12 THE BEE: OMAHA,; SATURDAY. FEBE UAR Y 24, 191Z " Booking an Order " M IS fai amV'W - ' ' Kow,' if oa can Butch (his sample in cadet blue or wistaria, trimmed in pomegranate, father Says hell My k.'".' ,7 - 1 . i . From tba Cleveland Plain Malar. 4 LOCAL XA5AGER FOR GOODYIA! . USE AKD BUBBEB COXTANT. f K. V. GRAVES. Mason Issues Defi v .for His Automobile ' In a Interview wUh E. It Mima ol the Sun Motor compan, of Waterloo, ' la. Mr. Hum Mid: I "My Mention his keen celled to an ' Iters la The Morning Jim la whtth II U stated thai oerteln dealer Ik aatonio bllrs In Omaha oMniaed our M per enl credo Incllae at easily a Ilia Maaon. ' Nothing la aior r ratify Inc thaa to nave ., mm on claim that the in aa food M lb Maaon la aurh feate. ' 'But no statement could fea further from to truth than tin ana made. Wa , claim aaw, aa we hava for tba laat all yrara, that ao automoMla of anf make. ; price ar power baa ever equalled our . at tint. We alee olalm that the 'aferesald' ' dealer did not and cannot climb tba ! " ctlne with tba 'aforeaald' utoBWbUa.', Mr. Maaoa alee aald ttat Ma eompeay baa bad freater success at the Omaha ; ahow than at any other anew It aver at V tended. 'Aa a rale," be aald. "very few eara war eold or contracted for at shows, .' out our aalea kere far aacseded all pectatloM. The Omaha ahow will always 7 lie oa our lift for exhlbttloB purposes." , Ha alae aald that the Free land Auto J company. dMrlfrulera, were Ho wtrea." ; and that they were entitled to alt the credit tor the euceeaa of tba Maaoa at , the enow. Accessory Exhibit Feature of the Show The accrue ry exhibit thla fear are more complete and better than ever bt fore. Aa a result of Ihla three timea aa much business le being transacted by these exhlblioia than at any other ihow In the pari. Thru booths are one of (be chief attracUona of the ahow. Thla Induatry haa frown to aetoundlng p report tone during. Ida laat few rears. Omaha la Ihe center of Ihla trade In the western' territory, aupplylng the dealere and ownera of care with all neceeaary suppllea. In former yrara the Chicago and other camera konaea tor rare of a great portion of thla bueinesa. Toe Omaha houaea are now carrying euch a complete and reliable line of goode that the auto mobile men ,ln the weetern territories have begun to appreciate the fact that better goode eaa be bought at cheaper prlcea In Omaha than . la the eaalarn title. . . .. , - ; ! ' ' The Bturs Supply compear, while a new concern, la receiving Ita ehare of Ihe supply order. The company baa been doing business here but a abort lime, and haa made quite a name by the goods exhibited In Ita booth and the excellent quallllee It is handling. I The company, baa opened a Mora on auto row, where tt will be permanently located. ' The member vt trie organise Oon are all H known young men of Omaha. 1 ( . . . . ,;.w f. . . tr:.TJ.. . MILWAUKEE MAN CHARGED WITH MURDER OF WIFE JtflLWAVKEB. 'wis.. Feb. tt-A war rant charging 'Weasel Runga with' the murder of bte wife. Annie Runge. by burning at their home at Johnson street and Hawley Road rebruary U, waa Issued today. At the time of the fire Runge succeeded In dragging out a trunk which contained msuranoe paper while - his wife for aoma unaccountable reason failed la scape. Runga la bald at the county MIL OMAHA BECOMES CENTER FOR AUTO ACCESSORIES Exhibiting everything front a spark ; plug to a rubber cost, the Omaha Rubber ' compaay s doing a tremendous business at the anew. The company la exhibiting a osmplete Una of , automobile supplies and rubber goods, all essential factor In autemoMMng. E. H. Vprague, bead of the concern. say that never In. tba history of the ' company haa busmen area a go , f-whll w eel! a great amount of good , at tba ahow, we are doing far better at the store. Thla show haa been a great ' thing for the boosting of the supply baslaesa of Oeaehe. it haa csade knows to the deal eta and ear ownera all through thla sect ton of tba country that Omaha ,le the great aupply center of the wee " era terntorr." " '., MICHEUN TIRES TO BE REDUCED IN PRICE f Reduced tire pi bar iuat keek an nounced by the Mlcbeltn company. The new prlcea went into effect on Monday, rebruary a. Thla announcement acta at rest the many rumors regarding price revtsloa that have agitated the tire trade foe some tlsae- On Inquiry aosorg dealers It waa learned that while severe 1 tire makers hare recently offered special In ducemanta to tba trade, kiicbejla hi the first to glTO tire users the benefit of a reduction. Mlchalin'a new prlcea ahow a narked saving over previous quote Uooa, the reduction oa several of the larger sums beta aa much as XT see casing. Oa Ihe smaller alsea the ssvtng averages !roa I to par cent. EXFE&T FEOJt DETEOIT ELEC- TBIC FACTOST TISITS HUE. 1' ' " ' Uii 4. . ' I t )- V L A. 8MIT1L Powell Supply Co. Does Record Business Never since the company naa been In business haa the Powell Supply company transacted ao much business aa It haa thla -week. From early morning until lata at night the salesrooms are fined with automobile men buying supplies for their cars.'. TMflc the number of men are on tba floor thla year that there wore any previous year el nee the aoav pany haa been In operation. i Although th store opens at MS In the morning large . crowd ar . standing around th door waiting to buy supplies. The Powell company carry a complete Un - of . supplier . shop equipment. An expert machinist, at employed by th company to look after thla end of th aalea i Kay to tna Situation ee Wast Ada, 1 . i i i Thd CadlUa? ortrlo elartlnf tarte la to poolUv and to depnd abla that th maker do not attach a crank to tno car. !. r. Le. tL, CAimACmt thm sWiaat eeearor lae vhsyaw Vc;.j ,b.' sayyeyW'; STATE TROOPS PROTECT SLATER OFJAMES VIOLET BARDWELL. Ky. Feb. a.-tal troop arrived fctre today ta protect Wmiata Ricnardsen, wboao Ufa baa bees soeght by tbre different nteba slaoe he 7 killed fimeaj- Tlclet at Ml lour. Ky. Ricbarda 4 i H Placed aa trial f , 'mmo'm af sleedy csavictlea at ex. 'ported. It la dectued RscaaieJaoa ccot Anrn Vlesst w1thou IPynlag. ,- : 1 . The key le anises la easinsea la the yuajclea ajid perawsat we Jf aewspaper adrerusiac " if il U Stoddard'Dayton MoJeU mmoed at th Omaha Auto- mnhilt Show offsr an exhibit' which ail tarpaue in point of inttmt that of any othtr lint. " - S the Famous Silent Knlht Enjint Sold a Tas rsrritery iy J. J. Deright Co. JSIS FARNAMST. The Plason doeslit in spite of hill or high water . . S3 ; i! 3TA i v - Xv" rr v & ' o X - ie - I r A The Car That Never Met Defeat in Any Contest' Always Ready Always Get There - Always Gets Back -i-l'Ml It is most gratifying to haye; others "claim that they, are r; As Good as the Masori V -.f . a' . ; .-,-, T del' 4" i T But when they lclaim f6rhaye: climbed our 50 per cent-' clirie as easy as the Mason, etc, qr that they have climbed ; it at all, we must insist that they are stating what they knew to be an unqualified falsehood, and leads us to exclaim in the language of the Psalmist: . : ' , . ; r l t "I said in my haste that oil men are liars" ' " - deTaWsWaWtBBWHnsBBTeTefeTsM No car of any make, power or price has ever been able to equal pur stunt - And we have been giving the same exhibition on the incline for the last six years, and have ' always invited others to try it, and all have failed. , Yesterday a prominent well known dealer in automobiles, announced that at 5 o'clock j. he would go over and equal our stunt, and get. the. fifty dollars that was at the top of the 1 50 incline. In the presence of 500 people who assembled at his call, he made a conspicuous , ud dismal failure as all do who attempt the feat. ' Ability to climb hills go through sand and mud is not our only quality. We have speed.. We have artistic lines and finish. We have easy riding, and above all, durability that comes from years of .comprehensiveintelligent, and honest building of motor ' 4 v . ; cars. , ...... - i 1 : Nothing short of a personal trial can give, you even an approximate idea of the efficiency, durability and general all around superiority of our automobiles and light delivery cars. " After six years of unqualified success in producing automobiles we have come to the ' ,. point where we know that we can and do produce the most satisfactory, all 'around car at any- where near our price. ; . . . r . ..." ' It takes more than money, paper and printer's ink to produce a satisfactory automobile. It requires all these plus experience and intelligent comprehension of results. . ftrice should be the last thing to be considered in buying a car. "Ton cannot get some- ' 'thing for nothing." ' While it is true that in building automobiles, there is used by different manufacturers, v . the same motor, transmission clutch, wheels, axles, etc, they do not all use the same class of . ' labor, nor the same character of supervision in construction. That labor element is one that -cannot be seen, it cannot be discovered except after long use. . . If we were building watches we could not take greater pains. ' , , 7 - . f . ' . " . Mason Motor Company, Waterloo, Iowa, U. S. A. Freeland Auto Co., Distributors 12th and Farnam Streets. . Omaha. Nebraska to X 3: ' i . . . tlv m ..Mil m rnuuubD ncmu j "i'Kj V-t:'n : JLLi i aaaBeaBwaawaejsBjsjsjsajsaajsM I - y ) ' - 1 : 1