Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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ig Shoe Sale Sat 'day
The floor stocks of two of the best facctories in Massachusetts at LESS than the
cost to make them. In the different lots art shoes for Men, Women and Children.
Men's Shoes, gun metal blucher
or button; a regular $3.50 and
$4.00 value, at $2.50
"Women's Shoes, gun metal, vici
kid, patent colt and tan calf
ekiiis; regular $3.50 and $4.00
valaes, at $2.50
Also a White Xeibuek. ; . .$2.50
Men's or "Women's shoes; values
i up to $3.0C; all leathers. .$1.98
The above shoes are the last word
in stria.
Misses" and children's, boys' and
youths' school shoes; good ser
viceable shoes with values up to
$1.7,5, Saturday ."..$1.00
One lot of women's sample Queen
Quality Oxfords; small sizes,"-!
' and 4Va B;' regular $3.50 Ox
fords .... ............$1.50
Childs' 5 to 8 patent colt lace or
button shoes; values up to $1.35
at 75c
Grover and Queen Quality Shoes for women.
Stetson and Crossett Shoes for Men.
"Get the HabiT'-Try HAYDENS' First
Ladies' New Spring
v Neckwear
Silk Flower. Lace and Embroidered
Jabots and Lace Dutch Collar,
v worth from 60c to 11.00. On tale
" Saturday at 25g 49
Genuine Irlah Lce Jabots, worth
from 12.00 to $3.00. Saturday
t 81.25. 81.50 and J2.00
52 Atl Leather Handbags $8:
All Leather, Tan leather Lined Hand
Bit, with coin purse regular
$2 value, oa aale Saturday, QS
Extra Large Hand Bags, with beau
tiful metal frame, tan lining, and
coin purse, on tale Safday, $1.25
20c Tafft a Ribbon 10c
All Silk Taffeta. Halrbow Ribbon,'
four Inches wide, all colors, worth
20c a yard, on aale Saturday, per
yard at X0
0g Sale of Spring Mil.inery Satuday
Op porta title for saving Satwrday that aorpass I
the qaallly by the price. Just take the tine to glance
rash baying makes such price possible even now.
Manufacturer's Sample Line of
Artificial Flowers Regular val
ue op to 11.00 bunch fresh,
clean stock, all Imported goods,
very imaginable col- va p
or and style Satur
day at, per bunch
Greatest opportunity to select
beautiful trimmings at bargain
prices aver offered.
He Guaranteee Everything
eold in this Department
Notjattone lino each at
willow phones but every
thing we selL IV 9 satis
fie J customer we 're after,
and we're here to make
any wrong right so don't
very bett wayTry HERE
irfhln area, knnww a t h la j. atn ,L.n't tarlffa
at the merchandie; then you'll he glad that
Save S2.03 on Your New "Gaby"
Hat The style is right and aqfr
only becoming, but practical
100 to select from, trtmffiei
with Mallne. changeable taffeta.
velvet ribbons, etc. C
Sold elsewhere
15.00 here
Don't fall to see these.
I ntrlmmed Hats Hair braids,
Milam, Chip poaltively
every bat new this season
' and values to
12.60 your
ftcorea of other special bar
galas offered in this big sale.
Trimmed Hats is whe e we
Save You lastly One-Hall
We've motived hiWoih fog of
tie Net Halt marked Special,
$10.00. We'l gwa yam eewai
ansf en superior tahm whkh
en artiei right nam ml SS.00.
And man fa km ear (10.00
Jut before yam pay effort
$15.00, $18.00 snW $20.00 far
e keiter.
25c Men's Socks, best qual
ity, in light, medium and
x heavy weight; black, tan
' and colors, on sale 12Vc
$1.00 quality men's medium
weight - work or . . drees
Gloves; on sale at...49c
$1.00 and $1.50 colored
shirts, made with or with
out iollars, neat colors,
light, dark or medium
shade; on sale at. . . ,49c
loo men's anvd Boys' Four
ply Collars, all sizes and
styles, from 12 to 18; on
salo at ........... ...5c
The Tim to Buy
Is when you're offered such
satisfying' - qualities at
, these saving prices.
Men's linen handkerchiefs,
extra quality; on sale 3 for
50c, 2 for 25c and. . . . 10c
Men's sample shirts, all
kinds, greatest values ever
'. offered, worth to $3.00; on
sale at .............69c
Men's Sample Suspenders,
silk and lisle webs, with
fine kid ends, made to Bell
at 50c, 75cand $1.00; on
sale at 25c, 39o . ...49e
Men '8 . nli silk Four-in-
' Hand Ties in all the new
colors, light, dark and
medium; made to sell at
50c to $1.00; on sale at
25c and ! ...49c
15c Men's Socks, full seam
less, black, tan and fancy
colors, all perfect; on sale
at ...... 7YzC
Men's Mats
Manufacturers' sam
ples and surplus Soft
or Stiff Felts in new
Goods '
Most complete lines of
Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases
shown by any Omaha store
Greatly Vnderprlced Saturday.
Trunks from ........ 85.00
to .840.00
Bags from 81.50
to .,..J......., $20.00
Suit Cases from , . . . . .$1.00
to ..'.820.00
Magnificent assortment, superior qualities, most wanted
colorings and weaves In the authentic new styles, cojpied with prices much bthw wor'.h
mark. Oar March sales of women's garments superior In all respects to any previous
event in 0naha.
Scores of Remarkable Bargains Saturday from Our Big Manufacturers' Stock Purchase
of Women's and Children's Garments. PRETTY ONE-PIECE DRESSES in a de
lightful assortment of nobby spring, 1912, Htyles. Messalines, foulards, taffetas, serges
and other popular fabrics. All sites and colors; made to sell np to (hf A
$20.00; as shown in our windows Saturday, your choice, fcfl H
f Our entire Picture stock in the March Sale Movement.
Thousands of pictures framed, including well executed
Pastels, Oils, Hand Colored Etchings, Carbonets, etc,
500 framed $1.50 pictures, choice .49c
Without' a doubt one of the greatest picture value ever offered.
All larga else. 16x20 inches; choice subjects in richly, carvel
frames A splendid assortment, well worth 11.50, in this March
-l ......... .49
33c Pictures at J Be Beautiful 25c Brass Metal Photo Frames,
ai ,i , . ............
Dainty Chiffon Dresses
Beautiful styles in pretty
5 evening shades, values to
$25; Saturday at $12.50
are shown in assortments of
distinctive, . beautiful, de
signs that leave- really
nothing to be desired by the
most fastidious buyer. ,
if possible more beautiful ,
than ever; superior in every
respect to any other suit on
the market at ....$25.00
See Our' Splendid Line of
Misses' and Small Women's
Suits shown special at $10,
$12.75, $15.00 ' ,
J Pin Ark i '
, COATS; handsome'
long garments, in
all latest models
' plain and fancy col
ors, at . . $12.75,
$15 up to $45,
A big line of fine
Sample Coats All
. l
new spring siyiest s.
Saturday, $10.0' I
Silk Underskirts In silk Long Serpentine Crepe and
taffetas and messalines, in
all colors, values to $7.50;
on sale Saturday at $2.95
izn; in ni t w v
TeaxJedown Kimonos Big
assortment, matchless bar
gains Saturday at. .$1.95
Remarkable Bar
gains Saturday in
the Children's
Children's Coate
"Worth to $3.00, in
winter and spring
weights; on salo
choice . , . $1.00
Children's Coats that sold reg
ularly to $7.50; on sale $1.95
Tour choice Suturday of Any
Child's Winter Coat in our en.
tiro stock; nothing reserved,
at $2.95
Children's Wash Dresses All
colors and styles, sizes 2 to 14
years, values to $1.50, at 59c.
Children's Wash Dresses New
spring styles, all colors and
sizes, $2.00 values
in one big lot,
at 89c
See the ditfplay
of dainty garments
for baby in Infants'
Dept., 2d floor.
Pleasing Assort- L
ments af Match
less Low Prices ft
In the
Underwear j
Women's $1.50 Wool Vests
or Pants Harvard mills
make; in white or gray,
slightly soiled; on salo
at ........49C
Ladle' Outing Flannel Qowae
$3.00 and IJ.60 value, on sale
Saturday at BSt
Ladles' Mnalln Underskirt
tl.ti to M.u value, daintily
trimmed with lace and em
broideries . ...fJOt nd 49
Ladle' Mud In Gown made to
sell .to 11.00, cut long and full,
at 40t Md 3M
Children's 80c Fleeced I'ndev
wer VmU and Panta, la sll
slses, a sal at 194
Women's S2.B0 and SS.00 talon
8nlt A wool or silk and
wool, all fixes, on aale $t.0
and 81.45
Women's 11.00 and Sl oO t'nloa
Suits Light or heavy weight,
great snap, Saturday ..75
4 , !4W
)) I
I II IV f . MTU "
Womea's tndervrsts or Pant
S5o and tOo value, In Jersey
Ribbed Cotton or Usle, on sala
Saturday ....19 and 25 1
Children' 75c InJoa Suits
Winter wslgbts, in all styles
and slses, at 35
75e fin Coutll and Batista cor
seta, long hip models. Medium
or low bust, slsea 1830, spe
cial 49
Warner's Rust Proof R. 4 O..
Tbomsen's C. B. a la Bplrlte,
W. B., in complete Una of
Spring models, np from . $1
50a tine Lawn Bust Ruffles,
lace trimmed 25
All the new spring models In
Nemo Self Reducing corsets,
t .-..S3 S3.50 84 S5
11. SO Ladles' New Bpiing Had
raa Jlannl-h Shirts, pretty
blue, whit, assorted stripe.
IS-41 bust, apecial ..$1.45
Complete line of th celebrated
K. 8. boys' blouse In new
spring patterns, made of ging
ham, madras, percale, sateen,
etc., at, each 494
heads, framed in handsome
Kilt frames, regular Sic val
ues, , very special - for Sat
urday, your choice,' at'
only .-15
t 15
25' discount oa all wher
picture In the house, from S1.S0
aud np. Tbia la for Saturday
Big Special Sale of Sheet JIhujic iatj day at Hayden's
10,000 OoptM f Mast at .
Vocal Iro-aken
Ansel Bersnad. Av
Maria, from Avattena Rua
ticana, Ceuld I, Tosta;
Daddy, Behrend; Good -By,
Ooets: Happy Ly. Ooeu:
Last Mfht, Klertelf: Lest
Chord. aulllan; Palms,
Faur; Bersnade. flchu
bert; Torreaaora, aon
front Carmen; Vanatlaa
Song. Toato.
. 4 for SM.
rtaae aTuaker
Amitro a Daace, . Or let;
Barcarolla. Tales of Hnff
man; Builorflr, Lavallea;
Walu CUoplii; Dying
Poet. Gottauhalk: Erkllnj.
8cbubert; Flower Boos.
Langa; Trorators, Dora;
La Sorella, Oradler:' Bex.
tett. Luola d Lamoiar
moor; Honata. Baetnoven.
4 (as fa.
ropalar Haste Blts....
Rlvar Shannon. Re,
tin Violin. Beautiful
1st of Love, College Raa,
Mr. Draamman, Rum Tim
, Tlddla, lwn by the Old
Mill etream, That Haunt
ing Melody. Ckaana Roll.
Honey Mao, Everybody's
Two Step.
Sheet Muale lo addi
tional by mall Books le
additional by mall.
la feUe.
Opera tiema, containing
Evening Star, from Tann.
hauaer; Lohangiin M'ad
dlng Bong; Tea ether pop
ular Biunbers e
Eehoea from twneeland.
containing Arkanaaa
Traveler, Irish Waahar.
woman, ICishi ether aum.
bars, :5c "ulo at ....
flon ef How, eonulnlna
Hon. gwat Home. Old
Oakea Buetwt. Melody In
'. 11 ethera at s
11.00 hair Brushes 59c
A big Job of par bristle, solid
back Hair Brushes, Ebony,
Cherry and Walnut woods,
worth np to fl.00, on sal
Saturday at., ....39
Saturday Specials
tie Tooth Brushes at 10
ISO Mail Bruahea at.... 10
lo Pur Unas Handkerchiefs, as
I to 1'ur Linen Hafldkarthlafa
at THs
ll.s 811k Klaatle Bslta e
lae Fad Hose Mupportar IS
I1.M Latra Largs iiaiidlMaa. .4
Linoleum C
Surface IJnoleatn, 41 Inch
''wide, all perfect, heavy qual
ity, from the roll. Saturday,
at squsr yard 65
Same as above In the 2-yard
wide, on sal Saturday, at, sq.
ysrd ...... . ..49
Floor Oil Cloth Extra heavy
quality, sq. yar 29
Extra Big Cut In Blue and
White Enamel Ware. ' The
Ware is the Best Made..
12 ."
No. 1 Tea Kettle
Ko.- Tea Kettle
Ko. 9 Tea Ketiies .......
4- qt. Preserving Kettle ,.
6-qt. Preservtug Kettle ..
5-t. Preserving Kettle ..
10-qt., Preserving KetUes .
Z-qt.- Sauce Pans
i-qL Fauce Pans .
4-qt. Sauce Pana
Hie boilers
5- qt. Hire Boilers .......
:-qt. Cpf'et; Pot ........
S-qt. roffca Pots
4-cit. Offe Pot .-
i 4-qL Dish Pans ........
17-qt. Teh Pans ,
21-qt. ' Lih Pans
4-3t. P.rriin KetUes
-q:. Eer'.Uie Kettle
g qt. BWune Ke:'.i!
Here's Figures and Facts that Prove
to the People of Omaha
We Save Them from 25 to 50 on Housekeeping Expenses
Tb Beat rriak arts, per dosea. . lo
IS lbs. Otaaolatad aogar at 91.00
ta-ia. man best Hih Grade !
iK.i 11 Family Flour, nothing Ilka
it par aark ac SI as
I :. Oawt! Japan Rk, Jc Quality,
tor Sao
. :a. foticy Japan Rice, lihic quality.
'.1 Inoz. Beat 'Km AH or tta-
Br4 C aoap for So
I Ika Beat Whit or Tallow Cernmeal
tor laa
7 .he. Itolwtd Breakfast OaUneal SJe
l-ij. Ci Aaawttxl tioupa for. .TH
CJrat-e N':t, ver irkutn at IOe
.U-r Flakaa, pet packase ...ta
;l-3 Cans Condenaed Mltk at H
Tt roan, per parkare at..,.
lian-.1 J or H Mince Moat, per
forM at. THa
Pattad mil, par can l,e
av tmest'.t Macaroni pka., THa
Mi Laren I canot Butter, lb. .14
The Boet Tea Kftlnars, lb. ....lai.a
Oal!aa Baatoa Ca-tc la. as
rzciAii anoKiajro statu Oav
The oralis of quality, rleheat fla
vored, aweetest and Juclest orang
growa In California.
:i air, ragiilar tie sin, dos. ..It
aiae, tesular lc alia, do. ..SO
HO ait, reirular 3e slaa, do. ..SSo
1 2 alia, regular 4e iae. do.
With every doarn w will sell yo
the Pureat rtllver Plated , Antt-
Trust Orangs Bpooa for 10
natMr go ap agala So a poaa.
Raydaa'a keep the prises aewau
The ot-st Creamery Butter, carton or
hulk. Id. J
The bent No. 1 Country Crean.vry
Na 1 Dairy Butter. Ik. as
Bur Battasta aa right ta BaVta
lrvat. just aa toad and iota bet
ear than aoma butter.
1 lb gaud Button n tS
2 Iba. eood Table Ilutterlne ...3aa
) Iba, fancy Table Battertn ....46
Bed Spread
Specials la Oar High Grade
Linen Dept. Saturday
Fringed and hemmed crochet
Bed Spreads, worth $1.00 each
at S 1.25
Hemmed crochet Bed Spreads,
assorted patterns, worth $2.0
each k S1.50
Scalloped, fringed and hemmed
crochet Bed Spreads, worth $3
ch S1.9S
Scalloped with cut rornera crarnet
bed Hpreada, worth 1 10 earh.
at S4
Beallopod Marseille Bed Kpraada.
full . worth tt.M each ..gUO
Heavy kaottad frin MaraHUea M
Hpreada, worth t":i each . .4-S
Liquor Department
Maryland Br whlakey, I yaar old:
per full quart ... Tea
, per cailoa at ga
Ourkaiiiialmar, Schealy. Cedar Brook,
Ja-k Iiaw and Willow Springs
Whiskey all year old
per full quart at U
per gallon at S-M
Bunkiat . California Wine. Port.
.Bherry, Mueratel, Angelica and
'Tokay, all full uarto So
Home Mad Grape Win, red or
white, par galloa 91M
Class Mantles and Globes
All Ike Mantle, each, at
All ll' Mantlea, each at 1
All e Mantles, earn at... ie
All l&e Mantle, each at SO
Inverted Gaa Ulobaa each at V
Beat Upright Oa Ola, aek at. 10
Try HAYDEN'S Firot
f i'
- H
a-Place Par lac alt, Oak or Jtaatureay. upholstered In
beat grad of leather, worth tt7.t, at SSO.OO
I Place Parlor Bait, mahonny, similar 17M
Kltanaa Oastaet STloaaUd Tap a, Bella Oak, etbara aak
$:;. for aama, at
Maay OttM gpaalat la Batarsay sag Moiday Bala.
n.aii Bvsry Its. Taay era Bargains.
pining Chairs, I aether seat. for ,.ga0
1 Beat quartered oak pollahed (not InltaUoo). .
t i'alterna Oak Iilnera, plain wood aeala, at BXsw
Os stetlea OaUapslbto Oo-Carta, xtraa. B4.Ta
Ijtrte all eoild oak Hldeboarda, on sale at $1740
Lars all solid oak Chlffonlera. on sal at .S4JO
Real oak (not Imitation ok) every piece perfect.
Cotton Top and Bottom Mattraaaea, at SLTS
All Brass ContlBueua Poet teda at gI4.M
Continuous Poet, fcxtra larsa Maaalv Beds, at &.
Why pay I1S M for a gauiti felt uattraas; ur price
for one day only la S7.M
Oeaalae pit Mattr, wrta ll.e only
(.ri.t K4 HhI l eiq Xtlat
. (l.atltttrn in tfc WW
' WlHt w tb namrtl wonder sf
ia rV) wni te the ptopoeeil bw Ka
v.fial Park ef V..Srsees mi U Island
Ft Hawri. It "till be the flrrt Prk
cMin ever eaM!r.ed by any naeec
i.-r C-.e o-.'i toi li ra aa with tb p!aa
-' t'nel f-ttn t.- est the catiowi parka
America acd Its territories tb greatest
r.d raost mx-v'.- at th Jilnd la tb
w."d. Tr sw park ef vokaujoe ea
Itavaa la kn-acal and at pecnUar Inter.
a ii tr American people bcie ri a
v! o.-Jy te-rf'-arv rder AmsrtcaA ec
t:o! -w1' tM evreptleR of rv.e PhiUpplnea
vrftt tfcer are r!iran;e3 la aruor.
K--.n is tray :ie or.4 rcr
laa4. itr. a faoioc!: :-i:trr7 cT a !
keiired tinc4 .reara ii trait. There
are greai vaJi.. k4 precipice?, haw
ing eroalsa and gewcMaf fauita, while
t crowa at :her a ming and dead
crater aurpir.S any tbr la tk
wsrid. Of mora Interest tnaa ny other
angi aronder en the 'island I Kllauea.
anedt a day's journey from th capital
city at llouoluiu. Hen eternal fire glow tiaei at th botteia of a great cal
cn tea frat or mora In dlajnettr. By
rae-on ef ika yeculiar formation ef tbia
relcane. say one may with Impunity ap-pro.-n
tka very edge of this pit. In
the native lanscag It I called Hala
maua Jioure ef Everlasting Fin. Un
like any ether active crater. Kllatm ha
arvsr been known t burst forth with
suck fterce energy that Ufa waa endan
gered. It ts commonly called tb safety
valve ef tb Pacific resioa. ' -
The crater of .Kilaure la about eight
stiles In eircumferenc, with an area of
more tbaa toiir suara adles. At some
preru.urto time, undoubtedly. It was the
sicsA .-rater of th cate-foot peak,
ernes cone I averabadeved by Its great
seJahcer, Juauag 1m. IMA feet high, at
whom ereat the still active crater of
Mokaaweowea, and around who side
are numerous openings from which flows
have laaued In th past.. The lav from
tb upper craters. In centuries pa stnee
the great mountain were upbuilt, filled
la the valley between tb tw cone, until
new KJiguea Is posed on th flank of tb
higher mountain.
Can you Imagine standing en tb brink
of precipice M feet high, which dizsy
diff forms a portion f th wall at
great pit. the opposite side af which rise
Indistinctly three or four mile ta front
eg you. th great floor below yoa epread
ins out Ilk th troubled urfaos at some
black sea unrelieved by foliage or tighter
color; If yoa can. yo bava soma
Idea of the wonderful msgmtud of the
crater ef Kllauea. But thla Mack lava
floor has been eoM aad soUd for' many
years, and If It la not until you traverse
this wonderful sea, the wtvea of which
are frosen Into ten thousand, fantastic
efcanea. that yo em to tb wonder of
wonder Hale ma u Pea ear brush aor
camera eaa convey any adequate Idea
of tide tremendous firs pit- pH wttUn
a pH with rta lake of molten lava urg
mg and roaring la awful and terrific
grandeur. '
Daring the sommec of tn a read, seven
rites la length from th Volcano bouse,
was Completed light Inte the crater at
Kllauea, by which one may bow rid In
a automowfl te within a few yards ef
the Inner fir pH. On the edg of the
rater stands tb Kllauea bouse, a mod
em hotel.
More Inaeeesslble. but af much I nt ereat,
I tb mountain Mauna Lo. with Its
great lava flows sxd It Intermittently
ettv crater. Tb sow are frequent
at the extreme summit, from which mm
ry look across th ctest ef Mauna Kea,
M feet higher up. end If be would may
follow aaoUier trail to that emlnencci
karonilajy aly to theee living wonder
la the extinct enter of Haleekaia. at th
top ef a msontsln of tb asm name, a
cone 'whoa great bulk comprises the
eastern half of th Island ef Maui. Hal
eekaia (the House jt th Sua), la the
largest knows extinct crater In th world,
wltb a width of mora than seven mile
and a circumference of something like
twenty mile. At It highest point th
rim of tbttj vast bowl la t.aa feet, while
th bed ki at Mast tfat teat below. A
seor ef cone frees M to L4U feet m
bright dot the floor, while from the one
time ealdroa lead tw gap. In their time
th rents of lav flow which covered
the eastern and southern flanks ef th
mountain.-Phllade!phta Record.
Pabaloaa Prleee Paid by Ierl
raeed Barer fer Cheap) Heeae
Made Artie lee.
Kew that the oriental rug season la in
full swing and everybody la trying to gat
an original "prayer rug" fresh free
Mecca, authenticated facta ar in great
demand. A spedai artlcl ea th subject
appear la "Tb Upnolaterwr," partlea
mrly concern lug th mdlapeoaable fea
tures ef th buslne knewa aa Tb
Fake Rug Auction Bala"
"Any wen posted maa whe attenda aa
auction aale of oriental rugs." ys th
'writer, i simply stagger by th ex
tra vasance of mlir. present a l lone Ws do
not refer to ta Philadelphia Moquett
eoueh cover, worth VM at wholesale, and
offered as a geenria Perslaa rug at fabu
lous price, but to the prdtnery trade
sal. In a recent catalogu Issued by a
downtown firm seventeen semes appear
that no legitimate nig dealer over heard
of. all listed ss representing various types
of rugs, named from some of the hon
dreds of rivers, mountains and village
wllhla l.SM si lies of Constantinople.' -
According to experts, all that a fake
rug dealer neede la aa oriental map and
a pile ef American fake antique rugs,
which ha aama after th historical no
menclature ef the orient. It Is a common
thing at thee sale, we are told, to
"catalogue" th article as "Royal-' or
"Palace" rugs, especially the cheaper
grade. The maa who pave a fancy price
for a "Klrmanahah" Mttle dream that It
was manufactured in the oriental dlstrlcta
of Tonkers, the Bronx, Philadelphia or
Jersey CUy. .
There baa not been a Baraks rug made
in centuries, yet th term ta lacked to a
Bijar because It la like a Baraks, ws are
informed. A "genuia Iran rug" means
nothing except to tb inexpert eared rug-
buyer. The auctlMwer talks glibly about
the genuine Terch" and th wall authen
ticated "Ayla." He lays stress on the
"Herat- and challenge contradiction,
saying that he will refund the money if
it I not genuine.
But th auctioneer fails te ssy that th
Ayin ta th cheapest grade made in the
Herat rug. and that hla guarantee is
worth no mora than if he guaranteed a
blanket as macs of aura ahia. ex
celled Mecca rugs are offered by thou
anda. and tb more ragged sod dirty
and dilapidated they are the more bidders
ar Imp nam trttk th Idea they are
genuine because long la tee serrtc of the
Mecca pilgrim. .
- - As V raised It.
Th lofty browed, eboiarty man wh
"wt vuhwius voesvmaster at tno
banquet turned to th maa ai tting nj,t
to him.
"What Is the next thing in the order of
exercise" he asked. ,
The other made a whispered nwponee
"Please say mat again; I dida t auite s
catch It."
The answer was repeated. .S
Gentlemen," said the toast mak
ing, "the next thing will be en J- ""
by that prince of entertaineor ef ta
Hah, entitled. 'Ha! Zenp
8cea Kelt Leer "-Che"