G THE BEE.' OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1912. Desperate Desmond How Somethiag Better Than Mere Five o' Clock Tea Cornea in the way of the villain. By Hershfield You CoulDwt TMSJT WoBLE wtu. tVavwATR-f . KJ&JZZL r ' TT7 LfcRrrlS t 1,SL 1 at I nSSjKl -a . ESwWieiKi; Si f l Vw5rml lv3r fir- l 3dri SI A -r iaT 1 " Jli 1 1 I I 1" - LX li ' rf r r l MU.VT icMCfcfft s4(V0VW,CtAtO6.r MM KIVENW t-CAPTlRtXa THE VILLAIN. Despite pismond effort to rape by wintmtng the river, Claude and Hie Chl Bree petrol hive captured Mm. and li ! raw bring hauled aboard the govemmmt Junk. Thl time Caude hw resolved that there will be no opportunity given the vll lata to escape tlto late that be an richly deserve. Rcsamond. too, ha com to lh concluslim that no mercy Mould to shown Mm. IL-THBOUQH THE TEA riELD. Landing from tbs .rlvr bt. Claud and the Chinese escort their notorious prisoner through tha ta field to tha Pol Ton prison, where Demand la likely to spend tha remainder of hla Ufa. Ia tha tea field they mm an KnfMih buer about to teat tha quality of aoma tat ha thlnki of purchaalnf far hla firm. ai Roramond anMaualy taka Clauda to tat her a cup of It. Ill -A UERRT FARTT. Bxhauatad by their atrvwglaa la tha capture ( Daamond, all handa cUdly aa ccpt tha opportunity to raat a arhtla and to tt a cup of hot taa. Tha ErurlUth bayar cannot do without hla o'elock," and ti lavitvi the antlr party to toln turn. Roaamond, with wondroua frjwa. poura tha taa at th:a atrana pa l' la tha heart of wild China. wh.le Claude al-nslrea. 1V.-OVFHHEARD. ' Al Ih Ira field ar oa tha bordar at liantolla, Ituaalan aeiaa are cotirtantty around, and oaa of them now creep otoeo ' t the Utile party tht ta lnnocitly en. Joytnf the excellent tea ta auantttlt ta deilht tb heart of a -rrocer. The Ena UB buyer la bualty ta'.klnc about the country and bow Entiand ahoold aoaana it a the Ruaslaa Uatea. "Ail are vunty."' ke tblaka. V.-SL'RPRISED. In a roomeat the Ruaataa apy manhal fcll men. and thf auddenly ap. Itif out upon the tea party. Desmond l quick to reallae hia advantage, and ha telle lb Ruaalan that he heard Claude and the Enillahman planning the downfall f China for the benefit of Eniud aa aaalrwt Ruaaia. Xeedleia for the other to prate'. Kcthlnx that they can aay wlQ new t heard. VL-TO THE MIXES. Not only doe Deamond aecua Claud of belnx a plotter, but h now eaya that ur her ia a XI billet and that he ahould Le ernt to the mine for life. The Rua alan antata Deamond to dm the little party Into captrrtty, deeptte the protet of I'.oaamoiKl and the othera. Monday tha atory of aauda'a capa from Uw dreaded Rauian will be ahowa by tb artist. Al'TO MOBILE LOZIEK Si WANT ADS Maat axl retiyel at aa time but to laaar) proper ctaaaiftratioa Bt b preer leil b-.for) 13 o'cloct m. for ha in-iiln: Mlltlnn aud ImIut 7:80 P. m. for uaornitu aad Kuaday fll Auto repel re. rukber tlree, (or caniaea uml a- rcceieed after uch " eoroirwr.ua truck, lnh and Harney. lwmunattator. Uu cylinder. IWfen t,0 miirm. A barialn. J. T. Stewart, fat Farnam M. , DRUMMOND howta will have their H" tn-artiui aader (ha hrUia( "Toa Uita la ClaaaDtr." CASH ItATKiTR WATT ADS. ItKUtLAR CLAIIr ICATION tM liucrtlo 1 rem per arord aad 1 ,rat per aord for each aubaequeat conwrcaUr iBsrrtina. Kara laarr ttoa (aade aa odd day i H-f" word; tl.M P lla- Pr Btoath wheai ad la raa wltbont ch u' copf. . WVAiriXtV jh. , ianunal atten tion given. Truck and autoa etored. Har-a,ln In used car. Wl 8. ltih. r. Mil. MclXTYRE AUTO CO. flakUnd. merna. Knight and R C H. Rargaina In used care, twa Karnam St. XL'R MMenawr Cartenar. 1111 model. gl4 rondltlun. fhona Web. MK, or 4 Ji m S-m lire M.1L ORDKB HI HIKfH MANGIAMKLI BKOS. Macaroni, mod In Omaha. Kry pack g guar. ur grocer. aa fifty algie. eat oat of iex '"e eej"1: V r , 1 ralllsbd Heyn Studio 'isuJKS aetid pneto: w will give p-tee and heat aijte. rah and Howard .. Omaha, WIrcTnX1iArv;',rlHoM KiBT5?7Sr Mr. Faek, hUl N. ta. AMCSCalKXTS 'Apollo Theater I rfftgn euiaa sitnmn imnirM 'Tilt; kkt m-aic 9th and a v en wart h. ALWAYS vr UU aV Uik St. llMtlng Venezia sr m"""-3 THK blAMONU TMKATliR, U A Lake. The tawwue Kirn pmure foe HuMUy. Favorite Theater VEL .utAtllAiEX.--- Mettos atctare matMne and r.im kergalaa. PEOGBESKIVls; FILM CO. Al TO KKPA1R1.NU TO PUBAcaU O'iJonovaa & Fease Aut garagei atorage. Bargain In need car. S, xth, eto. Omaha. 80. lav let. OKK K-M-P , complete with all Mine meM; lull, open front, t-peaaengers neaa uetd aa demonetrater. Irtr Tk One flve paaaenger lUmblrr. good coadltloa. tatt One m.Hiel 41 Overland. SKO. MAIUON AUTOMOBILE CO. 14 raraem at. Omaha. Neb. Auio lamp repaired. Omaha HUver C. roll 8ufc At a baraaia. two aUahUr uaed MHliand Automohtwa. e'rwtlaad A ale Co.. lt and Farnam. OMAHA MACJ1LXE WOEKS AutftarrneHi wetting, mnhim n ci.l ir hlrviy driirHl. Kifxrl drt work. Murphy Did it vHfb U h) aeli er old automobile and buy a bow B-r, ), yo eaa uaa the atoaey m aoaa other y-to etther awst, bee want da will do the work, hate I or ota per word If rua only oa ttme or 1 bmi Hw wvrd U rua tr r but time eeeneeutively. W. J. La rAuk-AiiU biacksaullung. braeea reitaea, uola true up, auriiig mting a ewrriarte. I1 8. ttth. D. ? it. BISI.VESS rUKSOXAUl tlothlaa Maaaiaetarera. Wear Ideal drrus shlrta. M E. Smith Co. teal Dealer, WBrTFRI'lELn aella RKEIER COAL; rt'RVACK or PANOK, l 11)3; A-IM. knaaarrlea, Dalrle aad gappll. Fairmont' ldetn butter. Alway good. DAVID COLK ORB AMKHT COMPANY. terales aaanl CtfUtwa. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. Omaha. AeaaWmlea. (taaelac atoranit'B nrtvate liaaana every day.' Claaee Mnn. and Ktl. g p. m. Doug. W4. Doartata. DR. M'LERAK. apaolallat la plat work. aallarartion or no lee. J Branrlen Bidg. Tat'e dental room. HIT lioug. DMsa. "Bailey, the denllat. City Nat L t. xiZ Mack Meek, M floor Ftoa. I. W. Detewuve. J A airs At.LAJr-Neylll Wit. EvMeno eeevre in ail caaea. i r ii". TTltTON0NrX'KKR7Sf Xartjch ftlk. Omaha iecrei ferv, m Paxton Mk. D.ffl UnrauakiMf, Twrr'i nreaamakln eeHea. Vth A Far. wOTEtV-Bewlng. fill a aa. Web. Ink DragalXa. ritifvia a, rMiettt nai eat tW oraera; eatalogu free, ttbenaaa A McDonnell iTug .o.. umtni. rw kiwryta4agj lUeatrkwl. Rlectrtft righting fls. wtioleeale and retail, gftirgeea-uranden Ca tali Howard. D-at bieamhtauj fa W CON 811 UT DR. BI'HKE. Poug Blk. rT'iT i 1 VSl Umaieeoa, Mr. Car- vvuiamu,,,,. Harney IMS. Oul-oiate garaamt ax for aew. W. fle. rxit HAi.e.-e-DeMiirr. Mil rmmam. llout airtur. hkiu I oawnbile retHUit; retalate a nn.y. iguauantewl anoe. ateS: also - Autocrat oemoostratmg car. for e attracut ticw. fthme uoua. MJa roro, Ml reraam at. V. I IV 1 f Tkeator, N. Htaan CaMwea kletwa patttre. eatertaialag 1 r.. -".-r ' . ! !.,, .l i.,-r I., I M ttti The Liieuinile Film Ser'io!u"-",on ataawd ipmen ii..ir; . rulJl 7:r'H- aaoed. Ideate t. tire rack aad oa MOVINO FICTITJW, MAriflNKS AND t urruu till l uAAa T. AXJftmscENKyrn J. A. GENTLEMAN, rwiaalmer. WM CMcaao m. IX 1 t'KDKIl. TAKrIL I aa. B-l. I bread new eaahui and raeer: eacrtfioe ctoaf tor QUHk owner leering eity; car eaa be eeen end demoaetrated by ceiling tiaa , or utir lit a. uriiraaaata Arc, Ueawa. lU8It8S CHAXOES. HAiW-ViMS-ke fiitur fitlcburgk at ! fI Liifiil liii V bra JiONir iworo riuwni a VNDWrTAKEKal UEAi EY UEA EY, tfK' Moeed t IB I rerwan. Aatt, II. art. Wli Ui alwara be baapy If ymr wwo dtr ring cornea irvm kruaegaard'a Hi a. talk St. At the wa of u irova. PITRV rteid an guraea eeedt. Tout.. ""'erwu ee-d Ce. Cm. atiutfa, la. XORTHHCP LKTTktR DCptlCATlMJ X., IN Putea Uik.. circular Mter. any ttweauty: oktet cetabiuiaeu compaai cx IMrta eg alatiiarai k and Neoetyt. liON'T n to kn. 'ieetoy Hrand Ctothee' sold tp to i at lis. oil our a. in; a. Mth St. oral prtouroea than anr other like area ia tb were. Deeuard to be the Mgkty city at the met great weat. deed for frr booklet. Addree CANADIAN NA TluSAL. INVfcBlOKH, CU faatoa Bldg Omaha. Neb. "LXCM'SV XR 0AL.aV-All BWUera marktnerr, Km remodeled, pac ing big, la ataw narmal town, matblae ahoaa and jdlrtoloa petat, only laundry la etty, lla wo. rvi'iuoa b.m i aii ar wra O. B. rmhank. 'hatrna. Nrb. u H...W niuwiM mad tram raur old and new I eatbera. reaeonaht. UU a. 11. P. TRlf the biSTON"WBf WASH. kv your family we) browght bma ready lor drymg at . Dug. KU R-taU. 1 KVELTN ROLKS tlii go to homea I take taeuur tor taDwaad eerijste, doaa aad repair cereeta Douglaa 3. CI KTAlNa nicely lauadartd. Call lad. BlSINEK PERSONALS I'tallaa, OMAHA 8II.VKR CO.. t TSth. ,'iamkrra. t.. r. VAT.KF.NBERO. Plombln. XC tJT. HKtP WANTED MALIC trel Teak aad lalvrre Lompaalee. NEBRASKA and Iowa rel Tank Oanfc pany. Mth and Nlchol. U. Bewda. FTKWART8, 8EK1JIJEM. 11 K. WTH WANTED MECHANICS la buy tools at a great reduction. We tend to move our present stock. PA1T0X-BOWMAN HAR1V WABE CO. lCli Farnam 8t. gteaeairapbera aad loart Rrportrra. Myrtl A. Kelley. W ft ran. The D. Seg. Wise Warehlme. Ill Paaton Blk. P. U4T. Tailor lata. Anna Rlatek. aulta. etoaka, dreseee. al lerauon, repair. l-C'y Nat. Bk. D ttH. Teat sslftaslscs. OMAHA TENT CO Tat gM Douglaa Traak and wl Caaea. Fraltng A Btelnle. IWI Farnam t. V aeaam Cieaitera. MAN to do del. line aad Mil null work from plana V. n He. MOXKT TO I.UA?? aalary aad tkattcla. LOANS NEGOTIATED OS REAL ES TATE. FCR.NlTl Kri PIANOri. WAKhV HOrSB KKCElPTS. 8ALARIK0. rTTC. LOWKKT RATK.S, CWKKXT gKRVICR CO.mKM'lAU HKK VH rllifiT. HK1.IABI.K CRKD1T CO.. ID FLOOIl PAXTON BLIX. SI7 l. lfltl TELEPHONK KOCOLAS Htl A A-MH. UET IT of lliu Know. t'. U B . at Star Ixwn Co.. M Paxton Blk.. f to I10U, witnout security; to suit you. Mtaaellaaewaa, TRLEORAPH poaitlona guaranteed T " by the Union Pacific , and II Inula c n tra! railroad if y a gala your training in our chool. Practice on R H. wlr. A;. d. f r partiou.ars. H. B. Uoyle. Prea BW le (College. Oman, jveo. ' AUTO SCHOOL, t OMAUA. I LAROK 8HOP8. OL'ARAN'iEU. hisner qual ity aiaduata. - Mor can and actual repair work than any tnie weatera schools. Iiet us PROV . U.S. VACUUM tusANisrus nicnmoBw eoo i Ibi. rutmnmrm vatm& hw day. ftontal tO I apply on porehaae price if YOU ar wanted for goverunsem oal tlen. t monta, send puetal i. r l.at i poaitlona cpeu. Fr.nklla Inil.tute, Uevu itl ., R ch.s.er. N. V. - ui.M tii run v. a. armv Aoe- purrhased 'bodied Ui. married men between the as - XTa TT KnthV RHMONrii"M ' of ir.nd Vi.reM of United State.. f Si Tea? wXSSTi at pJL rUiiiui govd e..arr and temierate kaW;- who Wbg Maaaiaetarera, D. Orlfflth, wig enfr.. U frapaar Blk. Wlaea aad Ltaaoew. WTtXOW Sprinc bear, llotlor. elgara, sandwiches. Ale Jetea. SM-t g. Uth. tt. VIRGINIA DARK win, gSc a large bot" tie. Klein Liquor Houa. 13 N. Mth St. uu. nail anal write tha rJiausa languaga For Iniormatloa apply w te eruiting offcer. 13th and IXugia ma.. Omaha, Neb.. K nh fct.. shou -ny, 1 N. Wth St., Uncoln. Neb. ta.1 U) LC AT1UX A Is "TCTORIxq. 1st to tth grade. H, MH LaUM'RV. Peua. M. m do.; rough dry. Ma. Pwe MUks awd aiasaa. - Feed, all kinds. Oienco Mill, MM laard. A. b'tawtaaa. tXmagbue, WW Fr. D. iwt. A-1L HUM A aWMBOUA. lilt" rraaT i. M.NlKttirl, rl Farnaio. P. HAi H a FuiMiatd, atoyd t lwater Bid. RHANUkUd FlAiRiCf. Bandet Hldg. , . reamdrteZ " MoPeaald bra aad brana foundry, altt mtminv n. lead caating. law Jackson. ' x, ''P. ' ionea. Holh P laee. Maairar Van a ura. Pack, mvt, i si-ore an ship H II. geaan. P lea, M-aUs. 1 cal per cent k-s tiisn O&taha splice. HOME r"l K.MtHl.'SU CV. Twewtr-foort and t. Bis., tiouth Ome ba. ' IsOtlikN. ta paasp aasa. TkeTtM THE TtKNA SHOP T1UXGS isHlUTlFl'L , Fferpra, olab prtie, - " ! Doll aad doll filUnt. Omaha 'a Exclusive Gift Store B. C. ZlalMSREO, jliU raraant b'L, K4 Kotbery. stiiiiniaa and Real Kstata Excbanie Co. Room l. McCague tildg. FOR eALS-Omana )obtlg TuTkmaal arnaia or part; moderate capllal rw eeirrd B X Omaha Re. laaaewaa. Alfred C Kennedy, 7." aar. First Nat. B. Bidg. Povig. lit id Wire gsaolag- FOR SALS Aa up-to-date meat mar kH. veil ratmpced; ia a proaewreii outk east south Oakota toaw of ahout 1W In haaltanta giauahlor heoea, wrtb I acre of Iu0. Icehouse of as) tone capacity ba-k of ah 10. Tkia basin la a money maker. t&ckneae reaeoa for eeiiing. Price M.20, ha t cash, balance time at rcenu Wnte C. H. lmwling. Wagner, l. PAIR for sale. 'Phone Harney Uet.1 Kaearaal Miaaataatarare. Skinner' macaroni and eneghrta. hV pkg. nmaha ! eatabJisbed paying buaines. Call or ad ; draaa W as. 1. Ftsber. kigr, llk a Hot 81Pl.lil.STi;MK..T for well aataa lUned maaiifacturtng piani who can take inter) ta business, knowledge of bulU- ii.e tiwVa nenirnt.ia R. y, Be. ilOTtCTLAtXBeeJa"TSrt-laee cafi? EKcert:onal aL)ortuntty for a eioert- eived party. We kae It rooens and aa 'Ward. . ;.f L iwhuii mit' ' TO get m or out of buaiaea call a PoK Tot K ePKINO MAT: 1GANGK.TAD. an Re Bldg. Tel. P. M7t. WTsy cot gaihvr up or a tuaienaU, i - - -- . periapa ia a lm w. sua have tt I XR gAl.E-Oeaa ork ol aiercoaa wseeiMssitisie Let at -r. I ttia ue.' !dic con:sUug ot dry tjmt, shoes, bate Miss Waver wiii lake charge vt H- ,at ' and notion; neo lerauea and low real, ymi siae ceaa or yo your uotiwra and I H lU uke hail tat and halt clean prop tiowera. ri aa aul rMurk ur stjawiertv. town or country. Value of Mock, bat aad furaieb any aew material snari. I lc.lRrei kaeter. Sheiton. Neb. stltM! rtFl-i.H. Mvta, ateraa aad t teaalag- rpneegwj noHrerr Co. Moving fanular, packing, fireproof atorage City office. ? tTilth. Poug. tat. Ind. Twla City Eaprea; Wit Howard. Rota Tel. CM Bo. th Sireet. pooue H. U. . R Cole Sga to. water pRiMixa co. Imi. t Filtefe. niter itera, IU aV in a IA 11 VphoMettng, pwoo tut, rvp. lst Far. DOl'ULAg rmt.H "e. lk Pow. w frone OooaV e ,h OA KL tllsll..viu rAUA. I ItiAH. tloa a. prxaao. C.-. ttf bait ara. tf wot aatlela.lur1 um i1u::mc.i. ka. f N L-rii-J t Farnam. l-mana. MEt your taruwU at Biojevaard'a, Meckiatiical Equipment Co. F. i. OFFERMAX. earn ur ta Atlea . Cy A C. owier ta emrtlug that i ktaUliAMt AL; roeuamsrs' eoup meat a apma'ty: eaett onir; ?imoing wwe: W HOLKrHLE. KETAU. UW I'ae. Oiuaha. Nea (taaaalaug He ware (a gat. , r.Ot '111 NO bouse for !(, aa aocouot r towa. ir you want si. nary Ave. af a.ikncsa. leavii a bstgain, hurry. Arehttecta. . 1. r. CoItralU a Caaa. Red ?. Aruraiaa taella, KP ROW E. well boring. Wenaoa taV Atwraeya, IJstra L. Hall. Lawyer, tfT Bran. Bldg. G. W. B.iieios. Attorney, al B. f Traoe. t. E. atrriU clna pwlat. K3 Hrmn4ets Th ItAESi. LFJF P1LR CI'XE-Bet fteaMeoy fee :tc:ng tloediftt or protra iiig alias, aw poKrAul; eampias free. Mettas a Mci ornit itig i . i. arses. Aerwtaaa aa vwato. OMAHA TEXT CO Tel. B PotsfU. asaa Maaafwetaewew. BEMIS OMAHA BAtl CO., Omaha. Neb. Hill pwotero. nr 1 TT 4 B'LL POfTTNO CO.. !5 U3UILA HARXEV. HOt aiJtg SHi. staagwae aad Tasicaka. i" ....t; sr. j: ;:.."7."7 ' rm nxi. t. a. ehaage awe,, smb. Anybody having I Rraee tlwtslu dewinatloa. Tssl "taa an VkJa Maaaraotarera. Wocdca Br. Paeatage Co.. UH X. 9th. ,lw. Aiheet A CratwWt 4U Om- Net I Bk. :K0DYM?5? thtag ta Tb TaJior baa a-ore-t aew tocatMa. U 1. )'4!l m&. S..W4 spriEig tyie. Anchor Fence Co.. Mf !T ft. Tel. Red tit ' Laaadrte. auaraate Launry. Fine week. P M51 tSBSHi Oreaa Linn, wreck'g. plb. agiPaut BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR eamaiaie eourses In Bustneaa. Book keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil gerviea ar Saleemanshla. Tha aatalogtss at fee tar tb asking, ceil, wnte s phowe for It St eaee. Aidresa H. ,K Boris, Preatdent, Boris College. Omaha. Neb. ' W AN TKi Railway mail oierks. t monta. No ievofls Orrsha geminations Mae elk. Thousand aroointmenta com ing. Common education sulilcient, Coach ing free. Writ tor sampie qusi.uu, Franklia lnatltut. Dapt IIS N. Roche ter. N. V. HEX WAMKP I-KM AL16 Ueasaokpwr aad tkaaseegtca. TMB SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Tp Ree will mq your pome tk Hrlp Tyanted Ad FREE until you get the deelred results. Bring your ad to Ta Be office or telephone Tybsr lam I iKtrii-A alrl for aenerel A joss n t U.rnaV tfll W A NTED-A good girl for farai housework. nev MM. tfl i Mth St, Phone liar- WANTED Au aaelstaat and cook. Pouglaa CSg. housekeeper u imI-Uii'J l.yMiiUa. exuerlanced dining room girls, U per week, room and beard; k hour' work a day. Writ Ih Hotel Tomer. Centervllle. S. D. WaNTFP-A erl lor general bousw work, will Pay good wages. rbne nsr. ney Ti. 1M Park Are. . u iuTtn , MKoMlaaaooil alrl fur Ben eral boiuewerk; no laundry; good - . . r.r.t..-. raoutred: must b good. T.l H. an airs. L W. Carpeater, MSi Lafayette Are tif A ned eioerienced girl for general baaaaerark; must b good oeok; ti kua dry work. Mrs. W. J. II nee, Phoo UJ- aey ; SM Harper. WANTED A girl for general house work. Bmall family; no weaning. W favrnport at . phone. Harnsr l1l. Mlaeeltaaiewaa. TOt" NO women coming to Omaha a etrenawrs are Inrtted to vtett tbaljuag Women's Chrlstiaa aeeocsailon baiWlng at St. Mary Ava and 11th St . where they will be directed to eul sable boarding placae or otbarwiae aaslsted. Lsiok for our trareiers' guide at ta tnioa statlxi. Vurn. raunaa; maa. W per hr. W. Kts. MuaaaMata aad Maaealaaaaa. . T. Bloom A Co.. lltfc and Cuming t. MoToreretveT Enpert repaWng. Ertcksoa, n R IRb. Mweewa Are sA Laewr F it pert, aw vtokn tracker. Web. m Masttsrai Tjitv DuolteatlBB Co . 13 Omaha Nsx'l bmb. MaHtag Isaea. Pawgiaa raw. IMaeaatkr. Ahca jnkwsna m- Brandelt The. Bl'tg. Kthry Ntckwtaa Q Rraadet Theater plbaaa. B, F. Worn, fining and rwp'f. aUBrande' "FalaTaad. viaaa. . PAINT, oil, lead and turpentine ar tt per eat cheeps now tkaa a year aao. Take atrrantaa of this sn bay only strictly par matert! t no ran Pbbm Co.. lasng JTaraam St. twuaia Jea , Broa ratwata. D O. Proe!l Panoa W et-aft Wlliard tl. Uo . Phwaaaswg Edtaow ptwiaogtapba RR Rra. M par. Phonographs bought, a.'d. axehaagedi leerds. Am. Pboae, IU-. aad Caauag sH. WANTKP Ladle to learn bairdreae- iag with tb Hermann permanent waea, manicuring, facial masaage. weetrolysia, chirwaodr. Paetlloaa welting ta bast par lor tor eompeaem gine. im mwci iwleat practir. Few weeks. Catalogue free. Moler college. Chicago, hi. ST0F1KLAD! Oet Into a paying profession. Lrai a automobile engti-eerlnff In our large trainmg shop. Hundrede of sucoeaslui gradnatea. Complete equipment at auta- laoblle and machinery. Adiresa isanonaj Auto Training Assn., 3g ilrandet Thea ter Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Mora neovl to ra So poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write tor Ira catalogue, M. M. Johnaon. Clay Cnter, Neb. , MONEY TO LOAN n Just pereonsl note to any person B' lnt teadv employmerit .UW E9T RATER RRST TERMS. RfMEMBEIt If yon work, jrour trreflU I. cwt I' others ft: ui, thn ami u. LoAtit mafl at one. NATIONAL LOAN CO, ROOM . SIXTH FLOOR REE BfTLOlSU. PIIONU DOUGLAS sill. OIKtHED FOK RENT Roard aad Raosua, ft. M. K. hauls trunks. P. CU. A-MII. tT. MAKYH AVU. Keg. strictly moti rn rooms, with boartl; also eeparaie meals or meal tickets. Pougia A uNK to five nicely furnished roema, cheap. 25 Cuming 8t. ROOM and board In private family 1... g'ntlewan. Oood referrnce. Webatei sHg. THE MADISON First claaa table board, ateem heated newly furnished rooms, hot water at aU timea, clean baths: special rates by week or month. The Madison, Met and Chi-co. OFFERED FOK REXT Maaaea nad- tsttaawa. NO EQUAL T-room house, hall and bath; also 5-room flat. S N. Sid. MODERN 10-room hotwe, hot water heat, shade furnished, range, cistern, water paid, nice yard, shade tree: rent Ut. Mcebron A Co.. Mb and Lake. HOI SK, g rooms, modern, 1K1 Can St; rent Is. FOR BENT 4-room bouae, modern ex cept Xurnace. Rent cheap. Ml N. Utb St. ' WKST FARNAM New residence, stooco. M N. frlh Ava IMt. - Red at?. COTTAGE of six room and bath. In Oa condition. Inquire oa premises, tta a. ith t. Good men are hard to get. They don t wander around the streeia looking for sign In window. Wten you need good help advertise In The lie. Be want ads ar read by keen energetic men who wish to better thrlr condition. Rate lc per word if run two or more time consecutively. Telc- phone Tyler MW). I-ROOM cottage, modern, close In. KB S li h St.. r. lei. Douglaa JI7 8. JtTH-Large front room with al cove: suitable for two gentlemen; with board. DKtUKAtiLE furnished room board, lit 8. th Ave, Reference. Faralabesl Mow ma. PKSIRARI.K furnished room; private family. N. Jwth ft. Tel. Wehstrr s.s. IF TEN young men will take five looms, four block from poatofftce, will ronvert large parlor Into billiard room snd library. 'Phone Pouglaa 4&!1. WANTKD-Maa to leara the barber trade. Here le aa offer that Includea tools with tuition. A method that aave year of apprenticeship. Few .week com plete. We kv received pre Ira from thousands for our beneficial coarse. You ri tola with asaurance you will suc ceed. Established leM. Original Institution of tha kind in the world: tniriy-iore branches. Apply from country or city at oar. Moler Barter College, lit 8. Uth St. " WAKTED AT ONCE A bright young man with two ar three years' xprt eac for oar dry goods department. Ap plicant must apply ta pereou. fcddy Broe., Fvamont, Neb. MY STCK K FOR BALK Hessvce aad eebtetee. s . HORSES ATA BARGAIN For sale or hlr M heavy draft hone. wagon horse for laundry or delivery uea; also alugl buggy borees; all wall broke and ready for work; pair of a lea delivery muiea well brek: also stanoara ana res latered trotting mare, family broke, for ladles ta drive or ride, sound; lots of HiMri! aiill Minaiitar trwde for dty kit or diamonds; will give buggy It wanted. All tneea ar at a Bargain, wrrrr a .! ctalty. J. W. Reac. rihermau Ava. Tel. Webster US, L Hf sleroe, work "" aale. 117 N harness for 15. Web. ,. Harness of ail kinds, the largest stock In the city at atiractlv price. Johnson. Dtoforth Co. A w. Cor. leth nd Jones. DICTATOR WILKES. JR.. lor sale at a sacrlllre la next taa day, at tH Oraai. Call Weheter im. FOR SALK Three horses and on geid Ing. Coal Office, Xh and Lake 8t S HEAD borae. DougUa St. stable. IIH Pougia. PALACE STABLE?. For aan, I farm horses, I driving bone. Doug. Uth aad Parenport. W. W. MAC B PROP. rvpstRiUNCED wsl tiers: report ready tor war. Cilntaa'a rate, If Howard St. HELP WAXTU--MAUi Asrraea. bales sa-B aad kwUrltwre. wimtn AoevTS LasnumaM substl' tat tor slot machiae. Patented. Sella oa atght for giaa, fartieuaara Arrderaon. ina. A GOOU ON. Ia Nebraska, wwetera loa and South Dakota there hi yet open some rin terri tory for men wk can writ Itte las- anoa. The company kt not a pew concern. hat wd, rellnhle sn wan snow a. u writ a big bustneaa and para Its agent noet liberally. What k tb matter with yea saabing a, ontro wMb tkas aeen pany and go tA making snoeeyT Did yoa maa any money but erf if ael. wky not I Yoa were not coupied right, tf yea are a hawtier I eaa make yew aseaey. Wky not ant for a peraeavsi lawrTtew? Addremi C St Be. WAXTKP-tteieemeB tw aril acetylene lighting pUata to farasere and eetakusk leneie. 1 nstallatioa ou-ts'de of build ing; a geaerator wit boat put leva, rone, lever or weight. Only an moving pert. Cannot get ot af order. Will but a lite Usae. Ooud set Mr aad good paying prepo Wtloo for aaleamaa. ilvme Lighting Co. Ked Oak. la. SOUCITORg wanted; Hve wire prwpo STtton; eaaHy a day; no eipertrnce occ aaaiT. Aspiy iiarunaa a. rU--lt Puc laa St. rejaeaatraagiera, Rloehart. eioAographeea. Bib A THraam. a-rtatla rTOeKMUUBV " A ITO RADI ATOR repairad. Metal &Ki IV) fmlmt, KaaeJawr Cw, tab Far. Catpwarerw aad Cwatraetwea. Ptevensoa. carwater. aer. Both abtiaia Lew W. Kaber, Printer, gTZZ BEK RLflO- FNTRANCBj q oorhT. PRlVTIVli" erier grada. i. C 1 1UA 1 1U Tbemaooa. Wab. BM. LET the CENTRAL PRLVTINO tXl d your work. Mil Pwuglsu, Tek P. KM. lAsrwawsUata, DR. ROT, Cai Faroe ta. Douglas, fcgj. yagad Prtating C. Mik aad Capiaai Ava, Tel. iaa, at roe fcaa-aaii rtgu Ca. M list- Cterieal awat ftww. a-iMTKD TborwrnrMr cloibtag ietna. Pa-aea Clothing co Hth w Pougki Srs. -X ANO" ettgb ire Je powtirwa ga) Bee. TWO ar tine nigd e'aa oven for proposer! oa of merit, ronal for minimum of be par week, ta Ramge Block. Fl'l.L drees aulta asd patty drae for aJsa for rent, n i v m a agnt. ia ra J)HN FELPMAN. N. !Rh. FOR SAL& Large, heavy draft horse, also driving boraee; also a aeons and bar naaa, at a barwaia. A. Melcher. Livery. Feed and galea enable, mono uougia as. aVl Laaewawartb St. nrii .- . -.- " 1DOT AXD FOtTKD PkRKONS ha an lost eomo article eravlg e wen ia call ap tb office at tb Omasa A Council Blurts ktroet Ralleray coapaay ta ascertain waeUier taay left It in tha etreet ear. Many art idee ech day ar turned fa and tha campany hi aaxiaa to reataea then to the rightful wnr. Call Poug- OMAHA A COUNCIL BLCTFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. TWO room, furnished or unfurnished; mcdern. MB North Xld Xt. 'Phone Poug- Iss 411. 107 H liTII AVE.-Nlcelv tunHshed rooms: close la; rewritable rate. Poug laa .t. NORTH aiTH. JlS-Two nicely furnished rooma; atrtctly modern; one room fur nished in mahogany. Fnone ixhib, iw Sew HARNEY VT. Furnished room In modern flat suitable for one or two gen tlemen, In walking diatsoc; reieretwa eaciianged. Poug as 'I'd. NORTH 1STH, 2JUl-Two furnl.hed rooms; ntodern. Phone Webster giie. ui t'lVL'v'W Hi ,Mm l auiav tmnHrfi house, one block from N. Mth car. Tel. Web. tut. TWO furnished rooma clooe Ik good lo cation. Pm tier week, tes o. Mth St. NKWLY furnished rooms, M up. Ilainey H. ; ; Faralsbed HoasekreptaB Ma SOCTH JTH. 001, two nice completely furnished connecting rooma Harney aim. THE M AN CEU Two-room apartment. tM 1 h. llnaur a-rooni. nrtvata batil. zmt arm nowaro Dl UIT AW UJU llu r 11 rt.t al.&l flriMll room for housekeeping, uu car line; mod ern bouse. Harney 'J'?. POPUE, liui-Klcely furnished rooms for housekeeping. ' Fl'HNlSHBD light housekeeping room; gs for liKht furnished. .& Inquire iasrment 41n !th. IIOU!KKEEPIN(i-Furnished complete: newly cleaned rwomln house; fine loca tion; three rooms, oa.y fc.w weak. Other rooms cheap. Phone lied lrw. eas S. 23P ST.-Two room for light housekeeping to adult. Convenient and reasonable. ONE or two modern housekeeping rooms. f3.3 to UV). Sit S. Wth. a'araleaiest Ueases, -ROOM, nicely furnlsk-d. P. S47T. lafarwiaswd Ha a is. 4 modern room, parlor floor. Waj)1. gtb. g NICE rooms, notutekeeplng. HUM. lltn. CA83 Two rooms, alcove, bath, bouae modern; references; car line. LOST Great Pari dog. height about 2 feet; mottled brown and white. Lost ta vicinity of Sgtb and Burt gta. Ample reward If returned la gad Bart. - MEDICAL DK.TARRY LURES pi lea. fistula and other rectal disease without a mrgs-al apeeariea. A care guaranteed: no assasy paid until urtH. Writ for booh oa racial dleiasca with testimonial Bee EMC- Omaha. Helela anal Apariaaeata. Dewey Koropean hotel, lttri and Farnam. OXrMRii and Arcade, apvrlal wkly rata NICELY FI RNI.-1IKP UOOMd for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. II . ltih St. Podge, running bot and cold water; tele phones In every room: prices the same. Apartaawata aad Finis, t-ROOM apartment new brick. 13. l.il a J.th M. Mainey iwa t-KOOM modern Hat. iirargo bldg.. M- N. Mil St, bomb Omaha. Hall, i Kamge mag. wat pnoaes. .roMn fat. on Merman Ave. Web. iT4. J" f. JH . Ut... ... .... H .iwuHMI, M ITV Maaca. list and Maaoa bta., aw. Taiw p,Mn awwaa w. .. PR, RACK. airxialit netvoua and all chronic disease. f3 Haraey. Red Kto. Ladlea guaranteed remedies, art Ware blk. MOXET TO gAkAX. aayamry aad CaaHnb. DIAMOND LOA" S at IH and Jrroent. riJkTAti. ISM OvSae ut. fee. R-. VA miTTL La5AKa-Lweat teisne, ce atbera; tbea as a a I be convinced tha. we will save you aeaev. HOCSKHOI.U LOAN CO. .V. K. Tar. Itb ft Powg. '. D. C. Ind. A-au Slow. rmr"""i ' ... . onnar; a imii , jmm.w. LSMigiea wiej .....1,1-2 .mI hMk.a Blnttv Mrtnw apartmeau. tmrw iraaar vseaHa apauiasvas, Caaa. Pbon Harwey C.. ... .. . m r- . IDILTUL'VT uriruisw. . ... IN THK CALIFORNIA. SS JANITOR. POCOLAS iSI. Mass asv (.aaiaatea. THR&Ifi s-room modem apariments, : D-tt-H North Mth. from HAW to J. 11-room modera apartment, ill 8. Utii. ir-room, ateam heated apartment, 3 tth 8l. tat plus heat I rooma on id floor. 811 N. lTth St. ( heap, IS. TH OS W. HAZEN. iW McCague. P. MW, T-ROOM house. N. Mth HL P. m. e-ROOM nrttage, 25 H Blondo. - modem except heat. I'; will paper. Harney XM. irniuira at leal io. JJU. g-roont flat, ill floor, X North :tth HI. t-io.i, house at U North lilh Ut. t-room flat. !1 floor, J1 North Nth St. O. C. R ERICK, Attorney, , 151? Farnam Street. NINE-ROOM house, newly decorated, 1714 ti. fath. faid. Phone Pouglaa 17M. NINE-ROOM house, brn. Harney 47. modern, largu KlY.Rnnu MM.ta t.u t L cr lino, at l par month. MS, California. g-ROOM modern house. HO: fine lawn. TMRITth St. aA'ebeter . Attractive officea, rente i to WO serrhe complete, APPLY OMAHA IXUJI AND BL'ILPI.VO ASS.V. M-CAQCE BVILDINO'lSTH ft DO DOB. FOR KENT Excellent ground floor store room, with largu, fireproof vaulu !m lzth St. Applv NAT L FIOEUTT ft CAi?i;ALTT CO.. iau ana r srnam 81.. STOREROOM for rent. lil-IM n. jU!f. , T0-STijHY brli building. iOxM. an lot MtxlW, two store room and apart merrte ahove. liouthweat corner 0t ami Store al Era Cuming St. tor at t" Cuming St. Stor at KB North Mth St, Store at git North Mth St. store at tsr North Mth Sl Store t M North pvtj, w ,!, Omjji a C. REDICK. Attorney, JM7 Faraaia Strwet OFFERED FOR SALE Kith Fwraltarv. T Itrnc lavertMl aa o ,-7-r -'vr;. ,. , - ' . .. lam ana aeir-.bjhtrr oVlivered for t. JoliS fits LAMP CO.. in g. lain, p. i?a; A-W5. STEEL rangea Monitor, Queen. Radiant Home gaa and cook stoves, fc,d aa n. . Furniture must be sold In i days. No reaeonsbie after refaaed. SX Cumlr.s. Typewrtta kavear aad Trader. , Drag; (tor (snapal tea. Knlaat. Pee Bdg H.RVE5S MAKER wanted aT U i Cresi, Gleevawa, to. , a faewrtue. piaa w aut real aetata at a very la rata of la teres. Nebraska Loan Coin pany. Doug. VOL S3 Eea tadg. A-IMaV Money MONET keeping hoevse aad otbere. sila at Be amy; easy paraeema, tTmcea ta s rns- pal crtM-a Tlitan ti Oexaha Nat l bAts BVicg. sassaaiiy aa. i. aaia auag. UA1., la all tarts of th city. UOUSeS ere Sk Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg. ISil 8. fTth. T rooms, mea-re, P. UW HOt SEHOI.D GOODS packed and for. J waroed; cneap irvta -v " "a storing. Expreaamen'a PeHlvery Co. Tel. Pougia M4. City of rice, ta ft. 17th St, Bea bidg. MOVING, packing aad storing of house hold goods and pianos ia ear bueinssa. Omaha Van and Storage Co, tin proof atorage. m 8. lata, by th eladart. Branrb otac. M . LU bv. Tai. P. ilat, A-aea. S-ROOM cottage, gaa and water, near South Central Blvd. .i Phone Poug. (Mil. SIX-ROOM eottaaa. modarn auam hai. CU Harney 3fi3a. IU-SEVEN ROOMS. 4 rooms Including hall, down; S mora and bath up; I block lo N. Mth line; en. tirely modern. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Omaha Nat l. Poug. or A-n"i Vi'l Vrllril i . .... ' . " . " .... ,-i ...ui nousa, nail mini nam, himi a-ryom rial. BSI N. Ekl. SIX rooms ami ha-h tirrliHiw ui Phone Harney 3r. FOH ItVN'T. n,u i ?.. . . - - - - - -" --,wv W 11, .U I cottage. MS N. 124 Kt.; modern except heat. r2 60: s-room ail rmUern, (14 X. Cd. tA: s-room flat. t-0. Tel. Hl km TEN-ROOM house, with two baths, two kllch-ns: one or two families; all modern. MO ft Mth SL Pouglaa E. FOR HENT-A T-room house, modem. W J's8dJOn. car Una, Web, ft'lt, IUK)klS. modern, nice lawn, fcl Park Stores and unices. FOR RENT Soon, modern store build ing, well located In prosperous county seat town at loaj In Iowa. For full In-' formation, write P. a Box OS, Ottumwa. Iowa. LA HUE store room with balcony. Iicwvenworth ft. Douglas SM. Store at 1S Harney . Office or Mlesrootn at lSth and lUracy. M floor at lata. Harney: (new.i id flour at UOS-lo Harney; (now.) Basement at ij-w Harney: inew.) oince at U17 Karnam- (second floor.) Store at 1411 Harm-v gt O. C. RED1CK. Attorney, rarnam rireet. Hnlf.Kl. i . i .. , .. . . . --. UWUU1W..U1IIII jugucr, in uuiro Omaha Hat Factory. ISli Douglsti'. ,"- ik'i-Miiicea in . . c Bidg., single or la suite. Lrg well lighted and ventilated. Kvcelleat cervK. ea. sonabl rental. Apply NAT L FIDELITY ft CAST! ALT! CO.. ii aaq rarnam ars. c'iS'X" "T', typewriter from m. OMver Tynewnter Co. tp'ilm !. VISJBLB typewriter and ail etatr makea. aold or rntMi . k ... ... Houses, be Rlngwart. RraadVts Th. Rtdsr. hi mfK't Trices. alloir.g rental to apply Tr " approval, write lor circular, uat Farnam. Typewriter Inspect low nj gppiy Co- ' TTSI-ll'trlTI'&j f 1 . . - ' ....... ... ..... ,w, mm ni.ru I1FUIN! ever uoted: i month. x Centr.il Tvne writer Kxchanty. las; Farnam. ivo.)t:; ,;. MlarelUa FOR FALK Two scholartbrfie In the Omaha Commerrisl coll.fr and one In ' Poyle college, ti uat neaa office, Omaha J22? JwMaorB fixture Iwaghi, sol, lawr, M cx " n t ) ) V I)