THE BEE: OMAHA, MOXDA,J FEBBUABY 29, 191s.- DEMOCRATS HAYE OWN FIGHT Tarn rheir Attention Awy From , Affair, of Scpabliouu. ASfESIAS WELL B BUST AGAH f Ilmr ' State Seprrlateadeat Dalaell ' Imtm far st. Leaks tar Depansscmt Meetlag. (From a Waff Ccrrespoodisit.l IJNCOIA'. Ne.. Tea. S.-(SoaelaL-l ta th last taw weeks democrats ap Wered ta bae been paying little atten tion la their awn affaira la Nebraska, tut a8md the carnal city at least hav lean watching ta rapublicaa camp and taaily shooting. -& .'am. TlgsT- Staea i Hannoa msetfeig at VranMBt, which draw out tbs blaat from Xlke Harrlng iim aad the call far toe meeting of th Wllsoe fnrowsr. also emanating from lha Harrington office, and which la art for March k. Hangs hav besa tiff rant Tha ralatlona of taa varteoe wings or in party bava become ao acute that tba Dmaha organ baa Issued aa appeal for taratonr waleii trine nrtM from Uav co!a dsinoorau. It is becoming mora and mere apparent that tha kind of harmony lata tacUoa went la 'tha aubjugatien f tha other faction, and to tola and tba Wilson follower er lannf their plana for tha meeting la March. Tha utmost ffort Is being made to brine as many riamral as passtbla to this that la numbers at least It My theeow the Fremont gathering. Arteataa Well leaaaw. Tha arteWaa wall which baa bees for I vara ana of tha attractloas of Ilia post ifflco square la lust now cuttlnc up a taw caper, lost fall It ceased to give, forth. Its quota of salt water aad efforts la start tba flow by tha uea of pumps Ind other device failed. It was then imposed to sink It deeper, but tha federal rorsrament refused to par lb bill and ua plan was dropped. Yesterday, when aaa was looking, the well suddenly took a netton to resume business and Ivor aisee ha ban flowing aa at old, jtth every Indication of an rnteatlea to leep M ap. Basra tar e it. Lee Is. A large amawsr ef Nebraska educators eft tonight for at. Louis, where tbey K1U attend tha meeting of the depart iieat af supartatandaac of the National lalaeatlonal association. Among tbem lor tate apsrtatendant Dalasu, Ceanty nd Cltr Superintendents atcLeughlls Ind Perdue af Lincoln. Altogether there ere about fifty In to party. The ariaoensamrnt waa mad yesterday Ifteraeoa that Joe Bums, a one tlm I prominent figure In Nebraska politics nd mernfeer of tha kg! nature, would ark tote the field again and bad de. kared h Iras if a oaadMaU for the re wblloaa nomination Jor state senator rem lnrtatar county. Ha has aot been ictlvsly la .politic for' soma years, but r all that balds to record for bavin rved more term la the legislature than Iny ether man la Lancaster aeunty. rte reraaer weohoo,rt. Adjutaaf On oral Fttelp ss all eorti (f duties (rnrcard upon bhn,-er at least ie perforrna' many' dutte net provided I la the articles of war:" Only a abort Ime age feewaa seaed to b Soeriock Lelmea and lad tha helral to aa old mlon soldier who had a 11 down In lease, leaving"-, .smalt (arm whlrk an -eentrOereaa, I&PUcM lyxiV fb M the rfsreeald -helra area It the deeedent had kiarraledtwiUI' fcn family aad left them. Ie uedertook Ue .leak end a daughter taa located. New comes a veteran ef the KrU war aid want the, adjutant general to tell l-m the aaldress of a certain widow, thorn It appears was In Ms younger days I sweetheart at the veteran, but they rifted apart and both married. Now li rough death bothr ttH to wed aftaln nd tha vetama' heart yearaa for his louthful sweetheart, aeneral 2helpe tas able to pat him oa the right track, ut b Inatsti that U as far as he will P aad Ik atber fallow must do' the butting. teert Beta Seat Mewday. The nail, sitting of Die supretue court I set for Munday, March I Among the eses sat tor bearing, la that at Stewart eralnat liartoa. la whlcb Dr. aamael i. Iswart ef .Hasttega sought to rastraln i ' state auditor (ran Issuing warrants I garnet nay part of the taw.ew apora tliatlon for the erection pf a laboratory lUldlng on tba raaipua tat the btedtcal Vblleg of tha Untrerstty of Nebraska. ! Kated at Omaha. He lost la the lower t burl and appealed. He alleged that the Ippropriatloa bill waa deteoura. The call r tha week at as follows: , klondar. March e Hofloiao. edmlnlatrator, agalnet Chl- Jo Northweetera Kailrvad conpany loarguneatl. AuMal from Unit i tlarne asalnst Uoaoln a Northwestera Lata ". P" ron l- 4uk-k aa-alaat UmUm Wmam. - I J"send against swallow. Appeal frooj iueeasy, surah (h'r ia,t "? App j, Hrnai agalnet Mitchell. Appeal from riertdaiL i iA. J. Minor liumbrr company eralnet , liomtison. Appeal from Ocotts Blult. M Kay agalnet Slate (oa motloa for re- t-erlnsi. Appeal from Antelope. -, Wlndar. Mart h t .lanibie agalaet Estate of Gambia. Ap ral front Lxxlse. ' Cine-ale Mnilcme oompany agalnat , lder A Ep. Appssl from Osge. i owiee egelBal Kre. Appral frvoi Oage. t llere-ood agalnat He) wood. . Appeal ; tern Dodg . rr Thnraday, Man-h J ,1tdiiuin aa-ainrt Kldeiltr Acnident In r raii company. Appeal from Boone. . ily of Umaha agalnat Tanrey. Appeal lont Doueiaa. .ouatr of Platte amlnet County of But I.. Appeal from Butler. ' Wallace agalast Btate. Appeal from hrraie. Knit)', Marrh - Una against Uurdlck. Appeal from - lanultou. t nioa titate Bank ef Harvard against IcKelvt. Appeal from flay, i Kaaert against gtata Appeal tram Halt titrwsrt agalnet Barton. Appeal trvui encaster. nrrous oa the Islands, but K has bent many years sine a wildcat has arts L TWO. AMENDMENTS POSHED HALL REPUBLICANS ARE IN FILLING -UP TICKET CR.WD ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. -Spe- cuO-ChalmuB Root of the rrpublirair county committee railed a meeting of the oe remittee yeeterday for the purpose of going seer the situation with reference to securing a full ticket under the primary law tor the next fall election. In addl tloa to two representatives. one senator, aad the county attorney, thl county win also have to elect a sheriff to CII vsraacy and. poeslbly. a register ef deeds. There are candidate for .all known places with the exception of Plate senator and the eoemnlttee will set to It that a good filing hi mada for this place, If possible. EQUAL EITITEAGE MADE" ISSUE - - Orcaalsatloa ef tkaasei la l MAN WANTED IN CALIFORNIA ARRESTED IN GRAND ISLAND GRAND 18I.AKD. Nee.. Feb. &-(8pe- dal.)-4?hlef of rXrtloe Arbogast at holding one Wllaoa, araanmid to be going ander the name also of Davey. on Intormatioa from California ta the effect that the man is wanted on the charge of" defraud ing a young girl out ef SMS by the fortune telling echeoie. The msn fills tas description exactly, appears to be tba msn wboae picture waa forwarded and Is further Implicated by mall found oa his person. Hs dmlea guilt, however. The California authorities will Immedistely send aa officer here to Idea t if y and claim Davey. A reward of IJUS la out for his arrest. Sheriff Stems has returned from Kan sss having In-custody one Char lee Smith. ! who has admitted stealing a lot of silver-1 ware from the Episcopal church of thlsi dir. ! I !LD CAT KILLED BY GRAND ISLAND HUNTER CRANt ISLAND. Sew.. Feb. &-Spe-' 'U-e one of the larger and a well 'ded Island In lbs natte rrrer, only ur miles from this city, yesterday W Il ls m Ksb man. a fanner, brought down wildcat which weighs about taenty se pound.' Soma bf the Islands la the ker are aaidom visited excepting by Itaters and thea only in the duck snoot t asason, aad thla waa aaa of them, he animal's presence waa first betrayed r. Mr: Kuhisisa's boating dog. Jar. tihlmaa at first waa under the laspres M that the dog bad treed a cooa or iuh-rei. ben apea approaehlag tba tree w taw k g' fertne. craaeblag ' between vera! brancbes as If in hading. The l abot brought it dowa. lie brtxight ta body to the city to- have. It taxl- r-n.'lxcd. Coye'.e. raecoens and aquir- ba ara said to be becoming mora au- FAIRBURY MARRIAGE KEPT SECRET SEVERAL MONTHS FAIKBURT, Neb., rob. S. -(Special. - The fact that Mia Maiml Woods and Roy Da brier af tht dty were married ta Horton, Kan.. May tt, Mil. baa just bosom knows thla wi were agala remarried In Atlantic, la during the lest Week. The bnde last May was 17 year of age and tha couple were married without tba consent of their parents. This week, accompanied "by the brloVs mother, they went to Atlantic. la., and .war remarried. The bride Is new past U year. Mr. and Mr. Dabarr will make their home with the bride mother for the present. THREE STORE BUILOIXGS IN GOTHENBURG BURNED OOTHBNBUBO. Neb,, Feb. aWSpe- clal Telegram. I The. threa-atory brick building ewned by Martin aerver and occupied by George Bank's jewelry store, D. F. si Ink lay's drug store. Prank Hal. verstadt's flour and feed store, Platte Valley Celt I company offioee, Jekneoa A Nelson grocery store and Peter Kdwall's meat market and two one-etory brick buildings were burned last night The loss Is MM, mostly eovsred by Insur. . I Greater T laws Progrur -Inclndet Eidicsl Prohibition Clause.' ta kecare Fareea era Caastltwtloa Well iadrr Way Natloaal Z ' laser Disregarded. ' NEWS NOTES OF GOTHENBURG Twe Weddlage ef Yawns People Take Flae la Little Western City.' ; "OQTBENBL'Ra. Nebj Fab. JI(Spa- dal.l-Delbert Dstdsl aad aliaa.lUlea rrVom a laff Corresindffit.) DRtJ MOINES,' Feb. S.-tSpctakl-To amendmer.ta to the state -eonatttution of loan are to be purhed forward Immedi ately as a part of the new procrip for the "Greater Iowa." The orxntxiition of the forces to secure thess amendments haa been well under way for some- time. The first Is to be the amendment to the constitution putting therein a sweep ing prohibition ef the manufacture or sale of any Intoxicating liquors in the state. It will be worded the same as the amendment which failed many years ago. sere that possibly It will have no excep tion v ' The other amendment Is that providing for equal suffrage. A strong organisa tion ef politicians bss bean formed to take this Issue Into state politics and utilise it to sdvaataga. These men have formed a state association. 'hare opened headquarters' In a business block and are sending out literature and carrying on a somewbst expenstvs campaign. In case the equal suffrage amendment la carried first and ahead of the other. Its friends assert that It would be fol lowed very soon by adoption of the pro hibitory amendment, for as anon as th women could vote tbey would pass ths other amendment. A big state meeting la to be held here early In March for the purpose of giving boost to these two amendment and especially to ths one far prohibition. It Is expected that this atata meeting wUI In dorse st Irait ons of the candidates for governor aad possibly candidate for other positions on tha stale ticket: or. If sot,, to st least set In mot loo the ma chinery that will affect the primary elec tion. At any rata tha issues Invnived in Tha couple! the two amendments are coming rap idly to the front In stats affairs. , -i National lasars la Barkgroaad. II would seem thai In view of the turn of affairs In this state national divisional lines will have little to do with the pri mary election. Neither of the three can dldstes for governor I In any sense hos tile to President Taft, and In thl. they stand on an equal footing. Moo of the candidates for other stats offices Is tak ing any active part In regard to national affairs. Ths agreement hsa been to per mit the voter of the stats to handle the question of selection of delegates to ths national convention without getting It mixed up la stats affairs and thus to avoid complications which 'would bf. un fair to local candlUs tea..' Thus far la .the. selection f delegates la the county conventions tha lineup- has been Just about As It has bsea4n the past. no county showing any Changs from the situation four years ago. Very little Interest ha been tskert In th matter of selection of delegate to ; I ho tonven Uona. It I pretty certain there win be many In tha stats convention hot strongly committed.'., .'. - ' Oaarw fhrgagleatlea Shift. Adjutant Oensral Logan contemplstes making a change thl year In th manner of orxanlilng th battalion In th tour regiments of (he Iowa national guard, slasstfytag the battalions by letter rather thai by ikcafkm. V Kensh.weee masrlad in North PIMts eh f lee -rename, yaje;;ji earn regiment Y!l. l - a. - Wednesday by Bev. Mr. McDald. ThV CT m IT" V TTr ' Will M L4. . flMKMlMIM SfcM k. : tm ! " WCVWHU tin. i. emMnved.1 imajor weii naee eva tea ,, r, art Tamer end Miss Sarah latyeoek were married Wednesday at the home of th bride at Kim Creek by Rev.. Mr. rrnch. About thirty guests ware pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Turner will reside la Gothenburg. ! The manufacture ef Incubators, brood ers, eatsny houses, bee hives, poultry and keepers' supplies constitute a sew aad growing Indastry la JQotbenburg.' o. M. Brausr Is In charge. Last, year hs mada many Incubator for hi own use. They hatched t.M chickens. Memorial service were held at the Blrkefar ham for Fraaca K. WUIard and Iron I Bird by tha Woman' Chris tian Temper anas union. Attends soe was large. Many beautiful tribute war gives (a Ihs lives of thee pure woman. Alpha club entertained all tha teachers at colonial tea Wednesday at th Bach home. 1 -.' -.. . . saaaarii aaer wisl t ee test. 'HARVARD. Neb Peb. K.-(8psclal.)-Harvard High school declamatory con test ss hsid last evening at the stoke Opera so nee, where a large audience greeted ths contestant. Th lodges. Mr. W. C. Noll af Fairmont, Rev. o. B. Hawks aad sTupsrlntandeat K. CUppmgsr of Sutton, gave first place I Russell er, waa recited "Bpartacua , ta the Oladlator;" second - place ta Myrtls Aker, The Little Boy's Bear Story," and third to, Ioaa DavM. wh gave "Auat Jan Relate Sally Aoa'a Kxperienee." SOUTH DAKOTA Y. M. C. A. WILL MEET AT HURON Ul'RON. I. D Feb. BWSpacial.-Th annual meeting af tha South Dakota Toung Meu'e Christian asociatlea will b held here March 1, X, and X. The galher- ag promise to be of much Interest and importance, aad local committee srs ar ranging ta araaerty care for the asveral scare of delegates exported to be in at tendance. Notice haa beea received that Jelegatra from Aberdeen, Mitchell. Rapid City. Plerr and Bloux Falaj. where ther are dty Young Men's Christ laa organise. lions, will be here la large auaiber There are neerly forty brant be that will send delegate. Th program toalads the names of assay weU known Tauag Men's Christian assoaVttsa workera. who wUI attend and addrrsa tha gatnerlng. Oeorgs McDIll of New York will be the chief speaker. He Is a member of th In tern a t tonal committee. tlona: -arganlxaUaa -t be bold, at the Sarery hotel a Wedacsday " afternoon, February JS. r ';., . . .Mr. J'lower Mpreeenu tbanaUonal or ganization wrack Is working to defeat a congrea ths bill which provUca for a federal bureau of health.- - . Pioneer of Iowa is Dead in Ackley ACKLET. la.." Feb. 2-4Rpeclal.) George Pat toe, on of the pioneers of central Iowa, died at his home here this morning of dlsesse incident to old sge. He was nearly 90 years of see and had been a resident of Hardin county since IK. Qeorge Pattee was bom In New York, and when a youth with his parents moved to Illinois, locating at Freeport. He was a soldier during ths Mexican war. After Its close he returned to Illinois, where he married Mary J odd, and In MM moved to thla county, making the journey across ths country by team. It being before the railroads had Invaded, thla portion of Iowa. Reaching Iowa hs Went Into tht hotel business at Hardin City, but a fsw months later took up government land three mile south of bare, where be -continued In the grsln growing and live stork business until thirty yea re ago. when he' retired and moved to town, : Mr. Partes is survived by his aged widow and sic children, Mrs. W. D. Per rival and Kvk Beach, Omaha: Mrs. C. II. Walworth. Ell, Neb.; 'Mrs. W. O. Smith, Freeport. 111.; Mrs. Oeorgs Dtehl. Eldora, and Mrs. Daniel tiler, Ackley. The funeral will be held Tuesday. COLONEL REPLIES' HE WOULD ACCEPT (Continued from First Page.) Former Omaha Man Dies in Des Moines PKS MOINES. Feb. E.-Henry a Winston, actuary of insurance of the state of lows, is dead at hit home here, following an operation. He was a grand. son of . tire first preiWert of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York and was well known In Insurance circle throughout the country. Hs was It years old and ht survived by hi widow snd two cWiitren,. Mr. Winston came to Des Moines from Qmahx four years sgo. IDA GROVE FARMERS MAKE HIGH RECORDS IDA' OftOVn -m.: Feb. aWHpeetsl.)- In giving out the standings of the pupils in the sRorT renin her th expert from the Iowa mate college say that tba -pa pers prepared by -the -eteoents In Cora Judging ersewthe best' handled thl yaar by tha college. Roy Falrcklld.' with a mark ef V, stands first In corn Judging; and WJ W. Smltk. with a mark of N, Is second,! Q serge Porter a first In the Mmornar Tilth A-mark pf OH. C. H. roster saconrtj ; foweti ' Meyer - third. Ralph ' Walters -fJussh -and dearga Pres ton firth. ' At the boys' clasp Dean Finch Is ftrstr WsJftTWstT-sw. Artmrr MarkhaA"' third ''and 'lAeyd Mlobelaoa fourth." In the Hve stock clssses Roy Falrchlld" also beaded the class, with mark of M. W. W. Smith was seoon4 W1U ishnaon tlurd. Ralph Nailer fourth and Matter. Stewart filth; - Perslstsat' Advertising -Is. ta Road to Big-Rstrvne . 0'. i.. ?,' necessary . for the happiness 'and - pros perity of the country. ' "W believe thai In view qtjih pahllc deinand you shoiud soon dec Use- whether, if the nominsrion-f or the preatdencyr come to you unsolicited and unsought, yoa will accept it' .: . . : . "In submitllng this request we are not - considering your personal interests:? We do not regard It a proper to constder either th. Interest or the preference of any msn as regards the -nenamaiaoe for the presidency. We are exprestdnff our sincere belief and best Judgmenfas to what is demanded of you in the lifter rets of the people as a whole. .And, me feel that ' you would be unresponsive: to a plain public duty if yon should decline to accept the nomination aa the .volun tary expression of the withes of a ma jority of ths republican voters fit the United States, through the action ef ttttir delegates In the next national conven tion." ; ' - Took Ilia Dm Tisae. - Efforts of Colonel P.oosTe1t's 1 riends to indues bint to make an earlier declara tion of his attitude on tha presidential question had been unavailing. His la 'conic re .-nark to a friend In Cleveland last Wednesday night that "My bat In the ring you will have my; answer Mon day," was the first real Indication that be bad In mind an affirmative answer to the governors' letter. . Upon promise that the reply would be given out tonight a small army bf news papermen gathered at the colonel's office early In the evening. Secretary Frank Harper met tha reporters punctually and gavs out the correspondence without comment. He said he waa In no position to comment, and. In new of the author's absence In Boston, where he will spend several days, It waa Impossible to get an elaboration of the statements mad In th letter. Will Not Pars Third Party. WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. At the na tional Roosevelt committee headquarter here, ot which Medill McCormlck la di rector, the following statement was given out: "Colonel Roosevelt has no Intention whatsoever of forming a third or "peo ple's party In the event the Chicago convention falls to name him as tha candidate of th republican party. Ptate- .roents recently made that the former president would take such action are declared ta be without foundation. That such a proposition hs been made to Colonel Roosevelt Is not denied. It is stated that the activity ef the ad ministration nomination campaign man ager In making us of the "steam roller' caused several admirer of Colonel Roosevelt to fear the Chicago convention would be "packed' and . that th popular will of ths people would find no expres sion there, . la, thla event It wa sa ted It would be well to gtv th people a chance to express their sentiments at ths polls, an Independent party being formed to place Colonel Roosevelt' nam before them. . "From an authoritative source It was learned today that Colonel Roosevelt did not took upon ths proposition with favor and In effect stated that such a proceed ing was out of th question." SEED SPECIALS START TODAY Two From Omaha' snd Tws FromJ Lincoln Over State. 10 URGE TISl'lAG 07 .ALL SEES Speakers Press Uaie laivcralf y Will Be am Beard t Taikt Brier la Lecture ' Far aera a and w"'a- JH. third wlU hsvs companies t. TC, I, and M. This assignment of major by rank I for th consanlenc In setting a atari, and ther will be no progression (fter ths new order I In effect, a that would always give the last four companies a new major, When a vacancy occurs, th new major will take command ot the battalion where ths vacancy Is fousd. . t arrylag a City Competes. An unusual way of tarrying oa the dty campaign Is bring followed In Des iMplne" tht kf.'A asrte of aweRngv, practically .ona eaan night, ha keea ar ranged, and candidate who care to ad dress ths people who gather st these meeting are privileged to do so, each one having a share In the expense of the meeting. At some of . th meeting '. a doaen different candidates apeak, aom for city of five anil some for school di rectors. A tuestloa haa arisen as to tha right at the candidates to thua pay campaign expense and also aa to their right ta advertise la tha papers and In booklets. The corporation counsel will be asked to sett Is thl question, . Baak Refers to Advocated. Thf law committee of th American Bankers' association, accompanied by Thpmaa B. Paton ot New York, gederai counsel, will meet Iowa bankers In Dee Mains next Wednesday to discuss pro posed financial legislation. Tha commit tee will stop here ea route from St. Paul ta fit. Loula. It win visit Chicago Mon day. ' ..-.'- Th bankers club will entertain the rhetors with a dinner at t o'clock Wednesday svsnlng. Tha plans for fhs dinner bar aot been entirely 'perfected. . Aati-Daetare te Held Meetlaa. Benjamin O. Flower, president ot tht National League for American Freedom, will be the speaker at a meeting ot the member of th low branch ot thla aa- DEATH RECORD Mr. Cesrge Davla. HUMBOLDT. Nekv, Feb. V-Sperlal.-Mrs. Oeorgs Davis, mother of Mr a. Pres ton K riser , died at her ham her Hatar day morning, aged.) years. Her death was due to pnsumoma. She had beea a sufferer for a loner tha with lung trou ble. She cams here from, phre sen ral year cs aad up to tha tlsse at her last Illness was engaged ta tha poultry busi ness, Th funeral Is expected to take place Wednesday afternoon. ' Oretertewl resm at Tiber, TABOR, la.. Feb. !.- Special l-ln the imereounty high school declamatory con test te be held Tiers March U. aftermwa and eTenmg. twerr schools are Hated to rwrtirrpste.. Tbey are: Tabor. fdoey. IVd Oak.. Malvern. .Coin. Ci man. Hamburg. Glenwaod. Oakland and Emerson sBulIo COUGH SYRUP Have, you a oold wtlh a hacking or racking couch, hoaraenea. . broncb,ltla,Krippe) ; or ail asthmatic or p uumotuarv eotich with gore cheat f Sad ths baby croup. v. nooning oouRtt vr meuaieacougnl .. SAMPU. mix. The tett Ui old reliable Da.' Bell's PoroB fcntrp, free. Write to V C. Mxts-s & Oa BsJ Uawre, 1UJ. JBrutioa Uti paper. Ikdnwrkdesialeafk snd as Settle ef It lili's osx Sreua curt Ma mumtj." ynaoa K. tease, Tlinsgrtise, Iki. KEGTJLAft BOTTLE 35 CTS. Dr. BnU'j t icaurk jrtip contains no inorpaixst at rhUmsVirra. ii is ssicst aiat bcsU Ls?. 9A rVtvVi. iyAtliVVr' Four seed corn apecUl trains mill (tart on a week's tour of Nebraska today, two from Omaha and twe from Lincoln, to urge the farmers of the state to teat their seed corn, show them hew to test It and give them other valuable crop improve ment Information. - , The Burlington soutkera Nebraska train win leave Omaha at t;l this morn ing, making the first step at Platlsmouth at . The Union Pacific sptcial will leave Omaha at this morning, making the first stop at Paplllleo. Ons Burling ton and one Northwestern train will leave Lincoln this morning for the week. Two trains will be run next week to close the campaign, one on the "Omaha' road In tba northeastern part ot tba state and one on th Burlington In th central portion. . , . These seed trains are going out as a re sult of ths efforts of th publicity bureau of tha Commercial club and th Omaha Oram exchange, which got busy with a campaign ot publicity oa the seed corn situation , and Induced ths railroads to run the specials. Speakers oa the trains are Instructor in th agricultural school of the(i;nlverslty of Nebraska, farm paper editors and other qualified to apeak on the subject assigned them. Each train curies two lecture car and the same lecture will be given by two different men, one In each car, dur ing stops, which will be thirty or thirty five minute at each station. Corn test ers, both home-made and factory made, will be on board and tha farmers In structed In their use. A publicity campaign hss been waged all over the state, both by the Omaha Commercial club publicity bureau and by local organisations which hare been organised at a multitude of towns, and practically every farmer In th state knows what the seed com special Is for snd when It will pasa through his town. The farmers. It Is expected, will be In town In large numbers when the train arrive and will Immediately fin th cars for th lectures. 8fclsl crop report cards will be posted In each town, telling th farmers C f.s shortage In .their county ot the l'Ml corn crop as compared wtlh a tour-year aver age. Literature wtir b distributed by the publicity bureau ot the Omaha Com mercial club. Pcarfal iaeahter of desdly microbes occurs when throat and lung diseases srs treated with Dr. King New IX sen very. Mo and ILOk. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.- ' , naak President Convicted. MI8KOOKE, Okl , Feb. X.-W. L Bur. ton, formerly preeident of the Columbia Hank and Trust company of Oklahoma City and ths American National bank at Bartlesvllle, was found guilty by a federal Jury here tonight on three Indictments charging false entries in ths bank books and Illegally transferring money from toe bank to. other companies. - . 0 4t. 406 321 "Can't Afford Competition 'of the ' Nemo" DEAR MADAM: We want to Veil yoa about one of the finest stores in America, which Bells lots of Nemo Corsets "under protest" keeps a small stock (out of sight), orders "specials'! almost daily, and always, if possible, induces a Nemo customer to buy southing else. We asked the manager one day if it wouldn't be better to ailtiraU his Nemo trade, and carry full lines, displayed where people could see them - He very frankly said: "No; we slljrourigcwds when we nave to, for we don't want to lose the profit on Nemo. &ais; but wc n't afford to hedx Nmo competition in our stock.''-. - - 1 When a dealer is AFRAID to showTfem'o Corsets because he knows that they are BETTER, and, if given a chance, will OUTSELL his other corsets, on which he makes a larger profit isn't it pretty near time for YOU. Madam, and all other women, to INSIST upon having the Nemo whenever your dealer tries o make you take something? '.'just as good?" Doe't YOU be the "goaf'-BE A WISE. WOMAN! , ,, There's a Nemo for every figure, frbnv Yeiy. slender to extra-stout; $100, $3.50, $400 and $5.00. Butbe sure you get the model that suits you, na GaasJ Stem Evaryiraww ' ' ' ." (- . " KOPS BROS, Mfrs, New York' ENDORSEMENTS GIVEN : ,.BYjaLJ(NOWlPEOPLE Statements Made that Hay Be of In . terest to Discouraged Folks. RESULT HAS BEES WOTDERFUL Heartily stream mead rate ) Meth ods Employed to Prefect Ran dreda af Haasaa Wrecks In Omaha aad Other Cltlro. . . Score of people who have that common practical sense which" guides them In a:i their act aad conclusions are coming out unreservedly with statements regarding Tone Vita," the new tonic that ia ac complishing such remarkable result In the United States. Among such statements is the following mad by P. C. Dltchen of th Schllts hotel, this city. Mr. Dltchen said: "I have been nervous and all run down for some time past. I suffered from stomach trouble, sly appetite was poor and when I did cat would suffer from gas and pains in the stomach. I slept poorly and. my sleep did me little good. J would avaken In the mornings as tired and .worn out aa when I retired. I fait tired out most of the time. I have tried many different remedies, but failed to get any permanent relief. I finally heard of thla new tonic. Tona Vita.' and decided to try U- I no ticed immediate results and feel Ilka an entirely different person. In fact, I am well man and give all credit to Tona Vita" Another statement Is from Miss Myrtle McCandlees of No. 19M Maple street, thla city, who said: "I have had stomach trouble and nervousness for the last two years. I slept poorly and the slsep I did get did not seem to refresh . I felt tired out most ot the time.- Ily sppstlte was poor and what I did eat did not agree with me. I hay tried many remedies, but without results. I dsolded to try this new tonic,- Tona Vita, and am glad I did. It has proven a wonder In my case. I now eat and sleep, well and feel better In every respect -than I have for years. I believe Ton' Vita' la the best tonic ever sold In Omaha." Thl great preparation 1 sold by the following druggists: Bhsrmsn sV IteCon nell Drug Co., lth snd Dodge st.; Owl Drug Co.. Mth and Harney 8te. Harvard Pharmacy, Mth and Parnam Sts.. and Loyal Pharmacy, No. J7T- N. nth St. People who are nerroua. and , irritable. bar Imperfect digestion, stomach disor der, lack energy and smturren, feet melan choly and. discouraged, suffer .with head ache, backache, peer memory, unsound sleep. Irregular circulation snd told feet, srs unquestionably suffering . with ner vous debility-that distressing condition which I s common In all thlhkly settled communities. , wher nature's limitations ara mar apt to be exceeded. Ther srs hundreds of halt sick men' and .women who really do not know what. la wrong with them. They struggle aimlessly along until ther' bscom totally debilitated. 'Tona Vita" will surely remove thl pain ful condition If people will but give It a trial. P9 Brewed Bottled- under the most modern, sanitary conditions by skilled masters,. In a brewery as dean as "mother's kitchen." BLATZ COMPANY 0411 ksi " --- 111 ' J Pt-mm Deawiee t3 'f IlllsljllisiF Mp I I I ll II laaaaatilT I I ' "i 1 1 aTSsjaaa III tlsasaMlalW at I W OMAHA HEX LIKE'-" MINNESOTA: SPAGHETTI Wives and mother find ther I one thing of which Omaha men never tire. Morning, noon and night his "lordship will eat "si i noose ta spaghetti or mac aroni and be delighted with It' rich, nut-like flavor. If yoa hav tried other macaroni or spaghetti and hav disliked them, the "htinseaota brand will be a revelation to yoa. For ovary day meals, for i dainty lunches or for big feast, there Is nothing better than tbla healthful food served la on of the. many, ap petizing wya . .. , . But if you want, that rich, nut-like flavor be sure and get to deiieion "Minnesota'' brand aiaearoalt or spa ghetti mada from In finest Jtortbern Duram wheat, with all th nourishing Gluten left In. It Is easily digested and never gets soggy. All good Omaha grocers aeil It ssasf i i p !' i V f ''? ' -SXll'SCtTt. Taimssi Xseagla Mt rsd. A-ieM. - Stat, Beery Xeay. :!: vry sTtgwt, gas, apvaabss iavimtim Will M. Creuy A stiraaisueba lyne: Brown. Ba'ris '-. s: Mis Hohb Oordeoe: 1 Crosrr, verMazIr Brea. with wr tiarad AV Whssaea; gs Smith: Kinatsniae; Orpbeum Cea- cert Orcheetrm. ' nteaa sn St. la. aa. SOe. Taa, ataes. 10c bee , aoo, aasop mnmrmmj aaa