f 6 i I 10 "What's the Use of Goin' if You're Where You Want to Be?" By "Bud" Fisher VUSiNY TO &0 You. XWC RC v'n vontto&o ore eb-,:-,;' STl wtt,,,, n V ! tea. . ' iHUSKERS PICKED FOR LEAD iBajkct Ball Team Defeats Amei I Afain by Score of 31 to, 12. EEGAHDII) VALLEY CHAMPIONS Mere aae with Kaaaa Cesa- j1n. Wtltk Will Ineleate Warther Aaetker Dwliln f eateet le Wee eo rr. AMK8, la., Feb. .-(Bpeclai Telegram.) vThe Ne braeka basket ball team mad a imt huoq i record here yesterday after tiooe vtwn It Seteated the Ame live he- nor of U to 11 Th gam (eat throughout, . f Bath team started unrig and fast. At ta and of the flrat fiv mtnutaa' of play tne seers stood 4 to 4. Th Nebraska team then took tha ld ana held tl tha winder of th (um At the close of tha flrat half tha score steed n to 1 At tha beginning of tha second half tha Cornhuskers Incresaed thetr lead and held tha Ames team ecu re leaa for tha flrat tea mlnuiet. Tha raat of lha feme waa mora eloeely contested. HWn waa removed for fouls, Millar takint hla place. Hyda want In for llansllk and Carrier for Kagler. -The Kama waa somewhat rotif h through vol. Tha floor work of tha Nebraska team waa tha feature at tha lama. Cap tale Prank and Hanillk atarrrd for Ne braska. For Amea, Powell dM food basket, thro wind aad tha work of King os ins floor waa exceptionally good. Tba liaaup: " KRBRA8KX AMES. 8tr'ker ....C.;c Pslby Nailer R-f.jK.P Mibe Haiiallk -M-.l-r. Ir King Frank lC.)..,.K.Q.in.O (C.) Channel Vnderwood ....I.1..1LU Dewell Pield goals: Frank, : Underwood, t; Manilla, , Hyde, 1; rltryker. t; Naglsr, 1; tHiwell, ; King, ti Mlebea, I. Goals (ram. foul: Nailer, a. Substitutes: Hyda for Hanillk, Carrier for Nagler, Millar for Blabee. Befereet II y land of Iowa. LINCOLN "Y" WRESTLERS WIN BEATRICE TOURNEY vEATRICK, Nb.. Feb. Vipartal Telegram. -In tha wrestling toornatncit bstwaaa tha Lincoln and Baatnea Touag Men's Christian sseoctatlon teams kor lata eveniug tha former wan artar bird struggle before a large crowd. - ra tha heary weight class, Lena (J Beatrice won from Wheeler ot Lincoln, souring tha flrat and third fall In fifty, ota minute aad twenty aeoond Ud twerrty-lgM mtntea and thirty eeand, ' reapaotrrrly. - t , la tha middleweight elaaa. Rutherford of Beatrice won tha flrat fall from An- dataea of Lincoln In ntne minute and twenty aeoand and tha aaoowd m forty rwa aeeonda. , . - Ueyla of Uncola had no trouble Is da- iaiing Herman of Beatrice In th fecibarwelght eUaa. Ha aacurad tha flrat ia la five mtnatea and forty aeeonda aad tha aeoond ta thirty minutes. ' "Rnblnaoa of Llaeola won from Eeneon of dteatrlca la th walterwoliht claaa In two atraicht fall, tba flrat In fly mlh ntea and tha aarand In flva minute and rorty-ala aeeonda. ' la tho llgbtreight claaa. Eaton of tin. com 'caeny aispoaad of Uelutyra of Beatrtca. Tha first fait was aeeured In fourtam mmutea and thirty aeeonda and 1h second In eight minute and fifteen Iowa Makes Record Rifle Score of Week WASHINGTON, reb. Jt-PTlnceton and atassachuastu Agricultural oolleies ro maia tied for flrat plao with alght vlo- torles and no defeat In tha East ern Intercollegiate RJfle gbootlng laagua. whlla tha Falraralty of Iowa, with seren match to Its credit and no losses, la at th head of th western league. - Tha University of Iowa last weak made tha reoord acora for both league with K4. West sen Isacu scares: Iowa defeated Arizona. W4 to U. (Inneaota defeated 81. Thomas college. atom ........ M'ohisan Aggia aeieaiea uanronua, to MO. . ... purane dereatra neoraaaa. w to see. Mlchiaan defeated Kansas, (61 to (by default). Iowa City High school, although de feated thla weak by Baltimore Polytaea- nle. oonUnue to hold Its toad In tha In tercity High School Klfls Shooting laagua. Oearlng High school, Portland, Ma.:, Sonthain High and Manual Training school of Philadelphia and Baltimore Polytechnic Institute ar tlsd tar second plaoa, tach having alght Victor! and no defeats. . ' Texas-Oklahoma v ; League Organized i DENISON1. Tea., Pb. . Th Toil- Oklahoma Baa Ball league waa organ- led yesterday with U club pledged to msmbsrshlp and conditional eontract slsned by rsprssenutlves of two other a ties. .-...- It I planned to begin th season April II and close It en July X, although pro- netoa la made In the schedule adopted that th ae(oa may be extended for six Athletics May Play . Series with Giants BAK 'ANTONIO,' Tex-. Feb. Ji.-It I generally reported here tonight there will be an ante-eeon aerlea of game be tween th teams that battled for the world's championship laat fall. Mana ger Mack of Philadelphia la In San An tonio wltti-the youngster- division- of tits teem. John T. Brush of tne Naw Tork team is spending the winter here. To day the two met and after a conference Brush cent for Manager McUraw of the New Tork team who has hla recruits In training at Marlln. - - ' . It la understood, . although neither Mack er Brush would confirm It, that the two managers are to ulecuss th advisability-of game first between the re cruits of' the two - team and later be tween the regulars.. The salary limit waa fixed at WO. Wichita Falls, Bonhara, Sherman and. McK Inner, Tex and Durant and Ard mora, Okl., war formally granted fran chises, whlla Denlaoa and Ureenvtlle, Tex., probably will enter the league before the eaaoa starts. United States Sends . 'Davis Cup Challenge "IttW TORK. Pab. S.-The following habit was sent today to Secretary- Hloks of tin Australian Tennis association at Sydney 1 - "United States chsllenges Davis cup. . "WRENN, President," It was voted at the annual meeting of the United State National Iwn Tennis association on February to challenge for th Davis cup In BIS, provided. In the Judgment of the executive committee, a team could be mustered to represent this country properly, . f "At this esrly date: said President Wrenn tod-, "It Is Impossible to tell whether such a team can be formed, but sine the regulatlona governing th Davis cup competition require that all chel lenges most be received aot late than tha first Monday In March, today' formal challenge waa dispatched so that we may be in a position to Send a team later If that Is possible." . PEDERSEN TO MEET MAHM0UT FOR CHANCE AT FRANK GOTCH CHICAGO. Feb. 3,-Yusslf MahmouL Bulgarian wrestler, and Jess Pedersen, Danish champion, were matcfiol today to meet -In a finish wrestling natch hart on March L Victory for Pedersen assure hlta a championship match with Frank Uotch, according to the promoter of th contest. Ootch, It I said, .as promised to wrestle Pedersen. provided he defeats Mahmout, Ootch' wrestling mite. '.. Wiener rfrefraui Oaaa Beys. WISNER, Neb, Fi. I6.-I Upecisl. Iist evening the Dana eol lege first Ms of Blslr wss defeated Ire tit Wiener bssket bell tesm In a clean.' last game. 7 to . r- y to th Sltustlon-Bee Advertising' MANY BASKET BALL ENTRIES List is Closed and Twenty Teams Have Been Enrolled. ' MEET TO BE HELD IS MAJtCH While Entry Llel ta Hed a Lsurew aa Eipected, It la I.rarrr Tkaw That of Last Tear, Whra Atteatlea . Wae Attracted. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb.; S. f?peclal.) Wlth the list of entries for the high school basket ball tournament among the schools In - Nebraska closing Saturday night, twenty high schools had signified their Intention of entering. . The tournament will be, bold In Lincoln March 7. S and a The entry ot twenty team will brine upward of lav. athletes to the Stas university. ', Arrangements will be practically the same aa last see. son when Beatrice won the stste cham pionship. Most, of th .-reprsssntatlTe will be cared for. at fraternity houses. Th first preliminaries will be played Thursday afternoon, '. Friday morning tha elimination contest will be, eontlnued with- game ..In the - afternoon and evening.. ' The semi-finals between the four .leader -will be played Saturday night, followed with tha final gams to determine the atat Championship. The. Hit of entrlea for the meet In clude teams from th following schools: Auburn,, Noxfrlk, Chedron. South Omaha, ,Omahs.kIJncln, York. Beatrtoe, Geneve, Elgin.. I'mvsrslty place, Aurora, Wanoo, Tecum sen, . Stanton' Oothenburg, Ord, Schuylsr and th School of Agriculture at the list farm. ; While' th entry bat Is not aa large a What the Big SmBkeis Like OEAF INSTITUTE BASKET :; BALL FLINGERS WIN GAME Th Deaf Institute basket (lingers tiinv aisd the Siiuab eulatet In a close game ar toe local T gymnasium last even. I"f IS t It Up to the last five mm- use i wey uie score stoud a tie, U to ri and It was only by dint of some siever baxket tossing that the deaf tod were to boost the scar In their favor. . iwnwi jer in mutes, featured with his overhaul pasre a id aaade several sematlenal hoot for baaksta that brought forth the app'.ause email, but enthusiastic gallery, aeadberc right forward tor tha Equaba, played a hard gaasa and was eipec'ally acttra la guarding his opponent. The Uneup: BKAF INSTITUTE.' tftsaoeden RF.'R F.., MsnliaU J.r.,L,f. Treuke C. C Xewmaa ........UaJuR.. Wise K.O.:lLO.. rteid eosis: iiuma. 3 vitm-n Cusosden, t. Marshall. J: Trs .ita, 1. ties throws: Baumaua, i: Treji.. . Refe-es: R. L. earns. Sorer: i-srne Fry. Tlrue- Busxard. - Time bt halves. S(j;'AB3. . fcinjOerx ,.. Bsurnau r-our.er HUNDRED GOLFERS COMPETE FOR RUPERT KING TROPHY ri.VLHURST, Feb. a.-In today Scotrh foursnme for prises presented by Rupert C. Xing of New Canaan, more than lis) golfers participated. Tha liest card was 1S4 msde by B. A. Johnston ot Baltimore and F. B. Pottle of Jefferson Highlands. 'who deducted eleven stroke. A stroks away at alghty-tlv. A. A. Btagg, th Chicago university coach, and J. B. Ksllogg ot Alpln tied with A. C. Bora at Mont Clair and H. C. Chamberlain at Washington. Start and Kellogg woa th p'ay off. , - Walter Camp ot New Haven paired wrth Ilupert C. King, donor of the trophies cored ninety, hi handicap being nine. Walter Camp, jr playing with T. N. McAboy of Washington, mad ninety-ail, their handicap being nln. CANADIANS BEAT SLASHERS WITH HELP OF A HANDICAP AN MATBX, Cs'.j Fee. -Ajided by a J kaTjdtaap of stx lull bt Casada polo teens defeated tha i-a Ustao Slashers 1 today, t goaf to I aad wca parmaaent pnsseasliii of the T.'i:ll-a H. Crocker evp, thla being tb final match of tha At tb penlac of the elghtli period, wtth a eeenmandlng lead by virtue ot Ibetr bandKmp. the Caaadiaas embarked Qpea a brilliant defensive game, malting ae attempt t snore, but break an sp every rally at the SSaahera, iMl a lbs final bell had souaded. Breeas et San Mateo seat, the bell aetweea the posts ter what weald have beea the tietng score aa instant earlier, bat the referee decided that It came toe late ky the free- TWO BASKETS IN LAST MINUTE WINS GAMS FOR WASHINGTON BT. LOUl?. Feb. ii-Two basket la the Is t mia.n c! I'xt gave tha Waah- Xaltian Unetnn university taaitet ball flv tna Moor, ttayts , ,. ',Td with ths Ksniaa university tram here today by a scar of JJ to nV The score waa tied daring most of ,tbe t ard tp local team won by making a kJrpr'flEt spurt near th and ot tl gar.. . . ( BRCTH2R OFTY COBB TO WED : YOUr.S LINCOLN WOMAN LINCOLN, Feb, it-Paul Cobb, -right fielder fr the Lincoln bass bail team, Is aoea to be married to Miss Beulah F. Pastel ot Lincoln, according to announce- irant' suede tela evening by tha parents ot te .young woman. The date la announced. Paul Cobb Is a ' younger brother of tba taaseue eulcftelder of tee- Detroit American leegu team. ' i Feaewter Jatae lex. CHIC.SjCO. Feb. S.-Jsck Foamier, a! recrjit tle-d.r iicyted by the Otic go I A;r.er.s:i i-a,'-s vlvjti toeay. t.eerteel ibe holdout rente. irjmer played brill leu in uie w cetera Census leugue laat son, hitting .Jv; Me win go south . Mi the ctub next Tbursuay. , ..Lady Herbert s team will compete te sauiise aamlaat Mrs. Charles W. Clark 4 sjast t tb Ot aseV lie" waa expected. It exceeds mat of last year when the high school tournament at traoted widespread altehtton and a big crowd of visitors. Arrangementa hare been made to accommodate all who de sire to enter and special entertainments ar being planned for the entertainment of the high school visltsrs. Several spe cial features nave beea added to the uni versity program and the meet will be la tha nature of a fete day. Vsry little Is known of tba relative strength ot th tea ma Beatrice, who 4 raptured th title laat year, baa not made aoch a strong showing ta tha regular season gamea while University Plaoa and Waho have been playing eioetlecu bkt ball. KEARNEY BASKETBALL TEAMS WIN TWO GAMES KKAR.NET, Neb.. Feb. Ji (Special. - With a rally at the close of the season aot unexpected In local circle th State Normal teams won two of tha beat played basket ball gamee ever played In Kearney when th boya defeated Grand Island Bap tist college laat night I to S and the Nor mal girls took tha girl's game from the Aurora High school girls team 1 to 11. Tha Normal boy's team started off with a rush aad a whirl of fast playing prac tically giving the visitors all kinds of pointers In the game in the first half, but this waa reversed in the aeoond half, whan the visitor, came withla one point of reaching a eoore that would have tied th bum, ..." '..-" ' The girl from Aurora, playing with th boys' rules ths flrat halt sprang a aur- priss on th Normal dames, but with the women' rule th second half the teacrt ers showed tbelr superiority, doling th gam with a good lead. For a high . school team, th Aurora girl ar exceptionally strong. , . COTNER BEATS OMAHA UNI Basket Ball Five from Bethany Takes Game, 82 to 17. a as , SPEEDY WOBK OH LOCAL FLOOE Omaha Flrat te Score aa Field Basket aad Keeps Beea for . Short ilmr, bat la Seen Oatdeae. " . WEST POINT BASKET BALL TEAMS WIN TWO GAMES WEST POINT. Neb, Feb. tS.- Special.) -The West Paint High school girl de feated tb Stanton. High school girls M to and the Weet Point High school Boy defeated th Liberty boys laat night 1 to I. In two of the fastest and hsrdast fought gamea ever played on th bom floor. The score Olrls' lineup: STANTON WEST .POINT. Burner ..i- L.F.LUF. Iv3ceni-icsm. Barr ....... J..R.F fRX.- .... Koch. SehUltl ;..'...UO. UO,, Krauss Methewson R.0 &... Nsllgh. Esiwen C.;C Mermen. Field Goals: West point. Binmon, a Referee: Poster. ..- The boys' lineup: (1.1BKRTT. WT5ST Pearson B.F.iR.s. .... Maurtta !-. ! Newell :..C.u . Johnson ,...B.O.'R.O.., U Jnhnsoa ....L-O.IL.O... Field Oosls: Weet point. s; '"-' atarsnaii. . mv"-- POINT. ... Thleeen. Bsaa. Krauss. Jerman. .... Johnson, By the score of S3 to IT the Cotner bas ket bail five beat 'the University of Omaha last night on the local' floor. Though tha score waa large, the Chris tians had to Isht hard for every point, and In the aeoond bait showed no bet-, ter form than displayed by tha 'Omaha basket tossers. Cotner came here with a long string of victories aad tha showing mads by ths Omaha team was much bet ter than waa expected, Omaha waa the first to score, on a field basket by Parian. Cotner then scored on a free throw and from then on during the flrat half scored with much more frequency than did their opponent At the end of this period tbe score stood 17 to S In favor of Cotner. When play was re lumed in th second half the local quin tet played much better ball and held the leaders doss at all times. The second half waa characterised by much rough play on tbe part of both teams. Ogdsn had four personal fouls called on aim, bat waa permitted to finish th game. Captain Parish of the Omaha tesm played the stellar game of the evening, getting Into th fray at all time and by Beat dribbling he would take tba ball down to bis opponent's goal.' Th work of Morton and Brltt for the visitors wss especially good. The lineup: miaha. COTNER. P. Btrehlow ....L.F.IL.F Mori?.'! R. Strehlow ...R.F.IR.F tt Jerome C.r...... Lea1" Pariah R.O.jR.O Ogden Salisbury LO.LO......... ...... Bell Summary: Substitutes, Omaha, Dow , and Whltoomb, forwards; Parsons, iraard ' Field goals: Morton. S: Leavltt, : Ogden ! J; Brltt. S; Bell. : Parish. S: Jerome. J:, Whltoomb, Pow. Free throws: Brltt. a: j Pariah. A Time ot halves. SO minutes, i Preceding the big game the I'nlvereltv ; reserves beat the Bellevu reserves by. the soors ol it to is. . j DANA COLLEGE BALL TOSSERS : HAVE MA0EFIN5 RECORD BLAIR, Neb., Feb. . (Special. - Member of Dana college basket nail earn, organised last October, ar all stu dents at tbe oo Ilea except Mr. Oeydon. teacher In the oommerelal department They have played nine gamee and bars met defeat three times, Boutn uakota university fwam, Crelghton of Omaha and Banordft each beating them once. The Dana team has won from Omaha uni versity twice. West Point once. Council Bluffs Young Men' Christian asaocie tlon one and Bancroft twice. . ... Louisville Wrestler Throws Daily Twice PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., Feb. .-Sp-dal.) Frank Schmaderer ot Louisville and Jack Dally of Council Bluffs, wrestled her last night. Schmaderer ha a held the heavyweight championship ot Case county for some month and won the match. The match waa a fast two-round go to a fairly good house, with Farmer Burns aa referee. Schmaderer'a weight waa ITS pounds and Dally, 300 pounds. Tbe first round lasted about fifteen minutes when Schmaderer got the English bar lock and threw hla opponent, forcing bis two shoulders to ths mat. In th aeoond round, after about a twenty-minute bout, Schmaderer, with a crotch and leg hold, again brought the Council Bluffs champion to the mat. A preliminary match between Joe S pence of Louisville and Jack Tolliver ot Omaha resulted In a victory for S pence. It re quired three rounds to settle this contest ss Tolliver did some clever work In the first round and after some herd work succeeded In throwing Spence. but In the next two rounds th Louisville light weight champion vanquished his oppo nent from Omaha. Spence tipped the beam at 150, while Tolliver weighed 133. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excellent. For sale by all dealers. t Hef M'LEAN FIRST IN FINALS OF NATIONAL ICE RACES CLEVELAND. O., Feb. B.-Robert Mc Lean of Chicago, tha International ama teur skating enemploa. won the finale In every event In the National Skating asso ciation race here last nignt. emw of Montreal finishing second In each me lime for tne races w. Quarter mile. :: three-quarters mile. S:14: mil and a half. 4:t2H. These races .w. ..( r tournaments to be ii.w ' held by the association. Ida Grave Athlete Married. in OROVE. Ia., Feb. S.-8peclal.- Frlenus In the city received cards from Burlington. Ksn., announcing th 'n . - Ward, tne lormer l" 1 Ctrore athlete, and Miia Jessie lank v....r eauehter of Mr. ana Mre. si. m. v..n. Ward waa lantous championship football team of the state and also aa a splinter oa mo . e thla . . .kamnlnnUItD I r Bt Ik 1 V ' I" v. Place. jUantea Sereede Wla. STANTON. Neb.. Feb. .-Speclal !"" ","" X a,.:; ;mm defeated rh"hT;hhol m front Purview by !hl score of S to t. The feature of the game was the playing of Lueck. 77. Paulson, center for PlalnvSw. Thlata the IJb,M VMsllIm R T) lldwltf .. . r ir C. Hecht U " McManoa AT Referee: Prof. J. H. wen a. - . Faed Ball aewedale Slvea Oat. m. a'.wubiutaa snl versity's foot bell schedule was aanouoced Z2?L2 i ft.h,tleft at St. , tule: October . Illwote unlverattj bam palgn: October I. Mlssoort 8taje uol JIuy .t a Louis: OctoHer School ot Mines at ut '---.'-- I Drake at Bl. 'ZLI burn at St. Louis: November H. Missouri at Columbia: Noeeenner as, rerslty at Ht. insane.. I ra lrd ar Steaas or scorched by a fire, apply Buckltn Amira Salve. Cures piles, too. and the m earea. Guaranteed. Only 35c For sal by Beaton Drug Co. y . . STANTON. . Schultse . Tvler . Baer Pera tea kr ae seeee. GKNEVA. Neb.. Feb. &-(8pectai:WA warasly ronteeted basket bail game was stayed at ttt high school rvmnee-um here last alght between Pen Normal aad tbi Oeneva High school teams and Ta wwbPtra, sttli. Cack .'ebrjcn, kravvsr,;:'it "champ," boxing tsw In Nevafa by tha time tbe . ftmknjr a nai In locat ive , Cate f-w his-Fivan saatek In -July tails a state that w.lt permit him to flit in n. New Tork, California- and IXDnels all bar the big darkey, aad It Is be )Sm4 Aa tVk be atraBMa tr. aww around, which wou'd mean that he eaa not Tlcht anywhere la ta: country. t will then be to pari tor Jack, It events take tkA Verm,, ... 1? Stiff Neck ' For any stiffness or lameness Sloan's liniment gives relief at once. It acts like massage quickens the blood and limbers up lame muscles and joints, SLOANS LINIMENT is good for any kind of pain. 1 asd a mill pala bslsssn wyiaool dsrs, and aoiletag yoer sdvertlsemest Is the street esr I sot s bottle wbiek qnlekly reliered e. B. D. Bd aeons. May. rUle,Kataeky. AtsBewkea. Mel . S 11 M. Dr. Earl S. Sloan . Bcwtcm, Mam. TMirirwi Low Rates South MARCH 5 & 19 ROUND TRIP FARES FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS St Local $28.05 37.05 2S.75 Cklease tk Asnsnws. -Fla. 13515 niia.a St. Imm'i , RiSar Fla. 533.75 $26 50 Ft Use wade- Galaei nil - Ocais Fart Mysra .. Palalka Wst Fska Bssea Unheal lay Ksett.- i Uty Meea.. .Th. .Aa. Fk. .La. 44.15 SSJ5 36.60 MM 35.40 42. SO 3. SO 36.50 30JM 3000 30.00 Ssafer. rmwviUa 1 29.40 29.40 2S.30 35.50 29.40 29.40 20.85 25.45 2200 20.85 Orksse Tsn " rsmaceh.. " BeFaakk isriaf " Mn is sea Fla. ilsrJ Mis Gatfasrt Mk, GrsaariOa Ala. Era pies Ala. 36.50 35.55 44.90 36.50 36.50 30.00 31.75 31.75 30.00 30.00 28.45 2945 29.40 31.45 37.80 29.40 29 40 2 OSS 23.70 23.70 22.00 22.00 20.40 20.85 lapaitlnaaifsrr Law Rata ta Many Other Points ia Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi 25 DAYS RETURN LIMIT. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVILEGES FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS ' J. L DAVENPORT, D. F. A., SL La.it, Mo. P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A., Cakajo, ffl. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the oountryv It is willing to give ont this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. ' Do You Want to Know About government land !awa, location of land of fices, etc. v:1, -.; .- How. to get irrigation lapds, location of projects, laws governing same, etc ' v Best sections for fruit growing, general fanning, stock raising or dairying. - v Tour questions will get. prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Yrite, . - Land Information Bureau ! The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska 4 ) V .--;-t..-