: August. lO.fec; SeV t ember. tASTc: October. 19. 73c; November. l75c; December. H7c; January, JATac February, M.74c; March. 10.80c. - Oils a.d Real.. SAVANNAH. April A TiRPEXTTXE Firm: SAc: sales. 140 hhls rm. ceipts, 423 bbl.; shipments, 13 bbl stock. M.14S bbla. ROSIN Firm; sales, 240 bbla.; receipts 1.4M bbla; shipment. 1.343 bbl.: stock TtJ.ilO bbla.. Quote: B. 3S.85: M. R a. n' r.S: G. H. t7121: L 17 24; K, !.; j 7.ta); N, V W. O.. 17.79: W. W, fc ii -" Mllera.kee Orata Market. UTt 11 I I'L'L'E, II. , . 1 1 . .. . No. 1 northera. tl.Koal.ll; No. 2 north- -em, B tSttl.: No. 3 hard winter, a vl.3: May. 94c: July. I6,c. CORN No. 3 yellow, Wc; No. I white 7W7ttc; No. A 754a7Sq; May, C54c; Jull OATS-Standard. bsHc. BARLEY Mai ting, 11 Seal. 38. Dry CeaaaU Market. TvTRnr XTkltW tn.r4l HOT . .... Trie cotton gooda marketa are ateady. - wui yams are steady. Worsted yarns are firm. " a doaen. Wool and worsteds are beina; advanced for later dellverr. Jobbers re- leM a ecau acowaok WaoH Market. ST. LOUIS, April A-WOOL-Stedr: t ternaory and west em mediums. lt&itc fins medlUBis, IttjUc; fine, totgUc