Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1912, AUTOMOBILES, Image 12

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Automobile Hot Suited to Every
! Tenon's Physique.
iBISini IS SOT FOR ill
1 Daetera Crse
Maaeratlea far the
Ih Swift far
gasea Pre ttrtw far
W alkies.
AutomoblUng Is not for all prsons.
There art folks to whom itlii benefit
which couM be (at In DO older wsr. To
.oilier agate a rlda (or any length of time
unless an Terr smooth reads and vary
deliberately undertaken positively M
harmful. Thl Isn't to aay that a doctor
adTloa ar permission should be got be
fore aa automobile la purchased, but It
should be remembered that wen those
those laooma seta aa bar sometimes per
,(oroa go autemoMleles.
It la the duty of. persons who feel roa-
lalsa and dlstresa after axtsnded trips
to dlsooTsr whether the causa lias In
automoblltng. The disinclination to walk'
Ins axsrclss, to which ths possession of
aa automoblls predisposes. Is something
that may be responsible for the feeling
of discomfort la th early days of mo
toring having a car did not mean freedom
from walking by a whole lot, but by new
th machine baa grown out at many of
Its early faults. Th reasonable man,
however, who la In good health, gats re
turn la fresh air wbil motoring enough
to offset the lack of eierclse.
Thar ar soma doctors whs say that
nerds Is overdone, that enough can be
got la brief walks to take one through
the ear. They ceeraoterlss much of th
it nasi system of exercise, as evereser-
clss. U that la a motarUU need not
fear tkay are rtdlnc tea much. However,
It h) wall to remember that where ana
nan gels robust and healthy an coellnu
eua rMInt another may get thoroughly
av iv,..,.
Madmtlaa trsan.
Madvatlon la a good bet any Urn It
starts sad this applies to motoring, to be
aura. Drive moderately fast and moder
ately tar and harm Isn't likely to result
Thai UM prevalence of motoring ha
made a dlffsranc la the health conditions
of many cannot ha denied, because as an
altogether w form of transit and a
much mora rapid one than usual In ths
stream a) has had It cartels effect on
.human ayslsma. I
Aa the ar readily adaptaal' to an
.condition It ha takaa only th bnef nt.
ttma of motoring to bring aoont now
isasisilim aa well aaeasiatnea I motor
lag as If that Bjfttod ol sMbnotWai liad'
baen kaown aa used or a much longer
doctors' ha vs beea outspoken: la
coademamg automaenes aa halplng M
create now aerr sufferers and thoa who
were aftactad by ys ettals. Others have
set the keaeftt far oatmataned any had
results there might be and so war a
thuslastio In favor of th motor oar. As
0 as doctor nut It: "It Is Uka many kind
of medicaments; In moderat doss It ha
little or aa aaasiMlliy at Injury to th
troat r welt, bat aeooraiag to Individual
condlUon It may a very beneficial or
!the opposlts o thoa wh ar d s, toots."
Manraausrm. to a thing at which a
great deal has heea beard of lata In tMs
.country. ' Tor Average aearasthenlcs,"
say a doctor, "a beneficial effect oaa be
1 predicted with A groat deal of certainty
under th following sandmen: When
s-talag at moderate apasd they btala groat
benefit from UM aonotant effort at main
talntng oantnbrlum from th muscular ef
,1 art bar aa from tha accessory fact that
they ar Induced to breath mora deeply
And' also for th reason that th eaerctes
la as ths open air. for the average
ineuraatkenle moderate speed reduces fesr
to A mtahnum d the tolerable degree
of risk (Ives to th mind that agreeable
tlllilntlon pertaining to all unusual n-
Mrtnom Position In th car often
iternuaa whether such slight unavoidable
risk will be a curative stimulant or a
for tha patient, rut aucn a
on th bach seat and an approach
ing vehtct may be aa object of, terror.
wbereaa If th patiaat ast I front tb
east of aessage would at One be
race Te Sttlfl.
Careless or hasty driving, bumping Into
rutn aad hitting rough spota at
lara heuad to hava aa unpleassnt effect
on tfeooa whos constitution for any
treason are not of the most sound. It Is
.not recommended to those who don't feel
lla ton natch condlUon to essay A Olldden
ftour. tor instance. Th pact I too swift
for weak etomacba.
"Moot nervous persons ar self-centered
and treat, their ailment ar shut In." con
waua lata authority, "since th motor
car aeons a wide field of .view tney will
the to multltudea of new Impression forced
into their minds aa they rtde through th
city or country In spite of themselves
.and their snood. Lastly. It the person
m so ou-camstaaced that be can drive the
car himself there ts a peculiar compra
aatory combtnatloa of liiinroasiona
evosed. A new Interest I bora Is con-
aeetlon with tb operation of th mi
ctaine. and h le diverted from the con
stant oontsmpmtloa of bis ailment by ths
curious interest la th meaning of every
new aauad of th engine and by It" In
finite rapacity for being adjusted.
Tha strain of driving Is generally
couaterhalaaced by lbs exhilaration of the
conquest of the small difficulties
tend at th start, while the eonadous
ness of ability to cope with some difd.
cuius tend la all bat the advanced cases
of m ! to arouss the dormant
si If iiaiifHiari That aecompUahed the
tj ninsHlf again and th doctor has
become a assies luxury."
Qnju en, not there at ea the other hand
a tree of narrow person as Impatient of
temper that he cannot contain himself
.long eaoagh to settle down ts the effort
of attempting to ndjust automobile ma
chinery. So little mechanical ability has
Jt that a mishap en the road will redou
ble his nervousness aad make him even
unnapater than Before.
-The first caaAMoa mat must he In
sisted ea ta arder that motoring may he
a proper amusement for aay on. Ul or
vrtJ, is that tb peed mast be moderate.
J .... 1
This Is nut so Indefinite a term: as at first
might appear. With a light car speeds
much over twenty miles an hour bring
out most of ths objectionable fectors
that do not appear with a heavier car
until a speed af about thirty te thirty
five mile I reached. 1 Tha heavier ear Is
se much steadier that the Impression con
veyed ta tha senses is much tha asm a
from the lower speed hi the lighter car.
Motion through the air at A rata faster
than our wont give rise to A sense of
exhilaration, which stimulates circulation
from Ha mental effect and
mechanical stimulation of tb
the surface of the body. long aa thl
Is tb effect that rat of aeed la salutary,
but when that point I passed It becomes
The pressure of the wind rises rapidly
after auch speeds as t have mentioned ere
passed, and respiration become mora dif
ficult. All grade of exhaustion may re
sult, and It la possible to dilate the heart.
Another injurious factor appears now,
fear. If In spite of a sense of exhilara
tion fear of the possibilities of aooident
bsglna to form In the mind, there I de
veloped n of the roost potent causes of
depression of 'the heart, -with the result
that exhaustion Instead, of eialtetloa will
be the result of th trip.
"The former agreeable succession of
objects now become a series of disjointed
impression before th eyes, and they In
dulge ta A constant struggle with th
unattainable. As the eye really sees only
In the brain, a tired brain come horn
with A tired Body.
"At moderat speed th readjustments
necessary ta neutral nt the motion of tb
car constitute a very good form nt exer
cise, hut If A moderate speed la exceeded
every muscle becomes overstrained. It Is
familiar to all of us that la th presence
of anything that Implies extreme effort
from a prima donna's struggle for a
high note to tb athlete' muscular ten
sion in lifting a great weight w ar apt
to put our own muscles into a sort of
systematic tension. N'e on familiar with
high motor speeds will fall to netloe hi
owa heightened muscular tension la sym
pathy with that ef th chauffeur or with
the thrust of th engine.
"1 hav said that motoring la Uk a
medicament and should bo the subject
of a prescription If it Is to be taken by
tlios who are UL medicine bavs an
ordlaary dose, but extraordinary ailments
may demand extraordinary dosage, and
that analogy Mill holds. Speed dots blot
out all but tb present, and I her ar Mv
teass sufferers whose functional all men ta,
vertigo and pain Asia mental end physi
cal era blotted out by flight through
the air at a rat which renders analysis
of Impression so futU that all attempts
kl Interpretation are bead one! cense
queniiy these persons (IV themselves up
to'aa Indesorlbabl but pleasurable sehsa-
tlon." Nsw Tork tun, -" f .
. . .. . V '
Truck Efficiency
is Demonstrated
The efficiency ef the euto truck was
very clearly demonstrated In New Tork
City during th work of clearing away
the ruins of the Equitable building Im
mediately after the Ore. Canavaa Bros,
wbe have charge of the wrecking
operations., discovered Tuesday morning
one of the wall which remained
standing was threatening to col laps at
any moment, and In order to save ad
joining property from damage It was
necessary to gat prompt action.
At 11 o'clock Tuesday morning the
wrecking company telephoned the Yel
low Pine Lumber company to rush them
a number of thirty-foot beams, twelve
Inches square, to use as supports for the
threatening walk and specified that the
first load must arrlv by I o'clock that
Th Tellew Pine company' lumber yard
nt three miles away, and under ordi
nary eondttlona It would have been Im
poselble to get the supports te the
Eqaltable building on time. The Tellow
Pine oompany. however, baa recently
purchased a fleet of five 'White five-ton
trucks, and loading on of three with
sixteen beams of the required site, a
weight of nearly tight tons, dispatched
reetare of Ralla Headed Down
. fcr Ksataeky Const, of '. 1
A oonstrucUen of the law Important to
Automobile owners and manufacturers
w rendered Heosmser 1, by the court
of appeal of Kentucky, affirming th
Judgment of th circuit court, la the
oast of Lucy barter against the Old
Motor Works, H was shown that the Old
Motor Work old to Gardner Colston
of Louis vtlls a machine wrth A rumble
or rear test, fastened to a tool box. Th
purchaser rented the tnaohlne to Mis
Shoffar, and wbil riding In the ramble
ssat Uie screws became loose and th
whole nog fell off, injuring her to the
extent that she recovered damage
amounting to M.M- The manufacturers
held that If the machine was unsafe
this fact was known to th purchasers
at the time of sale and before Miss ghat
fer ranted It. and that this knowledge
exempted th company from liability to
Miss Bhslfer. a tktrd party, unknown to
them, and that an automobile by its very
nature I dangerous, and that It was in
cumbent upon Miss Shaffer to prove that
the machine was defective and that such
a condition was concealed from th pur
chaser when It was aold.
The appellate eeurt of Kentucky held
that a manufacturer ts liable to A third
party whoa the snkie manufactured Is
dangerous to health, limb or lite:
when the maker tells such article for
general use -which be knew to
neutly unsafe and conceals these defect
from the purchaser.
Apparently tats decision Is ta applies
lion In this respect of as old principle
to A new article, yet It does not eeetn at
though there I error In holding n menu.
faoturer liable to- a third party with
whom there had been absolutely
privity, quite Irrespective of whether the
evidence showed that there waa a defect.
There should hav been two suits,
between Miss Shaffer and the firm from
which she rented the machine and which
waa directly responsible for Its actual
condition st therlime rf her Injury, and
another eult. cults distinct, between the
purchaser And th manufacturers. It It
could be pro red that this specific ma
chine wes defective and below their stsna-
ard make and that such a condition was
concealed from the purchaser. For other
wise thai ruling ef the eeurt of appeal
ef Kentucky makes a manufacturer 1mm
without limit tor the bnmedlale condition
ef his machine sold broadcast throughout
ths country, and which may then be re
sold and rented, as In this cess, te
third or fourth party. ,
It was held once hi Ohio that net oven
and not tha manufacturer, was liable te a
pa se eager tor a defect In the fastening
of en upper berth which struck the pas-
sen fer. the coart holding that the earner.
aad net the ataaufacturer was Babes t a
passenger. And tt would seem that pre
cisely the same principle ought to have
held la the ass noted from Kentucky
Moreover, from the point of vsrw of paa-
De safety, the bold tag ef a third aad ab
sent party Ma Ms to a mistaken rnttssj.
tor H will tend to make dee
garage piupiteloi oarelees ef th hidden
eondttlona of their machines, oat only at
the time of purchase, but also without
limit. They hava merely, te Insist that
they were Ignorant of defects of
factum, whereas the eeurt snook
held that It waa then- special business
to be cognisant of the actual isaattlsa
of their machines, balden or otherwise.
at any and all times, for the pamenhsr
safety of tAsty owa matiamatra.
it immediately to the scene of action,
Ths truck arrived at the Equitable
building' befora 1 o'clock, end three more
loads were delivered by the same truck
by i o'clock, the time specified for the
delivery of the first.
It Is service of this sort that proves
ths value of the motor truck. The tot
tering nail was braced In time, and a
great deal of property. Including the
subway, which was threatened, was saved
from destruction.
Making fifty to sixty miles a day with
its T,56Vpound load over roads and
streets where every horse-drawn vehicle
Is a sled. Is a pretty good record for a
motor truck. That Is what a three-ton
Avery truck Is doing for Stacy A Sons
In Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. The
truck la doing more than the work of
three teams and doing it nt less than
the cost of two of them, under circum
stances where team hauling ha every
possible advantage.
The firm of Stacy A Son Is on of th
biggest fruit and grocery wholesale
houses west of Chicago and uses besides
th three-ton truck two two-ton Averys,
Then two hav averaged so far mile
per week over snowy streets. "Thers Is
nothing that can touch these two-ton
Averys." ssid rick Stacy, manager of
the transportation department of the
They are hauling loads up io three
tons and doing it at about t cents per
ton mile. This Is about half what it
costs to do th same work with teams.
A good deal of Stacy's hauling ts be
tween Minneapolis and St. Paul. Jt
often happens that there It a scarcity of
soma fruit or other article In St Paul
and an overstocked market on the same
product in Minneapolis, or vice versa.
The truck Is used to ttkt advantage of
these conditions, often making handsome
profits by an early morning trip.
The real electric attraction of the year
The Pierce Arrow Suburban is ttc fea
ture . of the company's exhibit. It Is
frnlsheil luxuriously; other cars of im
portance In ths line are ths six-cylinder,
forty-dfht-horee power, scven-nsssencer
touring car snd the F!x-cyl:ndcr thirty-six-horse
power brougham, seating five per
sons and equipped with two folding
emergency seats.
Caught In Ike Act
era arrested by Dr. King's New Lite
Pills, bilious hesdacho quits and liver,
stomsch and bowels act right Only Sc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Sweeping Maxwell Victory
i .---.' ,
inGliddenTour No Surprise
to 47,000 Maxwell Owners
The great triumph of the low-priced Maxwell cars in
the hardest GliddenTour on record, where the frightful
road conditions made cars'epsting up to $6000 fall by
the wayside, may have surprised people unfamiliar with
.the Maxwell. The 47,000 Maxwell owners saw in
" ' ' ! this Maxwell victory another proof of the same reliable
V : service that their. Maxwells have given them for years. . ,
The Maxwtll team of three cars was
the' only one ol the competitors to
finish the gruelling 1454-mile jour.
. nef With perfect score winning
the Glicldcn Trophy.
The Anderson Trophy offered to
the 64 contestant! for the best indin
victual pefTOfYisnJice was won by
another Maxwell, entered by Gov.
Hoke Smith. Thus, the Maxwell
triumph was complete.
The Maxwell cars reached ; every
' noon and night control exactly on ,.
4 the minute made 55 miles an hour
and showed 100 efficiency in spite
of all obstacles gave the greatest .
demonstration of reliability ever wit
nessed proved the easiest car on
tires finished with three punctures
in 4500 miles with New York air
in all tires of two cars defeated 60
cars costing up to $6000 although
. the lowest-priced car to ever win a
Glidden Trophy, it won all the
trophies offered.
tUSO f.o.t. tattorj, hllj tftp4 including tllf-itarier.
36 hp. Maxwell Special
; $1480
' 1
was the car that won the Glidden Tour. 1 It is
unequaled by any car within $300 of its price. '
Mascotte, the Messenger, and, Mer- -cury.
ranging in price down to $600
all of them typical Maxwell values '
all of them embodying- Maxwell -lvaracteristics
all of them spelling .
Reliability, Economy, Durability. -
None can approach this price, be
cause none can equal the purchas
ing and rnanufacturing economies
of the United States Motor Com
pany. Don't delay see it now.
See the other Maxwell cars the
Ftt mathly Inspection tervict tj oil our can fat twelve moniks
United Motor Omaha Co.
TtUphone Doagh 7703 2115 Famam Street
American Touring Champion
The Electric that Seats Five With
. out Obstructing Driver's View
FIVE ADULTS have full, comfortable seat space la thig txAutlful town
car and no on I backed up agAlnst tb front window to obscure tbe
driver's view.
No other electric Approaches It in room. No other car of any kind ap
proacbea It In luxury. Think of a big town car silent odorless .moke
leas free from spattering oil.
Btlent Waverly Limousin Five has ample power for a full day's use a
theater party at night and even for use next day. Bo easily controlled
that your little girl can operate it. Waverley four-passenger broughams
and other 1912 models. (Prices $3,500 down to $1,225) lead in luxury.
High efficiency shaft drive. Telephone for car and demonstrator.
With this car, as with every Waverley producV, goes Waverley service
tree insnectton by Waverley experts, and the Waverley unconditional guar
anty. All mechanical parts of Waverley car are guaranteed for life
against defect. Call or phone.
Sold in thi territory by
1818 Famam St.
; Little. Si
SOH-P 828Q0.
Ali the smoothness and flexibility
of the big "sixes" -without their ex
pense. Tho flush-sided body and sloping
hood are m perfect harrnony the high
est development of automobile body
2203 Eamain Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Imperial Cars Get There and Back
- i
.-We fiirsish mon power, beiirr style, mare value for llie money, tnin
is tout,- ia any other car on earth.
t. l In Section V. Prices, 81450 to 1,75J, fclij equipped, X. O. B. Jack
.aasr jcea.
Mstrisatsrs for Wester Iowa, sTeerssks ana Wvominf
o.'fi .e i