THE- BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAKCH 1H12. X). J - BBJTT.f!TfYJP.WS Bee rtrt It. - i rtatsrsa, Iiunii Onifci W. Uaatm Ajr renew Adv. Hets Fassaaa Bock Beer ' Oa dreaght and in tattles on and. a-'ur Van, a, . . - 4. Guaranteed to ba the 00)7 lenutne fcoek Beer braved In Omaha. Family trad? a applied ay- , WM. J. BOEXEOFF. Eetail Dealer. PtHaaee: Dourtaa IIS; indepeoJent A-a. Omj Takes Oat Bias p. U. Cerny wu out a ccramlMlraetthlp blank. I aU far jte-7rl Wry and Scute Csn.'who were arrested Sunday " seeping cn the sjusts. were sentenotf te sixty iy each in tbe county Jail by Judge Fqnter. . eea- -aJlaujey mepate fJerUea Tt:s muuminy dispute cei,ireen Oeorcia M. Beck and FnderlcJc o, 'Beck has been settled in dfttrtct courL Beck mm u an .hm. sad a freed to pay, an additional LbM n euuraon., - . oa Sot Better Cars Street Tellvsay offlriala declare thst the present snoastorm caused the least inconvenience ana aeley to beaniing passencers of any af tbe season. The eno was heavy and wet and once an apt cT the tracks re mained off. ena Cent at Mnh term at federal court is being held at Hastings. Judge T. C. Hunger is pre stding and will hear a number of cases, nil or whfch are of minor importance. Xnited Rate Marshal W. P. Warner left tor UasUhga Monday morning. . wood Jos toe Bafinsar Hare's a Job t tt,Q a year for soma man who has d emparlance as a civil engineer. Uncle tUm will pay that much for a ehiet en- "err in the Irrtcatton department, and , he, desires all those whs would like the Pffitnoa to write at .once to the liltrt Plates Civil Service Commission, Wesh- tr Boats aara A letter received by City Treasurer Ure from Kountso Bros,. . the cHy's fiscal agent in the east, states fhnt tn.lH.Oi city bonds and coupons. In luding W.S0O bonds and coupons of the aohoot district, were destroyed In the Equitable Ufe building firs. Destroyed woooa of tne city were largely a street I tmprovement Issue. Proof that they were ' elestroyed a III be submitted by Kouatse Bra, and the money for their redemp tion will then be turned over, tne city accepting a receipt for them In ease It hould be some time discovered that they were not destroyed. Members' of: the; Nebraska Retailers' Association Ite-te is Announced , to Lay Cornerstone The eaverelgn council at the Woodmen of the Woitd. which bas been holding Its annual mooting here for the last ten slays, adjourned Saturday afternoon after contract, bad been awarded the atosler Sate company for an tll.OOt door tor the vault ta the new building. ... Ouatng Saturday's session July 9 wss nsjnfjd as the date for laying the corner tor.e of the new building. . The following of the council were In attendance: . 'l. C. Root, John T. Tatee, Colonel B. yr. Jewell, Dr. Ira W. Porter. Dr. A. D. Cioyd. A. H. Barnatt. Omaha; W. ' A. "raser, Dallas. Tex.; Morris Sheppard, Texarkana, Tea.! H. V. Simral. Colum us. Mlsa. : D. E. ' Bmdshaw, Uttle Hock, Ark.! J. E. Fitagerald.- Kansas City; N. B. Maxey, Muskogee, Okla ; E. a Leals, Xjngston. N. C; Colonel T. E. Patter nan. Chatanooga, Term.; F. D. Campbell, Port Huron. Mich.; William Ruesa, Cleve land. O.s R. a Wells, Mobile, Ala. . MIU MAYNARD ADDRESSES c . LYRIC CROWD ON TRUSTS fc alila Topper Maynard of U Angeles lectured yesterday afternoon at tbe Lyric theater on The Trust Problem." "No , sublet," ssid Mrs. Maynard,' "Is dls- Icuseed so much aa the trust problem, and , -ao-so little purpose. 'The reason discus alone of the trust amount to so little is 'because the simple natural solution Is rone thst too many persns art unwilling (to face. i. . i "Collectius ownership, is the only sola- on of the trust problem. Such industrial tyranny as Is Involved In the power of half down men In America is Intoler able. Freedom Is only a name when such conomio despotism Is possible. J. Pier--pout Morgan has far more power than , she emperor of Oermany ever dreamed .of having. "Dividing the big corporations into smaller bodies is not a remedy. The same owners and same directors control and tbe monopoly ia as complete at ever; the tjewer of Individual owners la at huge as ever." EXPERT GAS APPRAISER v IS COMING THIS WEEK Eaatara expert accountants secured by toe elty , to audit the books of the gas company are not expected to begin then work before April li, as a ruling of the court has fixed thst date as the time when the gas company must tu-n Its 'books over to the city. Junes Hail, hired at U per day to appraise the company a property, discover-where money Is. spent and tell how It ought to be apdht, will probauly be here this week to' begin ais work. When the reports of i these' experts are given the city they' sill be taken by Af aistant City Attorney Lambert before the court In the fight; for a reducUdn of ga rates from It li to 1. t - .i ', :.- 1 - -aft r -.. ' V-, WW ? ft v m ( v rv h v 10 9 o 0 . . 4 .iv 'Mm - V II I i.i.i .in. p 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I Ill liWillll Ml.lii.. il WW 11 mi il. Illli - .M . . ; 1 v . . . f .' ' ' . RGTALEllS' MUET 1IKKK THREE DATS BtGIN.MNG THIS MORNING. From Left; to Right-Fred-Diera, Henry Bolton, 'W. H. Avery," M. A. Hosteller, Treasurer; U T. IiSnghorst, President: V. PeWeber. J. M. fiollogly. MANY RETAILERS ARE COMING 1 " - "' . Indications Axe the Attendance Will t ' Be Record-Breaker. ' OFFICERS ABS 0?f' HAND EARLY President Laaaborst. nays the Ibow , Will Be the Meaas at Brlalns; ' Maay Additional Retatl- . ere t OiaoUs. Attendance at the sixth annual conven tion' of the Federation of Nebraska Re tailers will be between 1.000 and 1.000, ac cording to the estimate of President U F. . Lanchorrt.' who' Is In Omaha to pre pare for the meeting. " y Present weather conditions Indicate the biggest attendance In the history, of the . organisation. With the weather man handing out snow,' the merchants have no. chance of selling spring; goods, and "It is expected they will embrace the opportunity to attend the convention. A,' W. ,Ha auxins,. secretary of the Nor folk Commercial dug. .were accompanied to 'Omaha by -.three -merchants of his city and, ha says ten more plan to, come. Last year Norfolk had no representative at the meeting. Manager. Parrlsh of Hie publicity bureau of the Commercial cluh. which will assist the Omaha Jobbers In entertsinlng'the delegates, says he has similar encouraging reports from all parts of the state. .. . - . The convention .will begin this morning at, the. Rome and close Thursday , after- Boon. Tonight the men will be entertained t a"surpro part)'' in the Auditorium and Jhe women at a theater party at the Boyd.' i . '.. - t - ' . ... ! Officers ot Assoelatloa. Officers of' the association are Presi dent, F. Langhorst; vice president. 0. W." Darner, Overton; secretary, P. P. Fodrea, ' Onuiha; treasurer, SC.. A. I los tetler, Shrlton; execnttve" committee,' U F. LMnirhbrsti'O. "W." DafngVV M. K. 'tiom tetler; JV. H. Avery. Tilde';, Fred Diers-. Madlson. Fred.De .Waver. Arlington; C. E. Jielncrt, i Wymore; ' John Schweer, Oreelry: M. O. Miller. Seaard. ' . Dean Tancock of Trinity cathedral will pronounce the' intoratlon at the opening session. ! Mayor -Dahlman and President Haverstick of the Commercial club will welcome the visitors and E. A. Wurl of Platumouth ' will respond. President Langhorst will 'deliver his ? annual ad dress and reports of" officers will be made. -A tteraaoa .Proejrass. . ' ' " ' i The afternoon' program, beginning . at I: P. m.. will be: , . ' ! .. Question box, conducted by O. W.. Darner; grntril topic,, "Credits end Col lections. - ..... "Tne Cssh System." J. W. Schweer, Greeley, Neb. -.. "The Pioper Handing .of Credits," Joseph C. Zlmmerer. Avoca, Neb. "Credit .Retinas for Local Organisa tions." A. W. Hawkins, Norfolk. Neb. , General discussion of cash and credit systems. '- . . Mrs. Mary. Mangum, . . Dies at Age of 74 Mrs. Mary E. Mangum, 74 years old, died at I o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home ot her son, C, A. Mangum, KM North Twenty-eighth street ' Sha had lived twenty-two' years In Omaha. Mrs. ' Mangum' wss" prominent for many, years la the work ot . the North Side Christian 'church. ' ; i e She' Is survived by three, sorj. ,E. C.; Mangum of Boise. Ida.,-and C. A. :Msn5 gum ot Omaha', i , ') -, x' The .funeral services will be , held . this evening, at T:W o'clock' at the North Twenty-eighth1 .street. home, ,the Rev. Mr. Klrachstn conducting .them., The;borty. will be sent to' Keosauqua, la. , i r .. Girl in English Jail :With Suffragettes; ! Father Unconcerned ALBANY, N. Y., March It "I have not decided whether I shsll ask the federal government to take steps for my daueht ffs release," said H. R. Wrtght, father ot Alice Morgan WrlKht who la serving a two months' term In Holloway prison. England, as a result of a suffragette win dow emsshtng expedition In London last week. Mr. 4Wright, who with his wife was In the south when news of their daughter's srrrat reached ' them, arrived here tonight. , ' 1 " ' "I think Alice la all 'light where she M now," said Mr. Wright.' ' "Hhe hasn't committed any crime. The magistrate who sentenced her said thst She was simply caught In bad company. She was standing on the sidewalk when' a window was ' broken, was rounded up with the crowd and sentenced slong with the others. I have not ' been able to com municate with her personally, but have heard from ner through frlende.i "1 have been Inaulrtng Into my daught er's legs rights, but my counsel has not advised me as to myfuture action." feet end the woman math the motor. s crushed be- Culled from the Wires Albert Berrv sucr-reis.ullv lesned from a flying aeroplane ui a parachute at HI. Louis. - i Lieutenant Colonel George W. Ooelhals, I. R A., clilff rnglneer of the Pansma canal, was Ihe auesl of the German em peror at luncheon. Tbe Religious r-lucatlon association's vanguard occupied local pul4ts In Ht. Louis preliminary to the association's ninth general conveniion. Girl Drops to Death Taking Examination .' For Pilot's License .. ETAMPER France. March lL-M'ss Susanna Bernard, a ll-ysar-old aviator, wee killed hers' todsy while undergoing examination .for a ' pilot' license. Bhe ,had passed ,' most , of . the tests uccess (ully when, in attempting a sharp turn to. the right, " the machine was ce'.igH Vby an eddy and ca?slsed. It frll rt V ."."IV KWmW oweep w w s Clean! Wbttlier New or 0i Any broom sweeps cleaa when it's smv. but the broom that iweeps clean when It's eld is the broom to bny. By selertla ealr a oertsls grass of eaeb seasoa's broom eora eras, sad aulas It as socerdlng lo ear ews of Igisel ssd advanced Ideas, we have oblelaed la lbs Utile PeUs. a teet that awai Its rhaslsa quai hr and rets the dirt with Isast shy sktaledort. Tbe UnLEPOLLY Broom : Is tweaeuseed s cem br wesm whs have hied II. "la leaear have side etMckee, backeckes sad Hred arms es swees ssa days,1 writes eas. h am set (eviHra so Sruwli cartel,1 sen taMSt r. II BENSON LANDMARK BURNS; . THREATENS 3AiIK 'NEARBY A Banaoa tandraarfc .was destroyed by fire last night. The small reatdeace which has stood for eighteen years between Main and Bryant streets so Military annua bufned to the XTound. The Banaoa volunteer fire department kept the blaze confined to the Uttle building. Too rarmara aad MerchaBts baaic direct! ccck. of woicj tbe bouse stood wa uj.cai for mo.-j thaai aa hour. Ta little residence lately bad been oc aupjled by Bad Keicon. - It was owned by James Walsh. The loss la astisau.: K-SAfl-BEN UST CLOSE TO FIVE HUNDRED MARK The Xnteiti of Ak-Bar-Eea : now nun- tee 4H. These and toe next five the; sod In name ar.A In'.tlatlon lea o: t'i! art prnirueea imnta:ry frost taitlatioe. , . fc. . i i i . , I li mi I'eeti lau i mi utile rent 1 1 ("""Sa. " i "V1" ."" ' i ' j IrteSM, teell m ee. msnw ft- j' ..... j sale, te MctltftlaMMertiSfitHMSt JJ Looks .GtiottTastes Good SSss' f -' - ' " '.V -i : ...V .. . l t traaaa. Wrtis let I V ' '. .. ' - . ' ' eat "U resr- sWaM. ; ''' "' "' ' ' firiavxS ' ,! ! 1 " ; BAft?c.c iMWlaT 'dA ' f yt k 'Vl flli ifliTllll H. J. Hngh Co.. Wistrib's. Ouwua. F-X-," ..y'i-J IIM p- K-J jr . rv- . '-a- . ' l&g"f; w : J . -a. r- . mi . r " rr- on a Uuality baas. v m aaej , eer. M d7uh ewi ta Mnieed 4 ift. VaVTOh Qrdep oan ec this Cwlchiiu braat eant to sow hann, . Wf. fk anSKUOrr. ReXan tjeaw. VtKBtli CvllfaM U, tahjrto4n. A S& Pabst BlueRibbon ' TieBeerofQnaLrr I HE. waiter knows . that, he is serving a dis- criminating' guest when ordered to bring Pabst "Blue Ribbon" Beer. This is the i beverage beyond compare, and is appro , , pnaie times ana . occasions. . Wholesome and refreshing a delight to the eye Jand "the palate-ithe perfection- of .brewing. - Bottled only at the bravery in costal clear' bottles', . ' nvwmg ai a glance uwt it is clean, and pure. Serve it your family and guests. Phone or write THE PABST COMPANY 1307 Leavenworth . fhDnuDoutiaiUiii$ Omaha, Nebr. ORE people buy rtriamnriH TtrM lhan buy any other tingle Drana in uie worm. C And people who have once bought Diamond Tires keep on buying them. C The reason is simple. Dia mond Tires five the Greatest Mileage, ssd by dots j so cot lire eipease to the lowest aotch. C If you have been buy ing ures on a rnce oasis, start now to buy them on a Quality baas. AT YOt'R DEALER'S OR The Diamond Store WS 1WS inS CIS AXJtOS, OHIO Ready The New Spring Crossetts. " For business, street or dress wear ' vou will find Crossetts comfort- able, stylish and serviceable," Crossett styles have the snap, the dash, the "go" that you like. It's . easy to select $our Crossett style -, Crossett Shoe. "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY";, Tttti aaaan J 4 to $6 evii-j-where Lewis A.Crosaelt.lnc.Moker, rWtk Abinjteai. Masa a IIS rT 11 Sole Omaha Agents Crossett Slides a ' 'iV 1 ( ' 1 5W4f ! If , If . -v. . n - Aft wiJiiJBce' vi ill Healthful Whiskey LVssHissaa 6,WwrsjH T'oulMSttS Too much care can not be used ia selecting the . right stimulant for invalids. " Your doctor recommends pure , whiskey. Therefore, in order that ' you should be protected, buy Clarke's Pure Kye. . WHY?. Because it is bottled in bond under the supervision of the government, 100 proof. , Because Clark' a qualifies aa pur rym under the,' Pure Food Law end ia so guaranteed. Because It is '.' made In the largest whiskey distillery In the world. Because thedlatillers guarantee It tebe absolutely .i pure, rye whiskey. Tbe beet and safest tor msdi-' ""aXABKE OS. ft CO feecU, HI. ! mf, K 1 Mil' V Bridges the Ditstance With Safety, Speed, Comfort . Between Omaha and Chicago Leaves Union Station 6:08 p. m. V. aU Baalal aka Bas Wi Wm lt We vaaM ml akaaa nar at Caa'tl Electric lighted throughout, with drawing-room, sleeping rr.. observation car, dining car, cuair cars and coaches. Z Arrives La Salle Station . . . . . 8:09 a. m. Only One ea tie TCJevataC Xasea Arrives Englewood Union Station . . 7:54 a. m. Coaveaiaat ta Santa Side Slstrtct Other Good Trains at :! p. m 12:3 a. an. fur tiHttt, rtt:Tt?lkuti or inormalwa, jihmt, trril: or eoiU Ticket Office: 1322 Farrurn fMreet. .S-McNAU.Y. Division Passenger Agent. Va v - ., rasa-. 'V