J TllS OMAHA DAILY BEE KOVSPKP BT ET.WARD HOSRWATBR Vlt-TvR KUH-VtR EDITOR. PKE Bl'lU'INO. FAICAilANDlTTH. Entered at Oman piMialtiC u eoeae- . matter. TERMS OF SlEsCRlPTlOM. Sunday Bee. am year.- -. rise Fwerday Be, oa year S- l.ly be 'without Sunday . on y.-.K'-liiy Bee and eunday. r.....lfcW UZUVERED BT CARRIER. KnrJnc Be tb Sui:u:'. per mo.. ..Be JJliy Be (including Sunday). Daily B (without -ancay'. Pr mo....- Addr all complaints or Irregularities la irltitrj to City Circulation JXpU REMITTANCES. . , Remit by drall. expreaa or postal order, rara CI to The Be Puellihlng company. Caj- 2-cent atarapa -etved in pyu-nt of small accounts r-ra.caJ check. -rapt oa Omaha and eastern excaess, act accepted. OFKICKS. - . fTrh-Th Be building. South Om:-. Ml N St Council Bluffe-Ti eo-t St. Uneoln-JS Liltl. Building. Chicago-liU MarouaHo Bulldir.. . Kane City Reliance Building. New York-M Waal Thirty-third. vraahlnton-?a rourteanth St.. M. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Ccmmunlratlo relating to new u editorial natter hould be addressed Omaha Be, editorial Department. . PEBRUART CIRCULATIO:. ! 49,463 Stat of Nebraska. Cojnty of Doi'tlae. ss: Dwlgbt Wtlllame, circulation nianafar of Th Boa PubHihlnf company, being duly ewera. "a that tha average dally rlranlaUon. laaa apollad. unuaad and re turned cople. for tha month of February. U1L was gMta. Circulation Meagr. t:baer1bed In my prewnc and sworn to bafnra ma thli tth day of March. 1M1 -Seal.) HOBEBT HUNTER. Kota.-y Public. tajkaerfbora lea viae tha ally loaapamrilr skswl have Tke Baa amailed ta tkaai. Addr arm ko ekaasred aa eftea aa ra Cjaested.' Ideal baa tell weather! Only Ighfl dm till tprtaf by tha calendar. , tAnd om folkt used to latlst that ottrcllmgtB we changing. ' . , At1 i ri t t .Tb best fot-tre of this. weather U that; It , holde back the gprlbg 'still 'ft iTcaa t be oldd. to c4i!i tor Omtba mar bo bet- tf t&a rone- h t!M trealirt lears Andy'd ,10,000, K'teaM Ddowncat? - ; : . V ' O! court, there aa no graft or romipttom about it Tbat U br tb eoatretlmaa reilfnad. Artbar BUl-wali aaya ' bo aaw tba raclrnh!p r hla road coming. Bat e tbat did aot rrarant Ita arrtvaL tlllnoU dtlctatca u U BalUmora eaaraatloa will tot bo aipertod to daman d baih room (adlttiea at tfcalr It I hardly llkel that Ooveraor AWrith wUl bat to reaort to a want ad io find aaw cbiplala for lb paoKeotlary. .;,..,. "Tha profeaionl polltldaoa ar all r afaiatt ua," oxclalma Colonal Koeaaroiu Tb colonel la tha nerast rk, blmielf. That It. Loala hnabaad who forfot and mtalaid bllla for allk boa and black pump la, to tar tb leaat, a rtrj cartlew nan. Startup Another Bonfire. Wha Colonel RooaaTlt waa aet tlng oft flreworka in the Whit Hons yard and on of the rorketa lizzlrd or awerved into tb crowd Icrtead of Into the aky, be immedi ately atarted a beautiful bonfire at the other end of the campua that drew the "Ab a' and " O a," and dia tracted attantioa from tb fluke. ' In tbi campaign the colonel baa hot oft two rocket that failed to clear tb atmophr of public aen timent with pyrotechnic perfection- bla pian for the recall of court da- daiona, and bla recall of bla own third term rennnclatlon. The ea tabllibmant of a new appellate court conalatlng of a popular rot on whether a judicial declalon abonld atand or be rererted baa not hit it off aa waa expected. Tb retroactive Interpretation of bla endoraemcnt of the rule against the third term, read ing koto it the word "conaecutlve," whose p rest nee there waa not previously auapected, baa also precipitated a debato which at leaat la not oae-ilded. And to we bar another bonfire atarted in the far corner of tbo lot on tb question of direct primaries for tbo choice of convention dele gate, and expression of presidential preference. The legislatures of nearly all tb states were sitting In regular session last winter with this aubjeet befor them in on form or another,' but no loud toIc waa than added to tb demand, which In moat states (not oars, however), lan guished and lapsed. What was not deemed worth while even agitating baa suddenly become ao Important as to require cottly special aeatloat to" put through leglalatioa., which at best, according to Colonpl Roosevelt blmalf. is merely experimental..; If talking about U primary, how ever, make tb vtopl forger he re call of decisions and tb breaking of the third term' precedent. It will sort ita' purpose. . ... , 4 - ent And it will not Quite do now to argue their old-fasbionedneas npon the baaia of their exceeding severity, Tb newsplpfr Itaalf Ulla. Coav par Tb Be wlilt so-called competi tors, and not for yourselraa the dlf. ferenc in oar favor. , .. , Nebraska bena are getting too proad tm to cackl wka tbey lay eggs. That la right, for It la too serious to laugh about -J1, . - That toler& youth who fired three ballet Into bla head in a rata at tempt to end bla life, abonld bar picked out a more vulnerable spot. , Express Company Bttunw,' ', It it interesting to turn from tfc diminished Vevenuea of other' llnea of buslneaa t tb return of tb x- presa companies. The goveriraenfS report fdr fh tlacaj year nded Juh So. 1 1, thow that the concerns experienced .t par; cent Increase la operating incom over that -. of the year prerloua. . Tb . Well . Fargo company, which, on Pecember it, 10, declared a special dividend of 100 per cent and oted to increase Ita capital stock to Ii4.000.000, re port tb least gain of all for 1110 la earnings, 3.43 per cent Tb Pa elflo Express company report tb largest gain, 309 per cent, bat It 1 only fair to esplala. tbat lkf U ac counted for particularly by tb fact that la 1101 tbi otftpaay charged to express privilege aa additional payment of 1100.000 for "txtra fa cilities furnished," the amomt being distributed among tb three ; rail road companies that owned ta capi tal stock of tb Pacific Express. Thl distribution was mad thus: To the Missouri Pacifio Railway com pany, 1330.000;- Wabaahl (0.000; Union Pacific, $320,000. Bat an other company reported an Increase of CO per rent and, undoubtedly. tb Pacific a actual gain waa enor mous. Dividends for tb thirteen com panies declared tor tb year showed a gala of II per cant and the whole tendency of comparison in revenue 1 upward, showing that whatever laps tbere may b la tb condition of business la this country la not re flected through express company earnings. These figure are quit Interesting la view of an array pat at by tb express company agent with tb purpose of staving off tb inevitable parcela post ' ! ;Our new "reform democratic sheriff 11 out for delegate to tb democratic national eosvaatloa , at Baltimore. Traveling nwtty fact May strike a .' " ' '" V" W would like ta see a rough-and-tumble fight between that Mis souri booad dog and the groundhog, and we Would not care If both of thea' lost in tb conflict t , -, i A local pulpit" pounder na been preaching on, '.'Why Wive . Leave Their Uasbanda." .and la glag to tell us next "Why Husbands Lear Their Wive." Ye, but do they, The visit of the daughter of J. Plerpont, , to Sagamore Hill, of course, can, ttav aa political alg' ciflcanc la view of tb tact that Mr. Parkin only went to carry a mea- eage. llr. Sorgaa has just laid ta an other art collection for 130,090,000, which he mad a eommlseloa oa on deal, last think where we would be for art collections if they should squeeM the water oat of the stocks aa they are talking of doing. 1 Oa behalf of tha grand Jury It la explained that It is waiting for vol unteers to bring in evidence of crook- edmee by public officials. That la not the way the record-Baking grand Jatle la Pittsburgh, St, Lool and Sen Fraoeiaco did. Tb grand Juries in these eJUe dug up tha evidence, forced confessions, brovbt tndict-te-(KJ, and tent tb crooks to the penitentiary. " --, . Marking Time. Chairman Cnderwood aa the demo cratic leader xpresea a desire for ah early adjournment of congress, be fore the national conventions are held. Congress might as well adjourn tomorrow for all the good to the country that Mr. Underwood and bis democratic colleague propose to have don. They are not engaged la tb bnalne of enacting law tb coun try wants; tbey are engaged In tb specific task of promoting the politi cal fortunes pf tb democratic .party la general and those of certain can didate In particular.- a Unfortunately for tb government tb apeaker and floor leader of the house are presidential aspirants and are catting all tbo cloth of house busineaa by their personal patterns. Tbey aro using tbo great power and preatigo of their official positions, not for tb common Interests of the country, but tor the aggrandizement of Champ Clark and Oscar Under? wood. Congress, therefore, ' insofar aa the influence of the gentlemen goca. Is almply marking time. Tremendously important . legisla tion ahould have been should yet be enacted at this session, but thus far none of the president's principal recommendations baa got by the democratic barricade, which tt ' was possible for It to obstruct The Clark- Uuderwood machine It determined that no scientific revisits of tha tar iff shall bo don, not even aa to wool, the popular clamor of. the country notwithstanding. Parcela post baa finally got befor tb house In tb form of a bill. What progress it make remains to b seen. Tha In vestigation of tb, so-called Money trust appears to bav been effectually snuffed out But of tb moat lm portent matter which President Taft laid before congress, aside from bl peace treaties, which have been vir tually killed, were tb demands for Improved plana of government in Alaska and the Panama canal tone, and It la evidently the Clark-Under wood determination to Ignore both. Tb approaching completion ot.tb canal require a system of govern ment for the Panama tone, and every Intelligent man In tb country know that The w hoi nation also know that Alaska's needs, therefor ours, demand Immediate provision tor a stsbl form of government AH the thing, though, are "apparently to be sacrificed to selfish ' political ambl tiona. ' Tb democracy boasted that It would go before the country this year npon It record la tola eon great. It remain to be teen how tb rotors take f hit presumption apoa their Intelligence. EoohnBacliward V mmmmt mmj aa " . fCOHPllJ f COMPILED ifBOM at EC P tlfcsV 1 Hie BecS LettorBox POLITICAL SNAPSHOTS. Tb present republican majority of tha county board 1 not responsi ble for letting tb court bouse con tract nor even for changing tb marble (pacification,, thoae deals baring been put through by their democratic predecessors, Tb county bosrd now 1 confronted with tb unpleasant and delicate task of mak ing tb best of a bad bargain. Jot It down that our own Senator Hitchcock helped kill tb peace treaties, voting just as the battle ship builders, armor plat makers, army aupply contractora and powder truat magnates would bav bad him vot. MAKCHl. Thirty 1 cars Agc- No chance was aot ad tn axXaifs at Caicp Dump,, .but .. excitement . continued .un abated until even In, when ao. lnoffea-. alva old man. Gtorge P. Annstronc. waa bayonatted and died not 'ooa.atfr, al though tb xiewa of hia death Waa kept from the public aa Iocs as possible. , Ttw day was a regular .summer day, na guat su seating that, tha harvaat f the atreet sprinkler was approaching.' - It is stated that the lat liars- atruck for i. cants per yard for lathing. and got their raise by atlchlng together. ' Workanan;are busy roaUnc changes In tha room adjoining tha drag store of js. W, tEaxe in Boyd epar. house, f rpftipf oa Fiftcaath atreet.. iBojilry.ava)onha raat that Mr. R..O. .Ease, father ef, the 8axa brother. Is about to japen a Urn das bat etora, and too vs Into , It, the stock or Georfa H. IHxat aV Co.. watch ha parohaaed a fear iidaysxago. - ;. , Wada-e new candr faotoryxOdd Fellow a block; Dodc and yvurteentb atraets s reedy itor-opening. .'-. ' V r .'! Tha new system In the telapaoaauoCfic: .will be' put tn operation In about three weeks, previous- t. wale liane aabaorlb are will b ttlven,- tnatrucUaoa ,nd new lists of membars furnlahed tltara-, ( Mr, Gaorw C. BaiatU.. tpa aootraotor. and hla- brothers. Mr. John.Baaaett. are back from Boston. where ihey ware called about four weeks ago be the serious a of their mother, who as now batter. S. A. Tucker, one at the champion ahota of the world; Colonel Cemsteek, the rea ls - and Jolly representative of a eale brated gun, and J.' W. Petty, the boas gun man of the weal, have con aut for a big time among the wild geese and ducks. . . .. , Tha latest railroad gossip is that the Wabash ayetem Is to be out in halve. and on part consolidated with the Union Pacific and the other with the Missouri Pacific. K. Berthold, proprietor of the Omaha Iron and metal yard, advertises that he wants a few moneyed oteir to Join him to buy tbf Omaha Iron, and Metal works. which will be sold under Vol tad Btaxaa marshal' sate, MareH,2S. 4 , Twenty Years Ago The Bee published the full text of Sen, tor Paddock' argument In support of the pur food blU In the United State senate, comprising two pagee. It con tained a, letter to Beantor Paddock from Dr. H. W. Wiley as an expert chemist giving hla opinion of the MIL ror the first tune In eighteen years the High School Debating Society of UTS met as a body at tha Omaha club. Among thoae present were Alfred Millard, F. R. McConnell, . W. A. Itedlck, A. C. Wekeler, Charles U Saunders, C. F. Huntington, Charles 8. Jteynolda, Charles R. Itedlck, Ralph C Oaylord, E. W. Slmaral, Albert Cahn, R. 8. 1IUL Martin CaJin, Oaorge M. O'Brien, H. a Eela brook, John B. Wilber, Oeona.W. Bhistda and also John L Redick, Udward Roa. water and Dr. O aorta U Miliar. Thsa thra elder men and soma of tbs membara of tha society made addressee. Miss Alio Isaac want t New Tork ea a buaiaes trlp:; Miss MrrUs Coon, . whoa sweet and pleaaing soprano vote waa so popular in Omaha, sang, by special request, aw for tiie Bostanlans, who war filing an ensraasmeat at the rarnam a treat theater. The repoblloaa county and ctty central eommtttaae mat at headquarters te V- cuaa raleg for. tsa prtmartec. The .matter was Vatt la e committee eonslstlng of Charle Vnltt, J, J, Ceunaman, Charles Van Dora, Bruce C. MeCullocn, oav Meroer. John Weatberg, Richard gtnlth. Sol Prtnc and Oeore 8. Bnith, A mass masting waa held at the Boer of Trade rooms te shape plans for n tsrtslnlng the national convention of tSa people's party. Thomas Swob was made chairman and R. T. Modgln eeoretary of a temporary Organisation committee, Tie PtMinf of tb 8ItiK 8llgh belli' merry Jingle ar to seldom heard nowadays that oa tarn quickly at tbelr sound to get glimpse . et - tbo old-fashioned vehicle. Tb.lt bat been, aa Ideal win ter tor aieighlng, heavy enow cover ing tb ground nearly continuously, and yet bow few afelgbe have been oat la 4hle vicinity, and what it tree her 1 probably true elsewhere. Time waa when uch a winter aa tbi would have brought Heart all vehi cle from their wheel to their run ner and the wand of tb slelgb bell would bar been common In stead of exceedingly rare. The mild winters, of which the oldest Inhabitant ha spoke la such derision, have, no' doubt, had their share of Influence in patting tb sleigh out of commission, bat tb utomobll also baa bad something to do with it Auto ar bow rua throughout tb winter as well aa any other season, and most of tb people who would be riding la sijlghs, If they were yet la tbelr prime, are now tiding la automobile. - And, perhaps, some of tb slelgb rider ar taking the modern street car. Tb remark aa been beard ao often tbi winter, "Why don't peo ple get out tbelr slelgbs such weather aa this?" The fact la, few people have them to "get out." The alelgb la pasaing, along with most of the other contemporary borae-drawa vehicle, which belonged to another day, a vary happy day, too, as all who bav enjoyed old-fashioned sleighing parties- will testify. Tbo winter of yesterday were old-fashioned la nor ways than simply being more rigorous than tb presv .. . Pcrlla af tka Fate, Brooklyn Eagle, , - " Fly burglars are common enough, but the aroplau highwayman hae yet to be developed. Policemen will have to be closer to angels then they are new to catch him. r . - , Freddlaat Hat Ale aeewpwere. Baltimore' American. ' It la one of the payebotoglcal problems ef the hour, why peace oference or aseatlncs of sny kind appear to rouse the moat belligerent Instincts and Impulses la all concerned. SKaala af Deapalr, ' Brooklyn ' Kagle.N The express companlaa ar dying hard. la the last ditch ef despair they are mutilating their book. They real la that they are on .their way to the Junk heap personally conducted by their own man. Oreed. Crrat flare Star eaavajilr. - Cleveland Plairt-IValer. Everything ha Ita u. ror instance, Peking la a place where foreign eoidlars era allowed to pick up things for the dear one at horn as often s Peking Is sllewed enough potce to collect such souvenirs. . riatfaraa Already Wrlttrau Waamngton Star. It begins ta look as If the platform which the people will indorse will not have to be written tn either Cntcago or Baltimore, the work having been done at the late ceneutali octal convention tn Philadelphia, . , . WYhe ta Hlcktacf Indiana polla News.. Well, there's one thing that ta a cinch. anyhow, and that as that there are-a graat ssany people In this country who will not be the least disturbed at the prospect of the taxatloa of alt Incomes exceeding axtoe,' 1 ' Oa Tarn Meat, Chicago Inter-Ocean. Don't b dieeouraced because the strike et the leMK Eogllab coal minara lo so far away. The word cornea from Iowa that a atrike ef several hundred thousand Amertean coal miner may reasonably be expected oa April 1. - ' A Telrpkaa Mafflcr. Nw York World. Tb invention of a telephone which operate net by sound but by light, for the benefit of the deaf and dumb, may eventually cor-" - -r other folks wtatt ta do VK-g-dlstaaee Ulkuig w a no-it being overacard. Ten Years Ago The Real Estate exchange was sUll bus. Ulna for money t continue the litigation en the assessment of the publla service corporations.- . ., MJo Leach, new Had of th engineer lug office et the Department' of the Mia-, aourt, arrived from Fort La van worth. Dr. James . Foot delivered a lecture to the students of Mount St. Mary'a sem inary. Fifteenth and Caeteilar street, on Digest Ion." The lecture waa preceded by recltatlona by Daniel Hurley and two solos by Miss Mabel LeMoote. Hum F. Mclntoah, member of the Board of Education, proposed that tha superintendent of schools laclod in his annual report the condition and work of the parochial as weU aa the public school of th city. V.? J -Dr. H. O. Strauss, waa -appointed, aa physician la charge at - the emergency Stockholders of the Bee PabrtahUig eom nnv re-elected, these officers'. President, 1-dward Roaewater; vice president. Victor Rwater: - secretary- - and' treksureri Oeorg B. Tsschuck, fleorg W. Unlngar and H. A. Haskell completed, b board of director, . ' ii f '' lira. A. a Jaqulrh, was hoatess et on of thk largest affair of tne went, . liAndad -euchre pertv. In' which fifty women participated. i. . " f " ' ' -t.i- wcnait Tkeaa ta St, Oat. SCOTT 8 BLUFF, Xeb.. kUTch ."T the Editor of The The demand for fandidatc -for railway coemnleatoner te declare themaelvss - na ot , snet with raaob raaaowe, gome of lr.- Taylor's trianda have apokea nicely tor blm, out he I himself ealet. Candidate eHamm hss a word' ot that la not entlroiy aeti-fawtsry,-and. ethers are atlant. One, Mr. Sttnman says: If elected I shall aot attempt ta erlpple or dwstroy any lu dustrtal or commercial enterprh-e. leHhar whaH I sanction any raid upon the rights of individual or -general puk Ue." This "ought to -be' entirely- eatls xactory'to th people m the' big brick at the corner' of Tenth--and Farnsm. Omaha. " TTr'td. It sound good enough to liave beeh' written "by Lee Hardman himself, lien like Rose Moore. Horace Davis, Markwood Holmea. John J. Mc Carthy ' Chartea Casper. Mike Harring ton. Judge'. WestoVer;' Robert Graham, John Wysockl, Chrt Grurnther. Oeorg LoMfv Dr. .A. P. jrtTsslmmons, Judge gullivan.'C'. jvfcniyth and Tom Ailed ar ion pif firing Jljte' for demoeraey, and re- pu-maanj gupivroua enu eariqn, aii-i a.h'a of etiiarprlaing newspaper of all political" 1' h ' will ; get! ,beblnd the man wnq comes oui .squara tstna .r-s,au. -ati cgni-et.vad gh issue that Is. of mors Iropprtanoa to Nebiak''tbn the naming of .the, nuut- who ia,,to d lab" out federal Batronage., Who will be. the man to say that he a with the people and aot oa the side of the "god of property r' Tb pub lic ear is upon the ground. , . O. U eUiUMWAT.- .- v - ,w a Thl Race, . OMAHA. March 1L To the Editor ef The B I have no "numerous friend" that are '-urging" me to file for offiee of city eommiaaloner; there I alao ao "demand" from "a soaay people" that should snake the run for that office next April, but I have quite a few true and good friends who advise me te let politic alone, and I think they are truly my-friend a, ao I have taken their advice and shall net be a, -candidate for com missioner In the spring primaries. Onlte- a- number- ef people,, however, who see my name in your paper every day In tha popular vote for commission ers re ef the opinion that I am a can didate for that of floe. In order to dispel any such impression I would respectfully reejaest you to withdraw my name from the-eenteat and would also like te take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my friends who underwent the trouble of gathering vote for m during the oentest,- for which I Ban truly grateful. I km net a candidate (or eommlaalener, a I do not betlev that In thia instance when th new system of government Is about to be triad In Omaha the man should seek the offjo: on the eontrary, If there ever was a time when the office should seek the man. this 1 th most opportune time for ruch a procedure In the city of Omaha, Only by the office seeking the man will wa get good and efficient puMla servants t till the most important office in our city admlnlatratioa, and J he aueceea or tallure of the new system ef government will deptnd. sejitiy upon the auailty et mea selected at ths next election to ad--alaistsr tbs affair f our city. i n ' if net jivecuTvea ' t W Forajet. NORTH BEND. Neb., March 0.-TO th Editor ef The Bee! I notice ao article In your Paper concerning Senator Brown and I want to' add my amen to It aa It is ail a fact. If the people of this Mat fall to stand by Senator Brown they are not worthy te be represented by any honest man In the United Bute smsta. Senator Brown compelled the railroad to pay their taxes' it more than 11,000,0x1 after putting up the fight of his life te win. Could he not Just aa easily have fought and lost and se far as the people were concerned they would Hot be any the wiser? In this way Mr. Brown could have taken a wad and lived on easy, street for the balance of bla lite and not have to worry about going to the United State senate. The trouble with ua common people hi that wa forget tee easily what our honest reorasebtatlveai do, for u when there ar mlaUon at'atake. The railroada tried hard te ksep Norris Brown out of . the senate six years ago. Tiw htadest .fought political battle that ever' took 'piece. In Dodge county waa over the delegates to the state convention end the wry' waa that we - must clip Rose Hantmonifi wing to prevent Mm from being a political boss, but under the surface it was te keep crr!a Browa from he lag nominated. The state owes N orris Brown a debt that they wall never be able ta pay utd, regardless of party, - he should receive a vote so that the country everywhere will recornlxa that Nebraska Is enllrht- ened enough not forget to honor her men who, are always found In the' front tank fighting for her beet Intereeta, ' ' C CrsACK. Cleveland Putin Dealer: The reuch rider perhaps think that turn about ta fair play. He put the ether fellow in; wby. shouldn't the other fellow put hha in? Washington Poet: And now Pro! Wil son conalrn the noun' daw tan ta the acrap heap along with "The Beautiful Isle of Bomewher." preferring - that touching little ballad by the nightingale of the Everglades entitled "When Woody Takos- the Chair," ..''.. Louiirll le-Courler Journal: Mr. Jtoose welt is still explaining, anxious bow to draw a deatl notion between "becoming a candidal" and being willing to .secept a nomination." However, n was Just a week ago at Beaton that he proclaimed he wae "in the fight and waa happy because or it Fighting' td 'accept a nomination? - Indianapolis Newa: ' The national head quarters of the Roosevelt propaganda ar In the Munsey building. W'aahUigton. Thus w have another tie between the Roosevelt campaign and the steel and harvester trusts. 1 For Mr. Munsey la the Intimate friend of George W. Perkins of the harvester trust. He I also friendly to Mr. Roosevelt, and a supporter of the movement te nominate him for a third term. XISTJlTUL miX BO ARKS. " Sv is alwaya ready topicX'uar' 'II ' Prtaelplaa aa Practical pellttea. -Pittsburgh Dispatch. The democratic proposal to postpone their convention tn order to enable them to trim the course to suit the disat4ointed faction of the republicans casts a singular light on the much mooted toplo of demo cratic principle. What democratic prin ciple are i a disputed topic; but It is agreed la campaign oratory that they are unchangeable; but if a slight shift will advance the great cause of getting into power, the consideration for a couple o week as to how they can. be. modified appeals to ths practical politician In that party aa in any other. . -The public J - rnMi srnatsr Borsrhum: "and the public Is always reedy to throw it ever and decide It doesn't ult-M WAffh Ington titer. .? "Do you ihlnk young women eight to Jcin th sulfragettea?-' asked the young woman. ' 1 ' "I do." replied Mr. Qroweher. "I eat In favor of anything that will take their minds oft the fact that this is leap year.'' Washington BUr. - . , - - . "Is mamma's food litGe boy readjt, t hav km bath now?" , "O. maw. seut out the goody -roed J apiel! . Whan a ehap'e t year old aYeA time to taae him out of the kindergarten ' das.. I'll take my splash In the rub when I've had. a amoke." Calcairo Tribune.- - - Wife-How about the tickets.' dear? I understand tb theater is packed at every performance. Hub It ia, but I managed to get seat for two weeks from toaighe ami, by the way! .' Wife-Well? - - . Hub you ml-..t begin to get read? now. Boston Transcript "Unci Dullhoover left me all his pen spm money." "Well, you Haven't much en ' me at that. Hla Ufa Inaurance policy was mad out in my favor." Chicago Tribune,.... "I have alx daughter." '.. ' ' "Must tak "em a long time to drees when th family Is going anywhere,1!- "Oh, no. They form in a circle and each buttons another's gown," Washing ton tieraio. - a Favara la t)laht. . Chicago record-Herald. The railroads are not going to offer re duced rates of trsnsportatlon to the peo ple who attend the national conventions this year. This may be regarded as a sign that the railroads are not expecting te aak future favors of the politicians. It 1 a good etart for the railroada to be making. ' OPPOBTUBITJt. . Pacifio Magaaine. Said VMtrnlav nf tomorrow? "When 1 wa young like eu, ,1, too, waa fond, of boasting: ';"". . 1 Of sll 1 meant to do. :". . .. But while I fell a dreaming' -6 ' Along the pleasant way.-, " ' -B-fnre I scarcely knew It v .. 1 touna ' was too ay: , . "And a today, ao'ieirkly My little course waa run, I had not time to flnl-h One-half the thing beun.' ' Would I could try It over, , But 1 can -ne'er 10 Melt?- A yeelerday forever, -tV t l now must, be, aiacl-' .i t: er-t .' "And so, mv cood tomorrow, If you would make a name. That history shall chertsb. .... Votm Ita roll ,f fiimA. '- Be all prepares and reedy 1 our ooDiest part jn tnea tew neeu nacq yvu anaii J'-"- ' "it ,i r.U' ic- 111 t to play , Si ng hours . , . 77 be today!' - ' 1 People Talked Abouti Toungsters as well aa elders can jlck up some valuable pointers by teahalng the output of the csurespoadence schools of eollUcal hureaus. . i , gouth pole laurel rested on the brow-j of Colonel K. F. Scott barely twanty-ioui' hour, but his picture decorated the papers for days after Cotooai Amundsen grabbed the wreath. - Mooes Stauer, who ten years ago could not read or write, he been admitted to the MsawachusetU bar. He is tC years eld. Steuer came te America In DM and atarted as - a peddler, carrying a pack through country towns around Boston. Us passed his examinations with high honor. Eastern coal operator rejected the de mands of the miners for the reason, as tbey explained,, that any advance of wage would boost the price of coal and iispose a luu-dahtp en eonsusxers.. At the aame time the operator postponed the customary spring reduction of- et cents a ton. t . ' . Max Kra-aberg. 1 years old, father of twenty-six Children and grandfather of W). died recently in St. Louis, Mo. Kranxberg was born In Russia and mar ried hla first' wife there, where ehe died after, presenting him with tea children, Kia second wife. Rossie, sunri e him and is the Bother of sixteen ehUdren, V , PareeU Paat Abrwad. Phjlsdelphla Bulldtlh.-' r V .TB a report to tHe Slate department Ambassador Raid note that there was much the same kind at oppoattten ln England to th estabUsharenC'of a par tela poet before the .service Jtag 4nU tuted there aa now 'exist in the United Statea, The. opposition came mostly from email shopkeepers in,! th small towns, but-'w flnallyoverruled completely, by pu6llcVapprova! of , the ayetem. -What 1 mor significant Is that slue the inlro ductioa of th, service "there has been no organtsed protest against lt-eotw.ln-uce either from carriers, ' the smaller retail dealers or 'othera," and. lnotoent silx. ,ll-may Added tbal.tn parcels noet sas been la operation la England for twenty-eight xearx, , , . .- (I !- j i. 1 ' ' VlaaAHa aTrta-adtfr. BpTtagfletd Republican. Th attacks on Mr. Tatt's tariff record by th Koeesvelt krixadler would be mere effective if Mr. Roesevelt had any tariff record at all. except one of abso lute aecatloo. President for seven and on-halt year th fighting colonel could not see that there was anything to re vise even when Senator Cummins was In his early struggle sopularUlng in tb watt the "Iowa idea." Even as late as int. When he controlled the New York reBuhttcea eats convention, the colonel permitted the stand-artr to frame the tariff plank of the state platform. Tea, the colonel would burn at the stake for hi tariff principle, '," i Fraeeaaae The . Washington Post, j TbetnWidlernen may gain an extra cent and aalf a pound en sugar by virtue of the damocraUe Mil -bat ct they pax th avjig 00 to tbelr customer what a lot of preccdeatx they will nave to upeet, ; 1 1 1 Absolutely Puro m . Hj . Economizes Butter, . nour,; ; i M ' . Ecgs makes tbe food wj, cw j appetlzirig and wholesome k m i m. Hie only Baiting Powder made ' 3 Iron. Royal Grape Ceam ol Jartar jT . fer; . . " ",,.- i TT A s$:: A i I Li III N JX Mil 1 Invigorate and Refreshes, Like Coffee, . - ' 300 CUPS TO THE POUND. " ' ' " ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES' TWO CUPS; -1 T . Published by the Growers of India Tea r Af tlnst 'Ml Imitations Substitutes MALTED T.IILK Gt theWell-Known Roand Package Mads In tha largest, best -. . equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world We do not mtkt'milk products Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. tt Original-Gen uine ' ' HORLICK'S MALTED MILK. Mad from pare, fnll-creaua milk tuid thft txtnet of tIect gnavlted frsjn, redneed to powder form, aolubLe, la watec. Bart footi-drigik for JJ mtPU FT ASK TOR HORUCICS Used all tnrer tha Globe )