TI1E BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1912. It Would Have Been AH Right if Jeff Had Not Come Back 3r r - i - " - ' Drawn for The Bae by "Bur Fish -r r i I , "T r ' ' ". " Jit- LNv J . V " C w,PeTHs whoVwi, ..y L a .-an com. & lV JT V "V v 4 " 1 : fw PERSONAL TIIK SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in tact anvthing you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at IJ1 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor, t'ho.-.o Douglas 4156 and v.axon will call. HAIRDUKS.SINO. Manicuring. Siism ponlnr. Hclp treatment a specialty for ladies and Kentietneri. Mrs. pleree, Sal . rarnam. 11 onl; Ind. A-HW. ' Vital niMi(e, Anna Fisher, 401 Ware Blk. REAL ESTATE. , CITY PROPERTY FOR HALE. ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD? K in, M hi furnlah your plan and specifications. We ara prepared to giv fir. class service at a reasonable prlc. Try us. Both phones, f PCOTT HILL. Wr'McCagTle Bl.lg. BARCAIN BJT OWNER Mix rooms, hail aid bath: modern; complete In every detail: nice, street: tood neighborhood. SHI Meredith Ave. Phone B-S1M REAL ESTATE. FARM mUCH 1, 4 MIS FOR AI. Nebraska. HOMESTEAD-ao acre rich farm land (or 113. (iliac d ail Na sand hllla J. A. Tracy. Klin ball. Neb. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food pills, II per box. postpaid. Sherman eV MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. M VS! afJVA'ba lt ! aromatic .M..30xVUE.,rltm,1,t Mm)) A of Chicago. Ms & nth St.. 1st floor.Ji. W06. OUR LCTTER duplicating work to un excelled. A trial will convince you. Botb phones. Western Dapllcating Co., eW Bee, POULTRY ASD PET STOCK KlUlK for halchlns rmm the Rrendeta Varm. Thoroughbred .". O. White Leg-fl J orne. utility stock, lit a setting or III per 1M. Exhibition or show stork. IS to 15 a netting. . Write for catalogue. Address A. I). Brandels, Omaha. Tel. Benson 1706, FAVORITE INCUBATORS nnd brooder neana every etc chick: coat prli-o saved on first hatch: 0 days free trial: cataluK free. Leahy Mfg. Co., 1 ; H. Hth. . . roil BALK An Knallrh feulldug. 10 months oM, well marked, also well bred. He Is a fine watch do and perfectly safe round children. Address WI2 N. atn Ave., or rail Ind. B-1M0. BI FP Wyandotte coi kerela, II each. M'i Iarayi-tid Ave. Harney, JKta REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF T1TLK. , '' Reed Ahstrart Co.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. UK Brandels Theater. NBALB B fAMPBELU 1714 Ksriiam St Bl'ILUKMS' IKFORMATlO.t, Electric, gas futdrea. Omaha Wlver Co. Ideal Ceient Co.. 17lh and Cuming. WlrX" Fucha eVn A painting, decorating. WELL digging, P. Oroasman. 1MI X. lth. CITY fHOI'UHlY FUR IAI.K. . 2824 Capitol, Fine - v Home, Hot Wafer . ; Heat , This house has reeeptloA hall, telephone r'oom or den. parlor, dining room. kitchen, china closet, la Mrs pantry, all on flral floor: four good bedrooms with large closets and bath on second floor; atllo floored and celled: cemented basement: subdivided for laundry, vege tables and coal. The hot water heating nlanL and tilumbine throughout Is first class, as house was built by a plumber for a noma. ierge lot, fmiw ire, wun allev. cement walks, beautiful hedge all around the lot and a number of fruit This' wonld make some business or Pro freslonal man an excellent home, being within easy walking distance of trie busi ness center. Let us show you this bouse -you will like It. Price IS.SOu, part cash. HAKT1NOS 4 HETDEN. 114 Harney Bt. AT BARGAIN, i-roora house, easy pay ment!. Canadian office. Ill So. Ilta 81. for kai.e Half see'lon near Grand Island: over 10 acres alfalfa; over tr.OOO finest Improvements. Price te acre. Rea son, owner died. Bayard H. Paine, Grand Island. Neb. FARM bargains near Omaha, possesion. Orln 8. Merrill. 121S City Na. Bk. Bldg. BUr LAND; also farm mortgagee from first hands. We can piease you. ins Welpton Investment uo.. yjgauaia, wen. WE BUILD HOUKK8 TO ORDER. Do you want a well' built home, planned after your own ideas, at a moderate cost? We wfll build for you in any .part of the city, either on our lot or yours. Csll and get our reasonable terms propo sition. Both phones. OOOTT HILL, W7 MeCague Blag Acreage. . wnntrnv bchitrran HOME. n mi. C I. -a rn-ae -wUI fifteen acre choicest land and finest of Im provements. House is moo em inrougn out, N rooms and barn. Inquire Andrew A. Kuray, Station B. Route 1, Omaha, Neb. Phone Harney. 1CT. The key to success In Dullness is the persistent and Judicious use of newspaper advertising. REAL ESTATE FARM at RANCH LAND FOR SAI.R Arks ARKANSAS. 1A aarea In Washlnaton county: grain. slock and fruit farm: rich bottom and upland; 4 miles to good railroad town; w) acres In eultivatlon; balance good tim ber: WO apple trees. 1 years on; x peach tresu; good Improvements; 6-room house, large bam, outbuildings, good well: near acnoof: sz oer acre. Washington county fruit land In M. 30 and as-arre tracts on monthly payments. tISRARn w sKT M bit. Kansas t uy wo FOR struts Cwmaaula. BALB-Cliotce TSJIST tracts of let t es acres, within I to I farms In -niiaa from the towns alone the Grand Trnnk Paatfli Railway In Central Bruno Columbia. Also 8kremi Valley Fruit Farms In le-acrt tracts. Bend for free booklet Call or write B. slave!, Mat-lot .-ate Agent, m Futon Biag., Omaha, Neb. BUT direct from owner, ee acres, wall Improved farm. 122 per sure. John JanIK, Lodgs Fole. Neb. FOR FRUIT farms, acreage tracts and elty property, In or nesr the suburb of Florence, aaaresa t;. l,. ri-inawaj, rui ence. Neb. Thone Flor. Ti: Ind. H-11S1.' II. uv will buy stead In Nebraska; Write owner. Neb. tne best ico-scre home paruy unprovea. M. Boximan, sumball, I California. LIVE OAK . in the j , Sacramento Valley, Culifprnia" j -.MUST SELL Five-room new bungalow. B. K. - cor ner ivfand t'nrhv Kts. I blocks east of car line. Price I2.S60. WUl lake good vacant lot as part payment. sin-room cottage, near list and Fmmons Wve.. block west of Dodge car line. Price II. will take f sdont lot and P ,mrt. x ' in -room new modern bungalow, cor iier list and Ames Ave. Extra large and large corner lot. Storm windows, screens , and shades. Complete fine combination fixtures, fee it and make an otter, aa 1 ' must sH at once. WESTERN REAL K8TATFS CO., Phone D. 3ff, A-JH5. 411-11 Karnarth Blk. $350 : : : Building Lot . CEMENT WALKS " . ; CIW WATER i , ' GOOD LOCATION ' lJCATED ON WEBSTER AVE J lots west of Hh Ave., lies high and rightly. J blocks north of Fort St. car line, snd will be within l'i blocks of Hih Si. car line, whl.-k will be extended this n'lmmer. Many new homes bllt In this locslit) other lots In the ssme dIMrlct ate not offered for lees than MS. Hers i an opportunity to make at least i!S. Owner mu to sell In a few days. Price HAiknNOS HEYPEK. W14 Harney t. Building Lots In Collier Place " . $475 Each We have or.lv four left on Larlmore Ave between an Ave. and 33i Su. that we can sell on terms of Its down snd lie a month. These are all deetrab let, and -w. til be the laet lots yeu will be able tu buy In llin choice MraJHy at such lew l.rltee aod etisv l-rn,s. hrm prtf-ee In. vludo sewer and cement maiks. 1 ou must act quit k If you want one of these. UASTIXiiH - HKVDKN. lat Harney St ' 7Room House 15 Lots $3,500 kaatera owner authorixes tts to sell bb) nronrti' at Wth and Military Ave. for ' above f gure. r'ronli ea a paved road i,.nl.BM ear ervr- Think of tat money you would save by1 raiatnc yew a vegeublee, chickens, etc. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phene. tUS. fit t. BEST BAP.OAIN 1-N' OMAHA. Fine ree dence In F:d Club district te Where you cannot help but succeed. Just think for a mlnute-we have IDEAL CLIMATE, rich soli, a complete Irriga tion system with plenty of water schools. home and social surroundings the very best. While you are now In the midst of winter, enow and bliuards, in Cali fornia alfalta is getting reaay lor us first cutting, vegetables are daily brought from the garden. Everywhere you see people working In the fields, etc. ' V rite US touay lor iuii parircuieiv, literature, railroad reus, etc, ' . ' ' ' Trowbridge Bolster Company , - 4 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, Oregao. , 111 ACRES JH MILES FROM OREUON tit l, un.iv. is arrea In aood cultivation. 10 acres more easily cleared; -million ft ceuar i.nuiiion nr saw limber: lota of second growth timber; nice creek on twe aides of land ; leu trull trees, appies, pears. prunes, peacnes, grapes, cnernes. ig'n lorries, stiawbeniea: barn, suxist; sned. mo. tt. full of straw; new irost-prool ooiato house, niaculnttry sued, laws it .wLi.jib iMle it.: atranaay. poultry house, UxS3 ft.: I-room house, wood house, household fuinliuie, el.ree standi. range, 1 sxteneion taunts, iuubu wu, t extta dining cna.re, 1 pgnor ciuiirs, nirien oak rocker, so, den oak davenport reed rooker. t bruaaeUa rugs, le yards new linoleum, enltionler, bsvel.piate glass, wsii pictures, 1 woudea bed teads, 4 Iron seaeieads, t pair woven m.i.b eirtnaa t ingrain oaruets, lelt msttreasea. -day c.otk, set dvuies (i uieces). set boxers' silverware, kettles, pans, buckets, galvanised tubs, Ameri can wringer, tiauotne binder, awo, J drag, harrows, seed skill, new potato dig ger, potato piantsr, gang plow, walking plow, a cultivators, uouole-shovel plow, Kharpless separator, o. tanning mill, seed sower, gaaotine engine anu drag saw, set block, and tackle. Me ft rope, wagon, hack, buea. e-yeax-oMI mate, liorae yeais, mare ria, colt I years, i fresh cows, s bead young stock, 14 pigs, 1 chickens, W bu. peuioes, l lbs. clever -seed, a) tons clover hay, r be. wneat a tons oats, is tone straw, i nis w a good place, good soil, good stock, htuiaahoid goods, etc All goes for only fia per acre, i,M cash, balance on tune; w'a'iuS'w MILES FROM OREGON til a. fa- ... K miles south ot Pun land, good road; 40 acres In good cultivation, balance tim ber; house, barn sen sneus; a una span of horses, new wagon, hack, disc, drag harrow, plows, cultivators, saws, axes, chains, bars and dil kinds of small tools; 4 good cows, barrel cnurn, separator, some household goods. All goes for only 111 per aors; H cash, balance easy teims. I nave a good Mat of farms, acreage and eity homes for sale All correspond ence cneerfuliy attended to. J. U BWAFFORD, Oregon City, Ore., alh and Main Bt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE sal ACRER nesr Aberdeen. 8. D.; Im provements MSM: acres under culti vation: equity t2.400. Will exchange for Improved farm or city Income. This Is gilt edge; will bear Investigation. Olve particulars in rrret letter, zsert' nan- berg. 4 Hee Biag. -.1 , 1 1 iwD nlanA .1 tl.tfl j.t music for residence lot: will pay differ ence. 'Phone Harney till. STEAMSHIPS EtTROPE In comfort: select end limited partv sailing June II via Mediterranean; eighth season. Miss Anna Z. Ross, Coun cil Bluffs, la., si Willow avenue. WANTED TO BUT Household goods, clothes nnd shoes. D. mi, b-isw. Highest price; clths; hd. gds. f. 3171; B19M WANTEDTO buy old broken watches. M. Nathan. 1 8. Hth M. fd-annd goods. Kleeer. KM Center. D. WO. WANTED In RENT TWO or thiee furnished rooms tor llkht housekeeping, by couple with J-year-old child: south or west aide preferred. Ad- drees F Ml. Bee. WASTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by the week, er bun dle weening. M25 Webete. done W'flHI'.U and lrnm . T. H Ul First-class, practical nurse, H 1 .W4 WANTED Hit uation middle-aged lady. with little girl, as housekeeper; furnish good referent's. ox an. ttaiva. is. RESPECTABLE woman wllh little glal wants hotel work or housexteplng. Call Webster sx,i, WANTED Day work. Ironing, bundle washing or nursing. Phone Hsrney Mil. RAILWAY TIME CARD Chicago eV Nerlhtiealerw KORTMBOIHO. MleeaseHaM- Paal Inns lien Mlsaeaeelle.ai Paal uautas a I e eta iiuhi Twla cur Kisma a I S aai al:S sei Siena Utr leal JJ a I B rat a i -ae sat a f i m Mleeeeselle Passu Ids-. Tela I'lty LOalteS Hltaaesela Kasrset-- ..s I S) set a t s all Maal . BASTBOL'ND. Cueall Local al'Msst s I ts sal Darlliat Ckleass a i w ai w rm nuease ui all e eta urn" tSiMmse-OhuaSS a l:lf SS S I U pn riiteo-4-iraaa .... ' e m w ym oiieaee ieertai a set set e ; aai rarllw Coaal-l-sieats s j: V" m Lea AasaHe biiaiiae. a r- e limioi tieiitee s 1 sat e u aai (Well local a l-m slj - raai Mall 4 I4t sal ellsa tar ItapMa. Uses City est otnahe a l is set Cealesalsl ittta LMsHet U:R sa U ill sis V'ESTsOtKII. Uat Mae .s l-ea aai aim aw Narfolk-UalUa a I e aat all ts am Loa Ptne-uatwla... lll a I Sw Haatlasa sarerier - k III P Deaaeooe-Hel Isriags. a U na a I St set (Ww-LaaSe, S M sal all SI s rmeat-Aielea ! I Barllegtea Btnllwi Bnrllagtei tea Tcath eV Maata I, aerate. GREAT SOUTII GEORGIA Traverred by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM - ATLAX- TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted lo tbe widest range- ef (mis All the money crop of the souta plentifully produced. For literature treat. ing wnn it, wwuiie .-, , , w climate, church' and gcswal advajuaeea W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. Qeasral Passangsr Agaot, I ATLANTA. OA Mweeflaaeens. Farmer and land buyers all over the country are reading Bee want ads every , dsy asd snapping up every bargain offered Rates It cent per word tf run only one time, is per word If run two er more times consecutively. Write and mall your ad today to steal Estate depart ment ef . The Omaha Bea stesults are sure REAL ESTATfc FOR REST. Fajraa aas uaaak Miada, MO-ACRE farm f miles northwest of riorenoe and north of Irving ton. Rent rftu a vear. THE BYRON REED CO., Doug.JlaT. " ta B. 17Ht TWO farms for rent These farms are good tillable land, well Improved, contain mg lie acres anu lm acres, e. Ouuncil Blufis, la. Phone Black MAN and wife want position on farm. C. H. Webster. 'I4 California et Ind. B XV. WANTED Work by Uerman woman with boy II years old. as hull ekee par on fsrm. Msnnweller, III N. lth 8t. YOtTNfJ men wants position aa gar dener; experienced, ltll Capitol Ava Jim Bro1 3IRL mot. wants to ssalHt with housework In boms-Ilk family. Address 1701 Hamil ton. "DAY Work wanted. Harney aMt, YOUNG man wants position sa book keeper or clerk; experienced; good refer ences. Phone Harney 2H6. EXPERIENCED Isundred work. Phone Webster (MM. want day Dearer A Callleeeta Fusel Saves gasraas. Naareaha relate ..... Shv Hill. Uaeela Hall Nnnkeaet Kn Ketara aka Bipreai Sckarler-riatlnsealh Usee la U"-l . rialtam lb-lava Bel levee- rtattamostb c-hwase Sslal Dmiear seer lei Otiloase gsria h trace raat Kirn Craataa lla I leoat.. 81. Loals Kxseaw hum L'ltt a, at. Kaaaas Cur A St Jeeasa Kansas utr at esert. Arrive .a l it rat e eta s I It set a I ) ava a I ta aat a I II rm ......a I is - a I at sis l .l pa all l sea ,...all U sa llkn al Uasi llllpa Sl elea M ku ..I k I at aai .,.. Ilia llsn ...,,.auai a I Haw t IS aa all l swi ..... an u eta s Me eta llsn BlHsw ......a I testa HSta lis im kl aw ,..,..a t at m all w mm . .alt it aai e aw .a I il am IJa sei I.) rm THE GRAVEYARD'S RAKEOFF Funeral Come High, but Country Matt Here Them. SOME FIGUB - Art THE BHIS Caeneeaa Anne. . .pewdltwe leg. greet Retreaekssrat Cr aaa tlea What lb Money W eeld Dw. Accepting the Manhattan death rats as basis for figuring. It will be found that of the approximately Wsus tO People la the United Slates 1.KM.0W die each ynr. The Manhattan death rat are reg-s about 1M a thousand. The enormous sum of at least gWT.WO.OOO to snent by the people of thai country evsxy yew for burying their dead. This la based on I1M a funeral, acknowledged by undertaker to be a coneervatlv astl mate. rsr this areal material wealth thus Disced in the ground every er P crntage easily estimated goo to pay for the lumber lo build the coffins, Eaen coffin nnd outside bog will aversxa M feet ot timber. The dotal lumber re quired for all the funerals In the United State la on year Is 1 41,11. net and Judicial branches of the government. W,15?r, a total of KlVJKm approxi mately tb aame sum a the drad of the country require each twelve month for proptir burlaL New York Tribune. SURGEON OPERATES ON SELF California Doctor t adertakes to Cwt Off HI uei Appendix. Or. Bertram F. Aldeh. chief surgeon of the French local hospital, San Francisco, oconi pushed what waa supposed to be an Impossible feat. He ha successfully operated upon himself lo remove hi ap pendix. . , . In accomplishing this sensational pier of surgery Dr. Alden fulfill a threat he a mad for the last eight yer-ver tine be realised that he had trouble wit his appendix. The success of th opera, tlon sustains two contentions he has mad In tb fare of th opposition of hi col league. It prove that th spinal anaes thesia j which he ha nsed In his opera tion, Ooe not completely dull th senses, and It proven thst a skillful surgeon can, unaided, perform such an operation on himself without fear of the eonaa quenccs. I Th operation was performed In th presence of two of Dr. Alden' colleagues. Dr. Thomas O'Connor and. Dr. B. A Mardla, with th usual quota of nurse If Is difficult to conceive what thkt 1 and attendant la th operating room. Dr. t . . , W t mm he I 1M.. h.J ,1a muhIIm ,1-ui.t flnleh-ut Webster itatloa IBtb and Websti MleeoaH rarlfle Aakura Looal Oesart Arrive b I IS pax Wl U aw tblcsco, II. Fanli Mlnneanoiu a tlnika test City (lereM k IK sm kil M ia Omaka Uarat b : aa f I Sal at,,, ".i-e ... . H:tisa Ti City Paasaaser 1:41 aa ,..... Bate, . ie.i -'-- Is) ssltr, (U dally sieaM t-ndar, la) aaa esly. UVE STOCK MARKET Of WEST Bhlp your stock lo (South Omnia. 8av nuleus and (hiinkag. Your consign ment rciv prompt and careful attsn Uon. Lie ttoeli Comsslsaloa Mereheats. Bytrs Bro AC. Btrong and reaponsltla 'OOD BHQ8., SlM-M Eschsnge Bldg, Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. ' W. R. BMjTHj A BON just handle sheep. "TAq5BH08. handle cattle, hogs, sheep. "Clay, Robinson k Co.. tm Exchange Bldg. Intsrstnte Co. Better resulta Bhipto us. ""CLIFTON Com Co.. m Exchangs Bldg. 1 K. ROBERTS A CO., IS aUchJBIdg. "Cot A Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustler. Farmer L. a Com. Co.. IW Exoh. Bid. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Block Tards Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yard. TiarUn Bros. A Co.. 2W-4 ExotkBW OMAHA, THE CRA1X MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchant. Conalgnments solicited. 7 Brandels. LEGAL NOTICE!. J. f. Coiuas, at. Iowa. TUB e sleet wy to rfnd a tmyer lot yeur tnra to Insert a email want ad in the Dee Maine Cpitl. Largest cir culation la the state of Iowa ii w daily the Capital I read by and beUeved In by the standpatters of Iowa, who amply retua to penult any other taper in toair borne. Bate I a word a day: H it par line per month; eoeat ala ordinary Korea to tea line. Andres iM Monies Capital. Dm Monies. la. Irxaa, BUY A FARM in the - GULF COAST TEXAS $5 Per Month Buys 5 Acres OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE LAXD Gathering Strawberries There Now. Sold Last Week for $18.00 Per Case. This land Is located only ten miles from r- - Tec . an Mu-ll raatL cioae In be suM at a sacrifice. O vner ioavtng I rcnools and railroad, sure market for snre tow, must dupose ot propeny; pave Cts., cement eWeaaiks, l-R.. mod. lava, l.iaiwa levlted. Tel. Jaroey IO.' Houae arvt ) ou with imroremeata 4cs!Ft T 3sw- f V ACRE8, near Menlo, la; 14 acre culUvated. batanos pasture, hay and tim ber; a-room house, laree earn, wens, out buildings; Wen. Imipeduttely. tuas. Ban- ford, Mncoin, iseb. 1 1 : JltEAL ESTATE LOANS uMAHa property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE KLAL ESTATE CO., mt New Omaha Aat'l Bank Builamg. u ANTED City loans. Perers Trust Co. WANTLD-City loans snd warraata. W. Farnam nmlth A Co.. M3 Farosm ot utiiTe.y 10 loan on business or last- dence pre periled l.w) te u.A vV. rt TltciMAa. ta nrst r.i i pens mus- 6 Flat CITY LOANS WANTED la amount of from CUM up. This In cludes commission and recording expense. We have a special fund to loan at to rate on th beet real relate security. PETERS TUL':T CO.. Vt Fsrpam Bt lw to llv.taju made promptly. F. O W eed, Weed Blda.. Ith and Farnam. Vthntcd fsrm loans.KMte lnv. 0..Omah. ' Omaha Nat'l Bank LOANS Farms and city property. H. Dutnont A Bon. KOI Farnam Bt Bemis-Carlaerg Co, tie-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. i HOL CITY lAJANli. t w ELECTION NOTICE. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY - cujarAiv i. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of tbe stockholders of The Mis souri PacUlo Railway Company will b hsid at the general office ol the compaay in the city ot Ht. Louis, Missouri, oa Tuesday. March Hth, 1113. at nine o'clock a ax, for the election of thirteen direc tors for th ensuing year and for the transkctlon of such other business aa mtt coma before said meeting. The an nual meeting of the director will be bald at the same otfioe on the earns day at 1 o clock noon, i ne transier books win bo closed on Tuesday, February tth. Lit at three o'clock p. m., and will bo re opened on Wednesday, March lit, lull at ten o'clock a. m. TUB MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. - - By B. F. BUBH. President A. H. CALEF. Secretary. Mew York. January lath. 1911 Mldllt OCEAN STEAMSHIP. SCANDIN AYIANeAmerku Liae NOaVTAT, S I Wl ,r,T' u AND DEN1AKK f. . .hi . canes etaiea, asni i Ca I PtMt Balllg Olar, Asr a hva sf C2 Oar II, May Wk UAPIIUO rirtt tlaa, D ,- Jaaa s u, Jaly n "stees Claaa. SO i A. B. JOHN SUN A CO , U4 Waa Klaals it Cklees HI-, er say leeal aoaet RAILWAY TIME CARD l.tllll STATIOX laloa Paclfle -Teath and Mnss INCREASED PRICE OF SHOES Maaafaclarer Feraalat Rseaaee for Vlvlas Conaasner Baneewe., Comparatively small Item of cost or ehang in prices nowaday attract an unwonted amount of attention, for rea son that are well understood. Quit a little agitation I caused by aa advance In th price of shoes, either actual or threatened, and manufacturer aoem un usually anxlou to explain. Th repre- sentatlv of a Masaohuett concern state In a Boston trad publication that th Increased prices which shoe manu facturer ars "forced to ask for thefts-nods are due to th radical change .In style, necessitating th Incorporation pf many new but and pattern," and to th chang In th statist leal position of the raw material underlying tb shoe and leather bndutry." . Who I rosponslbl for th "radical chang In style." th wearers or the maker of shoes? There ha been no re cent ehang In style that I aa Improve ment, cither In tb comfort or th took of shoes, and no evident can duord that anybody wanted such chang a baa been made. For the moot part it ha been la th direction of ugliness and discomfort. V Like most change In style, that la ahoes ha been Intended to Indue the discarding of th old aad tb buying of new with each season, and a to lane fit, not tlie consumer, but th producer and trader. Sensible people buy their shoe for esse and comfort and Is sting quality and not for Myle. There ought to be a enslble standard, as near per fection aa jiosslbl for tb real us of aboe. and that should be adhered, to. This sxcuss for Increased price w a very lam ene. The other baa more lo IL Tb raw ma . Desert. An-tee. aa. Fiaa. Orerlawi United, .a aa a 1 sa China A Jaraa Fa Mall....s 4 S pa a l:tt ie At lest te BisrM. ! Oraa Kiefaae all aa a t ie sa Lea Aatelae United all sa llSia Dearer aserlal a l.ei aa a 1 tt aa -etaaalal aute fperlal alt pa all aa CelefaAe BvsraM a 13 aa a 414 sa nresea-Waastasles Usutsl.. alt 4e sa a I a ya SrS :::::: Sis MSS m"w1 '"r uerai .sit ii sa ai .a aa can be given. From 1500 to 11 the bob- FOR BALK Oti EXCHANGE WILL exchange my equity ot Xt.rM In fine irrigated M acres for clear western Nebraska land. Address A tie. Bee. I WOL'IJ LIKE TO TRADE my II room modern house, furnace beat, on paved street, one block from car line. In north part ot city, tor modern 7. room house In north part of city. Ad dress, E fit, cere Bee.. - FOR BALE A near 4-room bungalow: a tama If sold et once. OU . Mtk Ava TeC Webster , Call and let us talk lo iw sbout this land. Owners are offering special IcatueeaenU to actual sauser. R. H. Linderyou til Board ef TrgtJe Pldg, Oiaaba. Teiephea Douclaa BaL I OW.v two Nebraska farms 2 and St.) each; trad either clear for city property or muse.; even deat P. O. Box 4M. . I handle traded everywhere, if you want results call Deen. II" Bee Blag. D. 1J06. a ariiei; lke Co.. (Ore.) lend far va cant lot in Omaha. W. Wagner. m X. Kth equipped, richly Chleagro, Berk Island A raelfle BAST. RerlEV Meatttata Unlus. air tt an aH sa iCMeaee tacal Pasaasa : aa WO M sa cuieasa oar Hlea - - -- . , t-t.w..M an ....Al:Ilea alitssa Ilea Morses Local faieeoer..a 4 tl ya atl'U sa j Cklcasa-Nasraska Ualw4....a ya a I S aa , WIST. OMss-Ne. UA a Uaeela. a I S aa a 1:11 sa CkKase-Calaraito Bastaa s J tJ sa a 1:4 sa OklaSeaa Teass Basraas. 4S pa all aa- Kecki Measlala Llaiue ai 41 aa au sa Vsssak i Osasa-8t. Leata baresa a I t ta a I II aa Mail aaa brrea .s t M aa all.U sa suaaSerrr Leal Una t .. I a alt.li aa XlseaaH Pad fie K C St. LoeW Brsras-.s 1 aa 11-sa ulatlon of this country Increased M per cent nnd th number of cattle raised laws than 11 per rent It I shown that tb Importation ot hide la th but bait of th decade was per rant greater than in th first bait, and th prices hire been higher. In European countries, th herd which furnish material for ahoes bav not Increased so fast sa population, and In South America and Australasia the gain has not been uftlelent to make up the deficiency. In short, tb demana for shoe has biereased faster than th supply ot material for nut king them. Consequently It costs more to mak theis K. C. A St lew axtrss.3ii.B " i .na .Blgr,,r price, hsv to be charged Ovaleae UaiisS.. OeMreae tVMefaSe Kieraae-. Spaeal.. urntKRN Ihrougbout U roomed brick and stone hotel. Town .M in Iowa, Price MMwti Want Minnesota or Iowa farm In ex change. Fremont 8. Gibson. Chart City. Iowa " at. . . 1 te a s t il aa A s.a sa anw sa .sa sa a ITS ya .a 7 t aa a I M aa .b 1:11 sa ail a sa CBIeaaa Great Weatera at ara il:Sts e I M aa al Msa OiKaae Kisrea a IS sa (lays llllaole tea teal release BJSfea eTHea ll:ta jCUcass Liaias -a siss pa a i.a aa furnished Imkii Tele 'Itf Eipraas. to iep P a fair profit. This Is a atea- ible explanation, and may oe jusonea wy fact; but after alt th amount of ma terial in a pair of shoes la pretty small, and it would be intereatlng to knew Just how much It value I affected by any recent chant In lb com of rattle bide and calf or goat ikJua-New York J car nal of Comsoerca, , . . mean. 1 Perbap om Idea of It can be obtained by Irednclng It to cartcad lots. There are M OM feet of lumber to a car load, which tould give no UW freight care. It these rant could be coupled they would make a train aver thtrty-flv mils lone ne nearly So separate train of twenty oar arh. Thla lumber costs n avorag of US for axb 1.000 feet, se for thl Item alon th funeral of tb republic for on year mean an expenditure ot t5.HS.M0. A tree one foot In die meter and thirty feet blh will upply lty fifteen-foot board one Inch thick, or enough for tout funsrals. There are therefor required each year, taking th sis ef th Ire mentioned a bt of, owUroatloa, m.(M treee for cofflna Th wood most frequently used is that ot th cheotnut tree. If thee tree were all In on forest, aad not more than twenty-riv feet apart, about Mot aerm of Umber would be cleared each year for thl gloomy purpose. Burial ara occurring more rapidly than th tree cn b grown, and It I a que, tlon whether cremation may t become Imperative In a comparatively short tin. i To each coffin tber are uaeo aoout ' . . . i. . t- na kMul.Mh tare ana ano-oaii ru" at nn a versa cost to th undertakar of, say. so cent a yard. For thl lum there I spent at least HM.M0. Bach coffin Include six yard of atlk for pillow, etc, at (0 cent a yard which accounts for another RUMO annually pent to be placed under th otl. Candle to th avarag number of thirty ara used to earn funeral, coating MLMO If figured at W cents aplec. Bnroud at at each amount to . .. although per hana ant mora than one-half of the bodies sre dressed In burial rone now. When shrouds are not used th bodies ara clothed In dress suits or gowns that ould represent an expenditure oi per haps S at th lowest estimate. At this figure the value of tbe cloth put under j ground would equal rJ4.7B&,u. It 1 estimated that newer cosi not ieaa ihaa 130 to a funeral, er 41.a0,ta a year, and If another Indirect ripens is figured, that of aa average of ior music, an additional M.mooo should bs lakes Into account. ,A VM-y con sen all vs amount at wnicn to estimate th money spent for monu ment ta $100 a funeral, aocordlng to a nigh authority la suck matter. Although counties grave ha ao monument erected ever them, there are other oa whore hundred of thousands of dollar ara spent for on vault or shaft At Ins) th money mount to the Imposing sum of iUs.no.tfM a year. Vast a ara tb fortune of some of oar notoriously wealthy men. H may a eu hna worse than paupara roost ef triers would beeom if compelled to pay in iu- neral expenses of too country tor oni on year. ' . . ... Taking th tJ0,,W0,m menooneo in i ttret arTph. w hava a total si randltur. conservatively figured. Just for burl I alone, that would more than pay tb total disbursements ol in gov ernment for pension tor th war f lb revolution. .). war of IMS. 4M,. Tl; Indian wars. tli,1741; Mexican war. ta.9M.7i, and th war with Spain aad th Insurrection la th raupptn aanoa. nn iii.T-5. The Mgrefat only tmsTV 38. The sums mentioned In connection with tb wsr of IM1 and th Indkjn aad Mexican war sre on account of ervtce, without regard to disability en, fotal aDoronnauon by cangrea to j.me . Ill, for th gigantic talk of building the Panama canal amounted to iZl.Hs.S. The maintenance coot sf tb regular army last year waa only S.43, XI and the navy fllLtlo.30. th twa com bated amounting to only a Bui more, a such flgnrea go. than th sum epent for runerhia for one year la thl country. York City bodget for aext year is lea than KS,V,- The aaxrecate value of the l.H aetu on tb New York atock exchang eomouted a year ago at US.,a aboot ha'f th sum spent for materials that ara buried out ot eight each year. ' Tb government disbursed Mat year ra pension tlWIWv; In th coamimr and diploma tie service. tUK.0Sl; la carrjlng on tb work of the Agricultural depart ment. JU.4S7.M; for fort and fortifica tlons. Ih.tnj: tar tb military academy, jl,2, and for th regtelaUv, exscuUvs Aldtn had th operation almost finished when Dr. Mardls, fearing that tb experi ment might snd In a tragedy, threatened to leave th room unless Dr. Alden de sisted and allowed the others te com plot tb work. "I could bav finished th cptratlua Ingle-handed, I am sure," sld Dr. Alden. "I Injected th spinal anaesthetic rnyaelC snd I mad all th preliminary Incision without th slightest difficulty In fart I laid bar th fold of flesh until I reached th Inflamed organ. I could hava finished as began, without any aid, but th ther physician dreaded a slip et th scalpel and commanded me lo atop, threatening to leav me It I persisted In completing th operattoa. I know, however, that I could bav don th work without any troubl. Th spinal anaesthesia rendered th lowsr nerves of my body Insensible to fain, whil. as I bav always eon tended, the brain remained clear and th band steady, Th anaesthesia did not aurnb mk en tirely, aor did It render ma uncertain In my movements. , "I bav used th spinal anathela eonstsntly m my appendicitis operation and I bar the greatest fairs, la It. u though asm irgon srs not sure of It efficacy. It waa to strengthen th argTi. ment for thl anaesthetic that I attempted th operation myself last Sunday. Al- ' though my colleagues stepped la by for bidding ma to finish th task pr vented my eoncluilvely proving my point, I think th Incident ha demonstrated everything I have contended. "For my own part, I feel that tbe oper attoa waa of Immense value to roe. It gave me a vivid aenss of th action of th spinal anaesthesia and valuabl knowledge of tbe natlona undergone by appendicitis patient under th knife. Incidentally. It showed that It waa nut lmposstbi for a surgeon, withdrawn from very one, to save himself by such an operation (hould It be absolutely neces sary." Ban rrsnchw Chronicla. ' t FORTY-EIGHT STARS ON FLAQ rare for Kw State Added Caw tellatlon la tb Field -' at Bin. Orders hsv seen . Issued requiring ad flag of th United State. 11 anion ef th national ensign and all union Jack to contain forty-eight star because of the admission oa February 14 of Art son a a atata Tb order of tb stars a . arranged by th Navy department and approved by the president will be six row of eight tr each, with th corre sponding sura of each row la a vertical line. Thl make th new flag contain, two additional stars, no chang having been made but year for the admission of 'New Mexico. Instead ot rearranging the stsrs or Sarin to an mire new (upply of flag It wa decided at that time to await th admission of Artsona- Kdward Everett Hale one wrote a story that bring tears to th eya ot II who read It and make every heart throb with patriotism and pity, Mr. Hale' chart character was th man without a Country, an officer, who, one renouncing bis flag, never again wa permitted to as hi native shore or to get worv) from bom by mouth or print " or picture. He was sentenced to spend tb rest of bt natural life al sea, betna; transferred from ship to (hip aa on after another they were ordered to Amer kii water. Mr. Hal' character wa Imaginary, but the man' sufferings were drawn with a realism that make each reader thankful be ha a country.. Few of are a thankful a we should be tor oar country' fUY. tb moat beau tiful in all the world. The symbolism of tts red and white stripe and Marry field of blue has been the theme and lnsplra tlea of poem and hymn. Washington' birthday .brought oat many flag. To those who bad the time or the incline rioa . to watch them a they broke m a flash of color from the staffs on oflfca build- ; tag they meant perhaps only th recog nition of a great reaa's birth. Veterans tell a of th courage th color gave. Traveler know th Joy ot seel tie the Star and Strip on sum const Uat. stter wandering In the shadow of for eign flag. W star-at-botcea rarl a throb of exilutlon. too, even though we may deny It and thrust tt down. . Let Urn who says he doe not ton hi Coan try's flag read .Tho Man Without m Country." Indians poll ' A I;