Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Mutts Hypnotic Powers Fail to Affect His Spouse
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
i i -t 1 ?
"fcT 6000 iC6 6ee; itsmijw s ItevMoRRiTuP
tWr I. I 2a'M NvjT Jmh
,sf44Yol.rr-ri4i , I: W wH0N6 l 27 V I V-tJ I I V Ju r I
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' " " '" . ' ' i-' j
I I 1
' , - sesin-wwitinar. Tel. D. 4x-
T 1TP n. tried 7a MM with, cry.tal rellestor clobe and I
"V-cit sxLE-New and rrcond-band
rwiim and pocket WlKanl. laWe. ynt
tures of all kinds: easy The
BriuiswIck-Biilfcc-CollaoUer Co.. !- S-
Mth St.
ii; Col for mov or (urm- Try It.
Harmon Woelh. Webster M.
6FKS-Overetocked with second-hena
eaf"; all tlxes and make.; bargain.
African Supply Co.. lUernajTiSt
"3D SAFES. DERIOHT. Ills Frliamyt
"cinders for .. chetp. Phone Web.
- . . . U.trinv arand
hand bank flS " "
"4Xd with of telephon. City Na-
tlonai Dinn, wiiiwi
r rm ......... bIm refrta-
rt5? ta eonduor f Hm
:a:2. -
"Vor SAl-B Vry chP. hndon
!.rr oil lnttni. dp fold
would rhan for ood rn.
A. I'nuinjlBlllffa.
' u n 'i it nchaaM two new -tnch oa
tr?cY Plume. tortnuJln atan-P booka.
' .ir I-.. n and suitar
nDY S fur coat for le c.ap; 1
-WE r.nt W'lS
ww ' i
MK3 BTICEUE, acl.intU.0 mai. 1
8. wth "rat fliint. room a DH
and Sunday, to
O'adlKh pharmacy, 12th anrt laf.j
VOI NU womn uomlDf to Omaha aa
tranura ar Invltrd to vlalt tha Younj
WomJo ChrUtian aa-oemtlon bulldlntt
at S?v"tnth and St. to'iAvj.'J
hy will b. dlwtfd to u'w,I1(n
Dlc. or otharwlaa aaltt. U 'r
our tra velwa- aid at tho Uaton ataUon.
tli4ni' Jwdlh movamant. Alt
BY UWNKR-Huft Mil my strictly
modern &-roum horn: hardwood flnlao.
flrat clasa furnace and pjumblnfi; corner
lot. 3327 Seward. Call ino up and 1 will
tgtplaln. Harney l.Ut.
BY OWNER t-rooin modern liouiw In
flna neLthborhood. one block from i'll'i
St. car Mno; paved Htreet; ciatcrn and
karaae. Phono Wcbtler yiV.
rH KAMI) :..t.tlll FPU SAVtt ! rni-B,0t t,all l..laTMVrraVi7tI
BUT direct fi-oin owner. t!6 acraa. well
Improved farm. 12 per acra. Joha jenia.
Lodt;a tote. Neb.
TO A GOOD party 1 will make ca--y
temta on my I-room, ntnctly modern
houea, built last year. Located one block
from Farnaiw-Oumlre car. If j-oti want
twmetlilnff nice call Harney 4745. Owner.
OUn LLTrKR duplicating work la un
excelled. A trial will convince you. Both
phonea. Waauxa Duplicating Co.. 406 Um.
1" ACHES, unimproved farm luttd, 4Vj
mtlu fmm Inmn- mll ll .li.nli' titla.
'dear. Kt r inlorntation ndirvaa lock Hux
. Ulu Mpriniie, Deuel t'utinty, Nebraska.
BL'Y LANIj: tarm inortgutfoa from
firal handa. We can pieaee yuu. Xb
V Upton lnveatment Ca.. t'sallaia. Neb.
'uJiKt alil'buy tlia neat ltl-acra homo
trad u Nbraka; partly lmpioved.
Wriut owner, C aL Uvilttuub ixmiwic
Buyi 1441 Avenue B. Council Ulul.s. an
attractive home-like cottaKO of i roonw.
city water, alectiie lights, cellar, bath
room (no fixture), renting for 115. Oood
h!h lot. In nioa nrichborhood, one bkx-k
of echool and Omaha car line. Worth the
pile at tl.oaa. Let u show you.
K Pearl St. Council Illuffa.
AT bAKOAl.N. 7-room liou.e, easy iy
meit. t'an&dian office. UX s, loth St
AI1E you coin to build? 8end me a
akatch of what you want and I will put
It In a working blue print. S. P. Wnolf,
Bulldlnir Contractor, iVH Amea Ave.
Call Webster 14 31.
1 r.. ... ... r. rhalini, 1 1 Km
atomaeh trouble, poor circulation. Kara
ten 'Tonseth, (traduate from Hweden, 4tD
Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. Doun. !;
.Marsaiie. Rlttenhouae. X Old Hoaton BUI.
tiui t i m Mra. Steele. Doug. blk. 16
.UAOOAUD 4 podge. d fir. I
Suite a
THE SALVATION ARMY aolletti eaat
off clothing; In fact anything you do not
need. . We collect, repair and tell at 134
N. 11th St.. for coat of collection, to the
worthy poor. Phono Douglat 4126 and
wagona will can.
r.ii.i.iiriiL.iVii i..iMirln Khim.
II Aiiwnr.iji..". "
jioolng. Scalp treatment a apeclalty for
ladles and gentlemen. Mm. Pierce, SWI
Karnam. H. D0S1; Ind. A-142. ;
Vital maaeag. Anna Klaher. 401 Ware Blk.
"THEST bracer for men. Gray'a Nerve
Kood pllli. II per box. poatpald. Shermaa
& jucvonnen irua v v"
Cheap. Conrtiu of acre. nearly all
in irun. riiiiB ww tw - - -
with furnace and bath, water works both
In house ana rwrn, nice yaro, iww in.
and everything convenient. Three
quartern m w nine tnw . ..
school. Thla la a good home and will pay
MB pearl St. Council Blufft.
MAUJilJl.'lBath, ealt glow aromatic
AOOAuritr),,mnt Mme. Allen
it Chicago. K 8. nth St.. let floor. P.
i.ADIErf cave per cent. Pennell Mil
linery t o., raxton PIK. gr ateps iawiiB.
i.v t Classy clothe sea Jackson,
r JL the Tailor. M Block.
KC.GS for hatching from the Brandels
Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg
horn. Utility stock, 1.50 a Ketllng or
n per 10a Exhibition or enow stock, S3 to
,5 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address
A. D. Brandels, Omaha. Tel. Benson Cte.
and brooders meana every egg a chick;
t-odt prko saved on first hatch: SO day
Tree trial: catalog flee. LeaJUy Mfg. Co.,
S. llth.
'OK SALE r lne male fox terrier dog,
one year eld. Pedigree. W Address Y
: to. Bee
"k. C. Beds. Walker. 8. O.: Tel. K iMOi
'.Mi,tucirr:illirfT.1) While Wvandotte
prise winners. Now Is the time to order
wood tiesh eggs lor sewing. 1W for 15
eess. White orplujrton stock also for
ale. C. T. Evans, 4246 I -alio- Web. 174.
BAURKO Plymouth Rock egga for
hatching, from my champions ef Hie
west; a few cockerels. Write for price
list. F. C Ahl.iulst, Box D, Ames Ave.
Htutlon, Omaha, Neb. Phone Florence
lot. '
SINGLE Comb White Ieghorn eggs for
hatching, at per luu. Theo Oradmann.
Phone Florence SIS.
FORTY thoroughbred White Rock pul
lets, winter layer', qaiick aaie. xiarney
A B I M AC i a or TITLB.
Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract offics
In Nebraska. t Brandels Theater.
J.EALE at CAMPBELL, 1714 Karnajn St.
Electric, gas fixture. Omaha Silver Co.
Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming.
Fttchs. Son Blind, painting, decorating.
WELL digging. F. Grossman, Uii W. Wtn.
XEW house In the famous Coll lee pla-
where SO new ikouses have been built
In three years. Contains ten rooms: site
2CX40. lot 5vxi:i: BUlll ror two ramuios;
, two bath rooms, pa-t hot water beat.
tt"rm etsh. screens, on car line, zz min
utes from heart of city. I want vacant
lot on car tine, north side of city, as part
payment Building a Loan Assn. pay
ments. 1T.0 a month. Second floor
rents for I3.50. Thi proposition you
will find hard to beat Price I4.0O. half
cash and the balance) easier than paying
rent: street paved with brick. Photo
graph will-be sent ts ail Inquirer from
out of the city.
324 Amea Ave.. Omaha. Neb.
Bargains in Acre Property.
N acres, 34j mile north of Florence,
good 7-room bouse, new barn and chicken
house, well, clMern and running spring
on the place, all kinds of hearing fruit
consisting of apples, plums, peaches,
pears, currants, blsckberrles. era pea and
asparagus, about 10 acres altogether In
fruit. Price, S,M0.
10 acres, on mil west of Benson, very
good Improvement and considerable fruit.
Here Is a nice ebfhtly location. Price,
siacre In Sarpy county, about I mile
from South Omaha limits, Improvements
not very good, but good piece' of land. It
belongs to an aatau and can b bought
at I17 per care.
1 acre tuat south of Albright, good -room
house, barn, chicken house- and
other buildings. Lots of fruit snd l.i
certainly a number one place. Owner a
non-resident and Just advised us to cut
the price to 13,50), really about one-half
Its -value. Think of It, ( acres right In
town for $3,501).
3 acres, north of Aver)-, about ten min
utes' wslklng distance from street oar.
Ha nice new 1 i-rovements that would
cost to build aimost what the whole
thing can be bought for. The owner
must move on a home'lead this mouth
and need the money. Price, IS.STO.
teres, south tvth St., one mile from
city limits; good 5-room house, barn and
chicken house, nice level land, nice view,
a genuine snap at S2.100.
0 'Neil's ileal Estate & Ins.,
Tel Tyler W34, lnd. A-3M; So. 192. K-UM.
inus rsrnsm ri. -111
N. teth n.. South Omaha. Neb.
Hi walsg.
1)15 Acre Irrigated Ranch
Perpetual free water, I JO per acre; 10
mile 1 (nidi, houses, 3 miles Irom town.
In Wyoming. Norm Itait vailey.
II. BKA.NNOCK, lier Grand Hotel,
Farmers and land buyers
all over th euuntry ar
ivadlux lie want ads every
day aud snapping uy every
Lsicain otfeied.
Kate IVa cents par word
U run emy oue time, 1c per
word If run two or mor
tuns consecutively.
Write and man your s.t
today to steal batata depart
ment of The Oraana
AMsutt ara aura
tmMut. ist Msmk .atl
TWO farms for rent These farms ar
good Uiiaoki laud, wit impioved, contain
Ing 140 acres and 110 acr-s. i. T, Col u us.
Council Blufls. la. Phone Black 4210,
120 ACRES, near Menlo, la; n acre
eultivat-d batance lasturv. hay and tim-b-r;
e-room house. iHrae barn, wells, out
buildings; t'sfiu. Immediately, cnaa. San
tord. Lincoln, Neb.
FOR KE.NT4SV acrea three nines aouui
' of Griffin, istHk.; 4no acres steam plowed.
Small house. Stock and machinery cult
n oouaot on place. Act quicaiy ir you
mean business. L. C. S. Turner, Owner.
Collax, la.
uUAll.i property and Nebraska lanua
j 1016 New Omaha .Nafl Bank Building.
AMtUJ i.lly K-ana Peters Trust Co.
anttd furm mans. Kloke Inv. Co., Omi1
Deposit proceeds af shipments In Stock
Yards Nat l Bank. Only bank at t arda
WEEK8 GRAIN CO., grain merchants,
Consignment solicited. TK Brandeia
Notice is hereby given that Ilia annuel
meeting of the stockholders of The M.J
suuri Pacific Hallway Company will be
held at tbs general olflce of Iho coiupany
in the city u( it. Iam:. allssourl, on
Tuesday, March 1-th, VrtZ, at nin 'clock
a m., for th election of thirteen direc
tor tor the ensuing year and lor the
transaction of such ether business as
may ci-me beioro said meeting. Th an
oust meeting of the directors will he held
at the same office on the same uay at
11 o'clock noon. The transfer books wih
tss closed on Tuesday, February sth, lit;
at three o'clock p. itL, and will be re
opened on vteunesday, aiarch Uth, lull
ut tea o'clock a. ni-
By U. F. BCSH, Prldnt.
A. If. CLLF. Secretary. (
v-k .sni.i.rv auk. Wit MMttl
..j.ji..ju,i u aeismx
U:-IMVJ.J.1I1A 'A M XW "lrtPt J
jCwp Mm ami p.i unoj eul in uort
-hui.ijuo oi iMfqim Ssh vjoli'JI
jo urns m s.ikaiii ipois piH 'aausnq
pnn mi iioiimuuoo u pesn )dnjiraq
etll oi uiu,,(t iKMnixi; pun siniiujnj
oil) Ml. uiiialm 'iiaois JunH p;4 am oi
kupluoieq asiptrattajeiu pjo asioitj owifio
II pu Juhiioij -ej.suaanb 's.jmm
jo X.JOH sjiiiij omi "qo.v 'nooipt jo
.tip m tt uispr (05 o.m is -jui
Ml.ireic jo (p pig m uo -qj Jtij j-tp
PH luqsm ein oi M oiiqnd I ls m
I -uopmaip nxi.-ww ifsa-q.v jo laiJistp
ut jj SHiaw iMiiu.i sui iu unoo loui
-sip aq) u -)dnjx:uq 'jsqnn janrit jo
ieiivui eqi ui stu o nijejip jpjo us
jo sousmund u : qs.v 'lfi,o.ip2 'IdtUMUsq
jiillHI jKpa jo jaiiuui au.i uj sjoih
WE offer orchard tracts on Frultland
Mesa. In Delta county, Colorado, on
monthly snd annual payment Can have
them developed for purchaser not wish
ing to handle same In person. Irrigated
lands for (rain, alfalta, potatoes and
sugar beets In best locations and with
right prices.
Inter-Mountain Realty
O. Y. Baker. W. O. TalsJcy.
AFTER MARCH It our location will be
1513 DOUGLAS ST. (Sam floor State
Building and Loan association offices).
W offer fin land located near Arca
dia. DeSoto county. Florida, at lue fol
lowing quantities and prli-es:
640 acres, t acres. 1.0. ISO
acres, 117.00. tn acres, 1S.'. 40 acres.
Reasonable terms. This Is as good land
as is to be had In DeSoto county, being
fine fruit and vegetable land. B.wo acn-s
In all. See us at once as this land will
last but a short time at the prices. Next
excursion to Florida. Man h li.
t"l Oloyd Bldg. Kansas City. Mo.
Traversed by 1st
Lands adapted t th widest rani of
traps. AH th money crape of the touts
plentifully p reduced. For literature treat
ing wiiti this coming country. It ami
cUmata, chunk aad achojt advaui-,,
General Passenger Agaai.
V . tasrav
THE easiest way to rind a wayer for
Sour txm is to insert a small want ad
i the De Moines Caplul. Largest cir
culation In th atate of Iowa, o see daily
The Capital ta read by and belle I
by the standpatters of Iowa who slmp.y
teius to permit any other paper in their
ssmi Bate. 1 cent worn a day: IL4
per I IB per monlii; count sia ordinary
wards t tn Una Andreas ass,
Capital. De Moines, la
A B-UtOAIS-For sale, cheap, new 4
' room modern cottage, on monthly pay
ment, Telephone Lvuglaa 2904.
MUST sell three farms. 1. 1 and !H
miles of Otean. Mo.; cne 34 acres, on .1
acres, one lis acres: wetl improved;
terms. J. A. McFarland. Oleaa. Mo.
, efeasBua.
HOMEFTKAIV-KB acrea rich farm leaf
for 117. tiling fees and alL No sand luila
J. A- Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
FOR SALE Half sec-Jon near Grand
Island; over Mo acres alfalfa: ever (7oao
finest Improvements. Price tho acre. Rea
son, owner died. Bayard H. Paine, Grand
bland. Nek.
FARM bargains near Omaha, Possesion,
Ortn b. Merrill, Ui City a. fik. Blug.
WANTED Clly leans snd warrants.
W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1130 Fiirusm-dt.
M(J. KY to loan on busines ar resi
dence properties, ll.OiM to lai,iMtl W, HL
liitiM AN. ma first .vat l nans mag.
tnw to tiu.nw mad promptly. F. i.
cad. Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnam.
LOANS Inarms and city property, i.
H. IMiinont Son, Iu3 Farnam St. '
t',TY IA1ANS. Bemis-Carlberg Co.,
u 310-13 Bramiels Theater Bldg.
ACHES 1-ak Co.. (Ore.) land for va
cant lot In Omaha. W. Wagner, sol N. pith
MODERN equlppod. richly furnished
throughout. 53 roomed brick and stone
hotel. Town 4. flee tn Iowa. Price tw.vw.
Want Minnesota or Iowa farm In ex
change. Fremont B. Gloson, Charles City,
1 handle tiauVa everywhere, if you wane
results call Dean, 11 Be Bldg. D. 16.
EUROPE In comfort; select snd limited
party sailing June 13 via Mediterranean;
til hth season. Miss Anna Z. Hoas, Coun
cil Bluffs, la., HI? Willow avenue.
Household good, clothes and shoe. D.
3771. B-1KS.
Hlnhest price; cltha: bd gda D. 3P7I; HMol
WANTtlJ io buy oiil bi-uasu aatuus.
M. Nathan. Ms S. 13th St.
M-biind goods. KKser. lttn Center. D. seal.
r.i, i,u s,-.pKl'nKi-, use
of typewriter In an office psrt of each
day. will pay for same weekly. P-bfi.
WASHING ana ironing dune. T.. H. 4i.
First-class, practical nursa. H 410. A-2C4
WANTEl-8ituatlun mkldie-aed lady
with tittle girl, as housekeeper; furnish
good referencj. Box i. Oalva, la.
EXPERIENCED Uunilreas want day
work. Phone W. bster 4l.
WANTED A few hours' work of any
kin.) morntnKs or eveninga . Charley
Frcy. TeL Red not. ,
WANTED Post Hon on farm or ranch,
man and wife, no children; experienced;
Good :eferenca Watts, 411 8. 34th Ave.,
umahs Neb.
DAY work of any kind. Webster 2317.
nA., cleaning, varveia
taken up, cleaned and put down by an
exisrlenced hand. Harney asffl.
W ANTEL Poellxin as eredlt man by
young man thoroughly experienced in
credits. Capable of taking charge of of
fice force. Salary til uQ. Lock Box
sJ3. (imaha. Neb.
Ixindaa Paris Hamburg
sarsl Wsrfspsts, Msr. It. It A. M. e-ftsls'a
A. Vlt.. Msr. Id. SstsvU, Muct, ta rns.
tlrsnt. ApHI 4.
ItimMts Utrret as4 (senHl Csaia Oslf,
hlii.irllon s Is 1'sru HtslBursnt.
fXamburg-Amsrlcaa laa, 1(41 Wsst staa-aoU-k
kk, uuaasTO, Ilk, o leoai agsnt.
Most All Xindi of Ctttlt Eiglier
for th Week.
heep Skr Advaaee of Sevewty
Flv Cent for Week, Wkllc
Lass ha Ar Sixty ta Sixty
Flv Cent Higher.
SOUTH OMAHA, March . Ult
Receipts wers: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Uondav
Official Tueailay ..
utnriai vvedneaday.
Official ThurmLsv..
Official Friday mate Saturday ,
. I.l
. i.171
, ssl
, in
Six dnvs this week.. HIT B.W 4071
Sam days last week. .14.711 70 517 41.454
Sam day I weeks ago 1. -l 74 U 3.14j
Sam days I weeks ago 11.7 mi,7M 40.SW
Sam days 4 weeks ago 1S.3SI "T.SoJ 34 .m
Unit day last ear..B,t 51.340 kU3
Th folkswlna- table show tn receipts
of cattle, hoas and sheep at Soulh
Omaha for th year ts Osts, as eompared
with last year:
ltT wn lne. Dee.
Csttl iM.ti! 9.K 14,0(1
Rags 7W.3U 444.7 s49.M
Sheep MOM 340,817 43.
Tn following table shows ttis rang of
prices (.aid for bugs at South Omaha tr
th last few days, with com pari son
pat, i 1W3. 11 1 . 1H. IW. ilisa, uaB . Ut.
i ch I.
M'ch I.
M ch I.
Mch 4.
M'ch I
M en. t
h ch 7.
M rh I
0 I4S
9 '
i II
tMj47il jlt)tt
fKllUllOS, a itiflil
r js s W t to, . 1 1 hi i u
7 ( 4 SW 4 1 1 U
I ifl I H M t TS
I 4 wj 4 HI I 7l 34
f 15 7 131 tst 0 M
111 I 4 W I
I K I W 4 I n u
'a no ... t: hi ... im
H an us 4 ts u ix ... a
Ts 1st ... 4 at 40 31. 4
;i its ... t a is u ...
) M H is si tn ... M
M l Ik Ml MS)
tj M as I ts tie ... s )
: Il S4 4 Stsj 11 US ... s
Im im ... m ... !
...... ...Ill ... 44 1 MS ISS Its
;i 3 ... IS Ml sis
r. in ... aa a us at I w
in 41 I a : st ... 4
14 113 ... 4 44 l IS ... H
r. M ... 4 at ts .au ass I at
: in at t at at an ... a h
lit 144 4 IS ' 44 Ml 441 4 U
W HI ... I N 4 1 ... t
:i sot ik at rti a t it
T4.......HS tt IN tl MS ... U
set ... im tl ail ... is
u m ... i i cm tat 4
1 tst ... I M u M at t 41
it tu tit a tl. w ... t
a s la a it tat ... a
a in ... i a m at ... t a
n aat a a i; im ... t a
n !tt aia m at ... lit
ii aa 4 a a......a i is
a nt ui i a it... ... tu
a lit ... it n. tu ... tu
n tit at i a ti ut ... it
a hi ... tu m io ... Ill
i nt a a m ri ... t a
a an ... t a n nt ... t m
i SHKt.P Nothing ai rlvtd in th way of
Receipts and disposition 04 livs stock at
th I a Ion Stock V arda, South Omaha, fat
the imnty-lour hour ending at I p. m
Catt.a Hog Sn lira
COLORED lady wants day work. Call
Webter lot!
EXPERIENCED accountant book
keeper. correspt,ndent. Is open for en
gagements, whole or part tim; will open
ur cloe hooka O 5S7, bee.
SOBER young man wanta position on
farm. No experience. M-sw, Omaha Bee.
Ship your stock to South Omaha, Sav
it. leas and sen---.;.- - n n -i-menu
receive prompt and careful ansa
Live Stack ("oasaalaslea llerrhaata
Ryers Bros tt Co. Strong and responstbhs.
WOOD BROS.. ai-3 Esctiange Bldg.
Great West Cons. Co.. Omaha tt Denver.
nim-vu v r t t.lh HriMi lie- Ma
L Iu W-iu tuba, uc; ho. 4 uaiB4b
CHtEhri-lmported Swiss, 3c; Ameri
can awisa, 3w; bloc nwias, 1; tins,
lie, daisies, tic; ulpieta, tlci young
AiuaiujuiB, IX; luu utuei urka, tto; uua
ucier. -iu wcj l-lo., lie
ssri tui raic&ikM, No. 1, liai
No. A Dc; Mi iu. Wins, no, 1
inc, as I. Hmc; Ma. 4, He. cnucaa. Aa
1, sc; No. 3. t-sv; No. 3. 7sc, Hounus, An
I, liwi No. 3, Ivc; No. 4. STto. fiatas
No. I, ftc; No. 3, )c; No. i, sc.
FRUlTis Appiee: UU4 tautcy Ben
Dav.s, per hui., 33.50; joiislnun, pur boi.,
4.j; laiicy Wllieaaps, per bbl H 5s.
unity mssourl Pippins, per boi,, li.s;
laiicy Gunos. per bbi., 14-Ou; ltlan
woootilans, extra fancy, per box, K-U;
v asuington ' upusenbei g, per box, t&eat;
Waaoinaton K. Beauty, per box. UH;
wasttinauin Stynwn Winesaos per box,
Ci. bananas: Fancy seiccv. per buiicb,
k3.3o4l2.oli; Jumbo, per bunch, P.mi.,4.
tiauuernea: Wisconsin lancy, per oou
lui.i5: ler box, tils. Datea: Anchst
biand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per
boa, 53.35; Dromedary brand, new. It
1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per box, (It.
Figs: California, per cas of 13 No.
13 pkgs.. ksc; Per case of 34 No. 12
paaa. ti. Pr case of M No. I pkga.
I3.v; bulk, in 35-lb. and a-lb. box,
per lb., we; New Turkish. 5-crown in
ib. boxes, per lb., Ix; i-cruwu in
3s-ib. boxes, per lb., tec; 7-crown in
je-lb. boxes, per IU. 17c. Grape fruit:
Florida, M Use, per cral. It; 40 sis,
per crate. VW; s-4-4)4 sises. per craia
issO. Grapes: ataiag giaipea in bbia.
IsvuO-a. Lemon: Llmoneira Seiecteu
braud. extra fancy, Ssv-lui asea, per box.
IH ss. Loma Umonsira, fancy, 3uu-3ti0 six,
per box. t.!'. 340 and 4-H uses, 6oo per
box orange: California Cameila
brand., navels, extra lancy, M-l3S-i5u-l.-a-21s.iai
sixes, per box. tJ-l,; extra
cbotc. all uses, per box. I3.ii); El
phanl brand, lis-16-I7I-30-HI-35u tlxea
per box, SI5U. t'atmag: Wlscoiisln, per
IbT 3c. Carrot: per lb., ic Celery:
California Jumbo, per dot, BjiO: Florida;
in the rough, and doa, per case,
ItSO. Cucumbers: Hot house, per doa,
13 e F.SI plant: Fancy Florida, per doa.
32 00. Oarltc: Kxtra fancy, white, per lo.,
Uc Lettuce: Kxtra fancy leaf, per doa.
15c. Onions: California, while boiling,
per lb., 'c. Wisconsin, yellow Globe, per
lb., 3Wc: Red Globe, per lb., 4c; Spanish,
per crate, 12.6s. Pirsley. Fancy south
ern, per doa bunches. sOflTlc. Parsnips:
Per lb.. C. Potatoes: llnnesota Early
Ohio, per bu.. (1.50. Wisconsin whit
stock, per bo.. 31.26. Rutabagas: la
sack, per lb.. IHc. Tomatoes: Florida,
per t-bskt. crale. fi.eO: Cuban, per 4-bskl.
carrier. tS Tnrn'ns: I'-r lb.. ft4c
FISH (fresh froxenl-Plekerel. Jc; white.
1c: pike, 7c; trout. HA 13c; larg cxapplea,
liSlW: Spanish mackerel. Jc; eel, ijo;
haddocks. 13c: flounders. 13c: green cal
if ii-h. 1; roe shad, II each; shad roe, p-r
pair, sue; rajmon. uc; nauDui. si?; yel
low perch, lc; buffalo, le; bullheads, 11a
l-OCLTRY Broilers. 5eti(.( per dot.:
spilnua 1:; hens. He: cocks, lac: ducka
v. gvee IV: turkecs. 23c: pIon
per doi . tl M Alive, broilers. 12Hc; nena
He; 4d roasters and stag 5c; old
docks, full feathered. He: gex. full featlt
errd.lec; turkeys. 14c; guinea fowls 33c
each; pigeon, per doa, sac; homers, per
do., 11.50; squab. No. 1. tl-5: No. 1
gona per lo.. lHc; In sack lota, H b-a
peanuts: Roasted, in sack Iota, per lb.,
rue; roasted, leea than sack lota, per lb,
c; raw. per lb.. r. Pecans: Large, per
b. 17c; In sack lota, le less. Walnuu:
New crop. UII. California, ner lb.. I7c:
i In sack loU. lc less. Cider: New Ne-
liawka. per n-srai. -ooia. ceo; per 30
nl. bbl.. 3S.30: New York Mott's. per 15
gal. 4-bbI. US: ner 30-gsl. s.i.
C. M. St. P...
Miasourl Pacific
inion Parlilc
C, tt N. W., east
C. AN. W., wt.....
C..St. J?., M. O
C U. tl., eaat
C, B. W-i west.....
C. It 1. 4 P., east,,.,
lllinel Central ........
Chicago Gt Western..
Totals ,
' 53
- 'iv.:'
fat siieep or lambo today and tha market
had ita uaual Saturday appearand, rtj
malnlng barren and nominal.
During the week receiiMs have keen rea
sonably large and fairly attractive, bulk
consisting of well finished we and
lamb. Most offerings came in th
fleece, hot so .we shorn stuff was Included
In the run that sold at big discounts from
similar quality woolr. Very few feeders
wer available and th etitintry demand
was equally email, only S.itu head solng
back Into corn belt feediota.
Thcmsln feature of the fat stock mar
ket lately baa been a big raw m value,
due to an expanding demand for product,
a let-up In native ewe liquidation hy
aterar and much higher price for
pulled wool and wooled pelt. W noted
Pelts are now being merchandised at an
advance of cent over pete two week
ao ana apreao netwsen wooled and
altorn stock are accordingly much wider. I
Compared wtlh a week ago current
price for fat lambs show net advance
of MM5o. while Mieep ssd yesrUngs are
selling about 75 rents higher. Toppy
wooled lambs closed around tk.75tjr7.IO and
shorn lambs sold up at high aa 14.00.
Ewe ranged from I&-1 downward and
handy yearling sheep wer wanted
around, Packing demand an all
lay waa active and broad, on killer taa-
" Ing 12. in) head wh seiilom bays more
3 than Ibis number d..r,ng a week of hssvy
r 00; on ws, 15. (W.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb,
good to choice, pi JUijeui. lamb, fair to
good. a.hs4U.lia: vsarlinaa. sunt la nhoiew.
1 ;H9fcUtni; yearUnaa. fall ta avod. una
s.s; watnera, good to cft'HOe, 16 SJtll
wetaera, lair ts iroou. i tt. istsw; sraa.
good, to elulr. HHiM-Mi was, fair ta
g0, i4.ovir4.aa.
Kesernt Given Oat Sot ai Buuih at
rnate Ittimttet.
Tker. keeasa ft. Emast fro. High ;
lie (era Becaaae ef the
Aetlv Deaaaad an
wr rices.
i P.. 0MAHA- Wk" I. Hll
resr.T""" 'v "er th closa
m IkJ?; m not 'xtremeiy buillah
tJ,J?k'Z "VM "ilmate, but a
v!Ii. MV """i'ed wltk Marck 1 last
tu7kuhJS.TW' buh" " "e.t W.ouu.:
but buJiST1 " 0uu"w' knytrunti
wRnethi''L" cm klhr, and
auiaeii?,! Mr ,,r ,h tltuatloa
crJ 7nM",rv""v buin th new
Tha !H ,n MV Ood depresaian.
ulu J?rt ,,n or will bav a hard
seern? ny,h", but bullish. There)
ba.""fTa!' m,n hlh Paired corn
eal -"ve demand and fancy
llir'I-" evw ,he world. It look
sTJ,'! "tnkltiMi would steadily grow
. OBd higher on uisner cable
Put oTfhTJL ,h """,h volunrncSorT
shaTmv fn"4" lron "4 adv-ancej
trffereT fS'i Li" " waa
wEsars T" 'her.
..rJ""'n' " receii ts were 417.03 ku.
si.ipments war IK, Wo bu.. again
shl-7 ,0,l' were 74J.40I bu. and
I.(m bu "a " Ouiir qual to
Th following eash sale war reported l
iVl s0- n,"J- ' M-i 1 cars.
CatUa, Hogs
Omaha Packing Co ,. .. 1.071
Swift Company..,., 1.111
Cuuahy Packing Co 1.405
Armour aV Co , , 1.114
Ken art t Go lav
Murphy 1,M
Sinclair It ...
other buyer Ik ...
W. R. SMITH a SON )mt handle aheep.
TAGG BltOS. handle rattle, hon. sheep.
Clay. Robinson ft Co.. as Exchange bulg.
Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to ua
"CLIFTON'Com Co.. EichirieBkl;
L. E. ROBERTS A CO.. 23 Exch. Bldg.
Cox & Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustiera
Farmc7a lTb Com. Co.. Ksch. B d
snealla Grain Market.
jtiy, ti.--. juij , i.-s: casn AO. 1
haid. Il 'j: No. I northern. 51.tV Va
3 northern. 11 0734; No. i, $l.ij.
BARIJtT-Tlictitl 25.
CORN No. 3 yellow. CsVKc.
OATS Na t white. sftsClc.
RTE-NO. 2, Isst.
BRAN In Ms-pound sacks. l2S.0lkS2e.5t
FLOl'R-Flrst patents, .'. l'Xiieo. seer
and natents. 4.7Stro.e0: first eUn .
tlartia Uioa. a Co.. aurt lutca. tiaigv jdiai, second cieaxt, tliraM,
Totals Tt UK
CATTLD-Ther were no fresh rattle
of any consequence in the yards and re
ceipts for the week have been decidedly
beiow the average, ror Hi tlm nine
day of March th receipt ef cattle are
the ems I lest of any similar pursod alaoe
lw there being a falling off aa com
pared with last year of aoout (.00 bead,
and as compared with two year ago of
about l.ow head.
Th demand lor beef steers ha been
very good throughout ths week and al
though there have been several soft
spotu th general tendency of price has
been upward. At tu close of th week
the. general market on oeef steer I
around 101 lie higher than last week's
Cows and heifer wer In good demand
every day of tha week and they too ad
vanced noticeably, although, as was th
case with beef steers, buyers took ad
vantage of any opportunity presented to
force a littles reduction so that on some
days the - market closed lower, la the
main, however, the movement baa been
upward and at the close of the week
Price ar around ls25o higher than last
week. .
Th trait la Blockers and feeder dur
ing th week has been somewhat limited,
in th first place supplies bav been
small and In th second place the
country uemand ha not been very large,
till the two have been about equal.
Th better grade of feeders carrying
some flesh hav been, very fair sellers
at good firm prices. The common and
Infeilor feeder and thin stork eatll
hav been rather aiow all th week, al
though they could hardly bo quoted any
Quotations on cattle: Good to cholc
beef steers; fair to good beef
steers, p.2-)4f0.75; common to fair beef
steers. 36.5044. 2s; gi.od lo choice heifers,
tt.iitjvs.i: good to choice cow. H7MI&30.
lair 10 good cows, s4.sub4.7s; common to
fair oowt, 17. 7M4.1. good ta cholc stock,
ers and feeders, ti.5ott4.3tf; fair to good
stock ers and feeders, I4.7s4jsi.50; common
to fair stockers and feeders, H.uuJl.,S;
stock heifers. 13 SPdt.TS; veal calves,
4j Oil; bulls, stags, etc., t4.OOWO.40.
HOGSHog trad in general rule
steady to strong, th main market hav
ing many point tn common with yes
terday' busioesa. A fair snipping de
mand existed early in the session that
enabled seller to obtain prices strong to
a nickel higher In several instance, but
as soon as outside competition ventehed.
j the trad settled tick Into uotche lit
tle oiiierent irom those ci yesterday.
Shipper and speculators bought about
twenty load of various weights, th big
end of th run moving on local packing
Receipts were normal for a Saturday,
amounJng 10 an odd tw loads and quality
on an average was reasonably goou.
Parkin demand proved healthy, but waa
sot a-peelally active, and It required two
or three hour cf trading to make a com
Kte clearance.
Beat heavy hogs oa sale brought 16.53,
alto yesterday a top, and butchers sold
largely within th K304.) spread. Bacon
and high mixed offerings ranged from
t.30 downward, but there were only a
few scattered sales around th IS Ot mark.
Ltbetel receipt during th week sold
on a market that opened a little higher
and held generally steady at the advance
on ail following day a Demand from all
i quarter nan plenty or oreadtti, despite
i heavy stocks cf provision and a growing
j proportion of weighty hog tn the run.
I seemed 10 Increase. Instead of lessen,
I it popularity of this rlas of stock.
compared witn a wees ago. current prices
on all weights show a general advance
of about a dime.
Representative tales:
X. A. 0. I"r. he. Ar. I. p..
u ...... it mom a ns ... ta
h 1a m t m a -nt ... ta
a ut ... oh a tit m oa
ti ut ... a at ... t a
m nt ... t a 7 tn
a ia ... a a nt ... t a
a... ir! im a tt xa m tru
ist....i;t m It c....Bt . 1
Dasa for Cattl aa thwtp Steady
Hotr H laker.
ce. pie 3uo bead; market steady; beevea,
KOOMI.; Texas steers, l4.7Uu W; west
ern trs, tft.i!; tocker nd feeders,
Mlutse-MI; cows an hellers, t3.4iws.i0i
calve. M-OOnt.60.
HOUS-rteceltit 14.001 bead: market tor
up from yesterday; llgnt, .a$(; mixed
M as4t4.a7Vo; heavy, th.Mia.70: rough, tAia
0.; pig. KsvtKli. bulk of aalea, .at
head; market steady; natlvs. t3.75fto.;
westorn. t 2itr5tk; ysarungs, ts.KaK.10;
lambs, naUvs. l4j7.J4. western, o.7iy
Kaatsu Clly Llv Slock Market.
KANSAS CITY, March t-t'ATTLK-Rscelpts.
5W head, Including 3su south
erns; market, steady ; native steers, a.7fi
ia; aouthern (teem, ta.25r.7t; south
era cow and heifers, M.354ss.35; native
cows and heifers, li-a4j7.i; stockara And
feeders, ll.lmia.5o; bulls, tt"1; ealv,
KVOtn.50; western steers, 5.w4J.3i; wast
ern ewea, t3.25tlj0.
HOGS Reiaipu, 4.5M head: market, tfj
Me higher; bulk of aaiss, p; heavy,
tiiouc ,); packers and butcners, a.totj
tea; ognta, eb.3siuMl.50; pigs, I5.iatir5.5ll
SHEEt AND LA Mild-Receipt none;
nuuket, ataau, j tnuttona, t3.5unsv.lj; laroo.
IS.UIH91.W; led wetnere ana esruuga, I4.x
Ijaov; ted axat, Iil.auua.tl0.
SI. Loala Llv stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, March I. -CATTLK-Race!
pla. luu head, no Texan; market,
steady; natlv boet steers, t!Aul.U;
co s and heifers, ts-OOtji.uu; stockers aad
feeders, 13. 754. 25; Teas and lnu.aa
steers, K.oui7.w); cows and hellers, txuu4i
1.45; calve In carload lot, lo. (,'. 6.
HOGS Receipts, 7.5UI bead; market. 59
10o higher; piga and Urfuta, levUtja-iu;
mixed and butchers, tvsift,7v; good
Heavy, KasCTO.
SiitEl'-Nu market
St. Joseph Slock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, March l.-CATTLE-Ius-cetfHs
ssi head; market atdy; steers.
!5.uutTS.23; cows and hetfora, ti.(lt.i5,
calves, 15 dnjs.UO.
HOGS-Ha-eipis 1,J0 head; market 5
higher; top, 1(1.45; bulk of sales. m.iuH..
bead; market aiow; lamb.,
stock ta siani.
Racclpt of live Mock at the flv prin
cipal western markets yeaterday:
Cattle. Hoga Sheep.
South Omaha 13 7.5m
St Joseph S tt mi
Kansas City Can 4.5 ....
St. Loul 3U 7.5M)
Chicago 2-l Kos) 3.vt
...1.330 9.5i.4 2.tWV
tattoa Market.
NEW YORK. March -CTTON-Fn-tures
closed barely steady; March. K.33.
April. KMc; May, 10.43c; June. a.wc.
'July. M.S6c; August. ISiSc: svptember.
10 sec; October, w.sic; govern her. luiiic.
December. 14.7c; January, lv.vSc; Feb
ruary, lOnte. Spot closed quiet; M point
lower; middling uplands, 10.00c; middling
gulf, lu.&c; sales, none.
quiet; price 3 point higner; Amencaa
middling fan-, I7c; good middling, 4. He.
middling. 4.04c; low middling, tide; good
ordinary, kasc; ordinary, 5 L:. The sale
of the day were a,0W balsa of wkurh ts
were for speculation and export and in
cluded 4. American. Receipt, In
ciudloc 3. jot American.
till aa asala.
Firm. 4c; sales, 42 hhds.; receipts. 4
bhtla; shipments, l.ta hhds.; stock.
3L-,.a hhgds.
KOS1N Firm: ssler. 492 bbl.; receipts,
517 bbls: shipments. I.II3 bbl a: stocks.
U344 bbls.; B. tC 4TVK! W; D, K : R.
tt-IOH: K. Wt5v.7: G, H, tttbgt;
I. tOC: K. r.7; M. 17.35; N. 17 .3; WG.
r ; ww, r es.
WtMl Market.
ST. LOUIS. March .-WOOL Steady;
terrtlory and western mediums, lit 13c;
flue mcdluwa, !S4jl7c; Dot, 106 15c.
yellow. 1 ear. tAm l , . . M.
f' "ra, tic; 1 car, !ic. Ne, 3 mixed.
1 ear, rtc 2 car. a,u,c. No. 4 mixed. 4
eat, Oe; 1 car. 24,c; I cart, BUjc; I car.
Jc; t cars, my,:; I car. Iir: 4 .r.
Be No grail. I cars, ajij j ,
jar. c. Oat-No: I whlltTi ct
Sol 4 crs. tiv, tia. 4 while, 1 car,
aliti'i 1 car. tic; 1 gar. Wise, .
fcsw i .i i :-..
WrTEAT-N. 1 hard, tl H4Jl.4Hc; No.
bard, tl.0y1.0ivc; No. a hard, tleaS
CiiRN-No. t white. VtcV: No. t
white, arV-: No. 3 color, UStiesc; No.
I yellow. OlVstssbttc; No, 4 yenow, St
c. No. 3, iwstj!; No. 4, aitjalci n,s
giade, MlieDttc. -w .
OATS-No. 3 white. J1.fjGJH:: sundard.
tl1; No I whit. slHli'Mc; No. 4
wh.t. tmyw-lito: Nk I yuw, UtielVtc.
No. 4 yellow, svHljUc,
SARLt.i-Jsa...u., - tl0Ji; No, I feed.
TSta&c; haavy feed, ICtr5c.
Klas-sSu. 3. sinvsc; m t, aOBJlc
ttUNOI tV9ctsa,
1 Wheat Corn, Oat it.
41 as) Ut
II ii U
Chicago .....
Omaha ......
Q notations af th liar a lirital
NEW l'OnK. March I.-KIXIUR-Flrm:
spring palrnis. tiSUaO; winter
stralahts, 44.354 40: winter patents, 14. so
0)4 In; spring clears. H.-.IH f; winter
extra No. 1. 33 7u4i3.u; winter extr
No. 2, p i'.fil 65; Kansas strnlmts, 14 70
4 . Hy flour, stssolv; uir to good.
M .4T4.; choice to fanry, tO.WIjt.a.
COHNHEAl-ateady; line white and
yellow. II. 65tl.i9; cours. 31.s54jl.IOi kilit
dried, 3-7&.
RrE-uulet; No. 3. r-c c. I. f. Buffalo.
BARLEY-4J.ulet; tualtuui, 1.2Jni.a c
L f. Buffalo. .
WHEAT-Spot market firm; No. 2 red.
31.05 eh valor export baa and 11.07 f. o.
b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, 2S'
f. o. b. afloat Futures market wa ourv
ous. Prices wer firm at (be start on
the government farm reserves; eased off
under selling by commie -ion house
resting orders, but strain rallied on rumor"
of export sal, closimt. fte net higher.
Ekliort sales were six I0.H1. Msy, tl.VTHt
lS; closed, ll-',; Juiy, ll.iSaH.ot,
closed, ti.04. Receipts, 4J,J"S buabeW;
shipments, 3,754 busliels.
CORN Spot maraet etradv; Na t corn,
7Hc elevator d.mtcstlc Oasis to arnva
snd Tij for export I. o. b afloat Fu.
ture market was txim.nsl. Receipts.
H-15 bushels; shipments, ni.lll hushda
OATS Spot market ttrady; ttaudar-t
white, lc in elevator; No. 2, Hoc; No.
3 and No. 4, 'e'ic. natural white an.t
whit clipped, Sote'ic on track. Future
market wa nominal. Receipts, 44.Z&
bushel: shipments, I.VTJ tushela
HAY Firm: prtmo. tlJ.r; No. 1, tin 0040
lt.St: No. 2. HI.Wtu tt; No. 3. IM.Onei ..
HOPS May; atate common to cho4e,
mu Juif-c; 1010. istmiinal. Paciria coast,
11I. 41ti44c, I3l nouunsl.
HIDES Steady; Central Amtrlcan, I4c!
Bogota. :n,2ic
Li:AXHr;-biady; hemlock firate,
25o"J7c, secuuda, Zt&Xc; Uurda, jlltXXl
refects. 1. . '
PltOVlhION8-Pork. steady: mess. ftt.S
I7.3B: famiiy. Ilvsntfls S; short clear.
17.itt: 0'. Hef t, t eady; mess, f
13 50: family. Hi.tissl5.5u; beef ham,
fT7.sr2S. Cut mi-at. dull; ncklci
bellies. M to 14 pounua M S: pk kle-t
hams. flO TS. Ird, auady; middle wet.
Sft.tw9t.10: refined, ateady: continent,
to ti; South American, flo.S; compouiKl.
T U.LOW Quiet; prime city hhds., c;
special, SUjc; country. 5"Wic.
m'TTER-Weak; receipts, t.ei tur:
cieamety apeclala, 30c; creamery extras.
20 c: creamery first. 2S4ESc; siato
da.rr, tub, finest S-rtlSc; aute dairy,
good to prima, 3S'-ra4c.
CHEESE ateady; racelpta 573 pack
ages: weakly eiports. 10 boxes; stales
whole ml. k, held, specials, ir-e.
EtlGS-Steady; re-nuts. 32,1 enses;
price sncnanged; fresh gathered extra.
!-3c; first. 21r; seconc. JsVSje; west
ern gathered whites, 2jm3c
POULTRY Ahve. dull an weak:
chicken, lie: fowls. loOKHc: torkeva.
isfr.w; or ease u poultry poultry osstw
ally unchanged, acarceiy any trading.
Mllseaake rala Market.
No. 1 northern, 31 121 13: No. t sorthtx,
tl.tstjl.H: No. t hard winter, tL01l.7;
May. ll-; July. 7tc " '.
CORN No. I yellow, rHfr&V; fo S
whit. SStc; N. 3. Ir47c. May, H'il
V'c; July. ni,4y71lc ,!
OATS Standard, iSHc-