THK JiKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FKBBUABy M. 1HVL 0 ' V P OVERCOAT m TOWf TOORDER m ft $8 Silk Vest Free With Every Made-To-Measure Suit Order, Just to Keep Our Union Tailors Busy, ONE WEEK ONLY Commencing Thursday, February 22, 1912, , 1,000 Patterns to Choose From. ' We have built op the Urgent tailoring bantam la the world by mine; ALL WOOL goods aad GtAHAJiTEElXa rERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION. American Cutters American Tailors American Salesmen Come in and inspect our large display of spring and summer patterns. Guar anteed AH Wool: They can't be duplicated. We make them in our own mills. Suit or Overcoat g "Builder, of Tidy Tog,") (Wt ySTV jv WANT TUBERCULOSIS NORSE Ai Soon M One ii Found Dispensary Will Be Established1. DEAN TASCOCg OFFESS ROOMS Faada Are Available te Start Wark Dnliaii te Iaaraet T share e , lar retleaie te Cstee fa Theaseelvee, , Plans tor the tuberculosis dispensary ta ba, aatablUhtd by tha Visiting Nurse srsoclstloe ara eTystslllrlng Into (hap. r Roorna have bwi secured, fund ara ' evallabls to Mart tha work, and all that la lacking la a trained auraa te do tha practical work of exsrnlnlng aad instruct ing tuberculosis patients. Dean Jama A. Taneock of Trinity cathedral haa offrd two rooms in Gardner Memorial hall for tba dispensary. Tha Red Cross commutes of tha stats Nurses' association has ftvtn $3)0, and tha stata Jted Cross aasootatlDa has l5 ready for uas In tha dlapanaary. - Mies Lstdss hloPhereon, president at tha Nurse association, has communicated with Hies Nancy- Dursey, formerly head urea at the association, endeavoring: te secure her as head of tha dtepenaary. but tha latter has refused to leave her activities la gt. Joseph. Several atbar nurses ara under consideration. Aid at Nomlaal Pea, The aim of tha dispensary II to give at nominal fees aid to sufferers who are aid to have Increased In Omaha to au alarming extant It Is believed that theae eonsumptives will oome ta dls penary for aid whan they would not or could not from lack ef funds aeek examination, instruction and oars from other sources. Tba dispensary will art oompeta with local, doctors. A Iron y many physicians have offered to operata with the association and he". .ever possible tuberculosis cases ?V: coma to the dispensary will be refer eg back to tba doctors. The sseoclallon Is planning a member ship campaign aad has anointed Mrs. Luther Kountse chairman of tha subscrtp tloa committee. from January 11 to February tt the association cared for U Patients and made MS visits. It baa now four-patients la tba last stages of consumption. Mutters, John Grant Pegg. 8 lias Robbies, Joseph Carr, Dr. William Gordon, Miss McKlnly, Andrew J. Cumber; Mies Lutts Brysnt Mrs. B. H. Dorsy, Mrs. Jennie Robinson, Or. J. . Jackson. Mrs. U M. Baer, Jos Brown, John Crawford, William Payns, North Omaha Woman's elub. Dr. U Brltt, Harry Buford, Thomas H. Adams, Louis H. Porter, A. B. Slaughter, Thompson A RoundtrreV&'t. Mary's Home, a. W. Obea and The People'a Drug store. OMAHA RAILROAD MEN ENCOUNTER A BUZZARD Oeneral Freight and Passenger Agent Miller of tha Northwestern and Oeneral Freight Agent Siiens of tha Burlington are hack from Chicago, where they went as guests of the Chisago Traffic club at tha club's annual banquet, given at the La Kails hotel, Tuesday evening. The Chicago Traffic club banquet was a most enjoyable affair. MO covers being laid. Tha principal addrees of tha even. Ing wis by Chief Juntos Carter of the Illinois supremo court. While In Chicago Messrs. Miller and Spsns got something of sn Idea of bus tards that sweep aver that elty. The ana that prevailed Wedneeday came with a sixty per mils wind, and at times the snow filled the air to such an extent that It waa Impossible ta sea self way across tha street hires, ear traffic a tha sur face and elevated lines 'was Suspended, and for twelve hours not A freight car moved In tha yards within tha city limits. Passenger train service on all roads was completely demoralised and no vessels attempted to lea re their docks. , CHAMBERS HAD THE RIGHT TO CUT DOWN THE TREES James McDonald, superintendent of boulevards, haa surveyed the lots be tween Loouat and- Wsney streets oa i Twentieth, where twa sycamore trees I were cut down In front of tha new auto. mobile training school of C K, Cham ) sen and finds that tha Park board had planted me trcee ne m em ownwe oy Mr. Chambers snd not an tha boulevard. and that Mr. Chambers had a right te cut them down. . COLORED FOLK HELP THE : , ASSOCIATED CHARITIES '. The colored people of Omaha ara rais ing money for tha use of tha Associated Chan ties. John Grant Pegg. city Inspec tor of weighta and measures, has circu lated a petition and has found the colored citisens slmost unanimous in giving some thing. , . . ; . "The reason I have been doing this," said Mr. Pegg, "ta because I sea aurh a large number of negroes oome daily to tha Cbantlea office for help. And Miss JonU mskes no discrimination. They have been given a lot of assistance and We feel Bka helping the chaiitiea noW. Those who have donated are: Dr. J. H. A Shsettaa- Sera a with both parties wounded, demands Bucklsn's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, burns, kofls, cuts or piles. Only So. For sale by Beaton Drue Co. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS C. K. Smith and O. T. Cook have gone to sr. raw. F. A. Stroun of tha Payne Investment Mr. Fred Boleen. bookkeeper for Fred Bradegaard, has gone oa a three-Weeks trip to southern points. ' W. W. Young, who has been spending several oaya in tne city on ouainesa, has returned to his borne at Stanton, Neb. Chartee Melver, manager of the silk and dress goods department at Harden Bros., hee returned from a buying trip to .New. lerx. Kd. K. Oray, clerk In tha offices of tha general manager of the Northwestern road In Omaha for tha laat ten years, has resisted to accept the position of general manage.- for the Barber Dental Supply oompaoy. PRIZE MONEY FOR IDEAS Experiment of Paying Railroad Em- ployei for Useful Suggestions. HOW TEE FLAB WORKS OUT Workmen . Pat Their Thinkers In M st lew and Tarn la tha He anlt Aide ta EMI. , aleacy. In these days of modern methods at railroading 'one road Is capitalising tha Ideas of Its employes. The company be lievea that it Is making capital by get ting the ideas of ha men who work fur It, aad It is paying a premium for these Ideas. The road which Is doing this Is the Buffalo A Allegheny division of the Pennsylvsnia system, or rather It Is on this branch that, tha Pennsylvania is testing tha scheme to find out If tt Is ed vleable to Introduce It oa all Ita Unas. Who conceived tha plan of paying Its employes for Ideas the officials of the Pennsylvania keep a secret, but the Bug. gentian was received so cordially that It was decided to try it out on tha Buffalo A) Allegheny' branch,, which , hast over (.000 men. These men vVere asked to furnish to the company whatever Ideas they had for Improvement In any depart ment of the road. Bald tha Pennsylvania to tha men of tha Buffalo branch: "Ideas ara worth money. Develop them and we'll pay yov for them.' Many sound reasons were advanced far the company's decision ta Ty for Ideas that would better tha serried of tha road la any respect It was pointed oat that If the Ideas were worth adopting they were worth paying for. If tba men war Interested In winning a premium they naturally would have te pay more at tention to their work, which would add to tha efficiency of tha road. It would make the men more alert and Inculcate In them habits of thoughtfulnsss and In itiative. Furthermore, wells of original ity hitherto untapped might be made productive. ' ' Wide Latltade Allowed. With these objects la view tha em ployee of tha Buffalo at Allegheny road, with tha exception of men at tha beads of departments, were told, to send In their Idea and they would ba paid for them If adopted. It bad always been the custom of tha Pennsylvania road to wet some suggestions from Its employee, but no try tt era of eompensstloa had aver been devised. In order that the men ahould have wide latitude In the range of their suggestions It waa made plain to them that they did not have to limit their Ideas to tha par ticular department In which they hap pened ta ba employed. They were told to go ahead and pick f lawn la say branch of tha road and If they had suggestions that weald bring about Improvement ta send them to the company. One sen tence In the notice sent to the employ es by tha company said: "An employe of ana department may Entire Stock Bourke's Clothes Shop for Men Goes on Sale Saturday at Brandeis. : ; Seepage 10 BRANDEIS STORES EXTRA SPECIAL SALES FOR SATURDAY ONLY The thousands of visitors who are here fer the Automobile Shew at will as those who live in Omaha will find it to their advantage to buy during these special sties. These bargains will not I offered again. , , . What Our School Children Are Doing-XXXII X s .! I ."it I t-f . - I : . il l ; , k U.. I i (i 0MiJ ni i';;wiij;i-i 4 Every Voman' Cloak, Suit or IB s, Jlisscs' or Children's Winter Dress in Our Entire Stock at ; Still Greater Reductions ' - This is the final cleanup. A few weeks of win der left and at such prices these are wonderful investments for next Beason. Several hundred women's and misses', fall and .winter coats, dresses and suits good practical, up-to-date silk and wool dresses serviceable, well made, tailored suits and excellent plain and fancy cloth coats; actually worth as high as $15.00 reg ularly. They will go Satur day at. I....... I exceneni piam aou $3.98 Another Special Lot of 100 Fancy Mixture and Novelty Cloth Coats for women and 7 Cfl misses, worth from $15 to $22.50, at. . . $25.00 Full length, fine quality Plush Coats, trim med with ornaments; just 25 left, in 10 C A women's sizes, while they last, at. . . . T ataw w CARNATIONS, a Dozen, 35c More than- MOO Horn Grown Carnations, all color; regularly Too a doaen In Cut Flower Dept. at, per dozen 35 $2 and $1-Dress Silks AQp 42 is. 36 Inches Vide, it, Per Yird..-V -7 V . The entire stock of a manufacturer's sample pieces of stock goods, used for display and-show pieces. Just think of buying 42-inch dress silks at such a price. ,: Ombre messalines, chiffon taffetas, pcau de Eeine, Rajah effects and Tourist silks; silks for street costumes and party dress es; fine heavy 42-inch all silk pongee and Shan tung silks. Positively worth up to $2 a yard. Front bargain square, yd. . v ; BIG SPECIAL SALE-BASEMENT Marseiles Bed Spreads, $1.98 This is a most extraodinary offer for Saturday. Hundreds of the very best quality quilted or satin marseilles bed spreads, ac tually worth up to $6 each. Linen Dept., basement, at each.'.............i amy quilted or satin $1.00 Black and Tan Linen B&gs Stamped in all the new designs with long' cord; values up to .$1.25, Saturday at, ' ' AC each , Stamped Voile Shirt Waists Sufficient material to make the waist and three skeins of floss for working; all new tj " designs at, each. .. wilfi LEATHER GOODS Genuine Goat Seal Ban, fancy frames, special Snt urday at S2.98 12.00 Velvet Bags, long cordi At . , $1.00 $5 0 Goat. Seal and Walrus Oraln Leather Bags, new styles, at 83.98 float Skla Leather Bags, special at 81.00 JEWELRY 50c Jet and Coral Drop Ear ring at 39 4 Rhinestone Hat Pins, all colors, at 81.00 $t Sterling 811ver Earring, pearl and stone drop, tjyt" t3 Solid Gold Stick Pins: real atone, at. . . .gl.ltf $S Solid Gold . Cuff Links at SILVERWARE V, Off on all Tea Sets, Bake Dishes and Ev- erything in Hollow ' Ware. Sterling; Silver Coffee Spoons worth $4.00 at... 83.75 Solid - Nickel Knives . and Ports; worth 12.50, r, ., at 81,50 The Season's Cleverest Innovation - The New Maline Trimmed Turbans , (Just Like Illustration.) Now on view and on sale at Bran deis. It is an extremely popular round tnrban mod el, made up in se lected satin. at tractively trimmed in two-toned ma line smart color combination spe- cial at v f $3.98 " Here Are Remarkable Bargains From Our '7 . Sale of HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES .. ' Second Floor Pom pelaa Room. The prices you will find here Saturday for guaranteed, human hair switches could not be duplicated in Umana at twice tne price we are asking. We have a fall range of shades. Klne quality. Human hair switcBea. zi in. ions. on ana lusiroas; a regular $1.00 wiuh; special at ,. 81.00 Fine quality, human hair switches, 4 in. long, rich aad elegant; aells regularly at 14.00. sale price ..-82.00 Excellent quality human hair switches, 18 in. long, fluffy and silky; retail price Is 18.00, ear pnos S3.8 Three e-tra large alt nets for '......' 5? Maalsarlag, Kair Pressing aad All Beeetjr Onlsara Wark. Larger maline turbans and hats new early spring models at $8.00 and $10.00 New shipment of the beautiful new Alvin Roses' Eed, Jack, Pink and Thea; nothing like . 0i them ever shown anywhere else at, each. . . . 0 7C CANDY SPECIALS Assorted Cream Peanut Nuggets, Taallla. straw Oerry and chocolate flavor, at, lb 15s Pompelan Bitter Sweat Chocolates, assorted fruit and nut centers, at, lb 29c 80c delicious Maple Confections, maple nut and vanilla nut kisses, caramel, etc., at, lb 20? gnevial Saturday from A p. nt. to 0 p. ni. Assorted dainty, glossy nut center, Butter Cups; regularly worth 2Sc, at, per lb. 10 BRANDEIS STORES-OMAHA J make suggestions for Improvement ta another ecpartment. branch or el vision of the aarvlee." Te give the nen an nnasrstandtnc ef tne plan of tha company etflcara of the road prepared a list of snggaetiona which the aaea might follow In formulating their ideas, altbouaW they were not eonftaod te the suggestions put out by the company. It was suggested that ttwy should seek to effect Improvements along tba follow, ing llnea: To increase efficiency of operation. To Improve method of operation. To ba beneficial from economical stand point To increaaa safety and convenience ef passengers and patrons ef the company. To increaaa patronage. Ta promote safety of employee. la aay way ta promote the Interacts at tha oonipanv, whether parte la lag te im proved mechanism, better office practice or other features. Oae thing tba company Insisted upon. The men were not to use the opportunity to flic petty and unnecessary complaints. This waa a Uno la tne notice te the employes: "aiggestloas must sot tndods personal complaints or antipathies." Oasrk V MANUAL TKALNIXO OP THIS COX JOSMTCS SCHOOL. Tha men responded to tba plea of tha company even more readily than bad been expected. Tha otflclala ef tba road erera surprised that man whe were hold ing subordinate Jobe were as keen In picking out defects and pccnUag the way to overcome tketa. Naturally many of tba suggestions received weee not pree ttrabla. Soma of then bad to be die carded because they were to possible at being carried out, altbongh containing mack good advice. When all the euawnrtioos had bcea etrted tba company made seme awards. No anrMuacsment baa bcea made of tba amount of cash premiums paid aad tba company has not made pubrte tba basts oa which the amount of each premium waa decided, but an official of tha com pany said that the award depended aar rirrty upon the value ef the suggeetioa ta the company. For tostaare. ana ef tba arsmlams warn te a clerk ta. therousdtuss who da vised a achema for Seine carboa Iberia la repair card books after the cards bad keen removed. While tt was net a great discovery tt meant economy, aad aay saving In the Bsanagemeat at a big rail road k worth somethiac. The clerk fig. ared oet that after tba carboa sheets had bean used la repals hooks they were still good te ba aaed ta eosjaastlen with the compeer's forma far erOerlng iff -brandeis stores Special Sale of Books Formerly $1.25 and $1.60 fifc NOW ON SALE HERE at..O vF THE 5TOWAW G1RJ. 10 CIS TRACT Trustee Elne BfcCutcheoo. Witch tag Hoar Thomas.- . Flames Kebert. Hichens. tswaway Lacy Tracy. , . , Janet War Baceeeter. ' Allco Fr hart Deatergaa. Jaseph Vaati DaMergaa. Soancaow Gee it rissiorgaa. . It If aver Can Rappea Agan Da-Mer gan. la Affair ef Dlshsnor DeVtersaa. Rand Made flenllemsa Bsnkellsi John afarah WUlisms KleU Hera blew. Weal an With FanRobert Hint Blond Lady t Blanc. With Hoopa of Steet Kelly. Heart Tnroba tbook ef selected poems) Mas Higher Vp Miller. Two tattle Savegee Seton. Shepherd of tha Hllle Wright Victory ef Allan Rutledge Corker. Kingdom of Slender Bworde Bivaa Furnace of Odd Mlghela. si -r I rWCHrUK ONIUJaAji Choice of Any o! these Late ff Ac Popular Copjriiut Boikt for. . ...Oil Brandeis Stores S BOOK DEPARTMENT MADT FLOOR. IhoJtXL Kins i Sim asaterial from the storehotisaa. leefnl SappMca. A tinsmith In eae ef the shops cams b for aa award. He proposes1 a method, which has bcea adopted, ef fastening la engine cabs boxes armch cootala flags. A car Inspector perfected aa appliance for cleaning and sterilising drinking cups aaed ta coaehes. He got a premium. An award also went to a Bremen who suggested that the coal gates ea loco motive tenders be ataadarellsed. The re sult waa as mislailns tha less of coal by vlbrauea. . Whenever the company ha adopted a wist aw inn made R has paid for it The efOdaia aay the expert meat Is a success. although they ara sot ready te aay whether tt will be smt Into effect oa aU tha tranches of tne Praasylvaala sys tem. If st ta tt wtN mvotve abmn M.SM men. Naturally the mere raarllng of sug gestions aad tha handling of tbern'woaM mean much extra work for the company. The Penary rvania has other ways of re wardmg Ita employes and keeping them Interested la their work. Not long ago tt gave te.eN ta prise to supervisors and assistant supervisors srae kept their aee Uona ef the track tn the best eoadttloa for a year. The awards were baaed upon frequent Inspections. One ef the methods employed te learn the exact condition of tbe "line and sur face" wag to pat g leasee ef water oa win dow atlls on each sua of an Inspection car httrhed to a regular tram ef tbe road. Each time a glass spilled water a demerit went to the inspector of the section. A machine also was pisced an tba floor of tbe car to record Jolts. New York Sun. Alfalfa rot. Alfalfa haa grown so Immensely tn Im portance and it- now cultivated m eo lanre a part of the country that there is ntde-snresd-. concern In the rsvajres of the alfalfa beetle, which baa destroyed most of the crop In I'tah. The California atete horticulturist. Professor Cook, haa lust sent out a bulletin of warnlrg, tn which ha deecrlbea this new pent, chick la add to come from the Mediterranean. It ia Interesting that the vacuum cleaner la being eurcersfully used to gather the, larva from the fields. Here ia another argument for vacuum dean Ing railwav cars Uilrty-eeven of the Insects were ' found in one compartment of a Pullman sleeping car. With such de luxe scenm modatlons s pis-cue traveis fast Spring field Republican. Saaflewev FhUeaephy. Unfortunately, however, not near all tba aToschea are hermits. One who looks for dUawNtlnmant aaually finds hunting pretty gnod. , Another pretty good seneral rule Is than a receiver gets psld for It. Only a few people still believe in gtmets.1 but they fall for much more expensive fooltehnefla. There la nothing to the report that the" Don't Worry club ate luncheon at Fornt I ark yesterday. This would be a fairly busy world if one loafed until he was able to put tha tariff to work In his place. . You may have observed that a great man s '-doable" doesn't usually anount to hutch la ether "flT - flirhisnn tuuba. I A