Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    .lHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 31. 1912.
I advisability of shifting to tha proper
low gear befor tb hill Is reached. -j
Although the brake oa the modern
: motor car are exceedingly powerful aad
clutch. But to concentrate in two wire
the force that m required- to bring to a
widen stop a rapidly moving object as, .
Heavy a Is the average automobile is
evidently a severe tu upon the strength or "J
the rubber, and If the wheeta are made
to slide the strain will be even greater. -Harold
W. Slauson la Harper's Weekly.
fc&terated ia TioronjLfr Be
trees Hire tad Sioux City.
';aiat Ifeeilat; of CmI Cessx-
Along the
Automobile Eow
Omaha Safety Device Proves Its Worth
highly efficient, tha rasceaalty for a aud
dea stop should be avoided whenever pos
sible. To bo sure. If th clutch n released
before the brake are applied, the prin
cipal strain will he act up between the
brake drums, wheels and tires, and will
not reach th motor, transmission or
If you have anything to exchange, ad
vertise it In The Bee Want Ad column
. atiltee ( Cetseaaerelal Clab aa -Aata
Claa a Be Helal
Wllllam Weaver, sale manager for th
Interstate Automobile company, left last
week to doe up contracts la th Bonn
era part of tna state. Ha write that
business la unusually good, and says that
th proepocts are excellent for a big sea
Om of tne latest proposition that 1
faumuac th Omaha Motor club, th
uoana AutomeWl club and tb toad
son when th roada open up.
load (Otunltln of the Commercial elua
la irirxlnx and Improvement 01 aa
A, ah lament of roadsters was received
by th InlersWs Automobile company
ttcnoUle road 'rM Omaha to 8loux
tr an th rait aid of tha Missouri
last week.
THer ar a aumber of good roads
boosters ia tha town west of the river
,.iMr Interest la tali matter.
S;i:x City Automobile clubBM also
laxen m tha proposition.
TtKre is a road marked oa tha Iowa
aide, let on tha vest aid there 1
beta retain eon as far. It 1 now
j'Tor-oaii to marit a route from Omaha
through Sorenee, Calhoun, uiair. I -
tiiih i.nd other town between Omaha
and flour. City.
At a Joint meeting of th good roada
ccntmitlre of the Commercial club and
.the ttro Omaha automobile organisation
tu be held Monday evening In th office
of IL I- Hello. City National Bank
building, this new road matter, a wen as
other questions, will be considered. Now
tiiat (he automobile touring aeaaoa la
I near at hind the motorist of Omaha
have determined to see that all tha good
'automobile roads leading Into tha city
are well marked, and It I potslbl that
a. lion will be taken In this regard,
i T! following subcommittee of th
'good reads committee of th Commercial
Icljb been appointed:
Publldty-P. H. Dearmont, Ml I'M
laud lurry Lawrle. .
Citj- lieulevsrds-Hamr lwrla, J. E.
Kleerse and Mel t hi.
' County Koads-H. E. Prederlcluoa, S.
,21. fprsxue and & A. Bearle.
LIUtlon-W. t. Hosford. B. A.
.Fearl. J. B. Georga, H. U Hallo and
K. II. ftrau. ..
RJsn Hoards-E. H. Bprague, H, E.
Fredrtckion and W. D. Hosford.
Itoad Conventlona-a. A. Bearle, P. U
Dalle and P. H. Uearmout.
Vanderbilt Cup Race '
I Not for Long Island
NKW YORK. March -It is Iropoe
a hi that th Vanderbilt cue race of
ll will find Ita way back -to Lone
J Vend. This much was developed la a
recent Ulk with William Schlmpf of
jireoklva. chairman of th eontaet board
tC tha American Automobile asodatlOB.
.According to Mr. Schlmpf, th nil re
quiring military protect loo for course
over which road race ere rua under th
Benetton of th national body la not ia
JlexIWe and ess bo revised Informally at
th discretion of th member of the
contest Board.
"Th drawback In th mailer of hold
ing road race on Long Island la this,"
aid Mr. Schlmpf, "that w cannot see.
ta view of what happened In previous
races, how a contest can safely be held
unices military protection I Insisted upon.
Any rac of th feme of th Vanderbilt
cup, held close to th most oongested
center of populatloa la America, la oar
tajn to draw aa Bormou ueamblag. ,
"Personally, I wouM llk to see th
as brought back to this krt of the
tountry. Th Vanderbilt I th Long
Island classes and that ihoula bo Its
J ome; but, as an official at th contest
board, I esrtamly wooVd huttaw to tax
tli responsibility of sanctioning aura a
tiniest unless abeoluta assurance of
i sieljr to th spectators gad th eontest
ant could be given.
"This It th suustlon as It standa to
day. Th contest board has th power
l ssukism a race anywhere, but If It
doe allow tha holding of the Vanderbilt
cup' rac si Rlvorhead or oa any other
part of Long Island, It will only be when
e ars certain that th protective meas
ures will be all-sufficient to insure antlr
safety te aiL" .
Predrickson Has
Rocks for Postoff ice
While H. K. rrearlckson I wU known
In Omaha a a dealer la automobtlas, hs
is a well known la th atata of Wyom
ing as th owner of on of th prettiest
ranches In the (tat oa which severe)
varieties of mountain trout mak their
horn la In lift! Laramto river, which
flow through hi place.
la toe book gotten out by th Untoa
J'scKI oa th outing places along its
road, la Colorado and Wyoming, Mr.
rdrtcxsen's ranch I spoken of aa oa
of the chief fishing resorts la the out
of Wyoming, where schools of mountain
trout bold session durlag tha long auna
sner month.
Mr. rrearlcksoa w alao knewa aa poet,
master la tha territory urroundlng bit
isach. A hug pllo of rock la the canter
of his place I known as FUmore, wher
all. laa train drop th mall for people
In that territory, and which ta ukea to
Mr. FrcdricluoB ranch house where it
l distributed t tb owners.
"Just aa aooa aa th weather gets a
Jittla warmer and tb road a lltta bet
I km going to hitch ap my Chalmers
' and drlva out to the rase." aM Mr.
Fredrtckaoa. -f latend to apeod th
greater part of th summer there, tor
th fishing la certainly flD. and aay
thing I like te do the most autatde of
Belling automobiles I to catch th Uttl
fish la tb brock oa my Uttl fly hook."
A writer la BdenUfle Amertcaa has paid
a great tribute to too eearnlag gemuo
f Henry Ford. Detroit's motor car manu
facturer, often referred to a th "father
of tb auiomotale. , , . ,
o aam was mentioned la th Sctea
tifl American, bat picrure of the fa
mous Ford Bsaga, used to niuatrat
th article, leave aa doubt that th fol
lowing referred to th Ford car:
"Credit aasl be give to th designer
of one at tb worse" snoot popular low
priced automobile far th Tory arlgtaal
and radical departure of Incorporating
too magnet for tgntuea and lighting per
pose mrtctly wiu tb By wheel of th
Map aWoaht aaleaaasw.
T provide ajstossobiie for Its aslasinsa
all over the world tha PUlsbenr MUU
campaay of Mianeapell cioaed
for eeoty-eve Hupiaabu
Thai hag pun lisss reflects th groermg
eaataiact f large atabHahmaata toward
th ecoaoesl Talon of th motor ear over
other farm of tranepartatkr'. DeUveriea
wis be mad by tb Hupp Motor Car
conrpeny f Detroit direct te
keaauirters of tb big milling corpora-
R. Shearer of Ottumw. Ia, purchased
a Molina ear last week.
Manager Real of th Molln Automobile
company aoid a car. to O. F." Alfred of
Genoa, Ken., last Thursday.
Business I coming la fast to the Arthur
gtors Supply company. In fact, tb whole
shop force la continually on the Jump
looking after the shipment of orders sent
by th six salesmen out In th terri
tory. Th company received a large ship
ment of Federal Urea hut week, making
their nock complete. Beside automo
bile equipments, tb company also carries
a lino of wearing apparel.
Frank H. Smith, assistant sales man
ager of the Rtude baker factories, visited
Manager Keller of th local branch last
week. Mr. Bmlth I on hi way to Los
Angeles. .
Although It oftsn occur that aa auto
mobile become (truck by another ma
chine, or aom other object,, th S-M-F
' la probably tha only car that has
aver been stag struck. Th car waa hit
as hard that it spent a week oa the stag
th Xrug theater, ahowtag off to
largo audiences each day last week he-
fore It became tired of th bright glitter
of the footlights and tha gay Ufa of a
burlesque troupe. When Manager
Frank set out to find aa automobile to
tan part In th (how, h found that ih
form, rtyl and sis of th K-M-F ear
Just what hs anted, and Wasted
a tlm la getting Manager aUller's per
mission to show off tha fin point of
th car during th week at . ha) show
A Mario roadster was sold ta C. P.
Fields of tha Carpenter Paper company
last week.
Manager McDonald of th Marloa Auto
amain company Is going to Install a
motor generator la the garag In th near
futur u tak car of th electric oar.
Manager Huff of the Nebraska Bulnk
ompany, received a telegram from th
Bulck factory this Weak stating that the
Howard Aato company af laa Francisco
had Just wired In an order for a third
trammed of M Bulck ear. - Thl makes
N la lty day that hav besa shipped
to that point, making a total retail vain
of tm.m. Th bulck factory also ad
vised Mr. Huff that this order would not
interfer with ether order already
bookers, ss these car will b built la two
In talking of th utput of ear this
year Mr. Huff of th Nebraska Bulck
ompany says there will b a snort age of
good cars. Th Bulck company will build
, Bulck. Tha Nebraska Bulck Auto
company ha a liberal allotment, but It
cannot be Increased because Bulck ear
are equally popular all over th country.
and every Bulck bra nek win tak and sell
car thaa their ahar If they can
get them.
Th Nebraska Bulck Auto company r-
porta carload shipment for th week to
th following deal era throughout Its ter
ritory. H. C Bang, . Spencer, la.: Baal-
doa Auto company, Rhsldon, Ia.. two car
loads; Scott Aute company. Norfolk. Neb.;
urcawooa Auto eompany. Larch wood.
la.; Boon 'Auto company. Boon. U.;
F. A. Huurabu. Harlan, la.; Trsmala
Rankin. Fart Dodge, Ia.; D. P. Noonaa.
Cherokee, Ia.; Wad ft Burnlgtit, Akron.
ia.; Roy a. Mesaar. Hartley, la.; Oeorg
Lewis, Dean, la.; Algona Auto and Ma
ck Ins Work,. Ruthven, la. Thia make
a total of thlrty-nln carload that th
Nebraska Bulck Aula company has
hipped direct to Ita agsnta In th terfl.
tory during th month of March,
H. O. Jackson of th amglcr-Jaekaoa
Brekerag company bought a 'V Hup-
aaobilo of the W. U Huffman Automobile
eompany Thursday. Mr. Jackson expects
to tak a trip to hi old horn la Wiscon
sin thia summer aad wiu mak a tour of
th stat accompanied by hi wife,
Dr. M. M. Loom I of BIT Lothrop street
purchased a a horw-power long stroke
Hupmoblls of th W. L. Huffman Auto-
BMblla company last week and will re
ceive his new car next Monday, when
thro carload ars expected to arrive. .
Dr. Charlea O. Perdral. th globe-trot
ting editor of Health Magadan of New
Tork City, who ha Just returned from
Alaska, wher he took th Abbott-Detroit
"Bulldog" over tbo dreaded Whit
Peas aad woo th trophy offered by th
I" y Alaskan of Bkagway for th first
aatoraobtlo to drlva from Bkagway Ma
water to th headwater of the Tukoa
river aad north of at degree, haa aom
aw stories oa th richness aad fertility
of Alaska, and aa a proof of tha sen-
macaeaa of hi ta.'e points to th hand
some nugget pin of gkamlng gold which
and hi eompanloa, Oeorg Brown.
wear ta theirneckties. According to 'Dr.
nrctvai thy secured th auggata by
washing tha "Bulldog" off oa their re
turn from Dawson and oa panning the
dirt tnua obtained secured tha two aug-
Ms sod 17 worth of dust.
AD repel re -will h made oa Oakland
sr try th Mclntyr Automobile ea
aaay for aa year sftsr tb buyer hav
tbeta la their poaaeassoB. providing the
injuria t th oar are not caused by th
eegllgence of tb driver. This la nothing
aew, aa tha Mclntyr company haa been
Mag thl for tha last three yeara, "and
wa are Mill making money." sard Mr.
' The reason wo cab do this.- ho say.
"m hoeaoa w put out a car that can
be ran day In aad day out without taking
tt to the repair (hop. If wo put out
car that continually waa la need of i
Pairs It would be tmpoaslble for ua to
make thia proposition to Oakland ovrn-
ra." . -
T back thia guarantee Mr. Mclntyr
has deposited money la local bank with
tb nudei standing that an lees ho sticks
to his promise be lose th rnbtwy.
Tnere ta Bo danger af my losing the
scaua I will stick to Bur prora-
snd willingly repair an cars within
i rtar'g time," a aH "but I ia sure
Fender Dropid.
Fender Folded.
The Standard fender Is tb Invention of
three Omaha men and la Intended for a
"catch-em-quick." The fender has been
tried and It waa shown that a swiftly-
moving automobile could swoop down on
a child, the fender could be thrown out
aad th child gathered unhurt Into a
Ia the experiment a child waa no used.
but bags of Band weighing 20 to 300
pounds served th same purpose. The net
Is fixed In a leather car in front of
the car. When folded It will not detract
from tha beauty of the raciest auto. It
can be thrown In aa Instant, so that It
will spread In front of the auto. A lever
near th emergency brak operates the
This net Is made of linen of a coarse,
strong fiber and will sustain a weight of
Ms to TIE) pounds. It is held la place when
extended by steel coda The entire inven
tion I hand made and required th spar
time of the three mea for a year and a
B. F. Stsnnard, A. Aginakee and Mich
ael Black are the Inventors and they have
taken out patent lights In Great Britain,
tier-many and France and will Boon have
made application for patents In all' the
principal countries of continental Europe.
"We have organised a company," aald
Mr. Black, who I employed In the city
engineering department, "and with a
few thousand dollar we will start la a
email way. We have secured a patent
In the United State and foreign coun
tries. Automobile manufacturer and
those who have examined the fender think
It will work a revolution.
"Of course. It Is not Intended to en
courage reckless driving, nor Is It to
be used xcept In ease of the most argent
emergency, but It us will lessen the
number of people killed by automobile
The net can be thrown out la a flash
and will scoop up a child or a man unharmed."
that If my foreman waa required to work
only oa these cars be would soon gel
the hook worm."
Friends of O. A, Oilman of Phoenix.
Aria, claim that soms formal notice
shoulrL-o taken of what they believe
the moat remarkable first chapter on rec
ord la any motoring career. Mr. Oilman
had never driven a ear up to th after
noon When he appeared at th headquar
ters of the Arlsona Motor Car company
and bought a Flanders "Ml" Thl did
not deter him. however, from climbing
to the wheel and driving home. There
he packed hi sultcaa and set out across
the desert for San Diego, Csl., where. It
had Just occurred to him, he had business.
Mr. Oilman arrived In 8an Diego In lear
than four days-excellent tlm having
mad th trip without Incident, over
road esteemed one of the toughest la th
country. Not even a tlr puncture marred
hi novice rid. ' . .
When the last of IM model T car had
been rolled Into a freight car at th Ford
Motor company's (hipping dock la Highland-
Park,' last Thursday, th avjrld'
record for aa auto shipment wa broken.
Th Ford Motor eompany wa th holder
of the old resord of Just an even IM
ear In one ay. Iaat May, when the
Ford production reached the highest total
In th history of the aatomoblle business
t.lj car mad and shipped that month
no king! day's shipment reached th
tremendous total recordso' Thursday.
Auto Muffler is
Doomed to Retire
Th automobll muffler cut-out is
After a battle that ha lasted for
years- battle In which sanity and
portsmaiahlp hav Been arrayed against
Ignorance and Intolerance a laxjrs num
ber of el tie and communities have passed
law which prohibit, either for th en
tire day or that part between darkness
and dawn, th uselessly noisy tactic
of the cut-out fiend. Omaha la on of
Uoe cities. v
lanaoa nas uksn tha lead aad Europe
la falling Into Una. New Tork' alder
men have aom prohibitive legislation
before them, which will probably be
Th Omaha muffler cut-out ordinance
haa passed and to th rejoicing of the
an motorist and th public this long
overworked nuisance haa now besa of
ficially squelched. Several arrests hav
been made and this will continue to be
the fate of the motorist who cuts out his
muffler, . . , -
Careful Driving Savei Car and Ee-
- ducei Expenses,
Igaoraaee at the Wheel Shortens
Life sad Pads Cost Before Jaak ,
Pile Claim th
Reaealaa. V
It Is perfectly tru that th car of today
l - -stronger and better msde thaa Its
predecessor of a decade and even of two
years ago, and that consequently It will
withstand harder usag with las result
ing wear thsn any of th automobile
that hav thus far been designed. But
this does not mean (hat the rnodernauto
mobil may he handled carelessly, for,
although a well-mads ear will withstand
a remarkabl amount of abuse. It Is only
by exercising common sens In driving
that th full valu of hlgh-rtae work
manship and design can be obtained. ! It
1 reliability and long service that are
sought In the Improved construction of
the modern car, and while the operation
and control have been simplified and It Is
not now as easy to "strip" gears as nas
th can formerly, th driver who would
get the Sioat value from hi machine
must look upon It almost ss ho would
upon a human organ lam that cannot be
unduly abased Without aa eventual loo la
efficiency.' Tut toe mar- not be trnme
dtatei but It Is bound te mak Ita appear
ance sooner or latet .
Strang aa It may seem, th so-called
"expert" often abuses his car mors thsn
doe the novtr. Thl Is because the for.
mar "knows" his ear perfectly and under
stands exactly what It can "do" and con
sequently h makea It do It utmost all
of th time. If, through experience, the
expert know that hs I Just sbls to mak
his car climb a certain hill "on the high,"
he will never shift to a lower 'gear oa
that same hill It he can help It. It hs
has discovered that, through careful
manipulation of the clutch, he can start
hla ear from the net oa th third or
fourth speeds, he will take pride In prov
ing t himself and other that he never
need to "use the 'row." Th novice, oa
the other hand, will be doubtful of his
ability to chang to' a lower gear when
In tb mlddl of a steep sacent, and conse
quently will begin lbs climb on the first
or second, speeds. He will he fearful of
stalling his motor If he stsrts th car
from rest on any gear but the low speed,
and consequently ha waits until the ma
chine is well under way before he shift
to a higher gear. Thus, through'hts own
Inexperience and Ignorance of the ability
of his car, the novice may relieve the
motor, transmission and clutch of strain
that his "expert" friend would think they
were In duty bound to bear.
Wkra the Bille Come la.
The motor, clutch, and transmissSns
will bear these strains to an astonish
ing degree, but at th end of the sea
son, when "general overhauling" time
arrive, the bill for repairs, adjustments,
and replacements on (he "expert s'' car
mill be convincingly higher thaa will
that for the necessary work on the
machine of the conservative driver.
The ordinary owner will take a certain
amount of pardonable- pride la being
able to point to a steep hill and say,
"My car can do that on 'high' "; hut
would It not bo better for- him to look
to the future and tak pride In th re
liability and long cervlce of his machine,
rather thaa to boast of tha performance
of the moment? t?o long as a motor
gives no indication of 'being subjected to
a severe overload. It la unnecessary to
shift to a lower gear, but th moment
th normal revolutions are reduced and
the engine begins to "pound" and
"knock," It Is certain that severe strains
are being Induced In tha connecting rods
and crank ahaft and their bearings. By
"Jockeying" the clutch and "nursing"
the motor, the car may sometimes be
made to finish the climb without chang
ing apeod, but continued driving of this
character will surely result In loosened
and worn bearings and aa Inefficient
engine. It must be remembered thai.
In order to develop ita greatest power,
the ordinary automobile motor must be
allowed to revolve at a speed not lei
than Ms) or 1.0M revolution per minute,
that no load should be applied which
Is so heavy that this speed Is reduced.
When the motor revolve at high speed,
th point of Ignition, or th "spark"'
may be advanced beyond the "dead
center." and the power developed by
the engine will thereby be Increased.
This advanced spark cannot b main
tained, however, when the speed of the
mottr Is reduced, and consequently as
soon as the engine begin to "labor" on
a ateep hill, the spark should he set
back and th transmission shifted to a
lower need. But It I not always an
easy matter tor th Inexperienced drive
to change te a lower gear In the middle
of steep hill, and if 'th shift Is not
made almost instantly, the car will loss
Its momentum and may b forced to
stsrt oa It sacent from a position of
rest or, possibly, from .backward travel.
If th driver ha not succeeded la ap
plying his brain qulckly-and th re
sulting complication only emphasise the
Consider these facts. Mr. Chauffeur (
VOUR worth to the man whose
car you drive is measured not
only by your skill in driving, but
by your ability to buy his supplies
and maintain his car economi
cally.' H Tire expense is the largest 'single
item in the cost of running a car : there
is only one way for you to keep your
. tire bills down to a minimum, and that
' is by buying Diamond Tires and sticking
to (hem.
C There is only one. basis on which you . .
should buy tires to use and that is on a Quality
and Mileage basis. And buying tires on that basis '
means buying Diamond Tires,
C The most important point about a tire is quality,
the type is secondary. Diamond Tires are made
in all types, all sixes, and to lit every style of rim.
You can get in Diamond Tires any type that you
want, and in any Diamond Tire that you choose '
you will get what no other tire can give you
the Greatest Mileage and the best service that can
be built into a tire of that type.
ssVr'ne eVarsseilf atsserr rserywArv, IS ere ere
fIFTY-FOUK CsasWSirsw SsjWsbi. DttmmU SsrseVr
aiMel saere oa munly uiUmg afrss M aiessa ssiisf ssrs -tf
Ditmtad Tin suevx.
The Diamond Store V"
'-' - '.215 So. 20th St., Omaha
The.l)iaincnd cr (ompnt)
AKRON. O. ' ;
. jrf .
.-J A
tan ma i'ii an W
WHEN you buy an automobile you have a reason for choosing the
particular car that you buy. This reason must be one of the following three
your own experience and practical knowledge of mechanical construction and
materials the guidance of a friend whom you trust, or faith in the ability,
experience, business integrity and commercial sense of the maker.
( . With the Mitchell car the first two of these reasons your own knowledge oid the inves
tigation of a trusted friend lead you logically straight to the ownership of Mitchell, and,
with the third, there are 77 yean of an unequalled record in vehicle manufacture and the
assurance that the next 77 years will see the Mitchell vehicles leading in popularity for
the tame good reasons that have made them leaders in the past.
Mitchell cars are the result of a demand from the experienced public for a car that is built and sold
on the business basis of an honest profit to the maker and full value to the user. ;
Mitchell cars are built for the man who can't afford to make a mistake.
7-osaaesrer WitcbetV-aix, ( cylinders, I -5-paaararer Mrtcsell-aii, rvraaden, I S-nssirncrr MjtcatB thirty-, 4 eylia
M Boras-power, waeel base US in., I r 41 hanr-aoerer, wheel base 12S ia., I sjers. JS karsc-sowcr, wheel bass
tires lx4,. Price, S2.2S. - tjraslea. Price, J1.75S. , 115 k, tires, J4x. Price, U.J54-4-fassearer
MhcaeO tjurty, 4 cynnier, M bone -power, l-fsaainftr Mflrnell Kaaaboat, 4 evSaeer, M boras so. ar,
wheel bee 115 ia., tues 32r4. Price, Si, ISO. wheel base IM ia., ores 32xjj. Price, wiiaoot toai, S5.
Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company
Omaha Distributer " Racine Witwiwia , " 2050 paraam St.
GUARANTEED:: for ouevycar. We will do the adjusting, replace all
broken parts; no charge for the parts, as work of in
stalling. 'Provided, the car is kept lubricated and not
in a wreck.
Phone for Demonstration Date. By J. A. Mclntyre, Mgr.
P. S. Wa know what oar ear la and not afraid to back it up.
Ask Oakland Drivers About it -
Of Automobiles and Accessories
Batckiol -
Welsh Caru.
Tilsnl araaoa, Mtb aad s Ma-aT. B. STOLES, Sesl Mrr.
,,,"n " osaaaa Breach. XtXa-14-l farnass art Ul snrrr, ata-s.
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
2052-84 Fam&m St, Omaha.
Wallace Antonobile Co.
motor car ' 2203 Farnam Street
Overland ni Pop.
Hartford -
esaaan Krerf Xa,
Oiaaaa. Baa.
Apperson"Jack Rabbit"
1102 Faraia St.
anion i
Prices $1,150
Marloa Aato Company. '
a W. McDOXAU), Mgr.
21014103 Fsvsvani St.
Salesroom -Cor. Tenth and Howard Sts, y
Omaha. Nebraska.
HUDSON- 2205-2207 Farnam Street
Onderjronnd Gasoline System
For private aad pobllc aararm. L. R. Ciatiscr,
. . -afrat, Fnosrc, Hara7 MIS, ;