THR OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 3U 1912. wrr ' t ,-e " rrt We Announce, Commencing tomorrow, Our Spring Opening Displays WMKfmmSW mm - . . . I ... . . . 3 V" Twiuwtow, Monday, morning Spring will be officially ushered in at this store with the most complete displays of wearing apparel for both children and "Krown-nps" that have ever been made by this rapidly growing institution." , ' e; . . -. ., , -. . -j ; v ' - f Fo? yea parents have looked to thia store for distinctive, moderately priced ap 2 parri for yopag people. In devoting our effort to outfitting the younger generation we have been to successful as to become the recognized headquarters for every apparel need of the youngster. . However, we have been steadily . increasing our facilities for completely outfitting. ih."'grown-npa as well, and this Spring finds every department splendidly prepared to meet the requirements of the mothers and fathers as well as those of the little tots. - ' We propose to make this the leading wearing apparel establishment, in Omaha for every member of the family and it is with no little satisfaction that we note the ready reception of this extension in the scope of our business by the disoriminatintr men and t, women, of Omaha and the middle west. , The store is decorated In gala attire as befits the high charaoter of the merchan- diee we have ready for your inspection and we draw especial attention to the really mouesi prices woicn prevail in every department. Ladies' and Juniors9 Men' nd Young Men's DtstlBettTefy foiblcmed eoata tad suits from the test, foretfn tad eastara designers. Wash Dreeses for Hoqm, Office tad Street Wear. Imported modal, Afternoon and Craning Sows. .,, , . , . . . loported modal BIouim Md Walota. Tattered sad Pattern HaU In gracetvl, ebana tac ehapaev s... , Delate New Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Foot- r. ' . Criap and Dalatr Uedersausllns. Sam peck 's latatt and handaomeat modali ta aulu and Top Coata la a wealth, of colon and tabrice. "Imperial" HaU In soft and stiff ahapaa aa essential to tha wall draaaad man. Shlrta la brlsht, snappy pattarna. ' , Nackwaar to plaaaa every tut a. Hosiery Underwear Q tores and every ao castor to complete aad eatiafytna atUra Girls' Boys' ',' Curtains Childish uodala la Coata. . . . West. Dresses for School aad Plajr. ' . . For "Drees-ap" oocaatoaa, a fcoontlful display of linen, Franch Repp frocks and lingerie dresses. Becoming hats to fit each Individual faea. -Tha famous "Startrtgnt" Shoaa. Hosiery Cndermusllna 811k and Kid Gloves. Stylish, sturdy Footwaar. Nackwaar, Glove. HaU. Infants9 Suit and Top Coata In tha most complata rants o( patterns, fabrics and strles ever shown br this stors. Aa aspeeiallr pleasing display suitable for coaftrmatjoa. Blouses and ahlrta la neat, aerrlcaabla pat-tarns. A fhiBa at tha Infants Wear SecUon shows how splendidly w hare prepared for erery need of tha tiny folk. . f Delightful new atylaa in CoaU and Dresses. Pretty little Bonnets. Shoaa. Play Clothes Skirts Gown a Wrarpers. Everything tor-baby's comfort Is ready for yoar taspectioa and prices are decidedly moderate. - - ? iefio or. E Pi j , , ioio-u rarnam oireei , t Sardine Sandwich . . Too Much for Hill i Cbartea HM. ewphiirea at tke Burtiac- evaatli a Laaraa- with worta strata aa strtekaa bhIm wetaeiiaw altar eattac a aaidtMj Ka w ta the Ii waa as tahea 4 h poHsa aaabvieim awsaooa' rooaa a baasqwairtara. be facetted laitimy tnauacat. wairaii 4a Ml home, Tarcatjr A Murotu street. Ha will f McShane Loses Out in Feed Contract A oeeljtoa la favor at Gartlpce a FUa nlsu for ftadtnc the pttaoaera la th wtntr Jail was haaM aava kr Judxr Traop ot tke equity dlvMea ot the dta ftct court yaeterdar amvlac Arthur lfollea, attoraey for Sbarlff Ve Shaaa, tiled a petltiea far a demttrrer. whlc eras annoled by the ludce. a!lor which aa aaaoe a aaatloa that the case aot be aisaul. but so raKht ta tv uprema court. Ttiia alae was arerraled by Jadse Troup, The east was thea ar- (ued. Shcrtrf UcSfaaae appealed the caa ta ua SUITS FILED TO DISSOLVE STEAMSHIP COMPANIES KEW YORK, karch Ki-SuH for the UowluUoa of certain ateamahip cocb eaaiaa ensaced ta traffic between Kcw Terk aad the far aaet by war of the lues canal waa filed bj tha United States (oeernnKOt tn tederal court here this afteraoon. The eDmpaalea are charred wtth pooJlna; frelaht retee and robatlns tw uiuceim erfee antp eateuircety by their Are You Proud of Your Home? Are you so delighted with its appearance that yon enjoy entertaining your friends there, or is it so meagerly fur. Pished that yon are compelled to compromise your pride and 'avoid inviting your acquaintances to visit you. It is wrong to deny yourself the comforts of a well furnished home. It's an injustice to yourself as well as to ' every member of your family. Why not decide right now to brighten your life by making your home the most com fort&ble, cosy and attractive pne in your entire neighborhood. . '' ' ' No matter how humble your position or how small your salary, you can have a beautiful home by taking advantage of Hart man's QenerenTEasy Paying Plan, which gives you from one year to two years to pay. ...... . Every article marked with a plain figure price tag one rock bottom price to all, and every piece guaranteed as advertised. ' - ' , - - : - - ea Solid Oak ChrffonUr I J J 1 f ' nir-f? Theee' Ctilffonlera are maOe of ae- I I - II 11 I . I n sJaaBS! I fl lerted aoild eek and are aaaileofaoly I I It U ! 1 H BT B 1 U U II II pollahed. Have flTe large drawere LioJBoonSlaaarC II U8 I I I I II II and brui pull, entremelr t mm Fa I' I'D II II well mede aeS'tUaraateed: , . "mmTS'-aS sPijE'" It I fl I H II an aaraptlonal reJue at lf ) , "f-1- 4V . -W-rE? IFjfcrfcriX ' H D 1 1' aacoodlocly low price etVe,!;. ('rr JJjr't W-frsJL H II rV S blaatloaJ'S.'- " fiieea,'ojli Hartman's Complete Home of 4 Furnished Rooms, Posltlrelj Erary Arllcla to Furnish $8.00 a Month St Brass Bd, Springs, Mit- trc;aMap!(lcsntConpltte Brass Bed Outfit, $16.25 BetBtifnl Oak Dresser An ezclualra Hartmaa dealtn. larfa oval plate mirror, two lane and two. small drawere. with wood pulla, made of eelected Amerlcaa quarter aawea oak and pollened to a f ror like brilliancy. A won- 1 derful value. Bed has 2-inch posts, 5 massive fillers and is guarantee for 10 years; mattress is made of the best of materials and New Dtlgn Go-Cart covered with fancy art ticking; weighs 45 pounds. The spring is made with all steel frame and g AC entire combination , W 111 7 at,., HSteel Mings f:l n- J -My? i A one-iaotton, feldlna Oo-Cert. ikiada eniireir or tuouier ateeir larae WDeeia and cuehlon tlrea. adlualable back and dun, roon.y eeat and larye hood. All colore, extra roomy. ac Positively a epiendld vol. T(' no at the epeclal tow price ' ll of w Seamless Wilton Velvet Rug listeria, y. larta latterna, na. Tbla 141s Ixl 1 ft. alae, made of flneat materia, hlirh pile and unuauallr heavy, large ' aaeortment of new aprtns pattern. Ineludlna many Oriental deslfna. Tbla Is a apienaia opporiu- rj nltv to eeleet a beaatl- l ful rue; at the apaclal price ot 1414?16-18 Douglac St. 1414-16-.3 Douglas St. WILL SELL EGGS BY WEIGHT Coal Dealers ia Trouble Draft Hew and Radical Ordinance. 10 EE SUBMITTED TUESDAY rrevtawa lar vraaeatem Oeeeeeltea Tea Baaeel the Jtwaabe at ' Waawaa feed kjr tha ' ' i Coal Dealera. 'Attorneys W. T. Connell and J. & Vaa tMra and J. I Kemp, the latter repre sendnc tba latereets of US smalt ceel dealera. are draftlnt aa ordmaace provld Inc for a sraduated aeeupatlea tax. aeU Ins of starry all cemmodltlea by wattnt end minor other radical departures from eataMlahed csatom. Tbla ordinance will be unwanted ta the clly eouncn Tueeday a-enm aad speedy action arced. Ether A. C. Kneel or W. a Sheldon will preeent the ordinance. It la understood they wilt etand spaaser tor and.Ofht tor fU'paaaace. - ' ArbMaa directly out at the fallare ta aallect auoupawea taaes trom small coal eealar tha erdlnanca will ee- aa drafted that practically everjr Una ot merohaadlae wta be atfeeteA ' reawltlra to Short Welsh ta. It the ordinance paaeed. set only potatoea, apples aad earrota wtll he aoM by weight, but ecsa as well and proper penaltlea wOt be provided for abert walshta. Aa attempt la bow bun made to ar rant to acala of occupatloa tasaa at autt all concerned. The amount at the tax win be baaed ea the aumeer at waa-ewa aaed by each firm, eilowaace belac made for alack aad rush eeaeena. Lararr coal dealera content to pay IS a year la eeeupatlon taxea and deetrtng the preeent ardtaanaa kept la effect, wta probably combat the effort at the amallar dealera to fet what they tana "fab? May." None hot a few of the larcer dealers hare paid their ocoapetlea taxes thia year. of(S''a4?)'ew"a yAdluster's Value Salel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Water Hose, Cutlery. l-t V CI jr llilli ill VyUl kJLUVIV at uuuvaiu v. . i X Space Will Not Permit of a Long List of Prices. - , ', S Come and See for Yourself, ' S Dunning Hard ware Co. 1612 Harney Street ' Crop Outlook in . the State is Great Anton" Mcbna, at the Merchants, tn Omaha aa a ehlpeaeat at atoek trom New man Orove. hla home tor twenty-two years, epeaka aptlaaletlcalty on the crop aatmak thai year. earn, that tail wheat aenrer looked hotter la aerthera Nebraska. The fanoera. he said, are not m the leaet troubled on the eatdjeora outlook aa they were prepared tor a shortage ot eeed. ' He behoves that ' bumper crops should he obtained by tha farmare ia al trains. "The seed corn special.' be said. "Woke tha tanners up In my section. Aaricut rural axserta who cases throuia the Brat part at tha month hava tauaht tham few thiaa they data't know, and the farraera wta sake advastaga at what they hava learned. BIG PIER AT ATLANTIC CITY DESTROYED BY FIRE ATLUUCTIC ciTT, N. J. atarsa aw TToaaa'a Ocean pier, aaa of tae a tut- tares alone too sea treat of this resort, wee aoeuwyed ay Ore ean woay. one dremaa. who feB Hhrouai. a roof, waa Injured.- . Tha pter was about tm teat lose Tha whale structure wtth ta. exorptloa of about US test at the shore end was eoae pleteiy deatroyad aad the kwa la estimated at Wtss. . The Bra from aaa at the dreaaias roome of the theater epread to the Kt and then waa carried .by tba land areeaa "out toward tha aaa. The Bra do pertmeat piaiaated tae flamaa trom rcachtaa- the hoard walk. 8ht Breene were rajured. It yea have aaythme ee axeaaaco, aaV reruee It la Tha Bos Want Ad BODY OF ARMY CHAPLAIN ; . . FOUND IN ILLNOIS RIVER a Joha E. Dattam ef the tantry, atatkmod at ran t na. who aaa been mlea- oat for twe weeks, baa I , the IlUaota rrnr near ecoordina to a bill a, i am IN"DIANAJOIJ9, Ind.. March (h-Tho bodv at Chaplain Joha K. Daaam ef the Twenty-third Infantry, etatkmed at ran BvefcuBin Marrleom. who aw tram the post for been found aa the IlUaota hteredeela. EL, received today by Cctoaet E. T. Oieaa ot tha recMMnt from Dallam's brother. Phillip Dallam, ef Warsaw. 111. Whether It appeared the chaplain had beea ac cidentally diowatd or bad corn aimed aul a waa not ate tee. Ho had beea BMadent b ensues of Ilk Oieaa aahV A wtth both paxtlaa Bucklea's Arnica Sal re. Heahj wensda, sores, bama. koila. cats or pOes. Only Sc. Tot aafct by Diatia Prat; Oa.