Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Fae Cut Will Probablj Be UnTeilei
Jfemerial Day.
Preaching Good ; Seed Gospel
'"w larnnann at
asttlatlaaa rravlaea
tleae Maaae
Caata la Erassaa Case,
rata at State '
I Fat Objee-
af Tasiag '
From a Staff
LISCOLX. Feb. .- Special TelesranU
-War hu beea received (ram Daniel C.
K ranch. th artist aha designed tire Un
ehi monument, which It to stand on the
west front of the capital grounds, that
the casting of the monument will bo com
pleted thla week and fnlihlng is all that
remains to bo done. It is exnected this
"111 be completed and the work ready to
"tp the last week la April.
It had been contemplated t) have the
unveiling lust before or the day follow
ing he Grand Army of the Republic en-
smpmrnl at Beatrice. Slay II to IS, but
it is feared tba time will be too short
and present p-'ans contenfplate having the
unveiling on Memorial day. The day it
self would be ii appropriate one and on
hat occasion It Is thought a large num
ber from out In the state would attend
the ceremony.
Contract ta Oataaa Kirs.
The Board of Public Lands and Build
lags today let tba contract for a new roof
on the boiler house of the Hastings Hos
pital for the Insane to the Johna-lian-ville
company of Omaha for 173. It also
let tba contrast to Retmers at KauffmaiM
of Lincoln for a tunnel from the kitchen
to I be six buildings of the Institution, the
cost being about tl 0,000.
At present the food must bo carried
from the kitchen, where It Is prepared, to
the various buildings by the out-door
route, and this is Inconvenient in bad
.weather and subjects the food to unnec
essary exposure to dust and dirt. It is
Intended to carry it through the tunnels
alien they are completed. .
The claim of the. contractor of the
hmidlngs for tbo School for the Feeble
Minded- at Beatrice tor about 0 ectraa
aa held up for a further bill of par
ticulars, Ida far Llacala Pamas.
Bids have been opened for two new
pumps to be Installed at the. Ar street
water works station. They are to bava
a capacity of gallons each m
twenty-four hours, which Is aO per cent
mors than tba ones, at the Rice street
wall, vbJch have been put out of com
mission. No contract yet has been warded.
Caata la .Brassaa Case.
The attorney general baa filed an ob
jection ta suing costs In the Era man
i ass from Douglas county. Erdmaa ap
pealed front the decision of the district
court In Douglas county from a convio
tton for the attempt to blow up the Tom
Den nl son homo and obtained an ac
quittal. The' coata were taxed to tba
county, but the attorney general's office
alleges that the brief ana, abstract were
largely- duplications and that the eountr
should not be bold for 4hs extra exponas
and therefore mores to have tba costs
relaxed. ." J., .i. .
Bvldearw la Hants Cass.
In the case of John F. Harris, charged
with the murder of David McFry In July
last, most of the tints .today -was taken
up with testimony Jd show, that attar
he had been discharged on a char re of
intoxication, Harrte had mads threats to
get oven wlla Merry. . Considerable con
troversy arose over the question whether
the testimony submitted as baring been
glvsa before the coroner was a full trans
cript or only a garblfd one. - This cams
up la an attempt to show that a witness
had testified today differently from Ms
appearance before the coroner. The point
waa dropped before a determination of
this question waa reached.
l a Or. ' Wlaaelt.
City Attorney Foster has decided he
will take no notice of the protest made
by the Central Labor union against Dr.
Wlnnett of the railway commission 1 1
tliur In Judgment of the street railway
case. He says he can- find nothing In
the law which would Justify his making
the protest and it was purely a qwestion
up to Or. Wlnnett whether he will par
ticipate In the bearing.
Gearg C. Glllaa Ft lea.
George C. Olllan of Lexington has filed
as a candidate for dslegats from ths
Sixth district to tha democratlo national
Kola fteaar ta Work.
Edward Kelso ot Grand Island la at
tha eapitol looking over the field of ha
labors. Ha has been appointed Inspector
In tha fire marshal's office. Tics Edward
Williams, resigned. Kelso Is supposed to
go to work March L
." Vaissiies Hcaurlaas jReeaawa. .
Tha Union Pacific waa ready to resume
the valuation bearings one day sooner
than expected and consequently tha rail
way commission took up tbs work today,
Testimony waa being Introduced to show
the cost of subsidence and adaptation of,
railroad, construction, over which there
is considerable difference between the
company ami the state's engineers.
J (M,. Jv I
Pharmacy Students
Ready to Graduate
Museum Minus Fish ! from Creighton Uni
Vhen Governor Eats It
(From a Staff Correspondent 1
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. .- Special. -The
State university museum Is out one
fine fish specimen and oOvernor Aldricb
aill have fish ta eat as the result of the
excess of activity on the part of a cold
storage house employe. James Walsh of
Omaha brought, a fortr-one-aound salmon
dean fiom Canada and gave It to (tie
governor, who ordered A put In co d stor
age with the Intention ot presenting the
spedirtn to tha unlvere Ity museum.
The rrld storage man. however, thought
to be a good Xelloa and proceeded to
drcrs t:ie fish fr the governor and thus
tj, as a museum specimen. No com
plaints have been reglitered as yet from
the members of ths Atdrtch family.
af gapers la ota Adapts Hen
Brie) Plane -Caaalaates File
foe CaaasalssloBer.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. .-(Bpeclal.-Tbe
board ot ' supervisors yesterday
adopted a number ot plana for bridges
such as are used by tbs Illinois Highway
commission, which prepares plans and
spedfleatiofis and supervises the con
stmctlea of budget. Plans for re-en-forosd
concrete and steel bridges with
concrete floors, and also plans for
smaller and cheaper bridges were also
adopted. This will mean a big saving
annually to Gage county.
Antoa Oltmaa yesterday purchased the
Marts theater aa lower Court street,
which was recently closed by creditors. :
Robert L. Anderson and Miss Hannah
Miller, both of Lincoln, wars married
hero yesterday by Judge H. D. WaJden In
county court.
Tba following candidates have filed for
eity commissioner and paid the necessary
tea of H to ' have their name placed
upon the ballots. A. Brewster, J. R. C.
Field, Morris Freshman. J. W. Mayer,
Antoa Ottmaa. J: 8. Rutherford, J. J.
Blow. I. R. Splcer, J. w. Thomas.
Saturday. , March 2, Is the last day for
filing, and at least half a dosea more
candidates will file before that date.
Tba Wymore and Beatrice High school
teams will debate af tha former place
'riUr evening, and a special train will
be run from this point for the occasion.
George W. Schneepflock and Miss Ida
May Comptoa. . both of this city, were
'married last evening by Judge U. D.
Waidea. '
Webster Farmers
Take Live Interest
; in Seed Problem
RED -CLOUD. Neb.. Feb. 9. -(Special
Telegram. 1 The seed corn special, in
chargo of H. P. Kaufman, arrived here
on scheduls time, but owing to the condi
tion of the roads ami the carta1 nees of the
hour there were not many farmers out
to the meeting. Prof. Burr, however, en
tered heartily Into the discussion ot good
seed and was given careful attention.
Among. the audience was some of the
most progressive farmers of Webster
county, and what they learned will be
distributed among their neighbors.
UL'IDB ROCK. Neb.. Feb. .-Spt-cll
Telegram.) The seed com special arrived
at this morning snd In spite of the
bad roads about 100 farmers listened aw
(entirely to Mr. Johnson explain the corn
d condition confronting the farmers
this year. He gave definite Information
as to how to select seed that would grow.
The blgli school graduating i-'ass at
tended. . After.- the lecture the meeting
was thrown open for general conference.
and the manner ' In ' which the farmer.)
participated in this work shows thst they
were alive to the situation and tliat they
appreciated the efforts ot the Omaha
Commercial club and the Burlington rail
road in helping them solve present prob
lems. .
Socialists Meet V
" and Perf ect Plans
YORK, Neb., Feb. .-8pecisl . Tele
gram.) The socialist , state convention
was called to order this morning by John
C. Chase, who was elected temporary
chairmen, and W. K. Merkel, secretary.
The temporary organization was nude
permanent. Mayor F. P. Vanwlckle was
tutroductd and made an address of wel
come, which) Waa responded to by Clyde
J. Wright.
The report of the credent lets committed
showed fifty-two accredited delegates
present and entitled to a seat In the con
vention and about twenty-five arrived to
night. State Secretary Wright made hla
financial report from May to February
showing collections ot 12,117. while ex
penditure exceeded lhat amount by II. aw.
He also ssld there had been no gain made
In the due paying members In ths state.
After selecting varloue committees, the
convention adjourned till tomorrow morn
ing. , ,
Wagonload of Stolen
Goods Found in Tent
Near Nebraska City
NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. (Speclslr
rheriff Fischer yesterday arrested Elmer
Gray, :i years of sge, who has 'been
camping in a tent in the northern por
tion of the county, charging him -with
robbing the home ot Walter Green, a
farmer near ' that place. : On searching
the tent he found a" two horse wagon
load of atolen goods, taken from . the
school houses and other places, and a
large amount of goods thst were tsken
from ths Missouri Taclflc depot at No
na ka, among them being several gone,
bed clothing, and a lot of ' tools. Ths
prisoner and stolen - goods, were, brought
to this rttg and Sheriff Quintan, of
Plattamouth, came down and took-charge
of the prisoner and stolen property.
Gray's father and . mother, havs, been
camped near this city for some time,
but two weeks sgo the boy started 'out
for himself. fMnce then he has put In
all of his time stealing. The family were
former residents ot -Lincoln and Have
lock. Ths father appeared after his-son
Vaa arrested and stated ha had ' been
bad for , -some ' time end he could do
nothing with him. . 1 -
(From a Staff Corrceponuent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. ja.-8pecial Telegram.)
Some old seed corn brought to the pure
food department from Crete Is showing up
the best enf anything yet tested. It was
put into the sand tester and Is showing
a high per cent of germination. Some of
mat year's com put Into the same ma
chine IS showing up poorly.
Just now IKtle corn Is being received,
which Is attributed to the activity of the
seed special trains and to the fact farm
ers hare discovered they csn test their
own com as well as snyone can do It for
CHICAGO. Feb. .-Uajor A. W. fcutt.
personal aid to President Taft, waa today
granted leave of absence by the War de
partment for one month and twenty-four
days, and on Saturday will sail from
New York for the Mediterranean. The
leave was granted on a surgeon's certificate.
Major Butt was taken ill on the presi
dent's trip west last tall, and for a part
of ths Journey waa confined lo his room
In Mr, Taft's private car. Ever since
his return to Washington his health has
been poor,- and' finally army doctors or
dered him to stop work and take a vacation.
Major Butt waa personal aid to former
President Roosevelt for the last year he
was m tha Whits House and has not had
a vacation for four yi
' NEBRASKA CITY, Feb. -i8pecial)-Slnce
the storm Sunday none of the
rural route carriers have been able to
go iver their routes. . The roads are still
blocked with heavy snow drifts and it
may be several days yet before they are
opened. .About. the city, tour horses are
being used on all of the busses and ve
hicles, of that I nature, and no calls are
answered outside of the business district.
For two days the grocers and coal deal
ers were unable to. make any deliveries
save with-four horses to each vehicle.
The heavy weight of the snow on many
of the roofs' of flie-bulldlngs about the
city has caused considerable damage dur
ing the 'last tew days. While none of
the buildings utterly collapsed many of
them were seriously damaged and among
the number-was the greenhouse of J.
E. Berthold,' Duff garago and Nelson
Bros. ' All of ' lbs buildings had to be re
paired. '
Record lor Ossaaa Trala.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. .-(Special
Teleiram.) In spite of a heavy snow
fall a growd ot over people, composed
of farmers, business men and students,
gathered at the Union Pacific depot this
afternoon to listen to the lectures given
by Messrs. II. J. Gram 11 ch, O. Hull ana
B. P. Brown, senator from Lancaster
county. Each of the two coacnes were
filled while Senator Brown spoke to ths
overflow crowd.
8, C. Bassett of Gibbon accompanied
the party oa ths trip up the Kearney A
Black lllils line, speaking at each stop.
The train left at I p. m. for the west,
having made thus far a record for a core
special. - Nearly - 75,M people have been
addressed since leaving Omaha, Monday
rarasers' laatltate at H ass Wold t,
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb. . iSpeclal.)
The Humboldt Farmers Institute wlll
hold a two days' session on Thursday
and Friday .of this week. Speakers of
prominence have been secured and over
fifty valuable prises will be given for
the best exhibits of corn, wheat, oats,
ladles', embroidlery. sewing and knitting
and pastries. Dr. Gains of Mitchell, head
ot the veterinary departments will give
a few addresses during the session and
on Friday afternoon will giva a horse
Judging demonstration in the streets.
Xatew irons Desfcder.
DESHLER. Neb., Feb. S. Two wolves
were killed In the big circle bunt, east
Deshler Wednesday.
Mrs. Terry Sullivsn. who was recently
called to Rockport. Me., by the sud
den death of an aunt and uncle, phoned
her husband today that a cousin. Mrs.
ISddis Grebe bad Juat been fatally burned.
(From a. Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. . . S.-peclal.)-Don
Wood of Omaha, member of the Jaw
class at the university, ban been elected
president of the sophomore class over
Csrl Nagle, also of Omaha, member of
the engineering class. The vote was 111
to 71. '.
The engineering class had elected Ita
man pcesldrnt of the senior class a ad It
was reported was trying to get Its men
In the presidency ot all the other classes.
They were defeated Tuesday, - In . tha
Junior, class and now they, loss the. soph
omore.. Nagle was popular In the. school,
but the combination of all the '.other
classes was too much. '
Nebraska weather la - anything but
sprlng-Uke today. Railroad reports In-1
dleats that light snow Is general all the
way from 10 miles west of Omaha nearly ;
through to the state line. i
Generally through ths counties In the
southeast corner of the stats tempera- i
tures last rdght ranged from 1 to I de
grees below aero, while at Scott's BlsfC
In the northwest corner. It was 13 below.
In the eastern part of the stats the mark
ings were from I to JO above, with about
Ihs same temperature through ths central
portions. ' ,
FREMONT, Neb.. Feb.' (SpeciaJ.)-
The ward lines ot this city will be some
what changed before the coming 'primary
election. The county board In dividing the
city Into supervisor, districts divided the
city Into' two districts, with' Main street
as the boundary line. Under the new plan
the cltv will have four wards aa before,
with Sixth and Main 'streeia as the
boundaries, one tier myblocks being added
to the Second ward and one to the Fourth
ward from the First ward.' It will make
no change in the political complexion of
the wards. - '
ELGIN,' III.. Feb. 'S.Cherlee Miller.
a years old. a farmer near Klgln. was
killed by a Chicago. Milwaukee 8t.
Paul passenger train - today and his
mangled body, was carried on ths pilot
of the engine for eight miles before It was
discovered. The bodies of Miller's two
horses wars found lying along side tha
track near Pingtes. .Chicken feathers,
dead pigs' and broken furniture were
strewn for a yards. Miller's body was
taken from the pilot at Hampshire, III.
-FREMONT, .Neb., Feb. S.-iSpeclal)-
PeHtions have been filed' by ' republicans
of Washington .county for' the nomination
of 'Mayor George Wols of . this city.' for
state senator. As the nomination Is con
ceded to that county this year It is prob
able thai there will be no other, repub
lican candidate presented. The 'repub
licans of Dodge county are favorable to
him and have no other man, in view for
the. place. He is serving, a fourth, term
aa mayor ot Ffemont and will 'poll a bit
vote outside of his party.. - , .
. .
. Kalooa Men Lose Salt, i i :
CLAY CENTER, Neb., Feb. 8.-(8pa-clal.r
District court haa ' been 'In .session
hero thla week and a. part af ' last .week.
The only Jury trial was that of -William
Rurup of Harvard, against three, of, the
saloonkeepers ot Sutton and the ' Lion
Bondttis company of Oraalut for damages
alleged to be due him as owner of la
span of horses killed In a collision
Saroovllle. this county, about 'three
months ago while being' driven by; Bert
Pembrook, whom tho plaintiff si leges was
Intoxicated with ' liquor purchased , from
the defendants. Pembrook was in the em
ploy of tba plaintiff. The Jury was out
eighteen hours and found for the plaintiff
in the sum of K30. The amount asked for
was IMS. .
Kearney Tlasea Makes Changes,
KEARNEY,. Neb., Feb. .- Special )
Changes were made In the management
of the Kearney Morning Times (independ
ent) today whereby Al Rouses formerly
of the Callaway Queen, becomes manag
ing editor, Judge ILyM. Sinclair political
editorial writer, and C. C. Cross, 1 until
recently managing editor, bead of the
editorial staff. Regarding the force and
tha stock owned by the Standard Pub
lishing company, owners of the plant. Bo
changes were made.- '.
Isles f rasa Deshler. '
DESHLER, Neb,, Feb. ! (Boeclai.)-
Stnoe the present naturalization Jaw - went
into effect, September X 19M, sixty per
sons have taken out their final papers in
Thayer county, and fifty-two- have : de
clared their Intention of becoming citi
zens. . . -y.
Rev.-Aodraes' Sohmidt. -a -pioneer-resident
of Thayer county, settling here la
1S7S, died last Monday, aged 55 years. '
The Creighton Schol of Pharmacy will
graduate the largest class In the history
of the school this evening. Kxerrises will
.be held In the university auditorium. The
members of the class are:
Clifford Alford, Cortland. Neb.
E. K. Atterbury. Wyoming.
George Bat. Grand Valley. Colo.
Thomas Bowri, Krnrsaw, Neb.
Oscar Brown. 1" South Fourteenth
Mrs. H. J. Butler. ISM Ames avenue,
I Omaha.
I Clyde C. Callett. Wellington, Colo.
Thomas J. Connors, Pueblo, Colo.
' luchard E. Colm. Peru. Neb.
I Agnes Duffy, Council Bluffs, la.
; Charles E. Donnelly. Atkinson. Neb.
Nateila Durham. North Twenty-fifth
I street. Council Bluffs, la.
I Ella Deerson. Klknnrn. Neb
i A. G. I'Mvher. Nells hh, Xeh
' Henry M. Fox. t5 Charles street.
' Omaha. Neb.
I Murrls Kox, Lit !kuth Fifteenth street,
Omaha, Neh.
j G. A. Cilllmore. Orcsion. la.
i John A. Helm. IM llaraood, Lincoln.
j Neb.
j John llenili'.i. I'lattsnmuth. Neb.
I John Heffernan. Jackson. Neb.
I John B. Hell's. Petersburg. Xeb.
j Clyde K. lsruburg. Emerson. Neb.
J. C. Jefferls. Newcastle. Wya
Krrts 8. Klntsel. Oxford. Neb.
Alford Klngdon, Kennard, Neb.
Harry c. l-angin. Neola, Neb.
N. W. Ladrrgurg. Litchfield, Neb.
Reuben U Logerweil, Nsier, Neb.
N. K. McNees. Chadron. Neb.
Walter Mtchaclaon.- Plalnvlew, Neb.
James 8. Norris, New York City, N.
John C. Porter. Oxford. Neb.
John F. Rafter, Michigan City, N. D.
John T. Ryan. Overton, Neb.
rtollin C. Sherman. 132 North Thirty
eighth avenue. Omaha, Neb.
Paul Schmelllng. Superior. Neb.
Charles F. Slpe. Holbrook. Neb.
Otto W. Selling. Benson. Neb.
Price Terrell. 11.3 Dodgs street. Omaha.
Frank I. Thompson. Itockvllle, Neb,
Alexander lourviile, Centervllle, Neb,
John Vilamvae, Mil South Fifteenth
street. Omaha, Neb..
Homer M. Ward. Kennard, Nsb.
Vssoar A. tolnuoipii, uiauu istsnd, Ks's,
Charles A. Reultng. Orand Island. Neb.
HERE"S a dish "fit for a king," and it
costs but one cent a helping Fatal
Brand Cut Macaroni Ready cut in uniform
pieces so it cooks evenly and can't get
water-clogged. Made clean and kept clean
in our sealed package. Ask your grocer.
5c a package. Maull Brothers, St Louis, Mo.
- i
Your New
Spring Hat
Eventually You'll
Boy it Here
Important Announcement
Thos. tilpatrick & Co.
. Delays in manufacturing' the stock for our new
department, and stalled and belated train service be
tween the factories and Omaha, make it impossible to
open our new shoe department on March 1st, as con
templated. We have received a large number of advices
and invoices, covering the shoes (made to our special
order), and in a few days will be able to give day and
date of opening.
We would ask the numerous ladies who have been
inquiring from day to day, and all those who have been
waiting so patiently, to kindly defer buying for a few
days more.
Thos. Kilpatrick & Co.
, Na'aBer-Selts. . '
HCMBOLDT." Feb. -(Special.) A
pretty wedding occurred al the home at
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kelt el high noun
Wednesday when their daugnter. Pearl,
was united In marriage' to- Mr, Louis
Nofsger, the ceremony being performed
by Rev. Landls af Bern, Kan. They will
reside on a farm a short distance south
of Humboldt. - '
LYONS. Neb., Feb. 3.-pecial.) Mr.
Henry' Ohrlstensen was married to Miss
Freda H. Brix at t o'clock yesterday at
tha home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Brtx, Rev. Mr. Wick of Blair
officiating. These young peopls are prom
inent among tha Danish settlement north
east of town. " .
NEBRASKA CITT. Feb. .-BpeciaJ.)
At the home of Hon. Nicholas Kline.
In Osage precinct, today was a wedding,
followed by, a .big feast, at which time
Ms daughter. Miss Clara Mary, was mar
ried to Mr. Henry Johnson, a well-to-do
young farmer residing near Palmira.
The Da-f ersof Blood Pouoi I
Ira say, ssd efHise resell fitsnr.
TYStaa aNTissirTio roauaa
test Is las esest si sll IIsms sad
apsltss ts sn ests. braises ssd sirs,
suss will sum's ell assise el ta
le use
--d Powder
llr"" 'W wi TM aMsgjt
et tmsWVKai
mrm - k 1 1 1 r
tntht Wltfeovt InlmrlBff tlw tB4Yt fltk
ttwaw. For all vlrvroua coMtttosa. Uft
qualH u ynftuiltt. I'm, hj fee
ton for bit 2i n. IUmoIy Itv
tiatlr ! witr. fttea. for 4osrlt. -tt
t-rxfeDn Bik tw (tOta lUatS
ari twJitro.
HoH hy tmcrllt wi7rWw.
Aak fv tenor t for booklet.
The Favorite Rye
ox Six GenerauonB"
4 times the mellowest
4 times the purest
Because 4 times distilled
in copper.
(Ordinary wtilakey not mora than twice)
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle is sealed with
the U. S. Government Stamp,
Its age is guaranteed by the .
' . U.S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its Quality speaks for itself.
Wben you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
i Schenley Pfaitlinf; Coenpany, Locesco, Pa.
Have You Seen
The large assortment of pieces assem
bled on our main floor for our Drop
Pattern Furniture Sole, to oikmi Mon
V , , y; morning at 8:30 o'clocH V ... , , ; , ' . ; . ' i
r-j . The goods represent furniture of
all kinds for all the various rooms of the ,
', , They are arranged for iosKH.-tion
only, today, Friday and Saturday, but
not ono piece will be sold before Mon
day morning at 8:30.
Not one article in this sale-but is
priced much less than cost, and many at
half and one-fourth cost.
Come Look Today. The location of
sale pieces will not be changed. Bo on
hand promptly at 8:30 MONDAY
MORNING, for the greatest of furniture
Orchard & Wilhelm
Saving in Power
Evidence that Electric power not only is most sat
isfactory, but is economical and easy to handle. Hero
is a letter from a Grain Elevator company:
"Having had experience with steam engine drives
in other grain elevators, we feel weean truthfully say
that we are doing our work in our Omaha house with
nbout 40 per cent less power expense. "We are satisfied
that there is nothing like Electric Power."
If powe? is a subject that interests you ask our
Contract Department to send our Industrial Engineer
to talk to you about your power requirements.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Company
The Bee for All the ta