Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Had Tried Various Physiciani'
TreatmeBts Without Success.
Maay People Here Waa Are Debil
itate Conn (onplalat a
l-are Cities, Vkm Katare'
Lawi Ar (Mare garde.
- Mr. James Mastlko of SOt South
Seventh street, this city, mad the fol
lowing statement recently In connection
. with "Ton .Vita," the remarkable new
tonic that has been Introduced la Omaha:
"I have bean a sufferer from stomach
trouble and nervousness for a Ions time.
There were times when I could eat noth
ing but liquid foods and even this would
caue bloating of the stomach and
misery for. sometime afterward. I slept
poorly and my sleep did me little good- I
would awaken in the mornings as tired
and worn as when I retired. I was fre
quently, constipated; in fact, generally
very badly run don. I had tried many
remedies and various physicians, without
results. v
. "I had about lost hope of ever, regaining
my health when I - heard of this new
tonic, Tona Vita,' and decided to give it
a trial. It seems to soothe my stomach
and acts as a tonic for my entire sys
tem. It has built me up In every way.'
and I feel like a new man. I now eat
and sleep well and no longer feel tired
and worn out. I am a well man and
give all credit to Tona Vita.' I don't
believe there Is another medicine like It
on earth."
Such a statement as the foregoing
' should prove of unusual Interest to those
suffering with similar troubles. The spe
rlallsts who were Introducing "Tona
Vita" state that members of any family
In Omaha are likely to be found suffering
with the same nervous, debilitated eon-
dltlon of the body, as H is an all too
common complaint In the large towns
where nature's laws are more apt to be
"All of this nervous.' debilitated
trouble," said one of these specialists,
Is due principally to Imperfect diges
tion, which Is superinduced by the strain
of modern city life. There Is too much
hastily eaten food.
"Most people, however, are not ser
iously affected by Imperfect digestion,"
, continued he; "they are just loggy and
nervous and easily tired. They feel
worn out- after a little exertion and are
moody and depressed. These are sure
symptoms of an overworked stomach
that needs toning up and regulating.
Tona Vita' will positively accomplish
this, toning up and restoring the organs
to their healthy, normal condition. Our
preparation must prove satisfactory, or
we will not take the money for It"
Tona vita" can be found on sale at
Brandela drug departmentxteenth and
Douglas streets, south side, main floor.
cleans like magic
Will Try to Get Out Crowd for the
Seed Cora Special.
Prat. Odell Teste Can (MB Tarleas
Parts a( the state a
aaaaeea the Ceadltlaae aa
Baa aa Bcpartoo.
Completion of organisations la Ne
braska towns tor getting the farmers
into town during the visit of the seed,
corn specials are announced as follows,
with the names of the chairmen and sec- I
retaries: I
Belgrade. J. EL Cooley. 8. Jainlay;
Primrose. L. C. Ashbrook. C. A. Harlan;
Cedar Bapids, Dennis Tracy, James Oiea
soa; Duncan. J. P. Sokol, A. J. Undtay; ;
8palding. T. Lee. C C. Groves; Shelby.
W. T, Mawhor. W. A. Cornish: Bralnard.
Charles Smersh. A. K. Bmlth; Platte Cen- :
ter, T. r. Lynch; Schuyler. Rev. B. F. j
Pearson, C. B. 8umner. i
Though northeastern Nebraska baa j
claimed to be better than the rest at the '
state la respect to the seed con situa
tion, because the 1111 crop was nearer
normal. Prank Q. Odell. who la assisting
the Omaha Commercial club la the cam
paign, has completed a tabulation at
crop statistic which shows that the
crop was tar below normal. He says also
that teats In the northeastern .counties
show as low a percentage of vitality aa ,
in the rest of the state. Antelope Boone.
Burt, Boyd. Cedar. Cuming. Knox. Mad!-
son. Pierce and Washington counties
show aa aggregate lose of M,OnXlN for
toe 111 corn crop, aa compared with the
tour-year' average tor 1MT to lilt, la-
elusive. . '
The biggest loss In the state was la I
Antelope county IMl.cM. The next big- j
gest loss was la Boone county g9. 171 :
The third, fourth and fifth biggest losses
In the state were In Knox. Boyd and j
Madison counties, respectively.
' Gold Dust is more than
soap does more, than
soap. Soap merely
mi mm erne, ' .
deans; uoia uosi gets
under the surface, kills
every germ, washes out
every impurity and ster
ilizes everything it
touches. ,
It. is a sanitary cleanser
which. cleans quicker and
better than anything else, and
saves the housewife the toil
of rubbing and scrubbing.
Gold Dost does all the hard
part of the work you merely
assist it
Gold Dust i
old in 60 sice
and large pack
ages. The lar
packs s means
(raster economy.
"lettae COLD DUST TWINS dsj
j I : : TYREE'S I
I ' I Antiseptic Powder I
t I A ffvratHd vritto hmrmm aa I
M Intatt Ut aot cfeUcat awnkfiM
H peaML Cnaqtutai a a tcacb.
M WJ) ptwrata'lva kmamu. Far U mm
P ! om JBBtMw ) I
F rSiSs roww rT
' M THwrtv-a Mtaifff li wrtt. trm
T Lfl acTlt-4 fey paxaheUM all arar wwcM
If " 1 r-af S&-aet aaBtaji mmkm 1
' Bf aaiiaaa ataasauA aaiatkafc
I SoM It aajiaits wvwfcen,
S .4 yaar rtv r aaa4 tar IwtJtkt
May Festival to Be .
Given by the Girls
of Grade Schools
A unique May play festival tor the j
girls In the schools Is being planned by
Athletic Director R L. Cams. Doaen !
of games, dance and pretty, play, will 1
be arranged. Boy will be barred from I
all performances, only the girl partici
pating. Grades of the various schools i
will combine, each to form a particular 1
'stunt." Thus the seventh grade will .
play one game, the sixth another, each
grade being given the exolussvs right to
certain dance, game or play. The
festival will be held In Vinton park. !
Prof. Cams expects to hold the festival I
In the same manner In which the annual j
athletlo contest between the boy art
pulled off. except that there will be no '
formal rivalry.
Girls from the kindergarten to the high
school are taking an Intense interest la
the plans and Intend to make the festival '
more appealing to the publlo thaa the !
athletlo tournaments. Hundreds will take
part In each attraction, decked In gay
colored costume or (Very sober raiment. !
ss occasion requires. The Idea being de-
veloped Is to make the festival a gay, '
beautiful and pleasing fete, more like a .
picnic of all the school girls thaa a I
struggle tor the honor of the field. ,
Children Will Give
Program of Dances!
Pupils of Central school, of which Miss ,
Mary A. Pitch is principal, will give a .
namber at playlette and an exhibition
of folk dance at the Lyrlo theater
March , under ths direction of Miss
Lillian Fitch, to raise money to fur
nish their gymnasium at the school.
Miss ritch. principal, I especially In-,
terested In dramatic and athletlo train
ing of school children. 1
"I believe that the pupils go to their I
studies with more keenness and alert- !
nesa, as a result,'' she say.
All the children In Central school from i
the kindergarteners to the eighth grade I
enter with vim Into the dramatic work !
and into the folk dancing, and have be- '
come qiute proficient In both. They are i
als? enthusiastic over their physical
training. The girls go. In for all kinds
of game and exercises.
The boys of 'Central school havs dis
tinguished themselves la athletic, hav
ing won the Richardson banner la the
recent athletic meet of the publlo schools.
They are bow busy getting ready for
the spring meet. They have a make
shift gymnaatom In the school yard, but
are ambitious to have tlrst-ctaa equip
ment. I
' '.
McGovern Will Be
. Consecrated Soon
HIM, taa BTktt I
ciattat, ia a t pum
Spartal TraUBsa( t ttvaaa
Mtiac smiaurcaa. TairaUr,
BlKtttmatkc, Dtaaaf. Waafc
; nttr aaa .vpna Haarta; Stvwt Brcua. Pa.tu
' lion, atat'-r'ri, Irrastalar Palaa, Pala. vlla
Ark'.tm, ac- Waarfl aacri Maar a-alM
n-varabtaa" m,rm4 aftar t la If oaawa faiiat.
3 aar cpfrtWaM, 7C aaltaata. Wr-na mmm to
Fraa Tria, Boat m4 RwiaaraaHa Car, rraai faar
Mm. Maraaa DR. PKaAKU.V HtlX Dapt.
M. Elkhart. Irtla&a. TK u TU Mala atraat.
The Right Rev.. Patrick A. McGovern
Wednesday received four papal edicts from
Rome. On I his appointment as bishop
of Cheyenne, another gives authority to
Archbishop Keen, tor his consecration, a
third - notifies the people of Cheyenne
diocese of his appointment aa bishop and
the fourth permits him to be conss
crated outside of his diocese. Each docu
ment was written ia Latin oa heavy rough
parchment, to which waa attached by
trends of braided hemp, a heavy seal.
Bishop McQovera will have charge of
sll the churches and other Catholic re
ligious Institutions In the state of Wyom
ing, with twenty-three price Is under his
The time of the eoasecratioa of Bishop
McQovera It k thought will be during the
next three weeks. Bishop Seannell will
return from California for the '"n
The eoasecratioa will be held la aa
Omaha church oa some week day.
The 8elden-Breck Construction
pany. which kf reetlng the Woodmen of
the World building at Fourteenth and
Farnam streeta. was heM responsible by
a coroner's jury for the death of Taylor
Gtlek. a laborer. Ottek was struck bys a
wheelbarrow Monday afternoon when It
fell tram a hoirtlng elevator. The Jury
also found that the oo net ruction com
pany ha made very little effort to pre.
vent Injuries on the elevator.
7: i
The Heavy Rubber Studs
on Republic Stag-gard Tread Tires
give rtsiliencT to forward motion .
and prevent skidding and slipping
tide-wise. Metal rivets become
heated in service and rot the rub-'
ber. Detachable chains and other
devices ara expensive and trouble
are complete in themselves they
will not skid. They combine per
fect safety with durability and be
cause of their extreme thickness
are seldom punctured.
"The Tire Perfect"
bit 1 1S ia the tide of our book on tire
safety, service and economy. Sent
ion request
free i
Before you leave for the show tell
your customers that Republic
tires are now sold by the Powell
Supply Co, and take their orders
Specialists in the tire busi
ness since the beginning of the
automobile industry in this ter
ritory, the Powell Supply Com
pany is reoognixed as leading
in this br&nch.
In securing the agency for
we know from our experience
that we have absolutely the
best tire made in the world. .
Republic Tires
are sold on a
Quality Basis
They are built to give serv
ice to ths user They cost mora
to manufacture than the ordi
nary tires and their initial price
to the purchaser is slightly
higher. .
ffl0!f Wg. dj
mm Republic 1 dA'
mm Biack .li
mm Line - m m
mm -Red :
mm Inner jSM
mm Tubes .wm
mm "The Tube 'ImM
-f nnea
iV... jjl j''
Republic lares are Most Economical in Service
FORT IN MOTORING. Powell Supply Company carries a complete stock of cases and tubes in all ' the different types en hand here at all times.
We Back Up the Factory Guarantee
When You Buy
Republic Tires
from ub your entire dealings from the time
you receive the tire until it has delivered
its last cent's worth of service is with us.
Remember, our new location at tilt Farnam treat li right
in the heart of Automobile Row.
Too oaa reach all th automobll bourn readily from hers.
Wo can giro you full Information rag ardlng th abow Itaolf and
fan regarding th location of tha different dealers, .te. . .
. Hava your mall sent car PowoU Supply company, Meet
your friends or customer her. TJao our telephone.
W want you to feci that wo are prepared to b of aarvlca to
rou and that we will be more tban pleased to hare you call upon Ui.
There Is Seldom
Any Grief
with a Republio Tire, but if any tire does
not stand up properly we are here to make
good.. . ,
P ow ell Sup ply (Company
2119 Farnam Street
Mrs. A- R. Tabor of ertder. sfOL. bad
been troubled with sick beaaseh for
about five years, when ah began uklag
Chamberlain TaMeta. 8 he he takes
twa bottle of them and they have cured
ber. Sick headache Is caused by a dtasr
aered stomach tor which these tablets
are aspecaaUy Intend nt. Try thess. set
weB and nay well. Bold by all druf rt.
Persistent Advertlsmc la
B f Batursa.
the Bead te
Need of Longer Drill
Hburs at the High
School is Urged
Borne radical change must be made
soon la the method of conducting the
present cadet regiment of the Omaha
High school or that organlxaUoa will
lose It Importance as one of th pre
dominant feature of th school activi
ties. This was th glat of aa agreement
reached by Captain Arthur B. Cowan of
Fort Omaha, the aew commandant; Prof.
Nathan Bernstein, faculty supervisor, and
th forty-four eommlsstoaed officers, who
held a lengthy meeting at the school yes
terday morning to discuss plan for the
betterment of th drill.
Just at present the cadets are handi
capped because of the double sesstoa ar
rangement of clssse now in vogue. The
school authorities positively will not allow
drill to be held In the school building or
la th hall during th winter season a
It diet orbs classes la sesstoa. Provisions
for drill outdoors are now limited to but
day a week and this period lasts' but
thirty-five minute. The officers complain
that this handicap prevents the cadet.
especially th beginners, from nuking any
sort of a creditable headway la th work.
It Is figured that thirty-five minute per
week amount to but a little more than
two full hour of drill In a month,
whereas th lad put In two hours a week
of drill each school year up to last June
"I aa pleased with the drill of the
regiment s tar at It ha gone." said
Captain Cowan. In speaking to the offi
cers, "but it does not seem that we are
getting anywhere at present.
"On thing of vital Importance which 1
wish to especially emphasise Is the need
of officers recommend I ng cadets for
higher rank la the regiment strictly oa
their merits. Clnb spirit should never be
prevalent among the lads when promo
tions are made out."
Prof. Bemsteta kod strew upon the
need of total abstinence from smoking
cigarette among all th cadets, whether
on or off duty, especially among ths eonv
miseioned and aon-oommtaslonsd officers
Joy Rider Assumes .
Name of Coroner
Charles ahldler. driver for th Omaha
Taxi company, responded to the Senilis
hotel the other night and took on
passenger who rode out tie worth.
"I am Coroner Crosby,' said th pas
senger, when th Jby rid bad beegf com
pleted; "send the bill around to my
Th bill wa presented to th oorooer
the next day. and then It waa learned
that some one had taken advantage of
his SUM.
The ssme trick was turned Wednesday
night for P worth of Joy Jaunt, and now
tha polios are looking tor th culprit, the
taxi ocmpany having (worn out a John
Doe warrant.
United Bute authorities ' her are
working upon new due In th disappear
ance of Frank Painter, formerly secretary
of the local union of tha International
Bridge and Ironworker aasocuUon, who
Is under Indictment at Indlanapolla tor
alleged complicity la dynamiting Mi
rage. Marshal Warner has gone te
Denver to take a prisoner there who was
arrested near here several weeks ago,
and it la believed that he baa another
purpose in view la taking th trip.
Painter has relative la Colorado Springs
sad la Iowa, and It I believed that from
these Information a to hi whereabout
can be gleaned.
Deputy Marshal Has doe not believe
that Painter Is in Peoria or Decatur, but
Is in hiding dose to Omaha.
Creighton Orator
Competes Friday
at Grand Island
Louis D. Kavanagh, Cratghton a pre
mier eralor, will Journey to Grand Island
te represent his alma mater la th coming
stat oratorical contest, to be held en
Friday evening at that place. Mr. Kav
anagh will speak on tha labor question.
In which he defend trade unionism as
th most effective endeavor ever mad to
right the causa. H has mad a study of
this subject and I reckoned aa a strong
contender for first honors this year. Last
ysar Mr. Kavanagh competed in th state
contest and merited third place.
U is n his senior year at tha aolleg
department and ha attended Creighton
university six years. His exceptional abil
ity as an orator and debater has always
mad him a conspicuous flgur In th
different societies , and through him
Creighton hope for th oo rated first
place In th stat contest.
A 1.11 t-rabies. Solved
by that great health tonic. Eleotrlo Bit
ters, Is th nrtchmnt of poor, thin
blood and strengthening th weak. fiOc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co.
Kay to th Situation Bee advertlslag.
fe Rye Food
VOU know how wholesome good German
1 rye bread la. The sturdiest, healthiest people
la the world eat it Bye ie the complete food the
kind that wiUdoyoa the most food and leave the beat
taste ia your smth. Contain the vital laaata that eosnaoa
Cream of Rye
whri. rre tarry wftk aS the rt , f3
h arft tatdar fakes satds frost th
itienn. a lee tDbseeoaM, taerelare, ire mas taa
ausroasdausndnrma wHch tamm immitvm la ready pre
pare nalue. eta. riot only aserMSac; sot nosMs to si .lees
of waste sad wees ep the awerove ersans. Th Meal breakfast
food, but Jut ss good ia bread, sedeiac. mnmns and teasr.
Everybody Ilka it, Cot it from your sweat.
Fr-Sp-etitHwAerVfap 3
Vtommm oi ajf. in KmJimammm lamommmvia tima cm
rasmtMHM irtT..-- ft
mmna ratal a,hc,i inii.fa.
THM is tut; way
When I told him he wouldn't kav
to hare thoee loo teeth take
out for a few years yet. Parmao
yoa are In a like prod Ira a eat
several teeth already fone, the
rst loaaened by dlaeaae, bridgo
work Impractical yet yoa dread
having then extracted.
Let me show yoa how I eaa re
tor your mouth and teatarea te
a natural appearance with my
thin skeleton plate.
BpeelalsH m -
nan won.
OS Bnutdet BMc.
naa xteag.
0ha. sab. I
prints clean news and clean id.
w&vtiidnat. w -