T r EDITORIAL PAGES ELEYI5 10 TfTESTL THE Omaha Daily Bee Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Vhxrre rweatr Tn Tmh age . too Settornu Peg at VOL. XLI-NO. 228. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1912. SINGLE COPY . TWO CENTS. is 1 1 J ) ENGLISH OBJECTS TO PLAN .Comity Attorney Does Not Like Ap pointment of Judge Sullivan. v WAKES AS PERSONAL . AFFBOHT tare It ncfleeta the Ability of HI atari f asd Ilia Dep-aties la Handle Ike Caaalr Caart Hoase Tangle. OountT Attorney James P. English baa taken offense at the action of the Board of County Commissioner In deciding to call in former Judge John J. Sullivan as apodal legal adviser In the natter ol preceding to oust Caldwell V Drake, county building general contract ors, tor alleged delinquency. Tba count- attorney has refused to sit with Judge Sullivan or any other outside attorney in conference with the board. Mr. English lias taken the action as a personal af (front, a reflection upon his ability and lliat of his corps of assistants Such is the muddled sltuaOco. It may be cleared at today's meeting at ah Eoard of County Commissioners. Tba ouster conference, which had. been scheduled for Thursday arte moon, was sot held because Mr. English was out ot 'the city on official business. He has re turned and an effort, at a conference would have been made, but Mr. Sullivan waa busy with a matter before the su pram court In Lincoln. . ' ' - According to one member of the Board of County Commissioners, who preferred that hta name be. not used. air. English has taken a wrong view of the board's action. ' - . . ..-' "No offense was Intended." aaid the board member, "and our action should not be taken by Mr. English aa a re flection upon him or anyone else, nor as an Indication ot lack of confidence In him or his deputies. The proposed action Is one that p'robabsly would result In liti gation,, which might be extensive. Mr. English retires the first of the year. I feel, and other members of the board feel, that soma attorney who is not sub- J set to the changes ot political fortune should be employed. that the county might be represented from first to last by counsel thoroughly familiar with all the details and steps ot the litigation." 1. 1. Hanlghen Co., plumbing and heating contractor on the county build ing, and the Johnson Electric company, electrical work contractor, have asked th Board ot County Commissioners to pay them In full for their work, or at least pay a part of tha Is per cent re-, serve, even though th contracts have not been completed. They base their re quests on the ground thai delay ot con struction of the building has prevented and is preventing completion ot their eon tracts, and their money Is being kept tied up through no fault ot theirs. The board has decided not to act upon their requests until disposition of the matter ot ousting the general contractors bas been mad. r No tonspiracy in . Discharge "of Wheeler Th dismissal of Tom Wheeler, a court house janitor, discharged a week ago by J. M. Calabria, courthouse superintend ent, tor neglect of duty, has caused quit a furor in the courthouse. All sort of re ports bav been In circulation. Investiga tion has brought out that sensational stories regarding the matter are of rather mythical origin. It waa reported that Wheeler was discharged because he testified In th case of th atat sirs Inst Bob Johnson, charged with keeping liquor for Illegal sale. Several office people In the courthouse -discredit this report, be cause they observed Calabria criticising Wheeler before the Johnson case was tried. Another report thst Commissioner Best told Wheeler not to accept dlsmls , sal and that Commissioner Lynch and Commissioner Hsrte formed a combina tion to defeat Best cannot be verified. Commissioner Best has apposed the moving ot a bridge over the Elkhorn river eouth ot Waterloo. Lynch, Elsasser and Harts put the move through Saturday and the same three voted to approv the dismissal ot Wheeler. 80 far aa can be learned there was no conspiracy. Written-In Votes Must Be Counted South Omaha republican municipal can didates whose vote at the primary City Clerk Frank Good refused to count have ' won their mandamus action before Judge Kennedy In the equity division ot thet ! district court. Judge Kennedy Issued 1 peremptory writ ot mandamus command- log th city clerk to count the wrtitsn-ln names ot republican candidates who were nominated and to place their names on th offlcisl billot. No appeal will be taken. I CHADRON BUTCHERS SEND 1 UNIQUE MESSAGE TO ROAD 1 Nichols Fisher conduct meat market eut at Cbadron. To save the expense of slaughtering, they buy their meats at - tba Sooth Omaha packing nouses. Being hipped a long distance, there are times when the shipments do not reach their destination In the best of order. On one shipment of mutton, they contend that the meat wss spoiled when it reached them. They have filed a claim with As sistant General Freight Agent Griffin and haveeiccompanicd the claim with the fol lowing: , "May the Lordof love and the Lord above look down on this kg of mutton: It waa once aweet and fit to eat, but now if rotten," General Freight Agent Griffin Is some thing of a poet himself and the doggerel bas mad such a favorable Impression upon bint that he la Inclined to reoom mend favorably for the Cbadron butchers. v WATER COMPANY MUST PROVE REST OF CLAIM "Tour report of the proceedings on the claims for water works Improvements is likely to giv a misleading tmpresskm," saya General Manager FairchiM ot the water company, ."when It saya only ISMQt of the HE. 90 was accounted for. The M,) Is conceded by toe city en the soar showing by the water company, leering th rest to be ascertained and checked up by the master. Th city is merely in Use position of asking as to near np the items outside of the ,. Lineman is Crushed by Terrific Impact With Frozen Earth Walter Brown, an employe ot the street railway company, while repairing wire: under the Douglas street bridge at yesterday morning, tell a distance ot; sixty-five feet to the street below. He died shortly after'belng taken to St.- Jo seph's hospital. He Is survived by a wife and child, thing at Twenfy-aixth am! Seward streets Brown in company with several other hueinen w ere restringlng electric win under th brio its when he fell. No on saw him fall and no en knows how Ik lost his balance. It is possible that he came In contact with a live wire. W. G. Wood rough, foreman of the- gang, was also working under the brklg when Brown's body flattened Itself out on the pavement a few feet from where Wood rough was employed. Brown was taken Into a nearby railway shack In an un conscious condition, and from there he waa taken to the hospital In the ponce ambulance. It was found at the hospital that almost every bona In his body hsd been broken by th full, and the doctors were sur prised that be was not kitted instantly. His head waa badly cut also. Coroner Crosby has taken charge ot the body and will lold an inquest today. v' Swedish Society Raises funds to Build Home Here Funds for the construction of a horns In this city for the Swedish-American or ganisation .bav been raised within tha last three years by the Swedish Building sssoctstlon ot Nebraska, share of stock ot 111 each being sold. " Building operation will begin forth with. A committee on construction, con sisting of .Mrs. Gust Carlson, August Weeding and Ed Stone, waa aappointed at th last meeting of th association March 4. Lewis Henderson, A. J. Ander son and Victor Danlelsoa are a finance committee. President John Larson of the associa tion say enough money la on hand to warrant the beginning of th work. A sits has not been selected. Th Swellsh Amerlcan organisation now owns prop erty at Sixteenth and Chicago streets valued at Itt.ooa. Capt. Adams Says it Looks Good for Taft Captain C. E. Adams, president of the Nebraska Taft committee, who passed through Omaha yesterday on his way horn from Washington, says: "Just returning from Wasting ton. I com back to the state feeling very con fident. Indeed, that Mr. Tail's renoralna tloa vaod re-election are assured 'facta. Talking with many people from various states, 1 find the anticipated ground swell of enthusiasm for Mr. Roosevelt has not materialised. I believe the voters everywhere will concede that th presi dent deserved approval ot his official record." Major Evans Comes to His New Post Major Frederic D. Evans, appointed to fill .tha position of adjutant general, which was made vacant by Major P. C. March' promotion, arrived here yester day and Immediately assumed his new duties. I'p to the time of bis trans fer Major Evan waa connected with the Seventeenth Infantry at Fort" Mcl'her son, Ga. Colonel March, who Is made a lieuten ant colonel, has been ordered to report at Fort Kiley, Kan., but he has obtained a long absence leave and will enjoy a vaca tion here for a while. Major Evans Is a West Point graduate and entered the army In 1OT. His record Is an excejtionaJly good one. An Informal reception was held In his office, the other occupants ot the army headquarters build Ing ail dropping In to get acquainted. COLORED BOY LOOKS FOR HIS LOST PARENTS Harry Neal Tayton. a 1-year-old colored boy. Is inquiring ot tbs neighbors for his father and mother. Three weeks ago Harry woke up In th early morning and aaw a bonfire biasing in th yard. In an ecstacy be hurriedly dressed and rushed out An attempt to leap over th fire was an utter failure and th boy fell Into tha flame and was badly burned about the face. He waa taken to the Swedish Mission hospital and Is now re covered. Tbe hospital officials took him borne this morning, or. to the plac that had been his home, near the Eleventh street viaduct, but his parents were gone and had not left their address. The boy was turned over to tin Juvenile court officials. OMAHA SWEDES TO UNITE IN ERICSSON CELEBRATION Omaha Swedes will unite Saturday evening in a pretentious celebration of the semi-centennial ot the victory ot the Monitor over the Merrimac on of the notable' events of the civil war. The Monitor was designed by a Swede, John Ericsson. The anniversary date' comes tomorrow. There will be a general celebration In Immanuel church. Nineteenth and Cass streets. In tn evening. Prof. L. G. Abra hamson of Rock Island will deliver th principal address. MARBLE BALUSTERS STOLEN ' FROM NEW COURT HOUSE Theft f two .marble baluster from tbe new Douglas county bonding hss been reported by John M. Murphy, chtef clerk for Caldwell ft Drake, county bulMing general con tractors. Th balus ters are of the kind need around the rotunda and are worth about Sis acb. r cartel Slawshter of dessjlx microbes occurs when throat fwod lung dliosse are treated with Dr. King's New UscWsry. Me and La. For sale by Bcatoa Drag O. This Store Closes Saturday Evenings at'Nine O'Clock. Shop During the Day Time If Possible sat Toilet Goods & Drugs Neckwear These new lines of neck wear will be sur to In terest you. Se them Sat urday. Pretty jabots of lace and embroidery at 2So and up. Ribbon novelties of various kinds. Sec to 11.50. New styles of la re waists and coat acts. Toe to 15.09. Cut Flowers 10,000 horn grown Carnations worth 75c A $1.00 th dozen on sal Saturday only at 29c mm ii S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Purchases at This Store. Ricksufker's ll.00-s.Jo-. let toilet water. . . .7Uc $1.00 Aturea and La Trefla powders 85c Pond's vanishing cream for IBr. Woodbury 'a 36c facial cream for tV. Sue Carmen powder. Slsc Tic Pompeiian massage cream for ttfc E&c rice now dor. . . .anc Mmo. Isabell'i 50c face powder for. . . . . . .35c 50c White Ross. Violet and other fine per fumes. Sat-, ox. . .ii.'Mi Sic Arnica tooth s"p for T?o packer's tha tar awvp. JSo Physician's and sorgiiKms 10c sosp cake So Wllltsns and Colgate a too shaving soap to tl.Sti Ideal hair brashes for .. Tie house dresses of pretty It's a clean sweep of alf of the odds and ends Id our stork that have been selling up to $20.00. Strictly all wool fabrics, good styles, tbe finest tailoring-weights suitable for woar tor some time O 1 tl'l. FV n o I Of? T to conie. oaie or siris wasn uresses-'aoc ana ooc ai. an mid and m.i. or aw trousers of an bltio, tan, black and lavender, striped percales: with square necks and three-quarter length sleeves: extra values, at, each $1.25 Many mothers hare come to appreciate the sanitary advantages derived from wearing wash dresses the year 'round, and require that their children be so dressed. This Saturday sal will help tliem replenish the girl's wardrobe for a nominal sum. One lot of wash dreoVes for ages to 14 years; made of black and white, plok and light colored perrales; long and short sleeve styles, worth up to $1.75. Saturday, while they QO last, choice at . . ...7QCi ko Per Ctnt Ditcoant On All Pictur From Mad to OrdrSaturday . This Is a once-lo-e-yeer opportunity In which yon are allowed to choose from our entire stock nf picture mouldings. Including ever too sty Us sad flalsbes, st a discount of 29 per vent on all you care to have to order. Bring your picture with you. Ther will be no extra charge placing them lu th frames. One lot of girl's wash dresses made of percales In various colors and pat terns, ages two to eight years, regular prices range up to $1.25, Saturday, while they latt, choice 35c - For Little One Infant's shoes slightly soiled or mussed from band ling, sise up to I, to close. Its s pair. 1 CaUdrea's np to te gloves of good, hesvv yarns: have long wrists, choice of red and whits, Saturday, too a pair. Hosiery and Knit Underwear Specials Women's fast black silk boot bose with Hale feet and wide garter tops; slightly imperfect la the making, bat . wearing qualities were not Impaired; 60c values at 80c tha pair or S pairs for 91.00. Wosses's foil regnlas ssad bee -soni have split feet-all slses and good wearing qualities: regu larly 16c the pair, Katurday, lie. Wosmb's and ehUdrea's bos made ol extra quality Pee Island cotton yarns: fin and coarse rib bed: strictly fast black; all sixes; regular tic valacai Saturday, only, siv, llie pair. women's sad eaildrea't sHgMI solled vest asd paste In nearly a.i slses; up to toe values, to close out. Katurday. H4o the garment. Children s flao ribbed sot tea and wool asd all wool black paaUl all slses; values from 0c to lio, Sat urday, to close, U. W challng any ttor, at or wt, to duplicat th extraordinary and wonderful value w ar going to of fer in our great$t and b$t Millinery Challenge Sale Beginning Monday Thousands of women are' waiting for It-you, too, will want to share In Its money-saving and style advantages. Specially Selected & Offer- sal mt IA Creates AeWacttom Few VuT liTa FMs Will Finest Imported Hsts: Street, Tail ored and Dress Hats In all ot the Fin est Htvles: Hats from Our Own Work Rooms, Children's - and Misses' Hats, Plume aud Millinery Trimming Materials of all kinds. . All the particulars, together with extra at tractions, will be given In tba Sunday Bee. n.. Sqle of Women's Tailored Suits i?ottSgS Only the women who know what Bennett clothing is, can really appreciate what these prices mean. Although it is a clearance of our suit stock, the garments are of styles and weight of fabric "you can wear for at least the next two months.. i Lot One at $8.75, consists of suits made of high grade all xool cloths in black and blue shades and tasty mixtures. Values V from 1!).00 to $23.50. Lot Two at S15.C0. consists of fine tai ored suits niado ot ttie very; finest all wool materials. The values range from $35.00 to $39.50. fir t It T A new lot of women's women s nouse uresses Last Sale of the Season on Men'sHighGradeSuits All Go in One dg Big Lot at..... wool casalmcres, worsteds, serge and corduroys. Worth up to $3.o. Saturday, I.H5. A good variety of new spring anita ' for nieii and"young men will be ( rewdy for your Inspection Katurday. Saturday Sees the Last of the : Boys Suits and Overcoats at " Reduced Prices All medium and heavy weight salts at a dis count of 85 per cent. All boys' and children's overcoats at 881, oer cent less. One lot of boys' spring suits of exceptional quality and tailoring ll specially priced for Katurday at t'l.T.9. Hoys' separate trousers of grey and tan all wool materials that regularly sell at $100 and $1.25. Saturday, Kwv. "little Tudor" rompers and play suits for ages one to six years an entire new line-SUc the garmentj Men, Save Money on Furnishings Coat Shirts in new spring pat I terns with collars to match, 411 colors; regular ss.vu grauea spe cially priced for Saturday only at $i.o. New soft collars for either men's or woman's wear, solid colors hi all sixes rrom 12 4 or 17, Inclu aive, extra values st luc each o 2 for 2.V. . . i ew rap for Bprinjt wear,, la the latest English styles and pat terns for mon and boys, 0Oc, "Ho aud $1.0(1. lSc black or taa cotton hose. Saturday, S pairs for ISc, or sin gle pair. Be. 75c inoslla night Tubes, wU made and nicely trimmed, 49c. Men's 50c suspenders with ttrlrtly new webbing, Saturday, 29c. 0l)e allk kalt four In-hand ties lu popular, striped patterns and solid colors for spriug wear,. Sat -nrday, y. . - ;. . f A large lot of men's fit soft lust in several styles priced for Saturdays selling at ItJttt.- Corsets A Special Selling of New Mod el for Saturday Only ' These corsets have Just arrived and are modeled after fashion's most recent dic . We bought an extra large number of them to offer as leader and acquaint more women than ever with the special advantages of belug corseted at Bennett's. Regular $2.50 Model Satur day Only ... $1.69 Made of high grade eoutlls snd batiste, have a shir string through the bust line and are elegantly trim med with lace and satin bows. They are models that would delight any woman at the regular price, tl.to values But day only. tlM. so Brassieres, Saturday ate Lace triu-nicd and made of extra quality materials. Medicine Cabinets These cabinets were made to our medal order from the bent quality white maple-flnely finished In every way. Size 10x14 Inches; equipped with three shelves and a highly pollshd mirror door, tbey would command $1.60 In any other store. ' Our regular price, $1.15; Saturday's special price) 98c EACH This aaaensesasant was pabUsned la last week papers, bat be- esas of toe vsry anfavoaskl weather which did sot allow assay of - oar friends to ttena la sal w have decided te repeat tv toe this Bat area y 'a sailing. It tells the story soaelaely aad completely. Ther taywaeav i will aet be say aob bargains says i sis la Omaha skis sataroay. , 000 Pairs Men 's New Shoes in Big Sale Saturday A Special Purchate, Made by Our Shoe Buyer Who i now in th Eatt and Rushed to U by th Faiteet Expre. $3.50 Values for Only $2.45 And please consider when reading thus announce ment that every pair Im new new in style and con taining only tbe beat leathers and workmanship. : There ar good, comfortable ttylet, ofjl tturdy leather for th working man; new inappy last and leather th young man who mutt htn only- th mott fathionabl ttylet; $3.50 valuet for.... . Saturday Grocery Specials MEATS Bennett's Bast coffee and 20 stamp. per lb. See t lbs. Bennett's Best coffee sod s stsjnps for fl 00 Assorted teas and "5 stamps, IK tse Tea alftlngs and it stamps, lb. It fc-lb. can pur pepper and ( stamps for 10 Dill picsles and t stamps, bottle 10a 1-lb. can liennett'a Capitol baking powder and t ptaraps S4a 4 cake York Tlolet toilet soap, S3 ror the Xeatea Season Fresh Country Eggs 22c a Dozen. mm barg raekag Only loo Galllard'a ollv oil snd t stan:ns bottle for 4e t pkgs- Bennett' Capitol mine meat and It a I an pa as x Jars peanut butter at It st'pa, a Free Demonstration of atiaat Oetatia aad Tapioca Oaarlou Bum, asade wtthewt gg In our big Pur rood Grocery aturrisy. aV Ceok ook FBSS with every two paefcagee sold. Also an iBdivtdaal alaaaiawst aaold fro to ea-h customer pur chasing two packages Katurday. 2 cans slirlmps and It stamp, SSe 2tc ran Bennett's t'spltol grated pineapple for 15 40 Jar prerye fig for See six can a Cottage milk and It atamns for sse Van Camp's spaghetti and It stamps. can lor IS 5 tans Krergreen corn and It stamps for toe 8 lofc. 7c Jsp rice for S6 Beauty Green Asparagus and it stamps, can toe cans ttarly Jwae peas ft It stp-, so Walker s hot laiualea and 14 stamps ran lae An ktada f vegetable aad flower seedo, pakags ........ - S Bennett's Capitol extract and stamp, bottle .-.le DOl'BLU 8TAMPS OS GKA.NL- I.ATKU gl'OAIt. S-lo. roll ITemlun.' butterfne. . . .4S 8:t bars Crystal White soap and i" stamp for tee Knli1.e. ehll Mill', anrf IS atur. t. bottle for 36 I Full cream cheese and It sump. i " pound . . . .-..S3 Virginia tiwiss cheese and It stajnna. I pound as P0TE0AST ....82c, 7V.C P0EK SHOULDERS.. 7c PORK BUTTS ...10c HINDQUARTERS MUT TON OR LAMB VAc 3 lbs. LAMB CHOPS... 25c i LAMB LEGS 9V:.c 3 lbs. HAMBURGER 25c 1 4 lbs. CORNED BEEF. .25c CHICKENS i.:.9,c 10-lb. pkg. LEAF LARD, $1 VEAL ROAST ...10c VEAL CHOPS ....... . .10c B0ILINO BEEF 5V2c PURE PORK SAUSAGE at ;...12V2C !l:rT I-EAX B.tCO. ISWc S lbs. BHOl Mtr ll STEAK. . U3c SPECIAL-- MORRELL H.I.MS 18?,c V V art 'aV. .V V ii- w. for IYrj$A jtt.rmif-jt':z-.jirz' 5.' LV'sw'3 V-sf ews"- $2.45 $2.45 Here's what you will. find-in all sizei and widths. -Gun metal shoes with the latest high toes, in blucher lace styles. -Three different styles of box calf and velour calf leathers. -Heavy elk shoes with heavy soles and ballast tongues; made to withstand the roughest usage. There will also be some rare bargains for women and children lu tbe shoe department, Katnrdny. IrweweWmas 11 a ,rn iiinuxio Ana reT ccakics v aivkw. no reck awe Fancy spinach, peck 23c Fresh, crisp celery, stalk. 3c and 7e S lbs. fancy dates (or.... 33c Fancy ripe bananas, dot., 18c 2 quarts Cape Cod cranberries for ...sat Those famous Red lands or anges - the best oranges grown snywhereper dot., 15c. 20c, 23c, UOc and 83c Saturday is Candy Day 1 Tress rlaffsta Cboeolsaa -tbe kind with the soft, creamy renters regularly toe a lb-. Satunlar, ato. are's Boiaetlilsg aTew Top eora alia put .up tn air tignt paikaftvaw very dellcloua, freahly popped, to the paekae. Chocolate peaaat slocks worth toe Die ll. Mturdar only. ato. Taako pease brittle, worth !oc th lb., Katurday only, lie per lb. - r t lbs. for ate. $1.50 Clothet Batkett. $1.19 Tnre else, extra heavy, m: of selected willow, and finished w'tit a roll tm. Four mils Bennett's Capitol soils t paper, Saturday, SSe. Daily News Asks Change of Vemie in Libel Suit The Omaha Daily News, one of the de fendants to Judge Lee 8. Estelle's tmtJt I'.bel suit, bed Just filed in Douglas mix,.. Hftptet court a motion for change of venue to some other district court The allegation la made that tn itews could not get a fair trial because a ma jority of tbe jurors are friendly te Judge EateJle and want a wide open toera and disUke tbe News because It always has teaujfct ail klaas of vice. The farther allegation la made that th machinery of the courts Is practically controlled by Judge Estelle and those who ar friendly le him. Hunt Family Loses Eourof Best Rugs j A. B. Hunt, saperindendent of the Omslia Water company, who, lives tn 'Florence, will have to accustom himself te tba Icy chills of a bar floor hereafter when he rolls out of bed at the awaken ing hour, as four ot hi best ruga wont ap In smoke early yesterday hi tbe blase which nearly cleared eut a full stock of taw tittle sabvb. As a member of th entertainment com mittee ot the Imogen Study dub. lira. Hunt was called upon to furnish some attractive floor coverings for their social affair rld at Eagles' hall last e-entn. I and away went the ruga. After the func t lion was over, the furnishings were ' locked up In Ihs- hall and left for the j Phrht. . When the fire reached Has'' hiali this morning the ruts and other things valued at about 13m were )--j strayed. In addition 1 1 ihs floor co.etli.; '. the Hunt family and several other prominent cltlsens ot tha littl town ar minus some of their rt'r ll-r.Uand china and cut glass. key le the e.tuatloa Be AdvarLxlag. COMPTROLLER GETS UNE ON THE FEES OF EXPERTS City Comptroller Coaerov has received answer lo a letter Bert to Des Moines requesting Inf irmatlon st to th cost f,,f annraittrs the csi ianf there, the ssm operators brlrg employed for that purposa here, w.th Us except, on cf two physical appraisers sciued by tWs ci:y. I Jatnes Hal! a id his assistants, work ing at salaries of M. t and t5 per day. 'respectively, cost Pes Moine t'.-iuii. j which Included travel ing expense and jboatd bills amounting to JLfcHii I In Des Moines tl.e experts worked ' thirty-three, ninety and nlnaty-elgbt d- t respectively, but tbey are expected to complete their work as Omaha ia rwesuy day a, so that their teport and Tammmn may be taken Into ooart and awad a evidence by the dty in the i I sis brought to reduce the cost ot ga re-a SLlatolXts, COLTCN IS HERE LOOKiM OVER POLITICAL FENCES To get his beatings on h's aaiOd.-v for th republican :..-e--l-al'r fi-e ex 1 ws:' commissions.-, voiuaat '.'o-'i member t th last two letsrurat trsa'i TcTk, spending a Std taa as Coasts. Joining polities with Kaduesa k-. Ost ton was a th tun sal tsvaalxat as tax last session aad has 'mssi nismtai c taa dry uncll la York.