a Desperate Desmond -Excited by Tales of Loot, the Villain's Russian Alues JJesen mm in a coay By Hershfield r - , ' . i nt. -i ..... . - a 7,crV lc 4 I-IN' HOSTILE) HANDS. Tightly bound, Claud Eclair la now la the power of Desmond, who to elded or the cruel Russians. The minions of the ' oxer believe that Claud I mlzd up In a plot to nan China pan under Britten do minion. It I useless for our bcro to pro Ml hie tnaocoBD. for Desmond falsely bears vMnaas acsinat Una, and to Rue- II-HOIaDING up the mail. Everything la loot to th Russian sol diers. The moment they ec th Chinese mall canter coming alone the, resolve to hold him up and jot what letters be may hare. There may be something; of value to be had. Accordingly (he march with Claud to halted while one of the Cossacks commands the frightened Chi nos mall carrier to halt, a command he quickly obeys. . 1I1-L00T. ' ' In view of 'the stitruig events that era taking place In the Orient, the Russian' make haste to open the dally papers f glean for latest news, Instantly tbetr eyes fall upon headlines relating to the Russians In Persia, with the stories of war and looting. As Lootikl Is the Cos sacks' middle nam there Is wild excite ment among them over this Interesting news. IV.-OFF TO PERSIA?" Immediately th entire fore of Rus sians forget all about Claude and Rosa- -mond, and take to their heels in a mad scramble to the nearest railroad station. They are all for Persia and plunder. Des mond Is angry at this desertion, but thinks he can safely hold the captives slngl handed, especially as Claud to bound. " V.-PRESSED l.VTO SERVICE. Desmond, however, has reckoned with out his host. The native republicans, full of eagerness for the success of the caufe, cannot allow anyone to be Idle. All "who are not actively engaged In helping the republic must be lined up against It; so Desmond, Claude and Rosa mond are now pressed Into the service ot the nation. They are given no choice. VI.-THE FLAG FACTORY. 'Tm th boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "but I feel like Bertha the beau tiful sewing machine glrL" The villain, together with his former captive, has to labor fourteen hours a day making new flags for the republic of China. Even now, however, he Is plotting to escape and to steal Rosamond. Tomorrow picture will show what success th vil lain meets with. . HO- WANT ADS Want ads received at any time but lo insure proper dasstflcaUoa must tie prweated before) 12 o'clock ai. for th evening edition and before 7:30 p. as. for inurnlng and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such boor wlU have then? first rrwertioa ader the beading "Too Late to Clasaifj." CASH RATES FOR WAKT AD. REGULAR CLARIFICATION On iBsertkM 14 rent per word and 1 reat per word for each subsequent rsMMCwdve Insertion, Each In Uon Bade oa odd dara lH-cent per word; $1.00 per llae per month whem ad la rua without Chang of copy. DEAIta AND "KEaVAL HOTICKs, BRENNAN-Phllip H, March W, ml aged W years, funeral notice lslr. CULLY-Joseph. sged years, at Leg Angeles. Cel., ot stoinacp. irouis. ir!: rV..lZ-i.. momma March 11 at m o'clock from family residency, 171 8. th Ave., to St. Peter's church at 'elock. interment noiy o.ixu. etery. eCULLT-Jo. gd B years, died March , 111. at I.OS Angeie. . i fmm Hi. Peter's church. Win ad Leavenworth. Tueeday morning ai :. lOIMiB NOT1CIEI. a.li.blttiere. A full etteirdance at our neat meeting U reuueated. Buainee oa , (ieo. Clarke, committee. MAIL- ORDER BISIXKSS MANGIAMELI BROS, Macaroni mad In Omahs. Every peek. se guar. Aak yur grocer. Mend us fifty eagles cut out of packs for prcmluma . KetabUshed l aa Mintn- wa will elva nrlce and best eiyiea wth and Howard his.. Omaha. aW Itch km wade kkosi coMiiinob. Mr. lV.k, lilt N. ma Phone B. lata A X XOUSCEMEXTS HAZEL, LEA PILE CONE-Bet remedy for Hching. bleeding or protrud ing piles. Mo postpaid; samples fre. Sherman McConneJI Drug Co., Omaha Mechanical . Equipment Co. F. J. OFFERMAN. successor to Allen 1. lv St Co.. dealers In everything that Is MECHAMCAl,; contraciora" equip ment a spet'lalty; cash only: piumuing supplies: WHOLESALE, RETAIL. Ul Poufria. Oman, iseb. ROTAL Restaurant, 1311 Douglas SI., hss changed ownership. Anybody having bills sgatnat same pleam prwent at once. Dr. Albert A. Cramiell, 44S Om. Nafl Bk. The Tailor has li.oved new location. 16 K. tfilh fit. Everything In new springs styles. KODYM" x m 8. tr.ti AUTOMOBILES. ATTTll KAD1ATOHS AO iU plating. Kiel Excelalor Co.. SHI6 Far. T Aipi) lemonatrator. mil -L.UZ.IILK llndr. Driven i9 -yM.ii mllea. A baraaln. J. r. ntewari. miles. MM Fsrnam fit. DKUMMOND Aula repairs, rubber tires, for carriages and commercial trucks. ISth snd Harney. CAMEKOX Parage Co. Reaaunabia UViUXUUi ,hrg , p,nonal atten tion given, Trucks and autns stored. tiargaina in used care. Ml g. ith. !. 6211. McINTYRE AUTO CO. Oakland, Hlcarna, Knight snd R. C. H. BanraJna In uaed cars, rra Karnsm. FOUR caaaenaer Cartercar. 1911 modal. good condition, phone Web, Mtf. or ad ore. H-f Bee. Al'TO IIEI'AIRINU TO I'LICAHE. O'Uonovan & Pease Auto garage, atorage. Baraslna in uaed Oris E-M-F , cuniplete wub all equip ment; lu, open frttnt, e-pasenger; been uaed aa demonstrator. Prlc fM One flve paaaenger Rambler, good roudltion, KOt. One model 41 Overland. tMO. MAUiON AUTOMOBILE CO. trol-l Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Bl'BIXESS PERSONAJUI Baa MaBBfaeturera. BF.MIS OMAHA EAO CO.. Omsha. Keb. But posters. flrlfA "H'e POSTING CO.. 1S UJLULl HARNKV. DOUGLAS int. Baggage and 'i'asicabe. THE ONLY WAY. Ttae-aafe checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring cara Tel. Douglas ZH. Boa aad Paekag ataBBfaotarers. Wooden Bos aj Package Co., I4 N. 19th. Carpeatrra an C'aBtraotors, J Rtevenson. carpenter, cont. Both phones Ihirepudleta. , DR. ROY. IMS Farnam. Douglas Vtfl. tlelklng llaaBfaelarera. Wesr Ideal dress shlrta M E. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. WBSTKBFIELD sells REEDER COAL; ri'KNACK or RANUB. D. 1510; A-lisJ. Creauavrlea, Dairies aad !! Fairmont's Diadem butter. Alwsys good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Corale and steel Celliage. T CARTER Bheet Metal Works. Omaha. Daaelaa Acadeamlaa. Morand'a private lessons every day. Claaeea Mon. snd Frt.. t p. m. Doug. 64. Dentists. DR. M'LERAN, (pecisllst In plate work. Satisfaction or no fee. Brandete Bldg. Taft s dental room, W Doug. D. IX. Bailey, the dentist. City Nafl. D. . "Vtach A Msch. U floor Paston. D. 10W. BV8IXE88 PERSONALS Palat aad Class. HELP WANTED MALE Ageali SaicsaacB 'aael galleltors. PAINT, oil. lead and turpentine are 10 1 ' A GOOD ONE. pea cent cheaper now than a year ago. I In Nebraska, western loan and South Take advantage of this and buy only I Dakota there ls'yet open some fine terrl- utrtetly pure material at Barker Bros, Itory for men who can write lire lnsur. Paint Co.. lettSs Donglav 7r. Farnam St. Phoue Photographers. Rinehart. photographers. Hth Farnam. Pristine. . Lew W. Kaber, Printer, BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COUKT. PRINTING TffiwViiS: LET th CENTRAL PR1NT1NO CO. do your work. 1417 Douglas. Tel. D. s7M. Lyngatad Printing Co., ltth end Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. tat for good piinung. a nee. The company is not a new concern. but old, reliable and well known. It wrltea a big business snd pays Its agents most liberally. What la the matter with you making a contract with tufa com pany and go to making money? Did you make any money last year? If not, why not? You Ware not coupled right. If you are a, hustler I can make you money. Why not write tor a personal interview? Address C 6)3. Bee. Rlrs-Hall Ptg. Co. W 8. It. Ind. A -Kit. Plating. y OMAHA SILVER CO.. S4 B. Mth. PlBSSbers. I,. P. VALKF.XBERO. Plumbing. W Steel Task aad Calvert CsBapaalce. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. Uth and Nicholas. P. M. Seed. , STEWARTS. 8BHDMEN. HI N. 18TH teBacrapher aad Caart Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 701 Bran. The. D MO. Miss Warehlme. tai'Faxton Blk. D. U7. r TWO or three high class men for proposition or ment. good lor minimum of K0 per week. 121 Ramgs Block. , Tallorlaa. Anna Slstek. suits, cloaks, dresses, al teration, repair. Ml -I C'y Nat. Bk. D.74. , . Teats aad Awalaea. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. fc9 Douglas. JAMES ALlN-Nevllle Blk. Evidence ecured In ll cases. Tyler 1134. L. W. LONONECKKR, Mi Karbsoh Blk. Aiilo lamps reiialred. Omaha Hllver Co. AMt8E.ME.NT8 Apollo Theater i-t THE tKT MI KIC. tultt and e a v - en worth. ALWAVg Venezia KU g. Uth 81. Moving picture and llluatratsd sunga Full MALE At a bargain, two slightly uaed Midland Automobiles. Freelaad Aulo Co.. Utii and Farnam. Omaha Secret erv, 4 pastun blk. D.13H DrWBskisg, Terry t nressmsklng college. th A Fsr. WANTEI-ewlng. ll.a a day. Web. Wit. OMAHA MACHINE WOJJlvS Autogenoua welding, gen'l machine and uto repairing, pattern making and spe cial machinery designed. Kipert die work. Pattern drawlnga. sll 8. Uth 81. D. t37. Dreg a tats. rinrria at etit irtna. frnteht nald on tit orders; catalogue free, rihermaa A aiCT onneii I'ru lv., mmw, .-tm. Murphy Did lt"Si: NU, NO. NO, Villi DIAMOND I HbATKH. 34 A Lake. The famons Oem Ilex picture for Sunday. Favorite Theater vj. Com td y and Sd-iwt frame xj.ka-vflA FILM EX- Dou,h.sV"4 Motion picture machine snd film bargains PROGRESSIVE FILM CO. KIT Farnam. Muring ptctur macblasa and suppitea t OY A f. Theater, N. Hiu and Caldwell. Molloa pictures, eutertatiuug and edueatlonai Tlio Laeniiulo Film Service MOVING PICTURES, MAClll.NKd AND BUPPUE& lOl FA1LNAM ST. VWy not sell your old . automobile and buy a new one-or. maybe, you can us the money it some vther asy in either event. Bee want ads will do the work, hates l' cents per word It' tuu only one time or 1 cent . Mr wud If run two or more times conaocutlrely. ' W . J, l.A PAOU-Auto bUcksmlthina. brakes mined, wheels trued up, spring wemin a specialty, au p. laa. u, Ail FOR aALA-e-paasenger, Model M, Oidameblle rebuilt; repainted and guaranteed; ptli-e, a; also I-passenger Autocrat demonstrating car, for sal at attraome price. Phone Doug, li.fc D. , rora, m Farnaia at. BLSINEKH CttANCES. AX. S01.NC KM K.STH J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDERTAKER. embelmer. Hit Chicago St. D. Met, B-1S4, HAZKLTON-i he future Plttabursb of Csntral BrltUh Columula, richer in nat ural resources than any othvr like area In th world. Destined to be the mighty city of the hut great west, dend for free booklet. Address CANADIAN NA TIONAL INVEaiOKtL till Paxtoa Bld Ouahs. Neb. 1IULSE & KE1PEN, VNDERTAK ERnC - HEAFEY &IIEAFEY, , UNDER- TAKtlluL kloved to 3f!l Farnam. A-ee. H. Ma, LAUNDHY FOR aALB-AII modern maebjoery, Juat remodeled, paying big. In stats normal town, machins shops and division point, only laundry in city, fine chance, population I two. Call or writ o. u. unthsnk, Chadron. Neb. YOU'LL always be happy if your wed ding ring comae from Brudegaard'a. ill & itth i-L At the stsa ot the crown. PI 'HP' ('ed and garden eeeda. Younk- ermao seed Co.. Co. Blutfa. la BUSINESS 0PPORTUNITY-A cood ensne lor a live grocer and meat market man to open grocery and meat depart- ment in a growing department store. Centrally located. Uood terma ran be maaa Address u. B. N. T., tare Bee. .NOKTHRL'P LETTLR DUPUCAT1MO Cw.. j ruin Lik... circular Witers, any antity; oldest establiahed company; se ptns of Multtgraph and Neaetyle, . DON 'T a ait too long, "society Brand Clothes" sold up is Rw at lis. Voluuer s, IfB a. Mth Mt. Neo. feeed Co. UO Jones. Both phones. Uaggard Van at Murage. More ,rid ehlp II. II. good. Pack, move, D.I, B-K3. i itidily per cent lca than Omaha prices, HUME FLBNlalUNO CO, Tnenty-fuurth and I, His, 6ouih Omaha, BoHlikN. me pump man. Web. IMg THlThKnASHOP . , TI1LNUS BEAUTIFUL Favors, club prlie. Doll aad doll fiuuii. Omaha's Eiclusive Gift Store E. C. Z1MUERER. 1S3 Fsrnam SL, Omaha. WHY PAY A BliJ PRICE FOB. YULR 8PK1.NO HAT? Why oot gautr up your swn materials. ptrkaps aud a ilttie new, and have It imde into a at Ihth hat at very littte oust? mum Pepper will taka charge of It far ;oalso clean or dj your teatnera and i 'o a eta, clean and reblock your straw Lat aad furojih any atw auuanal aaeaed. MISi PkVPPtK, So. 3Mb street. Phone H. Xm. Ed Rotbery. Business and Heal Eatata Exchange Co. Room lit. McCague Bldg. FOR KALE Omaha Jobbluc business. wnoht or part; moderate capital ra- ouind. H WsL Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Aa uo-to-data meat mar ket, well equipped; lo a proaperoua south east South Dakota towa of about IrW in habitants. Slaughter house, with 1 acre of land. Iceaous of eve ton capacity back of shop. This business is a money maker, ritckness reason for seitin. Pile 11 !0. half cash, balance time at 1 per cent writ C B. Dueling, Wagner, B. U. Trnaka aad Sail C'aaea, Frellng A Stelnle, 1M Farnam St. - Vaeaaas Clcaaer. VACUUM CLEANERS Richmond Sua Uon Cleaner rented by day. Rental to apply on purchaea price If purchased within Hi montha RICHMOND SALES CO., 1904 Farnam St. . Phone Douglas Mil. WJa- Maaafaetarers. P. S. Griffith, wig mfr , U Frenier Blk, , Wlaea aad 1 Llgsor. " Everythl Kleetrlesl. Electric lighting Nr.. wholesale and retail. Burgesa-uranuen co..' ion ncrwirs. pan. WIIXOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, ssndwiche. AieaJetes, -Ml- 8. Mth, Ml. VIRGINIA DARE wins. Hie Is tl. Klein Liquor House, 621 N. Kverrtalas top Wosaea. CONSULT lnr BURKE. 11 Doug. Blk. CURTAINS ,0S5JrHi Mrs. Car- -iarney 144. Out-of-date garments for new, W. 102. Willow -niuiiies. made from your old snd new feather, reasonable, isu s. 11. D. TtU. TRY the BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash . brought bom road for drying at 76c. Doug. 4071. B-MM. EVELYN BOLLN will go to homes to take measure for tailor-mad corsets. clean and repslr oorsets. Douglas (22. CURTAINS nicely laundered. Call lnd. A-S707. LAUNDRY. Doug. Tan. Do. do.; rough dry, lie. Fsed Mills aael Store. Feed, all kinds. Olencoe Mill. 83! Isard. rlorlale. A. Donsghue. 117 Far. D. loM. A-1ML DIMM A KWOBODA. I41& Farnam St. I. HKNDKHKON, 1U Farnam. D. lis. BATII'8 FUjltlHTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BRANDElr) FLORIST. Bandeis Bldg. Foaadrlee. McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings la7 Jackson. lasaraaee. Alfred C. Kennedy, S3u"dinlur: snce. 9 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. ?7i Iron aad Wire Precise. Anchor Fence Co.. J7 N. 17. TeL Red 114. Laaadrlee. Guarantee Launry. Fin work. D. 071 Laaaae r . II. Qroas. Im. wreck'r. plb. A Paul. Mara real Maaalaetarera, Skinner's mscaronl and sosghettl. 14c pkg DAIRY for sale. 'Phone Harney H7. SUPERINTENDENT tor well estab llslied eisnuiacturtng plant who can tsks Interest In business, knowledge of build ing trade oealreixc. B. 474. Bee. HOTEL PLAZA aeed flm-dass cafa Esceptional opportualty for aa experi enced party, we have B room snd an established paying buerooae. Call or ad drees Wat. J. Fisher, Mgr.. 14th A Howard. TO get ia or out of buslneas call on OANOEJCTAD. 404 Be Bldg Tel. D. M77. FOR SALE Clean stock of mercbsn disc consisting of diy goods, shoes, hats and notions; nlco location and low rant. Will taka hall cash and naif dean prop erty, town or country. Value of stock, p. OA Dickinson A Easter. Sheltoa, Neb. d. H. Coie Siara Ca D. 17ss. U14 Farnam. WATERS PRINT1XO CU. Doug. Has. Filters, tUler repaira, 111 8. 14th. D. 4711 pooistef log. plane furw. rep, an Far. lOUGLA Priating Co. lei. Doug. ML MONEY tO LOAN-LOW .ale, la sums te uiu aw new siox. t'nooe Doug. .y l Ai.a LOAN CO. lr. r yoar dianends at Brsdegsard a I L CfciKTENTO HABA.NA t IOAR. bvX ss. prepaid. at7; try half dusem; If r -H sauiactor7 avmey refunded. BEA I'll PHLtl CO. IM Farnara. OmaJss. Blag ataa i la sale. ROOMING house for sale, oa account ot stckness, leaving towa. It you want bargain, hurry- x 8L Mary Aa. Bl'SIXESS PERSONAL Asarbltcarta, J. F. Cottrell. W Caas. Red nr. Ajrlaataa Wells. ED SOW. wall boring Benso tV Meals, storage aad 1 learning. EXPREKSMRN'S DeUverr Co.-Movlna furniture, packing, fireproof torage. City office, 114 a. 17th. Doug, get, lnd. B-IH. Twin City Express; 1114 Howard. Both TeL Furn. movica; 1 men. U per nr. W. X4L Meaesarata aad HasMlaasn, I. F. Bloom 4 Co.. 17th and Cuming Sta Meterryelea. Expert repairing. Ertckson. a 8. 14th. Maale, Art .aad Laagaaaes. Experienced violin teacher. Web. TO. 'Maltlaraipbers. Trl-Otf Duplicating Co . "j Omaha Nat I BMg. Mailing lista Douglas Mat. . . Oatewwathy. Alice Johnson. 3BS Brandeis The. Bldg. Kaiherya Klckolaa. 434-4 Brandeis Theater a large bet- in BL EDUCATIONAL TUTORING. 1st to 1th gtsde. II. M44. BOYLES COLLEGE t DAY AND NIQHT SCHOOL . ..ALL THE YEAR Cnmnl.l. courses In " Bualneaa Book. kaenina. Btenorrsohv. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue ia free for the asking.., call, writ or phone far it at once. Address H. B. Boy lea. President, Boy lea College, Omaha, HELP W A X TED FEMALE WANTED-Saieamen to sell acetylene lighting plants to farmers and eetabllsh agencies. Installation outside ot build ing; a generator without pulleys, ropes. levers or weights. Only one moving part. Cannot get out of order. Will Isst a life time. Good seller and good paying propo sition for salesman. Horn Lighting Co., Bed U4. i a. SOLICITORS wanted: live wire propo sition; easily W a day; no experience nec essary. Apply Hart man s, ltlt-ll-lt Doug las tst. , - . WANTED Experienced silk salesman. Apply Manager Hllk Department, llaydea Broa Clerical aad Office. WANTED Thoroughly experienced clothing salesman. Paiac Clothing Co., 14th and DOugla Sta CANO "-lllsh gtade poaluona 900 Bea FULL drr suits and party dresses for sale; also for rent II to 11.M a night. JOHN FE1.DMAN, W 1. l.th. LI. lilt. Factory aad Trade. 1 1 Drug store (snsps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg HARNESS MAKER wanted at ones. L. E. GsU, Olenwood, Is, WANTED-Strlctly temper! molder accustomed to Job work. C. E. Hedges. Lincoln. - WANTED MECHANICS to buy tool at a great reduction. We more to 1207 Howard St. and do not In tend to mov our present stock. PATTON-BOWMAN IIARD ; WARE CO. 1411 Farnam St. LOST AND FOCXD PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cara Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them lo the rightful owner. Call Doug las a. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Saturday, hinged gold bracelet marked Genevieve on inside; 5 reward If returned to 1534 Cass St. i.ua i - Orcai fane dog. height about 1 feet; mottled brown and white. Lost In vicinity of Wth and Burt Sta. Ample reward It returned to DBS Burt. LOST Yesterday, medium slxed male Boston bull terrier, seneral color brln- dle, whit feet, while bias on fac and some white on neck and breast; wore heavy studded leather collar with red rib bon. Liberal reward for return to 701 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 82. Myron L. Learned. MEDICAL DR.TARRY CURES plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without a surgical operation. A cure guaranteed; no meney paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonials. Bee Bldg., Omaha. . DR RACE, speclsllst, nervous and all chronic disease. 233 Harney. Red HSU, Ladles' guaranteed remedies. 401 War blk. MONEV TO LOAN. alary aad Chattels, DIAMOND LOANS at lt& and 1 ner cent. FI.ATAU, 1514 Dodge St. Tt). Red. Wl. CHATTEL LOANS-Lowest rate and s si eat terma Bee others; then se us nd be convinced that we will save you noney. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. K. lor. lth A Doug. St. D. 4!u, Ind. A-SIl on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Company. Doug. 1S. O Bee Bldg. A-13M. Money MONEY loaned salaried people women keeping house snd others, without se urity; easy payments. Of rices In 17 prin cipal cities. Tnlman, UI Omaha Natl Bank Bldg.. formerly N. T. Llie Bid MAN to do detailing and Mil mill work from plana D. 11. Bee. Mlseellaaveas. , mcT vein a pit woaiiiona miarantsed you. by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad! If you gain your training In our achool. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, II. B. Boylcs, Pre. Borles College, umana. .e. LOANS NEGOTIATED O.N REAL ES TATE, FURNlTI'ltE. PIANOS, WARE HOl'SE BBCF.1PTS. SALARIES. ETC. LOWEST RATES, tiUICKEST SERVICE, CONFIDENTIAL, SEE US FIRST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ID FLOOIl PAXTON BLDG, 117 S. MTH. TELEPHONES DOUGLAS 1411 A-Hll. U.S. AUTO SCHOOL, 1 OMAHA, 1 LARGE SHOPS. GUARANTEE, higher dual Itv arsduatea. Mor cars and actual -repair work than any three western schools. Let us PROS E It. Y0U are Wanted for government sosi lon. 1M month; send postal for ' positions open. Franklin UnUtute, Dept. IH N, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED FOR U. a VRJt.I .j!. l . it. j i j wlwiaan t nas But ssb Dooiea uurnamea onus ."7T QV...iof of 11 and 11; cltlseos of United States, or i .k.. aMi tmnerate habits wno TrZi Triul and Writ th English MONEY TO LOAN on Just a personal note to any person having steady employment LOWEST HATES. BEST TERMS. REMEMBER IT you work, your credit Is goerL . Bee others first, then see us, . Loans made at once. NATIONAL LOAN CO., ROOM CO. SIXTH FLOOR. BEE BnijUlWJ. PHONE DOUGLAS UL Clerical aad Office HERE ARE. THREE-GOOD ONES. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, In surance firm. Fo." v bookkeeper and onic ciera, to act aa assistant office mgr.. 4. STENOGrlAPMEK, implement, eiperi. enc, 165. CO-operativb Hinnrt;.'". tu, WuVl City National Bank Bldg. language. For Information spply to re cruiting officer, uth wi.r, vr Omaha. Neb..; H 4th Kt, SJoua Uiy, ia. l:a) N. Mth St.. Lincoln. Neb. Uosuaekecper aad Dasscatlca. TUB! 'SERVANT GIRL " PROBLEM SOLVED Th Be will run your Domes tic Help Wanted-Ad FREE until you get the dewtiad result. Bring your sd to lb Bee office or telephone Ivler WANTED A girl for general house work. 4a Davenport. Harney mi. WANTED A- good girl for- gsnersl housework. U 8. Kth SL Phone Har ney 143. - -. WANTED An- as-leiaot housekeeper and cook. Douglas Cua. WANTED-A girl for general houa- work. 'Will pay good wages, rhon risr ney 711. '17W Psrk Ave. - - WANTED Railway mall cierka month. No tayoffa Omaha examlnatlone U . u At. Thaiufcand anDelntroentS COm- ina -Common edvcatioa wmasnt voaua- ,. rea wms uir mbihiv w ". . Franklin Instltut, Dept. Sl N. Roches ter? N. T. WANTED-A n egpSTlenced girl tor gen eral housework: rno laundry; good wages: references requires; must oe guoo. Tel H.' 7i. ' Mrs. L W. Carpenter, tm Lafayette Ave WANTED experienced girl for general haaisework: must b good cook; no laun dry work. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, Phoue Har ney 7W; 3SIS rtsmey. - WAMT ED A girl lor general house works Smell family; -no .washing. suB Davenport St, Phone.- Hamey 111. WANTED A- girl for general house- work. ! Dewey Av. WANTED Girl for general housework. no wssblne, MS B. Sth Ava Doug, aim MIDDLE AGED tadyj tor general house- Address HOX 51. nerraon, cew. rvPtrjwlvTNTK.D etrl for aeoeral bouse- work: family of three: good wsge. 143 N. Mth St. Phone Harney 1 STOP! READ! Get Into a paying nrolesslon. Learn tutomobll engineering In our Isrgs training shop. Hundreds or succassiui graduate. -Complete equipment of auto- mobiies-BM macmnary. 1 Auto Tralnlha Assn.. 2 Brandeis Thea ter Bldg.. Omsha. Neb. wAKTfrtfc More neoDle to raise poul try with th Old Trusty incubator. Writ for fro catalogue, si. sa. junasuu. vwr Center. Neb.- WANTED Men to learn th barber u.ra, Is an offer that Includes tools with tuition. A method that saves vea at aoorentlceshlo. r aw weeks com. pletes. 'We hav receive Torais from thousands for our beneficial course. You iAin ua srttH assurance you will ouo- eeed. Esubllshed U0H Oiiglaal inatitutlen of the kind In the world; thirty-three branches. Apply from country or city at mis, Moler Barber College. 11 8. Mth St. WANTED AT ONCE A bright young man with two or three years' experi eece tor our dry good department. Ap plicant must spply la Person. Eddy Bros.. Fremont,. rew. LIVE STOCK FOB BALE Horses aad Vehicle. Mlseellaaewaa. . YOUNG women" doming to Omaha, aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Chriitian aasoOatlon building st St. Starr s Ave. and lUb St . where they wlU b directed to suitable boarding places "or otherw'se aisuted. Look fur our travelers' guld at the Union station. WANTEDLadle -to learn halrd reus ing with the Hermann permanent wave, manicuring, facial masssge. electrolysla, chiropody. Positions w slung In best par lors for competent giria - Big money la private practice. Ktac weeks, tatalogu free. Moler college. Chicago. lit trptlctaaa. B, r. Worn, fitting snd rep'g. 4ti Brandtta Atteraay. list o L. HsB. Lawyer, 147 Bran. BMg. O. W. Shields. Attorney- C! B. of Trade. iwslsgs aaal Temta. 07UMX imx CoTlti, S3 Iknii'n Patents P O. Bsrnell.- Pwvrnw Pt t-i ttari -i-i Wlilard Eddy." Wvjiy .ai r.... . rbenawarssiav . Edison phonographs.- ejialti Bros. 1M rar. Phonocrsphs bought, sold, exchsrured: mBr Am t ?n rT,t ait-1 xfTrirlrrs ''"- EXPERIENCED waitress: report ready for work. Oilman's cafe, 191 Howard at. WANTED Bir.gle woman, home work. J7 weekly, 1 hour dsil) ; good writer; no other experience s'ssary. Douglas Ji.L UELP WAXTKD MAJ-K jt a-eata, Islaaa Bad SeUaltera. AGENT-New free 113 ratahsfue Juat out. New ea..tilr.-BTOEtaM sellers. Sample ef atqr. arocie seiirtai Beet fraax Charles .StlllragB, - EM Ben res s Are, HORSES AlSV BARGAIN For sl or htre M haavy draft horses, , f,M- uaundn.- or delivery use; .I..L. kunt hones, all well broke and ready for work; pair f nk-e delivery mules well orose; i V : . m. nus isnur nvts. m ladies to drive or ride, mhum); lots ef speed: will consider trade for city tot or diamonds; will glv buggy If "anted. All in.., are st a bargain. Livery a pe- ctaitr. J. W. Beeos. &il boermaa Ave, Tei enster ixa. HflRSTTS Mar """"" sale. work harnea for 17 N. Si. Web. 4T. Harness of all kind, the largest stock In the dry At attractive prteee. Johnson, Danforth Co, 8. W. Cor. JOtb aad Jones. MCTATOR WILKES, JR.. for sal at a Mcrifn- tn next tea days, at US Grant. CaU Webster aa FOR SALE Three horses end on ge.d tog. Ooal Office. h and Lake St. K HEAD U14 Douglaaf aorsea. Douglas SL atabl. tai.ai-a: rriRU s For sal. 1 farm horse. 1 driving horja noaar. m;. l. ta aaax umwmBoan. . n MACS PROP. svR SaLB lavraa. heavy draft horwia. also drlvtag heists; alee arsgorai aad bar- Baax, at a bergala. a. ssemer, uvary. M .nd Sale rMakaea. Pkoae Douglas J, Bea, Ifct lesaTtavwrlA 6T. OFFERED FOR RENT lafarwlahed Booms. 1314) CASS Two rooms, alcov. bath. bouse modern; references: car line. Hotels aad Apartxaeat. Dewey European hotel, 13th and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, apeclal wkly rate. NICELY KCRNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. Ill M. 13th 8U Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele phonee in every room; prices th same. Apartments aad Flats. (ROOM apartment, new brick, 13. 17H & rth SU Harney 388. l-ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg- IUM N. Mth St, rViuth Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phone. t-room flat, on Sherman Ave. Web. 1714. l-ROOM. steam heated apartment. The Mason. Slat and Mason Sta, In. Tela pnon Douglas 1S71. 4-ROOM apartment, new modem brick: steam heat: short walking distance; gaa stove, refrigerator, cupljoard, wardrobe; blinds; isunoryi line, jauiiwr serviva. Douglas MPS, ' ' - 1 ROOMS and bath, strictly modern apartments, third floor Genoa aparUMDt. pv'IO Cass. Phone Hamey KH. DESIRABLE 4-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA, SEE JANITOR. DOUGLAS 1237. ' (-ROOM mod. flat. Ill a tilth SL Houses aad Cottagea. . Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandeis Th. Bldg. ( Houses in all parts of th city. Cretgh Son ft Co., Be Bldg. 1924 8. 17th. 10 rooms, modern. D. 1WJ. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for. warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co. TeL Douglas 1M. City office, U 8. Uth St., Bee Bldg. 7-ROOM brick, modern flat. In I pair, paved street, a fin house In every way M. i-room cottage, 1 large Iota, well and cistern, 4034 Camden Ava-. G. E. TURKINGTON, B Bee Bldg. MOVING, packing and atorlng of bona- hold good and pianos I our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co, fireproof storage, 1M 8. Mth, by the viaduct. Brandt office, K 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 4181, A-1M8. GET IT of Mlaa Snow. C. L B, at Star Loan Co.. HI Paxton Blk., K to lltW. without security; to suit you. OFFERED FOR RENT Beard aad Reossa., O. M. E. hauls trunks. D 111 A -MIL ST. MARY'S AVE, K, strictly mod n rooms, with board; also separate meals or meal tickets. Douglas ijox ONE to five nicely furnished rooms. cheap. tX Cuming St. ROOM and board In private family for gentleman. Good references. Webster IMS. - THE MADISON First class tabls buard. steam heated. newly furnished rooms, hot water at all times, clean baths; special rates by week or month. The Madison, ztat fa utu csgo. - - 317 8. S1T11 Lrg front room svith al cove: sultabl for two gentlemen; with board. DESIRABLE furnished room with board. 13 8. th Ave. Reference. . Faralaard Meaasas. DESIRABLE furnished room: private family. Ml N. ami St. Tel. Webster W.a. NO EOUAL 7-room house, hall and bath: also t-room fist. 220 N. 23d. MODERN Ift-room house, hot water heat, shades furnished, range, cistern, water paid, nice yard, shad trees; rent, 131, McEchron ft Co, 20th and Lake. HOUSE, rooms, modern, lia Caas St; rent W. FOR RENT -room house, modem ex cept furnace. Rent cheap. Sill N. Kth SL ; ' ' ' WEST FARNAM New residence," stucco. Ill N. 9)th Ave. 154. Red ml. COTTAGE of six rooms and bath. In fin condition. Inquire on premises. . Mli 8. 19th St. Good men are hard to get. They don't wander around th street looking for vslgna In windows. ' When you need good help advertise in The Bee. Be wnt ad are read by keen, energetlo men who wish to better their condition. Rate lo per word If run two or , more times consecutively. Tele ' phone Tyler 1X. l-ROOM cottage, modern, close In. 8. lsth St, UO. Tel. Douglas 20. IK 1-ROO.VT cottage, gas snd water, near South Central Blvd. 111. Phone Doug.estn. THREE 6-room modern apartments, 1330-a-M North Uib, from HMO to 130. 11-room modern apartment, 614 8. Uth. g-room, steam heated apartment, SU N. Uth St., I2S plus heat. I rooms on Id floor. 111 N.17th 8L Cheap, t. THQ8. W. HAZEN, 507 McCague. D. 13W. 7-ROOM house. N. Uth St. D. S84- 4-ROOM cottage, 263 Bloodo. modern except heat r; will paper. Hsmey ZbUL Inquire at 1404 No. S3d. t-room flat, 2d floor. North 24th 8L s-room house at U6 North Uth St. t-room net, 3d floor, 37 North itth SL O. C. RERICK. Attorney, 1517 Farnam Street. t ir TKH vourur men will take .five rooms, four blocks from postofflce, will convert Isrge parlor Into billiard room and library, 'phone Douglas sail. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished; modem, tut North 3d St. 'Phone Doug las 47l. ' NORTH 3WH, Hi Two nicely furnished rooms: strictly modern: one room mr- nished in manogany. 'Phone Doug iTsi. - HARNEY T. Furnished room In modern flat, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. -In wslking distance; references exchanged. Douglas Sl-ei. NORTH 1ST 11. SJuS-Two fsirnUhed rooms: modern, mono vteneier aire. Sl PINKNET St, room In new modern bouse, one block from N. 24th car. TeL Ws. sra. NEWLY furnished looms, 11 up. Harney cn. a STRICTLY modern room, especially de nt rattle for nurses. 11 week each. 'Phone Hamey a S wrwIaArd Hewsekeeglaa fteeas. SOITH STH. MS. two nice completely furnished connecting rooms, Hsmey M. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment. M. The Howard. I-room, private bath. sit Sat and Howard; PARK AVE, M6o-One furnished front room for housekeeping, oa car line; mod ern bouse. Harney Bl DODGE. zl Nicely furnished room for housekeeping. FURNISHED light housekeeping room; gaa for light furnished. SIS. Inquire basement a la & IX h- HOUSEKEEPING Furnished complete; newly cleaned rooming house: fin loca tion: three rooms, only g-aj week. Other rooms cheap. Phone Red US. 4t 8. SD ST. Two rooms for light housekeeping to aduita. Convenient and reasonable. ONE or two tl at te tua. housekeeping H a Mth. t-SOOjf. Bicej toiitatteu. V. Kl SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except beau Call Harney 33. 3-4EVEN ROOMS. -4 rooms Including hall, down; t more and bath up; I block to N. :ith line; en tirely modern. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO, -Hit Omsha Nat'l. Doug, or A-3152. NO EQUAL Sevea-rjorn house, hell and bath; also s-room flat. t N. 2M. SIX rooms and ba'Ji. Strictly modern,. Phone Harney 804. v FOR RENT Cloa In, I-room one-story-cottage. 63 N. Kd St.; modem except heat. tS6; t-room all nu-derti, sit N. Bd, 13: t-room flat. t-. Tel. Red 6344. . NINE-ROOM house, newly decorated, 1714 N. 6th. mm. Phone Douglas 7i94. NINE-ROOM house, barn. Harney 147. moderu, laxg TEN-ROOM house, with, two baths, two kitchens; one or two families; ail modern. M3 S. 34th St. Douglas sTt, FOR RENT A "-room house, modern. 1 Ni 83d. On car line. Web. C15. t ROOMS, modern, nice lawn. 627 Park Ave.. 1X3 month. , SIX-ROOM cottage with furnace, on car tine, at per month- 3025 California, a-ROOM modern house. 141; flee lawn. 35 a rth St. Webster 2598. 4X2 LEAVENWORTH BUtckamlth shop and s-room cottage. U BEMIrJ-CARL-BERO CO, Il-13 Brandeis T heater. 31 8. 3fd St.. 6 and -r. Cat. both fBM. XSS IK 23d St- 7-r, mod.. S3. , aad Wool worth Ave, t-r, mod, 3a. 2707 N. nXh. 6-r, mod. ex. heat. 111. TU & 3Sth. s-r, mod.. Ha. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO, 31S-12 Brandeis. Stereo aad Offices. FOR RENT-eJoon, modem stor bond ing, well located ta proaperoua county seat town of MM la Iowa. For full In formation, write P. O. Box at, Otlumwa, Iowa Store at 1304 Hamey St. Office or salesroom at Uth and Baraew. 3d fVwr at loOi Ha y: (new.) ;d rvoor at Iaes-M Hamey:. new. Bass-nent at iaat-W Harney; laew.s Office at Mil Farnam: tsecond floor.) Store at 1411 Hamey st- O. c. RED1CK. Attorney, r , an Faraani 8wef, '