THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1912. Desperate Desmond J After a Series of Adventures, Rosamond is 5 Finally in Sigtt of Rescue from the Villain CopyrUftt National ws twrtiim ByHershfield Clauds eJ I 1 & A 4 AjHrrcS XI . Foc-rv r 'f T!v LiuPFfcMTfe CUL -wl) iSenw I W Txse ov lyi A TKAiJJiAUsr I AV?r!n fc- td wur whole But aa'icvRjMTE LMV 3p tCxfeiS IS fc8 SSS?.,S.2cll Of??-y TPV rJ. MSr Ic1de thr gloomy waJ; of th rh wie farli-c l.offarocr.d in rhaliu has rM-a lft by the cruel Dtrincnd while he -to mm ror.- of th inyatersnu friends, til hljil-bllifiers, Cuts'0 tile wail, m Chinese wlm has found 1 tiny aliwicr It seearehias the diy fee th fair s n-r at It II hr l.ueam.:.d'a voire over tits wan and iSeteirimase to Invesitirate, leal Rwuu foot. whie Btiaueijr, U net nut. ILiird !:ke a Clime". wunni. i. Th villain reneon4 bms to the comiKiund . nii,-re llo"moi1 in chained. He noir has Uw bell 4 en girl la hie power, but at the moment of hla arrival the Chinese with Uw slipper nJ climbing ever the top of the wail and lcemond hesllstrs to appro i lit... The Chinees realiaai at that llosunond is sot the girl at Mi vtmt. h-Hi m aeea her Amfrlcan-frisrd feet, Iwrt, vertw leae. h moHa t rtlmb ' r aMt at If ttu-ri It nilj-li'f afuoL In the meantime Claud and Little Philip have bet n left hi the hands of Desmond's friend, the hffthblndera. and ' their lut seerqa almon worse tbaa Reaa roond'ii. But the eound of steady march In( tells them that American troops are cemlac that ay and it does not take the Chinese crook Ions; to learn that fltctit ia the beat thine for them. Onre under In folds of Old Ulory oar hero aoa Uttle Philip can defy the morld. liavlns secured Claude and Philip from I he cruel highbinders, the officer m charge presents Claude with a pot of pasto and a brush. "Harlng saved your life," remarks the officer, "yon may do something In return by pasting up these proclamations." Claude hastens to take lb opportunity of doing the American cause a service, however slight. Like sll true heroes, he does not neglect small duties In pursuit of fame and glory. And here we see that the path of duty has tod Claud in the direction he wanted. He I pasting op a proclamation warning every one to respect American citisena and American property tn all circum stances. The wall en which he I doing the Mil posting Is the very one behind whtrn Rosamond hi In chains and the sound of his beloved sweetheart's vole comes to ' him over the boundary. Duty has brought ha reward again. "I'm the boy!" cries Desperat Des mond, "but I feel Ilk flypaper." Claude, having heard the villain's voioe, flung the past bucket over the wail and It alighted aauaiely an top of Desmond's bead. Ths kind-hearted Rosamond was released from her chains, so that there Is new every prospect that the beautiful girl . will soon be In the arms of her here. To morrow's pictures tell the story. WANT ADS Want ails rewind at oaf time, hut to insure proper ciuMtwcaiwu uas be fireNFRled before 1- oii k tn . for tlM evening eiltlioa and before ':') p. ni, lor utntnihK nad fcuiday edi tion. Want ails received after stub hears win Ixve tlirir flfit Insert unttce thu hcatfliiK !'Too Ijiw Itemi'v." AcASIf BATES Kin WAST A!. viKtnVL.n CIsIKIUATIS OsV hrerrtioa I 4 rent ue vrard aad 1 rBt svr word for saca autsttqaeat InsFTiinn. Karh iawrtiua niaile aa odd days 1 reed nr srurd. W M :rr Ua aer anuatii. ... tt'aat a1 for Tli I lee a.r ba left at any of ths following dreg store oas is rear "comer draaxiet" fbejf ara all biturli offices fur Tlia lie aad your ad nill bo laserted just at ju-mittjr and on the tamo rat s at tlto mala ofllrt ia Tli V, tull'Iiaj, aoveatonitl, and i'sranm Streets! Albach, W. 0., "th and Fsrnam. B uamOrus; Co.. 2tat K. Inh t. Krr.Mll PheTmacy. BrllMH Neb. ' tonils Park rtiaimary. and Cnmlnf. BeraneK, . A Wl ISC. Kleke-Uraadlsh, - Wurman A. Ca us ii an, C. ., t;S Lnveuworth fcU Ormaa, Knill. VM- a. Wi hi. Clifton Hill PhatJT!y. tiU slllnary Ava Oonty r-harmaey, IS) S. lth St. cny tiiamisry, !h sod Lake t 1 hier Ca SMt UeavenesrtM - Freytsg, J. J., rill 7t. tlth - Kresser iNwa t'e IMS H. IMS U. Florem e l)rug Co., Klorence, KeS. Ono i Pharm y, lart Ave and PaeltM Urrnvtiii Co.. trih and MlcSery; Onldmnn Phaim'y, Stth and Laew th. iohawn liras Co.. Sit'i and otauldln JohiMon Ftiarmary, art Farnam , tUn.n.m psrK Pimnn'y., IJol . tntt A. Htnteri mg Drug Co., f si Ave. and Mai.t. Jam, f3 N. Mth Kt. rtulf, A. I-, :? Ijeavenworfh t. K.ii, h. Sih and srnm ts. Koui,: l'rt i'hainiacy. IMt N. ta. I.H h ron l'harmsvf . !h anil llamlltua. !r. Frd. 1... U Ontrsi lUv. ' MartsMUiii Phsrmsrv, tM and Ames av. Pan- i'rug Cr, 1 N. Mth t. raraima tni O.. aa Ames Ave. h. hse.Vr t Cut l uce, Hih ond Chlesg oeiier Drvg C.. Ill N. th - achat, P. J iiero at. , Walton plisfiroiey. !i smi Craee ata , Walaut HIM Pharawtey. Kh aa4 Caln aito.mouim;h OUAIIAt MACHINE "WORKS' . Ati'oc.'ni.-ni wrlUinc. Frneral ins hinn a d TK"irlrc. Pattern rtiiUnr ad ier;.i: mtttS'nrr rvcd. Kprt dt v .tk. i-iit orawiflT. tn M Hilt si. u. KI'AHUS'I. i PAIN TINU. ! TT.IMMlNli lit SIXKSS l'Klt.SUXAI s eed Mill aad Move. Feed, a" torn?. 'Jienene M't:. Iird. Murphy Did It, ' h'Madilrs. MrPonalil brsis and bronse foundry, alu mini.m. tin, kad cai:nic. ln javasuo. HELP AVAXTEI FKJIAUC llerlcai and Office. CASIIlKIl for K. K. dining house. 130 anil ineais. Address J. ii. Chambers, ljn3 Pine. Neb. AITO MKPAIK.4. Drummond LKlUfAX IIPATKn. l.ETTsIAje COAL. OTII AND HARM BY KT. Mlsn K. attLilwU, tnjmo; staooKrapiier. MM City Katl Bh. ftmig. 4?W r A-UI L Ti in r out of busin call on OANfilcaTAD. M Bee Bldg. Tel. U. MTT. MORTGAGES. 6 ON G0OL) FARMS Jrinr bonds cured by fintt mortrt7t nd our capital and tirplu of m. NO SAFER- INVESTMENT f?ord for find, X ftnU um 4J uiu fu vine. MK your rntwr brmv y9 ft good tneettm Ark fr roWticuii, ' PAYNb INVESTMENT CO. ISlh and Karnim Sts.. Omsha, Neb. r'oR iULJi-tti "mi!KJi rilrndid lo cation and bunin:n4. fi,iMl.iw. Address a lui. ma (if iv a k k. litre lor sate or iraoa. .a nouiery, iiiimnefie lira tirai &Maie Bacfcaaea co. wem ail Md :a's huag. itu'i r.L lor sale In one of the best cities in the middle waet; lloeral terms to right party; betel makis better than fcet per month, Addrrrs Lock Uox If. ctmia tty. la. HAllHLKA ATTKN'llONl FOR dAI.K-A three-ehslr shop In a city of 7 OW. Hath In connection, best hv lluii In city. Long time b-ase. For tirlce, address Commorciai raUouai Bank, Kearney, Mvli Motion iiicture machine and film bar gums, tint. Film KH'li., 14th A Doug. ttts. lilKIMH PKItSti.VAI.Sl COURTNEY'S' "Omaha's Put Food Center. ' If your local ieier dual carry It w . Geod for eautoau free Freignt paid on Is tfurchas unia a radius ei OH mile. ' KOtia UTTKB. PIMy'LTKT. H;ni maiket iu-e paid, writ for eovutUMia aad shiKixiut tats. fcltOWN PliuLIUCK CO.. Wholesalara f ttaa. Oyswra, Celery. 1H Howard Bt. tiirmha. Neb. Kis coT:N'u habana ciuah. Hos ot ia. ptei-sld. IV! 3; try a half desea. It not SailaiaMory money refunded. MlvA iU.N DHUli CO. t5oi el nam HL A SXOISCKMKXTS i s ntivrnt tjv i Sj L.NUKK- embalrrer. 1CI4 Chicsgo lit. D. 1C. B iiri ct, r. prmi'xi m UUUJU BU A-M4 t'N'DHHTAKKUa, 1IEAPEV & ILEAFEY, Moved to Kll Fsmem A-w.' H. as. OL 1.1. ais be hainr If your wed diet Ting ccmes from brodecaard's, Ui r. istft hc At the sign or the crown. wivnoW rises pot in. centrsct work. If. "winter, irtn. vreoeter esse. KLf'-t FaiTiatn tl. Doug. CV. lnd. A-SCL A beautiful assortment of stencil out. fits and Kheiut-W;lliams goods. We te Kl'Xlnt and pictar tratuinii at moderate prtr. t'tiMUPKCl.!. i aeher. 0. M Hni'srt. i XVaMhitiKton B-d. Iioug. M t Morn. I. ciina jjnt. no Hrsndel Tt HAZhU. LBAT PILK CU.Ui-Besi reineiv for ttchins. bieeding or protrud 1.K piles; &ie postpaid; sampla free. Xnmrmzn A McConn-ll Drug Co., Omaha, HKT.VS art-pfO, Klh an1 Howard. Arteaaaa Wets. ... I. K. NWRKROALU IMt-B City Hart Kl ItOWK, wrli boring. Benson t. Atlaeaeya. lJstonL. Hail Lawyer. Mraa. Bldg. i. eiiriiK auurney. f II. of Trade. insists anal Teats. OMAHA TWO! CO. Tel. V.l Djllglaa taaaac and Taaleahs. " THK ONI.V WAY. tu.n ,B..M 10 aeetaiioa. Tsxl. cahe ana touring ears. Tel. Dousiaa Ilia Itag Maaeraef mreee, '" BFHT OMAHA BM1 CO.. Omaha, Neb, as aad Pwekas Maaataatarera. Weod'n Box Package C V. Ith. Caeaaateea asva Caatraalar. tMeveon. carpenter, oent. Both phones 1 htroaaatsta DR. ROT, ISSS Farmtm. Daurlaa t;. Claare est ishstee, THRj BawHary Crew a Pipe. Ill g. icih , .iKhlaut alaaatactaeera. . Wear Ideal liru shirts. M K amtthCe. t-reaaaerlra, Uatrlea aad Sapplles. Fairmont's Dfsdfm butter. Always good. ""da vi b co uffcu rjtin iii r t , 7va A F a S if Coal Ueaarre, C BJotinsea. enal. Iih laard. t phoasa, RKKDKIt r t'ltNAl E COAL, D. im. Caatles A. W'estsrfleld. A-1K1 COAL and kindling. Vssnsr ail K.ltta! "", M load. U. Oroas.VV. mi C'aeaica aad Bveel Oilttagsa CARTER theet kleiat Works. Omaha. .VimTliKLP Leltr Dui.Uaticg few. Wt I'astoo iltk.. drc-uiar letters, any nasa lity; &;!et established cvmvso; xin:ru of aftiiiltrarn sod Keostyte. l iteviK Mno. film, tnp an iar "i .fcul; r rent ic. loan titushi price. Hume rctoitTrBE co.. Tnnrnty-iuurih and I, We, South Omaha. f-eu. sued l: luntt. t.lli fit.on Ataasrd V'Sii i toie al:d 5I1.0 IC 11. sojo d. laa. r.T your c ! Mt lirodc4Jard a ! MONEY TO Lt.AK-i.OV Mte, in w 111 te suit. tr Be Bldg. vix . .-' nr. Jrtll t.l.Ao priBttas Ce. lei. Does, ett. jn- i'i.i.i. ilia. (Kim and SOfrbiAe Nn-r...i r.lm . i;a Farwem St J ha K.rciural sieet WorasT Una;! Aeadeuilea, Macfete't Daadng Arademjr. Mil Harney. Daily Hassts Moo.. Thuya., gat ven.ngs. sloraad a ttfiveie tesaoos wary day. CHk- Mob, ami Fit. p. m. Ing i. beteetleea. Omsha secret eervic det agency. Inc. Ikndcd. 4i- Paaioa i'lk D. U1A A-mk l W. LONdNKCKKH, ill KarUma'Bilt JAMKS ALLAN. Nevl le itik. lter 1US. ateatlala. . DR. ilCLKRAN. HelaHsl In Plate work. suatai.uoB or no le. d ilraiMt Cl'Olt. tenitra tn Vest Karnass. Kaiweuat park aci Duaaew ;trlg who can Be a uart lr wees at cents on nguiar weekly deiirertca. Ifarney its?, B-tr;c AUTOMOBILE" TOEE DOORS itrS Ijcc1s fCt Pfelffer Csrriage Wer as. Aote istama ruluai. dtaata . b K ey not eett roar old ji ji.-,., and bey a new . voe r, tnaybN yea can a . IB ntuncy la soisc rthr wayin either evtat,- ilre ..t ; win do the . !' eente pee wod If msi liuir eae das ae Aasaa sVr nil u rua two ar soots konat oiwsccutivtijf, Beiletf. the ieriliat. Cite Net'; ly ru Msch A Mach, id Coor Paatoo. D. lau Drcaaasakiaa. DRKESMAK1KO, HU Hsmey. II. IM. Trrrr s breeeniaKirg coiWge. 3Mh A FatC hKiVlNQ by osy la fsmilltiTtoid wors gunrenleCTl. Ceil eveaimra Web. 4SU Ul'ARAiCTRED drcrunWiot. iwirprtie for I" oia iliun hraev J at KVRI I. M.'l- J-. , -. ..-.-....-., WK-.v-wi.v WTO. mistna: nattefsction guaranteed. UK Geoni Ae. Ptmne ll.rnrv im. lirwsaiste. rtnrn ... . . . . - - - - - - h. . i'tii"i para on S'",Wf: ,Mtku Bheriao iis -o- umtin. Neb. tveeythlwa alleeuleal. Bargeos-Orandea Co.. rn tleward. D. SB Kieetrtc lighting tlx., wiyjiesale aad retail alsarrtalna; lor ISaaerav. COKStXT DR. BI RKK. rjoas- Elk. iI BOSTOXVIKT WASHTHave '''"r. family wash brouiht home ready 4 ?" A- Wllliaass. eteehea a.tere4. 24 A Lake I aarmenis ex. tor new. W. ain 1 is.Mir ... r iTTTiT" : ". i-- 1 Care lot. br dev. week or r.nth .Florists. RENXKTTS, cut flowers. Do'tgias UJ. i'ariory sad Trastea. nirte . tMirt. Sialr At fcaalw imIau w r ! teaaonabl. uppenhelm. id- i'l.. City Nal'L A.JIonchue. 1BW Fsrnaat. JJ. '.Wl. A -1031 "TlKSB HWOBODA. MU Farnam 81. Btewart's, Florlut A 8eedmen. 11 N. 11 P.ANDkl8'LOHT8f. Brandels Bldg. JL. HKK1KRI)N, 1MI Farnam. P. ISA BATH'i FLORIIffs. Boyd Theater Hldg. Maaattala. TTIHB MEMORIAL, tlth and Harney. lawa Alfred C. Kennedy, ffi. tnce. m First. Kit. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7a Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Range B!k. Iron aad Wire Feaelag. Anchor Fence Co.. WT K. IT, Tel. Red 14 Laatber, T Grots Lumber wrecking machinery A Plumb. list and Paul. 1 , Laaadnea. FnKKfH Hand laundry. Tsl. It. MH Uoarante laundry. Fine work. U. art J4aearaal Jlaaafaetorera. Wtlnner macaroni and spsghettl. Ic pkg kloaasseal aad MaaaaleasBaa J. T: Bloem A Co., lTlh and Owning St a Motlua, Btwraae aad Cieaatag. EXFREBSMRN-B Delivery Co.-alovlng furniture packing, fireproof storage. City oitiie, XII n. Kth. Doug. 4. lnd. B-134. Twin City alapresa. 131' Upward, iteth Tel. Furnltar movliut, 1 im-n. II hour. Vv, Ziii Maalv, Ae aaa Maaaiiaee. PIANO Medio, aim Howard; Doug. 4aA KXi'KRlk.NCk;i) VIOLIN leechet. Tel. Opllciaaa. B. P. Worn, fitting re.'g. 441 Brandtls. . wvateea. David ,Cola O-ster Co. Wholesale paly Ueleepalby. A lire Johnson, 90-t Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, Cat- Brsndela Theater. D. O. Barn el I, Paaton Bl. Tel Red 7117. WUlard Udy, M City hat Hank Bid. FhwaaaraalM. Cnisoa nhotUMfraefcA. Rhelts Bme.. MM Far paalearaphera. Rlnehart. ahoteaTrwabae. tbh A Farnam. rrlaila. Lew W. RaberPrinter, $$ BRW BLDQ. ENTRANCB OM COURT. ioriuntad I-Hnilng Co., lnh Capitol Ae. Tel. IskI. Me Hr good print 'as. Rlee-Hsll Ptg. Co.. It m H. lnd. AU "11 the CfcNlKAI. PKI.Tl.N(i CO. ds your work. I'll Dougiar. Ve. D. Kts. PL life. OMAHA SILVER 4!'Ji. tit B. 15th. Iei lank aad Cali.rt l'aasate XKBRASKA and Iowa Bteel Tank Cora pany. km and hirbeta It. Iteaaereaaihtiea aad Ceeri itesMeters. Myrtle A. -Uny'lm Brtn. The. I. 5st KstMA A. TKI.LLH. 41." Bsit.r ak. Dm j Imm aad Awarass. OMAHA TT.NT Ctt Tel. BS Douglas. TraavKa aad bait Ones. - Frellng at Stelnle. 1st) Farnam St la JdaaBiaeiaren, P. B. Orifftth. wig ntfg. 11 Ft enter Bih Vtas aad Liquors. WILLOW Bprtngs beer, liquor, cijara eenaa iciea. Alex Jetee. 'VI Itouglas. VIKOIMA DAKkl wine, sic aTsrte beT 11. Kleia Llauor Ueuse. mu K, ssta aM. t!5icatToxai. w. COOKING CLASSES (15 Lessons ftr $4.00) SEWING, MILLINERY, GYMNASIUM GENERAL EDUCATION Classes Begin Feb. 13. W . V"V t- 1 V I . .a ,. . IIH.IIUIIUI oi eweoisn; ca pable of teaching correct grammar. State J", tn answer, also giving rrfereecc. Cartaina aad Mesa waabiac Jaar. iiOi'LES COLLEliE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR , Complete nm In BuHmss, Book keeping. Bte.-iogiaphy, TeHrraphy. Civil Service or Saksmanshlii. Tne eatalocue Is free for the asking. Call, writ or .r- w.-e. Aoorsas tl. h S Ken""""1- COj" TC'TORlXa. 1st le Kh grade. H M OMAHA COMMERCIAL CuLLHUaV " ' BKST IX THIS WEST." Day and veeine eiwei all the rear. Faorthaji. TyMwraios. MookkeetNng. Agrieullure. CTvil Aervw. italee-naitsaia T. A. Bart aa. Pre . T: and Farnam. PertiMest Advertising it the Road-bi Houaesteener aad nasaeatle. THK RERVAXT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVKD-Tn Bee trill rua your Demes tie Help Wanted ad FKhlE until sou get the deelred reauits. Bring your ad Is i n He ornce er telephone Tye hsm TWO good chamtiermaide. KM per month, board and room. Hotel Monies, tfrinnell, la. YVA.vrKti-Comuctrnt reliable while girl for general housework, small family; one who llkva children; reference re quired. 4MB Davenport KL Harney 447t WANTKD-A good elrl for general housework. Apply !m Wirt. Tel. Web. 114. oh. you kid, hy don't yo get that piano tuned r Telephone Charles Flail. Webster WHS. OIKL wanted for general housework, small family; good wages. XliM Cap.10, Ave. VAKT;1 A girl Cor general: house work; good wages. 11 Norm 4lh Bu Bouth Omaha Moulh l. OIRL for general h-iusswork; li. Har ney mi. WANTED A competent houaenisid. Mr. F. T. Kirkeadall, H27 Jackson hi. Harney til. HaocUaaswaa. ' TOVN'f? women coming to Omaha ss llrangrrs r.' Invited to visit the Teung Vemne Chrlstlsn association bulidJia, st au Marys Ave snd i.'Ui at. whert they will te directrs 10 suitable baaraiaj places or ,herwtae aseiste-1. Look for our traveirrs' golds at the tmlon ststtoa ON account of poor health, one of le best house moving outtiia In ties Moines and residence; will sell separately; make terraa; have ennasr. work oa hand to pay fur tuols. j Address T 21. car Otnaua Bee. .- MKLf WANTED MALE Auuaia, aaieassea aaal aaUeltaia. TVK WANT local scents for ths now model Fox visible typewriter. Writ us tor our liberal proasiilaa. Typewriter Inspection snd Supply Co., Western Dis tributors, Inc., InoS Farnam. AtiKNTS 4.l per werk: If yuu are making less thsn this, write us. ideal euptny i n. Allii hell. H. li. KXTKHIKNcf II fanner 11 tnr of aa a laiie steady work on farm tli fi.lK.w lng aeasen tl 130 per month. Address Ji"S Fsrnani 81. Room No. I. WANTED Life insurance stent, good producer, to manage south half nf Ne braska fr old line insurance eomnany with twelve and one-half millions aseeta aad 71 millions Insurance; strictly eom mission and renewsl eontrarts; worth In quiring about. Address K iiK. Bee. SALrCs.itN-We want men of ability and good character, ia every locality, to take orders for groooiies st whole le from farmer, rancher, hoteia, etc.; spe cial Induiements to txpertenced men. We leach Inexperienced men. (IsXIROK MRL. DRUM A IX.. Wholesale Grocers, Cnl- csgo. 111. WANTKD A man In every county te ell reelue to fix seed corn so aniee and squirrels and gophers win not touch it. J. C. llutton pi Ingfieid. i. D. , Clerlval aad Ofllee. "CANiy Ulrt-grade pnaltloa. ts Be. sal; also for rent, II t 114" a auaiik JOHN FL.LUMA.V. tUt N. 17th. D. Ita. traciaey aad 'xeeidee. D;-ug store :nsps) job. anlestBse BWg Mtaawila y A .v 1 r. 1 .' n 1 ywrn ' " - try with the end Trusty tin: abator. Writ tor Ire catalog uo, is. M. doaueua, u.k:',.L'l. L'nU I; a AUUV AIiIa. bodied utiiiiarriid men, between the ages . , ... -,Hna a, I H,S 111!. Af good eiMtracter and temperate aawta, wa can speak, lead and am in a.mtiisa BnKuase. vi aiwiuauwi ri"7 iruitlng officer, .it 4 and Deugias out, Omaha, Neb.; V7 4th 8u, gloux Ctiy. la.; lie . Sets at. iuncolB. Neb. tw atKN. IS to 4 leers old. wanted at one for eleetri railway motormea aad conductors; Mo to ltw a moaih; so ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; a strike. Write immediately tar apimctlkia Maak. Addreee I si, tie. AUTO hCHOOL. OMAHA, I LAKUst HHUrB. CrARANTKE. higher qual ity araduatea store car and actual repair work than any tar weatarn arbools; let us PHoVai it u.s.; STOH READ! 33; Learn automobile ens .nev ring is our htrge training shop. Hundreds of successful grsduate. Complet equipment of aul niooiles and machinery. Address Natussai Auto Training Area , fS BrandeiS Theaiar H;:K-, omaiia. -N b TEl KliltAHU poeltlona guaranteed you by both Lnlun Pacifia aad UUnots Cen tral railroads It you gsia your training In our school. Practico on P. it wuroa. 14. dreia for paiuculars, M. B lloylea, Prsa. tJoy ics v;otlg, umtra. Aeb. HELP WANTED MALE hUeeeilaaeeaa. t.f r.AII.WAY MAIL- CLERKS WANTED- month; Omaha ttons slay 4. Coaching free. Write Frank lin Institute, Dept 211 VI, Rochester. N. T. Mutton picture operators In great de- ma no; nig pay; short hours; we give you thorough training; poaltiuaa secured. In ternational Motion Picture School, tit Bee UVkl STOCK FOR BAIJt Hsreea aad Vehtcses. FROBT, wagon repairs, lau Leavtaw-ta. HORUKa and cows, 7.4H Cuming Bt 17 sows for ssle cheap. Benaoa CCX lost and ravxn PKi'JSONS having lost some article would do well le call up the attics of tee Omaha IMineil Blutfa Btrset Hallway coipany to ascertain wiiettier li.y left u at tn street cars. Many art -dee each day ar turned la sad to coaopaay la anxious to restore meni to toe tdliiiiui owner, wail voug laa U OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MBDIC I'M. DK it. C".. aieciaiist. Inervaua and ail chronic a seoe, ais DeWvV Ave. Dg. 7M4. MENTAL dlaeees cured, tut Barksr Blk. MOXEY TO LOA. Balary aad Chatteia, v moey FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE " RIGHT PRICE Money Is always a neceLwity, bnt never mora so than al this time of la year, with Its increased cost of Uyias. If you ar wrestling with this phss of the money prooiem ana seed financial aastst sac we believe a can help you. W wilt aes-otis a iaea for you on your Heal twstate. Personal Property, HOL'SEUOfj) GOO Da. PLkNO, WAKfi HOCSK KKCE1P'.'. BANK BOOK, AU TOMOUILIS, WAGES, or en your PLAIN NotH. if permaneaiiy employed. Money advanced quickly, privately and confl fntiaily. YOLit CALL WILL 8 AP ifUkCIATED. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id t ksor, MS Futon Block, 217 Ho. lin St. Phono Doug. 1411 VST on turaltur, pianos and i'lOllcV . nt estate el a very low rata of Interest Nebraska Loan Co. Dong. IK. Bt Be BWg. A-liW. Ml IN BY loaned salaried People, woraea keeping souse and others, without se csrliy; easy payments. Offices In V prln clil eltlea, Tolmsn, im Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., formerly N. T. Life Bldg. OET IT OF Miss enow, O. L. B.. at Star Laaa Co.. H Paxtoa Blk It la tits, wit beat escurlly; to suit you. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates, easiest terms. 8es other then sue us and be convinced that we will save yo money. rforfcHOLiJ LOAN Cli. N E Cor. Isth Doug. Sta.. D. iSD. lad. A-ZU. DIAMO.ND LOANS al m aad i per esnt FIATAU. IM4 IMdga Tel. Red isi. OFFKKEO VOR KETT . Bsard aad aeons. OK. I. hauls trusts. D, tit. A-X.1. MODKRN furniahed loom with home cooking. Ml Bt stary's Av. rwralaaed Hasans. FOP. RENT Tsre furnished parlor rooms with heat and gas. 533 B. Cd St. 1IJ PARK AVC-Coenfortabie. clean. weil furnished room, modem: geatletnaa preterrefl. js.. Harney rc. heated, oomfortabl able. Ut a Ed St. DKSLRA b'.K furnlsaed room, private family. BUS N. ih. Tei. Webster W7. NICBX are modem room; Vulval fam ily. Ut 8. Wtb Ht Harney 47S1. New. while people ere look rag tor axer comfortable quarters. Is tn tim te ad vertise your rooms for rent Rates le pee word where the ad ran tw or more time. ELK hotel, isth and Casslast saecuJ Wwekly rates. ewly fur talked, stasia heated rooms DESIRABLE room for two aentieeaea: Couple; private family; board If desired. Reference. Harney nu. sa. no urn central Boulevard. HT. MARY'S AVKNUsV-assa-Farnished room, strictly mcdern. weil heated, fur one or two gentlemen. NKAT comfortable front room with al cove; breakfast if desired. Teleohoae Harney Ml. VyoM r.w-n are hard to get They don t w aader around the streets looking for signs la windows. Worn you need good kelp Bdvertiee m The Uee. Be want aoa ar read by fceei, energeuc niea wna w.a,i to bettir their condi tion. Kates ic ner word if rua two er more times ooa secativwy. lineshass Tyssr tnu. t L.VROB furnished room, suitable for light houeekeeptng; cheap rent fxtt Bwrt. ml CLARK; strtetry modern room, with electric light; (or an. or two gentle men or young married ooupie; ao bums keeping. WANTED Men to prepar far position now waiting at top wages. Learn the barber trad. Few weake quality. Na Oud seaaoas ao strikes. Case every Sat urday mgnt. An army of graduates de pending upon a for hero. Call or write, stew Haroer Catlesre. lie a Mth Bt. W A NTfcD-Railway mail cserssa. g a momn. abort hoars. No rayorta; posit Mm yuars foe Ute. Omaha exawnstlem May 4. Thimsan ill at iiM..,nui. . ..i.. Common education sufficient. ' Puil" as. nearsearr. candidstes prepared fre. W die tor sample questions. Franklin la sutute, Dept, til at, Rochester X Y. Faralahed MsaaaaaaaSaa ataaasa. . THE MANTTEL Two-roont apartment CJ-vA The Howard. S-roosn. private bath, g&M. Sst and Howard. ZSaS St. Mary's Ave Two nicely tar nished roots roams, weil bee lea. aeod em. good locatjon. 'Phone Dougis 4Ja O.VK room, furnished ar aafiaalslind. rent rcaeonaHe. Red 7S37. FI'R. houae. West Farwaa diss. BL S7M sta eras aad issnaata.i t ; Dewey Fun.(na Hotel, nth Famsra NICKLT FURNISHED ROOMS tor gen tlesMa. THK CHATHAM, lit S. 13th St OXFORD aad Aeeade, apeeial ware rats Dodge, running hot aad cold water; splvia in, svary rooaa tirice (ha at OFFERER FOB RENT Aaaefsue ad Flats. t-ROOaT flat on BMerman Av. Wh. ITK. WHT FREEZE? Central, steam heat, I-rootn faous; s-room t at. tw N. lid. (-ROOM modern flat, Kcarro Bldg. IKit N. Mth Bt. South Omaha. Hail, a Kaoage Bldg. Both phones. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap ft eight, rate; moving and storiug. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas at City office, ilt S. ITtll Bt, Bee Bldg. TEAM heated e-room basemeat apart ment at ITth and Harney. Harney 211 AT MTU and Larimer;, strictly mod ern 5-room flat tw. Heruy HUB. STEAM HKATED APARTMENTS of i rooms each. vory Improvement, gas ranee in kitchen, to only small families. Hi to IK. pins heat H extra. Also s-room modern flat, 1M4 N. lath 8t, 111 Also 1 to S rooms In suite Sll N. 17th St THoS. W. HAZEN, Phone D lw. 1M7 Mot?age. Haaar and Cottage. MOD. l-rom aettage. Fin reO'r. H. Met, 4-KOOM cottaire. water and gas. TL Harney Oi or B-MTa, -RoOM. strictly modern house, m Farnam. J. i. Kemp, ait Leavenworth, phone Donglna WW or lnd. Wl (-ROOM strictly modern house. 111. Jorte. si per month. J. I. Kemp. Phone Dougias mi or lnd. A-IWs. . House. Ins. RJngwslt. Hmndrle Th Hide 174 B. Sth: S rooms, completely inou- en, 177 All, 171 B. hrth: g rooms, ooen pletely modern, its. Thos. F. Hall. Ut rtamgs Block. D. 740! ; A-44W. To own your own horn Is a mark of thrift it gives you a credit rating. Let your rent pay for a well built and attrac tive home In Benson. Consider this b fore you rent sgain. F. 8. TRULI.1NQER, BENSON. t ft, ALL MOD. Frame, dilach-d. close In. 0KEF.FE REAL EiTATK CO.. NEW MODERN COTTAUK. Botithanst corner th Ave. and Rugglet bt., of 4 rooms; every Improvement, with good iurnace tub" per month. , TllOn. W. HAZEN. Phone D IWl, JOT MoCagu. lTniiBAB ln C"" of th city. UOUbtK pryl.h Bon, A Co . He Bldg. OFFERED FOR PA LB Tyaeerr'ters. RENT an Ollvsr typewrRer from th Oilvr lirpewriier to. aArws svu. tllltl VailtCU , , I , XI 1 W I . IJ VNIRI kl for rent THE MONARCH TYPaV WP.ITEH CO.. 411 8. lith. Tel. P. . ailsewllsaeaaa. FOR BALE Two serial xrvhtps m ths Omaha Comroercisl colleg and en in Boyle collage. Business offio. Omsha Uee. SOW blue grass bow on th snow and hav nlcs velvst laws, sen spring aad summer. TUB NEBRASKA SEED CO.. TA Douglas UtL Kll Howard Bt Be want ads will sell fur niture. pian, stove, type writers, sewing machines, musical instruments, bicy cles, etc. at a coat ot only a few cents. Don't delay; get your ad In now. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allays and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswlck-BaiA-Couander Co.. 4J-4M) a. Itth 8t. ; ID SAFES. DERIOHT. .Ill Farnam st MOV1N0, packing and storing of house, held goods and planet It our buainsss. Omaha Van A bterag Co.. fireproof storage, Ms a Kth, by ths viaduct. Urarton office. M S. nth St. Tel. D. 41tl. A-U t-'l 1 1. n- K. L- lh..Ti Mw t-room house and barn. All modern. Kit location. . Telephone Florence Ut Ml B. th St., I rooms, strictly modern. IS. J. 1. Kemp, hath and Lavanrtb, Doug, m, lnd. A-liea, WEST Farnam. new modem stucco nome Best district. Red 2147 co i Lag,, inou., sji a. lam. fw. (-ROOM, ground floor, 7 S. Kth. iliX inquire i"U H. nth. Phone Doug. '.. t-KOOM steam heated apartment Tht Maaun, Bat and Maaoa Sta, (4S.US, Tele phone Douglss 1&71. t-R NEAR CRJCloHTON Hot water heat, roo tours, BXI. O'KKEFE REAL tfTATU CO., I-room flat, 3d floor, Wl N. Mth. t-ronin flat. Id Boor, S35 N. Mth. t-room house at 155 N. ITth. s-roem house at lid N. 17th. 0. C. KaloicK, Attorney, 1M1 Farnam St TEN rooms, modern. Ikri ho. glib. Fine for two families. D. 123t. mi urbT....iiB K.... . . . modern except heat. Inquire within, fca. FOR RklNT--lWew ten-eonm tui , - brick house, hot water heat MS iiarnu 8t T 1. O'Brien. Henehaw Hotel, pnene r. uie or tiamy its. SIX-ltlMlM atrirtlv irnvtu-n eAttAa fe.1. sad Dodge, tw UALLAOHER NELSON. Doug. 335. CLOSE IN g-R. cottage-bath-ta O KtJ.m REAL WHTATK CO., HOlrRK. livll Cass, nine rooms, nuwlarn fine eonditlon. walking dlstano. rent BA NEW. 7-rooni houae, modern, tilt N. f-th Bt W.bater Bit. FOR KtSN't By owner in bmiiM .etiirtly modem house, east front Phone narney iwi FOR RENT Modern eevaa-room awall. Iruf, doss to hieh school. luquire 2Mj vapuot sts. Steers aad file, TORE rooms, steam heatsd. frontiwe alley at lW and fa Farnam at. Hava mercbsindis eatraac. giasa from a Thos. F. Hall, isi Hangs Bids ataiii r nones. M'CAGl'B BU1LDIN0. lith and uodu Altraetiva office, sing or en suite: fa,.t ad cold water la nearly all rooms; rents, 17 to thi-is); service complete. Apply, UMA11A lAJAn m Bt.lLftio Agd ft. Store st an Bouth 1Mb. Htore at lit Harney Street. Of I ice er sales room at ISth and Harney Third floor al is Harney new. Becond floor at UeVlt Harney tnew). Basement at l.'k-h Harney mewl. Off Re at ttl. Farnam isernnd floor). O. C RE DICK. Attorney, U17 Farnam (it rKora is Cuming street Btore st 3' Cuming street. Btere st TO North Itth. Btsra at Nertn tlth. " Btur at ast North axih. Bouth Omaha O. C. RED1CK. Attorney. Ui; Farnam Bt STORE RfXiM. steam neated. Xi Caaatnc St., K THOS. V . MAZF.X, Phan D is. , m McCagw. OFFERED FOR BALE. krwraliare. FOR SALE--Jk Harney 44i7. Can SANITARY eojch for sale; half arm ssn, n. est st. FOR SAME CRKAP-New Malemle range, combination dreg and booacase, tw new nam and a few other frees of ftsraMara, Apply Monday ar Turn day morning at oeonna Ave tiraa alia tat . Mil r rent: largest stock: beet bargains ts. r. o iv sua pu.v lu, i '4 JTArBAtt sj OansAa. Cxil er writ. , SAFES Overstocked with second-hand tafss, all else and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. Ilia Farnam St d& Coal tor alov or furnace. Try 1U v Harmon A Weeth. Webster Ut. FOR SALal I pool tablrs, new cloth; first class condition. g0 Call Harney S. FOR SALs-4-hole range and an RoUpss gss range. Telephone ilarney 4B77. PERSOKAii YOUNG woman coming to Omaha at st i angers are invited t visit th Young Women's Christian association building at seventeenth and St Mary's Ava, where they will be directed to aullsins boarding plaosa, ar stherwiss assisted. Look for our tiavelero' aid at the Union station. w si rem and reiur ail amds of sewiag; nschines, lnd. A-IOR. Douglas Mi, hfEBRASKA CYCLsC CO.. 1Mb and Harney Sta, Maaaage, Kltteahouae. Old Boston Bid. tl-OAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gltdish pharmacy, lith and Dodge. MASSAGE satinenl Mrs. ateeie. Dodge. Ground floor. LIEUEN, mask suits to hire. 1..14 How'd. IMS SALVAilOA ARMY solicits cast rt clothing; In tact anything you do not need. We collect repair and Mil. at ut N. lith Bt. for oust of oolwctlon, to th worthy poor. Call phon Douglas 113 had wagons will call. i MASSAGE Bilhm' Slow are malls -UiiOi3AUti ttMUnwlt. a Dsn, of Chicago, V) B. 17th St. 1st floor. U. IMs. Thousands of people hav fount th home they wero looking for among ths real ostat ads on Tli Bee want td page. Th noma you want to sell can be disposes! of quickly st cost of esiy a few cents through Boo want ads. SWEDISH m""- vibrator ana. o " tuviBU. ra4IW;Ur treatment. Mrs, Snyder, H Be Bldg. Red two. SWEDISH massage, for rheumatism, muscles, joints, dlseasss. Karstea Ton seth, only Omaha masssnr graduata la Sweden. 401 On. Nafl Bank. I mug. TBi. Curtains laundered. Guaranteed. W. tteC MASSAGE irXrZZ;. Z MAGNETIC '"atmenc K. Brott, fii ui-n,uX UAALl g, 16tB- td floor. D. ill. BEST bracer for men. Orgy's Nerve Food Pills, U per box. prepaid. Sherman A McConaell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. POtLTKK AND PET STOCK ROl'P eaailv cured hv ttiih Whliea Roup Cure, he box. If your dealer caa- i sot supply you, writ as direot, sanding 1 dealers name. BOB WHITE CO.. Rot ; N. 18th St., Omaha. Neb. Webster Mil. 1 BOOS for hatching from the Brandels Fsrm. Thoroughbred fl. C. White leg horns. Utility siock, 11 a setting or li per MM. Exhibition or show stock, n to a a setting Write for catalogue. Ad dress, A. D. Brandels, OmAha. Tel. Ben son STOS. Kaftir corn makes hens lay, 8 par MO; screenings, n it per lot Was ner. W N. 1. FO SALE Toy poodi pup. Earl Parkas, 4111 No. nth Av. Wsb. Cat "A OOOD OPP0RTCNITr'- pairs of full blooded Homer pigsoa sll branded, aad working, for sals cheap. Object for selling. Ill health. Addreee T Sua. ears uirsbs Bee. MAKE TOCR HENS LAY. L'SS FRESH GROUND BONE. THE KKBRAkka SKEn m Phone Douglas 11. httl Howard St. r...,,,nr.c.u s.ngiisn duii lemer; nna specimen ail a prlie winner. Til East ..-.j, , . vmi 1. 1 1 culls. klRmn niTunreu i.v..u i , . .. fine cockerels of my ciiamnlija esalbiuoai ST.d heavy egg-laying strain: nrica tow. F. C. Ahiqulit, Box D. Ames Ave Sts- Omaha. Neb. v REAL KSTATB AB&TstACTg 4W 1 1 1 La,. NEALE A CAMPBELL. ITU Fsrnam 8t UHLOk.US INFttRMAliaaa. FVctric gas f x-. ares. Omaha Silver Ca. lllesl Cement Co.. I, is and Cmnlns. Fachs. Bon A B.lnd. paisuna. decorating. CITY PAOPalitTV roit SALE. WelfBuilt" Benson Homes F. S. Trullinger Buy This Lot in Benson East Lot 1ft. Beek K a down, balance M per saonth. It It well loos ted not far from ear aad school; Is MxUS, just the place tor small house sad good home. GEORGE R. WEIGHT, Bat PuhUamcg CotnjisjBX Cita!