10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THCBSDAY, FEBRUARY 2i 1912. t oraa woxes 133 iast take, g UP THE X3T0KCYC1E. ryi . f '- ' .r-i - ij4 ill .:. s i , . f " ! Beauty of Design is Most Valuable Asset of Autos the "Amonc the MgJmrade cmrs feel r-.'icicmcr la the TSjioosi about tht ua." said W. It fener of the H. H. Kraitklia Maautac- tartnjf maapaay. - "Bta at culr phase of tu cuostruetioa oom make of cmr may be mora particularly adapted to eerta-a emdltJona of driving taaa aa- other, but ail niga-grade cara caa be depended upca to give satisfactory eerr- Ire. "A factor wblca has baea much nrx- Irded by ncrlcan builders bow beglna to J)ly a very Important part la the se- ItfUcn of an automobile. Tie development of beauty In body d!jm Is rapidly becoming to be one of kofldara bava aaaa rather alow te admit lb la fact, bat as In ceoparhna Is foaad In ths meat af body de-Wca iimtc tha best for atca makers, Tbora prentice ny erery thtnc la spatial. Tha aetnnoMle nam Sarar doss Utile mora tban supply tb caassts and than tha car ta toned arar ta a body maker, who endeavors to meat tba inulramenta of the IndlrfdtiaJ par- "IndleaOona ara that tha same oondi tloa of affairs may soon be reached bore, and tba custom made body will appear on cara that ara sold by the manufac turers cf the higher grade motor ve hicles. The indication of this trend nr present 1s la the demand for a high development of body beauty In tile so-called stock ears. The time is rapidly passing when rudely developed bodies caa be passed off on a purchaser. BJBY XSE OTIESTEDH TTEDfttSTTiaECTKTCCaa a scat Becmd-ie ma interested! esejcr dtw In thai eJecsrie as. m car for sill snaundl atUUK." sai Bert in9hy- U sr. a meteoit ElecviQ, aas waa m turn waem a lxdl ajm efectnc as - Tqisi la not longer- ThSe men sdlft. at course. as snn csrsi Ibr tmc ant aMsa) acuS arflr knstnessi assn ainiiiiilln ewimveitedl every day ta Has I iset of tha edeecfe for business- The electric! ear, enclosed and heated I In winter, la the Weal car for the busl- I ness man to use In his business errands I about the city. The car can be left stand- j ing In front of office of club any length j of time without any danger If free-1 Ing." She is :w a iaui'.y lhl.a l.-y girl who kaoaa the p.csure of lUl.ic -tnotorcyi-.t. hhe l.kij to take la:is : fa the cniit:ry wild the Culambus f.h:. jUutorcyclo club aud the Uitug tt rl.e contests on tne tra-.k. But in m.ttti;: (Where she rides Hi car: Irs her cheerfiii tiess with ber. and eiithuriaam Is a bif art of It. fur like her risler, Mi?s lwl.it Miss lrficlla Adcniaa belle t'ta ia mator leyellng for girls. CADILLAC CAR GENERATES POWER FOR ITS OWN USE Of ill ef ths curs that are being shown at the Auditorium, tl..raiilliac Is the only one that Is br.iu' coinutistraifd Ly Its own power. The other cars are belni demonstrated by ths niwuis of auxiliary motors and dynamos with current sup plied, from feed wires In lite building. The Cadillac c has Is l equipped with a lilgh power stursgs battery, which oper atic tb self starling device. When the engine Is once started. 4 he power sup plied by It la reapplied to the storage battery, which is constantly being re charged. The meirhanlMn of the Cadillac operates Ilk an endless chain, each part &ang tb function of doing Its own work and helping ths others also. 1:. f. Merrill of Detroit Is demonstrating the features of ths Cadllla chassis. WH IT iaam gives a free sample of B-Brite automobile polish for the ask ing at the automo bile show ) St Then YOU be the judge Present this coupon at the Biiuni exhibit on the east stage at the'Auditorium, properly signed. You may liuve a tin, gratis, of this wonderful polish. Polishes every metal and is harmless to varnish. Wre to, Ja s. vvewtiur. vhw iu Aaiuuiuhije thai wt jft the. StadebaerT fi-Jf-.P 3$A and gtudVbake FLAlrBiHB" it ft ;v yoI UAtt'S-fe?- 9A9Ul'y; It's a hiud gamg of '.,.i)(lo(w. t!'. Ii,w f t.? vAkV? MIW.-. YSU? S9A fettSiSlS judgiut tells i'V.u , tudebaier. make of caron't "aHov yam-self it"' be talked intg bujing touiebodx' lieriujeut. fJcanJ Trip in a FLANDERS '20'' TQURING CAR, latirgly Complette, 92 at Omaha. 20" E-M-F TOURING CAB, Entirely Complete, $1,235 at Omaha. THE STUDEBAXER CORPORATION OF AMERICA Qfft&HA BRANQH 2026-2028 Farnam St, DQtdLAS 363. M679. A KlkLi?? (Manager on Bsjsajstissa3sa " w-ir n itiSi T-ir-1" r r 1 - bmi raV REPLACES 3 TEAMS 3m "- I o2ff- aj i The Automobile Body . " ' 10 Motor Truck. - J ffi V &f-iZrss-" - - - -W . V S3 8 months steady service 65 Per Cent of All ALCO TRUCKS Are Owned by Million-Dollar Companies AND: 62 Per Cent of All Alco Trucks Are Reorders T?JW131$3 ALC0I912 9 J . - BI'i coDcerna owi ALCO TrucU and biff companies. Ilka big men. don't iak big mlsukes, because thtr are shrewd ther know. Tbej hara also reaiUed that the ssve from 15 to 40 per cut annually by uaini ALCO Trucks In p!arj of horses. Tb Transportation Burran ot the American Locoraotire Company, with fir. Wil-ra V. Kenreiy at the bead, will blue print your horaa trans. on at ion lytten (sl'hout cost to you), juat tue same as It has lor taoasandt of oUer firmi that do busi ness In buslneniike manner. If you are tnwrmtej In analysis of your transportation srs tem, no matter bow laiee or small It may be. write today for Information. WW! at t! A'Jts Fhow. make yonrself acquainted with the ALCO, tb treatest AutorauU;! Truck erer bnilt. The Alco Touring Car Tb improrementa include the new style body the 10X deep cushion, tb bit. strong Itmpi, tb dash rentllatori. tba con eJed Prest-O-Uta tank. On Uttl point of compelling Interest la tb Alco la the illu mination of the step at night wbea tb tonnean door ia opened Too Ugbtlnc la accomplished automatically with the opening of ' A Car Wa Smt Usee. the door by a concealed electric bulb. ' . Knowing from their experience that a locomotlre ia atrongest only at Its weakest point, tbe builder of the Alco put erery (ingle part that goe Into tb car through an ladiridusj analyaia both In chemistry and physic laboratories aa analyaia that few cara recelT. forth Big 4 Transfer Company So. Omaha ;3 The three largest transfer companies in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs are using twe Avery trucKs. tvny.' jo cut down expenses and give their customers better service. V MOVERS OP THE WORLD'S American Locomotive Company Jack Sharp. Agent 219 S. 14th St The Btg 4 Transfer wrote us on Jan. 29, 1912, as follows: The Avery Four-Ton Truck pot in service June 5, 1911, is the source of a great deal of satisfaction to ourselves and customers. The big truck makes the trips in one-third the time our teams do. The past thirty day3 has shown its efficiency under extreme conditions very bad roads, heavy snows, extreme cold weather. , The Avery Truck run close to schedule, while on the other hand our horse service was severely crippled and caused us considerable expense. The eight months' steady service this machine has given us proves the won derful power of your meter, coupled with its large cooling capacity. Johnson-Danforth Co. 5. W. Cor. 10th and Jones St. On the Viaduct H - "-ts&j5 vrawrci i n... .inn i nii.i i illinium ninii in i