1 16 fllE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1915. MAHONEY TELLS OF FRAUDSf3 ; Clerk of the Police Court Appear r Before the Grand Jury. is auxsnosii) or "shaiedow5" Cml Jarr Aejowraa Frtaar MeralaaT Imia at WaealaB I taa'a Blrthaar Elaht la letawata Ketarara. i John J. Mahonay. clrk of tb Omaha police court, candidate (or police Judge of Omaha at Uta general electloa lact No vember, discussed alleged election frauds ia the second precinct ot the Third ward Before the Douglas county Brand jury estarday, Johnnie Scheff. a Third ward resident, again appeared before the ta quialtora to tall ot alleged ballot box stuff ing and Charles E. Fanning, democratic boas and manager for Sheriff Felix J. McShane, cars testimony recardlnc the same matters. When questioned shout his testlmany before the grand Jury Mr. Mahoney said ha had promised the ITS rid jury not to tell what his testimony was - "I am at liberty to tell you the sub jects recardlnc which I testified." he said. "It was about Irrecularltlea la the Third ward at tha cenersi election and about fraudulent registration. Before entering tha grand Jury room Mr. Mahoney told a reporter that U be could tell tha grand jury was hearsay, though he was around In the Third ward a goad deal on electloa day. Mr. Mahoney also cava soma hearsay testimony regarding the alleged "shake, down" of saloon keepers and druggists seeking liquor licenses. The grand Jury yesterday returned eight .indictments In routine police cases and adjourned until Friday morning on ac count of Washington's birthday. HOUSE FULL OF KINGS . ; EXPECTED BY AK-SAR-BEN Ak-ear-Bea Is playing up the "Jolly Mosketasr" performance strove. His majesty Is sitting to the gams with three kings and expects Omaha to corns back .with m full house. Tha three kings are the members of the committee who havs charge ef tha affair , for the board ot governors-Joseph Barker. Uverett Buck ingham and Oould Diets. All three have sat on the throne of Quivers. Mr. Diets ascended ths throne In BOS under the title ot Ak-8ar-Ben 3CIL Mr. Buckingham, as Ah-gar-Bes btVI. was elevated to the high rank In lilt, and Mr. Barker lent year was crowned Ak-Har-Bea XVIX It Is a strong fcaad to play, and the betting' is heavy lhat Ak-8ar-Bea will rake in a large pot tot money from the two performances ot jthe opera at the Brand els Friday and jjatarday Bights. Kav to the dltuattoa-'See Want Ads. I rrfrrrr SS & mm A Special Sale of Women's Spring Neckwear Worth 50c to $1.00 at 19c Xew York Neckwear nuwufac turer's samples collar and cufl sets, jabots, side frills, yokes, Dutch collars, Cliemisettee, fichus, bows, fancy laces and net effects, trimmed with fine vnl- cluny, crochet and shadow laces; also dainty embroidery. New spring styles, worth 50c to $1, at each 19c I i i MR. G:o. Brc:ks' Clothes Shcp An Innovation Here's cheering news tor the man who (regards propriety in drees as s distinct "Geo. Brooks," one of Americas best known creators ot attire and haiwr Hashery styles, will reopen the store formerly occupied by Culp-Langworthy kt the corner of llth and Harney St, on he -(round floor ot the City National lank Building. Special Sale of Silks Thursday 5,(KX) yards of waterproofed foulards from a special f purchase nt much less than manufacturer s price to L produce. Kvery yard is of perfect weave and water 1 proof. All sizes of dots, many navy blues, scrolls, i" jardiniere and geometrical patterns, beautiful Bul ' gari-m 2 and 3 color tone effects in a wide range of t the newest spring colorings; mostly 27 in. A A .51 ' wide. Displayed in our 16th street win- rJP V Anv nrwl trnrih R.ru in 41 vnrrl ut W t bl w u-i vi va etaa wvvr vr if a. e a vae Bf 1 I . L V.jEreat Sale of Rugs . Continues All This Week High class rugs In strictly new spring patterns at the moat ' remarks ble bargains offered In our history. 132.60 Hartford Axmlnster Kuga at -S15.98 . 126 Room site, xU Axmlnster Rugs kt .$12.98 9x12 Granite Art Squares, worth $6. at f 2!t8 Axmlnster Rugs, new patterns, worth 1 6, at $2.59 This newest "shop" la scheduled for an opening oa March S, and en that day Omahaaa will bare 'their first view of a truly metropolitan clothes emporium. Blocks of hats and cravat styles that were designed by "Brooks" hlrtself, will (be In evidence en thst day. , i The "Brooks" concsrn will feature nationally advertised lines mainly, such aa "Society Brand clothes, and others equally famous; also "Stetson, and t"Knappfelt hats; "Manhattan, C1uett," "Arrow, and "Brook's Custom '.Special Shirta" Then, too, there will 'be "Onyx," and "Holeproof Hosiery 'and neckwear ot silks controlled exclu sively by George Brooks. '. The . policy of the shop will be: '"Smart clothes and furnishings offered' n the same day they appear In New York and ether noted style centers." Mr Brooks, however, wishes It under stood from the very outset that prices Kill be popular even though steles will be "class." It baa been rare, heretofore, to pur chase "tony" wearablee at anything less than a prohibitive price, but , ' Brooks" will change all that. Newspaper announcements will ap pear frequently from now on. announce ments that wtU outline the policy of .the store. Wstch for special announce ments la retard te the opening of the tore oa March t, , Special Sale of Women's 3'!! "Ondawa" Shoes ,248 We secured 500 pairs of these famous shoes from a manufacturer who had them made up too late for a cus tomer's shipment. They come in Black Velvet with mat calf tops, dull gun metal calf with kid or cloth tops and Patent Leather with dull kid or cloth tops wide high toe and wide heel lasts, short vamps with or without tips, nicely finished and well made of first class materials. Here are fit A 16 9 different styles well worth the regular JkA price $3.50, in all siaes and widths, at a pair. . W ashington's Birthday Novelties In the Pompeian Room ' KKKE A George Washington Pin tlatrbet to every custom er at the. Candy Department, the Soda Fountain, or In the Green Room Cafe, Thursday only. Washington Cherry Branches, real - randy, at-seen ..so . Washington Cherry Trees at So sad 10c Washington Bust or Statue, ee h at . so aad 10s Washington Cherry Tree Plate (arils, each lie 1-Inch Cherry log with cherries snd had net suitable for a taMe piece, at each ...ton St $ Thursday is Chocolate Day Jr. Delicious Pompeian Bitter Sweet Chocolates with soft Jx creamy crushed fruit and nut centers; reg- QC 5g ular 40c chocolates, at per lb. dsDC Dainty Noon-Day Luncheons Served at Our Soda Fountain. If You Buy a Car at the Auto Show It s Likely You Will Need One or More of These Books 1912 edition "Homan's Automobile Education;" "Audel'a An swers on Automobile Runnltig. Care and Repair; "Automobile Troubles and How to Remedy Them;" "Automobile Driving Self Taught; " "Ignition, Timing and Valve Setting;" "Automobile Motors and Mechanism;" etc. Automobilists Will Also Find at This Store auch necessaries as Auto Coats for both men and women, Gloves. Gaunt lets, Hats. Caps. Veils. Robes, Goggles, Auto Clocks, and the hundred-and-one other things every automobtltat needs and wants. Greatest Sale of Flowers Ever in Omaha, Beginning Friday, the 23rd In Our Millinery Store This exhibition and sale la planned and prepared on a larger scale tnan any similar event ever held In the entire Middle West. Beautiful Imported Flowert will b offered at price that will b the talk of the town for month to come Wait (or it. Complete particulars In the next tasue of this paper. A lame collection of sjewnt style la Spring street hats is now offered at the very special price of $J.8S for your choice. Final Prices on Some Boys' Fine Suits for Thursday One 4able full ot bojra' medium heavy all wool suits In a variety ot styles and patterns, the majority ot which are suitable Tor Spring wear; broken line from a season a heavy sellings ages up to 16 years; up to $6.00 values, while they last at uiuacu iiura iruiu $1.95 All Winter Weight Suitt at 25 Per Cent Leu All the Boyg Overcoats at a Third Less. ' A few boys' alipoa rain roata-biack rubber and gaber-dlnea-in military styles, while they last. W.48 each. ' One lot of boys' waists, with and without collars, fn a variety of colorings and patterns; made of extra qual ity materials; 69c values specially priced for Thursday's selling at 43c. In Oar Big PURE FOOD STORE You are Sure of Getting Value Received. More Quality and, Generally, "irger Quantities for a Dollar Than a Dollar Will Buy Elsewhere. These Specials are for Thursday Only: J paca. B. C mlnre- n.eat a is st'ps....gtte picKins ana in Mb. can Bennett Urea fast coffee and 4 stamps for gas Assorted tea and . i stamp., the lb Bee Tea sittings and 19 stamps, the lb lea Bennett's Excelsior flour apodal offer of a sack at ls-lb. sack yellow or while corn meal for las 6-lb. ran Bennett's Capi tol baking powder and 100 stamps for . .(14M) : lb sack "Queen of lite Pantry" Paatry flour and to stan.i'S, HM Sour stamtia. Ilia ouart..lSo DIM plcklee and 10 stamp., the doaen, Iso J large cans, rot Lire milk snd IS at'pa. See Halliard-, olive ell and bv stamna. bottle. 4&a J-lh. ukg. Bennett's rapttol oats or pan cake flour, with I stamps tor 10s Large )ei ranpierry or strawberry jam and If stamps for.. ......tee II1DII 111111 SEEDS I flower and Vegetable Seeds f All aUaos. tha par. te Barton's French capers; the bottle.. lSe and SOe 3 cans Kvergreen corn snd 10 stiuiiDa for boo t-la. roll Premium Teut- tenae for 6o Full cream cheeae snd 19 stamps, the lh..aae 36c can Llbby's Hsppy Vale green .asparagus for a&s Quart can lYanco-Amer-h-an soup, snorted toe 8nlder"s Chile Kauce a 10 el p.. tha but.. Cos Maple butter and is Mump., the pa'l-. Soo FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fanqy Red River potatoes, peck Me Fancy cooking apples, peck ..;( Fancy rhubarb, bunch ' 3c Solid cabbage, per lb ,3c Red lands oranges, fresh from the growers at Red lands, Cal., doaen. 15c, 20c, Uftc, 80c, 35c Heeded rslalna and 10 stamps, the pkg..!SHo Walker'a hot lamalea and la st'pa, ran, lie Sue can Imperial pre served skinless flga for .....iso ihursday ML A I and tlbti Bargains Pot Boast... Pork Chops ..10c Small Bacon... 13 'fee, 10c 8c, 7Mc Baby Halibut....... 12 Vic W-lb. snd 'i-lh. sits Satin Shield ooxes lined witn cnerrlea, at, each igo, aad SOe Aanhington Form made of fine randy, huat, log and hatchets, very, flue for dinner parties. each loa tiatcheta filled with candy, loo each, and 3 for See Ian Ilati hets and small hatchets, at, each as Beginning Friday, February 23d, . Continuing Saturday and throughout all next week at HAYDEfi'S Several tremendous manu facturers' stock purchases of spring Men's Clothing , AND Furnishing Goods Greatest bargain opportu nities in clean, new, spring merchandise ever offered in Omaha. WATCH 0UB WINDOWS AND OUR ADS. BRANDEIS STORES A Man's Shoe For Young Men and men who stay young. The very latest styles for men of better tastes Pine leather such as Russian and Qun Metal Calf, Vici-Kid and Pateut Colt. VTe have them -in Laee, Button or Blucher, at the popular price of $3.50 Grand Opening Every noon In the Victrola Parlors Har the beautiful Solos from Rlgoletto, Butter fly, Lucia, etc. Free to All Come in and enjoy your noon hour Thursday listen ing to the beautiful music from La Boheme. Will have all the solos from this beautiful opera Thursday. Ask to hear your favorites. E1AYDEU BROS. PIARO DEPARTMENT BOUGIAS EITBAHCE Drexel T 1419 Farnaml BEAUTIFUL HAIR WOMAN S CHARM NO NECESSITY FOR GRAY HAIR n MAMUlaa smU Better Groceries rtU-aCIIUIUIII O for Less Money Bvenrthlng right bat the prices, wbica shoaM Ts algaer. vnciBT i.va anjt sou nou n.ooa, res Baea. .U-M ii doaen Blue enameled Aasn BoarUa. regular price Mc, see-' clal ....See Cold Duet iSc'slio SOe 'Wool Soap. S bars tss White Laundry Soap, (-bars ...SSe Diamond C or Swift PrMe Soap. 1 bars SAO E. C. Corn Hake, rpkgs 150 Cresco, lor l-oonng.-per can. park-...SSS Six S-cent cans hulk ... MscaroBl or Spaghetti, aces for ...... Corn. I cans Calumet Baking Powder, 2ec stse, tor SOS Toast Foam. S pkgs los Choice Buiterlna. i lbs SSo Pure Buckwheat, i lb. sack Ss rancy California Peaches or Apri cot. :c cane. lor ire pet or Carnation Milk. . I cans Absolutely Pure Lard, t lb. Pall . for ase for 40 Fresh Ooaatry Xggs at JUwast Market Frioee. L. KOSENBLUM Simple Remedy Beautifies and Darkens the Hair. Cures Dandruff. I What a pity It to to see sp many people 1 with thin, wispy hair, faded or streaked ' with gray, and realise that most of these people might have soft, glossy, abundant ' hair of beautiful color and lustre If they would but use the proper treatment. : There Is no necessity for gray hair under ' slaty-flve years of age. and there' is so excuse for anyone, young or old. having ' thin, straggling hair, either full of dand j ruff or heavy and rank smelling with ex I ceseive oil. ' Ton can bring bark tha natural color of your hair In a tew days and forever rid yourself of any dandruff and loose hairs, and make your hair grow atrong aad beautiful by using; Wreth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy. For generations common garden 8ags has been used for restoring and preserving the color of the hair; and 8ulphur Is recognised by Scalp Specialists as being excellent for treat ment of hair and scalp troubles. If yon are troubled with dandruff or Itching scalp, or It your hair Is teeing Its color or coming out, get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth'a Sage and 8ulphur from your druggist, and notice the improve ment In the appearance ot your hair after a 'tew days treatment. Sherman Jt McCoanell Drug Co., Cor. Nth and Dodge. Cor. Wth and Harney. Con. !Ut and Farnam, 07-9, No. lfth 8t Loyal Hotel. . Better Values at the Prlco Manufacturer's Stork Sale ot Clothing and Furnishings Besjhn Friday. i mi m m4 m i 1 . - MaBafactwrer'a Stork Sato of ' Clothing, aad Finishings Begias Friday. I A Magnificient Showing of New Tailored Soit Styles How Here And every express brings new ones,' a display that surpasses in beauty and variety that of any previous season. Crown Jewel Salts are here in all their at tractive beauty. Every graceful Una speaks Individuality and distinctive style; superior workmanship and quality place them in the $35.00 and. 140.00 classes. Our price 25.00 HVXDREDS OP OTHER SUITS $35.00 $49.00 $75.00 P to $90. SPECIALS FOB THURSDAY 200 Handsome Tailored Suits Serges, Tweeds, etc., in the new spring styles, and colorings, all siies, made to'sell at $18.00. choice $14.90 lretty One-Piece Dresses '' Messalrnes, Serges. Taffetas, etc., dreaaei worth to 125, on sale, at choice ,...-$10.00, New Spring; Coats All the latest Mess, at sjia.7.1. 20.OO, $28.00, $2-75, M:t5.0l and up. $7.50 HreM Skirts New -Spring styles in White Serges, fancies and blacks, $3.95 Itninty Lingerie Waists Values to If 50. beautifully trimmed, on sale at .-954; lxing Flannelette Kimonos $2.50 and $.00 values, on sale at,' choice $1.45 75c New Spring Silks 38c Fifty pit-ops of pretty all silk Messaline, in a full line of plain colors and the much-wanted hair .line stripes in white and contrasting colors; also monotone ef- -fects; all new goods, 59c to, 75c values; yard. . . i.VyV SOc Embroideries Thursday we place on sale a big' line of Skirt Flounciogs, Bands, Edges, Demi Flouuo ings. Galloons and Corset Cov er Embroideries, 35c to 50c yard values, choice yard .......... $2.00 Voile : Flouncing, 98c An exquisite line of Voile and Marquisette ; Flouncing ' so very popular this season.' th-y are certainly beauties and well worth $2.00 yard.. Sal price Thursday, ' QQ. yard yOC Domestic Room Specials . Simpson's Black and White Prints, Simpson's Silver Grey,' Simpson's pure Indigo Prints, etc., worth 7Vse. on ssle sll day at, yard, 5 18c White Novelties lOe Iso 40-inch Lawns ' ....180 tie Novelties lio Iso Foulards, fast colors ....ISHo lie and tie Hcotch Ulnghams lao ui txs rossiroox 1 rase of 4S-lnch t'nbleacheo I'lMuot Hheetlng, regular prlre HtH) vanl 1 yards limit, at, per yard Ui I cm of l!Ho Pure Linen Crash To-'llng. 10 jarda limit, st, per yard He At 11 a m. one case of lllio Sha ker rlsnnal. It Inches wide. 1 rards limit. .! THS xv arrsna-ooii 1 ran. of A. K. -'.. Ked Heal, Toll du Nord. all Barnsby Dress Olng hanm: new styles; regular price is l-'tc, on sale One c ot 1 80 Turkish Bath Tow els, si limit, at., each ....llHe 1 raw) ef Psrkblll ' 72i0 Sheets, regular price Sc . six palrr I hull, at awe 1 case ( Parahllt Pillow Hllpa. tlx , 34. regular price lSViC six pairs limit, at, each -.te White Goods Specials For Thursday's Selling Sheer White Voile W'aistlngs. worth 36c yard 184 Sheer White Voile Walstings, worth SOc yard 25c Chamois finished Lingerie Cloth, worth 25c yard 12 Via Chamois finished Lingerie Cloth, worth 35c yard 18 Pure Linen White Walstings, worth 60c yard 25J Pure Linen White WaUtlnti, worth 75c yard ...... .39 Wash Goods Dept. pieces of new Spring Wash Ooous now In stpi'tt. Patterns finer and prices lower than ever before New French Bordered Pefrale. at :4n..lSUe New French OrgtnJIte ...... lie New-French' Voiles, lSe, See, ase New French Poplins, SSo, SSo, SOs New Silk Mixtures, ase, SSe, SOe roaawooaT Anderson's Scotch Ulnghams tio grade . . .14o Aberdeen Zephyrs. -5c grads.iea Grammont Zephyrs, 36c grade I4e 10 yards limit, at yard. lo UTUIOOI 1 esse of fine Dublin Dlnitlee; coloring and designs perfect, regular price lc, 1 pattern limit, at, yard 11 bix other sales not advertised. Butter Down Eggs Down Bead ihess Trust natiag Xrlcesi The hast Creamery Batter, eartaa or Bulk, per pennd a The seat Strictly Tress Erg aothlna setter, psr dossa SSo Big 'loa Special tat TaBrsaav. Wo want ovary housekeeper In Omaha who Is s lover of a good loaf of bread, pis or cake, to try a sack of. our highest grade Diamond H Family Flour. We guarantee It equal to any flour oa the market for much higher prices, arid every sack Is guaranteed to give ths bign M, satatfection or your money re funded Ihursday, par sack . 1 Bars Beat .'Em All or Oiaaomt J lbs. best White or Yellow Coriunesl. t "ibe"" 'biii ' Boiled" Breakfast 6at- mesl Gallon cans Apples, for pies ;- Jellycon or Jello. pkg Yeast Fonm, pkg ,i:i, 7-Ton imported Kis, per lb.!:1 Pure Honey, per sack .......... li;e 5-lh. cans Oooecberries. for pies 7"c . . . AnnlM .... nlM fc ' 1 jlh-lll. . n i v " " , The bent Domestic Maccaronl, per- packHire ill'" , ta- aughlaaa Tel Orange Sale Wedaeeasr, The Highland Vavels are tha Orange ef QaaUty. It's' the fiseet gnwa In California sweetest, richest flavored. Juiciest and highest quality grown. ' ', Thursdsy, lit slxe, per do: tOc, Thursday, ISO slxe, per ilol.....c Thursday, 17f slxe. per dox. SOo Thursday, So else, per dot....im3 Thursday, tit aise. per dox . ..i.lsc With every ooxen we will sell you sn extra fine Silver Plated orange Spoon for 19c. You do not have to save any wrappers or pay any poet age. It contains 31S grams more sll. ver than any orange trust spoon It Is guaranteed for ten years or-, dtnary wear. The tVreateet sgetaale Market ta ths West Tea Save from SO te 100 For Cent. . 1 bunches fresh Carrots, Beats, Tur nips or Radishes for lc 1 heads fresh l-eaf Lettuce ...... So 1 bunches of Parsley - Large Head Lettuce, each ...... .lsc Fsncy California Cauliflower, ai. per pound . !. ...t'ic Fancy Brussels Sprouts, lb .....lac Lsrge Green Peppers, ( for .....10c Fancy Pie Plant, bunch "c Large Cucumbers 5c, Ic.' lc Fancy Celery ,...5cve Fancy Cape - Cod . Cranberries, .Tier quart ItSc 1-lb. boxes fancy hothouse Mush rooms ...46c Freeh Cabbage. -lb Jc Old Beets. Turnips, Carrots or Par - snips, lb tic Try HAYDEN'S First DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST t50 Fsraia St. Ptatut 2.oorr Extracting . Fillings Crowns .. . , Bridgework ..2Scl ....SOclp ..gaJtoi'P ..K2.SOCP Phone Doug. 1754. Missing Teeth supplied without Plate as Bridge, work. Nerves, iganored witbowt paia. Work guar- SO Tears sue of flea aateeaj tea years. song, aasa. SOt Be. ISth St. Xaa. B-sSSO IThfi Bfifi for All M Mem J, awwv sws a s w wsiB'eaV 'Comic Section The Sunday Bee Wfth Happy Hooligan, Utds Nemo, ths Katzenjammer Kids and th whole intereeang fatwlx ill