TIIE BEE: OMAHA. iluXDAT. MARCH COURT FALLS BACK IN WORK State Supreme Btici Still Coatinntj . - to Late Ground. STALLIOH LAW WILL BE T1SI1D Wnk til Pee rpn ml Ik Tft ' as4 RMtrril-U Follette " - stary CkMUam Ftleg rr Cawlest. I fro a Staff CoreapoadenU UXTOLM Jaarcll l- Special. -Tne ' supreme court at tha present thn la from twenty month to tww year behind with Ita wor. or la other arorda a case filed today will a hear' la Iha nary course of events la that length of Una. What la atlll mora discouraging tha eeort la gradualy falling aaklna ta load at digging eat wider ,tt ana of ' litigation. Oaa mm for this la found hi tha habit which some Nebraska attorneys P pear ta hara of appealing practically every caat la a hi eh they -can Induce clients to take mtck art Ian. Tha trltfal lir af manr of tha rase la notable. On Inatoa at recent data la where a caaa wwiTiaa an awing macAint u appealed twlot to the auprama eaart and la tha finality the cnata umuiM to mora than tetji An other raaa at comparatively recent riot if tnvnrrsd a dlftorenra of II over deal In hay and thla Involved eoati of a sent put U la aatlmated that mare than U tar suit at tha eini litigation la tha court luolo sura of Uaa thaa Ml and A par oanl of It lees than tm Aa aggravated feature at tha situation 4ba mora am win b aesalessry ep wealed, lor It ottara aa epaortuaay for delay to litigants wha hava that for thaw aoM puraaia, Thar appeal ana let taa raaa practically g by default when M actually coraee ta a heaiinc and la tha ' meantime hara gained tl ma to stralgtiten tleemssrveo oat or aocompUst whatever purpose data la aseful tor. ' Will Teat f (elite lew; , Frink I' mi of at. Paul hi decided to TMt tlia lew aulllon registration law. lie la ana of the heavy importer! of draft ar-d other horse and up to data ha ra fuaed to hara hi horse Inspected under tha law,' ssseriing that It .1 unjust, ao uunacissary burden as horaa owner and sceatnpUsaet ao good purpose, lie has brought Injunction proceeding and U papers wan served tela Saturday on tha member of tha aulllon registration board. Me. In common wtih soma othjr Importers, asserts tha tow Is. urtcoostl tutlonal.e Another teat of the law will com la tha trial af member at the firm of Robinson A North, who bar bee arrested on tha charge of selling a stal. lioa Which had not hoe Inspected. This ease Is set (or trial March IA . laea Ready law too test. It te eapettod that tha present work wia so tha paper at both tha Taft and La "sllotte-lloeeerelt primary oandldatas filed and srarythlng cleared la readme tar tha primary cow let. Up ta tha pres ent only a few of tha eandlaatast far elector hava filed, and this require si inl deetarauoa af the candidate. Ona thing at apparent and that la III ob taining of In aeeeasary petitions I snort of a task I baa either parly anticipated, i Ta organlsa tha machinery and got St working to aetata tha required number of signers and lave them dletrtbated as provided bf aw Is of Itself a big task. The elrectssn appear simple, enough, but tnany make mtatake and Iha paper neei go seen ana ioe wora ill oon ever again, and than , I her la tit iruufj who has for fab) motto, "Tomorrow," ; who must always, b contended with and prodded up so that h get lalds the dunaaot flag. la- Day to Desaaerat. Among tha democrats tha big thing I March la. Oa that day Iha clans will gather tor I double purpose. In the even ing there win b tha Bryaa birthday ban quet, which la expected to attract Teat crowd at the follower -at tha "peerless," and n tha afternoon of the tarns day Is the confer no of,!! th se en Hed prograsslvt democrats. Tht Betas, at coarse, to democratic parlance la Nebraska, ail who are apposed to the nomination of Judaoa Harmon of Ohio a th democratic candidate. The prin cipal aiamsntt la this anti-Harmon com olsetisn are th Clark And "Mleon tot. lowing. Th comMnatloa la xpsetod to tt A double purpose. In tha first plaot, tha uniting of forces la hoped to bt sufnelmt to carry the slat and, whtt Is fully as Important from th vlewpolat ot th frtonde of Bryan. M will render unnecessary tor him to declare his choice botwoea these two democratic acplranta. Tb latter, however. aa aajdly fath omed subterfuge, for the political In timates ot Brraa. Including tuck Mot calf. Brown and Allen, ara already out openly tor Wllaoe, and th Clark men are certainly obtuse If they cannot sa through the rue. It I planned to divide th delagatlaa tram Nebraska equally betoeoo Wllaoa and Clark and thereby Una ap ta friend ot both tor ta tlckvL Broken Bow Editor , 'Covers1 Wynn Jones With His Kevplver BROKCK BOW. Kea.. March at-tsp. .ctal Tategraavr-A a result of bad blood bvtwaoa Editor Nora rark af the Ra publlcan and Wypa Jones, tu portal sndaat ot eaaatrasUoa oa h oourt boas, tha formor tins aftarnooa drew a gun ioum and threaten- to shoot him. In ytoterday'i XapaMlcaa waa aa artlokt ceaoeralng Jones pertaining to th buying of furniture tor th oourt house, to which Jooea took ambraga. notifying Parka to that artsot bp- telephone. When th two men mot in front ot the Custer National bank. Parka severed tha superintendent, warning hint not to approach or ha would fill kirn with lead. Jones told Parka be a Unarmed and tontod him to drop the gun. Park did not except tha Invi tation. A warrant has bee sworn out (or Parka arrest. Big Doses of Disappointment des moihes mary today " Sustained by CoL Roosevelt ilea Cuididatti for Mayor and Coaxed to Be Hamed. (Washington Correipondenc vl th Boston Transcript.) , , WASHINGTON. March t-Tfiat Senator Joseph M. Inxon should rush to New York for a conference with George W. Parkin and that Mr. Perkins should hasten to Oyster Bay to consult with Theodora Roosevelt are not surprising hi now ot certain known facta rotating to tha Roosevelt campaign. The Roosevelt managers have suffered two keaa disap potntjnenta already and a third appears to be psomlsed la soma of the stales. notably Massachusetts, where their In sistent demand for a primary law will bs mot. It la (aid pon authority which cannot bo discredited that the colonel expected at least two and poalbty. three member ot th Taft cabinet to resign and go with him In lbs ovoat of his candidaey. Tha two men counted on wqr Secretaries Meyer and atlnuoa and tha third waa Poet master General Prank U, Hitchcock. Tha Roosevelt ana bid planned to saake great uaa of Ins expected break la th Taft family. They ware to point to th fact that the men moat closely Identified with th Taft ad ministration and them lve a part of 11 would no longer stand by their chief. They Would hava used these dofactlona to try to eon vine tha country that three man left Taft for Roosevelt because they believed Rooee vit could win and Taft could not Tha throe cabinet officers promptly declared far Taft and ara doing all in their power to raooanlaaie hint. Th colonel s angry oonse to jMr. atlmson' speech In Chi cago has antused tha Taft men, who also Bad In It corroborative evidence that th colonel had counted oa (putting up th Tsft cabinet. Th second raus for th disappointment af th Roooovott campaign manager la to b found In th refusal ot th La Follstt type of republican to get. aboard tha Roosevelt wagon.' .When MedlU McCor- ck. uirford Plnchot Amos Plachot. Jam R. Garfield and th other bmb who war p reuniting !' to La Follette de serted Mm and went rer to Roosevelt, they persuaded the former president to believe, so it Is said by persun who are on th Inside, that an announcement from Koossvett that h would take a third term would bring tn La Follett fol lowers to Mm with one grand rush. According to the Information that w laid before th former president the Wis consin senator was out of the race In pit of anything he might do. and all that was necessary In bring a stampede to RooeeveH In th La Follette territory waa a declaration ot candidacy from the fnmr maiitent. ller again Roosevelt was badly advised. Th mampede to him did not taka place. On tna contrary m announcement served to put pew life Into the L Pollen movement. Th Wisconsin senator, convalescing from a nervous nreakdown. took hold of the situation with sum of his old-time vigor, and within a weak ha has re formed hla fighting Unas la half a doom at. Issued commands to bis lieuten ants that mean much to them, and baa ordered a general forward movement aD along the nne. In North Dakota, !a nuiumi 4a aauth balatta. in Califor nia. In Nebraska, to say nothing ot th senator' own atata, Wisconsin, tna w Follett fores ara bowljif great activity. La Follette e purpose undoubtedly Is to tnt rust his delegate to vote for him. im 'iui and all tha tlm in th Chi cago convention. Th Roosevelt men are trying to break up this program and ai h. niiMi ,r a schism, aa vet unsub. stantlated. ara heard with reference to La Follette men In Wisconsin Uk ttepre utiiiMi r .enroot and Cooncr. ome of these men. It Is said, have tried to ar range with La Follette that It they went a his delegates they should rots for him until they found they war actually throwing their votes away and then .hnuld m to Roosevelt. La Follett bat mat the propositions with a fist re fusal. First White Woman . Settler in Baunders County is Dead . . ii ABHLAKD. Neb., Mrh H.-Bpclal.r- In th death ot Mr. Joseph Btambaugh. which occurred at T o'clock on Thurs day morning, pa seed away the f Iret whit woman pettier of Saundrnf county. Ne braska. 8 he was born In Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. aeptemben st, MM, her maiden nam being Catherine Zlm- Her girlhood was passed at her birthplace, in l ah waa married to Joseph tambaugh. their first homa after their wiamaaw being at Berrien, Mich, where their three eldest ' children- were barn. Not being wUtfled with, tlielr prospecto In Mkhlgsp and being moved with an ambition to own a horn In I he west. Mr. and Mr. Itambaugh and their children emigrated to Nebraska In' th fall of IKg, Mr, uuphaugh, leaving hi family at tha Httla vtllag Oraapolla Cass- ounty, cam alone ,U( Baundars county and was ths first white man 'to take out A .claim and makp 'preparation for a Born In Banndar county. Hp rs- i family Up Ikf welfare , uf the jcojomon Beoplc na m bwrugd justly ana nonorasty y tse$ialn peepl for their own wei rs ft sjCoprdsac with tin Immutable COLONEL WRITES ABOUT PRIMARIES (Continued from first Page ) not to have tlKir cliolcs. Mr. McKlnley't pneltlon wa Mated with frank cynlclwn by Congressman Ctmpwell on behalf of th reactionary element In the republican party, when Ina recent apeech In New lUmnsblre h la quoted 'rousing th greatest enthusiasm by declaring that Iha republican party dot not bellev la an appenl from the umpire to th blesch- "Mr. Campbell has simply stated more frankly the view held (aa Is evident by Mr. WtKlnley'S etatement) generally among 'our opponents. Their feeling I tluU politics hi a (ame, that th people should simply alt on tha bleacher at spectator and that no ppoal lie to th pcepl from tl men who, for their own profit, ara playing the game. It it as tounding that men should venture to Isks such a position and It. show that ikes, men and those for whom they peak and whom they rapreaenUd, hav wandered far Indeed from ths ground Seld by Abrahsnj Lincoln, when he de- lumed to Oreanolt anf remained1' till i-tfj thuflo U a governmaht dedicated April, Vn. when tna aumMUgn lamuy movtd to their own Bam. wMch up .ine 1 -the aiA home' ar A Other.aottler aaat toea and no 'tiJ thos pioneer know what euragtJok frm,t ri,hwount. ' "In short th Issue may be. autsd a follow "Should election la b frstned with a view .to. the interest of politicians or should election lavs be. framed with a slew to carrying out the popular will? "Wa have on the on band Mr. McKln- ley and Mr. Campbell and the reactionary element for whom tby stand, an element Mch has mad It evident that they prefer to as th republican party ruined rather than, to see it again what It wa In th day ot Lincoln, and on th other hand, thus who bellev that th repub lican parly caa and shall be mad now what It wa mad under Lincoln a great Instrument for th achievement of righteousness through. th rul of the Plain people. "Therefore, w demand that Mate like Illinois, Michigan, New York, Massa chueetts, b given th chance to express their preference In presidential primaries aa to whom they wish for president. 'The convention aystem In our party ws founded on tha theory that U would represent and not thwart the popular will FWtten. aa st too often now th caa. It , I turned Into an Instrument to be used for th direct' overthrow of the popular will, then H I not rcpressutailv but thoroughly and mlschlevlouely mls- rspreaentaUva of th party and of th people - Set Two Late tor Change, ."It 1 idle talk to saV that It la too late to mak the change wa ask. Our opponent ara themselves to blame for th fact that th demand has not been sooner granted. For a time for over eighteen months in th Mat of New FYork for lntanc--very progressiva very friend of really popular govern' ment baa been demanding a tystsm of ooualry. Pawn Indlanl ware rturoerou la those day and when was necessary for bar huaband to go tor uppll to PlettsnvMUh c, Nsbreeka City. Mr. BUtabaasTh eoaid never know with cer tainty whether she would vr agala see him aVv. drunks band ot redskins continually frtghMnlng lb asttler with their thrwatanldg war whoop. Mr. and Mrs. Btambaugh did mucb for Ashland la lta Infancy, advocating any movement that aeemcd advantageous to the town. The puhlle rhool grounda and the yard of th Buiilnttpa railroad are among their liberal "donations. Mr. Itambaugh waa th mother ot four eon aad six daughters, all of whom are living zoept George, who perished at Amhurst, Colo., in th blltserd of January, lta. Mr. Btambaugh died la December, Itss, at lh ag of T year. MY, stambauglt't last Illness wa or ten days' duration, bar death resulting from a complication ot grip and neuralgia. Th funeral wag held this afternoon at I clock at the Methodist church. . con ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. P. Blocura, assiated by Rev. c, W. Meconaeu of up coin. Burial wag la lb Ashland ceme tery. WYMORE MAN HURT IN . COLUSION AT ENDICOTT .WYMOBE, Nek., March (Speial. In a rear end cIUlon batwcea twa extra Burllnatoa frelghl. both wostbound. st Kndlcott, ftftsea mile weet of her, y- terday aft sr noon. Fireman Charles nos lier hrok hi wrist, th front end at aa esglo was broken to and th caboose ana (our cars sf ana train smashed up and burned. Th accident occurred la the Ar ha Emdicott tarda The first " - - - - ,. nient baa been damanding a system of trela was tnsds up of Wf W prllnuiM. vtmr,x w. CNTirRlCE J " sea Ml aatsswex mt ewM. sw aMSi wttl emm aa mm treat S St m tm, . ,M,i m. ilaLer"rrtl7"o tixrvntti ON MASSRT. s sat. sss tin iaitwei- saaaaa. vMflsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTssTfl S aiaggsttt aad tuiiimis. stissa. eret gala at Bill pjia t McOeaten tvsrea. took ear, and wa moving very slowly lata th yard, which oa a downhill curve. Th asooad train, following. In cbarga af Engineer Elate Roberto, sod yVeroan Roaatter, sraahed Into th rear and ot the train ahead. Th caboose aad four cars were set on fir by coala front th engine' front ecd. Rosslttr was hurt in lamping. At Tab Is Rock last night, th way car on ' a freight train from Lincoln waa amashed by an engine la charge ot En gineer Klacald ot this dtv. Klncald wa paahlnc th Lincoln train out ot tbe yard, when the train ah- he broke That topped the train and Kinosld s en gm went n Inlo th way oar. demoi lahlna It. Ne one waa hurt aslae Mea'a Cawewa. .LEXINGTON, Nb, March 1C-(Cpsotal-r Tk bualnas mew's admlnuv aratlva party heat a cascus bora last night ana- placed la tnawnatlosi th fol lowing efneers: Mayor. W. H. Wlada; clerk. Joe Lemmer: treasurer, E. C. Van Horn; cagtaesr. R- K Pmitk; oouncll auta. Brat ward, W. Q Tucker: aecond ward. C C Banks: 'third ward. Tom MFabar; members of the school board. J. A. Byraea and R. M." Bell. A petition baa been filed with the eity clerk to vote oa the proposition ot I tbe Initiative and teferendam. failed to get this system, such failure I du to the action of iha reactionary whose one aim It to prevent the people groni controlling party organisation to which they belong, who thoroughly dlsrust the pepl and do not believe In their righto to rule and now these aten. who have thus Prevented th people from getting direct prlmarie demand that tbey be allowed te remain the beoeOclsries ot their own wrong and sk to bs excused from, (ranting the de mand, for direct primaries now Just be cause they have contemptuously refused I grant that demand In tha past. There never wss a stralghtrr fight waged for the principle ot popular rule thss that wa are bow waging. "If the people decide agaipst us, . we will bow cheerfully to the decision, con fident that they will In th end ea that tbe causa, lor which w fight at Indeed th cause of human right and human welfare. But we very cmptuuieellr ob tert, here in tula democracy and within the confines of th party which claims Abraham Uncota a tu national founder to having tbe issue decided against ns aot by the people, but by th spoils pcliuciens and patronage monger who re engaged In defrauding tha American people out of their first axd stoat ele- i mental tlrht the right to self govern- . J ment" MAST ASPHIASTS CH TEE UST Mayor Ilaaaa Wests Another Terse aad Farmer Mayer Mathta Weald Like Ilia Old Job Agala Also School Election. DE8 UdlXEfS. March l--8pecial.)-An interesting local election take place In Dee Maine tomorrow. It 1 a double header, for th city primary Is on the same day as th general school election. and both have developed lively contests all along the line.' The candidates before tha eity primary, from which list will be selected two can didates for mayor and eight tor council men to be voted on at the dty election two weeks later, are tbe following: For Mayor-Thorns P.- Duhlgg, James R. Hanna, B. F. Loos, A. 1- Melius, L 8. MeOtllls. For Couarllmen-J. Wesley Ash. Amo W. Brandt. W. C Church. Albert Gtbsow, J. U Hamery. J. C. Hedges, Martin John son. Poll a. Keli, C. F, Kelso, John Mac Vlear, Clvde H. Miller. Joseph I. afyerly, W. A. Needham. A. a Pugh. Zell G. Roe. Charles W. Schramm. F. T. Van Liew, Oeorge W. Weruin. W. M. Whltenack. Charles B. Wilcox. A. C. Wilson. Samuel Zlon. In the list are all the present members, also some former member, tew busi ness men, several socialists, a number of chronic office-seeker and a number who are classed at laboring men. Hanna la now mayor and Mat hi wa formerly mayor. Duhlgg It an active young doctor. The present member ot rh council ar MacVlcar, Ash, Roe and Schramm. Hamery was formerly a member. Myerty was for a long time postmaster here. Wilcox It p young lawyer. There appears to be ns late, but It I cveryon for himself. The school election ha brought out tht following ta candidates: For Director Albert F. Anderson. Wil bur 8. Conkllng. C. N. Kinney. . p. Rurkhelraer. C. M. Miller, Mrs. li Taylor Cherdron. Flora Dunlap, Nelson HoyaU Mrs. Emma W. Pope Joy, John Donal. For Treasurer John II. Hogan. V,. E. Barrett. Charles 8. Worth, E. L. Crosby. Non ot the candidates for director Is a present membsr. The preaent achool treasurer I Mr. Hogan. against whom a hard fight Is being made. The only Issue la one relating to the Interest on the achool funds. Several questions will be submitted tc the voters regarding achool matters for direct determination, as follows: Shall hnnds be Issued for tjOOOO tor th furnishing of the new Last High build-in? Khali the bosr.l lew a school house lax of f t mills lo raise about IO.000 for permanent Improvements? Khali Gj Om bonds be Issued for a new achool at West Fifty-sixth and Grand? Shall M OW bonds be Issued to buy a sits for tlis same school? rihall pliyslolocy and hygiene of the reproductive organ be taught in the grades? rihall the chool building be used for meetings of public Interest? snail th langth or tn srneoi year no continued aa It It it now, thirty-eight weeks? X Marchlaar Orders Yet. Adjutant General Logan states that th persistent rumors a to th Iowa National guard having marching order are with out foundation. They are kept In rsadl-J new tor any emergency, but hav not been Informed of anything likely to cause them to be alaitned. Tha news from th Mexican border doe sot as yet Indicate that tha lat militia will be used Im mediately, ' , lj Ileoetlng Beef ladaatry. .A campaign- . waa launched her to itvtv . th beat tattle Industry In Iowa whstt a meeting of th executive board of tha Iowa Beef Cattle Producers' aseo tlatton wa held It plaa th work which Will be don by Rax Bereaford, who 1 mployed at a beet expert by to asso ciation. ' , Arrangements hav been mad for beef cattl train to bs nut ovwr th railroads of th stats sjuring tha months ot Oc tober and November. A publicity cam paign will be conducted by Mr. Beret ford. ) fi ' laseeass la Iowa Hleh BehMla, Report to th (tola bepartmsnt of Education ar to ta effect tint there has been a considerable Incrwas In th attendance at tha high achool of th tat at a result of the atata tuition law. Under tht law th .pupil from rural school who hav graduated; from the eighth grade ara permitted to ntr town high schools and compel th bom district to pay the tuition. Because ot thla law there ar many ttudentg from th coun try going Into th high schools. NEWS NOTES OF WEST POINT Maatelpal Partlee Issae falls for Maaa Ceaveatsea anal Masy Caadldatea Appear. ' WEST POINT, Neb March ld.-(8p-claLV-Th marriage ot Charlee W. Mack and Miea Elisabeth chulx took place at th English Lot bare n parsonage on Thursday, Rev. U J. Powell, pastor, performing the ceremony. The coupl wore accompanied to the altar by Ru dolph Mack and Rudolph rVhult, Mine Johanna Volght and Agnea Pets. Tbe groom la the ton of William Mack, aa eld settler, and the bride tbe daughter of Cart SchulA They will reside la West Point. Both municipal political parties hav call for mas conventions and warm time ar anticipated In local dty af faire. Numerous candldatoa for th mayoralty ara nursing Incipient boom. The manager et th Weet Pokit Speed association are actively engaged la mak ing preparations tor the forthcoming rac meet. July M. II and August L Ne gotlatlooa ar pending with tavaral well known aviator and flying machine will b a feature of the meet. Aa elaborate plan of boosters' trip Is being arranged and everything will be done to welcome aad entertain th numerous visitor ex pected. , Tkk) week's meeting ot the West Point Woman s club was given aver to a dls- cussioa ot certain ot th ordinances of the city, especially those relating to th health and sanitary eoodltlona ot 1 city, the enforceatsnt ot wnkh has been la tbe past rstner lax. The dub propose to inaugurate a bout cleaning campaign tees Msslst stock er la bottles March aad thereatur. The BEST aad MOST PELICIOCB GENTJINI BOCK BSER brewed to Oisstoa. Phone Caaa, Biers for a caa 4pr ywur bona Webster UM, Independent B 'Ji. A Sertoaa Ireakeawa ! ' reaulta tram ehroate aoBatlpation. Dr. King a New Life puis rellers beadarba, stomach, Itvwr and bowel trouble. Sc. For sal by Beaton Drug 9 Glass before Brealfut tones up th) stomAch, clem tha head aiMJ does yoo food. Vatcj NATURAL LAXATIVK QwJekly BeJtewgs) fc- J C0N8TIPATI0N . PJ(SBTi ' I V SKVV " K2 406 N2 i iHAna-'i ? 1 .r.5l FRRJM'n N2 321 m THE VALUE OF A ' GOOD NAME A GOODS AS1B is a priceless asset in business life. It means public confidence and that spells success. A GOOD TRADE MARK is an equally valuable asset, to be guarded most carefully. Nerfio Corsets have earned and now enjoy world-wide popularity and the reputation of being tbe most comfortable, most durable and best-fitting: 'corsets in existence. The Nemo good name and trade-marlc constitute our most valuable assets, which self-interest alone compels ns to gruarc with the utmost care by making' good every claim and promise, ana by stead fastly maintaining the high quality of our merchandise. . A good name and a good trade-mark are YOUR PROTECTION when buying corsets. Careless or mercenary merchants may want you to take something else when you ask for the Nemo, but , Doh'tletthem "putitover" on Y0UT$Z A WISE WOMAN!.' , Your dealer CAN supply you with Nemo Corsets if he WILL. It you don't INSIST, you will miss the GREAT VALUES we have prepared for you. A Nemo model for every figure $3.00, (3.50, $4.00 and $3.00. la Coo. Store Everrwber . ' . ! - " 00, . K0P3 BROS, Mfra, N.w York 1 1 la which they will be ably tsilsted by the cftlsent tt largo. Joseph C. Pinker, tor thirteen years past clerk of the district court ot Cum tng county, ha established a real cstat and loan oftlc In Wt Point and It Etlng with' marked euocast. L. Krauss and O. C. Anderson, re tlvsly pceeldent and vie preeldent ot th K rails Realty company at West Point, hav left for a month's trip to th touth. They ar accompanied by their wlvea and will visit Havana In time to witness the burial of th alalne. Farmers are experiencing great diffi culty la obtaining reliable seed corn, so much to that fear are entertained that it wil b almost tmposslbl to secure good seed enough tor th large area of corn which will be punted her tha coming HYMENEAL i chmldt-IIaahc. REPUBLICAN CITT. Neb., March II.-'Speclat.)-W. J. Schmidt of Alma, Neb., nd sirs. Nora 8. Hugh ot Republican City were united In marriage at the home of the bride' slater. Mrs, Charles Sheets. In Republican City Thursday ot thla week. The ceremony was performed by Justice RoselL sr.ME'd COUGH SYRUP rain through th chest to ths bock, shortness of breath, hoarseness, and eougbing-up matter and phlcfrm, lun era are tn th ripAt ooadilioa for FircuiioxiA Take Dm. Bull's CorogSrury to soothe iDnammauon, check couph, aid expecto- rarioa ana cure tne cold. MoetreliabU- remedyaoid. SScta. ko notrmxt 01 aaoBorora. flsvmg teed Dr. Bsfl's Csugh Byres px srea ehluaj 1 seaRlly nasn J It Aer. Bartey Lncdy, 8aa Jest, Cat IAMPLI SENT TH.XT. ' Write fc ft t4r- InAsxtottatssstier. Addrsea A. G. AUVtJt A CO KALTLMOKe, Mia, mm Q D ar iy J asa, sbbbbbbbbbbi wahsamssave AsV"vni AatCSKMCWTS. tgat, Bvery Bay. tag; sTeery stu-nt, :1 UTSSS V mvmw , ' The Bit Kiraraith Slstere: Mrs. Gard ner Crane A Co; Al tannic bleed maa: Alma Toulta: Rice. SuUy A. Scott; Cooper A Robinson; Paul Asard Trie; Klnetostop; .n imn Bataraay aad Stmdas : And order a case for home use. FRED KRUG DRE17IIIG COMPANY OMAHA, U. 8. A. Wo Nocd Not Expound Q tho Merits of BOCK BEER Iff we tell you that It Is at least ,up to the usual : standard, we know It Is' T ', " sufficient reco mme n d atlon.' , ' . Oh Draught and in Bottles Telephone Douglas 1889 or Independent F-1377 Low Rates South MARCH 5 & 19 ROUND TRIP FARES FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUtS Fert Faw pU-lS 44.1s ' 15.85 Sd.SO 34 JO J5-e Wast raaa Iota " 42-90 fl..amiai 3M Dated Fit. 34-50 sayaTAWtm AJa. 304W reaasss Oty raw Mew Orlsass la. 30M u a&oo St leas, A2&0S 37.0S . 2A.7S 2I.40 2 AO 230 35J0 n.4o XfAO M.U 2545 22.00 aOSS Httsrd- CaieaOT -.n. 13X71 9L I S3X7S $20 34.60 29.40 34-55 HAS 440 " 34.50 . SO.00 Sersaak tprsars " 3I.7S. lias Fie. 31.75 Ideal Una. 30X0 vesfsart Km. 30uM AAv 2A45 ...-Ah. 2-55 370 I40 2S.40 20J$ 21.70 23.70 XUOO 22-00 20.40 2sVSS Piiprntitatlaly Lew Rotoa te Many Otwar PoiaU as Alabama, Honda. Gewjia, Teaseaaee and Miastippi 25 DATS RETURN LOOT. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVRXGE3 FOR FULL rNFORMATION ADDRESS J. L DAVENPORT, D.P.ASl. Latw, Ma, F. W. MOUOY. H. W. P. A, OtoffA DL a, i?i