Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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lilt: BEE: ojijuLL, itliAl, FEbrtUAKl y.
if 1
Mav Bot Mm It.
Causa 8tU atosprtai. Baf.
as, Slac. fixture, luiMMhudn
A Calcke Pla Blaaer Will b served
at First Presbyterian church Friday,
from U:M to 13s. Price, S cants.
tf aaasle to get Booth' Guarantee
Canacd Oysters of your dealer, call
Douglas :t tor BMWt dealer's aame
Cessans Block slobs nolgGrtrnd
Welea has sold the cement block house
at the southwest corner of Thirty-third
and Poppleton to Zona a Rood for t22.X
Boost Omaha by Sad Chala A
system of endless chain letters to en
courage borne consumption of Omaha
mads goods has been decided upon by the
umaha Manufacturers' association.
Back KS for Bteattag CoelMeuric
Klnc and Blain Dewey, two negroes,
wera sentenced to thirty days each on the
rock pile by Judge Foster for the theft
of several pounds of coal from th Union
Pactflo yards.
tar Club Win Sense The Star Dan
cing dub will give a daacinc party gun
day evenlnc at the armory. Twentieth
and Harney streets. On the committee
will be Jaber Crounse and Win Castle-
Vorettsre to Bancs The Cathollo
Order of Foresters of St. Joseph court No.
JCM will give their third ball Saturday
evening at the new , Turner hall. Thir
teenth and Dorcas streets. The Foresters'
orchestra will furnish the music.
Borthwsstara Bridge BebaiH Th
Northwestern railroad bridge on West
Dodge street, destroyed by fire, has been
rebuilt and trains are arriving and de
parting over th line running into the
Union station.
. Old landmark Tacaat Th old Byron
Reed homestead at Twenty-fifth and
Dodge streets, one of the most pretentious
homes In the city many years ago, is
vacant tor the tint time since it was
built, the boarding house proprietor who
had a leas on It having quit business.
aaaslr from Turkey Russo ft Danon.
Smyrna, Turkey, having heard that
Omaha la a leading point for the manu
facture and exportation of starch, glucose
and rubber boo Is and shaes, have written
the Omaha Commercial club asking for
th names of the "most principal ftrma"
sogsged In the manufacture of these ar
ticles. Commissioner Guild will reply that
Omaha is not noted for these products,
but does make UOt other articles, of
which he wlU send the list.
Woman Hasd ana Paroled Birdie
Glger, the woman who eft her child with
out food and In a cold room without heat
at 143 North Sixteenth street while she
went out to drown her sorrow in the
powU was sentenced to" thirty days In the
county jail bj' Judge Foster. The Judge
later suspended the sentence and turned
the .woman over to Detention Officer
Carver. Th baby Is now In th Child
Saving Institute, where It Is said it will
take about four months to bring It back
to Its normal condition. .
Women of Nebraska
Own Their Clothes
Married women in Nebraska own their
own cVothes and other personal para
phernalia and have many other property
rights, a number at which ar not al
lowed to women in other state and
some of which were not accorded fifty
years ago, so a large gathering of suf
fragists learned at a meeting yesterday
at the Young Women's christian asso
ciation, airs. Alice C Ml nick, graduate
of the law department of the University
of Nebraska and for many years a prac
ticing lawyer, was leader in the program.
Th suffragists decided to give a pro
gram In the Lyric theater on February
23, which Is set aside by socialists
throughout the country as woman suf
frage day. airs. W. E. Buster, sirs.
Alio C. elinick and lira, . J. Shafar
will plan the program.
To ascertain wag conditions among
working women In Omaha and t deter
mine th minimum wage on which a
woman may Hv respectably the follow
ing i committee was appointed: sirs.
Sherman Fait, Mrs. Uinlck and Mrs. Ida
The suffrage society, which several
months ago wrote men's organisations
asking them to take a stand on woman
suffrage, received a letter from the Ad
club, through Samuel Reos, jr., secre
tary, who stated that the club regretted
that It could not take a stand upon ths
question, as It is "not the purpose of
and does not consider questions of more
than local interest of any kind except
such as affect the advertising world."
Pioneer Builder
of Omaha is Dead
Lorenzo Hobbs, one of the early pio
neers of Omaha and Nebraska, died at
Norfolk Monday, aged SS years. Th
body was brought to this city and
Wednesday was laid to rest beside that
of Mrs. Hobbs, who died in Omaha in
Mr. Hobbs came to Omaha from Boston
in IMA his family following two years
later. For several years he lived m a
residence at Ninth and Famam, then In
the best residence portion of the town.
Subsequently he bought property at
Seventeenth and Far nam streets and
erected and lived In a house on the
ground now occupied by the Douglas
county court house, lis was one of the
first building contractors m th city,
noting many of the old-time -business
houses and dwellings. During the build
ing of th Union Pacific railroad Mr.
Hobbs bad th contract for most of ths
station and section houses along th main
Una through Nebraska and Wyoming.
Thee buildings were framed in Omaha
and then sent out to the various stations
when they were put together.
During th sessions of fh Nebraska
legislature of' last and le. Mr. Hobbs
was a member from Donglas county. H
was the father of H- A. Hobbs of this
ejty. with whom he made his home prior
to two years ago and sine retiring from
active business life.
Th glee and mandolin club of the
University of Nebraska, composed of
forty members. Is planning a tw weeks'
trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, Chey
enne and other western cities next March.
Frauds Potter has been engaged as coach
for th mandolin club and reports the
members are doing fine work.
The Omaha members that hare snade
th club are Rowland Thomas, Leon Nel
son, Roy Young. Morris Buss and East
Meyer. Th club expects to sire a con
cert la Omaha some tlm la th near
Inward and Joha A. Creightoa Hon
ored by Uniyeriity Ken.
Jerry Kelllvaa af Des If state 'seeks
at Diane at Which Large
K amber f Itrereeeacatlva
Meet As Present.
"Founders day" exercises, commem
orative of th work of Edward and Count
John A. Crelghton In connection with
their establishment, endowment and ever
willingness to assist In broadening and
extending the scope of the university that
bears the Crelghton name, cam to a
close with a banquet, spread In the large
banquet ball at th Home hotel Wednes
During th early evening a public re
ception was held in the parlors at th
Rom hotel and was attended by a
large number of th dtlsens of Omaha
and Sjuth Omaha. This waa followed
by a ten-course dinner, at which covers
were laid for ttt persons. The banquet
was presided over by D. K. Vlnsonbaler
of the law department as toast master.
The speaker f the eversng was Jerry
B. Sullivan of Des Moines, la. Th at
fair was given by th management of
Crelghton university to Invited guests
snd the heads of th various departments
of the school. Thus around ths tables
. Thoee at the Baaejaev.
Guests of Honor-g. C. Dahlman, mayor
of Omaha: Thomas Matoney, mayor of
Council Bluffs; Jerry H. Sullivan of Des
Educational Prof. E. U. Graff, super
intendent of public Instruction; Prof. J.
F. Woolery snd Prof. . . McMillan of
the Omaha High school.
Newspaper Men Kev. P. C. Gannon,
editor True Voice; T. W. MoCullough.
managing editor The Omaha Daily Bee;
Joseph Polcar, managing editor Daily
News; Victor Rosewater, editor Th
Omaha Dally Bee; W. R. Watson, manag
ing editor World-Herald.
Clergy Revs. J. Aherne, P. A. Flana
gan, U. P. Harrington, J. J. Jesnnetie,
P. J. Judge, S. U Dowd. D. W. Moriarty,
J. T. bralth, J. w. Kteuson,
Judges-O. A. Day, Le & Estelle.
Howard Kennedy, W. A. Rediek. W. U.
Sears, A. h. Sutton, A. C Troup, Charles
Leslie, W. H. Munger.
Arts and (science Faculty Revs. Isaac
Bossstt, S. J.. Frank Breen. 8. J., MarTln
Bronageest. 8. J., Thomas Conner, 8. J.,
Terrenoe Devlin, 8. J., David Hickey,
S. J., John Kelly, 8. J, Prof. A. Kemper,
H. J . Re William Klnaella. K. J.. Prof.
Joseph K roe or. H- J-. Keva Thomas J.
Uvingstone, fcugen A. stagevney. a. J.,
F, X. Mars, 8. J., F. X. McMenamy.
8. J., Fred Meyer, 8. J.. L. O- Myers,
8. J., Father Qulnlaa, 8. J.. W. P. Rlgge.
8. J., Prof. Riley, 8. J., Revs Archibald
Tallmadge, 8. J., Father Weiss, 8. J.,
W. P. Woelan, 8, J.. Albert Wis. 8. J.
Philip K. Horan, Francis P. Matthews.
Patrick J. Barrett, Hugh Gillespie.
Meek-el Faouity Dra H L. Alkln. H.
I. Arnold J. ef. baralnw. Adrian Burk-
ard. H. L. Burrell. D. C. Bryant, P. T.
Coalan, IF. M. Conlln, F. M. Coulter,
C. F. Crowley, E. De Lanaey, T. J.
Dwyer, J. 8. Foots. H. P- Hamilton.
E. K. Hays, F. W. Houghton, alrneet
Kelly, Millard Langfeld. J. P. Lord.
A. K. Mack, 8. McCleneghan, Charles
McMartln. A. L. Mulrhead. C. J. Nemec
C. O. Rich, B. M. Riley. Rudolph Rlx.
Adolph Sachs R. G. Schlndel, C. M.
Sohlooel. F. J, Bchlrler, F. T. Seybert,
N. r. sterner, ueorge Stevens, u
Sc-hwartalander. A. F. Tyler. Hugo
Wlgbtman and W. H. Scott.
Internes, tit. Joseoh HosDltal-Dra. H. R.
Chsloupka, J. F. Mtandevea, J. W. Hutch
ison, and u. E. Peters.
Law Faculty J. A. Bennewlt. H.
C Brome. H. & Daniel, Wlllard Eddy.
A. O. 1 1 lick, J. P. English, J. M. Flts-
rild. J. A. C. Kennedy and Edward
Lsary. H. P. Leavltt, T. J. Mahoney,
Paul L. Martin. H. O. Moorhead. Dan
J. Riley. J. A. Klne, Edward W. Slmeral.
Sidney W. Smith, E. P. Smith, K. D.
W btllllvan. Lt. J. ierroei, u. ss. vin
enhaler, F. H. Woodland, J. W. Wood
rouKh. R M. WesL K. G. Young and
J. W. Delehant.
Dental hsculty nr. A. c Bunce, K. rt.
Bruenlng. Oustav Hahn. O. W. Hamilton,
A. H. Hippie. W. L. Ross, 1L J. Mallac
and C. E. Woodbury.
Pharmacy Fsoulty-c. n. rncaa, Kan
Krleslnger and J. E. O'Brien.
Business Men and Alumni Alfred
Thomas. J. . O'Uern. George Parks.
John 8c hall. P. C. Haafey, Thomas J.
MoHhene, Patrick J. Scott, v. no war a
Ferrell, T. J. Leery. Charles Frenasr,
E. J. McVann. H. C. Brome. Willis G.
Crosby and Dr. R. W. Connell.
Address by Jvrrr Selllvaa.
Following ths Introduction by Toast-
master Vlnsonbaler, Mr. Sullivan spoke
on th "University's Duty to th State."
Paying a tribute to the memory of th
Crelghton brothers, Edward and John,
Mr. Sullivan said that "Crelghton and
Omaha" and "business integrity and free
education" are synonymous and It Is well
that th citlaens of this city meet once
each year to gtv praise to the memory
of tboss who, during their lives, did so
much for toe stats and lis people.
Speaking of the early history of Crelgh
ton university, th speaker said th men
who founded th Institution did so In
th starry night, out on th prairies of
th boundless west, with th broad canopy
of heaven as their roof. Hardship snd
toll was a dally occurrence, but oy their
Industry and energy they erected a monu
ment that time cannot destroy. It was
not through books they ascertained the
proposition, "but. It wsa on ths field of
strife and toll, added th speaker, "that
they beheld th mighty questions now
confronting us and th necessity of mut
ing them.
These men with Ideals of th highest
and a determination that was marvelous,
grasped the opportunity and linked our
city with th golden west. Here, they
said, ws will erect a university when
the youth of the land will be instructed
to bee onto uptight men.
"To Crelghton university, all power
snd praise. Standing as it does, in the
enter of a great nation. In a tlm whan
th solution of mighty questions ar up
permost, when th integrity of 11 I ation
Is at stake, when men and women are
appealing for more rights, for equal op
portunities; oh, what a moment to lend
Influence and Inspiration to thoee within
Its walls. For those wb depart to do
the work assigned, what a heritage U y
bar by the good work of this university.
An Institution whose doors are always
open: whoa path ss ever toward th
imrn-'"g sua: that stands for in right M
worthy of thoee who mad It loeslkle
to xlst.
"Go forth, mighty university, and let
your Influence and career be as true in
every field and department as gear
founders; so lire that home and state may
lejolc at th work you an doing rod at
last, when this republic perishes, if ever
it does, let the flag of Crelghton uni
versity, with humanity written upon Its
folds, be th last to sink."
Eggs Take Another
Three-Cent Drop
Eggs have taken a further drop of I
cents a doxea at wholesale, th wholesale
price being now K cant and ths retail
price B to X cents. Soma stores adver
tise that they will sell at M cents tosnor
row. It I predicted that th wholesale
price Friday will be down to B cents. '
For a sprain you will find Chamber
lain's Liniment excellent- It allays th
pmin removes ths soreness, and soos
restore th parts t a healthy condition.
S and W-cent bottles for sal by all druggists.
Kay to th SltueUoa Bee AdverUatof.
" t
b. n
Des Moines.
Telli of the Success of This Clus
in Various Iowa Town.
Cesat shew at th AadMewlaas
Praws Bis; C re eras el Peapl
latereeled 1st This Class ef
Coastractiea Work.
F. P. Wilson, city engineer at Mason
City, la., held ths attention of th Ne
braska Cement Users assoclstion at
Thursday morning's session of their sev
enth annual convention by telling of Ms
experiences with cement paving. Mr.
Wilson said that cement is ths best kind
of material that he knows of for paving
purposes, for th reason that It makes
the most sanitary streets, wears longer
than brick or asphalt and makes less
noise than either.
During the summer of IM Mason City
laid 6.000 square yards of cement paving
in the downtown district, when It had
a test under the most seven traffic. After
standing th test of two bard winters
and heavy trafflo th cement pavement
is In as good condition today as It was
when It was laid. Mason City Is pleased
with the results from cement paving, for
contracts for ever 60,400 square yards
more have already been let.
"In constructing flrst-clasa cement pav
ing, first-class materials an essential.
Th best quality of Portland cement con
crete brings th nest results and Mason
City Ass found that ths west l th cheap
est In the end."
Telle at Methods.
Mr. Wilson than told ths delegates how
the streets In Mason city wen made
Hs told of the road-bed preparation and
of th excavation for gutters, and after
convincing his hearers ef th sucoess of
cement paving, he told them of th suc
osss other Iowa towns and villages bars
bad with ths same kind of material. His
talk was largely technical, but It was
highly Interesting. When be had finished
he was the target for a volley of ques
tions that lasted for nearly half an hour.
M. U King, experimentalist In agricul
tural nglneering at Am, la., was on
th program tor an address upon "Ce
ment 8llo Construction," but buflnsss
compelled him to be In Kansas City to
day, so his address was held over for
Friday. Mr. King Is said to be th father
of silo construction, and his remarks
upon th subject will doubtessly B of
J. A. Kvart, superintendent of th or-
nanwntal department of the Omaha Con
crete Stone company, read a paper upon
"Th ttlements of Buooessf ul Manufacture
of Concrete." This paper was purely
techlnal In every point but It proved to
be of Interest to the cement users for
th reason that It brought out several
Important facts relative to ornamental
concrete work.
Have taeela Bex.
Following th papers read by Mr. Wil
son and Mr. Bvarta. President McCord
Introduced a "question box" feature.
which gave th delegates th opportunity
of securing additional Information. In
these "question box" discussions, J. W.
Wilson of Oekalooaa, la.; F. CommlUa,
of Sioux City; and D. B. Mills of Hast
ings took part.
Ths convention will come to a close
this morning, when th election of of
ficers and the selection of th next meet
ing 'place. At this session a number of
interesting addresses and papers have
been arsnged for and President McCord
says that It will be th most Interest
ing of th convention. President Richard
L. Humphrey, of the National Cement
Users association. Is exported to b In
attendance, and several other officers of
th national organisation an also expected.
Th Cement show at th Auditorium s
Increasing In popularity as It near it
end, for th crowd that visited the place
last night was nearly double the slss of
i on of th preceding sight. This
morning a large crowd of visitors wsa on
hand to view the oernent marvels and the
a In charge of th exhibition an highly
pleased with th attendanca,
Considering th fact that cement con
struction Is almost purely technical, th
number of persons who an interested
Is surprisingly targe. All of th estbihlts
are attracting attention and the orna
mental columns and porch decora fleets
are the souro of ever Increasing ex
clamations of surprise.
Elizabeth Lehmer
Dies of Old Age
Mrs KUxabeth 8. Lehmer, for over fifty
years a resident of Omaha, died yester
day afternoon at ths resMeno of her
daughter. Mrs. Richard 8. Carrier, In the
New Hamilton apartments, from causes
Incident to old age. She was M rears old.
She is survived By a large number at
relatives children. r grandchildren and
great grandchildren most of whom wen
gathered about her when she celebrated
her ninety-third birthday anniversary
The funeral will be held Friday after
noon at o'clock at th First Presby
terian church.
Mrs. Lehmer Is survived by four child
ren, all of whom an prominent In Omaha
social and business attain: J. B. Leh
mer. Mrs. W. V. Morse, Mrs. A. H.
Cooler and Mrs. Richard Carrier. The
late Frank Lehmer was also her son.
Iajwreet ta a Fir
or bruised by a fall, apply Bueklen's
Arnica Batv. Cures burns, cuts, wounds,
bolls, sores, ecsesn. pue. Guaranteed.
Sc. nor gale by Kealoa Drug; Ce
Ex-Bepraentativ-e of Grain Firm
Accused by Sioux City Woman, -
Mrs. Killer at Tata CUT streaks la
Cawaa rkss Talk with sterna
City Wife aad JlsT to TJp
Boaght by detective armed with war
rants for bis arrest for alleged bigamy,
Edward H. Miller, Ml Chicago street,
well knows for year as a traveling
represeatatlv tor th Trsjuunlsslsslppt
Grain onmpany and reputed to be worth
at least tSwOu. Is missing.
Ha disappeared Saturday morning after
his supposed Omaha wire had Interrupted
a long distance telephone conversation
between him and Mrs. Nona Miller of
Sioux City, who claims to be his tint
snd only lawful wife.
Mrs. Miller of Sioux City cam to
Omaha Saturday morning, only a few
hours after Miller bad left SSI Chicago
street. She conferred with County At
torney James P. English, with th result
that a bigamy charge was filed In polio
Mrs. Miller of Omaha, who prior to bar
claimed marriage to Miller was Miss
Gertrude Hues, stoutly declared nor in
nocence of any wrong Intent when inter
viewed by a reporter last night, main
taining that at the time ef her marriage
to Miller shs believed htm a singl man.
She said she Is anxious to meet th Sioux
City Mrs. Miller, for she knows It will
not take long to eonvtno her of her
Miller is about yean old; Mrs. Ger
trude Miller of Omaha, wife No. t. Is a
handsom brunette, about M yean of
age; airs Nona Millar of Sioux City,
wife No, 1, Is a Mono and near Mil
ler's age.
"Miller traveled over Iowa for n tor
five or six years ar longer. said F. 8.
CowgtlL president of ths Transmlsaisslppl
Grain company, when questioned last
night. "He left us about six months ago
and I don't know anything about what
he has been doing stone. Hs resigned
of his awn accord and left us under no
Miller's real reason for resigning his
position with ths grain osmpany was his
inheritance of tSJNO or more from eoms
relative la th asst. Th good fortune
caused him to decide to quit work tor
awhile, with th Intention of going Into
business for himself or otherwise Invest
ing th money.
le terras ties Dramatic.
Th Interruption of ths telephonic con
versation of Miller and wits No. 1 by
wife No. t was Intensely dramatic, ac
cording to th Omaha woman's version.
"Th first I knew that hs had another
wlf was last Friday night," said Mrs.
Gertrude Miller. "I, never waa so sur
prised In my Ufa We wen sitting here
talking when th telephone rang and h
answered It It wsa a long dlstanc all.
From th way he talked I got suspicious
that he was talking to some Woman and
I got nsar enough to th 'phone to hear
some of th talk from th other end. 8 he
called herself Nona. Sh said ah was
coming to see him, Hs said all right
They talked some snore and finally shs
aid. Tfou'U mset m at the train, will
your He said hs would. Then I grabbed
th telephone away from aim and said.
Til b with him. too.' 'And who an
your b asked.. I'm bis wife,' I said,
she said, 'So am I.' Then, of course,
w got to quarreUng and I can't remem
ber everything w did say. ,
"Finally w quit and I had H oat with
him. He denied It up aad uewn and said
it waa just a Jok somebody wss trying
to play. I had oonttdenoe enough to
marry him and I had oonfldenee enough
to bslisv him. Hs oonvlnosd me then
waa nothing to it, although It still seemed
queer to me.
Disappears Saturday.
"Saturday morning he went out of th
house early. Hs said be was going down
to gewsom newspapers. Test's th last
I bar seen of him and th hurt anybody
has seen of him, so far as I know.
"Mrs. Miller snd her brother cam to
Omaha Saturday morning and got out
ths warrant. Th brother and Detective
Hell cam out ben looking for Mr. Millar.
Of oourse, they didn't find him. The
brother identified him by on at his plc
luns. "I am absolutely Innocent," said th
Omaha Mrs, Miller. "I went to meet
Mrs. Miller and sxplsin to her and I
know I can convince her. I hay bean
so mixed up since this thing happened
that 1 haven't been In condition to asy
or do anything right. I haven't recov
ered from th shock even yet. I was so
dumfounded by It I hardly know what
I'm doing. As soon as I have recovered
and ct hold of mysslt enough to be sen
sible I want to arrange with Mrs. Miller
for a meeting. Sh couldn't possibly hav
been more surprised than I wss and she
can't feel any won than I do.
"I don't blam bar for being mad and
crasy over what ah found out. So was
I mad and crasy and I don'i think either
of us was responsibl for anything we
did. I sen sympathise with her for I am
practically In th asm position, Ws an
both vlstsms of a dishonest man.
Knows Miller Thro Tear.
"I met Mr. Miller through friends of
ran three yean ago. Nobody ever said
anything to me about his being married,
but ho toM m he waa married and was
getting a dlvoroe. I believed him. After
wards h said hs had his dlvorc and
two yean age w wen married hen la
Omaha. '
"Mr. Miller always wss good to me and
I couldn't bsvs wished for a better hus
band. I never had any res up to suspsot
such a thing as. this, though I am rather
Jealous. He traveled and was at horn a
few days and then away a few days.
Whenever be was away I thought he
wss out on th road working.
"Mrs. Millar's brother told how sh
happened to call at th house. Sh triad
to call seen place downtown when ahe
thought ho would be and he wasn't there
snd they gar her bis nstdenc number.
Than I found out about It."
Records of ths Douglas county oourt of
flos show that Sdward U. Millar and
Bsrtrud Bines wen licensed to wed by
Charles A. Furay. cashier and marriage
Uoeas clerk, aad married by Charles
Leslie, then county judge, on August ID,
BM. Miller gave his age as M and his
art dress as Omaha; Miss Hiaee gav bar
age as St
Th Sioux City Mrs. Miller asserts she
married Miller eight yean ago.
Arrangements for the annual banquet
of th Ohio soctoty, which will be bald In
March, will b made at a meeting la th
dfflc of W. W. SlabaugB. MS Omaha
National bank bulldirg this noon.
Caawttt ta th Act
and arrested by Dr. King' New Lit
Pills bilious headache quits and Bver,
stomach and bowels act right. Only Sc.
For sal by Btatos. Drug Co.
Suicide is Called
Acute Melancholia
in Death Records
The motive which prompted the sulclds
of Rattle Rosenbeck, nurse at ths Presby
terian hospital, who hung herself with a
towel two weeks sgo. Is still a mystery.
County Attorney English went to the
hospital yesterday, out tailed to learn
the cause of tbs deed.
Dr. Lsroy Crammer, whose patient Miss
Rosenbeck hsd attended, was called by
Miss Jessie Graham bead nurse, when
Miss Rosenbeck's body wss discovered.
Dr. Crummer signed the death certificate,
which was tiled In the city health office,
giving scute melancholia as the cause of
death. He refused to talk about th case
Coroner Crosby said he did not make
the suicide publto because the girl'
parent and the hospital authorities
wished It kept quiet. He said th law
does not compel him to make publto such
matters. He found no need for an In
quest, be said.
County Attorney English says County
Attorney Carrtgan of Blair, the girl's
horn town: Sheriff Menecke and two
other Blair persons cams to Omaha' Im
mediately after the sulclds to Investigate.
He said he had nothing to do with th
casa until Tuesday.
Miss Orsham, head nurse, said sh was
t a loss to know why ths girl killed
herself. She was a great tavortts at the
Institution and wss of a jolly disposition.
Miss Graham, who wss sating superin
tendent of the hospital at the time, aahl
she asked Coroner Crosby not to make
th matter public
F. A. Nash, general agent of th Mil
waukee rood, is back from Chicago,
when he was called to consult on rail
road matters.
J. G. Law. former general agent of the
Union Pacific at St. Louis, but now pas
senger agent at large of the Western
pacific, with headquarters at Kansas
City, Is In town. .
M. L Lomax. formerly general paesen
mor arent of ths Union Parlflo. but now
passenger trafflo manager of the Western
Pacific with headquarters In Han Jan
cisco. Is In Omaha calling on his many
old-tlm friends.
At Birth. Itching Caused Him to
Scratch. Hair Continually Matted
with Blood. Tried Many Remedial.
Used Cuticura Soap and Olntmtits
In 2 Weeks and a Half Was Cured.
IM rmntn tt.. fUclae Jet., Wb. "My
brother, heed el bath ess covered with
sightly usssrs. wale resembled hug pimples
sad dtscttanrsd bloody pus. as asaa s ewe
wouM come te s heed snd bunt, leer would
be sasther ane In Ms piece aad ss be tiers
eider the Hcbiag caused him Is somtch. As
a ssssll hs) saw wss sen Un sally smiled with
clewed blood. Hs sufersd pain sad it wss
ssvarsst si alf hi, nuking sua msllesi. so hs
eould sot sleep. We bad great difficulty la
combing tut hair, which mad bis seals bleed
profusely. Ws Hied masy lesssdiss, such s
earsotte ssive, , see., before ws betas
to as the Cuttetff Soap sod Otatawat. to
tw weeks w aotlosd gnsl Improvement.
Tbs scalp looked more hesllhy sad the sores
were sealing so. In lw weeks snd s half
they bed completely dissppeersd snd my
brother w ease Ural, cured. " ttiaed) Mama
Nov. 17, 1L
. OssssdHsiiFalnsiOwlBedl;.
trt Msdsioa St.. New Talk Oty. "fro
BMClhs I was troubled with mj scalp. I diet
Botlosd M by asodruf as my esiler sad my
hair falling out badly. I tried essay shampoos
and daodruff removers with no results. Mar
ios beard of lbs good done by OuUeuts soap
and OBlmeni 1 resolved W try Isea. 1 did
this lor several nights and now am fully re
covered. 1 bars n excellent growth of salt,"
tcttgnsd) D. L Goldberg, Dept. II. 111.
Outleur soap end Oletmeal we said
everywhere, nempls of soh mailed free,
with U-p. book. Address. "Cuticura."
Dept. T. Beaten. Tsder4scsd amn beual
ban with OuUcum swap swsvtsg slios.
means the most
delightful table
beer known to
mankind. Insist
on Blatzand
see that yon get It.
MMM hew an, twaa. sV
fweaer Dtmtlm
Announcement of Special Sales
al This Store Saturday
Extraordinary Overcoat Sale
Ona Day Only SATURDAY 0n8 0nI
Our entire stock of Over
coats will be placed on sale at a
price which will enable all to
purchase fine Overcoats for little
Watch Our Windows and
Friday evening papers.
Choice of any man's shirt in our entire
stock including Manhattans, Faultless,
Cluetts-that sold np to $3.00,
Choice of men's highest grade union suits,
nnido by Cooper, finest worsteds, wools,
also silk mixtures worth $5.00 and $6.00,
' SATURDAY $1.65.
that basis gfc-
- Slji-rrCr:
e-s awn. ISfeScrij"
game ruwDu,
allsarea. UesewaUwless seech e, Ferell
mm ens .saw ruse... oeaws aa ejeie
fccts. 11ii.iu iisaat!y la water. For
s vests ess by peveaoese sll ever the
world. Sesei aecaageaahsslgauoee
aaaeard whmmn.
Antiseptic Powder
flotd by truCsfltu cwrpy'vnwan
ASK TVVI stosCXUC ar mmt tm Ma
1 1 TTIH; Owtrt. Vaat,
Sk. e. - s .a, V
Last call for Florida!
' Arriving in Florida now is like reaching the theatre ti
the curtain goes up youH get there at the floodtide of
Eeople and pleasure when the bays and beaches, the
otels and the highways are thick with thousands who
escaped from the cold of the north. Its time for you
to get started. The
Kansas City-Florida Special
will take jroo to this wmttr play
ground in th ihorttim) betwaan
tonight and th day iftsf tomorrow
nwroing, It it s cooplett train of
Uctric lighted tlaeptn, dinars,
electric lighted coaches and bag
gage cat. (Fred Harvey serves'
Leeres Ifsasss &tj, daOy.
Arrives) MesnpU.. .......
Arrive Btrengaasa ,
ttia maals on ths Frisco LlnaaJ
It got through from Kansas City
to Jacksonville without chsagei
independent of all connections
over the route of shortest diectneo
and quickest time the Ftut
Stvdurn Raihuty.
Arrtsws Jsswsosrria
....SilS e as.
.mmmm.... S av. a
....h.M0 p. sa. j
'.........TssO evas.
v. . - , .1. 1 , L. 4 . I. V. Ph. aAr. '
J sua Irons sawaws anna w mmwm i y V
this splendid asw train. For ticks, sUspiag ear reserveiio., aad a frse copy
of g beeotifal book about Florida, call en er mis .
Frisco Ticket Offk, Waldbdm Building,
11th and Main Sts Ksvnaaa Cty.
J.CJXVlUlJv.Jvieisa lsseagar Agssstr.a.s. Cfty.
"The Favorite Rye"
of Six Generations"
costs no more than
ordinary rye.
Then buy SCHENLEY and
enjoy its delicate flavor, mel
lowness and 4 times distilled
Bottled in Bond i
Each bottle la scaled vrith If
the U. S Government Stamp. J
Its age is guaranteed by the
V. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
Schenley Distilling Company, Lnceeeo, Pa.
Comic Section A Hoo7;san' n
rrii c J T3 Ntmo. the Katzeniammrr Kidt
A lie OUnday Bee and th vhoU murtsdng fatwTx