THE BEE: OMAIIA. THURSDAY, MARCH SB. 1912. A! 'I 'WAGE PAYERS DISCUSS BILL I lUnnfaetnren Consider liability Measure After BtnqneL DESZ2ABHITT IS TrsaTTESTIOBZD Local Employers, with Member t CmbMn Frame til. C ' eider rntirn pcoaeew Vital te yniult Act. A Th cemnlexitiee ef the workmen- compensation and employ ere" liability bill proposed for passage br th Nebraska legislature were Interestingly diacuaaed before th Omaha alautacturer" sxsocia- tlon after a dinner last night In th rath- sketktr nf th Henshaw hotel. Ana th deeper the speaker vent Into the subject the more Impressed were the listener ef the greatness of the under taking In framing for Nebraska a Mil for workmen's tumpensatt tor aoct- dents and death. Men who hare mads special study of th subject, prominent lawyer, some of those who are members of the commis sion appointed to draft to bill, and lead ing local manufacturers were among th speakers to discuss and elucidate th question. The list of speakera Included Howard H. Baldrlg. A. J. Essera. F. L Elite. Victor Roeewater, C. F. Schwager. A. J. Vterllng, Edaoa Rich and T. B. Ban born. Mr. Sanborn, who la president of the Omaha Manufacturers' association. Intro duced the speaker and helped to empha sis th Importance of th employers' liability bill. Two Ceaaaalaaleaere Attend. Of the commissi oners appointed to draft ths bill, only two wer present to enter Into th discussion. Thsy wer F. L KV lick. representing the employer, and Victor Rosewater. commissioner-at -large. Th other member of th commission are C. D. Trapbacea of Lincoln, repre-J sentlng th employers; A. C WsitseU and F. A. Coffey, representing th labor ing men; L D. Evan ef Kneaw and Rev. A. 8. Weatherty of Uneola, com missioners-!-large. All thoo wh took part ht th mscus- sloa announced the rose levee in faver of some kind of a bill for workmen' com pensation and employers' liability. They argued th need of sorti legislation. "In eleven states, California, Kansas,' New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Washington. Maryland, Montana, Illi nois, Minnesota and Ohio, law havs been psssed to protect th worklngman," said Mr. Klltrk. "In foreign countries, curb a Germany and Great Britain, where such a law ha been In effect for many year, we may see th advantage and some of th disadvantage of th work men' compensation and employers' lia bility law. "From these states which now have law along I hi Ho w may see th advantage and disadvantage of It and can tram our law accordingly. Vital relate I. Law. "First, there sr two thing for us to consider: Whether workmen compensa tion for accidents and death shall be elective or compulsory; whether em pluysr anal I tsks th liability for aoot dent and death to th employ or whether liability shall be forced upon them. There are such problems to con sider a whether it (ball be Insuranc or employer' liability; If Insurance, whether all employers should dump their money Into a common fund or whether th dif ferent business be divided Into e leasee with each class protecting It workmen. We must oonslder whether It shall be a burden of th employer lon r th em ployer and the employ." After outlining th many question In volved and explaining their various phase Mr. ElUck toft th subect for discussion. Howard H. Bald rig be gas hi remarks with a glimpse at th problem from to lawyer' viewpoint, considering the fact that such law would tak from the legal fraternity workman's damage suits against their employers for accidents and deaths. HI first statement was "that lawyers have to live," but with th lawyer partiality for his client h quickly delved Into th proposition of compensation. Froteetlea for Workmen. "W realise,' lie said, "that th work lngman need protection and h need It moat whan out of work and Injured. Th tedious delay ef th law compel him many time to accept leas than he ouKht to accept when suing for damages for Injuries he ha sustained. W at far behind Great Britain and Germany In making adequate and prompt compen sation to the laboring man. "Th purpose of this proposed law Is to adjust a speedily and as Justly aa posslbl differences between employer and employe. The National Crete federation and th Federation of Labor both bar such prospective law. W should study tfcem and the laws of the states now operating such laws bad consider them in drafting this bilL I am in faver of som form of workmen's compensation bill and want 1 see the right of th employer protected-" Victor Rose-water talked on the topic from th viewpoint of to commisstonar-at-larxc. "In drafting this bill," be Mid, "tb commission baa been very careful. I t'.'nk It would be a splendid thing to draft a tentative bill which can be held up for consideration and criticism of both the employer and employe. In such a nay we can artr at what Is most wanted and needed. "It would be well for the members of this organisation to tak th subject each to apply It to bis ova business. In my mind, H I more ef a problem of fcumant tarlantsra than anything els. A large number of seddenta ar no en' fault- 1 think w ehouid remove th burden from the Individual and place rt oa th In dustry. There Is a question whether It should be placed on th tndtvlduet em ployer la th industry, whether to create a class fund or make a general fund from taxation. There is also the question of limitation. There will be some to ask why we should not include sick benefits, fir damage, old xe and ao oa" A. J. Efrgers explained the Waablngtoa law, which, he -eaid, ajceonts to a com pulsory state insurance. It pro rides a general Insurance fund created by taxing the pay rolls of the various Industries. He told of tbe three commissioners whose duty It is to adjust ciaima and watch out for frauds. A. J. Vterllng touched on the quesUoa of partial disability and advised a general fund oa the bast ot old line Insurance. Railroad Favosa Law, Edson Rich made the declaration that with a workmen's com pee tloa and em ployers' liability law la Nebraska the Iruoo Pacific would pay out la claims B per cent more than they do at present, yet the company preferred the new law. "It la partially theoretical and partially Practical." he said. "The unfairaesa ef the rule of law reflects la the verdicts ef Juries. If a fund I created for work metre compensation It should not be - levied est th people ef the state. There are many' objection to the Insurance LEAD ISO FIGU1E EI THE HEX AJD EELIGI05 HOVE . .. at Vs DR. J. J LANSING. Speak tola Evening. proposition. There should be a graduated and fixed scale eo much to be psld tor the loss of an eye, so mach for a hand and a on, and all based on th earning power of the workman." Mr. Rich declared that If the employer was liable for th (ccldents to his em ploys be should raise th price of hi goods to meet the expense. High School Glee Club Plans Concert At a meeting ef the executive com mittee of the Omaha High School Glee club held In Walter B. Graham' studio In th Boyd theater building last even lug. It was planned to givs a concert at the Lyrio theater oa Thursday even ing. April la, at which tint a reper toire of selection with plenty of diver sified musical entertainment will be given. So far this year the school authori ties hav refused to support th uiee club although It has proven the most active of all tbe student activities. At the beginning of the year rehearsals were forbidden at th school and th mem bers went to their own personal expense of hiring an Instructor and using his studio for their work. Although debat ing ha received every kind of encour agement and the ex penes of a coach In argumentation haa been Incurred by tue Beard of Education, no financial aid whalnver haa been rendered th singer. JOE WAGMAN ENTERTAINS ' HIS NEW BASE BALL TEAM Joseph Wagman. backer ot the aeral profeeatonal Wagman base ball team, gave a banquet to the team last night which will long be remembered by all who a ere present a Mr. Wagman In his efforts to give the team a pleasant even ing bad mad arrangement for music In th way ef the Old Timers quartette. Speeches and good (torts by th aver reteabls Harry Townasnd, and a spread by Joseph . Wagman helped finish a most enjoyable evening. Mr. Townasnd spoke on th duty of a ball team to It backer and Mr. Wagman spoke with pride ot hi new team. Messrs. Hoys, Bender. Lehr and Oahlo formed a musical trio hard to beat and Mr. Oshlo showed considerable ability as a rag time artist. Hal Bandar pulled off some athlstlo parlor stunt thst were ringer a they were of ths highest class. Don't forget th Orient! Rug Sale all this week at ORCHARD t WILHELM. V: Hr THE MEN AND WOMEN Who Enjoy the Choicest Product, of the World's Commerce Knowledge of What is Bat Mora Inrrxirt&at TUaWrjtJth Without It It must bs apparent to every one that qualities ot th highest order ar necessary to enable th best of th product of modern commerce to attain to universal acceptance. However loudly heralded, they may not hope for world-wide pre eminence unless they meet with th general approval, not of individual only, but of the many who hav th happy faculty of selecting; and en joying th choicest products. Their comiriri tion, consequently, becomes important to others, since to meet th requirements of th well in formed of all countries the method of manu facture must be of th most perfect order and th combination th most excellent of its kind, After thirty year of general usage, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is everywhere accepted a tb best of family laxatives. Its quality is due oot only to th excellence of th laxative and carminative principle of plants known to act most beneficially on the system, but also to th method of manufacture of th California Fig Syrup Co which ensures that uniformity and parity essential in a remedy intended for family us. It cleanses and sweeten tho system f fectually, when a laxative i needed, without any unpleasant after effects. To get th bene ficial effects of Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna, buy of your druggist th genuine only, th full nam of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package; one size only, price, 50 cents per bottle. Sale of Rare Oriental Rugs No finer quality Oriental rugs have ever been shown in Omaha for the prices that we are asking daring our special sale this week. Every rug is an im portation of the finest weave. The prices are extremely low, and nowhere can you find their equals. The sales so far have been large. We will be pleased to have you inspect these offerings whether you wish to buy or not Milkr Stewart & Beaton Co. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street v . -. '..... ( TWO IOWA MEN ARE HELD Bound Over to Federal Grand Jury on White Slavery Charge. W ITS ESSES 60 OVEX STOET Tell Row Rlllls l Klasle Haa Breaabt On aba and V Ken Her Cesapaar the Trip te the City. After a hearing that lasted all yester day afternoon 1 Council Bluff. Colonel W. F. 8a pp. United Plates eomnilaeoner. held Leo Van Oar torn and Roy Mur fleld to await indictment by tbe federal grand Jury at Omaha for their connec tion with Rlllls L. Kinatt, th young, girl whose experiences in the Mil.ard hotel and elsewhere In Omaha created a sensation, when made public a month ago. Th men were held airier tbe fedora. statute denning and punishing 'wall slavery," and thtlr alleged culpability lies In the ahowmg that they induced ner to go from Harlan, la., to Omaha for Immoral purposes! Both were held unuer tt.,00) bond and sent to the county Jail of Pottawatamis until it could be pro video. Oeorge E- White, th third young man from Harlan. la., who waa arrested at the same time on the same charge, waa relieved of alt respoualbllity snJ used a a witness by th government against th ether. Graver Miller, tb fourth young man. who waa arrested la Nebraska and had given bond, waa In th court room, put aa a spectator only. Tbe prosecution waa conducted by Dis trict Attorney Howell of Omaha. The evidence included the evidence ot federal secret service men, who worked up the esse and witnesses residing In Harlan and Omaha. Special Officer Una told of tbe statement by Van Oorkom and Mur- fleld at the time ot their arrest after being cautioned that th evidence might be used against him. It waa a fully de tailed statement ot how th young men had met th girl at Harlan, when ah reached the town dangerously III, and had kept her for on day at th Bryson hotel and than for two day at the Mur- fleld home In the absence of all of ui other member ot the family. The testimony showed that th young men. Miller, Van Oorkom and Murfleld, had assisted In providing for her care, finally paying for m railway ticket from Harlan to Omaha, It was also shown by witnesses that Murfleld accompanied ner to Omaha and took her to the Arcade hotel about Jan, uary It, W. A. Blxlar. night dark at th hotel. Identified Murfleld as tb young man who appeared with her at the hotel carrying her grip. The young woman registered aa Miss R. L. Klnsle, De Moines, and Murfleld registered un der his proper Bam with Harlaa as his addras. Th young womai. era assigned to room en th eeond floor and th man. to another on the third. Ha testified that she staid there about ten day. registering anew each day. It waa shows that sh communicated with th young men at Harlan over th telephone and corresponded with them, and that about th Urn aha waa requested to leave th hotel Murfleld appeared and called for a note she had toft fur him. Miss Lor In Black, 1M CaplUol avenue, Omaha, told of two young men coming to nor place and trying t make arrange ment for th girl to be taken In, and that ah cam there three times to urge the request. She identified Miller. White, Van Oorkom and Murfteld aa men wh had called there to Inquire about her. Sh ask the young girl skirts did not reach to her shoe top and sh ap peared to be very chlldtsb. During het third visit she smoked ten cigarettes In a very awkward manner and they mad bar deathly sick. Mis Black said tb girl told her sh waa lk, but sh expressed ber conviction that sb wss under IS. Whtts was not told of the dismissal of tbe charge against hjm until he waa called to th stand. He a as a strong, but very unwilling witness for the gov ernment, Tbe accused were represented 'by Emmet Tlntey, senior member ot the law firm of Tinier Mitchell, and At torney Shelby Culllaon of Harlan. Van Uorkom's partner In a 3. ditching contract at Harlan, wa present and an nounced that he had come to pro ule bonds for both young men. Children Discover Unidentified Body A body, supposed to be that of Abra ham Ktelera. a garbage hauler, as fount! shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday sfter noon by school children at PICly-secoud snd Leavenworth streets. Near the man ere found two empty whisky bottle snd some loose chsnge. Coroner Crosby was notified snd took, charge of thebody. An fnouest will tie held todsy. At U o'clock Monday night the man was eon staggering along near Leavenworth and Fifty-first streeta Steler with his wife and two daughters lived near Fifty, first and Canter streeta At a late hour last night the Identity was not estab lished, due to the fact thst relative could not be located. CITY GARAGE FOREMAN TO REPAIR POLICE AUTOS After a lengthy discussion about car bureters, Ursa, motors and other Intrlra da of sutomobllee. the Board ot Fire and Polios Commissioners decided tsst night to have tbe several police autos. OiiW dim (mm a&i&Sb Qil !iBRi CinitWriTti A charming ballad in English, a lovely operatic aria in French, and an amusing Neapolitan song. All sung as only the great tenor can sing them. A new Lucia Sextette with Tetrazzini, Caruso, Amato, Journet, Jacoby, and Bada Another "all-star cast" record of this magnificent ensemble. -Especially interesting because it marks the first "appearance" of Tetrazzini and Caruso in the same record. , Hear the records at any Victor dealer 't, and tile him lor an April supplement which contain a complete list oil new single- ind double faced recordi, with a detailed description ol each. Always use Victor Records played with Victor Needles there is no other way to set the un equaled Victor tone. Vxter Talking Machlae Vife 1 ilia I 15th and 334 SJrei 334 roadway. QeaVV asSvV'W'Vlr1 Vf"wll'1 esvt' N J MsVV ii ass STREET CAR Why not occupy the vacant space in the front part of the car, thus avoiding the crowd and the pushing when you want to get off ? - Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Including the patrol wason. thoroughly f overhauled end placed la serviceable con- dltion. Tbe work is to be done by T. A. Baughmsn. f.Tvman ot the rlty gsrsge and repair hop at the city Jail, at the cheapest fUnire possible. Uuy U Smith asked tM per car for the repair work; $1.J& per car for overhaul ing, painting and repslr work, and JJ additional for new motor, or f..C3 for each car. Baughman says the total con per car should not exceed tMO. it :imount- The petition from l)undee, west of Omaha, for asMtsnce from th fire de partment In esse of a fire In that town, did not come up as expected. It wss dis cussed, however, by the commission. A resolution was received from xteyor J. & 1'muI of riorence thanking the mem bers of hose companies No, e, u and for aldlns the Florence firemen In ex ttngumhlng the fire on March s. Malloy's Relatives Sought by Coroner The police have been notified by I vet J. Newlen. coroner of Polk county, la. that a man believed to be Tom Malloy at South Omaha was dead In IV Molne Ktforts are being mad by the De Molnei authorities to locate his relatives or friends, to thst the budy can be properli buried. In a letter to the police Coroner New len saya that there are many trlnklets snd other property which Indicate thst Malloy lived her. Ills clothes bear the trademark of B. Edward Zeiss, hsbsr dasher Ills time book with the Illinois Central shows that he was employed her t timr. nd a letter with a postmark of Omsha was found in his clothea Mal loy wss about ti years ot age. Co, Caasdea, N. X MICKEL, Manager Htrney Sts., Omaha Council Bluff -Ill- Protest Against Dancing in Schools Representatives of th Swedish Lu theran Ministerial association met with the committee on textbooks and course of study of the Board of Educaton yes terday afternoon and protested against uaucing In I.. city schools. Tb visit followed a letter written by Jtev. C. B. Elvtng for th association. Superintendent E. V. Graft explained that the game played by the children ot (he public schools were not really dances. The committee took no action, but told Die ministers the request would b care . oily considered. Plans tor the establishment ot a com meiclal High school In the Leavenworth ulldlng wer to hare been considered, but th time waa too short and ths com mittee adjourned until J o'clock this afternoon. PLANNING AID FOR GREAT SCHOOL FOR COLORED FOLKS Prof. Charles Alexander of Boston Is In the city In the Interests of the Na tions) Religious Training school of Dur ham. N. C. Mr. Alexander Is arranging lecture datea for th president nt thts chool, tr. James E. Shenard, who will ippear at several of ths Omaha churches nday and Monday, April 14 and 15. The Institution headed hy Dr. Shepard Is ons for the education of colored people along th moat modern and practical line. This lecture tour I for th pur pas of enlletlng sympathy and financial support for raising fund to complete several buildings now In enures of erec tion. Architect Clarenc w. Wtglngton of this city haa mad th plan tor the building and other t b erected. Records, Machines and Ac cessories, On Sals at A. Hospe 1513-15 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB, ajwsi s svV tftimmtfo HINTS Company The PAD Boston Garter b full of good rubber that Uvea long and doesn't get flimy. No metal rubs your leg. . The PAD Boston Garter is shaped to rest snugly and comfortably. Keeps up your sock as smoota as your skin. The clasp has the moulded rubber button. Won't let go until released. Insist on PAD Boston Garter. 1)4 alt-Tbs-Tttr-'llsisd Jirtsf. LISLB 25c an ar aiOftSC rHOT CO, MAKERS, BOiTON Abo Bated ol 4 famous Hoes Supporter, for woejoa and ckiidrea. (RAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE. EASY WAY TO RESTORE COLOR 4 harmless remedy, mad from eoffl moo sard an sag, qulchly restores gray hair to natural color. Tba car of th hair, to prevent It from losing Its color and lustra I just. as Important aa to car for teeth to keep them from dls. toloring. Why spend money for cos metics and creams to Improv th ooro plsxlon, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair I even more conspicuous and uggesltv f ag than wrinkle or a poor complexion Of th two, It I easlsr to preserve th natural color and beauty at the hair than It Is to have a good complexion. All that la necessary la the occasional as ot Wysth' Sags and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common gar dsn Sags and Sulphur, combined wits ether valuable remedies tor dry. harsh, faded hair, dandruff, lUblnf acalp and falling heir. Attar a fa application ef this slmpl. harmless remedy, your hair will gradually b restored to It natural color, In a abort Urn th dan druff will be removed, and your hair will a tenser com out but will start ts grew ss Natur Intended It should. Don't aaglect your halt, for It goes further than anything el to maa or le mar your good look. Tou can buy tola remedy at any drug (tor for titty rents a bottls, and your druggist will glv your money back If you are not satisfied after using. Purchase a bottls today. Tou will never re rat It wbn yon realise th difference it will maa la your anprance. Special agent. Sherman. 4 sleConaoT Drag Oa NOSE STOPPED UP WITH GOLD AND CATARRH No matter how mlserabls yon ar with catarrh or a eeid In th head, no stou ped up, throat sore, eye running, dull pens la the head, dry cough, fever, foul breath, Ely's Cream Balm will glv you Instant relief. It gt right at th not of th trouble, cleanses, heals and etrcngthen th raw, or membranes, sup ths nasty dls. sharg ao that you ar not constantly blowing th nose and spitting. . In a few minute after applied you can feel It doing It work of clearing th head, the pain and soreness are relieved, the breath, tng beoomse natural and th (tufted up feeling I gone. This cleansing, h sail ar ea tlsepttc Balm contains no msreury, rw cala or ether harmful drugs. It la easy to apply, pleasant to use, and never falls t glv rstlsf. vn In th worst case. Never neglect a cold, and don't suffer ths miseries of catarrh nor disgust your friend with your hawking, (pitting and foul breath. Get a M cent bottl of Ely' Cream Ualra from your druggist, and start th treatment at once You will find that It will be th best Investment you svsr made. WOULD YOU SAVE Todsy. should rtr denror or burgiare stsal your Jewelry, bonds, securities and ether pri vate papers T Home things could aot be mad good with the Fir Insur anc on your property. A SAFfcTT BOJt In our Steel Vault at from II a year li the strongset Insurance sgalnst lose of your valuable.. Why aot rent one today f Omjh. Sale Deposit Csnpisy. Street l-evel Batraaeo te Taalta 114 raraas Street. Every WOMAN should know about tbe wonderful Marrel "Whirling Spray" SYRINGE Best safest most convenient. Cleanse instantly. If year drocxlit caeaoc supply th MAKVKU. teoa stamp tor Ulastrstsa- boo scale, costama aireeooa ssvalnabw to ladies. MARVEL COMPANY 44 East ISrs Street New Vera re ! by Saasssaa atbOoaneri Be- C. Stall awn aallelasd. tow Bate te Paelfle Coast. Effective l-ntil April li. Specially low rate will he la affect to nomu in u-. era Canada, Washington, Idaho and uregoa, via tn lanaaian rartfle VAy. Particulars on application to Geo. A. .alton. General Ageat, ZH South Cauk 3 Jt. Chlcagu. ( r by name. rg-i Krrpr w .r;v,-1 If r j w. m m