I PAST TWO AUTOMOBILES PAGES ELEVEH TO TWEKTY The Omaha Daily Bee Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Till if T wtr-ta TB Age . gis atltorlal Fags of seek stew VOK XLI-m213. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORN1NU, FKMiUARY 21, 1912. SINGLE OOPY TWO CENTS. KECORDS BROKEN AT AUTO SHOW ttendance for the Fint Two Day i' TVinhle that nf V Tear Ago. SHOW OPEN FORENOONS And Those Who Desire a. Quiet Time May Come Then. TONGHT IS SOCIETY NIGHT Evening Wear Will Be Seen, bnt is Not a Requirement ORCHESTRA IS ATTRACTION Exhibits of Mechanism la Actios Attract I. arse Xassbcrs Caf rial Display Alaioat aa Poa alar aa Pleaavre Cara. Attendance at tha Omaha automobile ahow (or tha first twa dajra he bean twic aa heavy aa fur the tint two day of iaat year's ahow. This Is a conserve tiva statement, for It la baaed on tha actual number of tlcketa taken at tha door, while tha crowd earns so fast and furiously on tha opening night that tha ticket takers vara pushed ande and many tickets wars not collected. baa many questions to ask H ia better to coma after noon. Dealers Klerk, to Shew Dealera are Jubilant over the salea that have already seen made, tlie "prospects" that have been discovered and the hun dreds of prospective customers who have either already arrived In town or are on their way. Omaha yesterday was "fairly alive" with dealera from all over Ne braska and western Iowa. " practhally every one of them having w ith him one or mora prospective purchasers. One dealer from a little Nebraska town secured twenty-four tlcketa of admission yester day. Indicating that he 'had brought twenty-four persons to the city who sre In the market for motor cars. Tonight will be society night at the show and the social feature promisee to be even more brilliant than that of society night lasfyear. when Omaha's social elite were out In force and tha "young buds" of the city and stately matrons graced the interiors of the polished ex hibit cars with their presence. Exhibitors will all be In evening dress tonight and visitors may wear evening dress If they wish, though there Is no requirement that they do so. Keble's concert orchestra Is an attrac tive feature of the show. Seated high In the balcony, tha orchestra offers a varied musical program afternoon and evening. Much admiration Is expressed by show goers for tha way the Auditorium It decorated. Tho many Japanese lanterns hung directly overhead, tha rose covered trellises around the balcony rail, hiding from sight the vacant seats of tha bal cony, the palms, the ornamental lamps snd tlie green floor covering add won derfully to the beautiful vUusl effect produced by the handsome motor cars- It Is estimated that S.uw) pe.pl were I To ret the full benefit of the scene one turned away from the ahow Monday night, usable to get In when they arrived at the Auditorium. It is not thought that the building will be crowded full enough the remainder of the week to make It uncomfortable, thougu the show management xpect last year's records to be broken every day and evening, Tjiose who are afraid ' finding too many people on the Door lo suit them may come early in the aft trnoon, or even In the forenoon, for" the ilouis are open at o'clock every morn ing. It one la bent on quiet Inspection snd doesn't Intend to ask many questions, the forenoon Is perhaps the best time to visit the show, for then most of the auto n.oblle men are with customers la their nrair.ee on "automobile row." If one must mount the stage and look over the cars, down the middle, of the building. In the center of the stage is a sort of grotto filled with palma and cut flowers and the stairway leading upon tha stags directly opposite ths grotto Is flanked by rows of palms. Ceeasaerclnl tars Popalar. The exhibit of commercial cars In the basement Is almost . as popular a place aa tne ground floor. After looking over the many types of pleasure cara on the main floor the casual visitor varies his entertainment by going down Into the basement and raring uoon (he hun rtrocks. the tight delivery wagons, the motor ambulances, etc. One can get an excellent Idea of the various uses to which the .motor car Is pot In modern Snapshots at the Omaha Auto Show (THAT DQtSHttfVK FORTA&tfJ ftS IS HO PIMF FQ A FT) j 3 " commercial life by a visit to this base ment. The stage, where the accessories are, is also popular. Even If you are an automobile owner you will find things on the stage that you never saw before. And It Is an excellent time to learn about them, for there Is a man or two with every exhibit to answer all ques tions. The chief wonder of the show . Is the self-starter. It la a new tnvrutlnn and few people understand Its mechanism, though they realise Its Importance, Con- f if wr vii.we 1) a)a. 7 ft 4 JUST GET IN If YEASS , I ANDctf. I v yrr:, Say test. 1 The Famous Valveless Car is Here - ' " - j i SUPER-EFFICIENCY and PLICITY OF THE ELMORE VALVELESS CONSTRUCTION ia now universally recognized and admitted by automobile manufac turers. Today, the whole automo bile world is ringing with discus sion as to the fate of the poppet valve motor with the. numerous gears, springs, cams, push rods, etc., which actuate it. The public has come to realize the simplicity and super-efficiency of the valve less, construction. The strongest claims and arguments are being made for the valveless motor, but just GRASP THIS PARAMOUNT FACT ABOUT THE ELMORE. Every such claim put forth for valveless motors applies with two-fold force to the Elmore valveless motor because its dozen years of successful service, in the hands of owners throughout the country has proven both its claim for simplicity and superiority. This valveless motor passed the experimental stage years ago, and the Elmore with its wonderful valveless motor and superior con struction does not cost $3,000, $4,000 and $5,000. There is a model to fit every motoring need, at a price well within the means of tho most conservative. To Dealers Some tmallotied territory ia still open in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Agents with this car hare a good seller and our proposition is an attractive one. At the Automobile Show These wonderful cars will be exhibit! at tha nmnW - salaam ..UWaUVUUg UUVIT) reDruary 19th to 24th. and the Sioux Citv Shrtw Teh octh t. turu Zd, when the simple and efficient features of the Elmore valveless motor wui w explained ana demonstrated. FIVE-PASSENGER TORPEDO, $1,250. Elmore Construction. There could be no bettor built far limn tha v.i - uiui i.-. k.iaiucu nun UlttU- ship and careful supervision accompany every detail. The factory aims to mobA 4V rv sin we .4i.AlsT . -.A.l i. X ' i a l - .c vai ii:u wuruiy seuing ior me gem or a motor that runs it. TORPEDO ROADSTER. $1,150 Elmore Inspection and Guarantee. There is no more rigid inspection system in the world than that which vF-un-a jLauuuie o iiers me aosoiuic nawiessness of every Elmore part. u a 1 1 e 0Wner ev,rj' car 1S fuI,v fTUaranWd against aulty parts or construction. The samepainstaking care is used in the selec lon of the materials and the finishing 0f the product. ROGERS SALES COMPANY FACTORY THVi WIHllTi-'Pt: 2025 Farnam St, Omaha Opp, Postofficee Sioux City, Iowa seouently the self-taifrr ricmnn'tratora are kept very busy showing "how the contrivance works from the time they arrive In the morning until the show closes at night. I Any bit of mechanism In action, and there are many or them, attracts a knot of spectatora. ttroups of people may be aeen here and there about the building, gathered around an exhibit of moving michlnery. ole. of the Show. The attcnilance In the morning of the second day whs over fiiu. Tins la not tint piuce lor dsffvdlls. but here a a good one: If the ADDerson Jark- rabhlt Brushed the Lion, would It make Mo-leaii Biiaiimt Jack s-son? M. I. Teal of the Ohio Kleetrlc faotory Is with Mr. Mclonald of the Marlon Auto company. Ohio Klecttlc agente. Mr. Teal la eipialulng the electrla car. It Is estimated that the literature and souvenirs given swav in one day and WKiu at the atitomohlle show cost the exhibitor aiiproilinatoly tl.fc'l. , If. M. Hillings, elflclrical expert In the service department of the (iencrsl Motors Tru k coimuiiiv. Is usslMtliia the lrutn- mond Motor comnaliy at tlie Auditorium allow. O. , K Taloilt, the traveling saleaman In the electric, department of the iteneral Motors Trw-Jt conipany. Is attending the Auditorium show this weak, asalstiiuf the Drummund Motor company, Fred M. Coatee, general manager of the ra!ge-l)etrolt Automobile company of Minneapolis, haa tuiegraplutd the feX R. WiiEon company that he will be here Thursday to attend the ahow. What s an automobile without gasoline? And what's an automobile ahow without salesmen from the ott companies busily pluig their ware? Many such salesmen haunt the Auditorium these days. Iemonstrsiors of the Hudson machines and employes of the Kiectrio garage are Interesting features of the show, for these demonstrators are attired in full dress suits which lend the show a tone of .juallty. C. O. Pout, the mechanical expert in the service dejtartmenl of the General Motors Truck company, who Is now at tending tha thiiaha show, easlatliig the !rummond Motor company, waa formerly a crack bicycle rider. W. W. Montgomery, demonstrating the Interstate e!ectrlc self-starter, says the ..how ts a succesa already, from his stand point, for It has given him the oppor tunity to tell )eopl of the workings of the machine, as well aa to bring him a large number of prospective buyers. One of the motorcar aristocrats on ei hlbition at the show la the six-oyltnder sixty-horse power Peerless. This car la a Smw machine and la coveted by every body that sees it. It Is attractively finished In maroon and has all of the comfort and conveulencea for motoring timi couiu oe aeatred. Monday evening's attendance at the show, although huge, was composed Prtn.' clpally of "rubber necks" to use the auto lt s vernacular. Yesterday a good many people were settling down to the serious thoughts of buying. "We expect to land two or in re nuyers nerore tomorrow' said one demonstrator yesterday sfler noon. Among the notable visitors of the auto mobile show are K. W, Roberts, district manager of the Olds Motor company, with headquarters at Chicago. Mr. Hub erts is a former Oiuaharr and la very well known here. Frank C Harvey, prealdent of the Kansas City Polished Products coituany. Is also inspecting the cars on exnioition. K. V. Whitney, In charge of the Stan lev Mleanier, lteo the Ftfth, and the Htevens-imryca demonstrations. Is a busy man this week. The steamer la at tracting much attention and requires a large part or Mr. Whitney a time because of the questions asked concerning It. and the Keo Is such an attractive machine that everybody nanta to handle It. The publishers of the Motor Car, an automobile Journal of Kansas City, are about the only unhappy people In tlie place. They had engaged a large apace in wmcn 10 oispiay a new-rangien ma chine used in getting out their ntagaxlna The maohlne is to aw used with direct electric current. That In the Auditorium ia alternating current and cannot be made to wuik witn the machine, liuv U Snilth'e imj exhibit la char. acterlxed by the same elegance and taste i list naa been displayed in former yeara smith slwavs haa an array of beautiful cars, but this year he has eclipsed his former splendor. Other details conform to tlie artistic display of the cars. Last night Mr. anilth and his entire eales or- Sanitation were In evening dress. Last, ut not least, waa "Lewis' tn hla tiy Uvary. A. E. Butler, with the Apperson Motor company, la showing the first forty-five horsepower Jackrabblt that haa been seen in Omaha. The car Is a llaht one. built along the lams general lines aa other Apuersona. but It haa an Invltlrur look and offers a temptation to the prospective auto buyer. Mr. Butler says that since the opening or the ahow Monday he haa added more than a doaen names to his list of "prospects." The Franklin Motor eomnanv haa ana of the prettiest and moat conservative looKing tourmg oara or any that are being shown tills week. This ear la a l&i model and la equipped with every modern accessory ana convenience, ana yet It Is noi a complicated or overloaded affair. Another .car. J4e Franklin compear -la vmvivihb m - ievenuer vwiorsq louring car, the very latest model. B II. Frfladwell. vice president of the Hudson Motor Car company. Is In Omaha attending tha ahow and he aays that It at the bast exhibition of auto excellence that he haa ever seen outside of New York and Chicago. The only reason the New York and Chicago shows auiassed the Omaha exhibition Is that they were larger, Mr. Mroadwall Is accompanied by Riohard (Cupid) Bacon of Ketroit. WOMAN IS DEMONSTRATING Xiis Boyce it the Only Feminine Demoaitnitor at tho Exhibition. SHE KNOWS ALL ABOUT AUTOS WTeea a Little Ulrl Mlaa Boyee Tr- ferred to Play with Katrines Rather Than Spend Tlaae Tilth Her Delia. Miss J. T. Boyce Is the only womail demonstrator In the aaow. In fact she la one of the very few feminine detnoustra. tors In the country, Hhe la secretary t Thoniaa R. Kimball, who la out of town, Hhe knows automobiles as well aa ah knows her name and lias been throuali every phase of auto experience front Unkerntg with the moot Intricate meohen Ism of the machine to being arrested for speeding along Omaha roads. She says that If aha had been a matt aha would have been an engineer. Aa la is she learns everything that can puaat. bly be learned about tlie maohlne with which ah works. 8 b drives a team, gaaoirt and electric car, a record which moat masculine drivers would be proud of, Sh say that It 1 very hard to keeu from speeding whan demonstrating a sar as one naturally wishes to show the p roe pec live buyer the speed as wall 4 other good polnta. Her eyes light up with as mush plea, aura at the sight of a wall-made eutomo. bile or In fact any other kind of ma chine. meet women' would over a new spring bunnst of the latest style. The Intricacies of machinery ar a fas cinating to her as the fin point In bridge whlat ar to many of Omaha's feminine. When ahe was a child, while the ether1 little girl were playing with doll and playing house, Mia Boys waa playing! with engines. Delivers Cattle. With Auto Truck On of the many uses to which a auto truck can be adapted, says Mr. Clear of th Clear Tranafer and Storage osmpMiyi 1 to haul settle. K mad th delivery of six head of cattl to each load frem Council Bluff to South Omaha In- thb-tjr minutes. Mr. Clear bought two Avar truck from Johnson dt Danferth Co, a fee month ago end he aays that he would not think of using team again, espeatal Ir on long haul, for with these trueh M can make deliveries tor one-filth what It coat to deliver by team and wagon ud he can do It in mush lea time. GUY SMITHDISTR!BUTES UTTLEJ300K ON TOURS On f the most attraotlv and seaslbla souvenir given away at the Aula she I the on being distributed of Uuf 1 mlth. It la a carefully compiled text well printed book of teura from Omaha. There ar its Sunday tour, vn week. end tour and two vaoatlsn teura. See. ttouai map ar (bown. a wet a asm Plate tog for eaoh routs, Th booh are-. Tides a whole eaoa of touring and Mr, Smith should be oompllmetued . a tlill work. Mr. Smith wants all proapee4lr buyer and all owner of ear to have: on of these hooka fmrnSmskem f i The "Savbrcok" "Sayb is aptly described as a "com plete" car. Every detail of design, construction and equipment has been tested and proven worthy of a place on the "Saybrook." The satisfaction any auto mobile can give depends on the whole car and on that basis we claim your attention for the "Saybrook." Its many features which pictured below make it so successful hare been chosen with a fine eye to comfort in riding, long service and wise investment. We will appreciate an op portunity to show you the "Saybrook" -$2800 (f.o.b. Dayton) or any of the other Stoddard-Daytonl912models. We are at your convenience by 'phone, mail or personal call. 1 J. J. DERIGHT COMPANY 1818 Farnam Street. 1 1 I I 1 )