Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIL liEE: 0AI.V1U. THURSDAY. MARCH 14. 1912.
BSaSSaaaaSBiaSaBiaiaBBaiaBaaiaaaaSSBiaaiaaaaaW I
sv M Pratt .
aft v. Bsdfn CoaL
- Ne Other Lnalsta lis The (oalfiy
There Are Two Sees 1 6 or. and
8 oz. Each Brown Bottle OrJy.
No pith To Eat Up Quantity
All Druggists are Clad to SeUIt
Quieten Lov It Tastes Good
Sample Bottle Frea by MH
That thoa who ar scektng hearth and
strength, (or :Mmeelvea, children, reav
tlvea or friends mar experience th life
giving properties of this excluelve Nor
way gold medal oxoalsed cod llw oU
medicinal food emulsion as wall aa la
know Oaomuldoa superiority-la being
Boat palatable and easy to teke-e gen
eroue t-oe. bottle win ba aaat ky mall to
thoaa who send addresses by postcard or
letter to Ozomulslon. Sit Pearl 8t.. K. T.
II kaeaDdeaaem I
Lightens Sweeping "
flp own y t 375 4
tfllIIMrNtMr, MMtot
II sot Bwn etsti lit Mi, sisfesi msbuS.
I T fVXt, r Sag fro we wm
I gra w Linli Mir. WMtMlMntrW
I ..... - .
I Harrah 9Sttwrt Mft. C. I
j lea CaoHAvsDwIsssw. laws
U. i. Hugh Co Distrtb's, Omaha.
A f Vw'AppIications of a Simple
. Remedy v ill Bring Back
the Natural Color.
"Pull out bna gray hair and a doaoa
wilt taka Ha place" la aa old earing, which
la, ta a great axtaoi, true. It do aitpa an
taken U atop tka cause. When in; halra
appear It la a sign that Nature aaeda aa
elatance. It la Katun's eall far help.
Gray hair, dull,' lifeless hair, or hair that
la falling our; la aot nrnieesrUy a sign at
advancing a, (or thara are thouaaade at
elderly people wtth perfect kaada at hair
without a single atreak o( frajr.
When gray halra some or whea the
hair aoema to ho Ufeleee or dead, tome
rood, reuabla balr-rostorlng treatment'
should ba roaortod to at once. Speehuiats
ear that aao of the keat preparations to
Use la tbo eia-ieahloBod "ses-iea" which
our grandparents used. Trio heat prepar
ation of tMa kind la Wretk'a Sag and
Sulphur Hair Remedr. a preparatloa of
demeetlo aa(a and aulpbur, adaariflca!l)r
compounded wttb later discovered hair
tonics and atlmulants. the whole mixture
peine carefully balanced and taatad by
Wyeth's Bare and Sulphur It etaaa and
wholaaonio and perfectly harmless. It re.
fleehoa dry, parched hair, rsioovoo dand
ruff and gradually raatoraa faded or gray
hair to Its natural color.
Don't delay another minute. Sun using
Wrathf Sat and Sulphur at once and
ao what a difference a few dart" treat
ment will make la your hair.
Thla preparatloa !a offered to the pub
lic at fifty orata a bottla. and Is recom
mended aad aaat by al druggist
Special agsnt, Sherman afeCooaaB
Drug Oa.
Qivts Instant Relief, Caret and
Prevents Catarrh and
Cold in the Head.
The quickest, beat aad eafeat way ta
cure catarrh or a cold m the bead Is by
using a remedy that will "teach the spot"
and do its work aoickly without leavlnt
any bad effects. Ktya Cream Balm. wrack
is applied to the aostrtle or rubbed on
(ho throat or cheat (eta riht at the root
of the trouble and instantly relieves area
the worst caaa of catarrh or cold. A few
minutes after applied yon can feel a loos
en nf up In the head, the pain and sore
ness aro gone, th aens ot taste, smell
and hearing coma back, and too (eel Kke
a deferent parson.
Kly'e Cream Balm cleanses, heels and
streagthena ' the Inflamed memsransa,'
takes away that stafftd up feeling sod doll
pain la the hood, relieve the throat ee ra
nees and stops tli nasty discharge which
la the canes of the disgusting hawking,
spitting, blowing of th nose, and foul
breath. Hay fever victims who are made
miserable br fits of snaorng. eouttilnf
aed wheeslng get Instant and permanent
relief by the naa of thia aunaia remedy.
Don't Buffer aaotber nstmts. Kir's
Cream Balm willreUrre yon Immediately,
and a td cent bottle will more than Ukelr
a compute aura. All druxgma :
aoa. W. kaakbara far aaagroas Ad.
Vataasr ta Baaiuaiiaus CharTha D.
Barr, tl South Twenty-firth street, baa
filed a Tohaitary petition In bankruptcy
la th ratted States district court. Ha
schedules kls deSta at H.S6.H all of his
assets being claimed aa exempt. He n
a painter and aaperhuurer.
Wealayaa We dab Oemlng Tho No
brka Wealcyaa Olee olub, whtelt gave
a aacooaafal concart her last aeason.
win appear again at th First Methodist
church on March 11 The elub Is aaid to
hare a larger orgaatsaUoa and to rive a
program of musical Interest.
Tailor I sTmbarraaaed Roland V.
Taibert. conducting a tailor shop la the
Ctry National bank balldlnr. aaka to-be
declared bankrupt la a petition filed la
th federal court. Ills liabilities are
tl.5et.7t and hb assets ar scheduled as
being tLllafX A large part of the Utter
amount conststa of bills and accounts due.
XeaJlam rromoaed Thomas J. Houli
han, rate clerk In the Rock Island local
offlcee. has heea promoted to th position
of chief clerk ta th freight department,
taking the phvc at Ed Mather, wb rs
eratly reslgacd apoa booecnlng a mil-
llonalro by res son of th death of a
brother, a portlea of whose estate ha hv
Tea ataa ba taa Bosk Hie Ten men
war given an aggregat of 1st days on
the rock oil for ateaiutg coal from the
Union, Pacific tracks. Th men war ar
rested Tuesday and brought before
Juris Poet or, wfe sentenced them aa
folloars: Bd Moriey, thirty days; Fred
Smith, thirty days; Robert WUka, ten
days; Robert Jonas, thirty days; alz
Italians, whoa names are onknown to
tha posMa, got ton days each.
goornhlnf fa aVelatrreo Assistant
Postmaster Woadard baa twa requests
for aid In locating mtsetng relatrres wn
ar belwrad t Bv la or about Omaha.
One cornea from Mrs. Asrte Coombs of
prtrurfleld, Mas, who wants to find her
brother. James J. Devi no. The other let
ter Is from Kddia H. X. Jeaktns of MS
Penn avenue. Joplla, Mo., who wants to
find his brother Dexter Esty. from whom
as has nqt beard for nearly twelve yean.
Musician Fights
Off Holdup Man and
Takes Shot at Him
Jack Spencer, a musician at tha Bran
dels theater, living at SM Davenport
street, had a hand-to-hand tnoounter
with a holdup man about 1 Wednesday
morning near ala home, and la th scuffle
tbo assailant fired a ahot at Bpanoar,
which narrowly missed his bead, a It
oouraed through th erswa f bla hat
Spencer got tha gun away from tha hold
up man aad fired two shots, but which
missed the mark.
Speooer was passing tha high school on
his way homo, when a large man with a
revolver Jumped out from behind a tree
aad told him to throw up hla hands.
Spencer came back with a stiff blow to
the holdup man's face, which floored him.
While on th ground tha man fired, but
missed. Ha than Jumped to his foot and
Spencer grappled with him and man
aged to set the gun away.
After toeing kls gua tha stranger broke
moea aad ran aa, th school steps. Spen
cer turned and fired two shots at the
fleeing man, but evidently missed aad
ta fugltlra failed to slop.
Candidates File
Fast for Offices
Senator John B Reagan baa filed for a
renomlnatlon to th Stat senate oa tha
democratta ticket.
Candidates for local offices Increased
tha Bomber of commission candidates to
fifty-two yesterday. Oeorge O. Wal
lace. Ism Bridges and Nathan Bernstein
of lb high school acuity flung their
petitions. v
D. t. CBrlea baa filed for aonanaUon
as a member ot th Water board on the
democratic ticket
C. M. Haualate and Robert Houghton
have taken out commission blanks to
ciroulate for slgnatnrcs.
Red Liquor to Be
Dumped in Eiver
Aa order was Issued yetasrday la
Polio court by Judge Foster that all
persona Interested In liquor which
stored la the city Jail, which has bean
accumulated on raids and bald aa evi
dence, appear and show cease. If any,
why thla liquor should net be destroyed
br damping It re the Missouri river next
Wednesday. There ar several barrels
at accumulated evidence u th form of
Intosleailag liquors at tbo station, which
a became aa yeeor to th indas
Hence th Missouri river is to get Us
ans 'lal drink.
Despondent Tinner "
Quits Life Struggle
Alas Bernsteia. a young tinner, fired
two M-callher ballet into ha
noon yesterday at his boarding boos, ta
eiana Twenty-first street. Ho was oar
IS ycaxs old. Eerneteta had been do
apondent not having beaa able to secure
employment durlnar ths last few weeks.
Th coroner baa taken charge of tha
body aad will hold an Inquest
should know about tha
Maxrel "WkirKrif Spray
Best safest moat coavenieat.
Cleanse instsntlv.
If vtwr drassist rsesee swai
M AKVgu seso stamp ear uiaa trans
saelaa lstajes esai
sreaiuable to Isdjss.
New Task
dy as Ml
Joseph '(Bryan of Org. Neb.. Is sns sf
th ptoaeets aiang th Loup and never
during hla reMdesca In the valy has he
seen such prospects for s bumper crop
as are new apparent Ha reports twelve
racbea of snow on the ground at the pres
ent Urn and anderneata It be says the
alfalfa aad fall wheat Is as green as la
May. Cattl bar coma through tha win
ter la good shape, losses bavins beaa at
th Bdnhauns. Farmers bars take a
great Interest la th pcrs seed campaign
that has beta waged, and most ot them
ar tasting th cara with a view to plant
ing ea r that which ens grow. The
acreaca, a says, will be th largest In
Lena Rate tw Paeifle Gesast.
Kf festive oatll Aoril C Specially low
rates will bo la effect ta points ta West
er Canada, VTaaalnstOB. Idaho and Ore
gon, via tha Carasdfaa Paetfl Ry. Par
Oamiars ea sptSoatssa to Oeo. A. Wai-
fl South Clark
Kike Lee's Plan is Endorsed by the
Seal Ettate Exchksg.
vTead Dee ear They Ar Aeeaaaslat
laar Debts Wklrk Tbey Sam
Bay Expect Greater Omsha
Will Hare t Par.
Michael Lee's plan for the annexation
of eitte and villages adjoining Omaha
was endorsed yesterday by the Real Es
tate exchange and the exchange e legisla
tive committee will make plana accord'
togly. Lee suggested last week, m a letter
to the exchange, trat the body advocate a
change In the city charter that will allow
Omaha to annex any territory within a
given sietaiK from the city nmlta, wtta
out a vote of the people within the terri
tory affected. He auggested tha election
to th Icglilatur of a Douglas county
delegation pledged to work for the pro
posed amendment.
In th discussion of the matter. F. D.
Wead said:
"It Is a matter of general knowledge
that all ths municipalities adjoining
Omaha expect to beeeme a part of the
city same day. It Is also known that
they ar piling up their bonded Indebted'
neas for publlo Improvements with the
expectation that Greater Omaha will
par th bill. Thla la shown by recent de
velopments at Florence, where tha city
obligated Itself for a largo sum o( money
for the paring of Thirtieth street, on
the ground that Florence wouldn't have
to foot the bill, se It eventually would
ba taken Into Omaha.
"So It Is advisable to gat those towns
Into Omaha before their debt becomes too
Mike Lee believes It would be easy for
a united Douglas county delegation to
secure th pasaag of the proposed
amendment, aa th legislators from the
rest of the state would aot interfere la
Douglas county's Internal affairs.
Charities Helps
Teamster to Get
His Horses Back
The Associated Charities have retained
Charlea Haffke, a lawyer, to assist W.
W. Taylor In a dispute with loan sharks
who bav driven away hla teams, harness
and wagon and left him unable to tarn
a living.
Taylor, USD North Seventeenth street
borrowed let from a loan shark a year
ago and later borrowed a horse from the
sams company. He aucceeded In paytna
back all except tha principal of and
the loan men. becoming Impatient, drove
away his harms.
Mr. Haffke will procure a loan of IN
for Taylor, have th horses mortgaged
and thereby satisfy tha loan aharkg and
give their victim another chance.
Frank Ootch, champion wrestler of the
world, will appear at the Krug theater
all next week, opening with th Sunday
matinee. Ootch, who Is now In Chicago,
will coma her Saturday with two wrest
lers. At each performance ha will take
oa on of these men, sad, la addition,
will wrestle sll comers.
Welcome Words to Women
Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their
sex saoald writs aar Assoctatxx aad reoeiv fro
taoadvioaai a pkvstciaa ot over 40 yean' cxperieans
akiUad aad saocessfui specialist is tha diseases
at iroassa. Every letter of this sort has tha exist
aretul eoeeideretioa aad ia retarded aa aacradly
aoaadaatial. Many sensitively aaodest women wm
refly what they would satiak from telhng ta their
eoaal pervsicisn. Tha local phvsiotsa ia pretty
ear ta say that a eannst d aavthiad without
" aa eara motion." Dr. Ptara holds that the
asstsrtaral sxsminatioaa ar generally aetalin. sad
that a woman, except ia tars ease, thouM submit ta
Dr. tWeo's trMtaswat win ewro yea right la th prfrasry of
ywar swi boss. Hie Favorite Freei iiutsua" baa red
hawareds of taoesenrta, sosa of these tbo worst of csna.
It is th aeJv seedicin of its kiad that ia tha prod aot of a refute rty gradaotod1
pkysieiaa. Ta only oa food enough that its araksrs dire to prist its every
ingredient ea ha outside wrappt . There's aw secrecy. It will bear rrsmiaa
boa. No alcohol aad as habit-torasiof drugs or fonad ia it. Some aimrup
aloua asadieia dealers may offer yo a substitute. Don't taka it. Doa't trig
with health. Write to World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.
V. risros. President. Bufslo, N. Y., tsks the aaViea received sad b wed.
Grand Juror Saji They Hats Suffi
cient for Eight Indictments.
(triad Will Breamed Taareday
Merttlaa. Wbea All Jrr Ar
tehedaled to Bo P reseat
tar Baal area, '
Evidence sufficient to warrant at least
eight Indictment tor graft Is is the
hands of tho Douglas oounty grand Jury.
according to a prominent member of that
body, hut ths true bills hers not been re
turned beoauss the publicity they would
be sure to receive would would close many
ehannela through winch It la hoped more
evidence may be secured and would ham
per th further efforts of the Inquisitor
to seek out grafters and bring them to
Lest former Councilman Charles si.
Davis should weaken In hla determina
tion to remain In Omaha and fac the
grand Jury that bogy yesterday ordered
that a subpoena tor him be issued at
ones, though he may not be called lor
several days.
The grand Jury will resume Ha grind
thla morning. No mors reoessc win
be taken; every rumor will be probed to
tha very bottom and criminals, whether
in high places or low, may take warning.
according to John W. Oeiger, foremaa of
tbo grand Jury.
Because of tho absence of Orand Juror
A. D. Klein tho grand Jury did not r.
sums Ita Investigator yeeieruar. ins
entire morning was spent In conference.
H. H. Claiborne, editor of the Advocate,
publicity organ of tha Cltlxene" union, waa
befor tha grand Jury regarding an ed
itorial concerning the grand Jury pub
lished In tha Advocate. H was not
sworn as a witness and what ha had to
say la not regarded as Important by the,
grand Jury.
John C. Trouton of South Omaha, dep
uty state fir warden aad former oounty
commissioner, waa before tha grand Jury
Informally with mat tare which he said
should ba Investigated.
People to Bo Satisfied.
Newepapea comments on ths grand
Jury's work wars considered by ths In
quisitors and tha discussion, though one
sided, waxed warm. Foreman Oeiger
made an Impassioned speech la which he
declared that the grand Jurora ahotild
not worry over the manifestations of Im
patience because apparently It had not
accomplished as much ss might b ar.
compliahed. He declared the people will
be satisfied before the grand Jury has
finished lie work, and said ho had the
moat Implicit confidence In every grand
Juror, lie said as wanted to probe ov.
erythlng to tha bottom, and had no doubt
that every member of the Inquisitorial
body waa with him. The grand Jury went
aa far aa it could with the city council
matter before It took Its week's raoeea,
he aaid, but recent develcpmenia have
opened up new opportunities for Investi
gation. Th grand jurora applauded vigorously
when Mr. Oeiger had finished. Th dis
cussion waxed as warm that many ro
marka filtered through a transom t re
porters standing In the hall
On grand Juror In tha course of Ma
remarks waa heard to say that th grand
Jury haa evidence to warrant at least
eight graft Indictments, but doea not
wish to return them new becaue they
would close ehannela for further investi
gation and hamper tha grand Jury and
also because premature publicity wouM
mak subsequent conviction In tha dis
trict court mors difficult
Ladies' Mew
Spring Shoes
and Oxfords
Tha new Colcauals new strap pomp new button
oxfordi new shoei all fabrics all leathers. It's
the cleverest collection of correct footwear offered in
the city at $2.50. Many shoe merchants are selling
them at $3.00 and $3.50 they are worth it "but
what's the nse," they're here for $2.50.
Omaha' largest and bt$t iqaipptd clothe ttor
The Commercial olub executive commit
tee rescinded Ita action In endorsing the
reaotutlona of the municipal affair corn'
mlttee against th proposed contract b.
tween ths city council and tho electric
light company for tha extension of down
town lighting facilities.
Th municipal affairs committee haa
appeared before th council to protest
against the contract Olhrt Influential
members of the elub. Including two
former presidents, have appeared before
the council in favor of tho contract.
Commissioner Oulld ot the Commercial
club Is In Chicago to attend a meeting of
me ciaar-incauon commutes or th Na
tional Industrial Traffic league. The
league Itself will meet In Chicago on
March It.
Counterfeit Dollara
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy
Dr. Klng-a New Life Pills. For eonstips.
lion, malaria, headache aad Jaundice.
For sals by Bestoa Drug Co.
A Sign
of Something
Good to Eat
A new hot breakfast porridge that first
found favour at the famous Post Tavern
in Battle Creek, now offered for the
home table.
Made of Wheat, Rice and CornFolks like it.
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Pure Food Factories, Battle Creek. Mich.
Cold, Conch and Catarrh Hem
edy Superior and Guaran
teed Superior to Imitations
and Eaady-Made Syrups.
Get tha Pure Essence Mentho
Laxene of Tour Dnujgist
Easy to Mix With Granulated
8ugar Syrup Into a Pint.
rmalty a family spools tare la flvs
toUars averr winter tar soogn. sold,
and catarrh remedies, buying tea worth
at time.
For m stance, a two-euaes nettle at
Be will a tola abeert tosrafth "sFtap"
and sns-firth "mad lets " Thara payrnf
las much ear srdmary arms; ysu sasl
man a naig gauaa as error ror aw.
The syrup, extra bettlao, lakiss, eerka,
eertoaa. Mo., gaaks thai method of buy
ing very expensive by th and sf ths
A Httl thought aad wisdom will save
any famtty asvaral aotlera aad glvs theta
mrer and better medietas, tea.
Make a sianpss syrua wtth a pint at
araaulated sssaar and a half plat of botW
lag water I thea bur th pars s a
l rated issian Msatbo-Laxans at ysur
inigatar CP ss. bottla sad empty ft
lata a plat bet tie er Jar aad thea fill H
up with tha smp.
New you hare a esaeeat sarsarty f the
surest beet and asset precaptlr affaotrr
eeld aad eatarra our aad sough medietas
that It is poeetme ts obtain. It keep ls
lefralteiy. and suras psuag aad sli sf
"olds, catarrh, eswghs. breach! He, biarai
nssa, shnliina sf breath aad alt hug
tnd broaohhU o-euMe. It k) th salt
-eraedr the cures ssoghs and drives
catarrhal aaartar sot sf tha arstisa. by
its sent-aaatrrs aetJesa It Inusrrvws tha
appetite, fwdaoss favor sad rtrewgrtaaoa
tha systera, thee avoiding ekreai ail
ments aad eoeummatloa.
Ctrectloaa wttb sask kettle t lb ass at
Mentha-T.aasna tail Saw ta mak sad
new ts taka. Ths sjaaufaotures slss
tuarantee t rwfand Bsoaoy ta aar saw
net pleaaasl by Its thamvagb atsaatsaswsa.
The abovw preeortptioa kt manisfactared
Wy lb west known aaarmaautieat nous
"lackbura Cora party. Davtoa, Ohio.
Interest allowed 2a
sams department at
2 per annum . . .
The United States
National Bank oi
Omaha gives prompt
and courteous service,
affords absolute secur
ity and has a most con
venient location,
9$ffkWt$t J( lf 3B, -J at
Taalts aa the sue plaes m tWe dry
to aaAaruard year Jewels, bond,
took and aarthlag ess ad vala
wbieb might ba destroyed by fir
er state ey bargtara.
Too bead the key to your safety
bos; tha utmost privacy Is assured
you; a boa rants tram K upward
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.
tree Larval Entraaoa aa TaaJt.
1S14 raw as.
la aulas th) telephone, aa
la evrry other nimttcr, ths
Mreoaal laneiit most be roa
You are) hnmaa, and all per
sons with whom r" talk, as
well as the operator who coa
a rets you, must bo presumed
ta bay faultt.
i Oar ooerators ar iastract
rd to be prompt and courteous,
but tber cannot answer com
plaints or raurry oa a eoaversa.
Uoa. Their whole fiine Is
tahea bp la exactttiag oniers
for roaaacUoaa I
la deallnc with oa, w de.
mand that all oar employes
be coawldarst aad coorteoua;
woa't jroti afford them aad the
persoaul wtth whom pm talk
the same twBaldetwtloar
Cotirtaoas talk aver the
tslephoas is Ilka oil ea auv
thlBsrr It prwreata frlctioa
aad pars big rrturna.
The haatlly apoka word
aad its Inflection, ao matter
what ltd provocation, altvaya
conveys aa andeairabls lm
preaalon. '
i .ii
jLoiJLaJijwB jUl
S IVJm - ssjssril
lliau. S
a if hi rm
f i
'THOUGH there are
x more Diamond Tires
old than any other sincie
brand, voor tire iepir
man wul tell yon that he
rrpairt fewer Diamotvcls
than sny other tire.
C HeTl tdl TOfj too that
a patch will stick on a
Diamond Tire, that a cut
or smash that would ruin
any other tire can be re
paired in a Diamond.
G. Neolimcsnjaalrsnn' Tne
asw that Is mlsat aad thaajjuat
twaara? ts th best thre ta bay
tap i reiny Wi tt sia gives
yeeitbeij i Fslsil atlicagwas tbe
The Diamond Store
SIS South Jth Street,
Q IbeJraarrlttwj Q
a a - -
We ssaM BaOd eVsw Okaaser
Ve wssst Beskt ehaw awasr