Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Koosevelt'l Ohio Speech. considered in arriving at the facta
. - - . , , , ' anrf mrrMtlnr reaiTi jariieOfi
founded by eoward rosewaTKK j l olonel itooseveil a muca neraiaeo , - -----.
pech before tae Oslo conetltutlonal ; ' w ,
convention will. we Mlv, be die-; confronted with large numbere of
appointing to thoee who expected ! unemployed and In both cltiea crime
. i i y i i A uj
him an nnnrlnt raw and tarflinr ! ireeu iargejy lutrwwu, iuu mis
The Omaha daily beei
Entered at Umana iwsloft..e as :onl
.iass ntter.
Sunday live, one )r J-
Saturdav Bee- uae year j;
laily bee (wlihoul Sunday), on rear
Luuly B- ana Sunday, one vear..... .evw
Kiening Bee tenth sundayl. pr mo..-
Dally Bee (including gjndevi, per rot...
JjalU- Bee (wlthem Sunday), par in"...'
Address all complaint! or trrefularlUa"
la delivery e fltv Cinulai on Dept.
Remit by draft, express or ""
ps.auie 10 mi rtrw r-- -Orljr
J-cent stamps received in t! m".
n. ferwri"'- s "
doctrine. The adUreas, for the most
part, la a restatement of the creed
pot forth by him as the "new nation
alism" at Osawatomle nearly two
year ago, and supplemented since
then by hie contributions on current
topics in the Outlook.
In one place he goes, perhaps. Into
greater detail than he ha before In
plM Or0inV.ndt.. Change, notj defining his position on the recall
of Judges. Me repeats that the mat-
Oinaha-Ttie Bee Bu-.ldlns.
Souih Omaha N Si
i'outx-il Bluff-:; S St
Un-oln-s Little Vnlldlna-.
Oiioao-14 Marnuette Building.
Kanaas ruy--Rellan-e Rulldtnf
New Torlt-St Vl Thlny-thlrd.
Washington 7 Fourteenth Bt-
ter is one for local treatment and Mr. iulJOn and ill! flap. .
that his preference ia for what he Reverting again to Mr. Edison's
l terms the Massachusetts plan, hours, of which much is being said,
hereby an unfit Judge may be re-lit seems quite In place to observe
is regarded as one of the first re
sults of the congestion of unemployed.
While It may be true that ordinarily
industrious men become desperate
when they cannot find work, it also
stands to reason that the professional
criminal Invariably ensconces him
self in the line of these armies of
idle men to take advantage of the
favorable opportunity.
Hooking Backward
HilsDav in Omaha
p COMPILED FBOM afcg flLE- 1
,l JVKH. S3. - 1 i '-j
George the First
Tae t alker at Bla Ceeuatry De
velnpeel late Haa ( Heal
Flee ana! Blaeel la Bis Day-
N. W.
'nmmunlcal.nna reiJt'i'g m new ana
elitonal mailer should be addresses
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
J A NUA R TC i RCT L A T loX .
Slate of Nebraska. Ccimty of Iwusiaa. as:
Dsght Williams, dreulatlon manage!
of The Bee Publishing t-ompnny. belns
duly sworn, savi that the average dally
riri-ulatlon. loaf anoiled. imuaod and ra
mmed contee. foe l be month ot January.
im:, as e.ra.
DttlflltT wn.l,iAM.
" Clmtlatlon Manager.
' P .btcrlbed 'n niv preww-e an. I iiiiffl to
before Die this ith ly of HVnniarv. "1
.VoU:y l';llc.
Snkarrlbrra leaTla t
temitorarllr akanU The
Her mailed la lke. addraea
will a chaasrd aa altea aa re.
"Eggs are cheaper," Now, cackle
Mark the JIU Omaha Auto show
do a a success.
The dlctsgrr ph now also becomes
he enemy of all dynamiters.
Good morning, got your auto
match your new spring suit yet?
The frost Is not quite on the pump
kin, but the cherry tree Joke ) ripe.
Washington's farewell address Is
pretty good reading even In this
modern day.
The public tn Omaha should have
some rights which building contrac
tors are bound to respect.
Ohio Is rapidly getting to be the
storm center of the campaign, as
well as the mother of presidents.
Bleeding Kansas wishes to make
lying In advertisements a mls
dameanor. Why stop at advertisements?
Our economical lawmakers aie
talking about tutting out.U rov.
r aue cutters. Just so they save tiie'
revenue. 1
TI.e 11J fashion styles are lo
make men look slim. Something has
been making men look slim for s
long time.
General Alnsworth seems to have
made s foraer comrade or two feel
thst force of tb old adsgs that "the
pea Is mightier than the sword."
If the graid jury wants to make
a record. It might And a few true
bills) under the Albert law on the
basis of the sheriffs recant raids.
That other unwritten law estab
lished by Q. Washington, namely,
-rather. I cannot tall lis." has
also been frequently violated since.
Colonel Wsttersoa finally con
demns Governor Wilson because he
waa a "schoolmaster." Cham Clark
was, too, only not on ss extensive a
moved by an excess majority vote of
the legislature, adding hia peculiar
auggeatlon for some mesns whereby
a Judicial construction against the
constitutionality of a measure may
be reversed by popular vote.
With many of Colonel Roosevelt's
declarations, particularly those ro
uting to big business, equality be
fore the law and the need of making
the atate constitution responsive to
the deliberately formed Judgment of
the people, wa can all agree. The
"charter of democracy" which
Colonel Roosevelt outlines Is, how
ever, essentially applicable, It at all.
to ststs government rather than to
national government. While the elec
tion of United States senators by
direct vote must he brought about by
amendment to tba federal constitu
tion, ws do not understand that
anyone as yet proposes the Initiative
aad referendum for federal legisla
tion or a popular recall for federal
Judges, or even that a popular vote
to reverse an undestrsble judicial
opinion should go to decisions of the
federal supreme court, for, la his
Illustrations Colonel Roosevelt di
rects himself entirely to decisions ot
stats courts denounced as obstructive
to human progress. In other words,
the propositions advanced constitute
for the most pert purely local Issues
and ars so admitted by him, to be
solved In one state In one way to
meet special conditions, and la an
other way In a neighboring stats
where conditions vsry. The most that
hs pleads for la thst tba people ef
sscb stats be left free to try ex
periments In populsr government la
whatever manner seems beet to the
Whether the Ohio' speech will sat
isfy the radical progressives who
wore questioning Colonel Roosevelt's
fitness to lead tbelr movement re
mains to be seen, and wilt doubtless
soon develop. ' "
that while four and one-halt hours
of sleep in every twenty-four may be
entirely enough for Mr. Edison, it
does not follow that It would answer
for all or most people. Mr. Edison
is a very remarkable man, unique, In
fact, ia other ways, and perhapa he
is la his requirement ot rest and
sleep. A man who can harness and
drive the forces ot nature as he haa
done, making them even to talk,
might be expected to get along on a
little nap, while the rest of humanity
were rubbing Its eyes for want of
sleep after taking twice as much as
this wliard ot electricity has had.
No comparison whatever la to be
made between blm and others. Mani
festly, there Is some mysterious
power in his make-up that dis
tinguishes blm.
Most people Imagine tbey require
about eight hours ot sleep every
night Perhaps tbey do not; perhaps
they only think they do and could
get along on half that if they tried.
It may be all habit, but this habit ot
sleeping ia one we are not going to
give np soon, we imagine. It has
been with the race thus far and is
likely to cling to It still unless Mr.
Edison or some other Inventive
genius devises a substitute that will
take the place of a good night's
sleep. It is strange how capricious
greatness Is in this respect. Hers Is
Thomas Edison st 65 working hard
every day and skipping upstairs, he
ssys, faater thsn a boy could go all
on four and one-halt hoars sleep a
night, while there waa E. H. Harrl
man st (0, equally as great 'in his
11ns, dying, according to one of his In-
timstes for want of more than four
and one-half hours' sleep a night
Sir. Edison's ruls Is perhaps as In
fallible aa ths old axiom, "Early to
bed and early to rise, snakes a man
healthy, wealthy aad wise," snd no
mors so.
Thirty Vears Ago
A party of young people took advantage
hut night ot a flrat opportunity for a
leigh ride and drove out tn the Deit
and Dumb Inatltute. The merry trawd
was couponed of Messrs. Kd and Oacar
Williams, Van Amen. fJiallon. Fell,
Barney rortrr. llayea. and the Mis
Berger. Israeli. Barney, Hardin. Wil
liams, '.'an An. en, SlHcManc! and Mr.-.
Ed Williams.
The lot st the northwest corner ot
Farnam and Twelfth street baa been
transferred to a new company just or
ganized to go into the banking business.
This company includes. A. E. TouMsaltn,
vice president of the C. B. Q . II
W. rate, at present cashier ot the First.
National bank: S. R. Johnson of iHeete
Johnson Co., W. W. Morse. J. S.
Collins, J. S. Brady, and W. H. McCord
of Nave. McCord at Brady, lion. J. M.
Woolworth, Hon. 3. W. avace and
several other man of wealth, energy and
enterprise. They will erect st ones on
the site, for which tbe purchase pries wss
S1S.X. a magnificent four-story bank
SUtdtng, SxlOv feet, snd open up a new
sank, the fifth In Omaha, with a cash
capital of ISW.ttJO.
Washington's birthday was appropri
ately celebrated hv the public schools.
At ihe West school the program, tinder
he direction of Silas Herney and Mrs.
Gislt, v.-.ts participated in by these pupils:
Ths ' InSstlon ot the Cummins
boom must be proceeding slowly. At
sny rate. It has not bulged percepti
bly over the stats line that separates
Iowa aad Nebraska.
A Frani (hat leads YinaJty.
Secretary Wilson denies the au
thorship ot a letter bearing his sig
nature that has been widely circu
lated exploiting Florida land. He
ssys hs nsver ssw the letter until It
was railed to his attention in the
course of the Investigation relating
to the operation ot these land boom
ers,' Hs sdds thst his signature and
that of Dr.' Wiley, chief ehemlet ot
the Department ot Agriculture, have
often been used by unscrupulous pro
moters for advertising purposes.
Such practices should be sum
marily dealt with. They ars hut a
form ot forgery aad .fraudulent use
of tbe malls and thoss responsible
for them should be severely pun
ished. Tbe government has accom
plished some rather good results in
Its effort to weed out snd punish the
taker who makes a specialty of pro
moting bis get-rlch-qulck schemes
through the malls, snd In doing so
It hss resdered a (rest service to
tba casual inveetor, who is always
apt to he caught by these spurious
The Missouri democratic state
ronvention elected eight delegatee-at-large
with halt a vote each. That
ia about as much as a democrat's
vote ordinarily amounts to. anyway.
Ccagreesmaa Burleson of Texas
has com out for Wilson. Then
Texas really Is not unanimous for
Harmon, because, with Senator Cul
berson, this mskes st least tw odd
Omaha wants to encourage public
Improvementa, but to do so It is not
necessary to let the contractors close
up thoroughfares Indefinitely, ruin
our pavements snd litter tbe streets
with rubbish.
Ne sua will iiuaauoa thst Mr. Haring
ton was sincere tn proclaiming tnoai
charges against Harmon. Ha was aim
ply unfortunate M gettinaT his (ants
wrong. He has the floor (or any ex
ptanathm or apology ha may sea fit te
msks. Llnooln Mtsr.
Perhsps sn apology will be forth
coming, and perhaps not. If Mr.
Harrington were more sincere, be
would be more careful to get hla
fsota right. .'
Tba democratla party under the splen
did leadership ot Champ Clark overthrew
Caanonism and restored tba representa
tive severnment sf tba popular branch
ot congress sines Clark haa keen speaker.
From Missouri Democrats' Ftste Plat
That takes no account of what
our Insurgent republicans did to
"overthrow Cannonlsm."
Prepare to have Mr. Bryan an'
Bounce himself for Wood row Wilson
It Is dollars to doughnuts thst his
chief associate editor of the Com
moner would not proclaim hla pre
ference tor tbe New Jersey gov
ernor unless hs wss sure he would
not get his wires crossed with tbe
head boss.
Don't Imagine that because Yeiser
has beesi "squelched" thst he baa
bees suppressed. Colonel Yebssr
will eestinue to occupy a coaspieuoas
position, and make a large noise, so
matter what happens.
laYtitifatiaf Causes ef Idlenm.
Tbs mayor of Chicago ass sp.
tolnted a commission ot business
snd professional men and a fsw of
ficeholders to determine by latest!-
ration why lOt.001 or more mnn are
out of employment la that elty. What
actios may follow ths report of the
tn'.estlgatloa is not ststed. nor Is the
exact Una of the inquiry. But this
i lsn Is suBclent of aa Innovation to
attract general attention, and .will, i
undoubtedly, oe watched wjth eager
ansa by all the people. I
rollUca. bt course, does pot tuion
la ths conduct ot the Inves'igatlon.
No relltieal Interests should seek to
uake capital x way ar the ether
cut ef suck a situation, beeaus? the
Intervention of sny ulterior motive
jr Influence mltht serve to defeat all
possible good. What is desired Is le
get st tbe causes which lesd to a
condltloa at Idleness, aad. If possi
ble, soiat the way to eorrectloa, as
that this may be avoided ia the fu
ture. Chicago, It is said, has not tor
years had so large a number of un
enantoyed uaoa its streets. The aa
asauUly so rare winter mast have
played Its part. aad. of eonrss, Chi
cago beiag the Mecca tar mm la
Whenever our Dundee suburban
ites hsve a flre.Uhey call on the
Omaha tire department, and the re
quisition la promptly honored. Bet
ter come Into Omaha, and be paying
taxes to help maintain the Are serv
ice and enjoy Its benefits aa a right
Instead ot as a courtesy.
The Xsacha djaaaty has been pic
tured as amoag the "Down aad Out"
dub members. But with the so ta
mer palace) reserved for its use, to
gether with a pensioa of several mil- search at something te da er sosm
lloa tacla, wa should say Q wss stfll' vhere to stay, attracts orgs aamban
up and la. ' from sdjaeeat dties sad stales, ss
J j that the array It is saw sapperthag
Sosae owe preeoajtds this aaaJoa: ; kg aat an ria sera, aad nay an. rep
Why does) esv reform its mer ratal juaasU aa widsswrial H'niaau of
ssms-isT Insist oa peaces Snug saiaati siailagaw aa appaaiu. Fsmhwr-
the pianas be reads merely aa Csssr
dsrt haisuaa instead of ceiag afier
the esrsssrs aad reattal afsavts tndssr
ta Alaaart hrwt Aak sosislhtng
People Talked About
The greater part of a century has been
used up in spasmodic attempts to demo
lish the fictitious characteristics attri
buted to Gears Washington by the
Munchausen af hi ogre peers. Parsoa
Weans. The bogus parsoa and book
agent la lamely responsible for tba In
fliction on the country ef the original
marblehred Washington and the apoehry
phat cherry tree story Inserted la the
fifth edition of the literary mountebaak'e
book. Other biographers reailded tbs
frozen figure, even to the extant of alter
ing words In Washington letters to up
hold the superior tone and dignity with
which he waa Invested. Later htstertans
snd blocranhers with the assistance of
Washington's papers, writings snd Mount I
Vernon records, hsve given us t3s real!
Washington, the full blooded Virginian,!
the Ms hearted patriot who had a temper j
that waa a terror, and who had a ;
sulphuric vocabulary quite as warm ss
that of today.
"By such devices," ssys Owen Wtster
In his "Seven Ages ot Washington," re
ferring to the altering of bis papers,
"was the frosen Image of George Wash
ington held up for Americans to admire,
rigid with congealed virtue, ungenlal.
unreal, to whom from our schooldays up
wa have been paying a sincere aad re
spectful regard, but a regard without
Interest, sympathy, heart er indeed, be-
Wife How nice it would be if ail things
In this world would work In harmony.
Hub Wouldn't It thoturh! For Instance,
If aoei would go up and down aith tbe
tbenoMDeter. Boston Transcript.
Oorkiae-Maria. these eggs certainly
couidaT have been boiled more than, a
minute and a half. Tou cooked them.
didn't you?
Mrs. ooraias lee. jonn: i aarnit uie
too soft impeach neat. -Chi case Tribune.
"Dora, you are sixteen and can't spell
your name correctly !
"Oh. that's all right, mother. I expect
lo change It in a year or so." Judge.
"How can mountain climbers be be
ll evadr
Why notr'
"How can such a thing aa mountain
climbing be ou the level?" Baltimore
Amen can.
Knicker-Joaas got out of the wrong
aide ot the bed I hla morning ."
Bocker He couldn't help It; It was a
sleeping car and every aide waa wrong.
New York Sun.
"I suppose," observed the envious
person, ' that when you go to Kurop .
the whole continent tlpa up."
ot at all." said the experienced
traveler: "when I go to Europe I usually
have to tip up the whole continent.
Washington Star.
Adam waa namina; the animals.
' tiers s one, - he said, "that looks some
thing like a cross between a duck ami a
beaver" I think I U let the sotenusts
name It." . 4.
bo the scientific gentlemen called It the
omlthorynehus. and be let it go st that.
Chicago Tribune.
"That new clerk of yours seems lacking
in self-eon fldenre." remarked the first
business man. -Yes." replied the second
business man; "he has been with me
nearly a week and doesn't seem to think
ha can run the business better than 1
ten.' -Philadelphia Record.
Young Bride-Alfred, dear, please hook
.... . K- KMk
Young Husband Darling, this l
sudden. Boston Transcript.
Arthur Montgomery, Charlie Towar, ief. tt thrills a true American to the
ia thia 1 1 sal naasn- of aw-
emakraal tnaaBssTis. are raxary wke
an ssk a Use esthE of smaassssBty
urk at say sasw as tse
AS Dsns talrgi are u sesra u hxx.
There Is nothing remarkable la the fact
that a 81 Louis man has bad a piece
ef bona, contributed by his wife, grafted
aa a bone tn his leg. Many a time be
fara, a pteee ot her mtnd baa bees
grafted oa bis memory.
Arkansas claims diaUactioa of having
the only female sine mine superintendent
la the warld. Boa Is Miss Oertrode aopar,
foiusnly af Secer. OkL. who recently In
vested bar earnings la Use Bella Mine,
seven miles east of Qllham. Sevier county.
Tae sate of tbe earnssl Kbaltaele kulat
bag hi New York Is ea ths market for
r&aaXIOS. The srouad area is a little
more than aa acre. Only among high
class speculators Is tbe site considered a
boost for ths "back te the land" move-
Oa rssanavy la. tba one hundred Lb aa
aivarsary. sf the strth ef cJoa. Henry
Wlkma. -the Xsrkk Cobolar." aad Maaa
schusetta etateemsa. tba New Knglaad
ghae and Leather snwertetisej Bar el led a
tablet ta hla memory tn Boataa. Wllsoa
aesnta s is a ssaassaakar a Natack.
MassL. away bach ia tatl.
A pair af lean sly esatsui. jrnsosTrig te
rail sis, pes a
m Gsraga.
er is taw sasassaars
name. Cssnr IbSjwI ars sa g-a base suffer-
s as wsaTsi te
George Buffctt. who recited "The Kit
ten," Dora Oroff, Carrie Petit, Amos
Peterson, Ethel snd fu-le Dick, Lulu
Webb, Bessie Kerr, May Pepper. Alice
Lund and Ella Iviera.
The Omaha Klectrle company haa re
cently procured two new switch boards
for Installation In the local telephone
The young ladles of Brownell Hall it-
tended aervlcea at Trinity in a body.
The procession attracted much attention
en route.
The Omaha Glee elub cleared tli above
expenses by Its concert Mondsy night.
The funeral ot Edward Hoddis, who
died out In Artsona, took place at St.
Mark's church, with services conducted
by Rev. James Patterson snd Bishop
Clarkron. The pall bearere were Judge
Lake. O. W. Llalnger, H. O. Clark,
Mayor Boyd, N. Hhelton a'd A. Swartt
lander. Twenty Years Ago
Omaha lodge Ko. IX, Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, gave Its fourth an
nual ball at Washington hall. Some of
the (amahar names an the program
ware: a. H. H. Clark. P. i. Nichols, Dan
Honln, P. H. Morrlssay, C. C. Kisser, C.
A. Boise, 8. K. Wilkinson, Ueeernor
Boyd. Mayor Bern Is, E. E. Clark of Cedar
Twe thousand persons gave Sarsh
Bernhardt a rousing reception at the Boyd
theater. Five hundred stood la line at the
theater In the morning to buy tickets.
Bpeculstors got bold ot some gallery
seats which tbey sold tor as. a, and M
Officer Dhoup sustained Injuries la a
fall at Eleventh street and Casitel ave
nue which promised to lay blm up for
several days.
The Current Topic club discussed Henry
Oeorge's single taxtheory. L. B. Hug
sins led the affirmative. 1. J, Points also
debated on this side ef the -question. 1.
A. Powers look the negative, ae also did
Prof. Lewis of the high school. H. D,
Beckett talked for single Us, and Rev.
Dr. Duryea summed ap the argument,
saying hs waa convinced that Henry
George's theory was impraettcablt.
Rev. Father Rigs of Crelghton college
gave a matinee for the benefit of the
children In the afternoon aa one of a
aeries of stereoptleoo enttrtslnments he
wss giving.
friends of W. II, Foster, the veteran
florist sf Council Bluffs aad Omaha. Be
came greatly alarmed ever his mysterious
Mr. C. D. Murphy aad Miss Lissls
Brunlg were united In marriage by
Father itillmean at Holy Family church.
The wedding party consisted of the bride
snd groom, Mr. and Mrs. T. J, OtUs,
Frank Ottls, D. it. Ottls. J. W. Lunch.
William Condon, Miss Ottn. After the
weddlrur hraakfaat waa served at tha n.L
lone hotel. The birds and groom planned
a wedding trip to Burope.
Tea Years Ago
"No gym. no guns ' This shibboleth
was adopted by that faction of the Board
of Education which favored a gymnas
ium for ths girls. When outvoted these
members took the staad that If the girls
oeuld not have a gymnasium the boys,
cadets, could have ne new guns. Mem
ber Howard took charge of the girls'
forosa and Member Human command ot
the boys end.
L. W. Raber and Ooodley Brucker re
turned from Salt Lake City, where tbey
completed arrangements for quarters for
Omaha Elks at the convention, selecting
the Knutsford hotel.
Mrs. I.ols Ostrotn. mother 'of Couoty
Commissioner Henry B. Oetrom. died at
her residence, SMI Franklin street. 1i
years of age. Her other surviving chil
dren srere George A. Oetrom.. Mrs. K. C,
Kennlston. Mrs. C. t. Barbour, Mrs.
Louis Caldwell. Mrs, John Morrell of
New York. Mra. H. H. Alien of San
Juan. Porto Rioo. Mrs. Ostrom had lived
ia Omaha thirty -one years.
The Jacksonian dub aad Its friends
listened le ex -Congress man Waller It.
Butler of Des MoWes make his addraea
on "The Declaration ef Independence.'
P. Kunkhouaer af Omaha waa
elected president of I be Nebraska Society
ef the Sons of the American Revolution.
Charles S. Loblngar of Omaha senior
vice president. Richard L. Alien of Ames
Junior vice president. R. Frank Alexan
der ef Omaha secretary. Paul W. Kubna
of Omaha treasurer. Thomas O. Doyle
ot Omaha register, Carroll a. P tares of
Omaha custodian.
C. B. Anderson, cashier of the Omaha
Xattonal bank, real sued to retura to
Crete, Kea.
ant rarsBS swd Pascal
teat their saaESSmBsa. WsnTsa s&a was
sxaxaatsa; Use ovaks tnswsjaskal Se fa
eataa. aJ Ska axaesrweua (aa exatM be
staffed have Skaar
lackeea, aad walked off
Peru la Taw Mae WYbtatle.
WssbJaataa Post.
On n Mexican osje-track road the en
gine bad sorb a dead whistle that It ex
hausted all Hie steam and stopped the
trala. which wwa captured by uuerrac
toa. Woody Wnaoa's campaign snaaacers
Ia rartr-KtarSt taw Limit f
St. Louis Ukee-Democrat.
Arisen a Is. tbe forty-eSgJith star. and.
though this is a big country. It may be
s great assay years before the forty-ninth
will aaad a piaca an the flas-
Sasselklas of a
Cairauro Jfrwv.
Canada ta hartag a
oat Just what tba skasxbxaxe lent ay re
fusing letsBuiaJty with tba rwBsa Raiaa.
That is a conspicuous case of hlistsijiai
marrow to learn at last that this Isr-eti
figure, this George Washington, this man
ot patriotic splendor, the captain and
saviour of our revolution, tbe stlf-aacrl-
firing, devoted president, was a man
ith a hearty laugh, with a lovs ot the
theater, with a white hot temper, who.
whan aroused could (for example) declare
of Edmund Randolph: 'A damneder
scoundrel Ood Almighty never permitted
to disgrace humanity.' "
It Is not generally known today that
General Washington wore a No. 13 boot;
that he was ( feet t inches tall; that he
had a large, thick, red nose, giving a per
son "the Impression that he waa not so
moderate in his use of liquors as he was
supposed to be." Hla Joints, test and
hands were large, and. could a cast have
been mads from hla right hand, so far
did tta dimensions exceed nature's model
that It would hare been preserved in mu
seums for ages aa the anatomical wonder
of the eighteenth century. Lafayette re
mem bared this remarkable has, whan,
during his triumphant visit In America,
he said, on the portico at Mount Vernon:
"It was here. In 17Vt, I waa first Intro
duced te yea by the good general; It la a
Ions while ago; you were then e very
little gentleman, rigged out In a cap and
feather, and held by one finger of the
general's mighty hand."
Although be wore false teeth, be waa
aa enormous eater, but be often curtailed
the supenses of his own table that be
might aid ths poor. Ha kept one crib of
corn on each one of hia plantations for
the poor, and during one year af Boa rot ty
he actually bought corn it U I bushel
for tree distribution. Hs also maintained
a boat and seine for the use of his neigh
bors and sent a market cart to Alexandria
three times a wsek to get money for Ills
charities. .
It is Interesting to the present ganerar
tlaa ef Americans to know thst Wash
Inataa went lo an "old Held school" bare
footed; that when mildly rebnked by Ma
father ea one occasion for not dividing
aa orange with hla brothers, be "hang
his bead down," according te an eld
chronicler, "while with Ms naked toes
hs scratched in the sand;" that ha ex
celled hie school mstes aa a runner aad
lumper; that he had a taste tor French
piciuree of a class that haa long agitated
the Ire et Anthony Comstock and the
Society for ths Suppression of Vice: that j
he often rede Into Alexandria ea hS fa
moan white mule" at a "fox trot of
eight milea an hour;" that he wrote a
hexameter poem entitled "An Ode te
Fame:" that he wrestled with the sons of
the Widow Stevenson on the green, and 1
that ene ef them used tu boast that he I
had ""many a lime dirtied the bark of tbe
conqueror of England."
The Immortal George also rsn with ths
maehjne la Alexandria. He waa a mem
ber ot Friendship fire company aad pre
sented the company with a fire engine
which he bought In Philadelphia and
walnh Is still a valued relic of that
ancient city ef Alexandria. He waa a
member of the Alexandria lodge of Ma
sons and was Its first master. Ha as
sisted In laying the mi nes stone of the
national capital and wore a Masonie
apron presented te htm by the wife of
Lafayette. Bat Washington was ne more
pious than Ihe average gentleman sf the
time, who was taught that te say grace
at meals and make the responsee la
church were a part of proper bahavlor
and good manners. It Is quits certain
that he did not. aa Parson Weems, the
here of the little hatchet aad cherry tree
story, hss It, say his prayers ta the
woods, or, when etruok ay Csisnel Pa rue,
spend the night on his knees Instead ef
In molding buileta for a duel.
There la only one Joke reported as
emanating from Washington by any of
bla biographers. It is said that on a dark
day ef the revolution he ran his fingers
ahowt hla neck and remarked that he
wandered how a rope would fed around
It -a sriaa Joke. Indeed. .
Jefferson says ef Washington: "His
Integrity was the moat pure; his Justice
the most flexible I hsve aver known; no
motives of consanguinity, of friendship
er hatred, being able to bias his decisions.
He was. Indeed, la every esnls of the
word a wise, a goad aad a great man.
His character waa perfect; in
nothing bad. In a few potnta Indifferent,
and It may be truly said that never did
aaturs and fortune combine more per
fectly to make a man great, aad te pleas
him tn the same const ei is tsoa with what
ever worthies have merited from man sn
everlasting remembisnea.
Good Opportunity for
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The condensed milk and Canning
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Fleass arils far seises ss Belles ssss ef Bvase
IstsS Mini essay far sklssMat stares UU.
I Warns
Boston Trajxeerkxt,
Let aa unanimously refrain from unkind
obaerraUone ea Aitsaase. the sony-eigjuk
state, not even isililaa tae story of the
stadias- whe eoad. want to ale own place
aad sent back as Tan Tama
blanket. Wa may x farther ta that tba
forty-stata aula and fare
rata aassiatWa.
U. tcaas
Tat JUnrrxcaa B&mmmM. Waa. vtrs a
euiagnury eg nrsxeaa wexxdssjexl stfsnsBSl In
tbe i1i nan r ca Mt Psxea, km XOa -way and
finaBy hiiBBjtf x la MnxJce wtthaot
known has bsssa Sacs sneer arrest
jsnatlag aa IssaSiy. If wa saw aotna te
he a BjortS peaanr we xaaat hare sBaautar
Bsutiiiisirts fhsa pea east snspnari ta be.
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