X THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MARCH. 30. 1912. SUIT OVERCOAT n TO ORDER TO ORDER Announcement Extraordinary Grand Spring Opening tf FltEE-Satnrday, March 30th-FHEE A $7.00 Fancy Silk Vest Free with every made-to-measure suit order. 1,000 patterns to choose from. . Guaranteed All 'Wool. Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are the original $15 tailors. Stores from coast to coast. If you're a "hard-to-please" man, it would pay you to give us a trial. "We aro TAILORS, not agents. CNIOJf WORKMANSHIP. REE DUNDEE WOOLEN HILLS We keep in press and repair all garments made bjr us. We make aU our own v garmenta - " OPEX EVENrNGS TILL EASTER N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Council Bluffs Store, 409 W, Broadway. OTHERS IMITATE, WE ORIGINATE - AH ortoa tun a tartar win poeltivelr b ready foe llTr J. Omaha' Greatest Clothing House MANY thousands of well dressed men know this store intimately; it's their store. It you're not one of them this is to let you know that we're wait ing to welcome you; there are no "keep off the grass" signs anywhere around the place; we'll try to make you feel at home here; any part of the store belongs to you. Young Men's Clothes a Feature The new models have a smartness, a distinction,1 a dash and vim which make our store the headquarters for dressy, snappy young men. "We have some very 6tunning new fabrics to please the young fellows. A great variety of stylish pat terns and new colorings. Let us show you the new suit styles at $18, $2D - $2S . .O J-': M : uStanford, s l JOIN RELIGION AND BUSINESS Forward Movement Team Addresses Public Affain Committee. . ALEXANDER TALKS - OF . BOYS Says that Moat Llcklaae .Given to Boi Arc Kot to Make Tbein Better, bat to Feci. . Goad. ' Connecting religion with all manner of great business activities and , showing what moral environment does (or the . boy. Dr. I. 1. Lansing and J. L. Alex ander spoke to the public affairs' com mittee of the Commercial club at their noon luncboon yesterday. " ' The two men, who are here In the work of .the Men and Religion Forward Movement, were enthusiastically received . by au audience comprised of tho most successful business men of the" city. Dr. Lansing showed where the panic of 1907 reverted back to a cause where the ' principles of religious teachings were ignored and compared the necessity of a standard for manhood with that of necessity for standards for weights, measures aad moneys. ! -if there is not a standard of man- feood," he declared, "business cannot be ' dons any more than It can be don with out the standard of money, of measure ment and of weight It is the great fun damental to the market Tou caunot neglect religion without tearing out the foundations of business. The panic of MOT cam with a loss of confidence In human Integrity, with the breaking down in honor and character those in con trol, when men stole railroads and Wall atreet collected money for which was given out bogus paper. To standardise manhood we must have a pattern just as we have the patterns of the dollar, the foot, the bushel and the pound for stand ards." Tells of Boys. An Interesting, talk was that of J. L. Alexander on "The Boy." He described the actions of the boy from the time he Is 4 years old till he reaches and passes through adolescence, and gave exam ples of how his environment makes him. An amusing statement he made was - "that W out of every 100 lickings are not to make the boy better, but to make you feel good. He advocated a public play ground for children, where 100 boys' base ball games could be going on at the same time, aad advised the building of a voca tional and Industrial training school. He closed his remarks by saying: "Men, you know what should be done go to It" Eiineral of Samuel Katz Held Friday 1 The body of Samuel Kats was carried to t the grave in Pleasant Hill cemetery .Friday afternoon by eight men who had been associated with him for years In business and fraternal circles. Eight -other associates of the deceased acted as honorary pallbearers: Honorary touts Hersog Walter Jardln Bert A. Wilcox Frank D. ltubcl Active Frank H. Myers H. HoseiiPtock Martin Buxarman Albert Calm held at 2 o'clock from SATURDAY OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUNDAY DINNER - Honorary Fred D. Wead Sam Frank Fred Hadra C. B. Klgutter Active Charles Martin George W. Craig William Holsman Jrador Zelgler The. funeral was the home, 3707 Jones street Rabbi Fred erick Cohn of Tempi Israel conducted tli services. Many members of Covert lodge. Ma sons, and Nebraska lodge. Independent Order B'Nal B'rlth. were In attendance, as well as the board of trustees from Tempi Israel. Numerous floral offerings were received by the family. Baildlaa Peratlts. Omaha Field club. Thirty-sixth snd Pine streets, frame tool house, tMO: Mc Cord. Brady company. Twelfth and Leav enworth streets, brick garage, tT.OOft; Catherine Kennedy, n't South Boulevard, frame dwelling. 2.6n: Catherine Ken nedy. 2332 South Boulevard, frame dwell ing. KM; Catherine Kennedy, '00 South Boulevard, frame dwelling. 12, sow; M. 1. Naylon, 271 Sherman avenue, fiame dwelling. &S0l. Miss Stuff to Be Dispensary Head Arrangements have been completed for having Miss Lillian Stuff of Lincoln take charge of the tuberculosis dispensary to be opened In June In Gardiner Memorial hall by the Visiting Nurse association. Miss Stuff is at present head nurse at the stat hospital for th Insan and Is secretary for trfe Nebraska Stat Board of Nurse Examllers but will give up her other work to take up th tuberculosis work In Omaha In June Alt bs meeting of th Nurse association yetserday th question of opening th outdoor baby camp this summer was discussed and a committee chosen to de cide the matter. ' The committee la com posed of Miss' louise McPherson, Mrs. Victor Rosewater, Mrs. William Hosford and Mra Herbert Rogers. Special Demonstration of Crosby front Laced Corsets by Miss Ellen Haskell. Th Crosby Corset for fashion and com fort. It is already well establish ed among the majority of women who keep in touch with the latest Corsets. . Weinlander & Smith 317 So. 16th St. SATURDAY WILL BE OPENING DAY AT THEJHIPP THEATER Th new Hipp theater will open Sat urday, March 90, and the public will then get Its first glimpse of what Is said to be the prettiest moving plcturs theater la th state. Th program arranged for th opening days Is but a specimen of th clean, high-class amusement this theater will afford Its patrons. No money has been spared In Its construction and none will be spared in Its mainte nance to keep it at th highest standard possible. ,- In some of the eastern cities moving picture theater are compelled by law to maintain continuous illumination. To comply with such laws the indirect sys tem of lighting Is used, thus keeping the theater continuously lighted by a soft upward radiation' which does not inter fere with th light effect on th screen. Th Burgess Oranden company, on of Omaha's best known eleotrlcal supply bouses, has installed such a system of Indirect lighting at th Hipp theater, a feature Which Is causing much favorable comment ' Th beautiful Interior decorating was don by th Miller, Stewart Beaton Co.. and the appearance of th interior gives evidence of the splendid work that is don by this company. Th pleasing effect of the front of the theater is aided by th us of th beauti ful dark brick supplied -by th Hydraulic Press Brick company and manufactured by them her la Omaha. This material Is receiving throughout th western coun try a wlda rep station on account of Its beauty and color-retaining qualities. Ilayden Bros. Meat Dept. will save you money on the best quality meat al though the wholesale prices are still soaring high. Roast Pork, pound a 9c Pork Chops, pound 15c Bulk Sausage, pound 7VsC Ilindquarter Mutton, pound 7c Forequarter Mutton, pound 5S Mutton or Lamb Chops, 3 pounds for 25c Mutton Stew, 10 pounds for 25c Veal Chops, pound '. 10c Veal Boast, pound 8c Veal Stew, 4 pounds 25c Ham, pound ; 12VjC Bacon, pound 17VsC, 15c, 12M:C, 10c Picnic Ham, pound 9c Ground Bone, 10 pounds for. 25c llayden Bros. Heat Dept. II I I Ml ItJ& Ml m 11 I htanjPMw .St ZaVL H 1 l'Ja. NEW ENGLAND BUTTERNUT BREAD Is the Most Nutritious Food In every respect Butternut Bread U pleasing to particular people. To enjoy Its benefits, have it on the family table. It looks well and taste well. Made from highest quality flour. Made under the most sanitary con ditions. None go good as BUTTERNUT BREAD THK Bit GAD WTTHOl'T A FAIXT A piste of appetising Butternut Bread makes you hungry at first sight (or the first bite. Ansolately run aad meuaoie. insist ea xevtag It 3?Sa ' Put Mmw4T For 23o The Bee. Evening and Sunday. lelivered at your home. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES PREPARE FOR SEASON An enthusiastic meeting of all lads at the Omaha high school who are Inter ested la base ball and track athletics. was held In the school assembly room Friday, when plana were outlined for the coming season. Athletic Director C. E. Reed, explained to the lads the requirements for ' candidates In each branch of sport and the Importance of early training for outdoor work. Both the track and baa ball squads will nse Creightoa field for early prac tice and If enough Interest Is taken m horsehlde sport the diamond at the "Y" association a summer park at Carter lake will be secured. The first ball prac tice of th year will be held at the Creighton grounds next Monday after noon beginning at X o'clock. A Break far Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is mad when a lie box of Dr. King's New Lit PUIs I bought Why sufferT For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Try Bath's Way Tern Will Vim It m Bavin a r Buy for Cash MO CUBIT. no Biurm That's our way of doing business. W sell the beat meat in Omaha We sell only nstlve corn fed beef. Mut ton. Lamb, Veal and Pork. Our great specialty Is our wn Prsssi CtilcSess. $ Don't forget we carry a nlc clean stock of cholc groceries our prlc are right too. Lanb Chops ....10 Pork Chops ..... lso Pork Steak lt Pot Roaat loo, be aad So Rib Roast, choir 16 aad lt Horn Mad Pork Bausag ....1V Home Rendered Lard ItVs Hem Mad Hamburger 10 JOS. BATH'S GASH MARKET lal Ti Tel S. "How Twenty Cainibal Kings Proposed to Me" Experience of an Amer ican Girl told in THE BEE Next Sunday GIRLS' NUMBER OF REGISTER IS PRINTED BY THE BOYS Th annual "girls" number of trie Omaha High School Register Is Issued and proves a complete surprise to all the students, as It turned out to -be a regular edition gotten up by all the lads on th staff under assumed feminine names, rather than a thirty-two page magazine edited by the girls of the school themselves. Irving Benolken, 'IS, th staff artist furnished several good drawings and a cover design don In two shade of brown. .Th regular depart ments were capably bandied, especially th pag devoted to th drill if th cadet regiment lOc At; all grocers If it's a package of Eagle Brand Spaghetti or Macaroni, the housewife can rest assur ed that she is getting the genuine. Eagle Brand Spaghetti and Macaroni made in Omaha from pure Durum wheat under the most sanitary conditions. Dried by purified air untouched bv hu man hands. Eagle Brand SPAGHETTI AND MACARONI EAOLE MACARONI COMPANY. ANARCHIST WILL RETURN FOR SERIES0F LECTURES Emma Goldman, anachist returns to Omaha the first of th month to deliver a series of lectures. She speared here j about a year ago. Th lectures will be given In Bartght hall commencing Mon- ' day. April t on which date she will : apeak on "Anarchism, th Moving Spirit , la the Labor Strugglue." On th fol lowing day her subject will be "The Failure of Christianity,' and oa April J ahe will lecture a ' Mat eralty." Buy Alamllo Milk At Aoy Grocery Store Ton can bay rich, pare Alamlto milk by the quart or pint at the grocery stores. Some grocers sell other milk, too, for which they pay leas, but charge you the same as (or Alamlto. Don't permit them to do this. Insist upon Alamlto milk the only absolutely gale, pure milk sold in Omaha, . ALAMIT0 SANITARY DAIRY, PHOXE DOUGLAS all. (j3i(wm (wftw. (awfcw. (jvjfi (&ni I Osuaa's Var Vesa Ceate SATURDAY SPECIALS toe l so UHq , . . .kAAO SO, 30 aad too Lemons, per dosen Italian Chestnuts, per lb. , Kngllsh Walnuts, per lb. ................... Hplnach, per peck Oranges, per dosen Fresh roasted Deanuts. ner Quart Htrswberrles, Mushrooms, Imported Endive, Romain. Csui It flower, New Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Wax and String Been, etc ln.-ported bardlnea. In tins ...........a IH-lb. cakes Imported Castile soap ..Boa 1 "Lotus" extracted Honey, la glass Jars IM Cluster Raisins, In cartons .Boo I pkts. Holland Rusk ....as tha can "Oalllsrd's" imported Olive Oil 40o Navy Beans, per lb .... .......... Hals ton's 8elf Rising Buckwheat or Pancaks flour, per pkg. ..10 : 11 packagas "Argo" dloss march .46 Large tlna Long White Asparagus .nv,.,t5o "Lotus" Creamery Butter, in car ton s,i per lb. ..36o Our best Country Butter, in sanitary Jars, par lb. Mo Crisco, for cooking, better then butter, per tin .........So Imported Camembert Cheese, per pkg . . - ... 3&0 ,. itmm 'nil rrrm Brick Cheese, per lb. ,lu Cottage Cheese, per lb. loo Melon Mangoes, per dosen ..goo 4uart Jars large Queen Olives toe Tislt deaoaetratlaa la oar Tea aad Coffee Department. Too really ought to know what a wonderful blend "Lotus-Aukola" Coffee really la, per lb. 40 t Iba for 75 Tou will find "Lotus" Japan Teas entirely free from stems, dust aad other extraneous aiatter, per H-lb. ao per lb. as "Lotua" feenut butter, always fresh, par lb. toe, In glass Jars ,..10o, lSe, M aad 4So CAsTDT Starting April 1st. w will place all our fancy Candl and Elec tric light shsde on sal for one week, at half price Fancy Cream faster fcggs, our own make, elegant line to select from. LIQUOaS "Lotus' Kentucky whiskey, t years old, full quart . 91.00 Cedar Brook whiskey, full quart . . . . S1.00 Atherton whiskey, full quart ......Vl.uo Monorran,' whiskey, full quart 76a Port Wtiie. large bottles, three for 914)0 Whit Tokay, large bottles, three for tlJta Hherry Wine, large bottlea, three for 91410 California bau terns, large bottles, two for to Qjmf (ew (ftft (m. (Hm (wJi OA PoBads lest Qnnalated Smr e-fl ntl II TryT,rfer.t.,ioo,..w.rh..or otbw c2&" v vU aTg V We also carry Bpicee, Baking Powder.' Ex tracu. JL Moviinn Taa fin 406 North 16th St. w " - ww. Tel. D. 2448; Ind B-244. Pig Pork Roast , . 6c Swift's No. 1 Hams, 1 t4c Steer Pork Roast .7VzC and SVsC ' Steer Steak 10c ' Young Veal Koast lOc Pork Butts lGVfte Lamb Legs 9'cf Mutton Roast C 6'2C ' Lamb Chops . . , 10c No. 1 Cudahy'a Rex Bacon 15C 1 Sugar Cured Bacon lliC Fresh Dressed Chickens lOlc DELIVEIY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30111 ind 3 P. II 1610 BAR. IEY ST. Pbongs: Dong. 2147 loiA-2144