THE BKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY Jii. 191.'. '7 OFFERED FOR REST ltm u Of flees, store at 134 Harney strwt. rfica or eaieeroom at lita and Hurley. M floor at is Hamfv (new). 1 floor at hVS-10 Harney (new), basement at 15-rS Harney inewi. uf!c at lilT Farnam (I'd floor). ? v. v. rv. Attorney, 1517 rti)lffl street. ROOM in Brandcl Bldg.. Doug. ai. ""; S. !3lh St.; basement, 130.00. More at 230 Curaiag street, store at 214 Cuming street, store at SSI North 24th street. More at Ml North 34 th street, store at X No. 28th. South Omaha. Store at WI North 24th atreet. O. C. RKIUCK. Attorney, ia! rimam street. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI'KRTY r- SALE, TWO F. pleasant tulle In Baldrtge block. D. WEAD, Will Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Farallare. AT PRIVATE SAl.E-1 good folding bed. dining mom labia. dlshea and ether wusehold furniture Saturday afternoon. I,4 Georgia Ave. FOR SALE. Furniture, Including din In roum table and chairs. Karly Eng lish finish. Phone evening. Harney 4113. Full SALE One combination china rloeet and aidaboard, chittoner, dressing tablet and two tables, ail In good condi tion and all quarter aawed oak. 'Phone larney 3S. 5-R00M BUNGALOW Opposite Beautiful Miller Park Living room, dining room and hall furnished in oak: bedrooms oak floors and white enameled aoon-work Walls rough sand finished: tastily accented dining room, has plate rail, panelled and window seat, sun parlor and steeping room: beautiful lighting fixtures; thoroughly- modern: large attle. floored tooupte rooms can be finished); full cemented basement with coal bins; cement walks in front of and around hou-e targe lot (sodded). 4txl6B ft : well built open front chicken how. 1111 ft., with fenced yard. A suburban noma with all the advantages of the city, 23 minutes' rid to Farnam St. Located In Norwood. No. SMI fi. Mlh St. PRAIRIE PARK Most artistic and uniform residence; dis trict of Omaha. Few vacant lots left. 11 alt to tl.joo.' Klreets paved and parked. Payable IK cash, balance monthly. Will build to suit on aanw terms or will ad vance coat of house and build yourself. The Paxton Heel Estate Co.. Ut) Ware bit At Auction A Suap for someone. Wednesday, S a. m.. at omana van warehouse, set s. 14th St. Complete furnishings for eight rooms stoves, ranges, carpets, aressera. beds. etc. All good stuff w 111 be sold to n (h est bidder. Phone Doug. 2JV5 or ltid. A-W7I. Typewriter. RENT an Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co. Dougia 319. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES-For rale or rent: largest stock: bet bargains. B. F. SWANSON CO.. 1314 Farnam St., Onuiha. Call or writs. WOULD you show our wholly visible typewriter to your friends and let them see wherein it excels any 3100 typewriter inade, if you could, witnout costing you ine cent, have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then writs us for full psrtlctilars. Toe Emerson Typewriter Co.. Box 20, Woodstock, 111. JM iscrllaaeoas. FOR BALK Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one in Hoyles college, fcuatnea office, Omaha Bee. . FOR SALE Anyone desiring second- hand bank fixtures would go well to l orrexpond with or telephone City Na tional hank, Omaha. TWENTIETH Century wheel In good condition; coat IS, will sell cheap. Har ney 1012, afternoon. M laeeliaeeewe. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswlck-Balke-Collander Co., 407-401 8, 10th 8t. OOOD second-hand meat refrigerator. Henry (Hants, Harvard, neb, Coal for stove or furnace. Try lt.d Harmon Weeth. Webster MS. BLUE white dlsmond ring, weighing H karats, absolutely perfect. Pries 1200. Address, 8 841 care Bee. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, ail slses and makes; bargain. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. CHEAP, Royal Western, chief blower, tunere snvil. vice and other smithing. 2311 Cuming St. 'Phone Harney 3174. TEN pounds green ground box for 26c. 1344 South 13th St. DOORS, windows and wslnscoatlng. 3724 Ho. Uth. Tel. Douglas 4376. POULTRY A.D PET STOCK KOOS for hatching from th Brands! Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. Whit Leg horns. Utility stock. 4L50 a setting et IB per 100. Exhibition or fchow stock, It to to a setting, write lor catalogue. Address A. D. Urandels. Omaha. Te!. Benson tms. l O. R. I. ckls., large, strong, vigorous -"klrrfa hrrf f Kim I rwlf -irt ntf fnim Si to SSI. A bargain. Price H to Is, C. C Cunningham, Knoxvllle, 1. HUFF Orpington eggs: high scoring, heavy laying stock. Harney IMS. EOG8 or Rhode Island Bed for setting. Phone Webster 627. FOR SALE 2K egg Incubator and "Mandy Lee'' brooder. Call Webster 3244. SETTINGS of Single Combed White leghorns for It. Logs II. Telephone -r torence Zla. PKRSO.VAL 18-DAY BLOOD REMEDT. Oladlsh Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge. "lIEBEN, masksults to hire. 1614 How'd. Maaeage. Rlttenhouae. 308 Old Boston Bid. WE rent and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind, A-1043. Douglas 1103. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney St. Bricklayers PATTOX-BOWMAN HARDWARE COMPANY 1615 Farnam St, are telling toolt at coat. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to islt the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., where tliey will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union station. SWEDISH massage for rheumatism trouble, poor circulation. Karsten Tonseth only Omaha masseur graduate from Swe den. . Om. Nat I Bldg. D-71S6. Ml iS A ClP. Treatment. Mrs. Steele, AOOAUIj j;(8 Dodge. Ground floor. f AA.fJIi' Bath, ssll glow aromatic ALAaoAUf treatment, lint. Allen of Chicago. K 8. Uth St.. 1st floor. D. WW. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 111 X 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 41S snd wagons will call, f ASS! HflV. Swedish movement. Apt SiWTfniH nsge. vibrator and " rULail radiator treatments, lira. Snyder. MO Bee Bldg. Red mot. rAfTVFTin treatment. E. Brott, TM , GOING TO EST INDIES 1 1 ill sell my I-room hone for IT 109 and my l-raom house for ILaM. Ixts fac ing 16th St.; on grade; f orth HW. .will sail for UM. J. r. JACKSON. Phone Dougla tST. Mil Frederick St. I will sell the choicest building lot in the Hanscom Park district upon the moat favorable terms that could be de sired. If you contemplate building this spring, better see me soon. Lot located northwest corner Sd and Aroor. Tele phone Harney 344 or South 4Ui. William H. Oould. Jr . A bargain cheap; new tV-room, modern cottage on monthly payments. Tel. Web 141. FOR SALK-Lol 7 Fall-fax addition; a snap If taken at once. Inquire Mm Sahler. "NICK modern house, reception hall, parlor, living room, dining room and bed room down: two bedrooms and bath up; good furnace; opsn plumbing; basement and cistern; lot tOxIft ft. with fruit treat; larg barn, chicken shed: tlW If taken soon. Phone owner. Welxter ITM. but do not disturb truants. House lo cated at S4II Corby St. LOT for tale cheap; North nth St.. South Omaha. D. A. iJinnleK. Perry. Ia. BARGAIN ON NORTH MTH ST. 14. SH buys tha three frame dwellings at 4311-13-11 North J4ih St., with H feet frontage. Paving all psld. Annual rent M per year. W. B. lieikle. M6 Kamge Bldg. R. NELSON, contractor and builder. saw n. ma pi. nwiw " . i , -n -T no, ari It AT rVMfSA I D I 0E. in' n. . V , . . J I f, .Ifu I hfUIMI eight rooms, attic, cellar, furnace, elec- triO ligni, gaa, erwei, vnm "' " oar. moderate price. Part cash, baianc easy payments. BUY FROM OWNER A beautiful modern home In Kounts Place, with roam and bath. Including fireplace and hard wood finish through out, sleeping porch. Prtc IMM. 'Phone Webster WMi. $4,300 Buys an 8-room modem home In desir able location wtlhln walking distance and but one block from West Farnam car. Has four bedrooms, eleotrle light and gas fixtures. Pine ftnlth with maple floors and furnace heat. W. H. THOMAS, Mfl First Nat. Bank Bldt. AtRBaGB. SPRING BARGAINS IX ACRE PROPERTY 15? acrss one-hal. in!1e west of Hal ston. 1 of m mile from can line; fair house; good bams; a dandy feed yaid prt position. Price ISO per acre. W acre, meetly all In orchard, fine bearing and atandard varietlea of fruit, good Improvements and pructlcalra new. If you want an Ideal suburban home lo cation here It is. 8c us for price and terms. 44) acres about one mile nuttide f the city limits of South Oman i. Improve ments not extra, but nice piece of land, prtc UK per acre. 1 acres about on mile wAt of Benson; good Improvemenu ; considerable fruit This 1 an exceptionally nice place and It a real bargain at ihe price. II dim. We have tome other tracis, both im proved and unimproved, that ara good huvs j ' O'NEIL REAL ESTATE & LNS. AGENCY 1505 Farnam St., Oma'i-i. Phones - Tyler M94. Independent A-S313. Ill N. 24th St., South Omaha. Phones South 191, Independent F-1181. KEYSTONE PARK. "ACRELIGE W have om small tract from to 10 acres, each priced very low by, out-of-town owners, and on terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE -FARM Jk RaXt'H 1.AND5 FOR SALE farla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tha ATLANTA. HI KM I. SOU All - ATLAN TIC KA1LKOA0. Lands adapted to rhe widen range of crops. All lit money crops of tit south plentifully produced, for nteratur treat ing with let coimtuf country. It eat, cumate, cbuch and acauot advania. sua W. H. LEAIIT. DEPT. K. tieaeral Passenger AgshU ATLANTA. OA. FOR SALE OR KXCHAXCE ! acres Uk Co., Oregon, land for va cant lot In Omaha. Be A-s. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent ilarch 1, grain or dairy farm, this state. MV to X acres, on shares; I to 1-year lease; no sand or swamp lands. W rite today. A. Neilsrn. X. Hermitage avenue. Chicago. I I ' Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen Lower i for the Week. i WANTED lO BIT laws. . THS easiest way to rind a buyer for your tPfm Is to insert a small want ad in the Des Mow Capital. Largest cir culation iu tn Ma-.e oi iuwa, uauy. ibe capital Is read by and believed la by the standpatter ut loaa, e so sunpiy tvfus to pwmit any other paper tn toau homva I cent a word a day; par line tor motttu : couat ul ordinary surds to toe una. Andres ix aiuua Capital. la Motoea. la- IXil-. SAlJv-o ouartert wheat land. mostly broke; 41 miles from main line kock island; level, witnout oiemisn. Southern Kansas: tit.agu. C. F. Dledenco. owner. Campbell, Neb., K. K. sill TWO iuinlnc l-are homestead reltn- qulshinculs, center oi irrigated tract, cloee to towu, tew eacll. Aauicss-owuer, nu M. Vaner, Mont. Aasraaks, t "j, Kin t.,,u , -... lib'kae Iuhw. Head la Ntbtasiut; pu-Uy unproved, writ uwaer, C. M. Uuiuuaii, Mm lie 11. .sab. BIOGKST KNAP IN NEBRASKA, los-acr Improved farm, located 3U mile west of Columbus, and s miles from lau good towns: & acres alfalfa; 1 acres lu cultivation, balance pasture; ail lite very best of deep biaca soU; -room houe; barn for horsra, barn for 13 cows; corncrlb, gianary. chicken house, hog houfe and good sited hog pasture. This farm Is quite rolling, hut first class and is as good a locality as there is in eastern Nebraska uo send); all fenced. Price fur quick sale I4?u. with S msh. balance long time. This Is, ihe bleatoat snap In the state. When can you look at It? Muat go at oni-e. S. E. Walt 4 Co., Si: Bee Blug.. Omah. FARM baigain ntar uuiana; possaaloo givea. Orln MarrlU. U1J City Nati bank Bldg. tU-lltSiiEL WHEAT LANO, U Hi PER ACRIi. W have for eal over S) 000 scree et Cheyenno county, Nebraska' choicest farm land, where tha crop yield for U years. Including li and average with the beat tn the state. Aifalta ao a leading crop, lietttr toll, water and climate cannot be found, writ tor tuU information today. Ageau warned every- kt.NDIN03LA.VI INVESTSIENT CO, Kidney, Neb, HOMESTEAD JM acres rich farmland for ti .a riiuuf fas and all. ha sand aula J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. MOST besutllul fcD-acre farm within t..i.'. miM or Omaha poetolflca. See me Monday. Wm. Nelson. Pax ion Blk. W toiuka. IX THE Bltl HORN BASIN i i . i is. mliM from 1 1 acres iiiimiw - - ------ ... . -. . ii . . . All ii r maraei. e nines iiww cultivation and ditched, plenty of water. do acres in simna. ru,s ' . . ail fenced. J-room hotise, barn for I bead uorses, sneas, etc. ijuon wen. TEitM8-lf sold brlure March 80, V ire.. . w b.i,hi. ammo rav. per acre, ai.iiw .-nm. - ' ' ments at per cent. Cmsiler cash pay ment If desired, runner Information cheerfully gUell. Address Boa Ul, Wa- noo, 4eo. r i.'u pack, - - with good water right and well Improved; two mile from county sett 166 per. acre, easy terms. Address p. q. Box 114, To rtngton. Wyo. . " liialle. Where Opportunities Are boundless Ru a outheasiern farm now. Present price are wonderfully tow; tin an acr up. You can grow anything deaired. Oar den truck sells at handsome - profita poultry pays from i w to u.w per lien yearlv, afany orchards now paying lluD to l1 an acre. Aifalf, corn, cotton, peanutt. petan nuts and numerous otber products an net tana owners oig proiua. Hieaaiint summera and mild winters maks life enjoyable In tha territory of the Southern railway system. Ask for and prices and free subscription- to tn southern Field. Andreas, ("lias. 8. Chase, Western Agent, iiooni 173, Chemical builo I us. St Louie, Mo, (-ACRE PLACE. Right In town. l-mu from car line, business street and city school. Fine level road and good walks out to It. Good 7-rooro house and barn. Borne fruit. 4 or I acre fine, smooth gsrden land, balance good for fruit or pasture. The oity Is growing up around this place and it I cheap at K.. M OEB REAL ESTATE CO., 1M Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE PARSg t BANCH LAND FOB SALE British C-elaaih:. Will buy for anyon British Cotum. bia Farm land on uncompleted OranJ Trunk without commission axceptlnr per. eemag oc prrnta. urge returns ce.- tain. Frank Ciawford, IU Homer 8trtt, Vencouver, or Omaha. Farmer and land buyer ti over th country are leading Be want ads every day aud mapping up every bargain offered. hates ltd cents per word II run only one time. 1 per word If run two or omit times consecutively. Write and malt your ad to steal xtate depart ment of Th Omaha Ke. Itesultt ar Burs REAL ESTATE FOR REST FOR RENT tS acret o( the beet land In northwest Missouri, all plow land: will rent for 3 years, cash rent; teams and tH.t it wanted. Route !, Box 9. lira ham. Mo. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property and a'ebreak O'KEfcFa, HEAL ESTATE CO.. ivll New Omaha Nat l Bank Bunding. "WANT E D-CI iyioan.""peiers Trust CT Uc' CITY Loans. Uem.s-cariuerg. u Uv-12 lirandels Theater. HAZELTOX A new city, situated In a new country. Central British Columbia. a a new railroad, the Orand Trunk pa cific, offers ground floor advantage to Investors and settlers. Located at th head of steamer navigation from the Pa cific: surrounded by productive farm land and a rlcb mineral area. Close tn lots sailing from lit to Mw on very easy terms. Send for free booklet Address CANADIAN NATIONAL INVESTORS. Csl Paxton Bldg.. Omaha, Nab. UK3T bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food pills. 11 per box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. HAIRDRESSING. Manicuring. Sham pooing. Scalp treatments a specialty for Isdtes and men. Mrs. Pierce. 2M1 Far. formerly of Wead E!dg.) H. ftll. lad. A -Its. RHEUMATISM. When all so-called cure have absolutely failed try this. We giv you convincing fact of our cure. Pbon Harney IKS. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITl.R. Reed Abstract Co . oldest abstract office In Nebraska KM Brsndei Theater. XEALE t CAMPBELL, 1714 Farnam St BllLOEKS' INFORMATION. Electric gas fixture. Omaha Silver Co. ideal Cement Co, 17th aad Cuming. Kucha. Bon V Blind, painting, decorating. ROOFINGS, paint, building paper, plaster boards, Amer. 8up Co., 11 Nlch'a ' WELL dUjging. F Grossman. USI X. Uth. CITr PBOPEBTV FOR ULL. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room cottage, ha ga. electric light furnace, cement walk around house, brick walk in front. Can be bought on easy term. Apply of owner. 471!) X. 4Sd St. ! SIX-ROOM FLAT Entirely modern. Farnam St., near City Hail, ISO. Phone I during day. Long. 474. FOR SALE M A. deeded. Irrigated land. Morgan Co.. Colo.; 4 A. broke; 4 mile from R- R- Address, Owner, 203 8. tth St, Sterling. Colo. W ANTED City loan and . warrant W. Farnam bmith at t o l0) Farnam Ot MONEY in loan on biiair"a Q rce dene prepertle, 11, W t 19.00. W. H. 'ItloMAs, ami iri,l isat'i iwna Old. tiw 10 aiv.iMi uiaue piutuvi.). '. I. V,ead. Wead Bldg.. isth and Farnam garvin mtoaij Kirita LOAN'avKttrniH and city property. J. H- Dun ion t & Son. Karnara Ht. Milt 8ALK UK aaO.CHA.SGK HOMESTEADS. Ija-nda opf n for hom?ttad ntry, which hv bwn in patttura for lh lut twentv ftve ytMrs; all nic and smooth, and good water from 39 to 40 feet Now la your f!m to tct a hoa. Th locatlns fea ia lltid for hie acre or tJDO for arrea. MAINE IjAND COMPANlf, h PT-EBU. COLO. EASTERN NK BRASS A KAKM CHKAP, 1W a.Ta, Improvt.'d. locatrd 7 miLir WMt of B?Igiado and milt vast of Woibach, loth ffuod towna in Nanc county. AH th very beM of deep biactt oil, K acra In aifaifu, 12a ac-rea in cul tivation, ba.anco patur, fenced aad crosa-fenrt?d; 4-room nous, bam for 8 horsea. cow barn for 12 owi, vm crtb. granary. hk'bn house, hc hou and hoc pasture. This t a roliinc farm, but j fir at claaa and in one of the beat locah ! ties In eartern Nebraska. Prtve $11,200. j MortiUK S JiW run n inn 3 to 7 vara at t ' per cent imerest faulty I 'u. Want ! Rood clean city property, cheap ranch or clean flfiw. mwk lor equity, property mum be c!ar and priced rinht- Act quirk. AddreKi Box 4T. Omaha. Callfarate. DON'T WAIT I TEARS. CUT CALIFORNIA FULLr-BEARJNO ORCHARDS. MONET BACK If NOT PATIFFIED. t4 cash nad fM per munth buys lira acres with full bearing fruit treea In the famous Bidwell orchards at Chlca. Cai. Payioenta include interest and taxe Tour money back If not Mils fled upon investigation. The Btdwell -trchardii are Ihe moat noted and productive in the wonderful 8acramento va.fy of Califoi-oia.- It's our confidence In this land that prompts this generous offer. We've peaches, prune ainvonds. apticots and Bartlett pears. Buyers' r&Uroad farea, not exceeding . aril; be credited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thrlv ma towa of Chico (14 0ft pop.). (Rrfer eices: Any bank ef Chico. A'acrkju. National Bank of Ban Francisco and First National Bank of San Leendro i Send for valuabl iufrrmaUot. ana fact te Bidwell Orchard. Irw , SHKJilDAN COAL (X). STOCK WANTED Will exrhin;) a food, well located and well rented doable brick house, with full lot, at iu rath talne, for Sheriden stock at market price. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1603 Farnam St., Ornaba. 'Phone Iiouglaa :i0 Wk HAVE a client that owns So acres of land close to Eramett, x?b.. that he la desirous ot trading on a good modern home in Omaha either In the Cathedral or St. John's pariah. His farm la well improved and in good state of cultiva tion. Price lt.a. Gallagher & Nelson Omaha. Neb.' &S Hrsndais Bldg , , V WANTBI-T buy drug store outfit, also ice cream, soda fountain; about to often up a emli drug store. AdJrest Smithwlih lumber Co., Smlthwlcs. S l WANTF.D To buy old broken watches. M. Nathan, It 8. ISth St. Thousands of peopia n- found the home they wer looting for among the real estate ads en The H- want ad patte. Th riom you wat lo sell can be disposed o( u.ckly at cost of only a few cents through an da M-hand goods. Kieser. ion Center. D Mb WAXTKI TO HOiiHOW. WANTED- at I per cent; first mortgage on property worth I10.4O9; In come of li eu) a year will be aligned if deaired. Address V IK, bee. WAJiTED 8ITCAT10SS HI NIH.E and family washing wanted, liar. 1374. RE-sl'KlTAUl.K middle-aged lady de sires situation In small family as house keeper, or take car of children. Tele phone Oouglas 41W. ALUAKOI N'O butcher, married man, beat of references, wants steady job: any part of Nebraska: no hooter. Address Box IC, Sidney. Neb. W A N'T K l Posl t Ion as credit manager by young man, thoroughly eiperienced, and ran make sl. salary UJ per month. Lock bos. tv. Omaha, Neb. SITl'ATKli wanted by an esperlcnced laundress, by the day. Address Laundress. A . care Bee. HANUV. all-round mechanic. marrliI. wants work: good tinner, pipe fitter, locksmith, nainier: ran do any kind of mechanical repairing; have good retei- encea L ?4?, Hre. "MAcTriNItlT and inrentor want model and experimental work tor private party or corporation; reference exchanged, at Alleinstehende Frau. 30 jahr. deulach und engilwhe sprach. turht etelle ale hauahaJterln bet alleinstehenden llerra In besserer Lehensteilung. Address FRAU BKI'NKRO. W A TCH M A K KR- Posl lion wanted by married man. age : twelve years' ex perience as watchmaker and salesman; reference from present employe and bond If required: open for position March I. Address F. U. Hams, II N. Broadway. Oklahoma City. Okl. WOMAN wantt day work. Harney 4109. YOUNtl lady. xperlencd, wants posi tion In private family or a chamber maid In ftrt-cia hotel. Oil. Room 1. Midwest hotel WAittilNU aud Ironing don. T., K. HMi tint- laee. prao I al qui.-. H tale. A to.l. Curtains uunusred. tiuaramwd. W. WO, STKAMSHIP8 KL Hol K In cotillon; select and limited n.rv alltne June 11 via aiedllerranean. eighth teaon, Ml" .-nna a- Rosa, Council Hiuii.i, I a., en. viiwwt ra for young women during th aummer . 1 1 1 1 1 .. J . , . - montns; niiu,r w, , - - . particulars call Mis K. M. U., MH City at l nana. UVBBTOCK MARKET Of WE81 snip you' M'xik to SoaU Omaha, asvs . .1 .hi!,,,,, Vmi. meau reoaivt prompt, and. aaaful attaa upa, LIT Itoek Ct a lee lea atoreaaata Byers Bros. aV Co trong and rtpontibt WOOU HKuei , l4- Kxohang Bldg. Oret y.est Com. CoTomaha lOnm "wTr. BM ITH ft BON lust htiidle sheep. TAOtl bKr)d. handle cattle, nogs, thseb. "ciay, Hi.lMn.oa at .it.. aw,e Bid. Interstate Co. Better reaulu, Bhlp t aa CLIFTON Com. Co.. tn ICxchng Bldg. L. K. HuBhlHla CU ls Kctidg. Cox A June Com Co.. bunch of hustlsra. KaTmers U 8. com. Co.." M o1BaC Ueuosit pioueeus ol shipment in Mtoek Y srds Nat l Bank. Only tlutLgr'': "Martin Bros. 4k Co, - Kaon. Bldg. OMAHA THE CHAIN MAKKET a u.liu nu 1 1 U , 1 1 m.rchanta Consignment sol'clled. '. Brandela, BAK TAEMTT.' ' No. ' report of the conditiiw or Ike PI ret Italians I Bank, at Omaha, In the Htate of Nebraaka, at the ilose of business Feb ruary A IIJ: -RESOUKCKS. Ians and discounts ?., VtX Uterdrafts. secured and unsecured u.m.u V. H. bonds to e cure clrcultlon.... .) II. . bonds to se cure l'. H. deposits 1AOO0.0U Other bonds to se- cure postal saving .Zvx m Bunds, securtle. etc. 11S,.IB Banking houae, fur niture end fix- tures S0O,fK).i) Hue from ntloni lionai banks tnot reserve agrntsl . l,,Sa0 Due from state and private bank and bankers. trust companies and savings banks .... l.X.a Hue from aprpoved reserv agent .... I,733,lv7."g Checks and other cash Item m.n.n KxchSnges . for clearing house ... 1M.170.W Note of other na tional banks 3.000.0 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 141.41 Lawful Money Re serve in Bank, via: Sped T7.St4.0 legal tender notes. 30O,O0O.4 4,r.tX.72 Redemption fund fund with l,'. M. treasurer to per cent of clrculat'ni 10.00I. Total 1J.442,14. L1ABIL1TIM. Capital stork paid ;, t Surplus fund l.W.tWTO Undivided profits, less expense and taxes paid S.2I National bank notes outstsnding ( Doe to other na tional batik Du to state and privet bank and banker 4I4, 4 Due to tnist com panies and sav ings banks Iliac li Individual deposlta subject to check.. Xr.m.lH3t Demand (certificate of deposit KK.taW.Se Time certificate of deposit 3J.94I St Certified checks ... .: r. Cashier's checks outstanding 17 S3 It V. 8. dfpneltt..!.... K,!4. Postal savings de posits l.S.e Deposits of 1. 8. disbursing offlcars HPi- ll.luj Sli; FXEDNG CATTLE ABOUT STEASI Hos tear Week Akoet Five Crate Lower. While Sheep aad I .sob Are a little Streuaer Tfcaa Week Ago. SOl'TIC OMAHA, Feb. il. 1MI. Receipla were: Call .. Tlors. fche.n. Ofncial Monday 5.300 T.ati 14l Official Tuesday 6 ll 15 44? . fflcial Wedneday .... 4 .i li.w OfflcUl Thurauay 'til 2.S Offltlal Friday K- Jt.uSf OH Ksnmate Saturday . :.fia 4a Six dava this Mlt HM ?h.t0 XU: Same das Uut week. Wis; li2.7S4 ).! name days r k ago. If.r.; . . 8am days I aka ago 90.I9S tl tJ 4.;sd Same days 4 k. 19.1W M.7 BSi Same days last year..ll.K ,al S.'.4ii The following table the recelptt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale aa compared with met year; Cattle 15J.1 lUMU 10.WS Hog (B4.SSI S4J.SU1 1.083 sheep tKtii t!.m Th following table show th range of prices paid tor hogs at Mouth Omaha to: th last tew dava wtth comparisons: 74 m i s m 14a m H ! ... I S Ti SIS ... (It M 1st 49 4 14 M m n . I!5 m s rj'i :s ; ill ... I st - i i l !71 . U .'14 Pi I i Date. I 1SU. illl Wit. itafs.'ISMl.i 1I7 lt Feb. II. l I T 11; I Ttti 1 I 3 Feb. 17.1 i NV T 04' I KS I 07 4 tC! F,.h la I 7 a: lui cm n IS' Feb. Ili'lM I I M 11; 4 is! T I Feb. S). I l.'V. I cgi i s 37! 4 li I Wi I s Feb. a.l 4 rc-V J oil I Mil I 4 (Wl SJI 2 Feb. 22.1 I ill J l tt'l'l M. I 171 I lj i Feb. 3.1 t 7 041 9 201 041 a 6 S2 6 04 Feb. 33-1 I 'V 1 H , t 04 S Kl 04 Feb. S4 I SSi 4 19i 111 4 B I I Sunday. Receipts and dlanoaillnn of live slock at the I'nlon stwk arda for th ewenly- ruur nouis ending at 3 p. m. yeaterday: RrX'KlPT. ' Cattle Moss 11 r'a . m. & et. i .. w abash Missouri Pacific , I'nlon Pacific N. w., east C. aV N. W.. west (, St. P.. M. V O C, H. Q., east C, B. V., west C, R. 1. P., east c, K. i. v., west.... 1 Illinois Central Chicago tireat Western Total receipt 1 141 1 DISPOSITION'. Omaha Packing Co swirt and Company... Cudahy Parking Co... Armour A Co achwart A Co I 3 I ii Is 4 t II II 4 T i Hogs 7I a. ' 4A 1M ue io. urn Total , CATTLK Receipt todty consisted of less than 10 head, there not being enough on aale to make a market, which la the usual situation on a Saturday. For th wrek receipts fall a Utile short of 90,tM heed, being about the aame aa for the twj weeks previous and not wiuoh differ ent from th corresponding period a year go. The uuallty of th cattle throughout tno week naa been poor, go-id kinera being the exception, while I lie hlg bulk ot the arrival has oonalated of short-ted and Inferior beeves, wtih a liberal sprinkling of row stuff and stocker. tinder the Influence of liberal receipts and a nun too active demand- price during the early part of the week broke quite sharply, the market on Monday and Tuesday being decidedly lower, nine that llaie l her has been a little reaction under th Influence of somewhat lighter run, but aim at ihe clot beef tteera ara In moat cases IMnHo lower than last week's close. Mailt desirable killer, that Is. something right fool, might not hw that much loss. Cow and hlfer also declined sharply at th beginning of th week and while th nest grade might not be that much lower, the market on the greater portion of tlut butcher duck arriving 1 safely 1043 15c lower than last week am -A feature of the trade- thl"w4i.w Ilia sharp break In bulls and veal calves. At the close or tne wea it is a vwy nana mailer to get any hull good enougn to bring better than I'-.uO or veal calves that will bring ov.r 7 Feeding cattle of desirable quality have been In light supply ail week and they have shown comparatively little change. oeing now about amauy wnn last week a ci.we. Cnmnnn feeder and light stock oattie havo been rather slow title all week. but that also was tn couuiuuu ot Hi market last week. quotations on cattle: uooa to cnoios beef steers, K.MVpl.lM fair to good beef steers, W.7G4J4I.M, common to fair boat ateers. Il.lbtib.7l: good to choice heifer, 6 0ot4,7S; good to choice cow, t4.1fcif.X; lair to good cows, M.wsn.ia; common tu fair cone, 2.7Si4.w; good to choice stocker and feeder. iki--i.0: fair to good Blocker and ieedera. 14. 7541.40; common to fair stocker and feeders. Mm b:b: stock belters. ti.liOlW.TS; veal calvet, U.(i7.5,; built, llaia. etc., U.Ttt, uoo. HOlH For a Saturday receipt of hog were heavy enough to prompt effort! at cheapening coat, but glide from a low start, the condition of trade occasioned lltii conipuunt In selling circles. Early sal ruled ttjlOe lower, a decline that was followed by prompt recovery. Mid session prices averaged about a nickel lower and the closing market had Im proved ao much that values were gener ally quoted steady with those In force yesterday. Bulk of offerings wsnt Into killing droves at figures light around Ic lower, cost of two or three early strings showing this decline. I Yard estimate called for over lO.WO hogs, little butcher and bacon weight proving the general rule. The demand from all quarters had plenty of ton and volume, especially during th late mar ket, and clearance was made In very good season. Shippers and speculators furnished very fair support throughout, buying about I per cent of the total supply. Best heavy hogs on sale brought fell, a compared with the same top yester day, while bacon weights ranged from If,.!) downward. Butchers cleared largely at '.! 06. quality and weight deter mining the price. During the week receipts have been fairly liberal and very well distributed, but the tolsl still show big decrease from UM week' record run. The demand on most day has been broad but rather quiet, prices ruling easier aa the result of poor competition. current values average about a nickel lower when com pared with those reported a week ago. Hepresentatlv tales: xs. i.. 4S i i "S 24i & M W.j M W U ..-17 ... in :t..,..t . . M B ... i ...... ..IB Hi Si :u . . i k :) a t in u mi ... . k a e . t s ... t ii fli m l ... it im w i u 'A at ... m 47 .-! ... 17 rtS ... m ...... r.t am 217 ... i H !t ... I I H. fct ... t t v .stij lsa 6 7t zr . . ej 71 177 It IIS 47 ITt l. 7J tM ... 4 46 HO Hi ... ( aa ji u ... i- w o m . . ta, 211 ... iu ::i Aa 7a 19S ... I 44 ..... 5H M t Oil u... ... lis 7: :,i t tat tig ... 7 :.-s fi iv I IM I IS 71 :i . is a.....1l ... IS 1-7 I3t I 4 '..! ,9 s 1:: ?:i . . M IS IJO 0 K II T-" H IS 7a.,... .ii. ... iw t ...... z:z a t n X ... IO 71 "t . . I do ..1:4 ... is 7r 7 ... tea U ... I i 57 Ii! t ,4 M !'! ... I j .1 ... C IM j4 ..... l: ... a ., . ;3 :j , 77 ,:it ... tins as ..... :fl ... cot t .m : 3 5.4 ... c 71 711 . . t- la S3 rvs 13 4 as II.:.... .ill u I hi :-7i ... as', 47 74a ... I M ia :st ... i Dj 73. ......7J ... Js & ..... r ... t a-. 4 ilS ... 6 IV ..... 771 ... I 111 1 73 tf 1 1 4 m :'7 ... 14 .I9......7S .. S 43 71? ... ll'i I 41 l-s w I w 4 ;:j ... 4 it 71 714 ... I W rics. 71 IS l SHF.Kl' Xolhiiu; of consciiucniv was received today in tile any of sUcep or lambs and the mnrkt h,1 Us usual Saturday auiHiiraiicc, being quoted noiRinally steady. Hurlnir the week the trade has !een rather uneven. oh,iiIiik lower and closing a little hisher. Heavy receipts on Mon day caused a slump In values, attended by a dull demand, but sluce that lime nome Improvement has developed. Thurs day's advance leaving prices about a dime above those In force at last week t-loa. linib. fst sheep end ft lambs wore In volved In the early decline and the anme t-lsffses of Hock shared equally in the Ut i net ion. Heceli-ts on most day were full' up tn lacking requirements, enabling killers to till their orders in leisurely fashion. Al ter mid-week, tha demand tiwk on a itroi'Kt-r lone, but ? e-.avlr-i runs on Ihe first three tUvs cleared slowly. Hulk of recent olferlngs consisted of fed ewes nd fed lambs, wethers and year lings proving the exception. Heat ewes are closing around 3.ii. with medium Ht Iioor ewes ranging from 1X40 tlownwnnt. .arnbt made a top of la.40 yesterday, the highest price of the week, but the range In values amounts to about 11. at pres ent and very plain grade are none too popular at the low spreads. Feeder trade has exhibited no new fea ture this week, the demand and supply both being meager. According to pack ers' tab, the total purchase on country ac count does not exeeed t.' head, only I per cent of th total recelpta Quotation on aheep and lamb: Good to choice lambs. P3 ulii 40; fair 10 good iambs, K lvii 00; good to choi.-e year, lings, fair lo good yearlings, t.abjs.l; good to choic wither. ft.l6 4.M; fair to good wether, tl.Wr4.ll; good to choir ewes, JJ.tStjJ.K), lair to good ewe. CHIC AtiO LIVS STOCK MAItKBT GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET. With Corn Values Easier Wheat it Dull and Prices Sag. SHOBTS IN CORK ABE WELL BUS Break Are Short Lived, However, aa the t aderiylaa Mtaatloa la straaa ad Valaea Are Expected to Advaaee. Deaaaad lor Calll aad gbeep Steady Hon Dall. CHICAOO. Feb. 24 OATTLK Receipt, IM bead; market stow, steady: beeves. 4.H.H0; Texas steer. 14 utr6.n; wet ern tieert, KVuilT.W; itockert and feed ers, l&tarirtix,; cows and helfert, R.lttV 4.60; calvea. K M;.M. HOIlslteceipts, tt.Ono head; market dull, moatly loc off: light, istosiiili, mixed, W.-X-uAlO, heavy, l..4i.r.; rough, xf, Kytm ufr; pigs, Hioti'il); hulk of sale. : m. HHKKP AND LAM B8 Receipt, 16.000 head; market steady; native, ta.JOfrt.w; weslern. W.7MH . yeirllngs, 14 anvil 71; lambs, native, 14.4047 sMU; western, HtMl 7.14. OMAHA. Feb. K M12. W'ith corn value easier today and in-diftr-nt cables wh-at proved dull anil prices acir.-d off some. Som of the new as to the growing crop Is rather bullish and as the season uf crop scares and other b-mrih In'lucnces is near at hand It Is vi ry doubtful if wheat values will have any material decline. Short ii corn were r,t n yester day and ti.o aui:ket lad an easier tone today. These breaks are very short lived, how ever, as the under.) inn situation is very stroll and for a lonf pull values ar cxt.-cleil lo advance. Wheal waa dull and ruled a shad lower. Yesterday's advance was due to the sv.a.p adtauce In corn. Skiing waa the f, -autre ot today' trading. Cash wheat was i-,o hla-her. ' Com as f ilghtiy easier after the harr j bui c?teiiay. shorts had covered I frei-iy ar:d lonrs were beat seller for profit. Caj-h crq was unchanged, j l'.imary wlicut receipts a'ere 4fC0(W I bushels and shipment were 3U.O00 bush I els, aaain.; i vcelpts last year of biwheia s.-.J Bliipments of lioMD bushels. Primary corn recelpta were i",ftlt bushels and vhipmema were 744.0111 bush els, aiiainst rc,-i;iu last year of 115,000 bushels and hMpmonU of M'."0 bushela Clearance were 3TJ.ft bushels ot com. 4fO burhels of outs and wheat and flour equal lo ill (1 bushela I-lverpol closed id lower to Hd higher on wheat and 14xt higher on corn. The following each sale were reported: lie: No. 3 hard: 4 cars, 9S!c. Corn No. 3 white: i cars, ac: 1 car. 4Hc. ..o. 4 white: S cars. ISc. No. 4 color: 1 cars, r,7c. No. I yellow: S cars. Ilic; 1 rar, &!. No. 4 yellow: I car. iVc; 1 car, !4".c, 4 cars, jkV: I cart, tsc; 1 car, 57V. 1 car, (TTljc: 4 cars. S7c; 4 ears, KV. No. S mixed: 3 cars. 4Hc: 1 car, IH4c; 1 car. lc. Nu. 4 mixed: 1 car. Hc; 1 car, lie; 3 cars. f7c; 4 car. rac. No. I mixed: 3 cars, 11 4c; 1 car, ltc; 1 car, lie. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, Ri-'-tc; 1 car, Sto: I cart. (To; I cars, 5ltn: 1 rar. Wo. No. grad: I oar, Mc; 1 car, Mc. Oat No. S white: I car, lie: No. 4 white. 1 car, Male; 1 cart, 6ovc. 3 Curt, Mc Oaiaka (Tan 1 1 WIIEAT-No. 1 hard. f4)l: No. I hard, IScOli.W; No. hard, alttijatttc. tHiRN No. t, kHtStUVc: No, 4 white, 67ljjlc: No. I color, 4H,4HVc: No. I yel low, llgillV: No. 4 yellow. MtJiHsCI No. I. DnMi-ilVo; No. 4, tOMoeHc; no grad. S4Jl'wC. OAT.S-No. 3 whit. MViColHc: ttandard lltjtlHc; No. t white, fD-ttilc: No. 4 " white, BWjOVo: No. a yellow, KHtt)vsc; No. 4 yellow, XOeaHc. BAlll.tY Malting, infill 3: No. 1 feed. Titi'Bo; heavier feed, &MM6C. RVK No, a lltrWr: No, 1, touJlc , Carlat Reeatpia Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago Mlnneapoll ........ Omaha Pululh Kt, Leal Live mock Market. ST. LOI'IS Mo., Feb. M.-CATTI.R-Recelpts. long head, no Texans: market ateady: native beef alee re, !4.;iu.Iio; cow and, heifer, s?.uu.5l; Wot kera and feed era, H',m4.00: Tetaa and Indian at sera, VWuT.OO; eow and heirers, 3.Jti.ll0; calvea In earload lot. 14-QTmo.lO. IKHIS-Hacelpia, 4.UU0 beadl market Ml lOn higher; plga and light. to.VM-lb; mixed end butcliert, is.l&4iij.lii; good heavv, W 8HBEP AND IJtMHS-Recelpll. W head; market steady; native mutton, 11. lambs, li.Joue.ji. Kaasas Clly Live Stork Market, KANSAS CITT. Feb. C -CATTI.K-RS-eelpls 3tl head. Imlu'ltiiar 100 southerns: market steady; native steer, ft ifbtt ta: southern sters. If-omul. a ; southern eoaws and heifers, ts.ovuauu; natlvs cow and helfsra,; stocker and feeders, t4 Jf4J.U; bulla. H 7ij6 40; calvea K9 7.16: western altera, KitOI.W; weatero oows. 1.7 006.00. Hxi8-Rei-elit, 4,.v head: market Mc lower; bulk or salsa, In 46i XI; heavy. W 10 packers and butcher. ta.VHH.fl, lights. K.hMiLie; pigs. H.2MH1H. 8IIKEP AND LAMIIS-Hecelptg none; m irket steady; muttons, S.lu4H.iki; lambs, S 364JH.50; fed wether and yearling, H' 4ii.s0; fed eWf-a. I2.iets4.00. G JMi00. cows nd heifers, U.uj.:i calve. st.ayf.Hi. HOHS-Keceiiits, I.S00 head; market hit lOo lower; top. ItvIO; bulk ot aalea, H.gua MS. 8HKEP AND LAMBR-Kone en sale; market tedy; lamb. 6.77iH)3t. Stack In Slshl. Receipt of llv stock at the flv prin cipal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hog. Bheep Florida. FOR 8ALB H.g00-cre tract graifruit. orange, vegetable land, outnern Florida, near Arcadia; g packing bousee: altitude 7 (eet. Price SiaO. Box 10L Dubuque, Ia- 1 handle l radca everywhere, if you was! result write or call tiean. 117 Bee. t-f3isi. FOR LX'HA.VGI-47ood cheap agri cultural land, alyo 3?-cre reliaquish-m-nts. a townsite and an eastern Ne braska farm. w. M. Tarr, Room L Con tinental Block, Total tl2.44XlM.48 State of Nebraska, County of Dvuglaa. ss: I, T. 1 Dav;a. cashier of tn above named bank, do solemnly war that the above statement i true to to beat of my knowledge end belief T. L. DAVIS. Cashier. Subscribe and sworn to before me this i4th dav of Februar)-. mi. JOHN' H. Bf-LXTKN. Xotary Public. Correct Attest: C. 1. KOI'NTZE, F. H. DA VIS, U U KOI-NT7.I5. Directors. A. a. rr. Na. At. gk Fr. .171 SIT 41 !l ... a, 171 ... I 7X M IK ... IM IS . . I 71 Ti tH HIM an 44 I 73 t 714 ... IS 171 3S I 71 S 1 ... IS .171 SiTi 7 Ill ... I M 174 ... I 71 til S IS .174 . . I 71 7J m H IU lb S I 71 14 ., . ! ... I M .174 . . I Ti II 1 ... i SI IS ... I 7S 77 .... 122 ... I a, .TBI ... IS U ..704 ... IS JM ... IS II m ... in 171 ... I tO IS 771 ... I I South Omaha , St. Joseph Kansas City St. 1oul Chicago 75 ,. 100 .. . aw lO.aoo S.6MI 4.0lt 1,0110 S.0W U.0W Total.... - i. 771 mm u,3u 41 M 307 IM ao it a 13 - - ,m , St. Joseph Live Stark Market. ST. JllHtl'M.- reo. Z4. l.A n U4-H4- I,- ,K K. V- jh. lur.- N.e Turkish, e' LsS OMAHA UKMBItAL MARKET. BITTKR-No. 1. l ib. eartons, Ho; No. I, ia M-lb. tub, SiVao; Ko. J, aw; packing. CHEESE Imported Dwl, Be; Ameri can Hwlea, ftc; block Swiat, k; twin. Slu; dalale, Wc; triplet. t2c; young Americas, He; blue bei brick. Bo; 11 m bergrr, Mb., lc; l-lb lOo. POI'LTllY-Broller. lu.uOV&OO per dot., iliiingi, llcj bens, 14c; cocks, lOo; duck, lttHic; geess, lie; turkeys. Or; pigeons, per dot., ll.iu. Alive, broiler, Uc; hens, lime; eld rooatar and ataxa, Ic; old diuUt. full feathered. Ho; gee, full (eathrrl, 10c; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls, ato eacl.; plgeont, per dot., talc; homer, per do,, 1. SU; aiiuaba, No. 1, II. SO; No. t UK. FISH tiresh froMU i?lckert4.7c; whit, 10c; plk. 7c; trout, 11c; large crapptea, II ij lh:; bunnieh-meokeral, !: ! -UM; bad duuka, lie; rloomlots,- T. . green catfisn, 16c; .rod stiad, II ea-iii; tnad re, per pair, sou; salinoi, 12c; halibut, loo; yellow perch, ; buffalo, IV; buUlteada, Uc. liu.r.1- Tiloa, No. I, lio; No. 11(40-: No. I, lOkc Loins, No. 1, Wc; No. a 14',c; No. a Hc. Chuck. No. L ai No. X, No. a To. Hounua, No. 1, l4c; No. 3, ; Nu. a flat, No. L oyc; No. I, w; No. I, fme. FRUITS, KTO-Appits; ahttra fancy Ben iwvi. per bbl., Vl.oo, Jonaliuu, par bbl . H 60; fancy Wlnesapa, per Ubl., H.aO; fancy Missouri Pippins, par but, 11.16; fancy Oanos, per bbl.. km; Idabo Jona tlian. extra fancy, per hog, l.M; VVaah ington Spltenberg, per box, km; Wuh Ington K. Beauty, per box, H.IS; Wash ington Sty man Wlnesaps, per box, la w. Banana: Fanoy lot, per bunco, 171. h0 l.W; aumbe, per bunch, i.7i(J.7l. Cran berrle: Vt Isroualn, fancy, per bbL, 111.71; per box, tl-i. Dale: Anchor brtuid. new, ao 1-ib. pkg. In box, pr box. kl; Dromedary brand, new, W l-lb, pkgs. tn boxes, per box, 1100, f'ls. Call fornla, per case of 13 No. II pkgt., ktc; per eat of w No. 13 pkg-. It 60. pr ease of W No. pkga. II.IN; bulk. In and St. Loal (iearral Market. ST. LOI'IS. Feb. 14. WHEAT Firm; track. No. 1 red, Wc-Wl., .io. I bard, U .viul Ml. CORN-Steady; track. No. t, 44c. No. t white. 44t4Sc. OATB-Btedy; track, No. i, I3H; No. 1 whit. Ml64c. RYE Unchanged, at Soc. Cloalng prlres of future: WHKAT Firm; May, IsSKVc; July, Mc tVjRN-Weak; May. July. (Q ac. OATS-Weak: May. 13c: July. 47Sc. KUil'R Steady; red winter patents, li sOtyOo; extra fancy and straight, liso 44 46: hard winter clears. 13 f4jai6. SrvM-Timothy, HD.ui4J4S.IO. BKAN-Stady; sacked, can track, 11.32. HAY Firm: timothy, ta.IOCI6.00; prai rie, IU.nli.0O. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job- hin. 9f. I m ni uncnan.Ml- raHm. steam. li.75ti te- Dry salt meats, tin- 1 13 .75 Kraut: Per li-gaC keg, RB; jier crown In 3Mb. boxea per lb, Uc; 7 orown In 30-lb. boxes, per lb, 17. Orap fruit: Florida, m sue. per oral, 14. im; 41 tis. per crate,, so-44-44 alt, par crate, K.jO. drapes: Mia, in bbl., r..Sote8.0U. Lemons; Llmoneira selected brand, extra fancy, IU4MIW six, per box, icon; Lome Llmoneira, fancy, ifw-Ma , slsea, per box, 6.u0; 24U and 410 sum, sou ; ixn- box lesa Orange: California Ca mellia brand, navel, extra fancy, S4-1J4-1MVI7I-30O-I1I-3W Sacs, per box, ItSi; artra choice, all ttses, per box, 12.41; hUephant brand, U8-lsv-i;irlWl-tu-3a auMa, par box, 13.60. VKC7ETAflLB8 Cabbete: Wlaconaln, per lb., 3c. Celery: California Jumbo, per do., tl.OO. Cucumber: Hot houae. per dot.. 12.00. Kgg plant: Fancy Florida, per dot., T200. Garlic: titra fancy, white, per lb.. Uc. Lettuce: Uxtra fanoy leaf, per dux.. 46c. Onion: California, white, bollm. per lb., 1c; Wisconsin, yellow Globe, per lb., iWc; red Ulob. per lb.. l"c; Spanish, per crate, ILW. Para ley: Fancy southern, per doa bunches. Mit7ae. Potatoes: Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu., 11.46; Wisconsin whit stock, per bu., 1X; In 10-sack lots, 6o lets. Ruta bagas: in sacks, per lb., 1'-". Tomatoes: ' Florida, per -bsk. crate, 14.00; Cuban, per e-bak. carrier. 3U. slISCKLLAKKOL'riAlmondt: Tarra gon. ier lb., lsc; In sack lots, Ic leas. Cooosnuts: Per sack. Cut Filbert: Per lb., 14c; In sack lota, lo less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., "c; raw, per lb., 4c. Pecens: l4trge, per lb.. 17c; in sack lots. 1c less. Walnuts. New crop, lail, Cali fornia, per lb.. Ke: in sack lots, lo leas. Cider: New Nehawka. per 16-gsL bbl.. C, per 30-gal. bbl., 15 50, Naw Terk Mott'a. per li-gal. H bbl.. 13.60; per a- gtl. bm., ,40. Ilon-y: ew, H frames. Li-XiAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDKRil MEET INO la'otlce is hereby given that th regular snnual meeting of the stork holder of th South Platte Land Com pany will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln. Neb., at It o clock a. in. on Ihe sixth day of March. A, D 1312. C. H. MORRILL. President, A. B. MINOR. Secretary. L'ncoln. N'eb.. F-brua . ai'12. changed: boxed extra shorts, IXIa; clear ribw, 1 25: short clears, fs.75. ta,-on. un rhangiM; boxed extra short. .; clear ribs, 49277; short clears. IS.75, POl'LTRY Steady; chlckns. HUc; ilirtngs, lc; turkeys. lUc; ducks, 14c; eese, c. BI'TTKR Firm: creamer)'. 33i26c. fcOUS Lower, at 2c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu...., Oats, bu ia,0i w.uuO S-gol. keg. STOCKHOLDERS MKETiNG. The annual meeting of th stockholders of The Bee Publishing company will be held at the company office to th Bee b-ttldlng. Omaha, Neb., at 4 o'clock p. m., Monday. March 4. 1113. for the election I or a ooara ci irecior I or tn ensuing yer ana tor ine iranaaciion vi sucn vinmr bustnee a may properly corn before the meeting. By oruer of the president. F4d-3M. N. P. FK1U eeretary. tVl.ttaiut Vlllag of Ainsworth. Nebraska, water extension bonds, due 1&-. optional after lSli. Inferest 6 per cent annually, will he sold to the highest bidder March e. 1'.'? Sealed bids, -wit il certified check for tZA will be received up to 7 p. m. of said date. Right reserved to reject any and all bid. Address Wm. M, Ely. Village Clerk, Ainiworth, Nebraska, 14 U 3t Kaaaa Clly lirais an Provlsleaa. KANSAS ITTY, Mo.. Feb. 24. WHEAT Cosh, unchanginl: Na 3 bard. ic'd 11.07: No. 3. Kctl.ifc: No. 3 red, SovtjV. No. a. wH'jiiV. i'OIIN-rm-hangrd to Sc higher: No. 2 mixed. 44ffS'c: No. 3. Striate; No. 2 white. 4mi7c; No i. 3'. WHKAT May, 99Sc sellers; July. H,c bid. CORN'-May. ic: July, IT7,g8c. sellers. OATS Unchanged: No. i white, ilif ilV; No. I mixed. UUi3ifi. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 3B.6u9 31.50; choice prairie. II 4.60615.1. BUTTKR Creamery. 2Sc; firsts, Itc; seconds. 32c: packing stock. 21c. KOOS-Extras. 3sti2$ic: first. !4S4c; seconds, 2oc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2 36 (W Corn, bu 114.00 o,1tm Oats, bu 3.Os l!,.io rotlea Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 2I.-COTTON- Fu tures closed steady. Closing bids: Feb ruary, !; March. 1'l.OSc; April, 10 14c; May. 1021c: June. 7l2ic: July, lasic; Ausust. 10.3T,c: September. 10.36o; October. 10.40: November, W.4ic: December. 10.4ic; January. 10.44c. Srwt closed aulet, I ii5i.ii points lower: middling uplands, 10.40c; ll mlddllnx KUlf. hi Sic; sale. 110 balea quiet, prk-ee r points lower; American n iddllng, fair at .5.'d; good middling, -16c; middling, ire; low middling, i.j-; good ordinary, l.21d; ordinary, 4 stid. The aalea of the day were s.0 bole, of which l.oou were for speculation and export and Included J.grd American. Reccipis, 2l,'i bale. ll American. Omaha Hay Karkrt. OMAHA. Feb. 34. HAY No. 1. tlH.ta; No. !. 173.00: cmrse. II! 00: pecking stock, I7.0MI.'; alfalfa. IWIW. Straw: Wheat, K GO; rje aud eat, rT.4YSS.3a j Sagsar Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 24. PHQAR-Raw, steady: muscovado. IS test. 4.10c: een trifugsl. t test. 4. We: molaete tugar. test, 14.06. Refined, ateady : cubes, K.06; fine granulated. 17-10: powdered. 7t 90c. BUTTER Firm: receipts, T.744 tub; , creamery, held first. Kftstc. . Miaara polls Crals Market. MiX.VHAPOLIS. Feb. St-WHEAT-- May. 11.46; July. tl.04M.t4, Cash: : No. 1 bard. ll.uSS: No. 1 Bortaern. 11. 6; No. : northern, ll.03MU.ta; Na a SLMV LL Pesrla Market. PEORIA. Feb. !4.-CORX-8teadyt Xe 3 yellow. Sc: No. 4 yellow, iac: No. mixed, C0tc; No. 4 mixed, see; sample, 13 we- , 1 .- - i