lit,.: UjJAiiA. riuiJAi. ju.iiat ii 1. t.-iJ. BBUT CITY NEWS sia Sea m b. no W. Slacksara for Mfnr -Adv. boots Omasa Hebrew school will give a mnt at tha Lyric theater Sunday sight, Vm DMar a drama In tares motm. wflj to presented. sTsngsrlaB Society Baa eastey Ths 'east of Esther (Purlm) will be oenfcraced teaday evening with a grand ball, gtvee under the auspices of Um Hungarian so ciety at Metropolitan ball. ttalC weta Oat SVMsoa Gwm W. Cralc city engineer, is la toe no (or commissioner. His petition 1 taken out and will be circulated. Homer Kirk tiled hit petition yesterday, being the Ihenty nlnth to do so. Beal Betata Agents More J. W. Bass eosipany, real estate and Insurance rents, will move about March 1 to room lot, McCaguo buUdlog. at Fifteenth and Dodge streets, and there they will as sume the newtlrm nuns ot Rasp Bros. Orders Bath Mouse CIqssb Police Captain Mike Demcsey yesterday (ave Henry Monda ordere to close us ale Turk ish bath house at Mi South Fourteenth street - He cave the proprietor until Tuesdey to comply with the order. The bath house in question has been raided twice by the police and Wednesday nlgst a free-for-all-tight took place there. STank Bourse la Burled The funeral ot Frank Rourke, son ot David Rourke ot the Omaha base ball club, was held yesterday morning at I M at Heetey Heaters undertaklnf rooms. The serrloes were officiated at by Father Dewd of St. Peter's church. Interment was la Holy Bepulcher cemetery. The pallbearers were John Byrne, Richard Murphy, Bay Roach, Vtdal Yeoman, John X earns and Edward Root. CHARGE AGAINST PfliKETTimTHI1ATS m F0S Merry War Waged by Justices of Peace A merry little wsr Is radar among Omaha's justices ot the peace, because ot Judge William Altstadt'l position In hav ing Judfe Barker ejected from the Paxton block. Altstadt has been In the building for over thirteen years, end because of Ms opposition to any proposition whereby soother competing Justice could enter the building, he hee always been the only Juctica in Pastoa block. Recently Judge Barker sub-leased offices from an at torney on the same floor with Altstadt. and Immediately the battle was raging. Altstadt finally got the superintendent of the building to eject the Interloper, and as a result, all of the other justices are much enraged. They say that It Altstadt does not Immediately square matters so that Barker eaa have offices In the build ing, they will prefer charges ot Improper conduct In effloe against him. Altstadt and his friends have taken the position that "dead competition tells no tales," and are resting en their ears, but the other Jus tices and friends ot Barker are exceed ingly wroth. iPEGG SAYS RECORDS SHOW HE PAID THE MONEY BACK John Grant Pegg, city inspector ot v sight and measures, says there Is noth ing to the report that hs "borrowed money of coal dealers" He says bs bought coal and stuff ot them on time, hut has always paid It back. Speaking t the can celled sneaks H. arose wanted te submit shoeNng Pegs had received money from a coal dealer Mr. Pegg said: "These cancelled ebeeks were written, and I received the money, but It has all been paid backv" as records hv Judge Kennedy's court will show. When the case came up In his court It wsa not thought important enough to call me In as a ell nens Ml. Melsrsteln testified that the shocks were tor money borrowed and paid back, and his affidavit to that ef fee Is oa ths records. Mr. Orosa wanted to show ths checks when he was brought to trial In police court by myself for refusing to repair Vales at Sixteenth and Isard, I didn't know who was operating the. scales, bat Mr. Q rots owned It. Mr. Ones evidently thinks I have It 'In for him,' but there Is no foundation for any such opinion as that I notified 'him oa January a to have the scales repaired, and he didn't do It I simply acted m this case as I have with other owners of large concerns, with no Intention ot casting any dis credit on anyone." accused of Obtaining Honey from Cat Company Itandnlentiy. ACCOXniCS HELD BY THE JUST lasMersseata Said te Rave Beea Or dered Agaiast the Jadsres aad . Clerks at atleetteei Are . Kill Held Is, Sensational testimony of Oliver Stevens a colored waiter, to the effect that h and Harrison J. Plnkett. a colored lawyer obtained money from the Omaha A Coun cfl Bluffs Street Railway company b false pretences, resulted In Steven's sr rest In the Douglas county grand Jur) room yeeterdiy. Ho charge has been placed against Stevens. The grand Jary after healing hie teetimony decided he should be held pending further7 develop menta. He may be used as a witness against KInkett if the lawyer Is In dieted and he himself may be Indicted tot obtaining money by false pretenses. Grand Jury's Investigation of charge of obtaining money fraudulently agalni Plnkett Is the result ot efforts ot col ored people of Omaha In retaliation against PlnkeU's activities In securing Indictments against Thompson A Rou it- tree and Jewell A Phanntx, proprietors of two cigar store-pool halls for colored men. They were Indicted on charges of keeping gambling houses. The charge against Plnkett Is that he engaged Stevens to aid him In fraudu lently securing IS from the street rail way company for Injuries suffered by Frank H. Bradley ot 8t. Paul, a waiter. who was hurt la h street car accident In Omaha last year. Bradley also was a witness against Plnkett Keeps the Honey. According to Bradley's story to the grand Jury, he employed Plnkett to rep resent him and either effect a settle ment or start suit for damages. Plnkett finally told him hs could get only ft Bradley said; hs said that would be satisfactory, hut Plnkett never turned over any money to him. Stevens told ths grand jury Plnkett engaged him to accompany him to ths offices ct the street railway oompany, represent himself to the railway claim deparmsnt as Frank H. Bradley, aad get the money. For this service, said Stev ens, hs was given p. , After hearing Stevens story the grand Jury telephoned the sheriffs office to come down aad arrest ths man. An order for the arrest was secured from Pre siding Judge A. U Sutton. Later ths grand Jury released him on bis own recognisance. At the time Indictments were returned sgalnst ths cigar store aad pool hall pro prietors they and their friends declared the indictments were based upon evidence crumped up by Plnkett Tom Mahammltt editor of the Enterprise, and other col ored men. Ths whole matter, they as serted, wss the result ot a 'actional fight in th. colored Masonlo lodge. Reaalt of Fend. The Indicted men sad their friends de clared they would not stand for "perse cution," and would see to It that Informa tion regarding alleged dishonesty of Plnk ett would bs placed before the grand jury. They roads their word good yes terday. I .lbs grand jury's tod let menu against certain Judges and olerks of election who served In the Second precinct ot the Third ward at the primary election last August, ordered prepared Tuesday, wsre not pre sented yesterday. Q)S gran Jury made utv presentment and took a reoess until this morning. Deputy . County Attor ney Magney II finding- ths drawing of the Indictments no simple matter. Yesterday afternoon the grand jury vis ited ths Child Saving Institute and the Good Shepherd home, THIS OLD-TDtEE. TROMBONE PLAYER DIES . WHILE PLAYING IN THEATER Frits Groebler, trombone player m the orchestra at the Brandels theater, col lapsed Wednesday afternoon and a few moments later died. Heart trouble was the cause. Oroebler had been feeling 111 for some time and Just beton be wsa to begin playing, he complained of feeling dlasy. As the other members of the orchestra struck up a tune his trombone slipped to the floor and he uttered a sharp groan. He was taksn unconscious to ths room under the stage and Dr. Ooets called, but he died In A few moments. Tbe body was taken to the Dodder --. . bin MtahliehsMnt and embalmed and It wUI be sent to New York, where Groebler's wife lives, utue is anown oi . k. AmmA man hv other members mt the company, as ho Joined only recently In New York. th show continued and few norsons In the large audience that wss being Blllllsen Knew met roe nana vs anui asa fallea la the theater. WILL MAKE PAPER FOR THE BUND INTERNATIONAL Plans are being made by tbe Christian Record Publishing company of College View, a suburb of Lincoln, te maks the paper an International publication. This ie a pubUcatloa tor tbe blind. Although the paper now covers the United States, Canada, Wng's-ri aad Mexico. It Is the Intention of ths management of the paper to circulate the paper through all the countries la ths world. Different systems ot printing for the blind win have to be used to meet the requirements of the different races, and the management is aoaing tneee as last as possible- la order to care tor the rn creased eJrculeUoa a large press capable of turning out 2.500 sheets an hour has been Installed. Only eao of the four persons actively raxed la Issuing ths paper can see. - It la necessary to have a stenographer who caa see in order to answer the corre spondence necessary with those ot ths eutalde world who cannot read ths dot system. TBe boats Flaarao destroys fewer Mves than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters la the guaranteed remedy. SC yer ssis by Beaton Drug C .. . Johnson Acquitted . of Selling Liquor Robert Johnson, manager of the Idle- wild club, a North Twenty-fourth street elub for colored men, was acquitted of the charge of keeping liquor for sale by A Jury before Judge Day In the criminal and law division of ths district court yesterday. Ben S. Baker,- attorney for Johnson, defended bltn with the contention that hs was not In the liquor business. but simply a member of ths stub and Its managers, each member paying his share of the expenses. Ths Jury took bis view. The Johnson case was ths first com growing out ot Sheriff McShane's raids to bs tried to A verdict MoShaaa raided the club only a week or two after be took office. - . THESPIAN IS ARRESTED FOR UNIQUE BUNKO GAME Federal authorities are Investigating the ease of George NesJ. an actor living at eM Harsey street who was arrested upon a dty warrant Wednesday night by the polios, but who Is being hold tor an al leged scheme to defraud by the use ot the stalls. Neat's scheme is said to bars been to pretend that he was organising a show. and he advertised la local papers for actors, unexperienced ones preferred. He woidd charge them enormous sums for costumes and makeup boxes. It Is said that be caught a number ot stage-struck Omaha boys aad girls .and 'that hs has beea working successfully for ths last few months. Hs was arrested upon ths complaint of J, D. Wyman, a youth who was victimised. If yen have anything to exchange ad vertise It In The Bee Want Ad ooliimaa. JACOB II. SHUOART. Three Prize Idiots Face Cupid Furay v on the Same Day If any person shall set about making a list of ths twenty greatest Idiots In his tory Chsrles A. Furay, cashier and mar riage license clerk In the county court office, can contribute three names which probably will prove available. Two nlftily gowned young women ap peared before htm yesterday and an nounced one of them wished a marriage license. It Is a bit unusual fur women to secure licenses, the groom generally at' tending to this, but It occasionally hap pens that ths blushing bride looks after the detail. Furay questioned the girl sa to her sge. She was old enough, but she didn't know her prospective husband's sge. She thought a while and concluded he must be over XI. Furay said that wss sufficient What's his name?" he asked. "Steve," was the Illuminating answer. "What's his last namef The girl didn't hnow. She said he was stopping at a hotel down town. She tele phoned to ths hotel and asked for Steve He wasn't there. She ssked the clerk for Steve's last name, but he couldn't help her any. Furay told her she would better give up trying to get a license until she should become mors familiar with the facte in ths cass and belter acquainted with Suva. A half hour later earns a man and a woman from South. Omaha. They asked for a license to live together. The woman explained that she had a husband in Austro-Hungary. but hs was a bard drinker aad she didn't care for him. She said she and the man who accompanied her were Informed by . South Omaha friends that a divorce was unnecessary; that all they need do was to go to the county court and get a special license to live together. Root Sells Control of Printing House Stockholders ot the Omaha - Printing company have bought a controlling in terest In the printing bouse of A. L Root, incorporated. The plants wUI not be consolidated, but Will be run as entirely separate corporations with Be change in the personel.ot ths present mansgera A. L Root expects to spend the summer in JCuropa and has said a large clock ot his stock in his printing company, it was rumored that 'the two concerns would be consolidated and a large new home built to house the two, but Frank B. Johnson, head of ths Omaha Printing company, says they will be operated entirely sep arate. NEBRASKA CORPORATIONS MUST REPORT BY SATURDAY Ross Hammond, collector of Internal revenue, has Issued his final warning to Nebraska corporations relative to filing tHeir business report for U1L Every concern In tbe stats that Is Incorporated must render a statement of Its affairs to ths collector, no matter what Its prof Is or losses are, and negligence to do this can bs punished by Inflicting a pen alty ot from lie to 110.0W, according to else of the concern. These reports are due Saturday morn ing at the very latest end Mr. Ham mond has In his power the right to de mand the penalty for delay after that date. There are still about 60s corpora tions who havs not filed returns, but they are coming In rapidly, and Mr. Ham mond believes that by ths Urns Saturday rolls around this number will havs been greatly diminished. There are about fifteen corporations la the state who have not filed their lsht return, and against these suits to re cover (Aon penalty are bow pending la tire United States court Do you know that more real danger lurks In a common cold than In any ether of ths minor ailments? The safs way Is to taks Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable pvopera tion. and rid yourself of the cold as quickly bs possible. This remedy Is for sals by all dealers. e VltourBabik Breakfast I JstyJ fwIVE him good substantial hrriZ. that il u,te rood sod is easil I lis !2m iH) bmsJ with h. big ksd of stsreasften fern food, bat see i easily digested. OsU V'sjsy SeelwiUrtohigkedof stsrTsfteafermmUiBUtaIlSch. L jaeaJgs? Cora and wheat lack elements which the healthy child mast OT VS have. The perfect food mads from ths perfect tram Cream of E: 'CAT it for health fa toil teste wmOm trvm Kf burr, kmr Umr m ftoar kUiQf m roOdhl wtrMt ar eara gUkca. Com Id ttw tabkt freafclT cooM as sTsodtjra teiwaei tantm. Creaaa of Br la th mm ducuv fcrrggstf mt iHtti roaeu frrr not ciy for habi?. bat for tb etitlr tumiit. TawBM too! sVttcl toija kMB a mom- mm mi tu ttu a-1 Mil i tc Cbmb. kftslxi Ad trmd. mmGinm. and tnarra. Vol. tttat juav oroar traeatfta gat a ptwcW ot Cnua of &ra rWSfIr.fWyscxxp t- M-aels7, niBBWeWfMwW af esa stKluae Fllgemigslliri II f II r ltBTll LOAN SHARKS WILL GET JOLT j Move Khde to Orfanite Chattel Bank I Along Charitable Line. j PR 0X15X51 MEH OTISESTEDJ. Wealthy t'ltlerae Probably. Will ! CUe Vae of Mosey aad fharlty WUI Receive rive ler t'rnt for lie t ee. 'There Is on foot a scheme to aid the needy poor which will make Omaha loan harks feel blue. This is a plan lo ee tabllvh a loan bank from which people n need of money may borrow at a nomi nal rate of Interval The benk. it tlie plan materialises, will be stsrted In con nectkm with the Associated Charities, with headquarters In the City Hell, under iecretary Jonts. A. D. Brandets said yesterday that the Associated Charities had proposed to pay Interest on money loaned for the enterprise, but that probably he. C. T. Kountse. E. V. IMxon and K. C. Barton. all ot whom are on the charities board, would furnish the money without exact ing Interest for Its use by the charities. Low Hate ml lalereel. Mr. lirandels says the rate ot Interest charged borrowers would probably not bs over K per cent "It will be the finest kind of thing for the people It le planned to help. After paying excessive and extortionate In terest there is not much Mt," he said. Miss Jonts said that the plan had grown from the great need of It In Omaha. Tbe charities secretaries havs been gathering Information on similar bureaus In other cities and Miss Jonts hopes the bureau to be started by October I. the beginning ot tbe charities' year. The matter will be Drought up for more definite decision probably at the board meeting March A "We have so many people come to us who havs fallen Into the hands of loan sharks." said Miss Jontx. "We have some families almost ruined by them. We havs one family that paid Interest on carpets and curtains after the articles were worn out" Drinks Carbolic Acid and Will Die Mrs. Annie Anderson, aged 77 years, living at 9M riorth Fifteenth street. drank one ounce ot earbollo acid yesterday morning In a fit ot despondency and Is dying In the Omaha Ueneral hospital. Mrs. Anderson was married four 'years ago. and two months ago her husband left bar. Ths woman has been pining for her ' husband ever since. There Is no chance tor her to live. U WW 1 1 il Ii Si I is. est ilel. mm aai aula. "fe. w Menk k. laeara la. '" I pmei tani, i ,11 - i , fmmt tABUBT ttfxAOt or iaJmssjti on auaxrr. . ewe IV. va e- tea "asax ..! se" Sees Sfc all dragglBss Bad te parties, stereo, for sale at taermsa A ateOoaasn stores. Wash your dishes with GOLD DUST Orrlinarv dish-water OIlW flonna tha surface. Put a dash of Gold Dust into thtt water and it will go to tbe bottom of thina-a. drive out everv bit of dirt, every germ, every bidden particle. , uoid uusi cleanses as well as cleans. W nrrnniM von ihia if VOU use Gold DlLSt: Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you will save at least half the tune ordinarily consumed in wash ing them. Gold Dust does better work than soap or any other dish. washing product and saves half the time. Gold Dust la sold la SO sis, asd larfw psck lastaris sackags i (rester economy. INVITE EVERY WOMAN Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Ynby letter at my expense R.V. Pierce, M. D. There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the hand9 of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist. As a powerful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing ana strength ening nervine " Favorite rre icription" is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, fainting spells, and other dis tressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the distinctly feminine or gans. It induces refreshing ueep and relieves mental anx iety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is devised and out up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies. Its ingredients have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice. The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more. Accept no stent nostrum in place of " Favorite Prescription " a medicine of known coMPOsrroN, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a dose. Easy to take as candy. Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing mh on a free copy . of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1003 pages, cloth-bound. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. Buffalo. N. Y. JUST SEND ME THIS COUPON (.. Si. ) ! dr. piERvea inmmr botbu Buttuio. n.r. Meass send aw letter ef eavlee sad rear Bask far Wobmb, eO Ires sad sestsgs said ' wttheat any stiligsWsns as say part whserest. i ' HyNsBjs sowwosooooooaosoaasoBsssossow seisesooaa C . Feat OnVs, , ..............Stale..... i ! Aget Hew less sglirtaS't..... .Are yes asnrlset llato a cress (X)si (rent ef IIm sibsssw frsa wbVm yes sofler. Twe creese, (XX) ; mfreBtof sW ess treat which res suffer east, CbastfeetJea Bears Dews KUesy Tieeele ..-..Coach HeeZST rWwrerioes Blsoe Trouble Ceujrrh i' mPiman. rsiatiagSeaUa WT "!"!obeeity , ......Fan te Berk nam Overisa rem ...3k Disease . Wanes Rot PMie. ...... Imper. Blood 5 ......fwsa Weakness .Change ot Lite ...... lMalac rarts ...... ineeaaii era S JsT aDMswrSeW 4Hisjf tAw 9ffmftt9t as 9 astBasavf asVwl if sjbm with SATURDAY," AND ALL NEXT WEEK Brandels Stores OFFER WONDERFUL BARGAINS from Their Great Cash Purchase of Entire Surplus Stock and Sample Lines F-A.GLUCK&CO.Y.rV Women's Beady Hade Apparel At Less Than Actual, Cost to Manufacture. Saturday-Aii the Women's Suits Medium weight many spring rtyle S O j 5 98 worth np to $23.00, at O D All the Cloaks Monday. All the Women's Dresses Wednesday. All the Silk Waists Tuesday. All the Skirts Thursday. BRANDEIS BASEMENT r-r I rl iWV0 I All rii K? Pairf-rri rfhi I if W f 1 Amm 1 1 II 1. I -' f - I .r il ueveiana nr i rrwhl via the i i Q . Syracuse V' L- -. - fief Jls- eaTt. I I lXvrr I hxin livmnl I MmtTl I mtrntr T M I 1 if I 1 - JIUL1 sTf Asa, ..eST BLsrm M gM aV-A SI SBk. " lifl Detroit ill I 5!'1?ES5(5.S! i If I m mi HMJBb sUjusv-BjjLsshSaB wtiUAM m-wav t a'" Albany ajinmoua frab ia the I TolI M y u 20th Century limited f -Wj- y caoo-Bo-NcwYork i oTOw"rou)s mJ 1 lwJ-' '- Omaha Office S eWeto. mi. ... ., t,..i. fce ww f, r I I a SJf CeaareJ Agoot Fssssags fwTm' i-v c N c . i-i whSeryeMWS,eMaieai W.sals B IV Kf , - - , - BS V , Z7l7uTfZrZ C4V" rWrteortrJeyheosBnd v UlRfT JL wUrehWeatss4sAissfaeeBeel UU - " le-er" eygwfll ATTBrsje SB ths . NJj' ' tlsawesMBewrwwWet. IZSmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmZ teflB dl JBT trip. j J mt 1 ALL MUGGLSTS. I f , " I Try Cntmtm Ant. 1 SMST ewii , mWmmmmWmWmWmVmmmWmmmmlmWmmmmmmmVmmmmmWmmWm WSm BEE VAKT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS ,