THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1012. Mrs. Mutt MuS Have Had a Hunch l SaV 64HT, I , ; i : Ntrf. GAT OM TOJ-IS j (vers. " -e " J &AT 04 j ST A CH.G TO .NrtTM " I WNP To K,l,aT j I I I - TONttHT Drawn for The Bee by "Bucf Fisher 1!F rKRSOXAL O-DAY lilf REMHDT. mai.i. ik- ,. riutM Vital iimaii, A nne Klsher. 401 Vvsro Bit. AFTER A aril let a family IMu la a fin bom near the Field club will let two adjoining youth front rooms with excellent board en famllle to two people for P per month. In a first-class family SIM and table board doubtful. Applica.e addreu C 6M. Bee. REAL ESTATE r KlrH LAND rOR 4LK Mebrmaka. FOR SALE-Half section near Grand Ialand: over M acre alfalfa; ever r.vutt flneat Improvement. Price tat acre. Rea son, owner died, iiejard H. mine, Uraiid Island. Nao. FARM bargain near Omaha. Possesion, Ortn ft Merrill. U1J City Nn. r)k. Bl'lg. LADltS rave 4 per cent. Pennell Mil linery Co.. Psxton Bin. ti upstair TOUNQ women Miming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Chiistiaa association building at Seventeenth and t-'L Mary's Are-, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Uok for our travelers' aid at the I'ntori station. f A JS 4 fl V Swedish movement Apt """"-"l, lsis Faroe ra. u. cat. 8WED1BH massage ror rheumatism, stomach trouble, poor circulation. Kars ten Tonseth, graduate from Sweden, tug Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 7196. M A SSI AfJV Hieela. Doug. ulk. 14 MAQOAUEj . Dodge. M fir. 0utts 3. TUB SALVATION ARMY silk-its cest off clothing; la fact anything you do not need. Wi collect, repair and sell st 1M X. llth ft., for cost of rollectien. to the worthy poor. Phone feugiaa il and wagons will call. HAIRDRKKfil.NU. Manicuring. Sham pooing, bcalp treatment a specialty for ladles and gentlemen. Mrs. Pierce, 21 Farnam.' H. Ind. A-14W. CHINA DE0R.TUK IJfSJJ 3 NO R2A80NABLE. Bpedal attention to rlub orders. Ruth Leubtord. Studio, 1! Ho. nth Bt. BEiT bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food pills, fl per box, postpaid. Cher man at Mrcenneu urug vo umana, neo. f A RS5 4ni''.0lh- ' 'ow aromatic III flOOtUti.,-,,... lime. Allen of Cbfcago. ltt B. litn XL. 1st floor. D. It. Maesage. Rlttenhouae, Mi Old Uoston Bid. MAGNETIC treatment, stairs, 71s d. MUi, up. MRS. 8TELJC scientific masnage, 8. mh, room a. Uaily and Bunday, II to s. ' POtXTRV AXD PET STOCK E0G3 for hatching from the Brandela Cm.' Thoroughbred a C. White Leg. rna. ' Utility stocM, ll.M a setting 'vr & per 100. fcihibitlun or show sfook, 13 to e a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. U. Urandels, Omaha. Tel. Benson 3fc. lev ACRES, unimproved farm land. 4 miles from town; will sell cheap; title clear. For Information address Lock Bog . Big Springs, Deuel County. Nebraska. BUT LAND; a. so farm mortgages from ii re i nanus, we cau pieaM jwu, m- Welpton Investment Co. Ogallala. Nee. U. buy tne best Mo-acre boms- stead in Nebraska, partly improved. Wnw swner, C M. tiuUmaa, Minimis Neb. rwil-HI.K till'R MONK.T ON HAWKS COl NTr laisub; rixa tusiin: urirrD. r'Txiol Til trriTr NORMAL TOWN; PtiPl'LATION .5W OK15.AT AIT ALT n su Dr.i.i eJ (w 1311 Pr. K Al KIS. UH ernilb u. B. VNTHASK. CHADRON, NEB. sain Dakota, tnieu riAirrvrA mwit rivch near Rapid City, good water; plenty timber; ouiioinge ano fences. , ui wu exchange or rent. J. H. Braut, Rock, well City. la. Farmers and nun) Borers all ever the country are reading Bee want ads every day asd snapping up every bargain offered Hales 1 cent wr If run only ans time, so per word U run tws sr mors times esnsecuUvaly. Writs and mall your ad today to Meal Katate depart sneni of The Omasa Mas, tieeults are sura REAL ESTATfS FOIt RK.M. lira ass kssat Utmtm. TWO farms tor rent These farms are good tillable land, well Improved, contain ing 14 acres and Ut acres. J. T. Collins, Council Bluffs, la. Phone Black 4U REAL ESTATE LOA.VS OMAHA property and Nebraska laaoa. O' KEEKS KKAL ESTATE CO., loll New omana r,at i nana puiiaing. unvrv ,.. ij.m n nn Lliu.i ar rAl. dence prripertteu. tl.OOO to IH.ilva W. li lKllSAI, iM riTVI Mil PW nw .FAVORITE INCUBATORS Hd brooders means every egg a chick; cost price saved on first hatch; GO days free trial; catalog free. Lenny Mfg. Co., rm B. lth.- ' 'R. C Krda. Walker, o. O-i Tel. 8. MMl (WW IV iJ,VUV llaemAieji af uillft . era sv-s Wrd, Wxl bldg , 18th and F-fPtm COLONEL HASSPEECH READY Eeply to Taft to Be Hade Wednes day Sight in New York. HAS DOUBTS AS TO VERMONT Xet Ilrady a Accept Katkaalaatle f tstesarate at Delegation that Ha Mill bet Alva oat All Dele, gales freva state. .OYSTER RAT. N. T March It-Tneo-dore Roosevelt tonight finished the speech with which be Is to open hut campaign at Cambridge hall. New Tork, before the Civic forum next Wednesday night. In It Colonel Roosevelt will take up the general subject of the control of gov ernmental agencies by ths people and outline what he considers the chief Issue of the campaign. It la expected that his speech will constitute the reply which be said last week he would maka to President Tsft't address In Toledo. A deleaatlon of firs men from Vermont look dinner with Colonel Roosevelt They told him the Roosevelt movement la their state was assuming such pro portions that they thought almost all of the Vermont delegates to ths national LEGAL NOTICE!. NOTICE TO 8EWEJI CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the city of Mound City, Missouri, up lo 1 o'clock p. m, April i. HI, st City Clerk's Office. In said city, for oonatruvtlng S.3S1 Hit. ft. M sanitary sewer main and 1 manholes; also lln. ft. II storm sewer. 10 Inlets and t manholes. Plana, profiles, specifica tions and further Information concerning bids on flls st City Clerk's office. In Mound City, Missouri, and at the offices of Belths-Petermsn Engineering Co., St. Joseph. Missouri. For further particulars call on or address City Clerk, Mound City, Missouri. By order of ths city council of the City of Mound City. Missouri. J. B. DKARMONT, City Clerk. al tut. I .HITH6Ua.Hr MD kaSWT 13? SC T I REAL ESTATE ABtTHAt'19 Of T1TLIC Reed Abstract Co. eldest abstract office in fteorasaa. m srvnew iwawr. biSALal CAMfBa-LU LH t si nam BC ... MLlLUUKg' l FORMATION. cilectrlc, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. -Ideal Cement Co.. Kth and Cuming. Fucris, Bon A Blind, pain Una, decorating. , ' it PetVPalH V WK Aai GOOD IIOMlis" MODEEATE :- PRICES ' CWIl.OO-Seven rooms, strictly modern; corner lot. mh end Laird eu. 14 IMIOu eleven rooms, modern In every respect, east front lot. 31t and Martha Su.; leaa than 1 years old., S30u.Oe Six rooms, modern1 ana up-to-'dste; house 1 year old. Close to Uh ajid -California Sts. GALliAGHEJi & iNhaUSUiS, , M Brandela BWg. Omaha, Neb. AT BARGAIN, -room house, aaay pay nelits. Canadian office. Ill bo. 1Mb St. OtJR LUTTER duplicating work U un excelied. A trial win convmos you. Both "phones. Western Duplicating Co.. W Bee. b-AIIM HA.X.H UUI FOR JALK 3 FlarieUa, IIORLDA LAND ,-Wa offer fins land located near Arca dia, DeSoto county. Florida, at the fol lowing ouantities and Prices: Vres, H5. acres. tW e. lu acres. n.i. acres, Xl acres, .'Msooabls terms. This Is ss good land as Is to be had in DeSoto county, being fine fruit and vegetable land .) acres In all. Be us at once as this land will last but a short time st tbs prices. Next excursion to Florida. March 19. excursion g 8idjj lJkSai H Cloyd Bldg. Kansas City. Mo. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLA2C SllaJ.1 RAILROAD. . jaoos adapted to toe wideet rants el erase. All ths money crape sf the souls SJnUruUy produoed. For literature treat fng Uh this somlng country. Its so lSaat, church and school advaiuaavaa, W. H. LEART. DEPT. K. Aasseral Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. TUB esatelt way te find a WW tor your tann la to Insert a amall want ad uTtb tes Moines Capital. Largest cir culation to the stas of tost, dauy Tb? CaVil is read by and believed in by theTtandpatters of Iowa, wbs siatpiy isfuae U permit any other paper in ueu bsssea. Ratea, 1 cent a wars a day; -at words t to line. Andrea ha at-at4 CapilSL tH kvufl. lav SNAP IN LASD Six nunoreo acres eujuiams w- of Smith Center, county seat town of 3,eus people; aui tevet wuu, lion, r our nunoreu a looks fine; all fenced: small lmprov- . - r . i r b mfn as. menu. rwij ' nt am anraa la county. . fins water works; twenty-four boor system electric lights; One high schools. Above located In one of tne best ;,og ana wtw lew., of Ksnsar will divide. Pries p. Vi ma t and ask anoor u- HOBBS DrTTWILCR, Smith Center, Kan. , Omaha Nat'l Bank LOAN Farms and city property. H. Dumont A Bon. lad Farnam BL . C1TT LOANS. Bemle-Carlberg C, ' 310-ti Brandels Theater Bltlg. WANTIuD City loans. Peter Trust Co. WANTKD City loans and warrants, Farnam Strut b Co.. 1U Farnam at. FOR BALK OK EXCHA.NtiE 1 hAndie trades sverywnere. II you want results call Dean. 1T Bee Bldg. D. 1306, 40 ACRES Lake Co.. (Ore. I land for va cantia In Omaha. W. Wagner, Wl N. Mth. EXCHANOE-4-room coltaae. new. fruit trees. In small town In southeastern Ne braska, for five or alx room cottage In Omaha, or suburbs. Address Y-M. oarr nee. MO ACHES. Rock county, Nebraska, I'i per acre; Incumbrance tb.000; want Omaha Income or resilience, or what hav yo4 Address P. O. Box . Omaha. WANT gasollns enidne and plow outfit. Will trad ut acres In Polk county, Minn esota for It. All good soil and tillable land, H. F. Greenfield. Storm Lake, la. WANTED TO BOKKOW WANTE TO BORROW-MJOV for t year at or 7 per cent. Good business property as security, u ss. tiee. IN ION STATION Tenth sad Mason Valaa Pad fie rweirt. Areirs. San. FVsa. OeerUod U"lu1..s sat a t: sei I1W a Jssaa lut HaU,..A sat a 11 ew AtiasUe giseaw, S t tt aw OrasM gipesis. Ill ltrs ! Las aasaiai blames -tua , , a, e Dniver Ssaelal sI .Maai I 1 11 is Csewaslal sure Spatial all s) pa all n sis rektfWe Era s I sia s I H sn OrafcevWSSQtRCIa MSUtee.,.BU'ie ns ileal Nank nU loeal a I U set s 4 ra OraD lalasi loosl J l a) pM S W sw i I Sl:u w ai .a, pw Ihlraga, Rock I sis ad at Paclfio VAST. Rsrkr Msustsla Umlles til " ss) pa CkUas Local raMaassr SU M SB MS IS sn Cklaise Dar Bipnas ! " ! "'" Chleaea Cisrass ,:J! lM. " Dae Malsae wpsi raaasosav.. - ' pa v CbleaNatnaaS UsinaS... WKST. nieasa-Nas. Ut to Usosls.. I St ssi e I " sat rhlcaaa-Caiaraaa lisraw s t:U sei s :0 rn (Mlaaosuv A Tesss gasreae. sei SJ1:41 aa ataeslain aauiaa.,..a. pa Chicago t Northwestern NORTH BOUND. Mleaasetls-st Paal Eipraw.4 !: ss- Miaaeaaells-st. rasi LiaUte s T:S0 pa s I 'SS ere TMBCltr toarass a I am SIS SO ra (loss citr Lsl slalpei BlJIpia atlaaaasalle a Uaaou Bap.-.-a i w pa, a . i. mm Tib cur Kieltae i: rn a l ie a WANTED TO BUT Houaehold Ids. clothes shoes. D397I B19M r. uw Center. D. WANTED To buy old broken watoaei M. .Nathan. Iv 8. Mth BL WANTED 'lU RENt wiKTrn Tr u v v T y or aicroAm modern cottage April J. Would prefer R m Benson or Dundee, or other sub urb. Address T SO, Bee. WASTED SITTATIOXS WANTED Position In retail shoe store; nine year with one firm and two years as a shoe salesman on the road. Can eiva eood references. Exclusive ahoss preferred. In Iowa or Nebraska. Address T zu, cars or Bee. WANTED A cood plaoe lo work on farm; have boy 14 years. E. V. Brum- back. Nebraska city. Neb, VOI'Nd ladr wants of fire work: small salary lo start. Phone Webster lev ft. a'lVTi'n urrb Tt,Nulav tiui Satur day. Telephone Webster 437. LADY wants position as for widower, km Dodge St housekeeper HameyaCds. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta po sition as cook, call w. tuts or n swa WASHING and Ironing done. T . M. 42. Ftrst-claas. practical nurse. H sals. A ZXi POSITION as hand bookkeeper, by lady of five years experience, hi sn, lies. LIVE STOCK MARKET Of WEST Ship your stock to South Omaha, Bav miiaaa-e and ahnnkag. Your consign. menu receive prompt and careful attaa- ttoa. 1.1 Iters; CossBstsstsn Merehaata Ryers Bros A On, Strong and renponsibl. WOOD BROS.. a-H Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH A SON iust handle sheep. TAQO BROS, handle cattle, hogs, aheep. Clay. Robinson at Co.. a Exchange Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. CLIFTON Com Co.. zS Exchange Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS A CO.. Z Each. Bldg. Cox A Jone Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Farmers L. 8. Com. Co, X Eieh. Bldg. Martin Bros. A Co.. Mg-4 Each. Bldg. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Tarda Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yards. OMAHA, THE GRAI MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO, frsis merchants. Cemsurmneats solicited. Brandela. RAILWAY TIME CARD convention would b for him. Colonel Roosevelt was doubtful. Although he deollnea an Invitation to apeak In NashvUI before the Southern Commercial congress In April, he Inter reconsidered the mailer sn the advice of Senator Dixon, hi campaign manager. C. J. Owns, who cam from Washington to bring In Invitation, said Colonel Roosevelt eras withholding hi decision for ths present Senator Dixon wrote Colonel Roosevelt that the political sit uation In Tennessee was such that a speech by the colonel might have con siderable effect. In lb morning Colonel Roosevelt will make what lie hope will be hi last trip lo Mlneoln for ury duty. Having -one to '.ourt day after day In vain during the last two weeks, he aald he thought he had don hi pert and hoped to be excused If his service were not required tomorrow. Davis to Assist Dtxnn. WASHINGTON. March 14.-Oscar King Darts, head of the Washington bureau of the New York Time, will be general publicity man and assistant to Senator Dlxoo In tli Roosevelt headquarters. It was announced today by Senator Dixon. Mr. Davie. It was said. Is to be more than head of the literary bureau of the national headquarters; he Is to be a working assistant to Senator Dixon and "sort of an assistant general manager" in ths words of tha Roosevelt campaign director. A further announcement of the selection of well known mlddleweet man to taks ' otlve control of torn of th western work In the head quarter, is expected within a day or two. Th new Roosevelt publicity expert ha been . for ssvsrsl years a Washington correepondsnt and represented a New York paper In Manila during part of Mr. Taft' servic ther as military governor, lis wrot a campaign book on "Taft, the Man of th Hour, during th last presi dential campaign; and ha been an In timate friend of both Colonel Roosevelt and President TafL. , . Negro Braasht Oat. ' Th Roosevelt headquarter today gave out a statement prepared at a conference of negro minister In Washington claim ing to represent 40. 00 negro voters de claring tor Roosevelt a ths "friend of the negroes." Th statement I signed by Bishop J. 8. Caldwell, Philadelphia: A. J. Warner, Tennessee; O. L. Black well, Indianapolis; E. Tyres, Nashville, and O. W. Clinton of Charlotte, N. C and by more than thirty negroes from various oltles. gASThOCKD. Carrall local - a T aja a I ts a. Daylteal csicaaw. ......a i aw Cafeeea Local -U ;: atasP-Caieraa '" Cblaasa Special Jl Ms set J: aw Pacific coaat-iaiaasa a - - . a r- La, Aaaalaa LlaUlaa. pa all pa O'erlaas Llmllea a I S am s 1:U a ,mii local : r. . Z: Faat Mall ain aa.aipai CaSar Hapiss. awns v.iiy aa Omaha S 1:W pel Oaauaaial Itale UnHa U U:U pat WaaTSWND. Lone Plea ....... Worfclk-Oallaa Lous riaa-UBcan HaatlnsB-Saaerlar - rwadxiaS-tiat Bfrlaas. . . . . Caper-Un4ar ...-V- Franwai-AlBla Wabaaat Omahs-at. Urals Csprsai. kfall BBS aaaraaa. .a MS si slt ss ...a sat bu ss ... a t u pa a pa li s pn ...A l:U pas s pta ....a U pm s!S:lt pas ....!: pst kl Upi ....BlMpn sMtsaN ..,.S T:SJ an B11:1S pal Staaesrrr LacaJ llrasi C. B ..k I P S14.1 la tbleaao, Mllvraake A St. Paul- OearwaS Lhetts a 1 W pm a I II sal Parr Lscsl s X4 aaa all se pn Cclarsa g.araas a M pa a I Si pat rvrrr Local bl.lipsa UJ S pat ( kieaao Great Wcatent Tale CTtr Llwltse a I H pw a 7 aaa Tala Cllr Eisrast a ' am s I S pm Dilrase Kxpeess M,....aiara lt.sia aliaaoari Paelfls K. C. A PL Loals tprass.A am s 7 4a sm aS. C. St. Laws xipraat aii.ia pat a aw sm Illinois Central Chlca Bspeaaa. T:tS sa a Irat pm ..a a:a pm a a:aa am Barllagtoa Ststtoa Tenth A Maaava Barllagten ... Dasrer A Cautarats.... Faaat Saeas Kipraaa. . Saeraaka palsta ....... lack Ullla Uacala mail..-.. NarUivast Expram Maaraaka Bxpram aesaylar-Plailamimtk Ltaca4s layal Dapaft. Arriba ...S 4.14 pas S 1:41 pm ...s 4:is sm s 1.4S am ..- I am s 4 14 pm ...s a:is pa s s at sm ...b l:ss pm Bil:ll pm ..Alia, pm a 7:4 am ...a S U am a Site pm ... I ai pa ait St am .. -- k P es am ...s s-.ll am a S:M am aaliaaue-rtauameatk .all IS pta a I a pm itaar spacial a 7 U am all 14 pm paa,ar tpacial alt: pm s 7 SB sm CSMasa Kiaraap 4 pm B I 44 pm Cfclease Taat Kiaeaas. 4:44 pm. a l et am Cieal.iB tla.) Lacai. bl:apm SIS'44 sm St. Lasts Btaema 4:14 pm all at am Kasaaa CKr m SC Jaeapt alt 44 pm s :4i am I n n Otr 4 St. Jaasp...A 4:U saa a 4 It pm Kaaat CHy A Sr. 1 J pm JUDGE IN PACKERS' TRIAL DENIES NUMEROUS MOTIONS CHICAGO. March R-Whll Judge Car penter denied motion after motion of th packers In their trial today, th ten de fendant and their counsel held an all- day conference to determine ths plan of defense, over which It Is said there li con siderable difference of opinion. , It was said that a tentative under standing that th packer themselves shall not take the stand wag the only agreement reached. HAMBURG AMERICA!. th World Ijio.oou TONS Larfssl g. Co. AA OTEB 404 -gy-aV MUM Arm. KAISERM V A88. ViCrOSIA 1 ff Marrh 80, S A. M. i Atlantic Service 1 If you bav aaytiuag to exchange A vertiae it In Th Re Want Ad columns. WesaMST itatloa IBth aad Weawter Pacific Depart. " Arrive. Aaears Lscel 1:44 pas Ul Hal Ik Iras as St. Pasd, allaaarmpoua ax Onssba Srau city Etpnes b t 3 ran B:J pm Umaas Laoal .H 1 ai li aa Sam, T Paaaaear . 1.24 pm twts PtiBBBesr l:U tm aa- uscai ..-,-! ii aia la. aailr. tw Sally except saasar. (4 Saaaay XVOXfDQXf rtWIU WSaTlCaKI alserla Jkagr. Ylsj. Mar. SO, A.M. atavia Marcn so, is noon Pn. Brant.... April g, A. M. Amerlka April It, t P. M. -Hamburg direct, ti cabin only. CRULES (The Hsmliert-AaiancBs ' Us ertxl sate Oesta CrsialBS it yasi age-i TWO IDEAL CRUISES AROUND THE WORLI ihlasto Bzoumtnoaa , AATD gID TAIPsV CVpttoasA I 14 OATS IST JAVA TOUTS 1 IT BATS UT IltSIA ov. It, 11 I l"tD. t7, 113. ynia N Tark IrrMB Has rrieae g VICTORIA LlISEVona? SttKiT.T.rTseso" iMls-wlt tl i mmry fifing SUMMER CRUISES T th I. A STO Or TU atTB- noKT mvm. Eight delightful eruiee during Juae, Jaly 4 August, from ttazaSurg (9 or. way, orth Cape, (pltsberrsa. lceisml, etc. 1uralioo It to it . lest $62.50 asd n? pltBtK ssmea. larss ataamatiips "VICTORIA LU1SX." KMi.VPRIn! ZtSaTN cmCILlg' SM "alT0." wma far booklet st ear crslaa ' HAMB8RG-AMEE1CAH ivm 150 W. ataeAoIph tn. btucago. ox tssai agt. Caprrujm llll J. AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA Snow Drive. Wtnderert by Score to Seek Shelter. GAIHIUG IN ST5ESGTH Rrfssal of Kontsky to Ben Leaves May rally right Ktralghl Battle with Hector Jaalsrs to Clvo riar. Th lieavy f of snow drove all ths knights of th road from their pi I vat apartment In coal bin and empty box oars to the more temporals atmos phere of the polio station last night. Desk Sergeant Billy Corrlgan was kept busy all evening providing "flaps" or resting place for th weary one who numb and half-frown fingers were In most cases unable to bold a pen or pencil long enough to tnaerlb their name. The guests of the police were stowed In every conceivable comer of th building, from the private office of the police Judge to the cubby hole under th stairs where th broom r generally kept. gtranBr Given Wsrlt. Two men. Arthur L'dgrem and Erie Holgresn, both employes of ths city, ap proached th desk sergeant at ths polios station last night and asked for lodging. L'drreen says ha has been In th city only two days, while Holgresn admits residence of a week or mor. mey maintain that they were hired to clean snow off the streets by 8 treat Cttnmls sinner O. M. Johnson. i Owing to th crowded condition of th Jail tha polic were put to It to provide a place for the two men to sleep, fever! of tha members of th polio department resented th hiring of two strangers In th street department while so many other old cltlsens ar out of work. Krleade lapprt Millar. August Milter, republican candidal for mayor. Is dally gaining strength With a large element of th cltlsens who recently nominated Frank Koutsky on I heir ticket. Kouteky refused to enter a three-cornered race and mad th withdraw! of Miller a condition to hie acceptance of tha nomination. Miller refused to withdraw and Koutsky declined th proposed nomination by ths cltlsens' ticket. Attorney , J. J. Braen, another of ths nominee of th dUsem' ticket. Is also reported to bav withdrawn, which now leaves a clear . field for City Attorney H. C. Murphy, ths present city attorney. It Is understood that ths cltlsens' ticket trill endorse Murphy for hi old placs. A petition containing a majority of th names of the delegates to th recent convention will bo presented to th city clerk today. This must be don In order to get th namea of th winner on th ballot It I probable that th city clerk will hav recourse to a court decision to compel him to utter th new names. Junior Class Play. Tennyson's "Prlnc" will b slsged tonight by th Junior class of th high school in- the Auditorium building st Twenty-third and K streets. The "Princess" will so given as th annual class play of tho Juniors, who hav worked hard lo the preparation and re hearsal!. Magi City Gossip. John J. Ryan loft th first of lh week ror Hot springs, Ark., tor a two warn visit. , Mrs. Dr. Samuel Cosford of Rapid City. A U, is tbs guest of Maglo Cliy friends. uoerlor lodxe No. 1M, Degree of Honor, gave a card party at the Workman tem ple Wednesday evening. Pennant lodge No. SK, Ancient Order United Workmen, will hold a meeting Thursday at 2411 N street. The Draper Self-Culture Mothers' club will meet rnoay arternuon at ..v ociui with Mrs. William Kerry. Phone Bell 'South sW-Ind. F-1M8 for a case of Jetter uoio top. rrnmpt aeiivery to any pari 01 to city, niiiiam inw, Mrs. i. M. Bothwell will entertain at a kensington tea this afternoon tor tne Ladles' Aid society of tho lirst Mot bo ll is t church. T. 3. JKahoney'of Omsha wae elected g director of tbo Packers National bank at a meeting of th board of directors yesterday afternoon. The Modern Brotherhood of America will hold their regular meeting Prula evening at th Hed Men hall, t20 Norm Twenty-fourth street. The Ladles' Aid society of the Lcfler Memorial church will hold a meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clark Alton, ilfteenth and Washington streets. Mesdamee E. Mead and Willis Pool, 4X4-28 Burdetto street, Omsha. will en tertain tbs kensington of South Omaha grove No. W, Woodmen circle, Thursday evening. Cart A-aDlckman. after a six months trip to the Pacific coast, has returned to South Omaha. Wtille in th west Dlca man was star basket ball payer on the SacruaeDto five. All member of tho Modern Brotherhood of America are requested to meet st the Red men hall, tXt No. Jtth St. on Friday night, March IS. President Hanley. Su perintendent, and Secretary Bale will he present to explain too new rat. The fujTl of Dr. Thomas Kelly will be held tins afternoon at t o'clock at St. Martin's church. Rev. Alfred White offi ciating. Th body win be sent over the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad to Durham, Canada. The U-montha-old daughter of Mr. and Mr Ed Calhoun died Wednesday morn ing at the family residence. VAS V street. The funeral will be held Friday after noon at 1 o'clock from the tatnUy resi dence to Laurel Hill cemetery. Be there when th curtain goes tip to morrow night at the High School audi torium and see the Prtncesa played by ha verv beat huth school talent. It will certainly be fine and very entertaining. but not any oetter piavea insu atetcner b Witch Haxel Cream Is for chapped hands and face and beautifler. Melcher Drug Co., 411 N. Sttb 8t.,-touth Omaha. Mrs. Jack Cudahy Appears Against Alleged Burglar PASADENA, Cat.. March 14.-M. J. Condory, accused by Mrs. Jack Cudahy of entering her home to persecute or Intimidate her, wx held let today to answer before the superior court to a charge of burglary, Hs went to Jail In dtfsult of tM bail. Condory Is accused of entering I he home of Mrs, Cudahy tn tha evening f February a and was Identified by her. He denies that he was employed by anyone to harm Mr. Cudahy. A a result of the day' hearing Mr Cudahy will be unable to follow her children east, where they ar believed to have been taken by their guardian. She must stay hers to testify when th Condory case I celled. CIIICAOO, March 14. All of th four children of Mrs. Jack Cudahy ar said lo be with relatives of Mr, Cudahy. On of the children, Michael, was found with hi aunt. Miss Clara Cudahy, tonight, at tit horn of her brother-in-law, Mr. P. Nelson, The Nelsons sr In Europe, ' The other three children, according to th maid at th bom of Mia Beesle Cudahy, wer taken to New York last Sunday by another aunt. Mis Mary Cudahy. They wilt be Rlaced to a school in that city, It la said. ' Little Michael Cudahy cam to th door of hi aunt's resldeno with a mad. Bb would not Permit hint to be qu it oned. Turks and Italians Each Claim Great Victory at Tobruk BENGHAZI. Trlpontanl. .March 1 Mor than LOCO Arab were killed and another MM wounded, according to Ital ian advice, when Italian troops yester day stormed and occupied two betas it- uated to th northeast f Fejat, which were strongly entrenched and held by a large fore of Arabs. The Italian Ion was give as twenty-flv killed ans slxt two wounded. CONSTANTINOPLE. March U.-E4-hem Pasha, ths Turkish ooenmander tn ' lh district of Bengbhasl, reports to Ui Turkish war ministry sa Important Tu res-Arab success at Tobruk. lis says that th Italian wer driven out of their positions and retreated to their ships after a baltlo which lasted eleven hours. He estimates th Italian casualties at 2.0W killed and wounded. Th Turkish losses wer also very heavy. Including manypArab women who wer carrying supplies of ammunition to th Turkish troops on lh fighting II m. Find, Obstacles in j . Way of Rehearing WASHINGTON, March It-Seoand thought has chilled th expectations of some of those who were looking lo the supreme court to grant a rehearing of th patent monopoly decision last Mon day, -i .... ' Ths rule of the court are proving a stumbling block. They provld that a pe tition lor rehearing "will sot be granted, or a case permitted to be reargued, un ices g Justice who concurred In th Judgment desires It and a majority of the court so determine. Ths problem Is to find on of ths four majority Justices who will desire re hearing. Justice Lurton and Justice Van pevanter gave decision in th circuit courts In conformity with th decision of th majority on Monday. . Justice Holme Is said to hav Joined in a decision In th Massachusetts courts which I tn accord with ths ma jority opinion. This leav Justios Mo Kenna atone as affording hop for a re hearing. Th defeated parties In the patent suit hav not signified an Intention to ask for a rehearing. EX-SENATOR PEFFER IS CRTICAUY ILL. TOPEKA. Kan.. Marcn tt-W. A. Pr fer, former United States senator from Kansas, la critically 111 at A hospital gangrene, watch affected bis foot. Mr. Peffer wsa th first populist serf tor from Kansas, being elected nt 11. lis remained In Washington after hi term expired to mak an index fur tlx Oongresslansl Record and returned to Topeka upon tt completion last sum- mer. u is a years old. DELAYED SHIPMENTS SWELL RECEIPTS ATHOQ MARKETS CINCINNATI O.. March H.-(8pscliil Telegram.) Prlc Current says th mar keting of hogs baa bees moderately en larged during tha last week, partly due to arrivals of dels red shipments. Total western slaughtering reached HMOS com pared with 4.0 th preceding week, and 4G3.O00 last year. Ths total from March I approximated 1.4J0.0W against tM,0M a year ago. an Increase of 1M.M0 hogs. Avarag of pries at dose for prominent markets K.71 against H week ago. Prominent place compart) as follow from March 1 to March 12: lt Mil. Chicago .W " Katie CltyTl H. Koutn Omaha H 1 Ml St. Lout. WW ) St. Joseph 5SO Indiana polls W Milwaukee 3Uo Si The Pure Product of Nature's Spring!, You will feel betttrr And do lifter for uainf E-Sunycidi R Vator NATURAL LAXATIVE GUm on Arlalng lor CONSTIPATION Th key to success la business Is the persistent and Judicious use of newspaper sdrertislns. jj JL MIlWAOWtV f'r' r-at-- II 1 Bottled at the brewery Jest about 100 per cent, perfect , For health's sake Have it in your borne. "Atwmym toe tuyit Stood Old Blatx" BLATZ CO SIP AST l-sieni ism . Sanaa warn. nmvu IalaaS ANY NtW READER CAN PREPARE IT Prescription Recommended for Elderly Folks Simple Home Made Remedy and How l Prepare It If yon Have Stomach, Kidney or Bladder' Trouble or Rheumatism. Tnls Is g simple borne recipe now st ing made In all th larger cities through ', th awspapers. It Is intended t ensck th many .cases of dyspepsts. rheuma tism, .kidney and bladder trouble which have made so many eMpptos and In valids and weaklings af some of our Brightest and strangest cool. Th druggists hers hav been notified lo supply themselves with ths Ingredi ents, and ths sufferers will hav aa troubl to obtain them. Th prescription Is as follows: Fluid. Extract Juniper Berries, on canoe; Compound Fluid Balmwort, on ounce: Compound Eyrup Hypophosphlus, four ounce. Mia by shaking well In A bottle. Doss Is on teaspoonful before each meal and at bed time. ' Recent experiments prove this simple mixtur effective In rheumatism, because of it positive action upon th llmlnaUv tissues ef the kidneys. It compels these most vftsl organs t filter from th blood and system the wasls Impurities and uric acta, which I ar th caut ef rheumatism. It cleanse th kidneys, strengthens them and re move eraickly such symptoms as dys pepsis, backache, blood disorders, blad der weakness, frequent nrinalion. pain ful, scalding and discolored urine. It J sets str a powerful stieatiiant ta the en tire kidney aad bladder etructnre. Those who suffer and ar accustomed Is porchaee a bottle of medicine hou;d I not , let a tittle inconvenleece tnterfer arlin making this up. Th above prescription Is manufactured by the well known pharmaceutical cause. Prescription Predicts C Dayton, Oslo. 'litA-y a. . - ..;;: .