TILE BEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRCAEY 21, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Boll Leaden Have Hot Decreased Their Linei. COSI MARKET IS STILL HEAVY Heavy Una f Reeelpte IM Week to Caaoe af Sharp Dip la Ike Cask Yaleee . .A'aaeerTa flvee Eacaarased. OMAHA. February . 1"! . It Is believed by the best authorities that regardlesa of the heavy selling of . wheat recently that the largest holders and real bull leader have not decreased lhir lines. The Liverpool cable was up good and strong thla morning and put an end to tha selling and bearish sentiment for the day's tradinc. Tha market reanrts quickly to all bulliuli Influences and eome furxher 1 reaction Is probable, from these levela The com market Is si 111 rather heavy, which Is due no doubt to tha heavy run of receipts last week. This waa the cause of tha sharp dip in cash values and while futures followed to acme extent, there la a strong underlying situation to encour age conservative buyers. Wheat ruled firm and higher on strong cables and a little better cash Inquiry. Cud wheat aold unchanged from yester day's prices. Corn was rather dull and easier: the market is heavy, owing to the heavy re ceipts which the market is having soma trouble digesting. lash coru waa steady and unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were fttt.000 bit. and shipments were art .two bu.. against receipts last year uf 34o.uA bu. and ship ments of um.UM bu. Primary corn receipts were l.77.X bu. and shipment wars 731 M bu., against re ceipts last year of 17,'jtw bu. anil ship ments of es7,0)a) bu. ' Clearances were 41 ot bu. of corn, 1.10s bu. nt oats and wheat and flour equal to 367.101 bu. Liverpool closed Htfld higher on wheat and unchanged to d ItUhcr on coin. t Tit following cash anlcs were reported: Wheat: No. 3 hard, 1 cars, Wc, No. 1 hard, t car, tftci 1 car, attic- No. 1 spring, I car, K!c. No. I mixed. 1 car, IsNpc.. Com: No. 3 white, I csr, (2c. No 4 white, 1 car, Wo; 3 cars, bc No. 3 color, 1 car, Hc. No. I yeliow. J car. flfec; 1 cars, iWc; 4 cars, 41c. No. 4 yel low, 4 oars. Mr; 11 cars, i.c I cac. t64c; I ear. etc No. round. 1 car, 41c, No. 4 mixed. 1 car. Ho; I car, tiV; I cats, sTwe; 4 ears, I7r; t cars, f-.V: Ml cars, Mc; 1 ear, etc. No grade, 4 cars, 43c; 1 car, too; 3 cars, etc. oats: No. I white, 1J cars, Co; No. 4 whits. I cars, 60c; I car. IvHc; 1 car, Wc. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, sOV. . Osaaba task ereree. WHEAT No. i hstd. Ptll0li: No. I hsrtl, n;ttol.iHi; No. 4 itard, piiiaHic. COK.-No.- t unite, iiMi-Uc; No. 4 - white, tSSo: No. 3 color, tlijmc; No. t yellow, tSotrSlWr; No. 4 yellow. IM; No 3, WstKlc; No. 4. KMc; no grsde, MSlc. OATH No. 1 white, ilUti.M4c: standard. SlttflVc; No. t white, piic; No. 4 white, KSJiOHc: No. 4 yellow. V69! MAKt.r V-Alellln. tociull : No. 1 feed, 7ati4; heavier feed, asuc. RIK-.No, 2. ltic; No. I. tvuvlc. larlatl lteee;e,:e, 1 Wheal. Corn. Cats Chicago U Minneapolis 3lt Omaha 30 H 3t eJUlUlh 41 ... CHICAOO OK AIM A.HU PROVISIONS Feataree at ika Trading and (iaalaaj rrleea ea Itoard at Trade. CHICAGO, Keb. M. Know today In Kan sas wilted down tha pike of wheat. Last trading waa at a decline of be to bllsc Under last nlMhl Talk that Kansas would raise ISCMI.TO bushels of wheat Ilila year proved too much for tha nerves of the speculators on the bull side, who hsd been taking courage from reports of ctop troubles In aectlous of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. UnqualifH assertions of perfect conditions throughout Kansas counted far mora man all minor complaints troia atatea to tha east. A rush of spring wheat to terminals northwest-formcd an other handicap for tho bulls. 1 mrlng the session May ranged from S"c to i.00t. with the ekna n at tva.ntiOV', a de cline of ttrSu compared with yesterday. Corn eseed oil in sympathy with wheat. Mav fluctuated Let ween 47 ' and .Htl".Sc, clfislng steady at S7V, lost tt,. under last night s close, t'aah gtades were firm. No. I yellow waa Hunted at ttstian for rarlots. Free eel I lug by local speculators carried oau down. Uinlta for May were Wr ty and fcfc, with last sales ltc off at Western packers unlnadltig wars re ". sponsible for weakness In provisions. In pork th backset for the day reached Sur t EMioCc, but for Isrd and ribs was confined to less than 7 Sac Leading options ai'ieod as fallows: Arl.Cle, Open. I Hlgh.i Low. Close. Tar. Wheat May. July. Hept. Com I SS SWS I May.rJ7tS;47VrS7'ftV r', July ept. Oats. May. 47W ! I July.U7V Pt jyork. May. July. Sept. Lard. May July, Hept.j Hi be. May. July. Sept. e!MifHl 1 W's, w. ', Ck','on7 Sti'i trim 7V.I I US VMl M4i t"s. 47 47iT 41S ei'.U'll W,tll r. s 7! MH 47V 41 S IS 6 U TO.! tt S34 14 ?H It w It 7SI 1 W IS SS-JSI mat KM try I aa I m UN M I ID J7i lit eT;l ItTHl 155 liCSi it CHi u :4 u :W i i, aj-7Si I4SS I 12HI4: S U 6IV S 67 H 17V, I C'S-6 I 7SHIJI 74 77 Wall l aih uuotatluna were aa follows: MXJI"IWarely steady, erlnler imtents. It iti a; wlnt-r straights. spring patents, b.i''. sprinc straights. H bit '; baiters, tM.eatjo.lw DAKLEY FeM or mixing, KQc; fair to choice, fl.ltajl.Ss. SKKKM Timoliiy, tlL03U.i. CVovar, 14asn. PRuvmiONS Msea pork, new. listiH: aid, tlk.i:. Lard. In Heroes, tstiS. (Short ylhe, loose, gs 27S- Total elealraiices of wheat and flour were equal w 3te,w bu. Primary re ceipts were bu., compared with MCOUt bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world a visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet'a decreased 774,K bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, SI care: corn. &3 cars; oats. ears: bosa. 4J.' head. Chicago Caah Pricee Wheat: No. t red. eJVtjOf!H; No- red. 7Vtsl : No. X bard, tl tugl e. No 1 hard. .cvM at; No. 1 northern, ll.sstil ); No. J nortnern. Il t I ta. No. I northern, II ul . No. 1 spring. H ejl : No. spring. 1 asjl .44. No. 4 spring. atctjSI K; velvet chaff. Sores II; durum, e !. Corn: No. J. seA, wV- No I white, gPmtiov: -No. I yel- low, OtttISc: No. 4 yellow. iiec; No. 4 white. teMsSuc: No. 4 yellow. tetMr. OaU: No 1 M)2l)e: N'O. I white, a.'SO sJc; No. J. tl,c. No. I white. tlVtfrUVic. No. 4. ""-': No. 4 white. ,'.te. stand ard, eviue. Rye: No, I m:v. Bar ley: awtitl. Timothy seed. 1L0jM.Mi Clover: flwaBttSaa, BITTER Firm; creameries, rjsjre. aslrlee. Ilr2ic. aVKig rlrm: receipts. cases, at fnark, caaee included. SraV; ordinary firsts. 39ar: firau, ftOAV- CHtUJSE-Statdy: dajseea, ITUarnUe: twins, kVt!7c; young Aoiartcaa, lTi j. ec: long mams. i,vjtisr, POTATOES-Firm: reexpta. ia ears W'tsooasln, C oL. sUchigaa aad aUn . nerota, n W I as. POirLTKlf-rtleady: turkeya Ilka. Me, dressed. ISr; chleaens., live, 1st; dreased. lac: apnaga, ilea ue, ariasin. ie& . VKAi-Masdr. 7 lie - PkUadelyailai Piadaisi Market. J Ua pHILaVDBLPHIA. Feb. m-frCTTBR Bteady; western creamery special. Be; extra. As: asaihj prists, extrsna. feVHQg sac per case lower: PeanarHaaVa and ether nearby flrsta, trs nssss. tvte per anas; ourrant racafpta, ftea Si at per case: wsaleia firsrm. free plies Wheat, l.'nited States, east of Rockies. decreased 1.M.nM bushels. I'nlted states, west of ltockles. Increased STT.tVU bushels; Canada decreased ?t.ts) bushels; total I'nlted Htatea and Canada decreased l.7,00u bushels: afloat, for and In Europe.. Increased 300.004 bushels; total American and European supplies decreased 774.M bushels, com. I nltrd states and Canada, Increased ! bushels; oats. United States and Canada, decreased bushels. Tha leading Increases and decreases re ported tbls week follow: Increase, Nash ville. 7S.U4 bushels; decrease, Portland, Maine, 174.00s bushels. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET ttaotatlaas of the Iter an Tartans Cenasssdltles, NEW YORK, Keb. M.-FTiOl'R-Qutet; spring patents, K.lwji.2i: winter stratghu, tt.JM.w; winter patents. tt.OklW: spring lears, K30fM.U: winter extras No. 1. 7Wff.s: winter extras No. 2, tl.ii trS.s; Kansas straights, t4.;049. Rye riour. unlet: fair to good. H.vn.: choice to fancy. t5UW3a. Buckwheat flour, steady: I2.W per 1W lbs. COKNMKAI-.Steady: fine white and yellow, 11.04170; coarse. 11.66til . kiln dried. $3.46. KrK--iuiet; No. , 17c, c. I. f. Buffalo. BAKLK Y Oulst; malting. II fcnl.ei. c. I. t. Buffalo. tVHKAT-Soot market, steadv: No. 2 red. II rV elevator exoort basis snd tl.K t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern lu- nitn. i.3 r. o. b. afloat. Futures el vsnced at the stsrt on firm cables but eased off later under litigation on con tinued large receipts, larser country of ferings and reports of favorable crop conditions In Ksnsas. closing Hv lower. May closed 11.01: July closed J10S. cuKNHpot market easy: No. Ts'ic elevator domeatic basis and export 71c l. o. o. afloat, f utures nominal. OATS Knot market easy: standard white, fsV m elevator; No. t, Wc: No. I and 4. fisWc. and natural white snd white clipped, w44c on track, r utures nom inal. HAT-Stcady: prime. tt.S: No. 1. II sort i-m: jvo. i, n.kai.w; no. i. i w. nop pirm: siste, common to cnotee, 111, 4i,fi&4c; 110, nominal; Pacific coast, 191 1, n-i.' ; 1910, nominal. lilKl-(julei: central Amsrlcan, Sc; Bogota, -rti V' I.EATIIKR-Klrin: hemlock flrsta. 2c; seconds, 2t'Jic; thirds, SliMc; re jects, l.1ler. PHOVirtlONR Pork. easy: mess. SI7.Wtfl7.U: family, llt.Ovnain); short cleur. i;ootilK.M). Beef steady: mess, Il3.iorjl.l0; family, i.VtVM; beef hams, fj27 .S0i Cut meats, quiet; plcklsd bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. $DW: pickled hams. II. us. I ,ard, easy; middle west prime. P.WKi; refined, easy; continent. W . South America, 10.10; compound, K-Kt) ?.!. TAUUtw vtiet: prime city. nnos.. ic; sieclal, 4Hc; country, Mti"lc- rtUTTKit Mteany; creamery specials. 2c; extras, Wc; firsts, SitvitZTo: state dairy, tubs, finest. 3Hc; goo.1 to prime. tjtfo; common to fair, 2ftfi2&c; process sietlals, X'litoZlc; axtras, c; firsts, Sri 2bVtc. IIKKSI-i-Ktrm: receipts, 1.M1 pack ages, akims, "MHV. KllOH Kssler; fresh gathered, extras. Wn.r.c; fresh gathered firsts, Jtc; fresh gathered seconds, tic; western gathered Whites, STQJiC Pon.TlMT-iAMve steady to firm: west, ern chickens. LKJliiUc: fowls. 13m14ec turkeys, liiwlic; dressed unsettled, west ern chickens, UtiSlati; fowls, . 1114 14c; turgeys, uqjio. t. Lasts tieaerwl Msrket.' KT. Lons. Keb. I0.-WIIKAT-Csjih. steady: trsck. No. 1 rail, wtrWto; No. t bard. t txmi.io. CoRN-l'm hsnged: track. No. t, CO Nt. l white, sassreer. OATS-steady; track. No. t, Eic; No, 1 wnite. UoMmc Closing prices of futures:. WHICAT-Lower; May, s; July, WSo. ctillN-Weak; July, esSc DATS-Hrni. May. UH; July. 47 Sc. RVK--l'nrhanKrd; aV. FIJCR Steady: red winter patents. H UMI Wi extra fancy and straighta, eJsout.tt: hard winter rleara. $3,jj.3e. n;iii-Timothy, liii.sjUi.ai. CORN MKA1-31). Hit AN steady; sacked east track, tt SO. HAY Firmer; timothy. fcl.:4.l)0: prairie, tlluiv is .00. PKUVIH tlNH-1'ork. --unchanged: lob bing, llu.tt. Istrd. uachange.1; prime st. am. t,;i.v Dry salt meals, un changed; boxed extra shorts, t.a; elesr rios, asav; anon clears, sx.siti. liacon, unchanged: boxed extra shorts. ts.3t: clear ribs, te.a: abort clears, .4. rui LTRI-Firm: chickens, no: sorlnrs 13c; turkeys, Itr; ducks. lc; geese. Sc. Ht'TTKH-l-ower. creamery, Uti2tc. iXlOS-Uleady, jteretms. shipments Ktour. barrets.., Wheat, bushels.. Coin, bushels.... Oats, bushels.... I4.n u.ooo a.m " k.oio , i om I annuo . 41. "XI 4I.W" Kaaaaa Illy Urals aad Praslslaas. KANSAS CITr. Feb. HI.-WIIKAT- Caeh, umhsnited to Ho higher: No. I hard, 9ivc4iil ifciic; No. m, Veil-U5i, No. 3 reil, IMiejitc; No. 3, sMjisl'a. CORN-Htrady tu Ho Higher. No. I mixed, !-; No. a, Or; No. I whits. Cr; No. , akt. Closing prices of futures: U lllCAT -May. WStlkl4c. bid. July. M4 SjBOSc sellers. ctiRN May, sjr, bid; July, svjtrsTc, OATH steady; No. ! white. tJuuu.,. No. 1 mixed, tKttjUttc. RTPe S.H. HAY-Steady: choice timothy. 13 00f tl On; choice prairie, tltSOtjlJiJU. flt'TTKR-Creamenr. ate; firsts. Mc: seconda. tc; packing stock, lie. KtKlrt-Kxlraa. ?4fu,.; flrita. XfJ'iW-: seconds, Itv. Receipts. Shlnmenta Wheat, bu biiw i mi Corn, bu l&h'in n.v Oats, bu li.0tw - li.ot el la aea pells Urala Market. ' MIN'NKAPOLIB. Feb. !t-HniT- Msv, li.tuv: July. tiU01t,, cash: e FLAX-I2 0I. HAKLKY-tdcftl ST. CORN-No. I ellow, ?SS34c, ' lATS-No. ) white, 4Qitc, RYU-No. S, kc. - BHAN-ACJ1V. KUiL'R-Firm: first natenls. uanS.1: second patents. 14 S6N SO. first clears, ta.30tJl.aj, second clears, C30r.'.sa, l.lvrrpewl rala Market. LIVtiRPOOU Feb. N.-WH RAT-Spot. Steady; No. t Manitoba, ls7Hd: No. I Manitoba tatyi. No. I Manitoba. Is id. Futures, firm: March. 7s wvd; May. 7s Sd: July, 7s 4Sd. . CORN Spot American mixed, new. quiet. sd; American mixed, old. steady, he ltd; American mixed, new sun dried, quiet, as .0. Futures, dull; March, us; Msy, lis Sd. Mllwaabea erala Market. MlLWAl'KEE. Feb. tt.-WHBAT-No t northers, tl.wwt.hi: No. t northern. II 47 ri.. No. t hard winter, tll.; May, aw: July, Mo. CORN-No. 1 yellow, S4tK4t4c; Kit 1 white. 44tMitc: No. X 43 Sc; May. .c: July. Cc. AT-standard. Me:v. , BARLEY No, 2. tl.al . Market. tminll SK S-iVtev a,u . . v t white. ""He; No. 4 white, Stw-; f?o, 1 yellow, o; r.o. yenow, a,casHc. No. I mixed, esse; No. 4 mixed, f7ti iec: sample. 47ti&e. ' OATS-steady; No. I white. Be: stand ard. altOelc: No. I white, ilc lawearelU Grata Market. MTNWKAPOLIII. Feb. -WHKAT-VI ay. tljBise: July. l uVHn OMk. Cash: No. 1 hard. H.OHt: No. I northern. t1-H: No. t nssnharn. Llstjn.01!,; No. 1, let? Ttc. ' - . krtl Market. NKW YORK. Feb. -MKTAI J- SJt.nd ard copper, steady: spot. tilaPaWii-eTtw; February. rt-aawli.M; March. April and May, tii-ttri4.U: Jane. B Mfl4.UW: Lsw- doa market steady; ssjat, B; rntaras, a osstosa h siais ratuma aauw ex- NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Business on Exchange for Day is Smallest of Tear. FBESSUHE 05 STEEL BELATED Lavdsn's Operatlea aa Market Leas Tkaa Oaa Tkaaaaasl Skaawa Easllak Baakera Borrow Money aa Call. NF.W YORK, Feb. J0.-Th day In the stock market may be epitomised In the statement that the total outturn was the smallest of any full day tit us far this year, and closely approached tha low rec ords of the last few years. Trading lan guished throughout the session snd some of the semi-actlva Issues were not quoted at all. Pressure upon I'nlted States Steel was somewhat relaxed and trading In that stork was relatively active. "Panhandle" and Norfolk eV Western, which are Interrelsted. 'were decidedly strong and active for no known reason, but lbs more speculative stocks moved within the most restricted limits. Ismdnn's operations here were less then LOfti shares. An unusual aad Interesting monetary development was tha borrowing here by London bankers of considerable money on call at tha rata of 2tS per cent. Announcement that an offering of Knwi.- 000 of preferred stork of an Important mercantile concern had been taksn with out publio offering and Indications that a flo.oou.ouo Japanese loan would be floated here with equal ease made up the sum totsl of tha day's new financing. Introduction of a resolution In congress calling upon tha attorney general to In vestigate tha Smelter trust waa without effect on the stocks most conosmed. The copper shares were slightly reactionary, whits reports dealing with tha steel and Iron trade suggested no Immediate Im provement In that Industry. Among the dav s railroad return the annual report of the Delaware. Lacka wanna at western road lor lsu, showing a balance available for dividends equal to 11. U per cent, as against 31 41 tha pre vious yesr, and over 6J per cent In lap The Baltimore A Ohio road, of whose common stock not a slngis shars was traded In during the day. Increased Its net earnings for January by tltl.Ouo. The bond market was steady but fea tureless. Total sales, par value, H.oa,ooo. Government bonds wars unchanged on call. Number of sales and leafltng quotations on stocks today were aa follows: tales. Hlle. Law. Class. changed to , higher than yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Oiiasils. awesy ..It UVULealsvllle Nass..li as aceoest Mo., Ksa. Tea- Aatl. Ctapper H,Ne York CCtrsl..lU. Aaaeesda iSNertolk A WssunlUl. axcslsoa IMS So sfg M 4a Hi leKOeurts 4k Westers, at SJalUswie A oble..I4 Psaasrlrasla O CaaaSlaa PselfM ..XttRaad Miass 4 Chsaaseeka A Okie. 7tHHeMlsg BSii thL weal Westers, llvfaulei By J CkL. Mil. A St. F.W ee (4 n Da Bears Mhara Psrlfls Desver at Rle O... a taaaa Pacm ....14va ee sit i ee pM si Erie - lite, k SUM. ......... t 4e let X4 - U ee M4 ...lll a m eti mrstaa 714 area Trunk ' ee prd lw Illinois Canal ' . . 1 , ' 1 I u- A - ? CtlU n , ' 7 . . e" ounce. MONF.Y-!tJ3Vi per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills la !i, per cent; for three months' bills, 34vi r-H per cent. Allla-ClulBiera Bf4 AsHluaals4 Coeeer ... AJtMrlcan AtHcsltanU .. Amsrlesa bi gussx.... Asmitsa Csa Ahtrlisa C. A F Am tbttoa Oll... Amtrtiea H. A I- pt4.. Am. 1, Serarlltoe....... Amsrlrsa IJDoe4 Anterlcie Lomawtlve .. Aiaerlosa s. A H Am. . A It eM Ant. gtM Fntindries..,. Am. Sucmr fleriolng Aaerlcas T. A T Amerlroa Tneaer eft... Aesrirsa Wooioe Asaessia Mlslog Cs Auhlaoa Althisna art Allsiille Oeaat Use....:. "Illnjors A tlhle. .'. geittlsheM stool gronSlya Rosld Tr. t'aiiadlaa Pseirie (Vitrei Losisoe Ceetrsl iMihe ant OMtrU of New Joney... . cnoasoesse uaie. Oiteosrt A Alton ntlooro o. W. f hli-.eo o. W. el4 ilesso A N. W Ckiiaro, H A St. p n. . C A St. L. iwlotsds F. A I (ieleroSe A Snutsers iVsoolloiloe Uss Cers Prodartt Poinworo A Hsdans Hoover A Mle flrasdo.... II A R. O f4 niitlllora Israrllies .... KMe Krle 1st pli rw M tU tlosorsl gtoetrie r,oot Nortlteea af4 Oroot Northern Oro etts.. Illlanls Control Istorsoeoesfc Met.- ...-.twister. Mot. pf4 letematteaol Hsrrestsr.. lntor-Morlno era taleraotleaol saoe ...... istersstloaol Posts ins 1 antral Kssus tVr Seataera.... K. (' So. 044 UelOAO Oss laoWTtlle A Nsshrttle... Miss. A St Lnla. m . at r a a s ... Mlsasiirl. K. A T M , k A T pf4 Mloonorl Pselno Nsltonol Hloron Nstlossl lywi N lv It. af M M pf4.. Noe Yoek Canteal V. X . " A W. ., Norlnlk A Wsotork Notts Aaieriraa Noetkom ratine rarifle Moll PesnR.lrants reopio's ties r . ti. c. A St. l Ptltshorsh Cool ProoMd Stool rwr Pallntss Pslare tke , Kallwsr Stool Sptlas Readme HopuMIe atari vl Steal afi l: l.lani Co Ilock Ieias4 (V a4 St. U A a F S4 M St. Lmla S W T.. St. LAW. pT4 l'sios raeide . I sles Parltlo f4 t nitaS stataa ftooHr lelto4 States Robber, t'slloi states Steal.... I'. a. Steal Mi risk (teaser vs -careiiaa rwawial ! , Waaaah n'i Weetero Marrloni Weal lorseuao Kleetrkt Waata.n I nine Wbeellut A L I- Loftlak Toller Cktso rpee Bar ceaeeiMatse Awerieaa Tobacco I.MS m SIUj 1. 109 U tt 7W U14 iti "is 11 a 11 sat MS V. tl S s II 13 S IIS 'IS MS U 71s 1"S 14t IMV lMtt las M M rtS m nS li'S lis l.ana into Hi mu tat ISA IM1, IK ;: "S mm aa sw, as lets lt sat in 1st s IIHi 11 S S 1H ieS S "S mt as m tis I.180 uiu ms i l4 IIS us H'a aa ITS i.itt 11s n ni zm S S !S HIS KIS HIS l.sss !. i mt, las M at a "S !'. ms IIS IS lli US t.ts let 104 is MS HIS "IS 17IU SI tea it 41 iiu 7t IS t mm aia ie us I.7SS tss lit uss I SM uss 11 USS xtS IMS SS Its US itv, ana , ms us let, IMS Mt'i ma ts let lis ns tS m t's M 41 1S!t4 IMS im as stn, t, ass ntt, in m MS MS MS MS SIS s lit IIS us US m as u MS llS 1HS ll' . "S i.s in not, it4 t"s ts rs 7t ee ms lit ms ten S lis rt4 no ia ms ins :n leas im im MS im ims ms MS XI 11 Is IWt s U.IM UV IMS IKS lS .. 7S in as us "i 10 MS MS r4 S im ns s us l ass lalH lat ias MS MS ns SIS M.MS SS l.SM 11 IM tav, sm TH t ts 4is H us IS tsas MS US t US ns its t 111 u 7lt 'S 'is tS ?oa ms nt Total sslea tor tka iar. tri.MS shares 'S S w n 'a ta UTS S "S 04 lleetea Stack Market. BOSTON', Feb. .-C1osln quotations on stocks wers as follows . issMohaek . M Nocooa Cos . USNrpualng stlsos .. . North Butto . SSNortk lks . ss 014 DeaUafoe IS) Oeeeela . KSQalney . U Hhannoe Alknaes OAsaal. Caesar A. Z. L A S s. c r. 1 1, a Setts Caalltloa .... CaL A Artaona..... cel. A Hoc la Oestannlal ' oe. Itasxe O C... trast autta tj. M ... iiHtttiporlor rrsaklla lis Superior A B. M. Oiroox Owe iSTasBsraek '.Mr Oe S V. A S. R. A M. atlroaee Cessnas ... T an pra lalo Ilorala Cepaor.. USruk tVts. Kaer Uko TSl'tab rapper OS... Lako Copper tiiwiaoea La Sana Copper eswolvoriaa MUnU Copper UV Eslvliaea. . t . 1 . 7S . as . iS .. ill .111s . s . V k . I . si . i .. ' . 11 . MS 'S Nrer Yark Mlalag Stacks. NEW YORK. Feb. -Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Alice IM sum. cfclef t Cnts. Tsnnsl stack.. IS ateatcaa ...la) See bonds ! Ontario lis Cos. Oal. A Va l Ophlr lti Imp Bllear US OHtanSari i$ eieaivlllo Cos II Tallow Jacket M oofltree. Rank C'learlaa-e. OMAHA, Februory 30. Bank clearings for today were I2.17$.u&w.. and for the corresponding day last year, ll.7S7.067 33 OMAHA tiCSFBAL MARKET. BUTTKR-No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, 35c; No. Lln 0-lb. tubs, 2c; No. t c; packing, CIIKrVB-Imported Swiss. JJc; Amerl caa tiwiaa, Sue; block Hwlss, Mc; twins. 30c; daisies, 30c; triplets. 3tc; young Americas, no; blue &bel brick, 32c; lltu berger. l ib, ltc; 1-lb., 30c. POL'LTRY-Brollsrs, 3o.0ue4.04 per dox., springs, lie: hens, ltc; cocks, 10c; ducks, IkO-Dc; geese, ltc; turkeys. 33c: pigeons, per dox., 11.30. Alive, broilers, 13sc; hens. iumo; old roosters and stags, be; old ducks, full feathered, He; geese, full festhrred. 10c; turkeys, lie; guinea fowls, 3tu ra.h. plgeona, per dos.. Hue; homers, per dos., tl.ptt; sqtutns, m 1, 11. an; .no. 3, Ms-. KIWHt fresh frosenl-rickerel.ic; white. Iflr; pike, 7c; trout. 11c; large crapples, 13 Sue: npanisn mackerel, ic. eel, ltc; had ucka, lie; flotlndeia, 13c; green catriah, ltc; roe shad. II ea -h: ahsd roe. per pair, boc: salmoi, ltc; halibut. Wc; yellow percn, sc; punaio, c; btillliesns, lln BtKF-Rlbs, No. t, 17sc; No. 3, 13Uc; No. a lc. ' Lolng. No. 1. lo. No. 3. 14V.C; No. 3, 1Io. Chucks, No. 1, t,c; ro. a, 10; cto. a, iac. rtounua, no. 1, no; Nu. 3, s; Na 3. to. Plates, No. , Sc; No. 3. Sc; No. I 44c. FR1MTS. KTO.-Apples. extra fancy Ben Pevls, per bbl., 13. SO; Jonathan, per 001.. st.:r; rancy v ineaaps, per nol.. ti 00; fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbl.: 3o.au: fancy Uanos, per bbl., K00; Idaho Jona than, extra fancy, per box. It U); Wash ington ppttsenberg, er box, K jO; Wasli Ington R. Beauty, per box, ti ki; Wssli Ingtoa Ntaman Wlnesapa, per box. $J : P ananas, fancy select, per bunch, t.&nl K.sii; jumno. per auncn. sz-invi. ,s. cran berries, Wlacoiutln fancy, iter bbl.. H.7o; Per box, t-t.Ti. Uatea, Anchor brand, new, M 1-lb. pkga. In boxes, per box. 12.3s: Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. la solas, per bog, nw. rigs, California, pei case of 13 Na 13 pkgs. t$c; per case of to No. pkgs., KW; bulk. In a and I-lb. boxes, per Ihx, ltkt; new Turkish, t-crown. In 30-lb. boxes, per lb. ltc; 4-crown, In 10-lb. boxes, per lb., Ino: 7-crowu, in 30 lb. boxes, per lb., 17c, Orapefrult. Florida. 44 M sixes, per crate. 16 Mi; tO-ot-44 sixes. per crate, tsoojani. Grappa, Malaga, la bbls., g,.onM.isj. lemons, Llmonelra se lected brand; extra fancy 340 else, per box, 14.40; unia l.lmoneira, fancy, 3ia MS slsea, per box, tt hi; 340 and 430 sixes, too per' box less. Oranges, California ca mellia brand, navela, extra fancy. M-l-Ii-l7-30t-31ti -Sfsl sixes, per box, 3 3S; extra choice, all alaea, per box, 12.45; Elephant brand, all sixes, per box, U.10. VKOKTAB1J18-Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb., 3a Celery, California Jumbo, per dns.. II OA Cucumbers, hothouse, per dos.. Sst. Eggplant, fancy Florida, per dos.. Ctt Oarllc, extra fancy, wnite, per lb.. Ho. lettuce, extra fancv leaf, per dox.. 4A0, onions, California, white, boiling, per lb., 7c; Wisconsin, yellow tllohe, per lb., 3Sc; red Olobe, per lb., 3Sc; Hinlsh, per crate. Il k). Parsley, fancy southern, per dos. bunchea, ttaa7tc. Potatoes, Mlnneaota Karly Ohio, per bu., 11. ; Wisconsin, while stork, per bu., 11.31: In tv-ssck lota, to leas. Rutabagas, In sacks, per lb., ISA Tomatoes, Florida, per e-bsk. crate, .. Cuban, per 0-bsk. carrier, ts tti. MIMCKLLA."rXU8 Almonds, Tarra gona, per lb., lttpc: lo nadt lots, Ic less. Cocoanuts. per sack. .!. Filberts, per lb.. 14c; In sack lots, 10 leea. reanuta, roasted, per lb. 7tjc: raw, per lb., ec. Pecans, large, per lb 17c; In sack lots, lo leas. Walnuts, new crop, 111. California, per In., Kc; In sack lots, lc less, cider, new Nehawka. per 14-gel. H. bbl., .'. per 30-gal. bbl.. SiSO: New York Moll's. per li sal. H-ooi.. ei ito: per svjiai. 001., KtO. Honey, new. 34-frames. 13.73. Kraut, per It-gsl, keg. H0; per t-gal. keg. 11.36. OMAHA LIYESTOCK MARKET Very Fair Ban of Cattle, Even for a Tuesday. HOG RECEIPTS HOLD UP WELL Sheep aad lauabs Slaw Sellere aad Weak te Tea Ceata Lower la Salts af tka Med cr ate Has, SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 30, M13. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday i.30o 7.SS4 li.iS.il Estlmata Tuesday .... C.3U0 l&.lul U.100 Two days this week.ll.So0 3,Sa 3a,631 Sams daya last week ..11.090 40.333 li.K6 ttame days 3 w'ka ago .7.21 lt,tK9 3J.3V3 name days 3 w ks ago..lO.S6 13,304 ml day 4 w'ks aKO.U.'M U.bM loJAS Sams daya last year .. D.001 li,it 11.104 The following tah u ehows tha rang of prices paid lor hu.s at -South Omaha for tha last lew days, with eompansons: Data 1 113. mil ,lw.i3t.,itsi. us7ilS0t. Feb. J.. Fe I. Feb. .. Feb. W Feb. U. Feb. 13 Feh 11 Feb. 14. Feb. 16. Feb. IS. Feb. 17. Feb. 3. Feb IS 1 Feb. jo. oossi 1 sl 0S I IIU tWHI 57SI lots 01S 1 st-a 190 7 421 7 50j 7X11 7 tt 7 31 t ill I 4: I 47 S4l I 41 I7l INI IM S77 7 Oil I sii 7 06 I Mi 113 7 03! I 4 161 1 7 4 30 4 lti 301 4 00 I 301 4 17 a 151 a ts 1014 131 a v. Ill I It 0 I 03 I SI 117 4 031 4 B 4 W 4 let 4 U I 811 t 37 871 3 tt I 1 I 70 I 73 901 t 911 S 71 S SI if! Si tw 4 'Cl t M Slilai i 91 C Xtl o 78 It (IW Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union block Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending it 1 p. m. RECEIPTS CAR& Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C. M ft SL P, Wabash Missouri Pacific Union pacific C. A N. W., east.... C. ft N. w, west... C, St- P, M. AO.. C, B. at Q., east.... C, B. ft (J., west... '.. R. 1. i P., east. C, R. 1. P., west. Illinois Central Chicago ut. W 3 4i 3 5-' 17 9 35 It 7 4 wer Yark Meaey Market. NEW" YORK. Feb. 30-afOVKT-Oa call, steady; S'atKS per cent; ruling rate. !S per cent; closing bid. 3H per cent; of fered at -S per cent. Time loans, nrmer; sixty days, 34 per cent: ninety days, 3 per cent: six months, IHit, per cent. PRIMG MKARCANTILE.PAPblv-JUi) 4 per cent. BTKHUNO KXCHANGRV Firm, with sctttal business In bankers' bills at St Atat for atxty-day bllia and at li 7to for de mand, ttimmerctal bills, li Ks. HLVKR-Uar, tSc. Mexican dollars, 47c. BONIMi Oovernment. rallroarl. at earl v. Closing quotatloas oa bonds today wars aa follows. , V rat K rag ...aw later. M. M. eSa... KS to eaeaaa ispaa as KS C. A a esi " ea iff 4a sswyaa oeaaiiv. ' . ao. m sa .... nta n A ex, reg IU u 8. eea. as 1UI... KS a- aaa Ill LAN sat. aa ... Wu Pajlavi'sal. 1st is... n'U K A T 1st ta.. s Asaer. as ts. " sa see aa ss A T A T. so. is-. .HI He Pa-lrac aa n Ta Tebassa ea. KSN. R. A. at M iSa 1S J. a. txtsx. T. a a tsa.... Araoar A Oe. iss.. ip oe as. KS tkktsaa sna. as..... SSSM. T. V. ti. A H. ap as. as. we er. as ms as er. aa m m. im o. pp.. a,a a C k l ea. at An. aa. Its Sal. A Okas aa. No. ppurai Pa. Has aa ISa - 4 ea at aia a. 1 W. ISO-..- Sl. A U rMa. ex.... as 1 111 TT. OP- ex. a.roae, s. ISe lilt.. r. Waa. of Oa. aa. USS eo aoa. So. tars raw. lawsaer ta m,suaa sea 4s..... at, aTet N. 1. k.ntvS L A A F. fa, 4s tt Oaa. A Oaas Sa...WS So ssa ia st So rat av MSB- L A W. e. 4s.. lis Olcaaa A A. SHa.. SIS Sa 1st eoas ss r, C t t 4 I Pa-. stsS A 1. se3. ox ns ta saw ex. two. oaa. aa ai mttlt.ISS re. Sa. . Saw toffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 3 -COFFEE Fu tures market cnened steady at an ad vance of ettO points In reaponaa to higher European cabes and buying orders which aeemed 10 come largely from abroad snd were atinDoaed to be in the way of cov ering. Inspired by lens favorable crop ad vices. - lAK-al realising cnecKen tne up ward movement around to the opening figures, however, and prices later eased off from the beat with the close ateady at a net advance of lt4 points. Kales, &.SCI bags. February. 1.12c; March and April. 13.SW; June. IJ.Sbc; Juiy, ia.c; August, u.ajc; nepterouer, ie,-, wiw", 13-: November. IS.ac; Hecemher. 13 31c: January. U&c Havre was H to I franc higher at the etoae ror a nan nonoay. Hamburg was xS P'. higher. Rio. 73 rrls higher at Htm: Damns 4s. ts rels h ia her at K3..0: 7s. unchanged at 7100. Rexelpte at the two Braxilian ports were .t0 bags, agsinat i.w is at jeai. euu dlahy rcelpts. XtstO hags, against t last year. New York warehotnap deliveries rasterday were I3.x7 bags, against 11.343 t..t vear Today's aoecial cable fnm pouitna reported an Irregular market tltla morning with is unqimteo. eao rsi receipts. lAOOt bags, against 12 tx yester day Fine weather waa reported in tnree distrteta or tne can ai " In the other two dlstricta Spot cttffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. liSc; Rantoe No. 4. lspc. illW. quiet; Cordova, IO'tOI.'ic, nominal. A Beaaenraleol Apples aad Dried Pralla NITW YORK, Feb. jaX-tCVAPORATED APPLEf-Oulet and ateady: on the spot, fsverv. p-.flll.c; choice, tlSc; prime, tHNc. 1IR1ED FRt'tT-Prunee sre easy, with a slow consuming demand;, nuntattons range from Sc to l-So for Califomlas up to X-W and frora Sc to Uc for Oregoras. Apricots are quiet, but prices are steady, with smaller effertnea; reietre, ltSBltSc: extra choice. ItsipltHe; fancy ISSsnTSc. Peaches are very in active, but prhea are ateady; choice, 11 USa; extra ehoene, tltMUr fancy. 13,1 i;Vc. Ratstna. Inactive and prices are awntnally unchanated; laeee mnacatela. tStrTc: choice to fancy seeded. s,9Tc; aredleaa, aa7c; London bsyera. S3.tasil.aV Ml 1.S17 LMi ,07V i.eSI 3.1:9 .Ms 3.U33 3.3K7 aM 3,a43 171 .... 3.173 81) TS IS i H) Jl W el M t 174 S3 73 3 it Total receipts... 360 3 43 14 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 tiesotty: Omaha Packing Co.... Swift & Co Ctidahy Packing Co.... Armour At Co....... Murphy Mrrell Klnclalr w. H. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A L.. Hill 4k Son F. B. Lewis Huston at Co J. 11. Hoot A Co J. 11. Hulla. .. la..F. Hues L. Wolf...., McCreary 4k Kellogg... Werthetmer A liegen., II. P. Hamilton Hullivan Bros ..' Lee Rothachild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... 1 I'llne Christie lit Other buyers... til .... 134 Totals MM 1MA3 8.0V) C ATT Lfci Receipts of cattle were very liberal, In fact, larger than had been exiiected. All told its cars were reported and the total lor the two days footed up 11,500 hesd, or snout ths asms as for the corresponding two dsys of last week, but larger than a year ago by 3.000 head. Other ponts were not overburdened with receipts and the total number of cattle on aals at the leading markets uf tha coun try waa not large enough to look top heavy, but unfortunately the consuming demand for the beef seemed to be poor. For rome daya back packers have been complaining of the poor outlet for beef and of the low prices prevailing at sast ern centers of population. As a result the market opened very slow and dull and It waa later than usual before enough business hsd been transacted to rsaily maka a market. Tha better grades of feeding rattle wars the first to sell, as ths supply of that kind of stork has been very small for soma daya back and ths demand quits good, t attle of that description ohanged hands quite readily at steady prices. Ths common kinds of feeders were leas actlrs snd thin stock cattle wers slow and weak the asms ss on most dsys. Beef steers sold In ths snd at prices that were weak to 10c lower than yester day. Among ths offerings wers steers good enough to bring I7.lti. Cows snd heifers also sold around Mr lower than yesterday and while some of ths bast possibly did not suffer quits that much decllns there were others that thought they took off more than 10c. Uuotatlona on rattle: Oood to choice beef steers, tn.7S4r7.Tt; fair to good beet steers, tti.jori4.7t; common to fair beet steers, 6.0u.i4.3; good to choice heifers, IS.lAMjII 00; good to choice cows, 4.71jni0; fair to good cows and heifers, ti.004yi.7t; common to fair cows and heifers. oV.7o4j 4.00, good lo choice stocksrs and feeders, t.4u(i.3b: fair to goad Blockers and feed ers, ii.oofea.40; common to fair Blockers and feeders. Htcajriiv; slock heifers. 13.40 4.7t; vesl calves, K0Or7.7i; bulla, stags, etc., p3.7t4j4.p0. Representative sales: BEEF BTEERS. He. showing very small discounts from heav. ars. Reprcsentative sales: At. Sk. Pr. .!! at t It .US let f ss 71 77.. it.. PS.. 1. . tl.. .. 7. ... 7i... .to ..ISP . ..m ..K ..1.4 t si ... ' as ... I KS ... ins tt : ... . at t 4 OS ... M ... IN ... as ...tot ..III ,.144 us atta ....til ....S7 .554 .31 K lb 4 t ... 4 S3 4S3 ... 4 87S SI 4 14 ... 4 IS ... IS ... 4 14 ... 4 14 ... 4 in ... la ... i IS ... 10 ... 4 la Ns. A. Sk. Pr. Na. let UT ... its 74 , im id ... 1 14 TS li 14 ... i W 10 2T4 M lit ... t ia im ... 1 n St US ... t ti el lit ... t 41 ia ... t e s lti ... i s 4. 2SJ IS M- IB ... I St.. set at t it la. tot ... i ti U IM ... i li lit at t ti 4t. 174 as i in ... I s r, as) . 1 1 (1 307 ... l 4i sis ts i te 12 IK i 74 : M Ill ... i 14 if! tl 207 ... i 34 75 !l! Si ... t ISS 5S7 U I ... t SS 3 SU it 13! ... t Xi IS -SS as r at t su tl S ... lit 40 - Tl ::7 US I K 24 25. 11 231 it t IS tt 23S il 311 ... I as tl SOS SHEEP In point of activity sheep and lamb trade was very similar to yester day's market. Packers' needs were lim Ited and ths demand from the opening lacked lire, resulting in a session tl waa late In atarting and dull throughout. Moderate receipts gave sellers some con- trol over the situation, but ail advices from the east were bearish and the mar ket weakened in spots, ruling steady to about a dime lower. Offerings amounted to about 9.M0 head and consisted largely of fed lambs and fed ewes, the same as recently. All classes of stock teemed to be equally slow sellers and clearance of the run waa delayed until after the noon hour, plait lambs being generally neglected when ever anv discrimination was shown. Oood fat lambs moved around the It mark. Indicating a ouotable ton of SS. u. or possibly KS, while poor to fairly rood eradea claimed a spread of ln.00sio.7p. Strictly p:ime lambs were not available early, but little complaint was heard In killing circles because of the greater pro- Durt on of In-between varieties in re ceipts, as high-costing stuff is none too profitAbls at present. Ewe aalea ntarle un the bulk of bust' ness in matured sheep, some toppy fed westerns selling st 33. so. with unattractive strings from 13.3 on down the Hat. There were no wethers or yearlings of conse quence on sale, and scarcity of feeder stock was also pronounced. Yesterday's purchase on country account, according to packers' tab. amounted to only k30 head. Quotation on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, fe."a.l; fair to good lambs. 36. lows sa); good to choice yearlings, tn.OOOa.SS; fair to good yearling. ti.4r COO: rood to choice wethers. H.Omi.ii fair to good wethers, I3.75ti4.00; good to choice ewes, to.fotto.oa; lair to goou ewes, xj. 017.1. to. No. 14 fed lambs .. 40 fed lambs .. 333 fed rwetoaira , li fed ewea ..... 323 fed ewes ..... 98 fed lambs .., M fed lambs ... 497 fed ewes ..... AO fed ewes .... 124 fed lambs ... 3o0 fed lambs ,., 3lt fed lambs ... 127 fed lambs ... 334 ted lambs ... 437 fed ewes 438 fed ewes 17 cull ewes .... Av. .... 103 .... 7 .... tl .... 83 .... 114 .... m .... 3 .... 113 7 . 4 ,. 71 . 84 3 .... 103 7 Pr. 175 & 73 4 2i 360 3 80 I 76 Set 173 ITS 5 ft I u 140 I 63 I DO tut S To J 60 310. II... A. ST. let I a I4 i IS Ill t tt MS e 14 ItW t SS 19. i ii lilt I li ISOi IS US.. 11 1 Illi t 7i tail IS U COW 4 t 401 I 14 t... I S, IS 1... U SI It I MS III T 712 S SI II Mi I 71 IS ISM 4 41 t l4i t leas 4 U U).... UUP i Si S 7H 4 44 IS a is U.,... lies 4 si 14 .....111 4 IS XI set 4 ao 7 Si IW t. ISIS (SS ,....ie;i lit SI S .....las t is ....us t s ....1117 tS ..U1 t 44 ....IIU 4 tt II. .......... 1114 it Itli I Sa St.. Si.. ISIS 4 SI SS i se ni is lose t s 1174 i s II Mt 4 44 i ins i isit i ;s ss i n si Ml i Tt I : tut 4 ts u its t as 1 14 4 It I IPS 1 S a mi t s t IPS t IS II IIS t TS si i a si : . SO 4 U .N IH .las 4 :s . ss t s tss i IP .IIP T S .i IS IS l ..IS T 21 .'. 174 I H . s sap. Kail aa... HEi'Ectrai-. New Tar, fall creams. taao, lUma fair ta food. 19tTUc. talk! aawtr af ijvaJsa. NEW YORK. Fab. aWsperaxl tria grsnMr and cable commnnaralipaa re retved be BraetreeTB enow the fnttoertng changes ie aarauaaae euppllss aa ccmpared kiitt pres-svus acennw .Avals hs u- rssrrosrs- S ea-Car. CWaa. ea p, 1 sa TtaWaaa ha ax.. sap aaa. ea sre. a a 1 a Sa ar. en. ess. A S Woaxpro MA , Ck-LAP. asn porta of 3a,stS taes sd far thta naanth. , ;"r 10 taaas rprtne s ss Lavke copper. Bi iTVH-- dsrirslrun. c t tT ts rs, a et. a jr.5 Ci-ATSSMJI canaUns. M aVTrM.ltV Tin. . . am. ea. ss a A rat ex- tr" eaav; spot. Sax. sjajaix. sr. rveartavry, a PP ; rx A Sa. a- ea.- ea c. 0, KBroaar aa.w.rs s as. atarcat, sU-JAtMS-s; April, S4-XJ 42-as: Hay. tC.lteav43 tr Jtzna. oAA en Laavtaa saarkst. Ira: ssan. tut ia; fntirrea. CM ia. Lewd, srtnat. at atajsls at "tew Tor, axel n fjaja ss ad Baua Sc IxKue: IssdESL CS lea. testis-. tns at letUranLat ag New Tsrk. sast fc.I7j4 4T4, j aiU ess kS ear as an Hp Par. re. Sat AAat ttt. LaSOSJC LoSSSBSS. BS ISA. Ants- llnser Jnst- 4aa - avraasaa m JE ! rncmr. doli; Caokssxra. tUL Iran. Cieva- sol land srarmnta, 4te Id tn LoKdset: ktealhr , mZ"Z " . . trow waa BnawtUost: Va .1 fcundrT. rt 73 1 ' t-emdn atwrk sfarket. itjnSJS: No. A iMJeajflt 7S. No. 1 sxmthera I 7OKDOX. Few. aWAsserleajl sa ji Ifea and No. I ants ar-utnern. rr7te13Jp. I were quae, and team re lees rVwrme the I srr Lltrul Fna, BaafCTAla. LataA lea-tv traulirac ueiaav at noavn rne I firm, ainattar. tlrxa, at It As, I was duil with jarsa ranrng Jrarn soa- A A ee sras A ess wool twac aa. aa.. ass, Mst Banc ex. S ws raparal Otka aaot Besta. AAV ANN AH. Ox. Feb. 30. TVRPwTsf T1N g ywwa. 47r; salea, H boss.; receipts, tat bbla: ahlptnenta. XI bbla; ataca. E.sjA bkU. . ft U.S- nrm: saJest. m bbla.: ra eaipca. tjS bbax; sthsmenta. 671 bare.; ouxw? BVU ttMa. -. R aveela.sj: p. Is, trs CAPi: K. ISUKTt: r ana ta. s Its: b and i. iKr,: k. r w. n. N. I7JB; W. O. L4; W. -VT, IT-Pi. Trr SrW TORK. Fek -tRT OOOTta The eottnn rteaia Tcarkao continue stroai with tiwdrBC lighter. Jutrbera are oorng , a eerr nxtr trade. ffl:as mr chap.. 4 tseteiarerr. I il i maaal ntapat fur 4 4 SS STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 IS 4 S 1 14 I IS M IS IS HEIFERS. 4 SI IS I I SIS I S T t avr 4 a 11 BULLS. ' I 111! 4 J. I t : 4 s l 4 7S 4 S 1 i.: im i i CALVES. n n s s l at 4 s i I SM IS 1 I IIP S I 1 IS) t S 1 it -oi I IS SlUt rat-rUS AAU rEEUEKS. u ca i s u m t a I OSS IS S 721 ts I ua t s t s:t t a i.. . mi t ss t s ri 14 is ii lit t s a tit t s i ts t s st ;u t is -il is t s a..: as t a si t a MOOS A crop of over BsOOfl hogs met with a demand that was both generous and fairly active, la contrast to cautious buying yesterday, wnett receipts only moderate. Better competition was tha main feature of the gseaarai trade and enabled sellers ta obtain stronger prtosa ta araoat listaaes-a. although ths marx.pt waa aoKidedly uoeren. Some early bust- Dees ansa done at steady ngurea. teat vatfuce rapidly hnprored. doetng sijalc klglser. iicsaghar quoted, bulk ml racatpta went rmo trroees taai snvwws a -raan-a as? alsaaX A nlcksl. Fres anasssaant eatrtag tha fore part of tha aaaatoa was ftsilowaat try tJwdAng that was ewea Basra aeaj-ra, aad tha ywree rlcsuly ess jtitiiag katng naaA tn -'- at 31 e'etock. aaxltttsra ssrtsjg fuiljr i P traa taataA. Pi efs sire SB wsa tax-rry define! tkro-aajaaxa. xnauanr arexebet saxr STJamy ges-tus uap t-aj-, txaoxrr bxeta drew crastenaT fsrect Om brat lard g-cassea ea ssue t-nat7a-g sa-A. t I as ena-mauid wok ywsurtlsrPs aaran s-je. I laxcoa arerws-ea rarored Irara k-i Orss.; CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Deaaaad for Tattle Blow Hags Straaa Bheea Weak. CHICAtJO. Feb. Se-CALERecelpts lux hesd; market alow; beeves, Ksow 8.90; Texas steers. l ei6.5. western steers. SH.sutr7.uo; stockers and feeders, BUi.l0. cows and heifers. p2.0u-a.i; calves. Ii.6u4l8 0t). H(ti8 Receipn. zc.utu neaa; nutrket strong; light, 15 m e: mixed, l6.ltH(.26; heavy. U.Xi.'6: rough. t5-u;0U; piga li aVriS SO; bulk of sales, nwra.20. SHEEP AND L.A.Yirl-Kcelpts, Z1.VJU head; market weak; native, 33 antjrH.Tt, ui.m tiarafaasD waartlnaa 14aeiA7S lambs, p4.3v4j.7p; western, HtMsAcU. Kaaaaa C'ltr Lira Stack Market. KANSA8 CITT, Feb. 2.-CATTLIB-Ra- celpts, 10.0H) head. Including too hi southsrns; market slow and weak to lsc lower: dressed beef and export steers. W.8SS3IO0; fair to good, 6.M4jS.40; western steers. H.OurOT.a: stockers and leeaera. Ks0t.40; southern steers, ir.00ro.; south ern cows, 3l.otB.tio; native cows, pj.t-ns 1.76: native heifers, t4.7Mlti.36: bulls. 14(A) t. do: calve. t4.ttt,,.tio. HOOS Receipts, lj.tsaj neaa mantet steady to 60 higher; bulk of sales. P.8nij UCH; heavy, pfclMjeuvi; packers ants butchers, tnj.i:ti; iignts, xo.iava.iii, uisa. twTnefi. It. SHEEP AMI LAttBS-iteceipta, i.tw head: market steady to strong; lambs. 5.3t).3f; yearlings, 14.6096.40; wethers. I3.76trl.60: ewes, 3.36&3.ii; stockers and feeders. IC.0otj3.7S. Ut. I.oals Live stock Market. ST. IA1UIS. Feb. 30. CATTLE Receipts, 1.100 head. Including Ks) bead Texans; market Wo higher; native shipping and export steers, I7.0eii 60; dressed and butcher steers, pt.60t8.00: steers under l.OM lb.. tS.3S4l6.76; stockers and feeders. ta.iaxgl.txl; bulls, t3.eut(6.76; calves, 16(0jl Alii Texas and Indian steers, p.ootjr7.tu; cows and heifers, 1 (Otrt.OO. HOU a Receipts, lo.ugu head: market sc higher; plga and lights, o.0tStV3O; mixed snd butchers, Iti.lMjn.S; good heavy, t.26 iM36. SHEEP AND lambs Receipts. t,tw head; market 10c lower; native muttons, 3.76cjS.t: lambs. o.ott,.6t); culls and bucks, ll.WQS.sti; stockers, p2.tivtia.tsj. til. Jeeeph Lire Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. Jp-CATTLE ' Receipts, LSOO head; market slow, steera 6.36a7.76; cows and heifers, 3.Ktrp.p0; calves. i.0i7.60. HOtitJ Receipts, t.tw neaa: market strong: top, tb.S; bulk of sales, pB.ftttjti.IS. SHEEP AND LA 34 ESS Receipts, 1.30V hesd; market strong, samba, t6.00vd.ts. Stark la Sight. Receipts of live stock at th five prtn- TAFT'S 11EC0RDIS APPROYED President's Followers in Wiscojjjrir. Itemand Eeriomination, WICKE2SHAM TALES ON TBTJSTS Attoraey Geaeral Deelarea Claaaos Agwtaat Ewforoeaaeat af Skeraaaa law Ralaed by Tkoae lataT ested la la fair Baalaeaxa, MILWAUKEE, Feb. SO. Cnqualtfled ap. proval waa given President Taft'a ad ministration by a large representation of hla followers from all parts of Wisconsin at a banquet last night following a confer ence at which delegates-at-large to ths republican national conertion wers nom inated. Attorney General George W. Wlcker &ham was the guest of honor at tha ban quet And gave the principal eddreea, tak ing for his subject "Tha Administration s Anti-Trust Record." Ths resolutions which wers prepared by a committee appointed at tha conference wers read at ths conclusion of Mr, Wick ers ham's address and adopted unani mously. The document records approval of President Tatt's record In tha pre! dentlal chair and demands that ha be renominated and re-elected. Speecb of Wlckershaas. Mr. Wlckersham declared clamor against, th enforcement of the Sherman anti trust law had been raised by thoaa In terested In unfair business methods and "who have read tn th active, rlgllanl prosecution of that law under President Taft. the doom of their practices, and, who, threatened with th loss of Illicit gain, seek to destroy both tha law that condemns them and the executive that brings them to execution." Reviewing tn detail "th administra tion's anti-trust record," the attorney general rose to this climax in trlbuts to President Taft for his course In en forcing th law: "Under th wise, patriotle and effi cient administration of William Howard Taft. this vigilant and persistent exer tion of ths executive department In th enforcement of this law has never slack ened nor failed. If th peopl under stand and approve, as they will and must, with what splendid courage and single mindedness that great patriot has di rected th Impartial enforcement of this law, they will continue him la his high office to so far work out tha problem of squaring business practice) with th laws of ths land as to maka Impossible for tha future tha recurrence of those abuses which tn th past have threatened tha stability of our Institu tions through tha unchecked power of continued wealth.'' Th attorney general gava aa historical sketch of th silts and prosecutions which have been brought under tha Sher man law since Ita enactment Pieced ta Eaforce Law. Tha republican platform of 1901. ha sddsd, had referred to th prosecution of Illegal trusts and monopolies aa among tha treat' accomplishments of th Roose velt administration and declared that tha Kherman law had bean a wholesome in strument for good tn th hands of a wis and fearless administration. Mr, Taft In hla speech of acceptance of th presi dential nomination, ha continued, had pledged himself to th enforcement ot that law. Discussing th questions Involved In th civil and criminal suit begun under president Taft, Mr. Wlckersham declared that they all Involve some, variety of th same offense, namely th effort to secure and maintain control over busi ness by methods which are aiwaye un fair oometlmes unfair to each other, always unfair to outsiders aad always unfair to tha publio In eneraL Oaa and all of them Involve th effort, more or leas subtle, mora or lea brutal, on th part of a limited number ot men to con trol aa nearly aa may be aa antlr In dustry or th antlr bjitlnesa la a par ticular part of tho country for their own benefit, and to destroy that equality ot opportunity la others which ts th birth right of ovary American. These war tha evlla to mast which tha tihermaa law waa enacted, and th snforoatnent ot thai law by th present arlmlnlatralloa baa been directed particularly against that sort of unfair dealing which wheat known and understood ta ooadomnad by all rlgtjt tnlndad men, but which, working In dark nesa, cloaked under forma of law and surrounded with tha inanUa of rwapeota bllity. Is not so readily understood." Prof. Albert HerteL BhTRLIN, Feb. 10. -Prof. Albert Hartal, tha noted painter of landscapes and still Ufa, died bar lata last evening la his th year. Persistent Advertising Is th Road ts B:g Returns. cipsl weatern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. outh Omaha 6. Jim I6.1tw li?looj St. Joseph 1,900 tots) l.As) Kansas City lo.')0 uov t,ouu Mt. l-ouls 3.10") ln.ouo 6.HUO Chicago 6.000 33.090 ,U00 - Totals 36J0O TH.tev ,3): BOSTON, continues msrket strong. Wsetl Market. Feb. 30. The wool fairly active and Trading covers A wide range with the; heaviest transfers in medium and low I grade territory. There Is constcerahle i contracting for the new clip and I'tah , flock masters are demanding from 15 to . It cents. Old nearby wools are becom ing scare and 39 cents Is demanded for I one quarter blood combings, while 4 llontaaa aella at 33 rente, with fine staple territory at as cents cleaned. UT. LOCIS. Feb. 39.-WOOL Ptesdy; territory and western mediums, lafjlsc; i fin mediums, ls017c: fine, 3081SC. Cattsa Market. NEW TORK. Feb. .-CTTON-ipot closed quiet; unchanged; middling up lands, 10 osc: middling gulf. ta.75c; sales, none. Futures opened steady; February. 1. 10c; March. Miac: April. iA38a bid; May. rO.ilc; July. 14.48c; August, Mile, September, 30.41c; October, Ml43c; Novem ber, at-etc; December, kVMc; January. 1 baca a .etaavea rarorea iron , saxrd and smtSssjos jpnaw sat Ors AVJ asaa-k. jarnns; -was Oaaaha May Market. OMAHA. Feb. ax HAT No. L nt 00: No. 3. HI. St: eoara. H3.lt; packing stock, l7.pBtl.e: aifaifa. Hi S Straw: Wheat. rym aad oala, Bjojatja. Sagmr Marks. KSTBT TORK, Fek. St BUG A R-rlrm : Baaarssrada, teat. AJOc; centriragai. t test. AJbc; uinlsnsa St test. ASc; nsaasd. X3TBX, CONDUCTOR SHOT BY F00T PAD WHO THEN RUNS AWAY JL JL. men, a ttisat ear ooraluctor. was sQjrjBPj ka has car st tit eraf ef tka Far- tar wwnOarw at klsx. atilini; wxh kat sack ts Uss SDavw kaaikad a th As TVhfta JoaiusS areona he saw a 3b aid al Maa and heard Its ASSETS REALIZATION COMPANY OAJrTTAX. .SlO.otaxjlOO W1U lean on aacurlty requlr Ing asocial lnvsstlgatlon r close supervision, aad net avallabl tor bank loans. Largs snterprleea finanosd. Prompt invoatlgatlon at swourlty offered, whatever Ita character or location. COItRISPONDINCE INVITED W TOaUC t tximnmmjR1?? VMBfal. tVsOtid.wtiirrB Vttn, Milk ftr. MatarollU. Old Har, I Irwr It U ksMlictf. 4Ko(hiix3. ilrtKiuxibt-D'nc u4 l- afmttM aUla- tTsIMl IntrSsUaUOS fmmpitj. OeriHfr4 4VitHP w-a as W UaxeaaiswT R ll Kyv. 1. roMawfaaL rhsVii tMWrMl TwaiTB Ut tmilT brorisj ajmiistotf aaVrslitj loss of Wool littf Tft 'HJ11.N JR. ocl imrtjl Mew 4. MIL VMM aMtrtlf sMitlsa. Vj I in llliil to ili-wtertOom nM d4 U! kjjjajj sjjo tfrjQftia VI lh tllfwB sUaMS J -if Ma ABaOKrllN M. JR. U .rlimhla- ) lfcM UiUbbU.W forttentJitvDd brnlM tlu(ttMeiU rra smc oraoie. 4p widjd Dn-M, Utt-mmA nmliTii' tavar IrTiafcilaa guiim. BntJ .vsaVa " ' '- - mm tm-m tf JB SSf MOlkadi at SAJTSJM3ri-aew- ajjaBjaojaiaat. . aav a axst xatdat 1 ssTVasgk La t wrasxa was sruidssr wkra sssaa. JTOM BAJaJI ia Ti.n.i nallaiaal Taatbeuk Oe. atocX I JO latar. BaUac. Fwk. rta snack aad ta ataasrsa af Oomxeoa awpek. fua lata. OooU fc AVaax. Co- 1 Band Na reastaxahle ctfrer deribaeal aa IrvneBj are requireol biimejdixielj- Ad-a trees T 331 car Be office. V 16