THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH,- 30, 1312.- Two More Shipments of Sampecks Just In! These two substantial additions to a stork already offering a wide range of patterns and styles, bring oor showing of Bampeck Clothes up to the point where the selection of your spring salt Is merely a matter of choosing the style, the color and fabric which meet your fancy. ', Hopsacklng. tweeds, cheviots and worsteds are the favored ma. terials this season; shadea of blue, taa and gray and the new pin stripes anticipate the most exacting demand for individuality and ex clusireneas. We are especially proud of our Blue Serges, a tine soft dull finish serge found only in Bampeck clothes. Norfolks in tan and gray homespun and blue serge will be In great demand judging from the number we are selling now. Decide now to get the utmost tn style, fit and distinctive tailoring In your new suit with this In mind, your choice can not be other than a Sampeck. mm $15 to $35 mi 1518-1520 FAUN AM STREET INQUIRE INTOJffiH'S WAGES Arbitration Board at Set Moinet - Loo km Into Condition!. tho high water msrlc eerly to the - ins. A ?urlhwestern train got lnte Norfolk (ram Warm la ths afternoon, but the train wu stopped at the sutshlrts of tbs town, drsy wsgons carrrlng In the pas sengers. Ths tracks Ints the elty wars covered with water. The basements bav tilled from bach water through the stwers, nearly all the callars la the busl riM section being full ef water. The fugsr niy Caraals mills reported Hie water has caused cenalrael dames ta tkilr maehlnery, but suuMa l tale the sreusrty iaaa Is estliueted st under tl.OM. The Union Pnclfto reports trains are running Into Norfolk regularly, a bridge bain washed est ea Its lines In Masisea reunly,' trials at Oakland. The Burllnstea's Platte rlrer brMce at Am land held yesterday While Hie fleed waters were pertteesly wear the tap, bat for a time H was feared -lbs stroctare wtnild a set fteM- Ma.- a leaving Omaha at 4il a. bl, was held Una eMe ef the rlrer far .eat hear far safety aad rrawlrd ever M less thee a snail's aeee. The UaiM FmUI .trains reated br war ef Uneela were held p la that elir yes terday afloraeen aad artnlas entU a late bear, the, Peniaed traMt and Uw la Angelra Li sailed spending the greater part ef aim eight In the Mneoia yards, treat Deutaaae at Velaaahma, One-firth ef Cxtamkaa Is ander water and tks fleed has reached the top ef the wladewe la the first story at the heeaes. Klgbtssa kaedrad fret ef the Union Pa ctfla traea and several spans ef Its brtd.e bsa base washed awey - AH reHreeaa, with the eaeeptien ef the track from Of and Mead te tVtaer, are tied ap, The Lsusj Is the highest ever baewn. An Ice I ante brake ibis aflemaoa and tar a time M leaked as If the fleed weald wash Ureas the mala street, bat tee Jaj ef li-e fereed It eat lala the ekaa aeia. . Whew, the lee broke ap sSaaea wars wreaahed (rem. the Stare ef Ike brtdaea, t Tares kaadred Aagwa. Beats were drewa near Meatus . let yesterday arteraaea, . rajaluaa have left the lower levels aad will aet bo able ta so Inie their heaaas asala far several Sara The rlrer rest all ream ear a terneea, ewlea ta a week' eat above. The Deed Is as pea ted to beats te recede before Sfteralag. Loamaa Are aorwMB. . While Us leases te the raltreade are beaad as be sastawas la the aesreswte, they will set eaaipare with the waste that will be aastaUMd by the farmers whs Mrs en the iewsaade and la the vallate ta the west aad aerthweet of Omaha for a dtataaw ef from MS te Sat Bailee, At Pwader W feat ef traeb kaa booa waabed away aad the water frees iiocaa sees, orbJek ander trdlaarr etrsua. suaoea at a anile away, le new up at the feet ef Mam atraet aad la atUI rlelns. Above Passer aad aa the bottoms seelh et Cakaia City taa aatlre ssaatrr a) aadar arete la a depth ef treat eao te two feel, tkewaaads ef asrea of the beet acrtealtarat leads m the state betas isundoled. la that vMalty the traea ef the Omaha read la repotted te be eerl ewety dsmssod aad store than MS feet carried away. ".', 11m Mertaweetera Use Boreas from Xmereea Is Wertolk. fifty aiUae, aad la ter eestaS by a Bassser of email streams. at eut ef ooiaedselea. All et the valleys are filled with water. aad the ereaae have tmseSM rtvera, tAt WakeOaM met assht a ease bridge aad abeat tat (vet ef track went eat. 4 Pa we the BUthora ralley the river le eut of Ma beaks aad la sweeping aver I' the low lands. At Stanton, a mile from the river, tho water la up In town and flooded the electric light works. Tho wagon bridge ever the Elkboro river bss been carried away by the flood. ' All along tho valley, farmers sre moving their families, household poaaeaalons and live stock to the hills. Around Hooper, end from there Into Fremont, where the valley is from three to five miles wide, the entire country hi under water to a depth of from two to alx feel. lart of this section Is closely settled and many of the families have moved to the hills, it Is reported that all of ths wason bridges in the flooded district have been badly damaged or da atroyed. Over this atretch of the North- wrotrrn road the track hss not been se riously damaged. Washeata Are Reported. Along the northern Una of the Burling ton, from Sioux City to O'Neill, the water is very hum. Near Jackson, MV feet o( trark has been wsahrd eut snd Ilia snoges at Goodwin, Be Idea and Oamond rendered Impaaaable. There are two Mahouts seat of Schuyler, one MS and the other aennty-ats feet long, bis pana of the bridge over the Platte, be tween Uellewood and Columbus, are out eoirio of tho branches la the northern pert et ths ststa have sustained sarloua damage by the washing of grades, but the bridges all stand. At Columbus the water receded this morning, Indicating that the crest of the Mod had been reached. However, more high water was sxpected with the break .ug of the Ice in the upper valley of the Loup.. The lower portloa ef the stream has broken up and It Is reported that ths valley Is flooded snd a number of the wsgon bridges swept swsy snd many mors threatened: Deagjtaa Laade Flooded. At Valley, in the weat part of Douglas county, the flood extend serosa the en tire country from the Platte en the weat to the Elk horn en the eaal, forming a sea eferaler eight to ten mite wide and from a foot to sis feet deep.- This con dition extends up snd down ths valley from a short, distance south of Fremont l a point several miles south et town, toe flooded district up and dowa the river being probably fifteen te twenty milas In length. The water Is running through doatas of farm Bouses and ata hlee and stock loeeee will be very heavy. The water la Towing through town, being up level with the tope of the railroad tract In ths country to the southwest of Omaha, It was evident that ths flood hsd not reached Its maximum at noon. Bridges on ths Platte, from Ashland down) were holding well, but the etream was tilled with running Ice. At Louis ville the railroad bridge showed signs ef weakening, but trains were being run ever It. At La Flail tbe river fell three feat last atghtf which wsa takes ta mean that there was a heavy gorge at aome point above. In vlw of tlua fact, both the Burlington aod Mlaeourl raclfra seat out dynamite crews te work on the Ice whoa tbe gorge should break aad reach the bridges. " erf elk le Like Veatee. Norfolk looks Ilka Venice. Boats sre being used to trsnaport people through the principal streets snd svsry bualnea house la town has a basement full of water. While the News wsa Issuing s morning edition .lis preas room filled with water to a depth of tlx fart sub merging sll ths presets. ' The Auditorium theater has tour feet of water, la the orchestra pit and the dressing rooms be neath the stage are filled. tTbe water le e'tll rising. Every business firm la town has suffered serious lass ss a result of the overflow which Is the worst since Uti. Norfolk avenue Is filled with water as far weat as Third street snd North Fourth street is a river. North of Hi Minneapolis Omaha railroad tracks over which the flood came into town la a sea of wster a mile wide. The North Nebraska Teachers' association con vened hers this morning, but many were kept away by ths flood. In the eastern part of town hundred of homes are surrounded by water severs) feet deep. No trslns sre running on the Minneapolis Omaha or on the Union Pacific Into Norfolk. Many wagon bridges have been carried sway north of Norfolk. !vr II la It Water Mark. When the Ice broke In the Loup river yesterday afternoon and evening at Co lumbus a new record for high water was made, being higher thsn in Uti. Houses that before stood high snd dry hsd wster on the first floor. No loss of live stock resulted, ss there waa ample warning. Three miles of Burlington track' and seven apans of their bridge were washed out The Urge amount of water pre vented Ice from forming aoild gorges. lee Moves at Omaha. It was reported yeeterdsy afternoon that ths engineers of the Union Pacific railway were to dynamite the Ice which had banked against that bridge here. On account of the good work done by Old clot, the dynamiting was unnecee sary. Thousands of huge cakes swept down the stream to break Into million of pieces agtlnat the huge atone plsrs of the railroad bridge. A crowd of rail road men stood shout the bridge for some time watching the spectacle of cakes, aome averaging fifteen to twenty-five feet In length and aa wide, drift down Ui river several miles aa hour, strike ths bridge and bounce into the air and aeatter Ilka an egg falling off a wall. There wsa only one Ice gorge formed yeaterday, and that was upon a sand bar about half a mile north and east of ths smelter Works.. The piers, of the Douglas street bridge did valiant work toe. yesterday. In breaking up the ic cakes which drifted downward. 10c DAY . At BaatoiVs Saturday '-l 1 Onca a moatk we (Ira -the public a striking demonstration pt sr urrequaled buying facflltfe. Our J0 day have proven very pop-' ufar and the bargains' offered mesa aa aver Increasing circle of taaata-"":.'." i ' " " t S-ceot packages Fleck'a Easier Keg Dyes "Elite" Talcum chamois pad fn leather case ..... t. aii'.'e.tu.- a ni wua , ikhui He Baaasdowa Face Powder .' ; tit Eudor for excessive perspiration' lee Sanltol Tooth Powder , lie De Mara' Tooth Peat " JSe De Mara' Tooth Powder .....,.i,... Vi-plnt bottJa Witch Haiel 1-pint bottla dcBAUrad alcohol 1-pint bottle Household Ammonia ........ . ". t-oa, VotUa Glycerine and Rosa Water . -OS packkgs RucneUa Salts l-lo. flake Camphor tie Dido Nail Enamel, stick. Celluloid pox tie Da Hart' Rose Glycerine Soap .lOe? 10a 10 100 100 -100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10d 100 100 LOWaUt MISSOlftt' If -' RISING Fleed t'eadltloaa Prevail la Tlela- llr at St. Leaia. BT. LOUIS. March a. With k stags the highest for March, it h.- k Ince ths records have been kept la at. Louie, a general rain falling throughout the southern part of ths stats, aad norm moving northeast from ths south central atates, flood conditions sre likely for this city and lbs lowisnds south of hare. The Mlaslaaiopl passed tha lwniv.... foot mark last night, with ths wster rla Ing more than a foot in twenty-four hours, snd the weather bureau this morning predicted the river would attain a depth of thirty to thirty-one feet, flood stage, by the flrat at 1 K. Although no lives have bean reported oet inaaentai to the rise of the Mis souri river, many families have been forced to leave their bun Trihm.H.. are flowing from their banks and these sre expected te bring the Missouri ts a flood stage. Governor Deoeea of llllnola hss ordered the sdjutant generals department to send tent to Cslro for the relief et families forced from their homes by ths high wstsr. The Missouri south ef Fulton. Me. hag been near tha danne mark bii week and a heavy rein which fell there en yesterdsy snd last night baa. added to the seriousness of tbe altustion. KANSAS CITT. March S.-Althoufh the Ksness river hara maa elMn inches during the last twenty-four hours and Is ss high aa tt haa been at ,n previous time this year, members ef the local drainage board said today that th river must rlae twenty feet mora bafora reaching sn alarming stag. Ths Missouri river alee is rising here, but It Is causing no trouble. Many Kansas streams are very high, but they will sot overflow unless mors rain falls. 1 - 1 JV FlexiMa Nail Files. Urge assortment, worth He aad tea ...,1(U Manufacturer's sample Tooth Brushes, tSe to tSe ioi Chamois, worth from 15 to J8c, slightly soiled from window dlf ' loo 1 'Follow the Beaton Path" 1 Beaton Drug Co, Farnam and 15th Sts. Senate Votes for'. Smoot Pension Act WASHINGTON. March St-Tha ... tonight by a vote ef H to M rejected the enerwooa aotiar-e-day pension bill which hsd paxsed the house end enacted tha Brneot ajeoerel age snd service pension law which tt la estimated will Increase us pension roll by C.0.e annually during the Best five years. SEAMAlf OR mWESS - STAITO Carsaea laalet that High Coot ef . Llr la; Makes Jecreaeeja .Wages Imperative Twe Brldarrs Ce Oat la Pelk Ceaaty. TAFT VETOES BILL FOR Sil P OF BURNT TIM8ER ON LANDS WASHINGTON. March a-Pmiaea. Tart today vetoed a bill providing for the eeie or Burnt umber on land outside of the national feresla. Tbe bill was de signed te relieve the hotneataad aa,n who eut fared aeverely through forest fire. The president declared hie vote was based ea the report of Secretary rtaber a itne interior department, who de clared K was as amhlarus that tha aa. I partment weald not dare te take ad vantage of It. Mr. Tatt said Mr. Fish ers objection could be met by congress, tor. sate ae. 1 approve of the general relief sought by the bill." (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, March S.-8pectsl Tela-grsm.-Membera of the board of arbitra tion' which will determine the application of the street railway men In Des Molnss for an Increase of wsges and ether mat ters met today. The first witness ex amined before tbem was I. D. Seaman, president of the local street railway men's union. Mr. Beams a . described to the arbiters the aeceaeity for sn Increase of wages In Dee Moines, the standard te be fixed similar to the wages paid to skilled workmen In other lines of work. He showed that the qualifications of a street car motonnaa, conductor and men em ployed In sll other departments were Just aa rigid and as difficult to obtain as those of men employed In sll other crafts, yet the compensation la much leas. Mr. teaman also explained that tbe extreme high cost of living made It Imperative for the street railway men to aak for an in crease. Tbe Inquiry will continue tor aome time. . Two Brldaea Ga Oat, Owing to the high, water In .the Des Moines river two big bridges were lost in this county today. One was what It known as the Coryden bridge In Ike north part of the county, and another a bridge over Big creek near Polk City. In an ticipation of a big ice Jam here the county has supplied a corps of men with dynamite to break It up at any time. Troable la Orgaalaatloa. Tbe new city council is having trouble getting together to hold a caucus for ths purpose of deciding who shall have the different departments of city work. To day for tbs third time an effort Was mads to hold a caucus, when Councilman Roe was sbsent on account ef Illness snd ths others Insist they will do nothing until he Is present There Is suspicion that Roe Is purposely absent snd does not want to take the responsibility tor what tt done. . , Treabte Over River. Much surprise waa sxpressed among business awn hers today over news from Washington that the board of review has refused to approve the report of Major Rlche of the engineer's depart ment In favor of making an appropria tion to make the Des Moines river nav igable. It haa been reported here that ths report would be approved and con gress would be advlssd to make ths ap propriation. train, filling both audience coaches. Glen wood was one ef the banner etopa of tbe dey, the crowd being ao Urge ths' car windows hsd to be opened so that those on tbe station Diet form might bear. There was a good crowd at Essei snd then the train arrived here at Shenan doah, where is seised some of ths bee corn la the world. The enthusiasts au dience that greeted the train was a high compliment to the movement for the last tea year for the betterment ef seed corn. Several large seed corn concern sre es tablished here. When the first seed corn train arrived about eight years sgo tt was received with susptcloa. Todsy Is wss received with a rousing welcome. Ths train stops tonight et Clarinda tor aa evening meeting. Oalv oe Btloro atriiriwB.1" That la LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Uaed tha' World over te Cere a Cold tn One Day. Stc Seed Corn Special - Visits Sidney i and Villisca IDNET. la, March .-Speclal.- Heart to heart talks by agricultural ex pert- te ever IMS farmers of souther Iowa were held yesterday from the Bur lington seed corn -and test vpeetat troth", now en a twe weake -itinerary ewer the Burllngtoa system la Jowa. .. Farmers from the surrounding territory of seven towns turned anxious ears te the words of advloa offered and listened to discussion of seed corn tests that have already been made from corn In this territory.. The tests develop that not over U per cent Is fit to plant aad the remainder Is slthsr entirely desd or gel', mint us vary poorly. Experience during the last several years hss made ths farmers apt students and thsy are tax Ing seriously to tbs problem of increasing the productiveness of their, soil and la maintaining it Prof. H..A, Hauasr, one of the principal speaker of the stats agricultural collage cerpa cannot be ac cused of being a rheoreUcal farmer. He owns and operates a farm et hie own In Msrahall county and la able to answer every , question concerning practical farming that haa been aeked of him. Mies , Clara Cewgill, .county supsrut tsndsnt of Montgomery .county. Joined the need corn special at Villisca and rode with the party to Red Oak, securing infonnaUoa frewi: the agricultural ex pert for use la connection, with the agricultural teaching ahe has started and encouraged ta tbe oounty eehoolt of her county. Already she bss asked every student in tha county ta test ten ears of corn for. use In planting bn their par ent s farm this spring. , - Tbs towaa at which meeting were bold today were VUilesa, Stan ion. Elliott, Giiswsld Emerson. Caraon aad aadney. A nvoaater meeting waa held last alghl tn the court house, addressee being goads by Prof. sUOTsneoa. Prof. Hsaatr and Prof. A. A. Burger. - Railroad Office Ihaag. MASON CITT. la.. March a.-H. vl tHckinson, superintendent et the Msson city sivttrioe of the Northwestern rail, road, baa been appointed auperiateadent of the Dakota dlvlatea at Huron, sue eeedlag aupartaK rodent Dorm. H. C. kmiBgbeaas of Boone. la. head ef the bridge and building Sapart merit has beta appointed sxipermteadsnt here. Burlington Seed. Corn Special Goes Through South Iowa SHENANDOAH, la., March m-Bpe, dal.)-The tardea spot ef lews, when land at selling as high aa taa) par acre, muck of which la bow submerged 1 water from the swollea streams, waa pierced today by tha BarSagtea aesd corn special train bearing It image ef eaoouragement for lateastfled farming. But swollen strtauis and Inundated reads did not deter farmers from coming te bear the words ef advice from the State Agricultural college professors, who are urging apon farmer the careful lectio of teed corn and conservation of the rich soli. At the first stop of the day. at Ran dolph, both audience coaches were filled with farmers aad aa overflow meeting was held In-the depot waiting room. Despite the fact tha train arrived at t tt a. m. there were farmers la tha audience who Hved sevsa and tea miles front town They had reached there ea horseback, the roads being impaaaable for wagons and- baggie, and the bersas' rlddea br these mea were spattered with stud to their flaaka and many had ta rise their horses through water tap to their stdea This demormrates tha Intense Interest of farmer tn getting all availaNs In formation aad education they eea te as sist tbem In making their lsnd'yield a greater Income. At tola point the college professors were presented US) kernel of osra la testers that had been la ths germtnadoa process for scoring. ' The scoring disclosed S Strang. weak and 3t dead. This was equivalent te but M per seat fit for planting. The tacts made at dtaereat statJoao Indtnals that aa the average tbe eara ta bat abeat B par cess of tt'surtabi for planting. , At Malvern a large crowd greeted tbe Double Lynching at Blacksburg, S, C. BLAKSBTJRO. & C March a-Two negroes were lynched near here todsy after aa attack oa a whits man. I've had to hustle some to;; build up this tailoring bus! ness. I'm not . going to loose' any of it by poor services My suits to order at $25 to ' S40 are gems of satisfaction. WILSON v ' MacCirthy-WiUon Tailoring C. 804-300 South Sixteenth Ba' Ken lekeseei bhea fjPENING dis V play of Spring models in suits and over coats; it ought to interest you. Lots of snappy new ideas; smart long lapels, the high cat waistcoats, tha shapd-over-the-liipo style in ooat and trousers. i Hart Schaffner & Marx have produced for as aome es pecially lively models this Spring; things young men will want; things good for any man, of any age. Let ua ahow yoa what wa Base); doesn't ooat aaythina to took at tasm; aad Its . eoaatar to buy thga. Salta 111.09 aad an Overcoats I16.S0 aad ay An Easter Tip All the aid to tasty dressing, all the ai to comfortable dressing are to be found , in our fitrnishing department for nun. Exclusive Neckwear for Easter "We dont believe there's a reasonable man ' . within trading distance of Omaha whom we can ' - -not satisfy in Neckwear Excluisiveness is one, of our pet hobbies, and even a glance at our super stock shows why we are the acknowledged ' . . leaders of fashion. True, in one sense, they're . not cheap, but for the money are bountifully equivalent in richness, quality and 6tyle K)nr .showing of knitted and crochet novelties is , .; .,. something unusual. Cannot stop to describe them; brrt quickly sum up the whole story in . .. . two words Fashion's latest. - . 50c to $3.00 ' ... . The" season's approved styles in Shirts, " .. , - Gloves, Collars and Hosiery are shown in seem singly endless varieties. . v Don't Mar Your Easter Attire ' With an Unbecoming Hat y How necessary to have a hat fit your features as '."well as your head. That's what we do at this store. " Our aim is, to please, not merely sell you. Buying a ; hat is a trying task at its best. Our salesmen are men -of long experience, who are anxious to give you the benefit of that experience in helping you make a suit able selection. ...Every wanted style every color and every size. We can't help but please you. We are the largest distributors of Stetson Hats in . America. Broning;King & Cq . E. S. WILCOX, Mgr. Fifteenth at Douglas. , WONDERFUL VALUES- try -POPULAR PRICES Extraordinary Display of New Smart Spring Styles at : , ,r Restorative ... Treatment for. , s Nervous Men Conine from a source of un- . questioned authority aa the all- ments et men It Is preeim,d to he Infallible while ths profession venerally endoree the lnaredients sad prescribe tbem In many dif ferent forms of various dlaeaeee. The following- formula la tilgtily . effloient la quickly restorlnc In. narvoua exhaustion, melancholia- anxiety, timidity fn venturing,:. 1 dlssineac, neart palpitation, trembllna llmiw. . insomnia, tbln naaa, cold extremitle. tlred-all-In feallnx and seneral inability to' do thoea natural and rational aets usee which depsnds a man s success and happiness In social and every-day Ufa ' The Instructions for mixing et heme etcretly eo that no embar rassment may be felt, are aa fol lows: . first get three oencee of ayrup sarswparHla compound and one ounce eoa.peund fluid balm evert; tain aad 1st stand twe hours. Tbea add one ounce com pound essence' cardlol and one ounce tincture eademene eom , peand aot eardaaraml, and mix ail together. . Tbe directions sre to take one teaapoonful after each meal and one when retiring, until bou-dlrrg health- - and full Irenfih are restored, hjven a few weeka will witness moat wen'arf ui results. Astonishing nervous force snd equilibrium follow the treatment, ae mattsr- how serious tbe case.- This contain no opiate what ever and may also be uaed by w erase wha auffer with their nerves with absolute certainty of ' prompt and lasting benefits Tbe above prescription te manu factured sy toe weU known phar maceutical houae. Prescription Products Co. Series, Ohio. fcow Bates to waeUto Oeaat, - Effective tntll April IS. Specially low ratee will h in effect to points in West em Csnsda, Wsahlngton, ldsho sncf Oregon, via the Canadian Pacific hv. Particulars on application ts Geo. A ..alton. Uenersl Agent, 121 South Clstk Street. Chicago. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S rS ;: Today C6R0NATION (bt ataQvaaT) Tlnmaoolor I,lfe. Color, Motto. X.AST TIMB aarOaVAPT StAT. PTlO ISC tOO. ' V a appiajoa ist aavAvoBva ' TatAB Tats SOUAJV t 3 SS Thurs., April 4th SOTHERN & MARLOWE ia aaakaspeeseaa Xepertetje Tlses aoe te aaM.. Beata sTew BeOlng. "Fashions of 70 Years Ago" Exclusively in , THE OMAHA BEE a '"t, itwij intAIKli xvoar, see. Sue. T"hJ-" TlmastTrSe ' THE EOSASY atarttaa- Baa. But All wek xtatlaeee Xally Mights, IS to toe pxata, 15a, gg, BERNHARDT 1ST CAJtXUa -AxC BBJASTB la "atarttara aajig aMmv Next Sunday VgVdrVtXsnVitdrVl ttaatrs eat the Thla Bart is the aar 'Best 'at Tin BelooBt lestasrant The epicure remembers the eccssion with fond recollec tion Qaiafe Bervtee, food that ticklea yeur palate, end aa attractive acale of prfcee le a combination that aiwaye faa cinatse our diners The pure ' food and reeteoraat Inspectiea law are a eaperflueue Issue ia eur setsuahsneat Iiook for the large electric alga. Opea all a lent laia 1 fa - J American Theater toalgkt, state. Tee Tkara, f,t M188 EVA LAXQ aad the arooowAjiD stoox ooatt ta' nm ntaaooxi or bpbasTstb Bsrt Week The Blga of tke Orlm Deug. ea. Is S. S. 144, llaaVVlirVwa ADVANCED -VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today, 2:15. Mote Karfy Cortaia Katarday jri(h( . :13 Shavrp. OBLAatAa ltta CXaTrWJB LTgiow THE BOM TOK taTraSTAASTXA ABD WAtroaTILiB. j -wlth Bert Baker, the typical tad; Bat, Latour, . the Eva Tangoajr (tri; ; Peeley A Kelly; The t MacLa; Lmb ter Sj. Broiler Beauty Oorus. taStee Bdme stattaea srvarr Week Day. Sua. A V, k: The Bowery, Bnrteaauers. KRUG THEATER cost eor ataULa v ' and ' x ' ' " n bbbat moBSatta) defying death, by allowtsg aa K. at. F. W aatomebtle carrytag Ova pas seagan to drive ever hia hedy, an, leg aad Beck. - -.T?