Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1912, Image 1

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Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
sattsrUi rag at a tasa
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL, XLI XO. 229.
President Greeted with Xuch. En
thuaium by Foreign Bora
Talks to Bohemians and Poles in
Afternoon Addresses.
Has Ebernart, Deneen and Harrison
at Breakfast.
Telia Cesarrgstlsa thai It la Mls
slsasries, Sot . Warriors, Vta
Carry Baaser af Chris.
, , tlaatty.
CHICAGO, March l.-PresideBt Taft
left Chicago tor Washington at S o'clock
tonight. During the afternoon ha aport
before Bohemian audmnc on tha wait
aid and before an audience of Polish
people Id South Chicago. Barller tn the
day the president met polltlcsns and
went to church. '
Ilia virit to aectlona of the city popu
lated largely by foreign-born people waa
marked by enthusiasm. Aa on the provi
oua day, be again frosted on the
west aMe by crowde who lined the atreete
lor block. Hundreds, lng flags, were
standing on the heaps cf wow piled along
the thoroughfares.
' To the Polish achool children in South
Chicago the preaident aaid: '
"It is not inconaiitcat while 3 an are
etrlvlnc to become good Americana that
you UU reiain the aweeteat msmories
country of your parent. Poland a
has much in it to Inspire, muon
arouse a deal re for liberty which
.von realise In thta country. Do not be
discouraged If some of yon arc poor. It
liaa been ehown that the men who ac
complish things In this country are those
ho started with nothing."
Before the audience of Bohemians the
president expressed similar sentiments.;
At breakfast the preaident had a num.
ber of political visitors, among them
being Governor Eberhart of Minnesota,
Governor Deneen of Illinois end Mayor
- Later the president attended services
st the First Methodist church. Rev.
fcrnert Wray CNest. who preached the
sermon, mad no reference to the presl-
uu . AAnMH , V.A MM.
1 7 LZZ ,m 77. . hLu-l been eel tied,
sregation probably would Ilka to hear!'
I you still
V of the ot
fiilstory I
in It to i
from their visitor. Preaident Taft apok
on th work dona by missionaries In
, foreign ahd domestic fields.
"It Is not the warriors, commercial ad-
enturea or diplomats who carry tha ban
ner of Christianity to tar off words, but
tha missionaries," . he said.
Need v.. Mothers Fail
0 tf Ask for; Pensions
CHk'ACKK Mare ll-CMoss msthdrs
entitled t pensions under th new state
mothers' pension., law. today failed U
seek Us benefits' except In a tew our
Of 1ft voucher waiting for needy moth
ers, but fourteen were called tor yeeter
dsv. The highest vouncher, tbt for Hary
!'aum. mother of seven, ws aoiang those
uncoiled for. The amount of this voucher
ws II. ,
PORTLAND. Ore.. March r3.-i.leu tan
nt General Sir Robert rS. S. Badan
Puwell. founder of the boy scouts, had
a platform .argument with a small army
of socialists who attended a lecture de
livered by buu to the members of the
scout onmnixattun of this city.
With James C. TVest-ot Washington.
Li. C, chief scout agent, of the Boy Scouts
of America, General Baden-Powell ap
peared on the speakers' platform. He was
greeted with cheer tram the aoout -organisation
and hoots nd cat cafla from
certain element of tbo local socialist
organization. Tba general was not per
mitted to proorod far) with hi address
before Interruptions from the socialist
(roup forced him to stop.
Tbo general then invited soma of. th
-aaoialiiu to ask Questions retarding th
movement. U promptly answered bis
inquisitors, whoso queries aeenied to in
dicate that they retarded th scout move
ment a antagonistic to the labor move
ment ( .' .'.,.
At the conclusion of his address Gen
eral Badest-Powell gav the soda! lets
opportunity to speak from the platform.
On of them declared that western 'so
cialists bad misunderstood the purpose
of the scoot movement . . .
The Weather
Forecast for Monday:
For Nebraska Increasing cloudiness:
wanner tii east portion.
For Iowa Increasing cloudiness and
For Karwss-Snow or rain.
For llourt Warmer, with enow r
rain tn steal and by uight in cast por
tion. Fur Booth Dakota Fair: warmer In cen
tral and west portions.
Teenpeewteiw at Osaaba lesrerday.
Hour. Dec
f t :::::::::::::: ii
O 1 M
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f . m. ... U
T 1 a. m. a
11 a. av. a
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Lacal meewesl.
Six Deaths Caused
By Fire in Harvester.
Trust's Warehouse
WINNIPEG. Manitoba. March KL-Six
deaths and more than S7S6.0W fir loss
was th result of bias which etartad
shortly after -11 o'clock tonight In the
warehouse ot the International Harves
ter company. - Twenty minutes later a
portiea of the .wall on th east end of
th warehouse waa blown eut, burying
tn the ruins three firemen and two by
standers. - . v
Only one body has been recovered, that
ot Archie MacPherson, fireman.
Kear th harvester warehouse Is the
Stewart Electrical Machinery company's
office and warehouse, five floor ot this
bulldteg were filled with costly electrical
goods and a .the tire spread southward
It soon had possession ot this stock.
At midnight the west wall ot the har
vester company building tell outward and
doxens of , persons were hit by flying
Th falling walls severed the trolley
wires. and street lighting cables with the
result that the city for a mile square
waa plunged in darkness..
Tha darkened streets are covered with
dangerous wire. No one will be allowed
to search the ruins for bodies until day
light. ( . ', '"
The losses art: International Harvester
company, warehouse and office, five
floors of , implement,' SaM.tM; Stewart
Machinery company,, flv floors of ma
chinery warehouse. t2M,0; Parlin t
Orindenff Canadian Plow company. HA
000; Radford Wright company, SaVOHL
At midnight fir broke out In the citv'a
light and powar station, located on the
river bank at the fool ot Henry street.
Thia waa caused by the sudden breaking
ot wiles at ttis harvester plsnt's fire.
No elevator are running In ths blocks
la th part of the city served by this
station, no lights are in the houses and
no car ar running. -
Haitian Tyrant ; . ;.
Condemned to Death:
For Ten Murders
PORT At PRINCE, Haiti. March lu
General Jules Colcou. the former mili
tary tyrant of Haiti, was eondsmnod to
death today by a Jury In the criminal
court oa the chares or having been the
principal author of the fusillade of
March IS, UOS, In 'which ten persons, in
cluding three of his' own brothers.-were
shot to death." Th accomplice ot Coieou
war acquitted, -The data ot execution
General Jules Colcou, who was at tbo
time of the outbreak In Port an Prtaaa
In IMS military, commander of the dis
trict, was chiefly known - for hi
tyrannical character. , lie was at that
time known to thoroughly, hats all white
poop) and he threatened to""carv out
th heart" of all his enemies. '
He I absolutely illiterate and while he
waa in offto used rubber t In
signing document., He , beiinrai - his
bothers. MssMlest iters ce saw Pierre
Louis, to President Alexis in March U
UBS, tad personally directed their execu
tion en th following aay.r Altogether n
that occasion he killed twenty-seven- men
in less thsp tn hour, but nly tto of
these murder were Included la ' the
charge against him. ,
Grace Wants Divorce
From Accused Woman
- ATLANTA, Ga., March W.-"l hare Med
stone,' that all there la to It-1 Inland
to gat wU and I shall Institute proceed
ing for abaalut divorce."' declared
Eucstss H. fisae today In th first inter
view he has glvea since be was found"
mysteriously shot in his heme last Tues
day, evening.... Orace also expressed his
firm conviction that b waa drugged and
shot by hi wit. Mrs. Daisy Ohio Grace,
formerly the widow of a wealthy Phila
delphia inaretiant '
Th Ben of ber husband's repudiation
ot her oame aa a serious blow te Mrs.
Oraes la her cell In the county isii. where
she Is held without belL 81M broke eowa
completely when informed of Oraoo's
statemeat and throwing herself aoroa a
est gav way unrestralsUy to her criat
Earlier la th day she had decssrsd ah
"loved her husband dearer tbaa nt it-
seif." ' - ' t .
According to th police tby i have
collected much .clrcumstsssUI. i1da
which will be presented at th pratlsnlaarr
trial ot Mm Grace nest W'ednasda. On
tha, other band th identity f a asaca
hor wh heard a shot la the Orace homo
Tuesday, aitaraooa has been learned it
I said and he will be psodwosd aa a wit
ness for the defenaat Oa of th feeiures
of today'a dlopments wsa th receipt
ot a letter by City Baoender Sroylez.
Purporting to hv been wntssti by a
negro woman. Mattie Abba, in which she
accused ber husband at the shooting.
Detectives ar searchlns tor the woman
and her husband.
, Oiwea continued to show improvement
tonight lie still is paralysed from th
waist down and this condition has
prevented a search tor th bullet
PITTSBURGH. Kan.. March Id-Peter
Sharp, who recently tried the experiment
ot hiving peaceably with two wives, both
rewarded aa leaal, yesterday was refused
a tllioic from Cells Sharp, the younger
wits, Cell wa not la court and th
court said ho cos Id not craat th deere
until she apprred and s greed to tt'
Peter Sharp first wife, Anne Cather
ine, beeanta separated from him In the
great Chicaco fir. Thirty Tear later,
beHevmsj her bead. Charp Married again.
Last year Ana Catherm appeared and
rtalmsd her husband. - - fc -! "
lligheet resterdxy .
lowest eierdav .
Jtran tennieratare
j ;-cipttauon
wi wl tb
'. K r S! vr.ViiHIXQTO.W March TV Represents -'!
Si 51 r r,itivw Lindbergh f Minnesota, author of
-'' T .IS) i ha ATiernal nsoner trust inoufrw ssatttis-
Temnerarurw and mecisitaiien denar-t.. , . . .... . ..
tares from ibe wonraJ: w s m, u-
Normal tewiperature saiwas a "Joker" ia the Aldrlch central
IefTiewr- for the ejay libaak BUS. He said that by transferrin:
Total derlslewey aea Jiarah 1 13
Normal preclpttattoa . Inch
OeflctctMfv for the day t Ineh
Total rainfall sieoe March 1...41 inch .
Sxcees since March 1 or inch
rwrficiesirv for cer. perM, rll...i hsch
! aVcfldracy fur cor. pen. ;... inch -
stills to indrrlduala friendly t th
trust th latter osuM errad payhaf taxes
oa smsM and the, koerdbolOers osald
thu sar CM in taxes durtng the
year th bead wr astturins;. ,
i ,
Demoerats Will Cut Profrtm to Per
mit Adjournment of Congress
Before Conventions.
All Hands CntiYinf Over Delay ia
- Geaertl Lefiilstion,
rnrorawooD to await besult
Will See if Present Work is to Go
8EKATE HAY'.TET C0ir"ll..v
' -
Prwcreeelv Bdpahllcaa Meseser (
I pser rhaaaher . Bellev Cesssses
Grosusd.afar B Reached
with ihe Desaseraia,
'. '. ,
WASHINGTON: March 1. -Curtailment
of the democratic tariff revision prograrrrT
with a view, to . speeding up ' congTeaa
to permit adjdrnmnt before the na
tional convention Is now the expressed
aim ot the democratic majority In the
house. .' !
Republicans and democrat In th sen
ale and house' ar chaffing over delay
in actual legislation that threatens to
crowd - congress 'later on. Democratic
Leader Underwood of tho house, chair
man -of th ways and means committee,
indicated today that tho wool tariff re
vision hill, which is to be reported prob
ably within ten days, will be th last ot
th revision measure at this session ot
congress. ' Ths Idea -has been discussed
by leaders of both parties In both house
and those who have conferred have ex
pressed the view that congress was
likely to be sway from Washington be
fore the gathering of the republican clans
at Chicago on-Juno IS and th democrats
tt Baltimore on June .
. Tariff . ItevlsUa t Bad.
"I think our tariff revision bill will
end with th woolen' schedule, which ws
xpect to report within ten day," said
Mr. Underwood today. "There is bo use
for. us to go, any further until wo find
out what tho senate Is going to do with
the Mils. already , passed and what tho
preaident is going to do. Wa have passed
a steel bill. We shall pass a sugar bill
and then we will have a wool bill..
"W will hdv mad our record In
th tariff with ese schedules and I am
opposed to going any further If th woik
to wasted." ,
Will congress adjourn before tse na
tional convention?" Mr.' Underwood was
asked.- .-
"I am doing everything tn my power
to bring that about and I confidently be
lieve that It-wm 'b accomplished. As
soon ss th sugar bill is out of th
way I may .bung In th excise tax bill.
I have sot' duit mad up my mind
whether to. follow wit It immediately
after the sugar hill t Ptsaed. hut preb.
ably will, a I view the situation now.
It. apt. th. appropriation' kills will be
taken up. Th diploma tio hill, postofflc
bill, Isgislathtve bill and ethers ar all
ready. These oan b hastened through.
. "I see no. reason why Adjournment
cannot be reached before '. th conven
tions." .' . .
, Th democratic program In th swat
la to stand solidly behind th house steel
bill and. In a goners 1 way, to support
th democralio ' measures that com over
from tho house. Th regular republic
ans, standing, dn what they asaert to be
definite aasurkric that the president will
veto any rsvtaon legislation not beted
on tariff board report, wilt solidly op
pose house bills not based on such
reports. .
'Wool Pretlsless DeeMfal.
Th house democrat ar talking t a
free wool bill, though Democratic Leader
Underwood Insists that even silk or rub
ber would not raise ths necessary reve
nue to' offset the loss from fro wool.
Political - conditions msks the fat of
any such meaaur on which the house
ways and mean committee will begin
final work next week, problematical In
the senate. .
While prograsslr republican senators,
it Is reported, ar not acting generally
in Boaotrt oa ,th tariff, some of them
believe that fa! line ooneessions from th
regulars ot their own party, some com
mon around may yet he reached with
th democrats to aehtov revision suc
cess ia Um senate. Senator Cum mine s
sw prsporln- a measure with thia and
la view. Democratic Leader Martin and
ws of ss party cllea-u share in th
better tluu this oo-operstloa may be possi
ble after democrat! senator have 'gone
oa record for th straight democratic
measures. It Is a question how tar th
protressJve atid -democrats, respectively.
easy be willlndt to yield.
An Ardent Roosevelt Follower
Acevedb Gets Thirty
: Years for-Eebelling
HAVANA. March 1. -General Guillermi
Acaewdo. who headed an uprising at
Guana bacao. Havana proline, last Au
gust was yesterday sentenced to thirty
years' Imprisonment.
He was convicted f fomenting a re
bellion and of morder. having killed a
native who refused to Oat as a guide to
his party. Three of Aeevodo's follower
were sentenced to short terms of Im
prisonment and th others were re-
rrom the Pittsburgh Post.
Senator Brown Asserts Amendment
Merely to Attack Administration.
Party aa rensaal Mailers Baler
' lats Aetlsa ot I'pper t'hsasbev
Whea Bteealt Meaa o
Mck Peeple.
i From a dtarf Consspomlant.)
' v! A8H1NOTON, March jn.-8peclal Tt-Crtm.-denatera
who Uvored the adop
tion of th arbitration treaties without
amendment wr mdeh disappointed over
th changes made , befor they wer
finally adopted. It was explained that
they 'could not properly vote agsliisi
them, even though th vital clauaea were
stricken out, sine failure to ratify them
after amendment might hsve affecte-1
treaties already s listing.
I deeply regret I lie action ot the sen
ate amending th arbitration treaties. '
said Senator Brows today. "Soma day I
hap the Ameriuea people will take tlm
to destroy tho custom which seems to be
growing In congress of playing politics
with nearly every question. It waa pon
tics, both party and personal politics,
that emasculated the trestles. It was
necessary In th minds of some to defeat
the treaties In order to discredit the su
minlstrstton responsible for thcrii. I
thought the treaties meant much for peace
tho world over and therefore much for
the ultimata relief of the people from
taxation to support a meat navy which
Is costing them more then iKBhKKftM an
nuaiiy. It seemed to me such a measure
ought to have th support of the people's
servants In th senate, even though. In
cidentally, it reflected honor sad credit
oa sa administration to which they might
be politically opposed."
Acavedo, a rovointionary veteran: with
eight or tea nftsnpanlneis armed and
mounted, took the field oa August 1
against the geii usjent -The -revert was
short lived ss Aoevsdo surrendered two
days later to Oovornor Asbertr at Santa
Maria dot Bosarlo. not tar from Havana.
W.tJJlIIXO TOX, ' March i. -President
Taft has signed a proclamation- ettm
lnating approximately 71. IU acre fron
iher Jefferstnr-Mtlonal forest, Montana,
the land having bees found f a value
for forest purports, belag mainly at open
graiing land of agricultural value. The
hud lie mainly aions; tho south era and
east era boundaries of ths Little Belt
diMsl so of th forest. They wilt he re
st ere to settliminl sad ssuy oa such
dates as shall' be Oxed by. th secretary
of the lntert- k "
sser few Nebraska Ksresl.
Th Nebraska national forest will re
oelve an apprapvtation of H V. th bouse
having passed th item, today In Its con
sideration of the aariculturai appropria
tion bill. Tho reserve Is In Congressman
Klnkald's district In three counties, it
was provided that from the nurseries on
these reserve th secrets ry of sericul
ture msy furnish young trees free, so
far as they may bo- spend, to residents
in their vicinity. Tbo Item was the sub
ject of opinion when It was considered
by the committee, hut wss kept In fol
lowing Hi appearance befor th com
mittee ot Mr. Kinks id. who presented
th matter in a statement Mr. Kmkald
stated that be bad tha support of Sir.
Msguir. wh s s member of tho oom
arttlee, in retaining th appropriation.
Drleaalra Klrvtrd Wire Aeasrasf-
st Their Sappsrt.
ROCKY MOUNT, Vs. March r.-The
Fifth district republican convention today
sleeted A. H. Staples and 8. Floyd Hil
dreth delegates to the national conven
tion. ' A mot low to Instruct failed, but a
resolatioa ondorslnc President Taft' sd
mirastrstles was adopted. Th two dele
gate Jointly . teJeaTapbed to President
Taft they war for his renoml nation. .
roar Coaatte fa rreeldeat to Owe
fee Msssrvelt. ,
ST. LOt IS, March W. Reports received
tonight from five counties th the Four
teenth snd Ninth cwisrewional districts
srber county conventions snd mass mret-
tnga were held, show that froldrnt Taft ,
aa Indorsed by four cuunt'e snd Cotoncl l
Roosevelt SV one. I
Stoddard county Indorsed Coionel Koosc-! snoe.
Wages Advanced by
More Textile Mills
BOSTON, Mess.. Msrch W.-A gtneral
advance In the wages of textile open
Uvea In northern New England ws (re
nounced todsy In various mill Interests
which have their head offices In Boston.
Morn than 13.00 person. Including em
ploye of cotton mills In Nsehuetts,
New Hampehii and Main. -and woolen
milt operatives In six New 1 England
stales, are affected. Wnll fw cotton
mills liav mad definite snnuunvement
It Is understood here that th tdvtnc
generally sill not be let than I per cant
and for certain 'class of operative T
per cent or more.- i
Th New Hampshtr and Main cotton
mils, which employ tt.OM people, will
mess the change In the pay roll next
Monday, oi her mllla will do so on March
IS and th Lowell mills, with nearly
y 0u hands, will put tho advance into
effect March H.
LAWRENCE, Mass. March .-Ths
American Woolen company's offer of
sn Increase In wages wss raised todsy
to a 1 per cent average at a conference
ot the company' representative and a
committee of striking employe in Bos
ton. -
As the strike committee expressed dis
satisfaction with ths manner' In which
the Increase Is to bo applied, little prog
res toward a settlement was apparent.
City Mission Leader
Dies from Overwork
CHICAGO. March Id-Dan Martin,
founder snd director ot the Daa Martin
mission and one of tho best known street
missionaries In Chicago, died yesterday.
. He waa born In Ireland in 1M and cams
to this country when IS years old. Be
for coming to Chicago be lived In St.
Louis, where he was converted to the
life of a niiselonsry by a child's singing
in the' streets, j
Physlclsns who attended Mr. Martin
said his death ass brought on through
ovsrwork during Ihe cold weather when
ho was trying to feed, clothe and flndJ
work for hundreds of derelicts who ap
plied at his mission for old.
Jury Disagrees in
Census Fraud Case
TACOMA. Wash.. March m-The Jury In
tbo ease of Elmer L. A mi don, accused of
census frauds In T ace ma. failed to reach
a verdict today and was discharged by
redersl Judge F. IL Rodkla after It bed
been lurked up more tluui twenty hour.
A second trial will be held. Amldoa was
a census enumerator here and was
charged wrih' being implicated with
frauds that added SOW fictitious names
to th rolL
CKRrSTIANIA. Norway. March Hi-Tb
only availabi eecnmunicatloa from Cap
tain Roald Amundsen, ths Norwegian dis
coverer of the south pose, received hero
yesterday Is a telegram from the explorer
at Hobart, Tasmania, to Fridtjof Nansen,
which says:
"Tiianks for all your assistance in this
task, which has been successfully ended."
Nansen replied:
"Thanks for your glorious perform-
Power to Fix Toll. Oiren to Presi
; dent with Limitation..
Meaaar Weald Kstabllsh Oa tailed
Stat plot r let Jadge, with MaN
1st rales la Varioa Tawa
of Territory. ', j
WABHINGTd.V; Maroft .Th hill (or
1 govern men t of in ranama esnsi
tone sod th operation ot th canal was
sgresd to today by th house eommlttAo
oa inrtrststo commerce, 'it would fiv
to th president' authority' to fix toll
within certain limitations, a maximum
of SI.K a ton being presort bed, with , a
minimum not below an amount sufficient
to maintain and operate the canal.
The bill would authorise' tho 'president
to open and opera to th canal and to
make rule for 'he government ot th
canal and fix th toll.
Th provision relating to rsles Includes
ths following:
"That th president Is hereby author
ised to prescribe snd from time 'to time
chsngs toll chsrge for ths use of ths
Panama canal by all vessels, except those
belonging lo ths government of the
United -tale (Including thoss of th
Panama stallroad company) and tha gov.
rnmtnt of tho Republic ot Panama,
which excepted vessels shall be charged
no tolls."
- Ths prohibition clauses, summarised,
That It shall bo unlawful for ships to
pass through the canal which ar "owned.
leased, operated or controlled by any rail
road company engaged In interstate com
merce or by any other corporation in
which such railroad company baa any In
terest whatsoever, or by any other per
son, association or corporation with In
tent to restrain or prevent, or with th
effect of restraining or preventing com
petition through tho Panama canal, either
between strips, ship lines and whip com
panies, or between ships.1 ship lines or
ship companies and railroads.
That It shall be unlawful for any ship
to 'pass through the canal If th owner
shall be ensaged IB any agreement com
bination, ship ring or conference with In
tent to restrain or prevent, or with ths
effect of restraining or preventing com
petition through tho Panama canal
among alups, ship lines or steamship
companies, or between railrosA and such
ships, ship lines or ship cempanles.
Th bill would establish on United
States district Judge, with magistrate
and bailiffs In th various towns through
out th son, snd should provide Jury
trial on demand In all criminal esses and
case at law. District court would have
appellate Jurisdiction with the circuit
court of appeals at New Orleans. Extra
dition of criminal ale would be pro
vided. ...
Woman Aviator Hurt
. in Fall from Clouds
. . mm- .
PARIS, March - Id-Mrs. Dtiancourt,
whilo making a flight at Issy tonight,
dropped from a great height. Sh man
aged partially to right ber machine be
fore It struck th ground. 8h wss seri
ously Injured. - Her husband waa recently
killed In an automobile accident.
vett. The county convention of Missis
sippi cooaty. Butler aounty and Cap
Girardeau.' county were carried by the
Taft force. Warroa county, ia the Ninth
district, sane a mejocny of Taft doie
gsts t th district convention.
Ia a speech t.t a banQuet Leld oa the
maneuvering grouadi st 6ndvikea last
night King Haakon expressed his en
thusiastic praise of th explorer's brilliant
achievement and of the ' courage and
though tfulutss of his comrades.
! NEW YORK. March 10,-Tiie Marconi
j Wireless Telegraph company has receive 1
a dispatch from Its London bcsUquarters
officially advising it of the completion
of a contract with the British govern
ment for tho erection of a chain ot wire
less stations to bo known as the Imperial
Wireless chain. Unking together a num
ber of the colonial possessions of the
British empire ' -
Letter to Dixon Endorses Challenges
to Htadquarteri for Prefer- .
ential Vote.
Says Office Holders Arc Working
as Rerer Before.
Holds McKinley'i Point of View
Contains Issue.
Forsser Presides! Hslda Coatesr
Between Parties Is (or ! peso '
f Paulas lata Effect
Will at People.
WASHINGTON. March l -Oples of a ,
letter on tho oubject of' presidential
pre fere nee primaries by Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt lo Senator Joseph M. Dixon.
director ot tho Roosevelt national head
quarters ber. wer given out-tonight hr ,
Senator Dixon. Colonel Roosevelt' appar
ently endorses Senator Dixon's challenge ,
to Director McKlnley of th Taft head
Quertere for such primaries, and soorae
Mr. McKlnley reply. that ho did sot
favor changes In th .rul otV-th gsme
whils the gam eras tn progreea. ,
Colonel Roosevelt refer to th nomina
tion of federal offleshoid which Preat-
dent Taft recently, withdrew from the
senst and infers that th presMent'a .
otlott waa takwn to provide an "esampls"
tor th politician of tho state. '
"Practically th entire fore ot profts
lonal politicians is pitted against-us In
this eontret." the colonel wrote,' land in '
every state and In evsrr conaToselsnal
district they ar ted by th officeholder.
who,; with th example beore them ot
what wa done la connection with the
nominations tor weal ofCce la North
Carolina, ar working a w hare rarely '
aeea them work la American political
Loiter of It sees volt.
Colonel Roosevelt letter la part waa
as follows: .
"My Dear Senator Ptxon: I have ts
oelvod yeur letter f March S elating that
la your opinion it -Is of viral importance
to the success of th republican party la
th November election that th twpuk
I lean national oeervontloa ahall nosatnata
tho candidal whoa tbo mass ot repub
lican vtr .wish nominated and that
therefor thia sentiment should be given
expression through prealdantl preferen
tial primaries In th central states tn
order that th wtshs of tho volar may
be asotftslned befor, IpsUad of after th
amlnatloa. ' .
"I have alsd seen your correspondsns
wlth Mr. McUnisy. Tou proposed to him
that as tax a possible th aaleoUoa of
(he republican candidate for th presi
dency should be determined by th voters
f th riy tn th preferoallaj Prssl-;
dential primaries. McKiaief 'g answer lo
can sained In n ntacd la th latter
nu i . .. i " ' .'
" I do not favor clianie In the, rules
of th im While th (mt 1 In
f-r, i.
' (Salesf wat a .,
Th point ot visw expressed In that
sentence contain th issue within th
republican party at thia time. We. wb
Mand for th progressive cause, for the
cause ef honest and gtnuln democracy,
genuine representative government, held
that a public oostset between parties er
within parti Is. not carried oa a a
gam;. I not carried on for th purpose
ot-winning prise for1 the contestants
or with a .view ta tho personal wishes
or welfare of any. an man. W held
that It should be carried on for 'the
purpose of ascertaining and putting; Into
affect th will of tho people so that th
people may . Jointly do tor theraeaKea
what no man can do so wsll for thsm.
W hold that tho law that govern elec
tions and govern party organisations i
should not bo treated aa rule which
are fit subjects tor tricky manipulation
by contestants for a prixs. Wa hold that
as fsr as possible the law should he
treated as rules to ascertain th will
ot those whom tho publlo official ahd
party official ar supposed to repre
sent In sura, we hold that tho object
of this contest Is not to secure rewards '
for Individuals, hut to socura tha mora
effective government ot the peopl. by
tho people sad for th peopl. j '
Appeal t. Bleaehs-ra.. ,-(.. .
"Oar opponents an th contrary. Ul.
Mr., McKlnley' view that w ,ar snr .
gaged la 4 game in which, the Interests
of th people. It Is true, ana at' state.
hut In which .th people trssroeeivea ar
(Continued on Second Vaxs.l
1 II ' . f '
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