. ) v v Sherlocko the There's a max") Ho CAsTiTi MLfiEZ tsmgii .- ' 7YZ fJ'iHouwrlL "aj i Nw.aoocHai riMr eaSMefeZ tAVE MtM AAESTEt J ) I J 1 rS4CUJ W Cf. V CUU ANO V. J 21 J A f. JhOUN' DC a SOHS-lgiJ J: OFFEnEB FOR REXT teres and Office. ERICK OARAGE. suitable for automo bile or storage. !w St. Mary's An ONE new brick storeroom, southwest earner Nth and Lake 8t Apply J0O8 Lake . Store at 2308 Cumin gt. Store at Sll Cumins St. Store at W5 N. th St. Store at 3S N. !th Pi. . Store at W7 N. 34th St. Stor at .t X. Sth. South Omaha. O. C. KEDICK. Attorney. 1517 Farnam Street. OFFICES or salesroom at lilh and Har ney. Id floor at IMS Harney (oewl. 2d floor at 150S-10 Harney (new). Office at U17 Farnam. second floor. Surea at 14U Harney street. O. C. RBDICK. ATTOUNET. lili Farnam Street. stngls or in suite: large, well lighted and ventilated: excellent service; reasonable ntal. ADDly. KAT'Ii FIUKL1TT CASUALTT CO.. l.'th and rarnam Bis. OFFERED FOR BALk snlisn. CLOSING out sate of furniture. On stores, steel ranges, food aa new; no rea sonable offer refused. Will sell separate or all together, zav cuming. ALMOST new furniture for sale, cheap. Harney n". FOR SALB Household foods and fur nishlnsa Also some old furniture, 10 o clock Monday morning, March . M B. 29th Ave. FURNITURE, Including piano. 40a Far. nam. Harney 4Mb. GOLDEN oak dlnlrut room aet: dishes, kitchen effects, gas atove, lea box, couches, lamps, bed, chair, tables, pic tures, books, typewriter, can Monday, 101 N. 41st Ht. Typewriters. VISIBLE typewriters and all other makes, sold or rented anywhere at te it mfg's price allowing rental to apply aa price; shipped on approval. Write lor circular. IMi Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. RENT an Oliver typewriter from ine Oliver Typewriter co- uniigiaa si TYPEWRITERS for rent, lowest figure aver quoted, a momn si. t.entr.ti tyr writer Exchange, ltifl Farnam. Dong. 90S. TYPEWRITERS, all makes and prlres. lanes, and best stock. Call r write for large list. Wa ship on approval. & F. Swanson Co.. Ul Farnam bL, Omaha. Maalral Inateaaseaita. SMITH NIXOM. high-trade upright piano: nearly new; bargain. 4M W. lth. Itlaeellaaeaaa. FOR SALE Two oholarshlpa In the Omaha Commercial college and one In Poylee college. liualnesa ofne, Omaha nee a new Jmpotled Japanese hand painrad tea aet" 41 plecea; Chinese roaea, traya and embroidery. Harney M6a. - Gilt Edge We have a FIRST MORTGAGE OF It.ON to sail, and wa will take 1300 for It. Thlt paper, secured by eighty aerea finest land In northwest Nebraska; Jtt miles from Chadron. runs i years and draws J per cent annual Interest We are ofte.'lg this paper at a reduction so wa may raise some money quickly, and If you are Interested ACT QUICKLT. Ref erence First National Bank, Chadron, Nebraska; Stock Tards National Bank, South Omaha, Neb. C. M. Valentine Land Company, Chadron, Neb. '' FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard la Dice and bowling alleys and accessories; bar Ilx turea of all kinds; easy payment! he branswlck-Balke-Collander Co.. ui-40 S. ltn Hu POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. a" Coal for stove or furnace. Try It. Harmon at wn- "wi w. 8AKK-Overstked with second-hand safes; all sixes and mkcs; bargain American Supply Co., Ill Farnam au D SAFES. OERIOHT. 1SH earnam L FOR SALE 'three pool ublea, new eloti f.rsi-ciaaa conoiiion: VM. uu Harney Jtt. A m-mohSb; double cylinder marine en gine; pracucaaly new. 1 at. lh- PIKSU.VAI. V Hal maawge. Ann It Islier. 4M1 Wsre Blk CTUAV liLOH REMKOr. Gladlali Hharmacy, Uth an! Dodge. LADU.s "" ilrwry Co.. I'axton Blk. steps upstair i tifttw- .n.eited aa iamis witn crytAl rf."cwr jlot and mr udulaakiaa IT e-W".' I Ul1U WUHKU weasasissas Ftiangeia are invited to visit the loung Women enruman kanoclauon bulidiru; at Seventeenth and St. Mr,- Ave.. "' tnci will Im air-ieJ lo .iutule boanuug Pia'cs. or oU,er.e auid- Look lor Cur travelers aalat toe Ut.ion station. "MagjTocreatroent. V . Wh. upstairs. "BEST bracor Ir men. urajra Aerve ivou i,Jia. i per le. poelpaio. ejermaa 4c Mcvonnjil tnuij ' Q-. o:iaw. ca. 3i7 sate Hiaenooua. 30 old Boston bid. I 1 A( L 3el" mo.emenu APU MADoAUt, , L.(J Kania-n. l. U4. aUEOlbrt nuasase lor rneumausox. noicscn ironbie. poor circuku..n. Ka ten Toiuet;i. graduate tioix aeeoenk est un.a. a .Nat, mux l.g. . b Hr. .N'T and repair ail kinds ot sew il.g niacmnea. nd. A-ifcu; i-Ougs Htoi NEUItASixA CVCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sis. CHISA DECORATOR tSeSt IK? REASONABLE. Special tttenUon te club order Kuib. Latchlord. Studio, ill bo T!lh St. ' MASU.AOX atr Steele. B. la St.. la tKK'r , R. 11. Hours. to p. m. aJAQSAfllrSa'b salt glew aromatic ftLdOOAUtitjtnwn,. VI roe. Allen t Chicago. V B. 17 in St., 1st Hoar. D. MS. Monk PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMT nltclts cast off clothing; la fact anytbiLg you da not need. Wa collect, repair and sell at U4 N. 11th Si. for coat of colloctlen. to the worthy poor. Plione Xwueaa 4i3i and axons .will ealL POUTRV ASU PET STOCK EGGS for hatching front the BrandeU Farm. Thorouanbred 8. C. White Lag horn Utility stock. 1.M setting or O per 10 Exhibition or show stock. R to K a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. LI. Brandei Omaha. Tel. Uenson e7. FAVORITE INCUBATORS and brooders means every eirg a chick; coat pries saved on first natch: as days free trial; catalog free. Leahy Mfg. Co.. 17 8. 13th. R C. ked Walker. S. O.: Tel. 8. M SINGLE COMB Crystal White Orping ton egga for hatching; 13 per fifteen. fcL So. th St.. Council Bluffs. RL'FF Orpington etrs for setting, all prise atock; china brown goose eggs and Pekln duck egca. ll Ohio. Web. 1407. THOROUGHBRED female Scotch collie pup. a months old; black, white and tan. Addreaa M. Stoner, Fort Calhoun. Neb., Route 2. Box xz. Phone fiorence ylNill.E Comb White Lexhorn eKXa for hatching, telephone Florence tit. T. Oradmann. Florence, Neb. THOROUUHBERU Buff Orpington egga, I.W, II per l. Harney lusx. BUFF Orpington egxa. Binrer'e strain, il.to setting. White Leghorn egga, II setting. Benson 741 W. Joa Steyakal, St D. R. I Omaha Neb. REAL ESTATE AHSTaVACTs OF T1TLB. Feed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract office hi Sebraak IDS Brandeta Theater. NEALE di CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St. BLlLOEUSt IKUHMA11U.. Electric, gas nxture Omaha Sliver. Co. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming. Fuch Son Blind, painting, decorating. II. Gross. Lum. wreck'g. plb. :i Paul. CITY PROPERTY FOR SAME FOR SALE OR RENT -room house and barn, U2I Chicago St.; modern Im- Srovement Apply H. W. Kates, Ne raska National bank. Dundee Home At Low Price $6,750 Buys f-room, t-wtory modern houM, buitt by owner for his hom ft vhort time auto, havlnf hot watr heat, full remented mm nient. with laundry connections and clMrn water in house; par lor, dlnlnff room, kitchen, den and bedroom, first floor; three at tractive bedrooms ftnd beth, sec ond ; quarter sawed oale finish; oak floors up and downstairs; mantel and vrate, toilet and lavatory on first floor and toilet In baeement; lot fi0xl2H feet; large south and east porch. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonable trm. GEORGE & COMPANY Agents. OMJ City Nat l Rank Bldg. 'Phones D. TW or A-17M. Bargains in Dwellings and Investment Properties Jl.tOO Buys the 7-room dwelling, with full east front lot. at KM North Sth street. Good neighborhood. Two blocks west of new Omaha college. 13.009 Buys the 8-room modern dwelling at 1737 Park Ave.; paving and all special taxes paid. This property Is located about opposite the pa vilion at Hanscom park. E.S00 Buys the s-room modern dwelling at 11 Poppleton Ave.; H, blocks from car line. C7S0 Buys Ui double frame dwelling at 26II-U uooga at.; run lot, paving paid, close In; rented for tw per month. A splendid Investment. too Buys the three frame dwellings witn iw it. frontage, 4zu-is-lft North i4th St., 1 block south of Ames Av Another aura profit Investment. W. B. Meikle 903 Ramre Bldg. Buy Direct from Owner. Fire large rooms and thoroughly mod ern bain, ine .lOuac ta in hmh1 repair inside and out, plin-d for ca, it small i- i.- (ou d s wire' ft r t-ctnettv and furnace Installel. The living ro ro, dining room and kitchen are large, wlto two KiKa iiaro-mt ana cusct p". Lot U 45x146. with shade trees and fruit trees, w a. king dutttttice L. K shop. Price f.&Q; eav lermi. li not sold will rent abou May 1. B-e Owner, taZl N. IsUl er 'jhone Webster 3aV. Buy the Foundation For a Home aw a.. at J A aTYA nM uaik M t" nuon hi v y' uiumu. This fine lot In &rnon. cose to car, . . s a. a.. L. Lra 1A Kln..lr I ItVl ftlWIII Vv itzi . tmi S rot av, nnn ; baa south exposure, is t0xl2 feet is m, acd has new homes buitt cioee by. It JUU WH I SS11V w "uirti, wes ivi sa- estmenu This property .nceaaing In UUC il UN (.(UIV. UWU e cuat wsawsy i;i-f iK a 12 Investment This im a new 2-story and basement bnck apartment bouM. lal to hign class tenants In a location w iere values are lacressing rapidly and where the best class of peop.e desire to t.ve. This prop erty will e..y pay per cent net, after deducting ail fixed e a.gea and ekptnjes of ereiy nature. Price atd uruis tn be iiad by apymg to GEORGE & UOALrANi Agents, oe-l! City Nat I Bank B ig. Phonea I. 734 or A-l.i la-ACRE PLACE. Tea blocks of car line and en paved street, a beautiful tract of land, with several acres bearing grapea and berries; good 7-room bouse and barn, aauated on one of the main streets leading to the dty; building up around and beyond with fine suburban home Could be aub dlvided and sold in lota, but Is Increasing in value and will be good investment to bold. This Is a cheap place at k,0Uw. MO KB REAL ESTATE CO.. Iss Pearl 8U. Council Biufi . The Adventure of the Hound Dog Copyright. 1913, National New. Assn. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR iLE Omaha Brick Factory Building With U. ft. floor space. 7S H. P. boiler and engine, with half block ot choice trackag Immediate possession, cheap for cah or part exchange considered. Sea Rasp Bros. lot McCacue Bldg. Doug. IM. A-MS1 FINE corner trackage property xss; mutable for wholesale warehouse corner. Kimball Front streets. For particu lars sea Ellen Anderson, Grand Island. Neb. AT BARGAIN. 7-room hous easy pay ments. Canadian office, lit Ko. Itth St. . i FOR SALE Five aerea abutting Omaha ituniry ciuo at soumwst corner. mitn. West End Ave.. Nashville. Tenn. TO BUT, SELL OR RENT. FIRKT SEE 'OHN W. ROBUINS. 1S0J FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE FARM a BASIC H LAN Da FOR SALK Cauda. Do You Want to Be Rich? Then Don't Sleep When Opixirtunity Comes! Be Awake! Be Prepared! MISS BRITISH COLl'MBIA. the fairest daughter of the west, invites YOU to share her riches. You have heard how her eaatehn sisters won "our boys" during the past decade. They are now rich because they are contented the contented man Is al ways rich. MISS BRITISH COLUMBIA la mora wealthy, churmlng and winsome than any of her eastern sisters. Boys! Uet busy and you tan get her. Be awske and be Interested In Brit ish Columbia NOW while aha wants lo bestow on you all iier wealth of h'ime-butldinc essentials climate, soil, wster, fuel everything to make you healthy and wealthy. Let us tell you the story of her wealth and possibilities. She asks you to become interested In her by pur chasing some of her splendid agricul tural lands along the network of rail nays by which she's being laced. When these rallwaya are completed millions will look her over and be In terested In her; but she promises most of her Jewels to those who recognise her worth by becoming Interested In her NOW. Let us tell you bow a few dollar Invested NOW will enable YOU to win the heart of Miss Columbia and her wealth. Write or aee. 0. J. McMANUS & CO., 205 Pearl St. Opposite Public Ubrerv, Ground Floor, Council Bluffs, la. Florida. Excursion to Florida Tuesday, April 2d Don't think all of Florida la alike. Our ianda are over KO mllea from the overflow lands the papers have been talking about. We will show them In competition with any in the I'nlted State for either small or large farming, for fruit or stock rais ing. , We have the land, the transportation, the market, the ail-year round climate. We have aold men from nearly every state some of our best and largest cus tomers are rrom ca norma. POTATOES $2.50 A BUSHEL This price Is now bHng paid to the potato growers In our locality. Go down now and see for yourself what la being done with the Irish potato crop, which is now being gathered and marketed. FACTS Over M0 farmers In the vlelnltv will tell you that they are doing this. JOIN OUR FXCT'RSION APRIL !L and wa will show .you. o r price la z and Vu per arr We have confidence In our tiruuoeltlon and as an Inducement to ao and see for yourself we offer to refund railroad fare to all purchasers of forty acres and waif to purchasers of twenty acres. Remember April 2d Next Excursion Kiverview Farms ' Company BENSON & CARMICIIAEL 642 Paxton Block Omaha, Neb. eeegta. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Travelled by tse ATLANTA. liUUH.NGilAM - ATLAN TIC KA1UUIAU tnda adapied to too widest range at crepe. All im money crape af ttie souta tlratlfully produced. For literature treat, lag witn this cowing country. Ha asti, tiima&e. isturcb and S-fcew a4veiiieaj write W. H. LEAHY. DEFT. K. , teener! Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. Stimulate your Rn;ee by advertising la The Bee the newspaper that readies an of tli buyer THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1912. REAL ESTATE FA RSI RN II I. AMI FOR !. Idahe, THE sure-crop country Is thn Minidoka frotect In the Snake river valley of daho. Irrigable state lands can be bought at low prices and farmed by the aid wt Irrigation with wonderrui result Are you Intereated In railing potaloe alfalfa, sugar bevts, wheat, oat etc. Poultry ratiiera also ahould Investlgat AJd rets Northwestern Land Ce.. Hurley, Idaho Indian FARMS 1NINDIANA Farms In Indisna for sale and sxchsng Property In all large cities for sale and trade. Write us what you want. Fay li. Pickens d Co.. Cloverdale. Ind. TUB re si est way te find buyer est your farm is ta Insert a small want ad In the Iea Moines Capital. Largest air culallon la tbe stats of Inwa. t&ia dally The Capital Is read by and believed la by the standpatters of low who aisaply lefuse ta permit any ether paper ta liieif heme Kate I cent word a day; ai.il per line per month; count six erdlaerp lords toe line. Addrvaa IMS Muiuas Capital. ns sloliie la. Minnesota. A FINE lv-A. farm, just six miles from the Iowa line; good buildings; well fenced: all good plow land. Price, I7 for a abort time; 1.4u to 12.00 will han dle It. Write W. 11. Lea. Spring Valley, Minn. BARGAIN, tip-acre farm adjoining a good railroad town, W0 miles from Minneapolis: tw, houses, one large bam and other build ings; buildings originally coat W.000; IM acres under cultivation, balance timber and meadow land; no waste land. Pries II per acre, z,oW casu, naiancs easy. SCHWAB BROS., 121 Guaranty Loan Bulldlns. Minneapo lis. Minn. , Kabraskn. WANTED Homestesders for 40 acres Improved or free: good soil, purest wster near aurfac onn u. Btrasourger, oirae- burger, Nfb FOR b I.E Well Improved farm H acres; running water, neavy sun. rive mllea east ot Orsnd isiano, r-eo aaores. Mr Oelslnger. 407 South Fine, Grand Is land, NeU FOR SALE Halt section near Grant! Island. Over 100 acres alfalfa. Over 7.45 finest Improvement Price est acre. Reason, ofner died. Bayard 1L Paine, uranu isuma. men. FARM bargains near Omah Possesion. Orln 8. Merrill, 1111 City Ns. Bk. Bldg. 640 ACRES; guvd still; Improved: .; ft rash, baiavce term Homestead re linquish ments; ntner bargain Ball Bru. Hemlngford. Neb. lexaa. FARM FOR SALE QUICK, M0 acrs Texag Improved farm, for sale Quick; wunl cash; price : ab stract of title. Fay D. Pickens, Cleve land, Ind. REA'j ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraaka Ianda O KEI.FE REAL ESTATE CO.. ltll New Omah Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on business or reel Once properties, ll.toO to IUW.0M. W. U, THOMAS. MB First Nat'l "ank Bldg. 1100 te 110,000 made promptly. F. Weed. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Farnam. U GARVIN BROS. tiX LOANS-Farms and city property. H. tiumont dt Son. 1401 Farnam St col CITY LOANS. Bemle-Carlberg C. u7" 110-11 Brsndels Theater Bldg. WANTKD-Clty loans and warrant W Fernar. Smith dt Co.. 13M Farnam It WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Cu. REAL ESTATK FOR RENT. barat and ksstk aaida. TWO farms for rent These fara are good tillable land, well Improved, contain tng 140 acres and U0 acre i. T. Collins, Council Bluff 1 Phone Blank tat. "for" balk or exchange I handle trades everywhere. If yon want r faults call Dean; 1I Bee Bldg. D. IM FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 and la sers relinquishment all level, good soil and near town. Write Wyckoff t Pet teys. Weldona. Colo. FOR SALE We have about 4.600 acres In Lyman. Potter and Hyde countle South Dakota, which we can exchange for properly secured mortgagee and other securities of gcod value at from C per cent to s per cent- We can exchange all or any part. Let ua know what you hav For particulars addresa The Schef- ier Land Co., V I lan, Lyman t o.. 8. l. 44 ACRES Lake Co.. lO.e l land for va cant lot la Omaha. W. Wagner. F4R. N. itth. I(Y lip to acre. miiea from Pine Bluff Wyo, Will carry buck U..M to IU.Oi) an acre at t per cent. O KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1011 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. SALE OR TRADE Stallion, i years old. trot or pace, good tone, extra heavy mane and tail: will make a show horse of 1.200 pounds; grand dam's record IrO&H: trsde lor horses, cattle, land, city prop erty; reasonable pr.ee. Lock Bog 112, ute. i (-ROOM modern house, corner; mi ft. front, fine view, shads and fruit tree Went clear lot on paved street. Addreaa kv-e4t. care Bee. WANTED TO BUY Household gdr. clothes shoes. DSTl BIS . n. --( nr renter. D. i NEBRASKA Traction aV Power Co. Stock and Bonds, give your lowest eaah price In first letter, and what amount you have. Address K-tti, care Bee. WANTED Real estate from owner: I or a-roem, new, modern house; about Vi (TO: close to far; KOO cash, balance monthly. Give full description In first letter. Add res H :7. Be WANTED TO BORROW FROM private party. K.0M on CO acre improved land worth S2 per acre: will give first mortgage at 4 per cent to run three year Call Harney VU or addreaa j we. umana Be WANTED Loan of S3.U4. years at . per cent: best nf security. Address ' Ml. care Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WASHING and ironing don T., M. sua Drawn WANTED aiTVATIONS WOl'LD like a position to lake ca.v of a rooming holies whvie I would h-v. the full charge of It. Can give first else, references. Would like te get It on sal ary. Phone Red 7J04. tit N. nth St. EXPERIENCED launderer wante duy work for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Phone Web. S2M. First-els a practical nurs H Ml A-aWI cleaned. Tvn' avp. For prlcea call D. tTtt Mr Oertrude Oattnon. WANTED-I'osltion aa credit man by roung man thoroughly experienced In wholesale and retail eredita and collec tion: last five year with firm doing tJto.MM yearly business; salary, CkaViM 1xrk Box m, Omaha. Neb. MIDDLE All El l lady wants position as houeekeeper for elderly couple or widower, with not mure than oae or two children. B HI. rare Bee. AN experienced laundress wants work for Tnurs., Kri. and Sat. Webster aid. CARPETS to brat or houae cltianlng by an honest, capable roan. Call H. X4. WANTED By elderly German couple, a place to work, man to do garden work and wife to do housework. Alply SU4 Ave. E. Council Bluff I OOOD all around butcher wants posi tion In rmall town. Address B. Phillip lOmaha. General Delivery. OMAHA, THE GRAIN MARKKT WEEKS URAIN CO., Ceneutanianu solicited. grain nereannta M Brand et UK STOCR UAHKKT OF WkSl hip yaur stock to South Oman Sa mileage and shrinkage Your eonalga menu racalva srumpt and careful at ten- lion. l.lte Iterk Cammlaalaa Merebant Byers Bros 4 Co. Strong and raapotislbl WOOD BROS.. IM-ai Kxehange Bldg. Oreat West. Com. Co.. Omaha 4k Denver. W. R. SMITH SON lust handle sheen, "TAOO BROS, handle cattle, hog sheen Clay, Robinson m Co.. Sue kschaage Bldg. I nteretate C Metier result Ship t aa "CLIFTON Com C. ta txobange Bldg Cox 4k Jones Com. Co., bunch el hue tiers L. E. ROBERTS CO., tS txula Bid rarmers L.aCom. Co.. as) Kaon. jUdgT Martin Bros Co.. XOs-4 Kxoh. ' xUd Deposit proceeds f shlpraanta la Steok tarda Nat'l Bask. Only baaa at yard LAST WEEKJ1WALL STREET Price Touch Highest Lerel Dnrinf tlit Preaent Tear. BEAKS ALWAYS COT AST) SET Aetaal Mappenlaga la Bast a sea and ladastry Moderately Can ft ran Hopes af Isspreveaaent, teaalac Advanee NEW YORK. March K Prtosa at stocks during the last week leached the highest level during the present year and were not far under the bast prlcea at the recovery of the latter part of last year. The extent of the advance thua covered from the low point of tbe February de pression offered attractlva profit ta pro fessional operator and selling pressure both on ths long and abort aid con tributed to occasional reaction The checks encountered and the ralMyng power displayed demonstrated, howsver, that the market was still controlled by forces making for the rise. Ill profes sional bear element was ulc. to retreat Actual happening In 'hs field of busi ness and Industry moderotclv confirmed the hopes of Improvement on which lb rise was baaed. Condition In the metal trade were an Important Influenoa la strengthening these hopes. The rep-irtad determination of the stel manufiictua m to secure better prices for thV products rattier than larger tonnags would Und to remedy. It was thought, li unsatis factory wield of profits on present price Lower or quotation, coming now. and the recent concessions la freight rate oa Less Superior ores were expected to Mp In this direction. It wa anticipated nr the opening spring season would 4tim ft lata the demand for steel product In cluding railroad equipment The strong market for copper metal reflected a arm pathetla influence through aa sxtenslvs group of securitie Agricultural new was interpreted fav. orably to securities values. The rapid marketing of the onormou cotton crop, favorable soil condlt on la the grain country and ths world wide shortage of last year's grala yield war favorable factor mentioned. Ths effective part played by the larg export demand In taking up ths alack her was sbowa by the February foreign trade statemta with both exports and Im ports at record values for that monh aal he expansion of exports overopplng aal In Import. The market wa sensitive to disturbing reports of fresh tension In the Balkans. Further borrowing for Berlin account here drew attention to tbe Importance of the coming April settlements In that mar ket The week saw Mock market disturb ances In Berlin, Vlena and St Peters burg which were not without their effect in other market The factor which mads money firmer her came (rem the outside rather than from domestic source Sheriff laabla te Vote. CARRINQTON. N D March M. -Fos ter .county's shertif Is disfranchised. This Is caused by ths fact that ths prop erty on which Is iocatad the sheriffs residence and county jail waa formerly a street, and was vacated by toe city t the county. The mil property Is not In cluded in any voting precinct under pres ent boundary lines and the sheriff has no place to vote. for The Bee by Gus Mager 3URGESS OUT OF THEATER Veteran Omaha Theatrical Kan ( stetiret from the. Business. SELLS OUT TO HEW TOKK HAS O. D. Weed ward Will Retain Eceew Ilea Ceatrwl af the Braadela a ad Theater Will realise aa Old Lines. W. J. Burgess of the Burgess A Wood ward Theater company, lessee of the Brand! theater, has resigned from the eompsny and announced that be Intend to retire from the theatrical bus! nee Through a deal consummated a week ago hi holdings la ths company are takea ever by Robert M. Miller, a theatrical financier of New York City. Durnlg the past week minor da tali of the sxchang wee completed and last night official announcement of R was Robert M. Miller personally will bar nothing to do with the management of the Brandei II will he represented on the board af dlrsatora of th Burgess A woodward Theater company, hut wilt remala In New York, where he In teracted Is several other theater projects and concern The management ot the Brandei and the offering at the theater will remala the sam Mr. Woodward retaining executive control aa he always ka had. "The retirement of Mr. Burgee has no significance other than that he wa ready to retire aad aaw a chance ta get sut through a profltebl deal said Mr. Woodward last night "We hare been together In ths operation ot theaters In Omaha and Kansas city for the last fifteen year and always hav worked together and been successful. Big years age Mr. Burgess sold est his Interest la th WIIMs-Wood and Auditorium theaters at Kansas City and said then If aver he decided to go back Into th business he would go back with ro H prob ably will any th same new, although I seel sura he wants to retire absolutely. Omaha theatergoers may be assured t their comfort and pleasure will be grren attealioa as heretofore." Ml Petal af Flew. 'Didn't yea kiss th bride, Ponsonbyr' 'No.' Why not? You're a does trisnu of th family." "Te But in ratner aentimentai, you know, and It might have awakened old memories." "And that weuld have made you aa. happy, ehr' ''Certainly not It would hav made her unhappy, of oeure" Cleveland plain Dealer. Think of the Hot Slimmer Coming Comfort then means much to the employer as well as the employe. More and better work can be accomplished in a cool, well ventilated office such as is afforded by The Bee Building. The spaciousness of the building is made prominent through the large court and good sized offices,direct ly connected witli outside exposure, which aids in form ing air passages through the whole structure. Other conveniences of Vinildinc ten ants are assured through attentive janitor service and speedy elevators. Now is the time to move into THE BEE BUILDING A few vacant offices are luted: I ggd and daw Adjoining room ran be rented stngis or en suit At preaent both rooaia are divided by ten-porary wood and glaaa partitions; hav an eaat exposure en Seventeenth street and are vary desirable room tm Is HHxllS fret In sire; baa two north wlndowa and a private office partitioned off Inside this spec This room weuld be particularly well suited for aa architect or studio. IB n nnls on Farnam street end Is almost In front of ele vator land lag. his a Visit',, i 1 must feet rartltionca te afford private en ice and reception room. .tterantloa fjmam. o rivet office, two larg close t large workroom with .wo norm wuuwws iocsm ottica tor ensweer. arehltscl doctor or oilier professinal men. itantai per Bioata............ .......... . 11541 gal 11-txl la also, locate a the court, close to sky llgnt, tbu having excellent natural light The apace could be divided so aa ts aiaae two very pleasant rooms. Prtc par month a27-s Sag Of fire la the northwest corner, hevlng four larg win dow A fireproof vault for ths protection of valuable paper I much In damans ana is arrordes in tnta room, inere ta a total of SI square feet et floor space and soms would be eesippea with parti ilea to satisfy good tenant Th rental prioe la par swat. - ....... .Mfe Ths Bee Building Co. Bee Business Office 17th and Farnarn Sts Restorative Treatment for Nervous Men Coming from a source of un questioned authority on the ail ments of men It la presun.ed to be infallible while the profession generally endorse the Ingredients and prescribe '.hem In many dif ferent forms ot various ulseaee The following formula Is highly strident In quickly restoring In nervous exhauatlon, melancholia, anxiety, timidity la venturing, dissines heart palpitation, trsmhllng llmi Insomnia, thln nes toll extremities, tired ail In feelmg and general Inability to do tlause natural and rational acta upon which dependa a man a auccesa and happiness In .social and every -day III The Instructions for mixing at home atoretly so that no ember rassment may be felt, are aa fol lows: First gst three ounces of eyrup aarsaparilla compound nd one ounce con. pound flui4 haun- wort; mix and let atand two hour Then add one ouiu-e com pound eajence cardlol and one ounce tincture radomene com pound tnot cardamom), and mix all torrther. The directions are lo taae one leaspoonful after each n. eel and one when retiring, until Iwu-dlng health and full streng'.h ars restored. Keen a few weeka will witness most wonderful result Astonishing nervous force and equilibrium follow the treatment. Be matter how Bartons the ras This contains no oplatsa what ever and may also be used by women who suffer with their nerves with absolute certainty of prompt and laatlng benefit Th above prescription la manu factured oy hs well known phar maceutical hous Prescription products Co. Dayton, Ohio. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LoaAoa Palis Hani bora egaV Aus via.BUr. IB. I A at. lui1. star. W. u see nee. mm. aem e, eiHtinMrl Sli sn sensed . rsMs "sir fisabarg-Jjasrleaa JAam, ISO West Baa aolPB Bfc, waaeago, s - i Jt-U jl " , - r . a..... ' " T. 1