THE BEE: OMAHA, YEDXEsnAY. FEBRUARY 21. W12. f . s V , ' ? I I 11. ;.. v. ,..v : , I , a .w rrttnt-'" -wwliSg --in ' 'i."11110 'ii l"5 JbdeeaTswtwjawSea5 ur m f- I ?1 j rii pinixnriiwi r tit, Zir ' ' -j ytf t i jm'jw -s, j 12 GREETS THE i t i i t , u ; I I ' K- . I ll gift I'Ni Nh f ft t - L ... I .a. 5TPflo W -; ill XARMON "32" S-? HARION AUTO Ctt Wm fM0AlO,M.Ol5TRlBUTOR W7.r utm hwa. weautfi(iuvciOTAiwwiOHaAftU)iia:7 13 Changes noted in the Cadillac line as shown in tho local bhow- room include an automatic electric starting device which also Pi ffl'lNr furnishes light and ignltlou. The iUnt for all this con vaUUlaL t(8ti of a lonumci and powerful dynamo operated by tha engine of the car. The dynamo chat-gen the storage battery. For start ing the engine tho dynamo la temoorarUy aud automatically transformed into a motor, the rurrent to operate itisi motor being furnished by the tores tsttery. Am for ih cur iiveir. It t the pa ma thirty hor pnwr modoi ith whu h the public In familiar, KHUins In mix body type", tnrluOing tourlns i'r phaotnn, rrmd!tr, torpedo, -otite and limouatne. (lutaida of th starttna. Dsn ting and mill uoii 0rtro th Inipruven onla ronatM or to t-amplate Ignition ayin. an Improveti tmrburctor, morn itW(r. larger wheln and tlrea, larar braka 4runm and aietl tiodiea. The vhia ara 3tS by 4 and tho wheel baa lull lncha. The car Is aiatrlbuted in this hcciton by tho (.'ad 11 lac i'o. of omaha, of which Uea it aim la president. The pretty little Electrics with low hung body, eun'ed roof and TT "IT j Hloplita IkI,v aaen on th atnts of (Hosha are the Hupp- 11 111)0 I 2t etttf KlfH trh ; handlM hy the Hufrman Automobllt la, Mrr vj Jy --nram m. Their contrurtton n mkea them aafe. on veittent mim i'onirortDie: tney ure ma aimpie to control ana ecnomltal to operaip that thrlr owners pronounce them th inot efftt-ieiit Klecirlm orothife1. Thev will mn t & to tit miles on one cliare; brake uruiri are ex Ira lurte. The power plant and transmis sion la Iht simplest In any rar being merely m motor driven through s tingle set of vet gear. The motor pinion acta directly on the tear which propsls the rear wheels. The price Is 1, .60.00. Electric Kj Ti E-UY ISMITM, BIST. r, 11 .f ; gSt''"'', a' f 11 , ,,, ifX1 r-ir f Both tlt K-M-F "30" and Flanders ":'0M aro E-M-F "30" Flanders "20" lian.llr.l by Hie Omaha brunch of lh tUii1baker (.'orporalkill uf Annrli whicn or for a tcrrunry In thla w- rum. '1 ho K-M-r for lfn om with fpw met-httnlntt ( hi)K, 4-ln. lonrrr roomier rr lirnrovKl Mwnnir Knr. hoitor r. lliilr for olhn nd xijiihl ins; tlie irli nnl ihroillo ilrl on lop of the tr ln whel anil tho latter mada ir I'lrtaxman walnut. Th ram liany atanda pat on tha motor. Th K-M-r roniva In Tour monxa, Inoludii.g a roraooor fiv paiwrniror tourlnn car, a forraoor urhahia (Ivnil-toiinrau, a forrdo'ir roa.1i.ter. and a i-oup. Tha Klandrra twanly la a lowar priced car than lh i;-I K thirty. In body atylea thrr ara the inradoor five iiaaaeniier touring car. four parvrnfrr auhorban with a detachable rear aeat. two pa enirer aide door roadster, and a two paaMiiaer coupe. Ilia I'laiulera motor la raat err blot' and each of Hh four rvlimlara haa a bora of IS Inrhea and a atroka of i. The traneniieMon la a three apeed albllna tr, aeiertlvely ronlrolled thromh a ain cle gear ahlft lever, mitli the tear houeing mounted tin the rear axle. NO riSlTUK tu the Automobile Show should SteygflS cavc e vly without seeing tho AA JStevens-lhiryen tho ear that keeps JOryeS the American Automobilo up to the European Standard. , It. II. klMUALL. Mtini.larturpd by istevenc-liuryoa i'o., Chtcope! Falls. Msas. THE MARION AUTO CO. believes that each sue- u recdlnif year Ih ing a claaji and crop of nlflrmnn Automobile buyer whuee ti.liidn are on quallty Itwiuvu rather than the leant poeatble liivtment They are baralnft their judgiiient with their money and are orreru: hlKher pmed tara thie year than In tonner yeara The authority for It Is Blmwii In the Marmon car Irom Ita 4-lnt-h lire to Ha Aluminum rtoiiailie and IHfrerential raao with all equipment to rorreaiiono Wllh the adlltlonal aately anl lusurv of a "aelf alarter that really atarta tha car" A food buyer will appreciate that lie ran buy to a better advantage in January than in June Uo and aee W. MiTwnald of the Murlou Automobile Co.. 2101-J I'arnaiu atreet and he will tell you why. The Franklin 'n new season offeriug consists tf II five ehasala and four horhe power, the latter rang rfSflKlin '" frt"n eighteen to liilitylelglii. Hotn m tiauauu BI11 f,lr, made. On ail mixieli but the runabout the force feed rei-lrcuiatlni( oiling ayatetn la uaed. There la a eubhafce below the crank caae and Ivet ween tlieee tnetn ia a fine wire Kauae. A rotary gear pump forcea the lubricant from tlie aubliaHo to the rrank nhaft bearlnga through Individual leads. Kroni the n.aln tiearlng the oil la forced through a hole drilled diagonally through the welt of the crank ahart to the connecting rod bearings. There It la thrown out Into the engine ba.-c and cylinder wall as a tine spray. The excess oil run down through a wire gauze Into ttie eubhaee from where ll started, feiuch old Franklin features aa the multiple disk clutch, contracting bnnd brakes, elliptic springs, laminated wood chaasu frame, an" aluminum crank and transmission are retained, L Hmlth. Kamarn atreet. la distributor for thla line in this part of the country. The Abbott-Detroit line, for which the Huffman it Autonoblle Co. are now direct factory els- Annftll tnbutora. has been out by luo envvvki, addition of a big car which la known a Ti.i..!( It i ifn'od,'1 ' nd "i'lh Is featured by a 4 UrMTOll 44 1,y -"" lonK stroke motor, dual ikiii WV"U" tlon. t;o-lnch wheel base, demountable runs, foredoot body, and two peilal control Uody atviea Include a seven passenger touring car, a demi-tonneau end limousine ailu road. tcr. uesldea the big car the thirty power model w retained wllh few mechanical changes The motor la the same, 4', by 1 1 Inch engine, the wheel i llo inches, and demnutitaMc rims are a talking point. The Huffman lo. is dis tributors for Nebraska norm of the Platte, western Iowa and the south half of Hotith Dakota .1 i "M ' s .- .A W x.K.r;ao" ?M S:fe5TU0tBAKfr CORPORATION OMnERlCA ! IF One of the prettiest Electrics that travels the Rauch & T . mrcetfl is the Itsurh A lAng. The I.JfiP ne shown in the ph-iure on thla j'Rge i nKMiiy fnir oaftaenrer 171 .1.!. r Houmler. ireiauee it is 4 lnrha MIVVMIV o 4-inch orop frane jtd -l-jnrh wheel btH are reetur-i Kulpment offora -Hxi mpe lal Klertnc t::tumaili; tires ur 8x4 Haurh lng Motx high erricieiH-y .Ubhiou tlraa. Sr.. ft drive. 4 cel. a, 9 M. V. or 4u cella it M. V. HianMrd ciulpmeiit at In. Iudv K'xlde or Kude riv- cap" batteries- "lronclmd ivxtde better! are installed ir iealrei ly paying the d.Uerence in coat. Tnta lm is handled m u-t.:, exclusively by the Electric Garafe f'o.t 221 F-arnsoi Ht- Tho 'ltrvitcr" is ix car manufactured by tiie t a i Brlrna-artfoiter Co. cf Detroit. This company llpf rrtfTlM toniMoetd ti men mnx corrected with tne AUvA Vv- r.Kttomo tie P5.iuractrlr tnduatry In ietrit TM fti stvra Uz lJeti-itfr an a:rad- es!atilahed repuuttoo. It t B a iJ hore i-oe-er Tour cylinder motor mat en bloc, wvitn j.4 iuv- l-r, . i i.l. .roe, e:v.osei vn'vmn, eail bearing rrar ehai. Uw4h miiiio. th other poit.t of tucaUencc (oanu in i:si ! wfiij. iwtcH ' thf porar av1 cflr' r::!tle dVa tvp Trar-- 6 "'- fi '". I' tiv titc, r. lth trt hand ilr vr itTfr "Lfii'S- ' t.t tear V .r ,r5 '-'ll fcstini type. 't r"'-ttr ih- 1 F",f d tT te n.KrKel KtTi tit htsh f'e type i'f rear f'jnt ton. vie wheel (afittt Ih I'- v-:i v-:-"j-i-'f 't i rt-.-. ! KhJ- r"cept in- My 1 rvr: . ? rHret v- f u I ! "owi prtPJe wita j-4ti.f,r4. T'.e frrt unftirs e nei1 -,;. fi:' , :e rnr, e fu!t n:atTt-t :tc rri .1 (et. -"-Uel r:-!? (uaJ!t:c I"ne ' "roUer ( : 'vnr'-ttiy t-'-I.ij a i fcIie 1 ' ' ' iTnZ EZTROITZX. "2 5" P TMF Tft WnRTHWfll I m IM.XT I TH DZTROITZR "-2 5' I THE T.&.NORTHWALLCO. DI3T. Sj