I li THE UJdAiU fcbADAY BLE: AiAKlil.31, 1112. AMUSEMENT. mi'SESGITS. 25c MATINEE TODAY25c TONIGHT ALL WEEK-DAILY MATINEES nOTO FLAT DE XtUX - r u yy THE DIVINE SARAH IN mx xASTsmpixca or monuu Acrnra CAM ILLC AND MADAM REJANC TB THE CZI.ESKATZO IUICI COMJEDT "MADAM SANS GENE" NICHTS 15-25-50e MATS. 15-25o t Ai UE li u tmh iM - il: fi ,..-. !fi van I S 1 ).. . : 4&. I j tJ F As'W y I A. v x ft iZlifflEAZOSJZDCEAllXIZ ; in BOVD I (hratar. for Tbura- 1 dar. Friday and Saturday, 1 I April 4, ( and , conta E. H. othtrn and Julia MarMWa, tha IMding ShakMpaaraaa x pomnia of tha Amrrlcaa tba- mw. They will ba awn In four of tha !;) of thalr ivpartolra aa followi: , Thuraday nlfht "Tamln of tna Bhraw;" ' Friday nlfht. "Tha Merchant of Venloa," Haturday matlnca. "Bonwo and Juliet;" Haturday lht. "HamlaL" Mr. Hotharo aad Miaa Marlowa hava for aumbar o( yaara hold faithfully to tha atandard of tha claaalo drama, and thlr reward haa baan both (ratlf)1nc and 'richly daaarvad. Thy ara walcomod levarywner by crowded and antbuataatlo audlancaa, and tkalr macnlflcant Bhakaa Ipaaraan rovlvala hare arouaad tramandoua tmeraat amon( playfoara of all claaaaa who hava baen quick to appreciate tha .dlaplay of aplandld hlatrlonlim and tha I rich Intellectual treat. Aaldo from thla i they have exploded tha oft promulgated fallacy that Kbakeapeara "apalla ruin." ,end hare damoaatroted Inatead that m 'ovary dty there la a boat of playcoan arllllnf and eater to aupport tha beat In claaalo drama when H la raaanted la a dignified and proper manner. Mr. Bother and Mlaa Marlowe bare on hl(h dlatlnetloa la both Bbakea peara'a oomedlaa and hla tracadtea,. and tna aetaotlon of playa for tola city la veil calculated to teat- their undeniable varaatlllty. They are , equally at .borne In the work! of lighter Tela and thoae of tragte power, aad they have a faoulty for Imbuing their character! with a new tine and freehnoae which la vaatly re freeblng after yeara of hide-bouad tradl lion. They have aucoeeded In Impartloc te Skakaapeare a human quality which ij haa made him mora popular oa the Amer ican etage than be waa before , Among the well known play era In tha large oupportlnc organlaatlon are (Fred erick Lewie, Bewlaod Buckatone. Tbomaa t-alamaa. John Taylor. WlUlam . Harrt France Bendter, Malcolm Bradley, Mayne l.ynton.- Lenore Chippendale,- Morah lmleoa. Milllcent McLaughlin' and lna Uoldamtth. The production of the playa to be given here, while made with due legard for hlatork-al accuracy, are de ac.itwd a aurpaaatng la acenlo amballlah menia, eoatumlng and furelahlnga any lreTloua pk-torlal aoceaaorlaa ever at tempted with Shakespearean playi oa the .American etage. It ehouid be borne la niind that owing to the elaborate nature ul the productloaa the curtain will rlae .promptly at I 'o'clock evening and at I clock at the matinee. ' a . Madame Barah Bernhardt and Madame :i:iane will - be asen at the Braadtie tiirater all neat week In photo playa. illadam Bernhardt will be area In "lmille" and Madame Reano will be ln la "Madame Sana 0000." The i.lcturea are the work of tuo French American Film company. After produc ing "Madame Sana Oene," a marvelloui film with which It bee eotalaed hamenee aucceaa, the company turned to "Camllle' aa Interpreted by Sarah Bernhardt. To rcalnw the work of Dutnaa with the char acter aad the style grvea te It by the great tragedienne the French-American Film company chose the moat dlatlngianad artlkta oa the FnrJatan etage te play the different roles. - If we 'add to all these elemeat the science and the manner m which "Camllle - Is ataged. It la easy to perceive the perfeethK of the whole pro gtctioa which kt the traasUtiea of Bern hardt'a genius. Tnia Aba marks a treat event In the world of tha motion picture which will perpetuate ta the eeoturieo to erne thee two name, marked already by the atamp of InuBortallty: Alexander LHimae (son) and Sarah Bernhardt The Spring Maid'' comes agsla te the UtmneMa oa Easter Sunday for four days end Wednesday matinee la wttlte and gold; through It and beauty. Everywherei HeUartch Relay, bardtta eparetts baa beta welcomed as ewe worth going to ere and thee going to oca again, for In addition to It laugh ter and music wit sad sentiment, it eoa- taine Misa. HaMs. 'With Ailaa Bajoe win return the saucl ergaiUaatloa ef wagers, chorus and orcbaatra. ineladlng ieorge Leoa Moore aa Frlnee AJadar; Dorothy Mayssxd as the caqoettiah spring girl. Jack Baftaet. TlOie Salinger, Dorothy Im Mar aad ethers, but the character eC the pompoae actor of the o.4 acheo) Is aoar piayad by Charles Mo Nacgatea who has been brought from the iLeadoa productio ef "The Spring Matd," aad baa beaa the foiuuiuet agHah 1 eemed lea for mere thaa ata years. There M ais aaotber change which VTerba aad "r I'.f 1 .r. t y v t I - Lueacher have mide In tha dealre to make the organlaatlon an even mora bril liant one, Charlaa H. Hart, a lyrio tenor of reputation and dramatlo ability, now alnge the stirring mueto falling to the role, of Baron Rudl, ..v The group of walti aonga In "The Spring Maid" have swept the country with fascinating melodies, and the re hearing of "Day Dreamt." "Two I it ll Love Beet," "How I Love a Pretty Face" and "The Fountain Fay" will appeal again to thousands who have welcomed the coming of the better thing In light opera presented with a great array of singing votcee and an unusual orchestra. At the Orpiieum 4hla. week. Theodore Roberta, the famous character actor, will present "The Sheriff of Shasta," a west- Idyl. ' MA Roberta' has wont fame through hla remarkable .interpretation of auch rolea aa Tabywana la "The'Squaw Man." Cenbr Ih "Arlaona" and Simon Leiree In "I'acl Tom'a Cabin." Aa a atar he appeared to advantage' Iq "The Barrier" and 'The Right of Way." "The Sheriff of Shasta" la a vivid picture o' California 'life' In fie early days. Mr, Roberts la supported by a strong cast. , Reynolds A Oonegan. "dancers on roll ers," are attired ta spectacdTar coatumea and do their work before aa effective background. Juliet, the young woman who is shrouded la mystery, will offer a eerlea of humorous character studies. Oeorge Carson and Jake Wlllard, two well known dialect comedians, will present aa act en. titled "Dutch ta China." The Four Rltch tes will give a unique oyollng perform, anca, using a remarkable oollectloa of freak machines, The rider are Terr skilled and Introduce) a large number of daring faata. The Farter girls, two charming young women, will appear In a skit called "Dainty Bite "of Vodevule." Bmie and Mildred Pott a. will offer a com. blnatloo Boveltry which la really a bag punching exhibition. e Presenting two musical burlettaa, the first entitled "Studio Life" and the sec ond "The Dashing Widow." the Merry Maidens company comes te the Krug theater for a week commeBctag with the usual Sunday matinee. There are plenty of eong hits, a young and pretty chorus and a aoenlo equipment that la probably the moot elaborate of any burlesque or ganisation. 'A wall defined eTfort ha? been made to take the measure of the stats of mind of ths average patron ef the burlesque house and give him wna he wants. Irving Gear aad Mike J". Kelly sustain the principal comedy roles la the pieces presented aad Fera Melroee and Lille Brennaa capably handle the key atone femlnle parte. Chooceeta. pro gramed as "The Dancer do Luxe," la aa announced "extra attraction." -e-e) - For the coming week at the American Manager Woodward has prepared aa elaborate productloa of "The Blga of the Cross," a strong melodrama dealing with the conditions that surrounded the Chris tian la Rome under Kara, written by Wll eoa Barf ell for his swa use. Mr. Barrett made a play of unusual appeal, and pro vided two central flguree that contrast admirably,. Msrda, the Christian maiden, and Marcua Superbus, ths young Roman, favorite of the emperor and popu lar with all. Theee roles will be played by Mia Lang aad. Mr. Dexter, and they will have the support at not only- ths company, but of a greatly augmented cast, for the play Is one that calls- for many people. It also requires much scen ery and most ambitions system of light ing, all of which haa been provided by Mr. Woodward. The first performance will be at. the matinee oa Sunday, lend the bill will run all week, with other matt Beet oa Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday. ' ' While all seasoa the Gelety baa offered a Weekly change of extravsgamts. It win offer today and the entire week the first burlesque of the era eon burlesque in the truest sens in that It satirises one of the greatest dramatic works ef modern times. "Madam X." If you saw Alexaa- dor. BlsaoB'a powerful story of mother tore when It was presented at the Bran dels theater hut seasoa or at the Boyd theater last month, then your mind la la a moat receptive mood to accept and appreciate the subtle humor la the bar leaqoe of the famous drama's court room scene which christened "Madam X-csse Me." Its fua as nncesstng. Ia the mat ter of costumes, characters and eeealeally the mansgement presents aa exact replica ef the eaiebratsd last act ef "Madam X." iq':l WsZrT SS. Biaton'a story la closely enough adhered to that none of lta points are adhered to that none of Its points are overlooked, but It develop In auch a rkllcuolus man ner that la laid to cauaa one to wonder if the story was over treated other than a travesty of burlesque. The pre senting company Is beaded by the two comics, Fttigeraid and Qulnn, lJxaie Fre- Itgn, Bam Brown, Charles Jensen, Josle KJne, Kdna Green and a big chorus, tns entire company appearing under the cap tion of The Bowery Burleaquers, Aalde from "Madam X-cuae Me." the company will be seen In a laughable aklt called -Too Much Isaacs," which In Itself Is d t be a great laugh maker, aside from affording ample opportunity for the numerous musical numbers In many changes of pretty wardrebe. There will be a ladles' dime matinee dally, alerting tomorrow. SAFEGUARDS FOR THE GIRLS Byatematte Effort by Travelers and Society te Remedy Seme ef ' ' .the lessee. "Fifty thousand young women and girls are lost In the United ettataa every year. They almply drop out of existence," de clared Theodore Bingham, formerly commissioner of police In New York. Aooordiag to the publication committee of the Charlttee Org animation society of Msw Tork. there Is ample proof of thla en tile la Washington and In the records of the' United etatea Immigration com mlsatoa. A report of the Immigration league of 1 Chicago for 1M1 says mat in one year 1,M young women disappeared between j New York and Chicago pt whom no trace j could be found. Thoueanda of ambitious young women come to the great cities every year, hoping to belter their condi tion ad wtn aa honorable livelihood. Lacking experience and resources they fall easy prey to unacrupuloue men whe are always In search ef unprotected 1 women and girls. j To remedy thla condition, rVports the ' New York Herald, an effort waa made : alx yeara ago to guard the railroad ter- ; mine la and atearaship ptera In New York, j and to protect thoee passing through tha : city. Sixteen railroads discharge no seen- 1 gere continually at seven terminate la New York City and across the Hudson. Eleven lines of transatlantic steamships , land thousands of passenger every year. Ninety tinea of ateamshlpe plying between New York end other ports land thousands ; more. Many of them are young women 1 who require protection. Friende and rela Uvea often find It Impossible to meet them. In' auch case the escort of an affable maa te a so-called respectable hotel or boarding house le Innocently ac cepted. To offset these dangers the Traveler' AM aodety provides Information, advice, guidance aad protect loo to those needing assistance, lta agents, who apeak dif ferent laagusges, conduct travelers at any time, day or Bight, to their dtatlna ttoa Ib the city or to train or ateamahtpa. Thla assistance at continued by agents at other points, until the traveler Is known te have reached the proper destination. The aodety co-operates with other erga- maatlono between New York and Sen Francisco, and also with aid societies la foreign countries. Frequently railroad ofTleiala co-operate with the society. All Incoming steamship passengers, except the steerage, which Is eared for by the goeerneaent. are met at the pear by agents of the society. Rooms are taesrved at headquarter for genet without charge. Young ' frequently com ta this country te be 7 married. Many auch cases are turned over to the society by the government. More than K.0M persona, representing thirty-two nationalities, and apeaklng thirty-nine languagea and dialect, have been helped In the last alx yeara. In the last tear the number haa averaged more than 1,000 a month, th majority of whom were women under a, traveling alone. REWARDS OF A DRESSMAKER French Women Draws 0,00O a Yewr Besides Her latereet la ths Basinets. If anybody la. qualified to explain the myetortous processes by which faahlona in dresa are Imposed upon the world It muat be the head of the Parisian house or Paquln In tha Rue do la I'aix. says the Woman's Home Companion. There I no doubt of the efficiency with which aha dominates ths greatest dress making establishment In the world, kmc. Paquln assumed "the dictatorship of the realm of fashion." as the phrase makers will hava It, la December, U07, upon the death of her hut band. M. lea der Paquln waa decorated by the minis ter of commerce for his service to Francs through his pre-eminent genius In his art lie was an unknown clerk of the Pari Bourse, and hla bride was an equally obscure little dressmaker at the time of their marriage, about ISM. But shortly after they aet up housekeeping a wealthy AMIREMKXTS. Devoted to Btrteoly XUgk e)raae xtravaarenae aad TaadeeiUe TWICE DAILY wV.1-. MAT. TODAY gmsaay atstlsss Curtain at Si0 Another ef Joe urtlg Oood Shew OWERV i EiuEsinn li . Might aa wen be called mTaraev at, awleeqsere; ta era's nothing la the shew savoring ef Mew Tork 'a faxeoas Bowery, the perfotxaaaoe being eleaa aad iaoffeasive. . Company lactates rmotiuD a QunraT, USXIA FESUOM, " A BASTS OF JOTIAi JgSTZAS SPECIAL FEATURE Bide-spUtttng travesty oa the Oewt """as eeeae 01 ise reigsaag era wis tie sacsiee ei tae pest two ssaaam at,- aaa aa MADAM Xcil9eE iesr Keader; 1 said lut season that "Madam X-cuae We la the funnleet thing ever staged and that bet still roes ss It lay a The drama "Madam X" having been here re cently should make the satire ap pear even fonmer than before. K. L. JOHNSON. Mar. Gavety. arveauaa-s aad asaday Mstlaae lit, ase. Sea aad 5e VTjMats. 15c ft 25c 57 Chew gax it yes Has, bwt a atenHag LADIES' 4ft a At A'T Week TICKETS WW Day Matinee. Baby carnage Gsrsgs In the Lobby. Certified Milk for the Asking. IrzZ2lkEZZ!a - A( QxCjayefr patron established them In a dressmaking business, small, but In an excellent loca tion. At that time the great artist of fashion were wont to hold themsetvea coldly and myatcrloualy aloof from their patrons. The newcomer In the field adopted an opposite policy. Monsieur, a osrn diplo mat 'and a faralghted business ' man, jounf, handsome and suave, and nwdame, charming and tactful, were always acces sible and always courteous. Huch qualities, supplementing unques tioned taste and- originality, proved to compelling that by the end of a doten year the annual Income of the houaa of Paquln waa about HOO.000. Today It la probably far In excesa of that figure. Aalde from her Interest In the establish ment. Dim. Paquln draws a salary of ttn,oot. The detail of buainea 1 enormous. A mall army la employed not only In de signing, experimenting and making, but also In scouting for new Ideas to be modified or exaggerated. Then there are the mannequins, who exhibit the costume In the ahowrooms, not to apeak of per aona of far more consequence who wear th lateat creations on ths stage or at the race, I laaaeresa Bargery In tha abdominal region la often pre vented by the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifier. So. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. AMI SKMESTS. AMERICAN " THEATER " Week Starting; Matinee Today at 2:15. Mat. liies-, Thar., Nat. MISS EVA LANG and THE WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY Presenting the Great Rellgioas Ilay AT THE SIGH OF THE CROSS A Bl Production in Four Act and Six Hreirrs Over Sixty People Engaged . NEXT WEEK "THE FIGHTING HOPE" . WW rVAn down town shopping drop into For a cup ot gcod coffee or tea and a light lunch. The place ot excel lent cuisine, mod. crate p r I e e t and charming atmosphere COURTNEY'S Sevratre-nth aad Douglas EASTER SUNDAY 4 NIGHTS WEDNESDAY MATINEE TtUi ul LUESCXEB'S TntruUam of tlu ruuu T1bbm Opn All tlw World la PTBdinr Afaia and AtnUa. izzi HajosintheSpringMaid Tha Vanaoal Company of Night Prlc-$2.00to50o 0 0Y0'S3SpTM!Thur.Apr.4 MATINEE SATURDAY E. H. JULIA SOTHERN I MARLOWE Id Shakespearean Repertoire PRICES, 50c to Seats Now Selling. ARRANGEMENTS OF PLAYS Thursday Night Taming of the Shrew. Friday Night The Merchant of Venice. Saturday Matinee Romeo and Juilet. Saturday Night Hamlet. NOTE Owing, to tha elaborate nature ot the production, the cur tain will rise at 8 o'clock evenings and at 2 o'clock at the matinee. Phones Doug. 494; Ind. A-1494. ADVANCED ALL WEEK STARTING MATINEE TODAY Vaudeville Premier of the Eminent Character Actor THEODORE ROBERTS . ' In a Western Idyl, "The Sheriff of Shasta." The Coronation Act 1 irrt Earle Nellie tJULIt I T REYNOLDS & DONEGAN lBHamoru' ch The Internationally Famous eaassssssassasxesaasaaasaam Classic Dancer, oa Roller. JHE FOUR RITCHIES GEOKUK JAKE Cycle That's All CARSON AND WILLARD ERNIE &, MILDRED POTTS THE FARBER GIRLS Combination Novelty Duo "W "'" .1?"" ORPHEUM COKCFRT K1NET0SG0PE ORCHESTRA Projecting the Lateat In Anl- , 1K mated Photography. 15 Talented Artittg 15 except Saturday and Sunday. All Week, Beginning Today 2:30; The Rapid Fire Show The Merry Maidens WITH CHOOCEETA The Greatest 1 lancer of Them All. TWO MISICAL BI BLESQIES "Studio Life" and "Tha Dashing Widow" AND A BEAt-TIFfl, ART SERIES OF LIVING PICTURES . Two lectured on Christian Science Vade the aaspicee ef First Church of Christ,. Scientist of Omaha WW be delivered by Bicknell Young; C. S. Member of 0e Board of Lectureship af the Mother Church, the Flrat Church of Chrlat. Scientist. In Boston. Mass. At tha Church Edifice, SC Mary's Ave. aad SMth St. April 1 nd 2, at 8 p. m. are The Joyous Opera and The Saucy Singer Original Bprinr Mall Orcbaatra. Wad. Mat. $1.50 to 2Se Matinee Kverr Day 2: 13, Every Niglit 8:13 VAUDEVILLE: J Night 8:30. j?. She Will Be Delighted with th dinner todar If yon tJk hr to the BSIaMOV BESTA7B aUTT. Tbe good food, th pleas ant urroundinajs and perfect ven-ti-aUon will so to inkk a very pleasant meaL The foods we serra are the beat tbe mark it affords. The rtrintoo In excellent and our wallers prompt and otjrteoaa Table d'Hote Dinner served frooL liam.to8p.m. 4c and gs)C. Look for lartre Electric 8lfii- Dodtre Street- Opea all alffbt C N. Ball, Prop. I iyvfli5t.-ay.fle-y SI V I