Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1912, Image 10

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I 5
No hats ever of
fered by Brandeis
Stores or by any
other western store
are the equals of
Coronet ITats at the
. price.
"Every Coronet
Hat is designed by
an expert and t re
veals the very new
est expression of
For Saturday we offer 100 Coronet Hats with large willow
illumes, some with trioornes with two short willows-
others with one immense 20-inch , willow plume (tied 5
times) on dress shapes in black, white and
r burnt combinations stunning spring hats
for. ......
10 iiiuu o
Sale of Men's Sample Shoes
High grade manufacturers' samples
made over new, up-to-date lasts in tan
nnri hi Ark Ip&thers: button or lace stvles.
high toes, or custom lasts all sizes in
one siyie or anouicr new spring i out
wear worth $3.50 and $4.00; r iL A
on sale at, per pair. ........ . ifeVsU v
The best boys shoe ever ihade every
" one has oak leather soles, guaranteed
tips that absolutely will not scuff the
best of insoles and counters and durable
linings. New mannish, wide high toe
styles sizes 1 to 6 are $2.50; sizes less
than 1 are .................. .$2.00,
Women's White Nubuck Shoes
Button styles, tipped toes, Goodyear welted soles. These
promise to be the most popular of all summer shoes. ,AVe
made a fortunate' purchase and offer these shoes, just
'before Easter at AO
only .....Z.VO
, Women's Colonial Pumps
In dull kid leathers with buckle
. stage lasts, all 4,40
sizes, at, per pair. . V0
A Great Special Sale of
Women's Sample Suits
Bought from a Prominent
New York Manufacturer
at a Great Price Concessiin
Most remarkable sale of samples of
women 's high class apparel that we have
ever held. These are all stunning, per
fectly tailored spring suite. Every one
a correct style for 1912 and all selling
at much more than their actual value.
Newest spring ideas in white"" serges,
white whipcords, light haifline stripes,
etc., with every new styles feature of
modeling and trimming. A wealth of
new spring shades.
All sizes for women and misses.
$40, $50 and $60 Suits
Women's High Grade
. New arrivals of tailored suits of the
higher class in the late models and new
styles and materials; Saturday on 'our
nd, floor.. t
wm' ww
M:w: Ml
lis H Jhvv'
Arm HI mwm
Women' New Tailored Sails at $15
lb this group are good, practical spring suits
in the new shades and in all the- $4 C
new styles, at W
. Women's New Spring Ant. Coats
Clever, new models that have made the spring
coats so popular. Serges, whipcords and
Bedford cords, at $35, $29, $25 and $19
at .
Women's Serje Csab at $12.10
with fancy collar and cuffs, all the pop
new shades, 12
New Lingerie, Voil and Wash Dresses '.
New arrivals, trimmed . with the beautiful
heavy embroidery and laces. '. A score or
more of the most attractive models : I
at . . . .$35, $29, $25, $19 and $15.00
Charming new affect! changeable taffetas, crepe met eon, metsallnei and foulard, at (25 $32.50 S39
. Beautiful Medallion Portrait
Reproduced from any photo p D PP
you bring -Absolutely MXEuLJ
We will give away large Carbon or Sepia finished Medallion
Portraits reproduced from any photograph. These portraits are ex.
tremely popular and all work brought in Saturday will have the per
sonal attention of Mr. Lederer, bead of the Columbia Portrait company,
thus insuring a finished portrait of a very high character. All you
have to do is to sbow a Sales Check (for 10c or more) and purchase
a suitable frame for this work at our wholesale cost of SOc each and up.
With back. Stamped on tan linen
la new conventional and floral
designs, with 4 skeins of floss
for working, special, at, IP
each .'IOC
Stamped on all linen with four
skeins of floss for working,
floral and conventional designs
i size 22xS2. f"
each . . IOC
Pillow Cords, 3 yards long, fin
ished with tassel ends ' in tan,
red, green; regular- 39c value,
Sale of Leather Bags
All Leather Bags with leather covered
'and metal frames; worth $1,' special 69c
Handsome Hand Bags in black, brown,
blue and tan leathers all styles metal
and leather covered frames; worth $3.00;
ppecial, each, at -..$1.69
Real Morocco Bags in tan, brown and black
leather with German silver frames, also
Seal Grain Leather Bags, with tan linings;
worth $4.00, at. . L ............ . $2.69
Real Seal and Real, Walrus Bags, with single and double
handles some have German silver frames; worth $5.00 to
$7.50, wonderful values, at ' .$3.49
Sale of Sterling Picture Frames
Small Sterling Silver Frames, special at , ...... 25
75c Sterling Silver Frames, special at 50
$1.50 Sterling Silver Frames,, round and oval hand engraved and
engine turned French grey and bright finish, special, at, each, $1
2.00 Sterling Silver Frames beautifully engraved and etched
French grey and bright finish; special at- $1.39
13.00 Frames like above, only larger, at '. -$1.98
$3. SO Sterling Silver Frames, large and massive hand engraved and
engine turned French grey and bright finish;' special at ..$2.49
$5.00 Sterling Silver Frames as above, only larger, special at $3.69
Odd Pieces of Sterling Silver I 73c Children's Cups, quadruple
Sugar Sheila, Cream Ladles, etc., ' plated and gold lined with en
s special at : $1.25 I graved shield 501
solid 75o and $1.00 ,Back Platinum Braid ' Pins,
A. Combs, solid Cfi wit Rhine- r?
OVIC Cold Inlaid '..OvC stones OUC
75o' Barrets,
gold Inlaid,
Jewelry Specials for Saturday '
Beautiful New Earrings,- with coral, jet, pearl, amethyst, topaz, gold
filagree and many-otbsr combinations; worth $1.00, . jq
special at . . . ..,07C
Men's Solid Gold Lapel Chains, worth $5.00; special
at i
Solid Gold Earrings with Sterling Silver Pendants (exact copies of
exquisite diamond earrings), special values at $2.50 up to $12.00
,- We have a beautiful line of Solid Gold Earrings.
Solid Gold Cuff Links with filled
posts, worth $3.00; at.. $1.49
Solid Gold Tie Clasps, worth
$2.50; special at $1.19
$3.00, and $4.00 Solid Gold Stick
Pins.' at. .' .$1.49
$3 and $4 Solid Gold Ladies' Rings,
set with all color gems; special
t .. r -........$1.39
Sterling Silver Manicure Pieces In
dainty patterns; special, each 25
Solid Gold Pendant LaVallieres,
worth $6.00; special at $3.98
Solid Gold Stick Pins, worth $2;
special aU 89
jUyor and Hoye and Wappica An
swer Karbach i Charges.
:fftlaaataa Is Gives ( the Reaaaa
2 : I . Craallac Ortala Salaaa
; Ltoaaaes Attar Tar Are
ij , BU la.
SThrea BMmbars of tha tlr and pollc
Jvard, lneludini atayor Dahlman. wars
ilc4 txter the grao4 Jury yaatsrday
And eiMatloned on certaia atatamfnu
4a by atambar Karsach batora tha
rsn4 Jury Wadmedar. Tni Hoy a sad
JV. r. Wapplch ware tha ethar two wlt
Jeasea axamiMd bealdas tha mayor. '
Mayor Dahlmaa. when ha lart tha ooort
loom, said be bad been questioned oa tha
Itetvd graft la holdlas up aalooa Uceoies
Wad alao rerardins certain supplies pur
phased by the Ore and ponce board for
Jbe fire department. Tha mayor was
rpt under fire la the Jury chamber for
lmost an hour and the other two men
Jrere euerUoned about fifteen minutes
a Tha purchase at 6 MS feet of boas for
. lha firs department during 111 was the
fhief subject. It aeema In m the Ore
ad police board purebaaad a large
amount of hoae for M cents S foot, and
were given tha privilege of buying mors
at the same prloe when It was wanted.
Tha following year tha board advertised
for bids on I.S9S feet of hoe. Tha price
paid was il.lf a foot and the contract
divided among three firms. -
Tha mayor and tha other members ot
tha polios oard were naked to esplatn
why they had not taken advantage -of
tha offer for axent boas and Inetead
pay IMS. The mayor said tha price paid
for the hoee was H 10 and that the con
tract waa let In executive and open
aeaalons of the police board. The higher
price waa paid for the hoee on the rec
ommendation ot Fire Chief Salter, who
aid t!w k-cent hore would not atand the
high water prewure and ISurated. The
members alio lold the Jury why certain
saloon licenses were held up and later
From Our Near Neighbors
C anssssssnar
your sock M
jmoodi a Tofffalda
Jamea Walah of Beneon waa here Bat-.
urday looking after bualneea Intereata,
Mln Ivy Kins cams out from Omaha
Sunday morning for a short visit at
home. I
Cart O.'Jenren and Mla tah 1. Me-
herty were married In Omaha Uonday
by Justice rmter.
Mra. William Johnon of Omaha visited
two day last week with her friend, Mra
rrea bnruarat, ana family.
Wa Ktla P. Iiarell went to Ben non
Sunday with her mere. Mra. Smith, attaa
Loweu returned nome stonaay.
Mr. and Mra. Mmdel Park nf Connetl
Bluff a arrived Sunday morning and are
vUltins Mra. Teal and family.
Mra. H. H. Morris went to Washington
Monday on account of tha lllneea of a
eoualo, whs reaidee near that place.
Mlaa Grace Rush, who n worklnar in
Omaha, and waa home tor Sunday, re
turned to the city Monday morning.
Mra V.- a. Gould returned Monday
evening from Colfax la., where aha
went two weeks ao for rest and treat-
A mlaeetlaneous ahower for Mrs. J.
Ephralra Sumnrr. nee lxzle Weka. was
KlTea br Mrs. r A. Tl at her heme
last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. 1. a. Herrlnaton and Mini Aston
went to Omaha Tuesday morning to at
tend a meeting of the Presbyterian
Woman's Missionary society.
Mrs. C. K Burs holder and the children
went to Hooper Wednesday to visit rela
tive while Mr. BurkhoMer la at the
teachers' meeting at Fremont
Mlaa Trees Mcford of txxan, la., who
la attending tha University of Nebraska,
waa a guest at the J. C. Robinson nome
last week, tearing Sunday for Lincoln.
Dr. IV Richardson and son Willi ra
went to Omaha Monday to sea Mrs.
Richardson at the hospital, where aha
ass baas, since las first PC Mat waek.
Mra. Richardson Is getting along quite
Tha school board met Tuesday evening
at tlie poetofflce and re-elected the pres
ent corps of teachers, all of whom were
applicants for another year. The selec
tion for tne additional teacner, mane
necessary because ot adding the twelfth
grade, was not made, but will be ss soon
as tha board can find someone suitable.
Mra. Charles Jack was a visitor at
Omaha Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Putnam of Sioux
City were guests at the 4. W. Tamplln
boms for a few days this wees.
Mra H. M. Hopewell and daughter.
Mlaa Florence, left on Tuesday lor Holly
wood. Csi, where they will spend scl
eral months;
Mr. and Mr. C W. Conkllng and son.
Raloh. are expected to spend the sum
at uenver, enjoying mountain air
Miss WUIa Ppier of tU. Joe, Ma., la
tha guest of her friend. Mlaa Augusta
Houston, tha young woman boOt being
students st trie state aniverstty.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Houston entertained
at a S o'clock dinner last Thursday even
ing, llexers. Morris. Illish and Kearlr
Holmes, two young gnileinea friends of
Mr. Houston.
Mr. and Mrs. Osrsr Dixon and little
daughter left this week for Loa An
gelea. Co.. where they expect to remain
for an Indefinite time and perhaps make
their noma there.
Meaara. H. U Webster. James R
Fore. Ralph Conkllng and John Gill
went to Omaha Thursday to attend the
masting of the Man and Kdigkm For
ward Movement. I
flie Teaamah Women's Hub wilt en
tertain the Third District Federation of
wetnea'a cluk em April id an! 17. Tbev
expect to have s fine time with about
MS) out-of-town ladles present.
Tekamah shoppers are bewailing the
fact that the early morning train to
Omaha Is to he taken off the run the
last of this month. It means either an
all night stay In Omaha or too brief a
period for making proper selection at
the Omaha retail stores.
!rl!e Dirk ot Omaha spent Sunday
with his mother. .
Mrs. Louella O'Hsnlon left for Califor
nia on Tuesday. v
Henry Wulff of Colorado Is hers on a
visit for a week.
Mr. and Mra A. C. Jones were Omaha
Msltors on Monday.
A baby girl arrived st the home of Mr.
and Mra Harrey Rrogh on Monday.
Miss Blanche Rodman, teacher la the
Lincoln schools, waa at home aver Sun
day. Miss Ida Plener and FMward Carver
spent Sunday with Mlsa Pieper's parents
In Fremont.
Editor W. K. Strode of the Plsgah
Ia. i News was in Dlsir Saturday and
Mlsa Olsrivs Krmn is home from Co
lumbus, Neb., spendiug her vacation wiisa
ner patem.
The city council baa passed an ordi
nance which compels a picture machine
operator to be a years old or over.
K. W. Amdt. hardware man, and Wat
son Tyson. Jr.. farmer, have been drawn
for Jury duty la Omaha oa April and 13.
Mr. and Mr. Oscar Dixon and Mrs.
Asa Dixon, sr.. will leave on next Tues
day for a twa months' stay In Los
Angeles. Cat
Dr. Curtis of Calhoun was In Blair last
Friday and took his father. J. F. Curtis,
who was Buffering with bean trouble,
noma with bins.
The High School Students literary so
ciety realised a from a comedy play.
-Why Not Jim"" given in the acaool
auditorium Friday evening.
Prof. C. R. Gates of the city sehooto
was rn Fremont Friday, where he talked
nn "Short I ntirKM In th Hirh Mrtwiol
! at the District Teachers' association.
guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Roa
ker. Mrs, Charles Johnson snd children and
Miss Osrrla Mack spent Monday In
Mrs. Westphalen of Omaha visited
Tuesday and Wednesdsv with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Plamberk.
Mln Mabel Koch snd Mr. Henry
Peters visited In Paplllion Sunday with
the former's sister, Mrs. Boyer.
William von" Dohren, sr., departed
Saturday for Ms ranch st Rushvllle,
where he Intends spending the summer.
Mrs. Clifford Belyllnger and son of
Wymore. - Neb., arrived. Monday for a
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Koch.
William Smith of Crete, Neb., who has
beln the guest ot ChrJs Koch, Jr.. the
last two week, returned to his home
Mrs. fill! SSinrfall -. 1. in ....
Mr. Pettis of Irivlngtnn spent Sunday
with bis son Jamas in Omaha.
' Rev W. U Richard and family left
last Tuesday for their new ,home in
VIM I r. lit KK. 4 a .
- -"-'-'. vi ovuin armaria
visited a few days with relatives In
Harry Hani of Omaha wss the guest
of his uncle, K. E. Iticbard. from Friday
until Sunday. ,
Ulcl. Mr v- c Peckenpaugh and
children left last Saturday for Logan,
la., w tiers they will reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Richard of Omaha
were rial tors at the bom of their daugh
ter. Mrs. Charley Smith, last ttainday.
Jim Johnson shipped his car ot house
hold goods to Colorado Spring last week,
where he will make his future Isomer
Mrs. Krats and children left Wednes
day tor Lincoln. Neb, where they will
visit a week before leaving for Cali
fornia. Mr. Krats went witn ths car
rrtuay evening.
slls Ttlile Nrrxoirot Omaha visited at
her home $unday.
Miss Tus Anderson of Elk horn spent
Saturday at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koch snd son,
Chris, wers Omaha visitors Tuesday.
The funeral of Joe PtaunhecJr, sr., was
bald Wednesday at the residence hi Mil
lard. Jan. Wachtsl ot Wymore. Keb, la a
James E. Woodward of atoundup. Wvo.,
Is vtelting wtlh his father. Assistant Post
master Woodard.
Hotel arrlmls:
Millard w. J. Noble. Scrlbner: H. U
Webster, Tekamah; James It- Force. Te
kamah; L. Fusby and wife, Stroms
burg: W. E. Pttnev. Nelleh; J. H. Beet,
York: A. K. Chamber, Norfolk: George
Buehler. Norfolk: Phil Walker, Leigh.
Hensnaw R. S. Johnson. St. Joseph.
Mo.: T. J. Tracy. Grand Island; G. Man
eini. Florence: F. W. Shonka and vufe,
Schuyler; U. & Baker, Boss Oxj. la.
r-r yd' t (Chicago ----ggS ' i
Bridges the Distance
With Safety, Speed, Comfort
Between Omaha and Chicago
. 6:08 p.m.
Leaves Union Station.
Electric lighted throughout, with dravriiigroom, sleeping ear.
. observation car, dining oar, chair cars and coaches.
Arrives La Salle Station . , ... . 8:09 a. m,
j Only Oa aa the Xarratsd Hot
Arrives Englewood Union Station . . . 7:54 a. m,
' CeaTaaleat to Soata Bids District . ,
Other Good Tralss at 4:1 p. an-, 12:38 a, St.,
, For ticket, rcsrrraiioai or tsirmatw, phone, vritt or cgA
Ticket Office): J. 8. Me3t A1AT.
zssi r?un Brreei.