10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 19V2 WARMER WEATHER KLPS Koadi to the West Are in Much Bet ter Shape Than Eastern. - SUSIJAT A MOST STKEHTJOUS DAT lm Limes , DrittJaa; ft ! Bard Hit r a Theater Tralaa ate riU Fast a Tarl.aa Ltnee. With mild, wanner and clearing treattaer gnr the west, tralaa from that direction ara running practically oa caedule. but with bliss ray conditions BW-alrlnc throuehont 6outh Dakota, Min nesota and northern Iowa, trains from the north and east have been annulled, or are retting through the beat they can. ' According to railroad reports through out the northern portion of Nebraska, about all of south Dakota and a greater portion of Iowa and Illinois, all Satur day afternoon and most of Sunday, a terrific bustard, the most sever In yean, prevailed. Trains oa the Wyoming and Long Fine divisions of the Northwestern, the en tire Union Pacific system, ths Burling ton and Rock Island lines west of ths Missouri Hrer and the aUssoarl Pacific are arriving and departing practically on schedule. However, with the roads from the seal It is different. Even as far south as the line of the Rock Island through Iowa, a fierce bllaard prevailed for twenty four boors, completely tying up passenger trains on this road. So badly was the Una blocked, that trains are being de toured over ths Milwaukee that Is fortun ate enough to run through a compara tively level counu. r lasts Arc lard. Trains on the rJurllnatona lowe, line are from one to four hours isle. The trains on the Korthwestern are running about the same as those of the Burlington, the trouble being east of Boons and along the V liilly country between mere and Marshall- u vn. Prom Boone, this way, ths lias is clear. Ths Great Western la hit about the hardest of any of tha eastern roads. All aervtcs west of Carroll baa been aban doned and from there, trains Into Omaha are being deteured over the Northwestsra. Trains on ths Omaha-Mlnneepolls line of the Northwestern era. lost somewhere In the Minnesota snowdrifts, none of them having arrived since Halurday night. Nothing has been heard from them since that time. The Northwestern'! lino from Tracy west through Dakota to ths Black I Nils la in trouble, ths entire Ut miles be ing clocked with snow. Over this stretch of rood no trains have pasrd sines last Soturrlsy. A doarn rotary snow plows and Isrgs forces of men are at work and It Is honed to have the trains running aume time Tueadsv. The portion of Inn load from iroquoli. a. u, to Kagle Urate and the branch Into Clout city was tied up all day Hunday, as was the bianch serosa lbs nothern pert of Nv biaska from Kmerson to Norfolk. Big Riverview Bear ; Bowed in Grief for Julius Caesar, Dead A great cinnamon mother bear crouches on her haunches In her lair at Riverview pa ik and groans In a grief that cannot le a "sussed, for Julius Caesar Eaau, the (tile rub born Saturday, died Sunday night Cold weslher and Ih ferocity of the uM bear caused ths death of ths Utile fellow, who found tlx rigors of ths weslher too great for endurance and was kept from assistance by the selfish and dangarous lovs of his mother. Since ths death of Julius Caesar Ksau the old bear has advsrtlsed her grief la nioans alternating with defiant growls 8 he asked for no sympathy and resented with flare of fangs aad a' deep growl of warning approach of man or beast. Not oven ths keeper has dared enter the bears den. Pacing back and forth slowly or attune grimly by her dead the old bear Issued a challenge and It went unaccepted, for H waa patent aha meant business and so waa left eonsplcuoualy aloaa In bar sorrow. Attar Julius Caesar Esau was aecured by ths keeper arrangements were made far hi burial. Hs wsa a pitiful Utile object and not worth the time or trouble and ex pen M to mount. But he waa the o bear's greatest lovs and sine his death ah has obstinately refused to touch food, and the keeper says ahs will mourn for several da)- after the little rub has been consigned to the fro ace earth, v Sxpert Welsh aad Jewelry Maps' r- lng Itoae la our Jewelry Dept. mm at Table a aa Yard New Lots Brought Forward Tuesday From Our Great Purchase of the Entire New York Shirt Waist Factory Thousands of yards of exquisite embroideries, elab orate allovers, beautiful waist fronts, etc Fresh, new lots from our immense purchase, brought forward on bar gain squares for Tuesday. Elegant $2 Embroideries for $L39 Yard 45-inch fine Swiss embroidered skirtings, elegant designs in Eng lish eyelet, floral, blind relief and new com- '190 bination effects, worth up to $2 yard, at, yd.. . Hand Embroidered Shirt Waist Fronts All linen fronts, worth np to $1.00-Tuesday, at, QQj each C 36-inch White and Colored Allover Embroideries 27 inch flouncing", waist fronting", panelings, novelties, etc, ninny worth up to $1.P0 yard JQa, bargain square, at, yard weV All the 18 and 27 inclj Flouncings, Waist Fronting, All overs, colored embroidery voile bands, etc., 95l worth up to (JOc yard, at, yard Medium and Wide Embroidery Edgings and Insertions Alsi galloons, etc., from the Shirt AVaist factory, odd lots, etc., worth up to 20c yard, Ca jinfl 1 Ai in two big lots, at, yard Seek Near Eggs in Restaurants Federal Investigation of Omaha sating houses and restaurant la aald to be now quietly la progress ks a result of rumor to tha affect that a hugs quantity cf "near sets' ha bean shipped her from fhlrago. This Investigation Is said to be carried en by Chicago pur food officials who ara said to hav found trace of bug quantltlee of eggs adulterated with milk aad other ingredients and sold In cans to rests rente. Y he sell them In the shape f "scrambled'' and other forma of rooked eggs. Ths cotnmoneat form of use of the "aear ess" Is la ths making of pastry and ether foods. Local officials will say nothing regard- tog the rumored Investigation. Preparing Way for . Seed Corn Specials Women's Spring Suits and Coats, Made to Your Own Measure, or, the Models May Be Purchased Outright.) Style for spring ltii that are absolutely authentic 300 new Modal Suit from which to cdoom tha gtylea you wish. Hundred of sample of iprtng material. Showing, and aala all tola week. . k 35c Embroidered Hulls atl2c Yard (On Sale Basement Bargain Square) These charming waistings come in a big range of large and small embroidered stripes, figures and dots. Here are the most b'oautiful and richest of new white waist ings. In order to sell the entire lot of 4,700 yards, we will sell these high cost waistings on base- A f i ment bargain square at the extremely . IZy'C low price of, yard .m,s VALENTINES Thousands of the newest, prettiest valentines f 0 r 1912. Scores of novelties, including new assortment of valentine post cards, ut lo and up. 'just Received A Great New Shipment ONEIDA COMMUNITY SILVERWARE Thousands of pieces of all kinds. The best plated ware in America. M BRANDEIS STORES M Frank J. Odetl. secretary of tha Ne braska Baral Ufa commission, wh Is assisting tha publicity bureau of the L'oouBerclal dub and the Omaha Grain Chang la their seed corn campaign, was la JTremont yesterday to organise the In terested bualnaa aasn there and la sur rounding counties la preparing for the J renting of too seed corn special that wlli be sent sat by tha railroads. Mr. Odell will spend tha root of the month la ad vance work for the a pedal. OMAHA ON THE INDIAN MAP AiiiiUnt ' Commissioner Abbott Talk oa Letting Contract!. SATS WAREHOUSE HERE TO STAT Tell aselseee ea that India n- Traets Will Let Hero Every Ulber aear tor aa I deflalle Time. P. II. Abbott, assistant commissioner of In.ilan affairs, at a luncheon given for him at th Commercial club br Omaha bualness men declared that Ih success of -the letting of Indian contract in Omaha last spring "put Omaha on th map" with th Indlsn bureau and as sured his hearers that th contracts will b let In Omaha every other year, unless chsng la administration should alter th situation. "I think 1 cao assur you also, he aald. "that whoever Is at ths head of Indian affair Omaha Hill havo aa In dian warehouse aa long aa there la more tltaa one warehouse." "Omaha got a place on th map a a result of th fact nd figures submitted by the Commercial club," aald Mr. Ab bott. "Over per cent more bid were received In the Omaha letting than la any previous letting of contracts. Omaha bid ders captured two lo three times as many contracts as they ever got before. Home of the Omahans haven t yet got their money for goods delivered last spring, but Mr. Abbott say th bureau la formulating a plan by which It can nav within thirty days. Mr. Abbott told of ths successes of th Omaha and Winnebago Indians aa farm ers, and said th Omahas bow pay taxes just like white men and th Wlnnebagor have petitioned congress to be allowed to do th same. loused. Th Increase In juror' pay from 8 to S3 a day I believed to be respon sible for this situation. Few of ths excuees offered by Jurors were honored by Judge Button. ."Juror are Ilk soldiers." th Judge said. "It Is a luty and must be periormea, eves at persons) sacrifice." Calling of th docket consumed an hour and a half. la many cases tnsrs was ao response to ths call and Judg Button an nounced that If there I bo response on two succeeding calls ths suits will be dismissed on tha court' motion. "Vote for Seven" is v to Go on the Ballots Voter for commissioners at th pri mary will be Instructed on the official ballot to "vot for seven." This decision waa reached yesterday by City Clerk Dan B. Butler, who will hav chsrgs of the making of the ballot. "I consulted wUh ths elly attorney." aald Mr. Butler, "with one of th district Judge and with eaveral prominent at torney of th city, ana they were nearly unanimous in Interpreting the law as directing that seven Instead of fourteen men be voted for." A Fartanat Toaaa. B. W. Ooodloe, Dalles, Tea a. found a aure relief for malaria and biliousness In Pr. King's New Life PI I la Only tie. For sale by Beato Lteug Co. MIDWAY CASE TO BE TRIED FOURTH TIME ON FRIDAY TBere will b another trial of the Mid way esse, probably Friday. Loots Plattl appeared before Pel Ice Jong roster Monday and sake for a new trial of th caaa la which Jack BrwesBfleld and Billy CrvtchfMd ara as deeply later rated. Judge Foster granted him a reaearla; and aaM that he prob ably would draw tha Jarors Friday. Tares Junes hav already disagreed oa this ease. Th first trial stood four to tee for csavtctioa. Th second on was the ta three for conviction and th last teed Cv to on fee conrtcUoa, February Ternrof Court Opened Monday The February ter-n of district court opened yesterday and by this morning nil the lew courts will be busy trying cases ta Juries. Th grand and petit Juries re ported and detail of getting down to bustnea war disposed of Interest la th grand Jury overshad owed other matter for tha dav. More petit Jurors than usual reported and a smaller number thsa uaual asked to be Who opine Cough CKOUP TaSTHMA COUGHS RONCHTTTJ CATARRH COLDS A , Jtltti" Seiasas et bsa aiaiBeMe.am4erafl V asanas C we. laee.iSeaerMTeiyU.eCeettaae ilmu Cmsaal eece- It at e S-m si ssna hsWta TsttfselealaMrTaKare HaW elm exrv . aueaa bieaeaiei mmSm Cm sms ibMat as4 eMea tee cease. Mia natal lf So. Iiwlsialeatwl Mm-ai as Mcrl besane. AltV MUCaSTS. TrrCeaafaet 7vTri mi Dressmakers Forms, in All Sizes, 51.00At the Pattern Department A Remarkable February Clearance at the Bennett Store Closing, out, actually, thousand of dollars' worth of wanted, thorotiihly reliable merchandise at prteea that will go a long waya to ward reducing your coat ot living. ' All Odd Lots, Broken Lines, Surplus Stocks, Mussed and Soiled Goods of All Descriptions Must Co Which means that at aoma tlma during this month every depart ment of the store, from the basement to the top floor, will have something on gale tbat will be of apecial ln i terest to you-wearlng apparel for men, women and chll- l Iran; furniture and decoratlona for the noun; yara f joodg, etc., etc. Vtoit the store erery day poaaiDie. liet into the aptrit of the occasion. It meana dollar and dollar aaved to you. 1 w Sale of Flat Silver Ware Continued Tbla ia a clearance of high grade tea spoons, knives, fork and fancy piece. usual fair marking. spoon, dessert ana taoie Prices are about bait of tba Tea Spoons, 69c to KMc the act. Vcetert Spoons, 80c to 1. 1 set. Table Spoons, f 1.20 to gl.M art, 2J Per Cent Discount on all Hol low Ware. ' Fancy Piece, 2Sc anil np. -Halve and - Fork, f 1.U8 to $5.i8 tlte set. , Dak (.brats with 28 Pipers, S4.9H to 910.00. tie Furniture Clearance f-.iTllur stocks st this store never stsgnste. There' constant and heavy deny outgo, offset b equslly numerous arrlvUbest makers ths country over are our steady sources of supply. - - But," you ssy. "1 havs seen the asm piece, or suit, on th tloor lor a wck. Iwo weeks or three weeks." Ttue--th floor sanit ies. They remain till tlwy serve their P'"Toe. The chsntes occur In the su-ks at ths warehouse, represented by floor samples. To keep suoh vast stocks In trim we must cOMHtsntly weed out short lots, st vies not re-ratelogueo by the makers, and our own floor sample or p.n nylea-aa in thU February Clesranca Th price range are given oeiow, eacli marking telling oi a large saving. Rotktn of tl.tS to $18.75. afca. Brass SsaV. SS.25 te S40. Drssrs, S6.7S lo 930. Chifftutn. 95.75 fe 931. Drmmng TMu. 915 to 920. Libtoty roWee. t to 929. Writing Ocsfcs. 99 to 920. .. (t...(rl i J-ece rarter oairos, reero. Morn CrWr. iS to t2S. I KHchn CmbinH: U5 to $27.50. lining Room Chain, 91 lo . 93.SS. Dining Tobln, 95 to 90. Boffttt, 919 to 940. Chinm Catinot; 99 lo 930. Iron BtU. 92 to 910. Writing TaU, iS to $19. ' AfWc Cabinrtt, 9 to25. Confr Stand $2.50 to $15. Sale of the Famous Sealy Mattresses For Tuesday Only ' If you wers to try 'to buy these mattresses at any jther tine of th yestr you would have to py full prlc for them, for they r sold to dealers with th.. iderstandlng thai the price restriction o upheld. But Tuesday w wl!l uake an exception of the rul and hern' tho way you will bnflt. 15-lb. 11040 ran1as felt "mattreaa of finest cotton layer, full bed slse7Tudy SIM 111-00 reaala ealy taftiees mattress with Imperial edge and crown center; fuii0 lba weight and made of long cotton laysrs; .fully warranted for t years. Tuesday only 1J0 Four Specials From Our Annual February White Goods Opening and Sale By far th largest atock of white goods ever assembled in Omaha at thla time of the year now Invites your inspection and purchase at this ator. Every new weave and pattern scheme of authoritative atyle la represented, and the prices are ao low' you will find It advisable to aupply apring and summer sewing needs at, once. Among others will find- J . 27-lnch white 'crepe a material,! 26-Inch Sea Island nainsook, that promisee to be in great demand-regularly 26o the yard, gale price, 15. . . . 86-lnch hmg cloth worth 15c the yard, aale price SI. 38 the bolt of 12 yards. Tbe 18c grade is priced at $1.65 tor a-J" bolt. worth 25c a yard, for waists. dresses, underwear, etc.; $2.50 the bolt of la yards. 30 and 82-Inch white Klaxon in pretty striped, checked and email figured designs; made especially for waists and dresses; 25 the yard. V i Grocery Bargains for Tuesday Only Quality CeasiWeres-.-Msr for a Dollar than m uouar wm Buy tlwlun Bennett' Capitol flour -apeclelly priced, at the sack IT lbs. raaalats atga for l0 Bennett 'pltol Coffee and 1 atampa. pound packags for -J' Aasortsd teas aad alauipa. lb. Tea siftltice- and I atamps. lb. u -lb. .ran Bennetts lsp- Blsmark preserves and 10 stsmpa. Jar ...S5s Medium sour pickle and 1 atampa, quart ..las Dill pickles- and 10 atampa, dosea ....IS Peanut butter and to stamps, largo Jar ..tea Full cream cheese and I stamps, lb. 2-1 b. pkg. Bennett's Cap itol oats or psncske flour, with 1 stanpa for 10 Van Houten cocoa and stamps, can ....It J pkg. Bennett s Capi tol mine meat and I sumps for . Mo Seaaty Aiparagas, to t-ls. roll Vrsaalaas Bat-i alow oat, per can lao sense loe m i pegs utbson'e aosp cottage polish, with 1 alamos iinlakln powder and i i large cane Cottage I polli 1 .ilnip. VT. . aa ! milk and 1 etarop. b6 for Meat Bargains for 'Tuesday Only Lamb Leg Limb Stew 9VSc 5ViC Corned Beef Pork Chops 7Hc 10c mm GARDEN 5A6E RESTORES GRAY HI TO NM URAL COLOR A Simple Remedy for Dandruff, "Falling Hair, Itching Scalp Faded and Gray Hair. The old idea of using Sage for darken ing the hair la again coming In vogue. Our grandmothers had dark, glossy hair at seventy-five, while our mothers are gray before they are fifty. Our grand mother kept their hair soft and glossy with a "Bag Tea." which also restored tho natural color. One objection to using such a prepar ation was the trouble of making It This objection hss been overcome by the Wyeth Chemical Company of New York, who has placed on the market a superior preparation of Saga, combined with Sulphur and other valuable rente- ; scsIpV and diss for dandruff, itching thrn. weak, falling hair. Tha beauty of th hair depend more on Its rich, even shading than anything else. Don't have dry. harsh faded hair, when a simple, harmless remedy will bring back the color In a few daya; and don't be tormented with dandruff. Itch ing scalp and loose, falling hair. Wyeth' Sag and Bulphur Hair Remedy will quickly correct these trouble, and giveVolor. strength and beauty to your hair. Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and prov this to your own satisfaction. All druggists sell It, under guarantee that the money will be refunded If tha remedy is not ex actly a represented. Sherman V McConnell Drug Co., Cor. ltth and Dodge, Cor. Kth and Harney, Cor. 24th and Famaro, S07-9 No. llh St., Loyal Hotel. I lwsf J-li-1 V. J -' raas.'aAf"- J Most modern equipment and the best of service The man with an office now demands the most, exacting care and con veniences. The Bee Building is eituiited in the heart of the commercial distract of Omaha and gives tenants the best office service to be had. The elevators are new and their service is faultless. Keeu janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated. The roan who wants the greatest conveniences and tho best of attention will find a few choice offices vacant'in this building now. , Men MS rieecptlon Room. Private Office, two larg closets large work room with two north windows, ideal office lor Engineer, Architect, Doctor or other professions! men. Mental, per month f46.eo Boost aa Thl Is a long narrow room, 10x11 1. having a north light. Rental, per month .17.6e kooss 430 Hss a north and east exposure, lHx2tt la else, with a fir, proof vault In corner of room, Thla spec will subdivide Into three good slsed offkee and make excellent uuartere for any one needing this atnouut of spare. Kernel price, per month .$40.00. ha Light, light, plenty of It In this room, thro large windows This apace Is lliio-l with an entry way 4x7. An exceptionally low rental at, per montl .v. 116.00 boom 144 Having 921 square feet makes a very pleasant office: having an east exposure and being near r'arnam street side of tbe building. . Rent very reasonable . Per month f 30.00 The Bee Building Co., Bet Easiness filet, 17th and Farncm Sti () NEW LOCATION ,W will be pleased to hav you step in and sc our new ator. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler sam Sosth Sixteenth Street, Vaxtoa Block. Low Fares Via Chicago Milwaukee Ask Your Doctor You may cough tomorrow ! Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appear you have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of Its use will certainly set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. t3'"' Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of .its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and arming conditions in all parts of the '.ountry. It is willing to give out this information, free if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. ' How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws Voverning same, etc Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Yonr questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer ' Omaha, Nebraska v and St. Paul Railway From Omaha to points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Cuba, Central America. BOUND TRIPS TO ' N'ew Orleans -..$41.00 Mobile 41.00 Jacksonville ....... 50.50 Tampa 62.10 Palm Beach 69.00 Havana, Cuba ...... 87.00 LIBERAL STOP-OVERS Delightful tours to the Med iterranean, "West Indies, South America. , Three superbly equipped daily trains to Chicago connect with through trains for the East and South. Reservations made via all railroad and steamship lines. DREXEL'S Extra Special Bargains Tuesday and Wednesday 100 pair fsaalas sua' patent celt, button and Macaer shoes. M aad 14.60 duality $1.95 500 pair broken lot women's boss oa toe table kcoken slaee. Blaober. Sutton, raa metal self aad pa teat eelt, S3.60 aad H values, S1.00 MO pair womea's klrh grade V boe; SI ansa. Poster, Wrlfht a Paters aad Armstrongs, $, ts, aad values, broksa lot beat she berg-sin a aver glva 1.45 too pairs fancy party aad drees Upper. 4. fs an as veins BToasa, patent leather, Seeded aad $1.95 ONE-FOURTH OFF on All Misses' tai Children's Hi.h Cot Shoes AO our pons wreawa'a. Blisses' aad caildrea'a hire freds eeaool shoes, la patent eelt, slot kid, gun , mstal, extra fcigh top, la button 3.00 Shoes, cat sew to .... SSS a.60 aiioes, cat now te 1.7 sa.00 hoes, cat aew ta .... ilJO l.M Bhoea, cat aew to i.M 20 PER CtNT OFF Oa all boys' hlg-k cot tens with Drexel Shoe Co; 1419 Farnam SL Best Sport News in Tbe Bee For . pjirticularp inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1612 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. . . : Reliable Dentistry Tifl'i Denial Booms Results that come from hincere inquirers, who reallv want what vou have for sale, are the kind you get from Bee Want Ads. Use them, read them; they pay- you both ways.