Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Dearer Era They Will SeSel
Against Unite in Eates.
Sara rif(f Tains ia te Star to
Orec sag Vrm Coal ret at It
' frwae tka freeeat Of II-
"Prof. Bernstein very properly finds
fault with tin proposes new rata of th
of tka Modern Woodmen ef
add D. Clem Dearer, ana at
tlw oM-thne atembers of Omaha camp
Ke. Us.
Tne general efflcan of aur society
have bats trying to (at a rsserve fund
far a coses years, aad I have always
eppaatd tba principle af a r curve fond.
1 meae aa flcrtt en tba raiaa piepaaad
thla tiro, for I coals eee that trie gem
H all fixed, bat tba officer aot be
In sale to get the miss la ratca through
with tha eldar organiistlons that wart
Van posted, they extended tha Jorisdle
tJoe af tba order to taka la Daw stales,
aad thla la bow they wara abl ta (t
It through by work in oa tha aa atataa
aad aaw aienbari that ara full of ea-
"I do not now nor aaver have at any
tiraa charted the slightest dlahonaaty oa
tha part of tha general officer, but I heir
associations ara aa tnach with eld-line
conpanlaa that they get 1Ion ef new
build n-t. ate., and It la as eaay to brlnf
ne'e eonaetanea aronnd to agree with
tkeJr Internets.
Offlecra Are Mtstakea.
They ara woefuPy misled aad I tak
ft woefully mistaken la tha temper of
tha ssembcrshlp. Thousands amid noth
ing tba last all weexa, Just Ilka mraalf,
ton us we knew It would do ao food,
feat aaw we are ready ta meet the enemy,
aad It matt era not who be la or what
exalted poaitloa ha holds la our order,
fca must stand aside, far the membership
Is coin to take poaaeaaloa of the order
asala and, as Prof. Bernatala says, wa
want to know whether we own the order
or la It the plaything of the officer.'
aye He Keeerre Biaiaeory.
"I have always eon tended that la such
fraternal order ao raaarra was naeee
eery except a satisfied membership. Our
"members are willing to pay their asaaaa
tnenta as long as they know all of the
money paid la goes to the wldowa and
orphans of fellow members, but they are
not willing to pay m money ta build build
ings and pile np millions la a reserve fund
that oould not be need to pay death loeees.
"Pupjtooe our order now owned a H,(MM)
building oa Iwua street. Do loar sup
pose for a moment they woaM ever dare
sail It to pay death loaaeaf Or suppose
they bad a tM,oo),ow reserve fund on hand,
do you suppose they would dara to use
any of the reserve fund to pay death
leasee? Not much; for tha moment their
reserve fund began to go backward the
membership would become soared tad
the credit of the society would be gene.
The head officer not only want to eol-
leot la money to pay death lasses bow
aa we bare la the past, but they ales
weat ta collect minims of dollars for a
reserve fund that aaver can be used to
pay death losses.
"It would be foolish to earede. Perhaps
nothing would please the head erasers
better than te have . to die-
sat tared members seeede. for they weskd
pat have then about Lea. ore, a sufficient
umber te raise aa raaarvs fund.
Tha thing Is 4 1 Just te Bast tt out la
stee the order as we have a right to da
aad that la what will happen. 1 strongly
urge upon all awaken te drop any Men
ef seceding, but stay with the eld ship
aad taka posaeaaloa of It again,"
Opaeeitlea la Illinois.
LOIN, 111.. Feb. . Tiva hundred
Bomber of Slgla earnp. Modern Wood,
men ef America, at a boated ssaaloa to
day adopted resolutions eeXlng for a
mn meeting of Illinois members of th
order to be held here April II to eh
a formal protest against tha upward re
vtawo of the Insurance rates of tha order
aad te formulate plana tor the asm
tea of Illinois Woodmen unleoo their do
be repugn laed
an Inn fro'ley pels. It Is supposed that
as received a shock from the wire, and
that tr.e fall W the gieemi sniea nun.
He died while being trougbt here.
g-fRATFUKD Fart of the business sec
tion of 1ayttn. a small town naie mlie
west ef here, was destroyed by fire last
night. The fire a .kited in a restaurant
and before tt could be gotten under c n
uol, adje.nlng buildings were burned. The
loea le ),v. with C'C Insurance.
UXiAA-lWitr Shert.'f w. n. mm-
man. accompanied br his wife, took Mia
Pearl Beet to the industrial State ernool
for glrla at Mitchelhiie today by order of
the court. Mr. Mililman by order of tha
court also took H "iynn to the stats
hospital for tnebrlatas at KncxvUle.
IjuOAS Jim and Ben Pound will enter
upon their five-year-term of sentence
Monday following their conviction for
grand larceny, at this term of court. Th
Pound were arrsited. tried and convicted
of robbing James bally, while a boarder,
of r.V Lwputy snerirr w. it sum men
will take Jajnee Pounds to Fort Medi
ans nei.ltenttnrr and Officer Myere ef
Missouri Valley wUI take Ben Pounds to
Anamosa reformatory.
r.l.,:KKlilvllr and Mrs. J. W. Car
ter served a o'clock dinner to the mem
bers of the foot bal squad last evening.
Toest mailer Dave Barnett of the team
Introduced Wsyn Bogart, Dr. Pearson,
nr. Oeorss Mcxrid.: the hoot J. W.
Carter and Captain Clarence Carter, who
responded to toaata Harold Graves wss
elected raptale tor next year to take the
place of Clarence Carter, graduate. While
irua pleasant xunciton wea oeina oeio roe
girls' bssket ball team waa entertained
at Dr. r. fiV Hester.
Funeral Services
Held for Hawley
NTW TOJUC, Fab. a-funeral ssrrloe
over the body of Bxtwta Hawley, railroad
president aad capitalist, were held this
aftarnooa at St. Thomas' IBplsoopaJ
chunk ta Fifth avaaue. After the aerr
lees the body was taken to Chatham,
N. f 4 for private bortal.
A aetable gathering of financiers and
nil read mea paid a last tribute ta Mr.
Hawley' memory. ' Among them were
Charles W. Oataa, Tbomsa r. Ryan, a
B. Alexander, James Spsyer, W. a
Taylor, . Jay Oould. Jr., aad Clarenee
Maokay. ...
The honorary paltbsama were H. p.
Huntington, Itieodor anonta, Alvta W.
Kreok, Prank H. Doas, Prank Trumbull,,
Oaorgs W. at a ens, Harry B. Blaok,
Thomas S. Hubbard, Prank P. Praser
and Barea Raneelph NatUI.
The service waa ooadueted by Rev. Dr.
Ernest M. BUre, rector ef St Thomea.
Plva pew were sot aside for efflcUta
of the various rallrbadi with which Mr.
Hawley had been identified.
Nearly sll the afflaors of the Chesa
peake a Ohio attended. - '
Hany ieigh fa. W.yj cf
The housewife who looks upon sps
gbettl as merely a s de dish should learn
more about it, both for econoniy'a sake
and the aaring of her repuuiuon as a
provider of xood things to eat. A little
booklet, published by the makers or
Fauet Dpagnettl. will give her a new
light oa the subject It telle many ways
ef serving this delectable dish.
Many famillea now make Fauet Spa
ghetti the i hief dlsn for dinner once a
-u ..d ih.v nt froov It food ele
ments far In excesa of tiioie contained in
meats, eat, nan. etc ass your -
about thin Ha will tell you that Faust
tfhhftl not onlv contains mors nour-
Isniug power than these foods so often
conaidered necessary, but that tt eon
ta'ne theee elenienu In a more eaaUy
digested form.
All xood sTocers sell Faust Spaghetti
to and loo a package. Write tor the
tree booklet ef iteclpea.
f.AbL 1.R0S.
ltal at. sWnis A vex as, St, &eats, ate.
Comsuuioner Ifkkes aa Inspection
I ef toe Count)- niton.
aaya vt hKewaaklaa WIU So Deste,
hat steShaae Will Have) te
Ml LrtllLl I tu IU
IntcrgenU' Farorlte Expected
Quickly ta Qsiet Uprising.
Notice Served to Mexlraa GeTerxe
aaeat that Belteta Maet Xat Ceaae
Hie Cremde Derles;
Any Flahilas.
WA8HIN0TOM, Pea. President Taft
and Lieutenant Oenara) Mr Robert Badaa-
Powall, founder of the Boy Soout asev.
mani, lerlswed the Boy coats of Weak-
lagtok from the portico of the . while
Roue yesterday. Mrs. Taft. Ambassador
Bryee. wh introdtMed Ms distinguished
fellow eeuntryman to the president and
a tew Invited guests witnessed the review.
Mrs. Ttft appeared te be totereeted
especially a the scouts. More than m
were la Itns. Bereni the review Mrs.
Taft received at th Whit House about
x) Olrl Pioneer, da enranlaatlon aala
to ths Boy Seoata lately organised here
to axtsnd thraufhoat th world.
Mrs Xleaard Walnwrlght wife ef Bear
Admiral vVainwrUrht an ef the ergaa-
isert, was present ,
Conditions In the county. Jell are fair.
and there la little Just cause ror com
plaint, la the opinion of County Com-
mlssioner John C. Lynch, oh airman of
tha courthouse and Jail committee, who
Inspected the Jail today.
Everrthlnx Is not Jun est we should
rke te have It" said Mr. Larnch, "bat
considering all the drcumatancee. 1 think
the Jail la In good shape. It needs white
washing throughout Sheriff Mcshane has
seen after the board to get at that ever
since ha came Into office, but we have
had ao much oa hand we couldn't get
to It I have liven htm the order for
whitewashing now and the work will be
begun as soon as the whitewash man
can get at It some time next weak.
"Mag want fifty more banks aad
blankets for them. They are Bested
there la ao question about that-cut be
will have to gat along the best he can
without them for a while. The bunks ws
would have te get down there would ooet
about Bat and there would be mere ex
erts tor blankets.
This equipment could not be need la
the new Jail tn th new county building
because we shall have to use a different
kind of bunk there, so It would be a loss
for us to spend th money oh the old Jail.
It looks bow as If the county! building
will be finished In a few months, as Mo
ntana will have to get along the best he
can for th time If w were not going
Into the new building aad new Jail before
long I would favor the expenditure
McShane wants"
EI. PASO. Tex., b- . -General Pas
qual Oroxvo. reached J u ares shortly after
11 o'clock tonight Ha came directly to
El Paso, and went Into conference with
Colo rail K, Z Steerer, commanding the
American troops here.
His coming Is expected effectually to
put a quietus en the mutinous conditions
that nave prevailed' across the Rio
Grande for three days and nlghta.
Orosco Is traveling unarmed. Tha aa
nouneemsnt tonight was received with
cheers by the troops u, Juares.
El Paso street car officials tonight an
nounced that traffic between the two
ejtlee would be resumed tomorrow. This
depends upon Colonel Stnever granting
psrmlaaioa to Americans to crass the
International border. Colonel Bteever says
he will raise the baa oa International
traffic as soon as he Is assured that peace
has been restored. It la believed Orosco
will be able to giro this assurance at
Xa a telegram to Colonel Augustln
Estrada, military commander at Juarea,
Orosco ' expressed regret at the un
fortunate occurrences la Jvarex.
Colonel Serve Metlee.
Colonel tlieever gave formal ootJce te
the Mexican government today through
Mexleaa Consul Uorenta, la El Paso,
that be would take such steps as he
deemed necessary to protect American tn-
terests If there should be a repetltloa af
events of last May, when bullets fired
In Juares during the battle killed and
wounded eitlaene of El Paso.
Colonel Bteever received orders this
morning from the secretary of war which
were brief but pointed, merely instruct
ing him ts "notify the authorities la
Juares te prevent firing Into United
tale territory."
AaseHeaa Takes Captive.
Oeorge P. Robinson, who I reported to
have been taken captive Bear Cuavernaca,
Max-, by Zapata la revolutlonlau and
threatened with death by shooting. Is the
son of M. j, Robinson at this dty.
uvvi uii. Aitw ll iiArri
ta aihiuipea are subtest te arrack
. waieh for the first symptom.
husjssnaas Olve Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as eeoa as uie eaiie Becomes
kearea and the attack may be warded
oft per sale by ail drugglata,
From 'Our Near Neighbors
KJLN8AA CITY, Mo., Pea, a. At a two-
day' seeeloe ef Kansas camps ef tha
Modern Woodmen of Aaaertoa. aoeoluded
la rsness City, Xaa, tonight a oornmlt
tae waa appointed to consider the feaat.
stilts ef seceding from the aatlonal erga
alsatJaa oa account of the raise la ia
suraaca rates agreed upoa at the na
tional meeting of the order In Chicago,
The eemmlttees will meet next Thursday.
Muse Kansas el ties were representee. In
a test vote a majority of those voting
favored a separate organisation m
Germany Revising
Citizenship Code
ERUlt, Pea. 4 The federal eounsai
aswrovad today of the draft ef a a
erOsenaeJp code which la of great inter
est ta Germans ta America.
Crasenehrp of Oermaay win be hero
after forfeitable only oa account of the
aexurallsatloa ta another country or be
esvoae a ansa flees from his military
service or falls ta carry eat Ms military
enngaoona before the age ef tt.
The resumption of dtlsanehtp win
fadBtated by the new. cede, particularly
of Oermaa widows aad of German
have been dtveroed from
' " Nekaerka. - . . -i
B. A. Klrkoatrla ess la Nebraska City
en business .Wednesday. s
miss nuts asuraoen nes ret urn aa mim
a week visit at Ashland.
Jotia and Jo Banning of Untoa wore
her on Suet nee 'Wednesday.
James Orlndle ef Med Osk. Ia ts Tlatb-
Ing reistlvss bore this week.
Mr. John HhU of Pleitameotk la here
for a week visit with relatives.
Dr. Thomas spent reanday and Monday
with bis parents at Memphis, Neb,
Mrs. Cooper of Peettla, Waah, It
spending the week with Mrs. Kilmer.
Mrs. Mettle Porter and daughter,
Lithe, are visiting relatives her this
Miss Prone Ktne left Thursday for a
short stay , with relatives la Book
port, Mo. .
Mis N elite Nnrrls returned to her boms
la Avoea Wednesday after a toe weeks'
stay with her granu pares i. Mr. aad Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Win Newman af Illff.
Coia, came tn Wednesday lor a vtait
witn Mrs. leap man, sum, Newmans
mother. ,
Mrs Oeorge Holmes and children of
Rock Springe. Wye., are her for aa ex
tended atay wtta her percata, Mr. aad
Mrs, Humphrey.
Evangelist Pitt and tiling Bvangeltat
Mania finished a three weeks' service
at the Metluxllw"h Tuesday aigut
About twentf-Hr eenveraione are re
ported. - I
Wednesday aftxrftnea Mra K M.
Pollard gave a i-o-pt"-" In hoaer of ira
anotwell of aeattle, VYa-u., to a nuc.ber
of Mra. ShetwtU'g inumate gltlnood
Tiaan Pollard and dlurhter. Mr. Lottie
Bhetwtu 01 asatue, wun., n anura
day for a ristt in Cuba, Jamaica and
other Wast India Island. They will put
In a couple ef week Inspecting the work
done en the Panama canal.
Aunt Delia Torrey
to Visit President
MIUBURT. Kaaa., Pes. . Idea Delia
Torrey, aunt of President Taft, departed
for Washlngtonr-tonight oa her annual
midwinter visit to the White House. Not
long age Miss Torre, who I bow 17
year old, received a personal letter from
the president urging bar to make him aa
exleuded vllt this year, but when she
left home this evening she did aot plan
te remain m Washington more than two
or thro weeks She was "-nnn'Td
a far as Providence by her nephew, Dr.
samuel Orton. aad from there will eoa.
Untie the Journey accompanied only by
her maid.
"Aunt Delia" wa aa Unseated spec
tator at the Inauguration ef President
Taft and has made htm a vent s
winter ataoa. She ha alee eeoa a guest
at the summer capital at Beverly,
JaCbO.Ulttd. Ut J!aCt LtlAt (rOOea
itca.ui ALuuit jtxtryuung.
UAi SUTitJUaa PkkTiJi x
taallar Treakle Ukewlee te . Bm
Venae) ExaaUag in A ay Oaaasus
Paaaiiy, aeye Oae e the
tuning Speeiallata.
When seea yealsruay afternoon at he.
noma, srra. Myrue iut, of W Bouu.
aweuty-itrst street Council tllufls, ana
well snuera in umana. a pose Iniereet-
uuly rceanung ner experience wlu the
new loose, "luoa Vila," now being in
iroduced in Omaua by speciauats sent
aero tor tnat purpose.
Mrs. Land said: "1 nave bean sick
for the pest year. I was all run dowu
and very nervous. 1 slept poorly ana
my sleep gave me little benefit 1 woulo.
awaken la tne morning aa ured aud aoi n
out as wbaa 1 retired. 1 eeemed U lack
energy. 1 am one of those uet waa.
to enjoy life and be nappy, but I snow
that without good health that 1 aa Impoa
el M my.
1 beard about these speciauats wnu
are here introducing thla Tooa Vita,' and
decided to try their aaw preparetJca.
I bagaa Improving from toe very firai
dose and hare continued getting bette.
svery day. I new sleep well and get up
la tne morning feeling like I nave bae
the right kind el root My aarvousaeae
haa disappeared, la fact a.xi a top
days' treatment 1 am a wall woman, ana
give ell credit to Tone, Vita.' '
Mrs. Land' trouble waa pure are.
atmpla nervous debility, which at Uktly
ta be found existing la any Omaha fam
ily,' said one of the a pedal tat a, nt
here to Introduce "Tone Vita." "Half
of the people of Omaha flnd Ufa a bur- '
den aad hare little real havyineea a a
result af thla modern plague," continued
"Such people, and there art lot of
them, hav uncertain appetJtea, poor di
gestion, uneasy sleep. Utile aubltlon, and
they feel too tired for the simplest work
et of the time, They suffer with
timidity, bar ao Initiative, are droopy
and haven't enough good, rich Blood la
their vein ta make them capable or self
reliant. Their aervea are pi to bed ts such
a high tension that they Imagine them
aelvee afflicted with various diseases at
various times. Th real trouble with
them la debility, produced by the Straus
of th modern life they ar ioried to
4, There la little of thai allavent
among the people of the country, the i
freedom of which permits tuna, to aa- '
aerve nature's limitations. i
- Ton Vita' will peeltlvaly remove '
thl aVBvsrable sondlUon. If It falls to
prove satlaraotory, It oust nothing, aa
the medicine must do the work, or w
don't want awnsy for It"
The specialists who are her Istreduev
Ing "Tone Vita" are giving dtsnvastra
tlone of what th preparattM wit ee
All day long they meet caller at Brsnv
dels Drug department . Sixteenth, and
Douglas streets, south eld, mala floor,
from Ian, until t p. nv-nadv.
Key te the Situation Bee Advertising.
at Issaeav
ssOCSTTVlILt, CITT, la.. Pee. aBpe
ssal Teisgum) Jipli Dewey and Prod
axaughtar, convicted of conspiracy ta a
an a reiocy, were today sentenced to
three year each at Antmoss Aa api
win be takea and Dewey win arrange for
bead Monday. Slaughter win be takea ta
There are two ether
tag fixed at CUM sacs.
stoWosV JleVWS XsJsW
Johaasa want
ft Lincoln last
Mrs. Nichols returned Sunday evening
from Omaha.
Mr. A. E. Hubbard waa aa Omaha
vlailer Thursday,
Mrs. Prank Whltmore la. visiting la
Omaha thl week.
v Kt ia- a r xtraM a
Omaha Wesneeday.
OUavWOODPetttlons ere In elrni.
f aea la Oleawaod against the parcel Seat
. aad faverlag Ow Orlest bilL
. PORT DODOB-Wklle making a
V coupling while kicking at it wlu his foot
I N Knudson. a orakemaa oo the
TiUxxrta Central, had his foot kedly mashed
ee to oe esBputaiaa.
Stera was re elected
la, A. Humphrey,
and a. a.
ef the Loxaa fire aenan.
meat at the mealing held here lest evea-ISaT.
LOOAja Miss Viola Clswtt, enoghter of
Mr. asd Mrs. H. . Clark of aaar Leeea.
wee gives a ttnea shower by her many1
aire. j. b. nimai east of
HARLAN-The Quest Big slab ef this
efty held Ba aaaeal "dig" rrtaa, eeealns.
Tae cash Is aiaspnid ef early settler of
tee saasiu ana ana a seat 2St me
Teaats were imiilil as by W. T. aep.
aeee. u. w. rotter saa saverai ethera.
gociwiij, crrr Henry Kerens at
r aa, a iinatna n. waa kUied at
Miss Pearl MrLeaa enjoyed
visit frwa aer slater Thursday.
Mr. Dr. Crooks and Dorothy of Omaha
visited bar sislsr, Mrs. j. a, suanedy.
ever Sunday. .
Mra W. O. Wttitmer went to Omaha
Sunday to k'tsnd the Dletrlct Woman
dua cosveauoa.
Mr. Martin Morteasca of VJnrsJos
vlsitad her parents.. Mr, and Mr.
Nlgbungie, Mat week.
Mis Basel Condron came home from
Omaha Wednesday accompanied by her
cousin, Mim Edith fcaura.
kev. Mr. Snawkey, who went to the
MeUiodlat hoeptiai, OmaJa, last week for
aa operation, returned Monday.
Claries Wills of Omaha Joined hi wife
Saturday evening at th Agar borne. They
both returnee to umana H under.
kUaa Lota Bvars aad Mia May ltkhels
went te unana weenesas? ts etreao. tne
metlnes psrforpuano of "The Round Up."
Miss Martha Ooebrv was vhrHed by her
brother, who bee Just finished serving
four rears la the United State saw.
from Prlday until Monday.
The Valley f rer foot ball team gave
a very erjorable reception and banquet
is tne weexiy nau rrmay evening.
Dancing and games were enjoyed by
about Mvesuy-Clve guests.
Th sew etl bovTaTsr murine ana heaai
inatalled at the Valley eleetrtct Hgat aad
water plant and la new running ateMy.
uune oil to eernee eaa tt 1
te be run much she per than
Otts Zwtebe aad family aad Eton
Swires came dawn frees Dtxaa eewaty
to Halt their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L,
Swlebet, last week. There waa a family
reunion at th heme euadaj. All tha
ekiidrea and tbair mmiliaa were
Mr. xwiefcei held a sale of, stack and ssa-
sae a
farm and will occupy the house la Vs..
ley that, he purchased recently,
tonuuetor Condron ef the switch en
glne was struck by a fast train whlls st
work In the yards at rrement Wednes
day morning, lis was taken at once to
a hoepltai, where four toes were removed
from one toot Ills back and arms were
badly bruised but It Is thought ther ar
no Internal Injuries,
O, C Pinner wss quite ill th last
Mrs. L. S. Oould went to Burllnston
Springs, Mo., last week tor treatmsnt at
Charlie Stensieln was token to ths Gen
era hoepltai at Omaha Monday for ear
and treatment
Alson Harris of Surprise, a broths of
Lees 11 err la and Mr. C. U. Maynard. was
bore last weak matting relative.
James Walsh of Benson aad John
McArdl of the Elk City country were to
WeierkM Wednesday morning oa bust-nee.
Miss Margaret Tork of Omaha arrived
Tuesday evening to sselet la ths steno
graphic work at the Robinson Seed com
pany's office.
Miss Denton of th school teaching fore
enjoyed a rial! thla week from her
brother. Dr. Earl Denton, who cams
Wed need ay from Kennard.
DavM Cobb cam from Holt county
last week and he and his family re
turned ekineay te Stuart where they ex
pect to make their boms thl rear.
Peter Bennett of Fremont bee pur
chased at L U Btewert ef Omaha as)
seres ef the Nels Brown place about
three miles southwest of Waterloo.
The chicken PK supper at the Maeonl
banquet hall Wednesday evening, given
by the mea of the Preebytenaa church,
attracted a goodly company and wa a
success socially end financially.
I. C. Robinson waa at Omaha hut Prl
day Bight and attended tne meeting
of the Omaha Commercial club and other
Interests regarding eeed oorn condition.
Speaking of the seed corn. Mr. Roblo
eon said that while condition are eerieus,
ee pool ally ee la the western and central
Peru of the state, he believes that with
eraser cere la selecting end testing, suf
ficient good corn sen be secured to plant
all lead that will be devoted to eora tale
Mrs. Delia Blrchfteld. who with her
little babe came from Psnneyrvsala with
her mother. Mrs, John CampbeUv went te
Omaha Saturday te meet her hue band,
who was oa Ms way to California.
Rev. A. U Kellogg of Oretna. who t
pastor la charge at the wprtng Orove
Methodlet Ee4eropel church, called Tues
day with Jseob Rush la th Interest of
the farmers' taarttuta te be bold et the
church rrtdey. Pabruary Is. Ths program
Includes some excellent lecture which
will be ef special Interest ta the farmers
aad then- wives as well.
Most modern equipment
and the best of service
The man with an office
now demands the most
exacting care and con
veniences. The Bee
. is situated in the heart of the commercial district of
Omaha and gives tenants the best office service to be had.
The elevators are new and their service is faultless. Keen
janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulous J clean, while
a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the
coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated.
The man who wants the greatest conveniences and the
best ef attention will find a few choice offices vacant in
this building now. -
right 1
sVsesa see fiiiipim Boom. Prl a OrTsaa, tare tares etsssrts. largo werw
reees with two Berth winds so. Meal atrsns tar If-floss Architect.
Peetar sr ether prefessrteeal anew, keaiai. par month fiaeg
eesn sag TTtUsa s naa assise swesa. Ishaps. sssrsxg a sssrth
sVessasaa dlae a aee-fh aad ess esaenre. UfeaUW ts sasa, wrth a fire.
vesui Ja eesner af reesa. tale epeee win sauserrtde tass three
Ef" gsute.-'sliea1 ejessresre tea any eaa aeedlM
, s assess af aseoa stesnatt asses, par meeak . abew
SVsoaa aid Tight, Brht pi i it) eg tt 'n On. reeas, Owae bsrae Tiiaal
TWe m n a IXilS-t wui am aswij way txX Aa sen ii i isillj lew
rear I ax. per asset ft
The Boa Biiildin Co
Bm Basiaes tOlta, ' 17tk utdl fmrnua St
cautery Tuesday.
sasjbt raxaffoe oarnyakts
rom rn.
J1 saw
sssni s l B iiB" sasssas
i p-g y-7 nil ?
Free Land Information
Tna Tweneett Century Parmer, to meet th demand ef tta readers
for land. Information, baa arnthsred and compiled data oa solla, ud
fsnnln conultlona la all parts of the eounLry. it ia wllllnc m give oat
this lniormatloa free) It postage la sent, with Inquiry.
Do You Wknt to Know
About government lead law, locaiioa of sand ofTicea, ate.
How to got trricattoa Uada, locsuiaa of prcjectj, Uws aawBtac
aaaaVa, OtC
asctioaa for frolt trowlnx, asaral farmiBg. gtoek ralatag ox
State plainly and aneoia-
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha. Nebraska.
Toot ctiestJoas win get prompt atteatfoa.
cally waat yoa wajit to kaow. Write.
Features for 1912
A greater year for a greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the news that is
Mutt and Jeff
real L
Character creations from the pen of "Bud"
Fisher that have made all the world laugh
and turned many, a sad face into a smile.
Looking Backward
This day in Omaha during the history
forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago,
briefly and interestingly reproduced for
Bee readers.
The Bee's Wedding Book
A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of
Omaha's own people, simply and entertain
. ingly detailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry
Tad's dog-man invention who has more
trouble than anyone, but trouble that is
so funny, it makes amusement for every
Bee reader.
Katzenfammer Kids ,v
These two youngsters who are the source
of Sunday fun for thousands of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
for this year.
Nell Brinkley Drawingi
Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen
drawings, and her sketches of men and
women caught by Cupid, not only have ar
tistio beauty, but also always teach a lesson.
Sherlocko the Monk
Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to
t many people, but Monk, the pioture-deteo-tive,
is more marvelous in the fun-way
than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in
a serious way.
Nothing so amusing has been run in any
western newspaper in many years as these
humorous play-on-words lines by Tad.
Desperate Desmond
A stage villain transferred to pen pictures
and revealed in the most laughable light to i
make every Bee reader roar and hold his j
tides. '
Happy Hooligan
Poor, old Happy i he is continuously grow
ing more entertaining, and now he is on
the road to new situations to win smiles
from all followers.
Carpenter's Travel Letters
No writer of the present day sees events
and situations in suoh interesting light aa
Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes
' them so fphioally.
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black,
Mabel Herbert Umer, Dorothy Diz, Fran.
cis Oarsida, Ada lHterson, and many others
who write far wanasm, what women want
te read.
Each week in the Sunday issue
Several big special stories of partioulu
Interest to Omaha, Nebraska, and Iowa
readers. -
Comic Section in Colors
Besides the laughable eomio pictures and
the special articles by women for women,
The Bee will record dramatic events of im
portance; present exclusive human interest
stories and give an accurate account of
events of politics, with absorbing sidelights
on the two big political parties, their con
ventions and their presidential campaigns.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all over the civilized world every
day in the year.
If yon neglect to N
Read The Bee daily during 1912
Ton will miss tltes eaclusive f eatrx es, the
greatest tmes ever published in a Ne
braska paper.