Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Fair Play in Politics.
"0i ndeb BY KDWARD K'jSKWATfcH I By stranse coincidence on the very
day that Congressman Hayeh, one of
the California insurgents, rises to
rotest against the unfair method!
victor rosew 'ateic kdiwr. lLIjf.MJ. KAUSAM ANti i'fil.
k.r.lered at Itiloll cc as utoaii-.
a-a matter.
; employed against President Taft by
SI jlll ' rru.J, " ' "
;w stops and local regulation begins
is a question that would eventually
go to the courts for determination
and likewise whether home rule reg
lations adopted by the people ot any
locality are paramount to legislature
enacted law, and whether initiative
and referendum measure are para-
S'Olua Bee, on c-i...
iwi.kA.i. . nn vt-ar H.iM: rratit flrean anneals tn democrats to
UsJy Be and unjv. oneVy: ... --!, . ,,,, ., ,.'' mou" ,0 botn- Wlth lawmaking
lEUVERt.U M l ,. -
Evening Bee m ih sundavi. v' mo...- ; Governor Harmon bv partisans of
laily be (Inclccling Sunday!, per im-J, ' .
lieMy Br iwiti-out sundy. per mo. " other democratic candidate. It is
powers lodged concurrently in sev
eral separate and distinct bodies, the
that whatever i
courts wlH have to be the ultimate
. Af.e-cas a. I romrlainti. or '"'- Drmr , riwlare.
diiy to .cm- (:ryui.-. ;';n uep.. - ".. . ... ! arbiters of everv anna rent conflict nr .'' " . .,; . '
kkmi 1 1 A.xcr.M. mere is that is wean in tne puniir; " ,' at oiair ana im tn-
Q!cokin Backward
IhisDay inOmalia
Thirty Iran Ago
The PlefeMJit flours reception
held at Masonic hall, to get under the
wire before Lent, tomorrow being Ash
Wednesday. Owing to the snowing up of
life BeeS LeHerBox
.. j . . . .... . r. ..' -i 1 nnltr.
payable to The itec l'ut-'shtue company I ierord of any candidate, should be J
Only --cent .-.arnp receive ln searched out and discussed, but "the
of .mall account. Person, cr.eeics, e :
cept on Omaha and eastern escbaiige. 001 1 spirit of fairness should govern." It
Omaha The h Bcnlrting.
Jk- ilh Omahi-.-Sl! N HI
I'oiincll Bluff-73 Scott St
Lincoln W Uttl M.iildinr
Chicao-lM Marquette BuUtling
Kihmi City.-Relian'-e Bulillnr.
Xew York-M t Thlrtv-thlid.
w,'ashingto?v7? Kmirteenth al.
reminds democrats that after the j
Bright Future for New States.
Arizona and New Mexico made
nominations will come a long and TerT good ahowlngs of their re-
hard campaign for election "In which ources Precedent to their admission
democrats must tie able to fight
to statehood and declared that state
s' w.
Communication! r latins to news and
editorial matter should he srtdreased
Omaha Be, Editorial Department.
boulder to shoulder, comrades In I booi mou,d become powerful
body and soul, n; they can hope
win no victory."
if these admonitions are fit and
timely caution for democrats, they
are equally applicable to republicans.
The spirit of fair play Is necessary In
the preliminaries to the republican
casement of ail the Omaha bands for
tha mt;ucaie ball. President gqulres
found some difficulty In securing soma
muflc. but finally bridged over the
dreadful chasm of a portioned party with
Corporal sand's string band from Fort
Omaha. The last figure of the last
lancer wan concluded as the clock
struck 12.
The rive days Just passed are pro
nounced the worst weather of the who!
winter. Lots of snow and steady cold.
t0 1 stimulus to their growth in every
way. Statehood has Incomparable
advantages, commercially as well as 'Sithough tn thermometer did not go
politically, over a territory. Popula-ib"ow
tion and Industry follow the Hag and K""" c- 1-uc-"- " ww
the flag in this instance Is a itste L,t , mber of (lrra or
Ml, nf VahrttVl fV.intv itf rmiisla. !
Pwight wiu:ama, circulation aianaaei ;cunveution in tne interest ot repun-
ef Th Be Publlehlns imuany. hems
duly sworn, says that the averas dally
elrejlatlon. laaa spotted, unused and re
turned eople. (or th month of January,
, uu. was m.lTL
Ilreulntlnn Manaarr.
' ausacrlbed m n.y preen and oni to I propriety and decency in their
le m tnts i,tn nay o. M-nruarv. ii.
It-Mi.) ltOHKftT Ht'NTKR.
Notary P-bik.
Mean success at the polls, and Con
gressman , Hayes does well to call a
halt on his Insurgent associate! who
have been overstepping all bounds of
forts to undermine the president and
to bead off his growing strength.
Sakarrlbcra leaOaat Ike elly
easwrarilr 4mM Hat Th
wall M tkea. Aadrr
till fc ekaaat-d a (ta aa re-
If joo have lot yet taken In the
, auto show, you ought to. .
No true democrat will alp his mint
' Julep through a straw vote.
Th Omaha Auto show is starting
out faat and bo speed lltn.IL
Pools are open on Mike Harring
ton. Com on, you Chris Oruentbet
' fellows, be game.
The per' capita circulation has
rise to S II. Wo know where to
locate the ft cents.
, Though Or. Bun Is no longer presi
dent, the light of the new Chinese
' republic it III shines.
Secretary Knox still has a few
other belligerent Latin republics oa
hi calling list besides little Colombia.
Th midnight footpad la abroad
agala. He Is on enemy to law and
order who Is entitled to no sympa
thy. ,':.';'
, A southern paper says th Wllsoa
. boom l now a tornado. Then It will
ha spent itself loaf before November.
Two self-sacrificing patriots: John
O. and Ralph E. They should have
their reward in the Deal! world if not
la this.
Perhaps th Major Ray and Cen
tra! Alnsworth Incident had to com
to sav th army life from Innocuous
Doubtless Senator La Follette la
saying to himself, "If I had only
staid away from that magatln pub
lishers banquet"
Poor Oeneral Alnsworth, out of a
Job with a pension of only 18,000
year for the rest of bis life. Is en
titled to sympathy. ' ' -
Secretary Knox 't Mission.
The UKtempered art of the Colom
bian republic Washington repre
sentative In advising Secretary Knot
that It weuld b an "Inopportune"
time for blm to visit Colombia is not
the only remarkable circumstance
which lends special significance to
the secretary of state' tour of the
Latin-American republics. He could
scarcely have gone at a time when
more general uneasiness existed. But
this trip must have a very definite
purpose back of It, and that purpose
probably would not exist If normal
conditions obtained In the Caribbean.
Mr. Knox proposes to visit Cuba.
Haytl, San Domingo, Venezuela,
Nicaragua. Panama, Honduras, and
probably Mexico. Colombia was in
cluded In the Itinerary and may yet,
depending upon Bogota's action, be
relncluded. To Cuba It was neces
sary recently for President Taft to
say that unless Interna! disorders
were allayed, the United Btate would
have to intervene again under the
original power conferred upon it.
The government of Honduras lately
Instituted suit agalust th I'nlted
State syndics! operating th Hon
duras railway and feeling ran so
high that the American consul was
denied twenty-four hours In which to
aak hi government for advice thus
necessitating the landing of A merl
es n troops to protect our Interests.
In Mexico tber I need for a better
mutual understanding between that
government and th I'nlted State.
Mr. Knox, therefor, will have
enough to do In th way of con
ciliation to make hi trip a notable
a that of Secretary Root to Central
and South America In 10. And
the beneficial results of the Root
mission have never been questioned.
President Taft, himself, a secretary
of war, mad th most notable tour
of friendship among th nation and
then established th wisdom ot such
a departure In diplomacy. European
nation have proved th expediency
also. Personal Interview between
governmental representative, under
such circumstances, generally" pro
duce good results. Secretary Knox's
visit to Mexico Is said to depend
upon developments there, but In
some circle It Is believed that ilex-
v.w itiaf tha auurema court va
cancr ha heeB filled with a .dark! I ! hi. chief objective point. There
horse appointment even Coventor
Aldrtch ought to feel kindly toward
President Taft.
Now that our city councllmen have
declared themselves, and all the other
oBclals, perfectly Immaculate from
paving graft, tbcra is no use talking
about It any more.
Th Nebraska woman who wrote
her nam an egg and married the
mat who bought It. took a fair
mean ot testing her . future hus
band's financial ability. .
With 1(8,000 population Toledo la
credited with more than 700 saloons
and about 130 churches. And yet
Reformer Brand WhlOock has been
mayor tber far three terms..
Is certainly need for such a call there.
The Hon Xule Amendment.
An acrimonious debate baa been
started over the scope nd purpose of
the so-called municipal home rule
amendment which the people ot Ne
braska are to vol in or out of
their constitution this year. Officer
of the Antl-8aloon league are. de
manding that th amendment be
defeated for fear It my open the
way for the nullification in cities ot
he 8 o'clock closing law, the Slo-
cumb law and other statute for re
pression of the liquor traffic. On
the other side, champions of the
amendment lnajst that whatever
powers are granted under it are sub
ject to state law regulatiag the
same subject, which must control
It do, seem a. if Chris Gruenlher. "d th,a Wto of the
Secretsry Fisher of
the Department of the Interior, upon
his return from Alaxka, declared
that the proper form of government
would transform Alaska Into a verit
able empire, able In a few years to
support 3,000,000 farmers and tat
tle raisera alone. Why should not
statehood do correspondingly ve
for these two new states
The building of the Panama canal
will, undoubtedly, mean much to
Arizona and New Mexico In the way
of better transportation and en
larged commerce. Thl prospect t ill
soon need no public acclaiming, we
imagine. It. will get all It might re
quire from the ever alert land man,
who never overlooks such an oppor
tunity to bid for Immigration. So we
may expect to see finer rivalry from
now on between the land boomer
of the southwest and those ot the
northwest, whose appeal has every
degree of merit bark of It.
But Arizona and New Mexico must
develop industrially as well as agri
culturally, and tbey have th mineral
resource for that. In many ot the
principal metals they are abundantly
supplied, and their manufactured
products already amount to much
more thau is generally supposed, but
the attraction to capital and col
onization will be greater now and
thus Insure more rapid development.
What I to become of those La Fol
lette boosters who burned their
bridge behind them, and who cannot
easily Imitate the acrobatic of Git
ford Ptnchot and Governor Hiram
Johnson? How are tbey going to
get across th stream from the La
Follette ramp to the Roosevelt en
trenchments? W suggest that they
could come across for Tart Just as
gracefully aa they could back up to
the Oyster Bay statesmsn.
. What has become of the ordinance
passed about a year ago limiting the
amount of street space to b seized
by building contractors, and requir
ing them to keep a protected aide
walk passage open for pedestrian
during construction period? Are our
building Inspector asleep, or do fa
vored contractor bar a pull?
When "Mike" Harrington made his
attack last year on Harman, be
wanted It arbitrated by the demo
cratic atate committee. What th
democratic atat committee would do
with th chargea Harriugton prefer
against Harmon this year could
easily be forecasted.
MrXtunara & iAtcaa.
The tale ot the Methodlxt church prop
erty at the corner of Seven
teenth and Capitol avenue to Gil
bert M. Hitchcock has been closed
IhruUah BcmU real f-tato agency, th
consideration being tU'X. Mr. Hitchcock p!ann rtady for a brick of six two-
htory und swell front residence, so ar-
.n ranxod that they can be changed into
c.i , .
i mores tvnen tne locality aemanua u.
The Kmtr.i-t Monument association gave
a KTati'l ball at Kuony'a hall In honor of
this birth-lava of Washington and Henry
(.rattan. ul.Sh brought out a large at
tendance. Look out for Increased gas bills, sir.
Oeorg 11, Barker's wit presented him
with a fine pair of twlna yesterday.
Prosecuting Atlo.ney Buinham claims
that Walter In a candidate for
tha poaltlon hu now holds.
It Is aaid wild rabbits are causing sad
havoe to fruit trees all over th country
In some orchard hundred ot trees are
aahl to hav been skinned and killed by
the long-cared animals, of which there
ar said to be thuusanda this winter.
This r-hrov Tueadsy was a great night
for maatiueradea, th Mannechor holding
forth In both Turner and Mets hails. One
of tha novelties was the Vienna ladles'
orcheHtis. conipoeed of members of the
society uniformed and playing on mimic
band inatrumenta.
Th school board Is at least mak
Ing progresa when members, who alcorli-s K.
Twenty Tears Ago
iteunion ul tn luembera of th district
Turnvereln was held at Uermania hall.
Lincoln, Fremont. PlatUmouth. Sioux
City and Omaha were represented. Fred
Brellllng of Fremont took the honors in
calisthenics and field sport. Henry Rlx
In putting th shot threw thlrty-aeveu
pounds eighteen feet and wis Inches.
A large plat window In Gladstone's
Douglaa street store mysteriously
Tfte tale of seats for Mme. Bernhardt
In "I Tosca" on her farewell lour be
gan at the Boyd.
William M. I'wyer. 4 years of at,,
died at tola realdeea, Tl North Thlrty
Ightn stmt. ,
In responee tn tiovernor Uoyd'a letter
asking for opinion a to th advisability
of ra'llng an eilra semrlon th Ioug a
county d-tegalion waa to hav met at
th Iiellone hotel tn discus th matter,
but did not because Htate Senator warren
Mwltsler wss sbeent from th city, tleurgt
J. ftternadorf said he was for an eilra
session to consider th reduction of
freight rates.
B A. Cudahy said that In view of th
additions to be made to his looking plant
h would want to kill KfliXW more cattle
th next year, and tn order to do this
would hie to r.-ai b. down Into Texas for
th stork, provided dlwrlmlnatlng freight
rates on cattle were removed.
Tea Years Ago
Th local a.umnl of the I'nlvtrttty of
Michigan voted to have a banquet on the
evening ot March II The mutter was
placed in the hands of a commute con
sisting of laador SJclglcr, L. K. Crofoot,
A. U. Kl lk. C. U. McDonald and J. A.
Or. George I- Miller delivered a lecture
at Castellar Presbyterian church on the
subject ."Omaha Kitty Yeara Ago and
Now." lr. Miller waa Introduced by
few weeks ago denied that any de
ficit existed, now admit to a general
fund shortage ot I SO, 000. The ques
tion Is, however. What are they
going to do about It?
The city council proclaims pub
licly and most - emphatically that
there I no uch thing as paving
graft in Omaha, and wisely cautions
the paving contractors to be more
careful In the future.
ta at Ik rtlekf
C1v)and leader.
Wood row Wilson says that his mind
Is a one-track road. That being th rase,
he should be accustomed to being Side
tracked. ,
Aa SCaaeay apaale. '
Washington Mtsr.
Brian's hint that Clark ought to push
Underwood fa mrety another capsule in
th Nebrkan's phamiacy .of untaaen
Rev. hdnAid K. Trcfs spoke at the an
nual banquet of th Ri-a.1 Katate exchange
on "What Makes a Good Ctty-Uood Citi
zenship." E. A. Beneon scied a toast
master and other al'eakers war Joha U
McCsgue, John . Knox, W. U Selhrj-A.
U. Charlton.
Rev. Robert Kerr Kcile of Bowline
Ureen. O., wa called aa. the paator ot
Immanuel Bapflat church of Omaha.
lr. F. I. Borglum, police surgeoa, was
confined to his room with a broke area
and a badly sprained back, th result
ot a wrestling match with Pat McCarthy
at Crelghtun Medical college.
Mrs. K. B. Talmas and Mrs. lothy
Talmage entertained la th afternoon at
the horn of the former. 61 Mouth Twenty-seventh
street. Th lira wa devoted
to progressive games, for which several
prlies wer awarded. Th arinnters war
Meadame Kdtr Allen. W. B. Rhode,
Joseph Clarksoo and Miss A le Alexan
der. '
by drawing th cold record oa Mike
Harrington, had gained th upper
band for th Harmonltea la this Ne
braska democratic imbroglio.
anti-saloon people are unfounded. If
not mere pretext.
The Be baa alway favored the
fullest measure ot horn rule for
cities, and would not balk at the
Mayor Shank of Indianapolis, who amendment even If it did exactly
ha stsrted the city market plan. hat the anti-saloon leaguer con
agree with Mr. Edison thst folk! tend, being perfectly willing to trut
ought to get p in th shank of theithe people of ee h community to de
day so a to get something done. -l" for themselves how many, if
jny, saloons they want, and how
Th chief igBifkanr of th raids j many hour during the day they
by our reform democratic sheriff Is, should be open for business. We be
that our democratic county attorney I lieve, for example, that the people of
could not hav looked very hard' Omaha, directly, or through their
when he set oat to enforc th Albert , duly constituted representatives.
law. I could decide upon these minor police
regulations for themselves Just as
well as member of the legislature
chosen from rural dlstricta.
For argument, however, we most
difference of opinion as to where the
line would be drawn under th pro
posed amendment, particularly if the
pending Initiative and referendum
amendment tiiould be adopted at the
same time. Exactly where the state
Congressman Hayes of California,
a good insurgent, in rebuking the
vicious ajsaaits upon the chief ex
ecutive of the nation, i entitlod to, admit that there is some room
and wilt receive a fair hearing from
every faJr-mladed, Baprejudked
man, hot. of cow-so, not from those
fesr whoe who! antagonism to
Preaidewt Taft rest upon personal
grievance or political disappointment
tin for r'alare lltstortaaa.
.-I. Ijiuls i ; lobe Democrat.
By a coincidence China beratne a re
public on Abraham Lincoln's birthdav.
Historians of the future will irac the
continuing cause and effavt la the great
struggle for th preservation of the
American union.
People Talked About
Has las Noticed II f
Indianapolis New.
The Standard ha Jutt declared a dlvi-
Presldent Davh! Starr Jordan cf Stan
ford university UII h;a atudents that
vr since the battle of Waterloo th
Rothschilds have been the actual ruler
of Europe, and that the European nation
are so in debt to them that it would be
, . ..... rr
The c hineee reiionr m a-wi iw
.mire an array of "lame duck" more for-
mldable than oar. Th asreeenent be- j
Protest f at Traveler.
OMAHA. Feb. l.-To th Editor of Th
Bee: Your Juvenile court Is poorly equip
ped when it has to break up an entire
family, separate the children from their
mother, send lb mother to a she iter
home and put th husband In Jail. Put
th husband to hard labor and turn his
entire earning over to the family; parol
him after thirty days and keep him under
polio nirveiUnc until k la taught how
to treat bis wife and how to support bis
family. Th lawyer who advised the poor
mother for a dlvorc and took t from
her ought to be Induced to work on a
farm for a living. CHAKLEH FEDER,
Cleveland, O.
The Rlajkl-of-Way Haeatiaa.
SILVER CREEK. Nb-. Feb. l.-To the
Editor o! Th Be: I am In receipt ot
a "Brief la Re: Right-of-way of the
I'nion Pacific Railroad Company." by
W. A. princ of (I rand Island and T. J.
Mahoney of Omaha, attorney for the
Valley Karmera Protective association,
recently formed among right-of-way
farmers west ot Grand Island.
This brief appears to be a general
statement of the case of the farmers in
their contest with the t'nlon pacific Rail
road company over right of way. The
purpot appears to be to enlist public
support for a right-of-way bill pending
before congress.
In limited space It Is Impossible to
enter Into a general discussion ot this bi'l
and to review tha brief aa 1 would like lo
do, but I do wish to state, with all em
phasis, that that brief Is full of mlsstate-
metita and th bill Itself is a dead
(lv-away of the farmer. If th bill had
been drafted at i'nion Pacific headquar
ters in Omaha It would not well have
been put la letter shape to serve the
purpose of th company.
Read th proposed bill carefully and
you will sea that its paaaag would put
congr oa record a holding to th
sound nes of th proposition that th
Union Pacific la under the law entitled
to a right-of-way of S feet. A declara
tion to that effect by congres would
help yon farmers a whole lot, wouldn't
It? And thst Is what your attorneys ar
trying to gat fr yu. Can't you see that
you ate being double-crossed?
As everybody knows, when the I'nion
Pecirte sold Hi odd numbered sections
it reserved only N feet as a right-of-way,
but st th asm time It sold th
other MS feet of its alleged right-of-way
of feet. It is now claimed that under
a decision of th suprwm court th sale
of the S feet was Illegal and congress
Is aaked to legalise th sal. But If con
gress should do thst It would be indirectly
saying that the company was entitled to
reel. For If that ISO feet was not a
part of the right-of-way then th ssle
was unquestionably perfectly valid, and
don't need sny confirming. It would
necessarily follow that In th opinion of
congres th company wa entitled to 00
reet on the even numbered sections, th
very thing thst we farmers hav always
been denying. True, the bill prohibits
diminishing the right-of-way to a less
width than 1) feet on each slue of th
track. But that applkrs diractly only to
th odd numbered sections snd could
have no effect on th ven numbered sec
thin. Therefor, what good would it
b to right-of-way farmers or even num
bered sections?
Th brief state that the supreme court
has recently held that congress may re
viae Its Judgment as to th neensarv
width of a right-of-way. If so, why then
should not a bill hav been prepared
limiting the company to fifty feet on
each aid of the track which, aa a general
propoaltlon. I all they have used snd
all they need. Thst would glvs th farm.
ers all they have claimed (snd no mora)
na would let th company sell fifty feet
mors on each aid on odd numbered sec
tion without in any wsy Interferrlng
with the operation of the road. As a
matter of fact I for yeara past have con
sidered preparing such, a bill, but hav
permitted myself to b dissuaded by at
torneys who. for some reason or other
almost Invariably look at things from a
corporation view point, tiuch a bill should
b at one prepared and Introduced and
that daisy ot a bill now pending before
congress fired Into th Junk heap.
Call-Dsna for Antl-alal4a.
OMAHA Feb l-To the Kriltn. .( it..
- wa . u
Bee: I notice an item, atatinv iii i
Anti-saloon league wss going to oppos
th constitutional amendment giving cltlea
over a SO copulation the hk
- -v. . uiaB,
their own charter
The report slated that the Male superln
tendant of th leeau aaut k.
amendment would give Omaha the right
anaui in Albert law and th I o'clock
Th anwadrnent. If It carries, will not
giv any city th power to annul any
Mat taw. In Section 3 ot the bill you will
noa in roiiowtng provision:
"Any city having more than .
habitants may form a charter r,.r
own government consistent with and eub-
jc to tne constitution and th laws
tbis stst."
This bill passe without a ,ni. ..
against it la th senate and only seven I
against it in th house. Wet snd dry
sllke voted for the MIL
It Is In line with the progressive We.
Nearly every monarchy In Kurop have
granted local aelf-rovemiwnt ,k.i.
dependencies. Many state In the Voton
uava srantea municipal Mix-government
lo their cities and towns. The position of
th Anti-Saloon league of this state la
opposing this amendment. Is re-actlon-ary
and out ot keeping with advanced
clvllsatlon. The progreealv Idea te. "Let,
th people rule." Th closer ywu keep the
government to th people the better the
term has come up since Washington's
day was in 1&6 when an attempt was
made to nominate General Grant for a
third term. That attempt failed com
pletely, and circumstances disprove flatly
the Outlook's contention.
New Tork Sun: From the Outlook
dated today t Saturday) we derive and
humbly reproduce this masterly attempt
st clarification: 'The situation may per
haps be mad clear by a homely illustra
tion. When a man says at breakfast
In th morning. 'No, thank you. I will not
take any more coffee.' it does not mean
that be will not take any more coffee
tomorrow morning, or next week, or next
month, or next year." But when a man
in the White House declares with ail the
emphasis ot plain language that the wise
custom which limits th president to two
terms regards th substance and not the
form, and that under no circumstance
will be be a candidate for or accept an
other nomination, he refers to s wis cus
tom unbroken equally as to consecutive
and non-consecutlv terms, and he doe
not mean that be will not refuse to run
for a third term next time, or the time
after next or the time after that. The
coffee argument Is slops.
"An heiress Is sn exception to all or
dinary business rules."
in what way?"
"if she wants to save her money she
ought not to husband her resource."
Bait:mor American.
Passerby (to stout party who has fal-leni-Too
bad. sir: Was it a piece of
Ice you slipped on?
Stout Party No. yon fool! It was a
sheet of sandpaper. Boston Transcript,
Real Estate Operator Did you accept
young Rlcbieigh when he proposed last
night? , . .
Daughter We didn't close th deal, b'lt
I took an option on th property. Life.
"Is your husband sticking to his resolu
tion to give up smoking?"
Mercy, no! Haven't you noticed how
good natured be tor '-Chicago Record-
Minor Baaeal fraaa Texaa.
Houston Post.
Mr. Bry an probably loves Lincoln. Neb..
but doesn't try to show it by remaining
sny length of time there.
limply Marked I p. j
St Louis Republic.
It taken a long time in the court that
Is trying the beef barons to prov In a
legal way how they marked up price.
As the fact was presented to the con
sumer, however, tney simpiy maraeo
them up.
When the fields sre bright wtth blossoms.
Or the roads are white with enow,
I can hear th merry honking
of th horns where'er I go.
As the cars In long procession
speeding by are lost to view.
Even body has an auto,
Ob! I want one, too.
Blark, and brown, and brilliant yellow,
Red. and blue, and gray, and green.
Touring-car. and giant racer.
Runabout, and limousine.
Cnderalung. torpedo bodies,
Modela old. and models new.
Everybody has an auto.
And 1 want one. too.
young and old. and high and humble,
Lawyer, doctor, millionaire.
Actor, author, priest, professor:
College-boy, and maiden fair.
Butcher, baker, grocer, farmer.
l,o! no matter they do.
Everybody baa an auto,
to 1 want one, too.
1 u vol 1
Ki Maawesiisi jgywliMspjswxWWW
Bake your food with a
pure,Cream of Tarf ar
Baking Powder
w Jiw r t 1111 . r m
Balking Powder
A pure,Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
. .Ct product of Grapes ,0
hope th Aati-Salooa laue w:n
Its anlsta ke and retreat zrom th un
democratic and u a-A ate clean position
bleb It hss take.
71 "h"- Tn "mVmm' ."a"! r th. ImpeelaiW. and the republic!
declared three mon h. ago. and IIS a ' . .M.ocmi,. ..
year ago, snd yet the gasoline for your
automobile doean't seem to coat any less,
la fact, quit on th limitary.
provide that th "Manchua pension
j continue until the stste find them occu
j nation."
! Cai-tain Daniel McLaughlin. CJ years
Aa lafcwaaaa Dwe-trlae. old. who waa th last survivor of the
Brooklyn Eagle. landing party which raised the American
The doctrine of the survival of the fit-1 flag Monterey. CaL. Is dead at the
test ia cited by Jatnea J. Hill In hi ar- j National old:er' home at Sawtell. Cai.
gument for competition. The biggest 1 H commanded the first government boat
stomarti does not always argue the fit- j de gned fer us a a submarine, th
test condition. The survival ot tlie Mc j "Cocas, at Philadelphia,
was du to th rank vegetation on which j Mis Kay Kellogg. New Tork s first uo
the dinosaurs admired by Mr. Carnegie I cvful woman architect, earn g.9 a
fed. In many quarters It Is bettered that rear designing real, comfortable houses
this too now I husasa life and It is a
question It th doctrlo of th sarvlvai
at th fittest Is to be carried to the
sweat shop and the cotton mill wnw
Uttl cbJMrea at stoatcd to fat tea the
nu- '
for women to live la. 8n stuaned kr pra
fesaloa la raria and New Tork. and can
not ety design a boo a, but Is a eapabi
carpenter and Meaanfltter. She knows how
t da, and has dans. aU the work of
svileirjg a house
Philadelphia Record: Those friends ot
Cetonel Roosevwlt who really mala aa
undiminished regard and respect tor him
are none ot them su-gtng him again to be
a candidate tor th presidency. They be
lieve him to be a man of his word, and
that when he declared, November g 194.
"under no cfrcinnsetanee win I be a
candidate tor or aeeept another nomina
tion." sorb declaration waa a finality.
Denver Republican: It was a weak at
tempt which the Outlook mad to show
that th precedent In American hi story
which daclaras that no zsaa shall held
th usasdtacy tor swore than tww term
appn ewly te con catte tsrass. The
Outlook succeed scuy hi eHamtayireg its
lasairanos ef kmtory. The ealy ttm the
queatle ot giving a president a third
Kansas City-Hot Springs Express
Leaves Kansas City 6:20 p. m.
Arrives Coffeyville, 1:25 a, m.
Arrives Fort Smith, 6:35 a. m.
Arrives Little Rock, 12:05 p. m.
Arrives Hot Springs, Ark., 2:25 p. m
This high class aervlce will be placed In
effect January 29th, 1912. Passenger from
Omaha leave I'nion Station via Missouri Pacific!
i0 A. M. Arrive Kausa City 6:30 P. M.
Connect with the Kansas City-Hot Springs
Express No chang of car. 8olId trains.
Coach, Chair Car, Sleeping Car and the best ot
Dining Car Service.
For full information call or address
Traveling Passenger Agent,
Paenger and Ticket Agent,
1433 Farnan Street, or Vnion Station,
Omaha, Xeb.
Assets, Jaaaary 1. 1912 . gfV52.MS.Sl
Reserve land January i, 1912 ol5.0ia.P0
becwrtUr rttb Btat IVepartmetit January 1, llt 343,930.00
f T iuai Oas Insaraao Contract.
Rate per thorn ad, agw So ( Oliver age la proportion), $8.78.
Mortality Cos per tl.000 Insurance Mean Amount. Year 1911, $3.10.
Kepoaitory Banks Appointed. OHO.
Ilm ass la teltrewsaa, tad sine, lawn; Waai, Mosrtana, aTesraaka, Xorth
peseta. Or-. SWotk Bakota, Idaho, WaahtasTtsa, Texaa aa
Wyiaalng. aa pre paring to eater IWajt sad Mk-klgwa.
Has eapahl et aseanctag the bast elans ef H lease treat a atat Btaaagars
aa aoUattosa.
mos trt ova aarooBs.
Home Office: Brandeis Building, Omaha, Neb.
Tetephowe Dottglaa 70S1.