k " 10 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1912. There Muft Be a Strong Family Resemblance Between Mutt and His Kid By "Bud" Fisher JEFF. IF 1 COva-D ONv get The coords gnu we J CWSTOOY OF fVf SON. FR-O, I'D SOON Nrej MX TAkf Mf BACK. Ofe KU Too. - HE'S -me awu.evr . UX5ffi& wo YogExel saw- tVWtOtfY SW i SO. HG'l Got T-5 VmCLLCVT EYe? rSNO Ht) - ne-- w vt?ct f.TjKe OF IF X DO VVi IT avfSeLFj, ME" DO3VT ru. OVSP- f " 1 I "t I Fob the HMCLitvr II " Jl J . uj Ml P I, -.1 - - V. I I - I I . . I 1 ' . - - ... 1 I. II I I . . ar I f-1 J " " .' ' HCjr s PiCtuR.t? of TOO. SOM,CIC.0 .' IT Wi Hc VMOC4 "& FO. Tst HomCUEVT I J I FOOT BALL RULES CHANGED Committee Badicelly Alters Style of Play for Nineteen-Twelve. T0UCHI0WH W0I1TH SIX POINTS Extra Down A Howe far Tra-Tlnl tiala. While Forward Vmmm Cir Be Made Ten Yarda Be yead (iMl l.lne. I XKW YORK. Feb. i-The font bail rules committee, whicfe hs been work ing In secret here for two days upon Irwumerabie suggestions for altering tha t gamie, came to unanlmnua decision lata yeeterdW la favor of mrnl tundamenlaj i changes The rormnlttee laid down 11" ariluoua , taak tonight with in belief that It had greatly Improved tha popular collar port. Tha lines of anticipated improve ment are. In substance, a follows: - Tha playing field, now 11 yards In length, will ba shortened to an even We yarda. Thla change la not vllal, but la made In ordrr to tnaka possible on amatl grounda an extension of territory on Men tha forward pan mar ba lived. A anna of tan yarda' width beyond tha goal lines la established. The purpose of thla la to provide ampla par for execution of tha forward paaa and aeor Ing en a paaa mada aeroaa tha iiml lint Into thla tone la permitted. Nsaaber ( Danaa laereaae. ! The number of "downa" to fain ten yarda la tnoreaaed by one. , Tha on-aWe kick la eliminated. Tha value of a touchdown la Increaeed ' from five polau to alx polnta, the Koal from touchdown and other eeorea ttand Inc as at praaaat i The twenty yarda sons. In which tha ' present rules now provide restriction, to i Interference with tha forward paaa, la j eliminated as that tha reatrlcllone will ' apply now to any part of tba field, j After a tooenback tha ball will ba put I la play from tha twenty-yard Una In stead of tiw twenty-Mve-yard line. On a kick off tha bail. Instead of beln m play In the center of tha field, will ba put In play from tha forty-yard Una of ; tha team kicking off. Taking Into con I alderatlon tha ahortrnlng of tha field and thla change In tha rule., tha klck ' off dletanoe Is lengthened by five yarda. Tha field Judge la eliminated. Tha bead I linesman lioreafti-r will keep time and I ba Judgo of off-side playa In tha line at i scrimmage. Toe number of man allowed on tha (Ida lines, now tlirea, will ba reduced to one far each team. , I rfoviekin will ba maila that a bounding I ball cannot score a legitimate foal. Tha Interval between tha first and sec ond snd the third aJid fourth pertoda Is seduces, front two minutes to one mlnuts, B. K. Hell of Dartmouth, chairman of ! tha committee, announced the substance of those changes to newapsper men to night. Kane of thorn has bean put In code form, but Chairman Hall aa.d they were all unanimously adopted aud would be ; Incorporated In the 151- rulra. A rommlt- tea waa named to codify the new r airs and tnetroctrd to bars them ready soon as postialo In order that Ihry inlstht be circulated aril atudlrd brlore the practice eraon besttta. Tht cutnniHIfe Includes Ti'a'trr fmp' of Yale. l'rcy "Jlaughton tit liarviird and William Morris of Penn-yla;iii. It waa said Iho chaugci 'adopted were the work if re on In dividual, but nflrr the two days' dlav cuulon tliev wwo drnvrn up as a whole and adopted unanimously. The principal ImBi ovemcnl espected of tha new rules Is euuajrtatlon of te SIOUX SCALP HIGH SCHOOL i i Ioi Playeri Win Tiercely Con tested Grnat, 27 to 19. ASLY RUSH CAPTUBES E0N0ES te that I.eraU Taever Were Able Rranla (,ni l.eet shall and tldrlrb, erltk Deakle"" raaaea. At Stare. Hr'jl ''Id High rchool, Ti, Umaha lltrh. 1?. In the hardest fought game which local followers of the popular Indoor floor port have had a chance to witness alnes the oirnlng of the present aeason. the Omaha High anion! quintet dropprd Ita firat contest of the year to the speedy Sioux lily High school basket I onset's. H to 19. at the local ' V ' gymnasium Mat urday evening. V All hough the Omaha lads were out c!aaard In team work. Individual play, and overtopiml In ele. they were never out gained. Their ability to put up a atift tight against ouch otlda proved that Coach (. lark has developed a bunch that la game to the core. The lowana atarted out with a rush and played the locals off their feet dur ing the first ten minutes of tha contest, and finished tha half with the score board IS to II In their favor. This early start on the part of the Sioux proved thejinilolng of tha 'tana ha lada for they never were able to overcome the lead of their opponents. Doable Faaaea Effective. Rhull. the lowana' big right forward, and Aldrkh, right guard, featured with their double paaaes and rolled up a total of seventeen polnta between them. Mull was able to reach over every player on ths Omaha aide on account of his lanky advantage of feet t Inches. All of ths Omsha five put up a fast exhibition at times, but their playing on tha whole waather erratic. During tha first half, their team work went to pleoee, allowing tha Kloux to score almost at will. Crocker, left forward for tha Purple nd White, featured with three field froala, a total of six polnta, and Mask Hughes, at renter, helped his teammates considerably with hla elusive passes. Hd ney Meyer, right forward, also played a good game. lies Miller of the l nlverslty of Omaha referred the contest and made a hit With his Prompt derisions Ha waa rather In curs stent, kowever, m allowing tha Bioux a second try for a goal from a foul In tha second half because the local . school routers made too much noiaa to suit hit gymnastic rules of etiquette. Ceeg trend Atteala. A good cruwrt attended the game con sidering the cold weather. The lineup: HIOUX CITY. OMAHA HK1H. Hhull, Hhulkln R.F.'R.r". Meyer Htrong, Murphy ur. UP Crocker Holmes C.IC ,. Hughes Bach UOJUO Munneke AMrtrh IH R.O Rurkenroad Field goals: Hhnll (6), Htrong . Holmes til, Meyer ). Crocker U). Hughes li. Free throws: Aldricli CI, Uurken rond iTl. Kereree: Gus Miller of the l nlverslty of umaha. rVorvr: W'elker of Omaha "Y." Timekeepers: C. K. Keed of tmiaha and Hrewer of Sioux city. Time of halves: M minutes, FEISHHXH TOSSEES VICTOilOUS Jawlor (less rive Leers by One Palat la Ua. , The freshman basket toasera of the Omaha lllxli achool nosed out a victory over :he Junior class five by the score of 17 to Hi as a preliminary to tha Kloux City game at the local "Y" gymnasium last evening. James Durkoe, center fur the Junior lads, was put out of the game In the see- Lyon Has Hundred to Back Dr. RoUer F. A. Lyon, representing Dr. Holler, has sent the following letter to the sporting editor of The Bee. accompanied by a certified check for 1100: "Enclosed find a certified check for tin as a forfeit to a IW1 aide bet that Waasem cannot eat Dr. B. F. Roller In a finish wrestling match, winner to take all of the gate receipts. Time and place to be agreed upon. "I are by the Herald that Pete Loch la challenging Roller and other wrestlers In behalf of Waasem. It he means business he will call thla. It looks like Loch la running thla bluff to get some cheap advertisement everyone knows that Waa sem has no. chance with Roller. lf Loch calls this with some real money we will have a wrestling match and I have soma more money that .Waasem will not get behind Roller once In the entire match. "This deposit will - be left with The Omaha Bee until February 20." Report-Cornhuskers; 5ave Michigan Game LINCOLN.' Feb, 4. (Special Telegram.) It waa announced tmotflcially today that Nebraska would play Michigan on November t Manager Eager will, again go to Chicago to confer with the Michi gan officials next, week." The Nebraska management refuses to .comment .on the report and will not confirm the same. ' ond lialf for "kneeltig" an opponent, and hancea of offensive and defensive teama."y nu "topped for several minutes It has long been contended that the defense waa too powerful, especially when close to it goal line. The allowing of a touchdown on a lorward pane across the goal line la expected greatly to relieve thla condition. The addition of a point ta the value of a touchdown la Intended to make the comparative values if the touchdown and the goal from the fl'lrt substantially what they were beloro the recent high development of the latter Jay. " Xa Daaser treat Old Faalt. before the players could agree on the de cision. He waa replaced by Alfred Hltten- ho'i'ie. The lineup: rV.ESHMKN. JUNIOR Carson It F.lrt F Kaetman K-ltniall L.FIUF White Uouner tCl C. O Durkee Larmon I.O.iUU Craig Hir.aard R.O. Il.rt. Btors Rubntltute: I'JItenhouae. Field goals Vatnutn. 1; White, x, tralg, I; Carson, f; Itouner, 1. ree throws: White, I; Kaat man. ": Buxxard, 7 . Klothow, 1 Points awarder!: Juniors. 1; Freehmen. 1. Kef- leree: Hudson. Scorer: Wclker. Time of halves: Tw.-nty minutes. , .......' ,1m Arfiflnn Af an attnil .rr-r:iTeams Near Norfolk attar k. but tlx.- loaimtttee felt It waa not likely to have that tendency In view of the fact that there waa now no pushing and pulling in the game. One of the minor ehaiujes will be a provision thai the toser of the toss at the commencement of the came wi.l hive his choice at the start b' the acvond half as to whether hls,team shall kick off. The committee adjourned tonight with Its members expressing satlrfactton with , tba results of their labors sud believing It would not be tieceseary to meet again unless the codifying committee en countered some snarl which It could not . handle. Kvea suxh event It was thought the matter could be adjusted with ' the members of the general committee by mail. Jig Entry List for Intermountain Events DENVER, Fab. 4. When the entry list of the Denver Athletic dub's mtermoua- taia boxing and wrestling tournament closed umight, Xt names were entered. The tournament wlU open Muoday night. South Da acta. Kaaaas. Nebraska. Okla homa aut Iowa are among the states represented. Plan to Form League 6T ANTON, Neb.. Feb. i-(Ppectal.- The prospects for a league of the towns in Iho vicinity of Norfolk for the seas of U'.J are encouraging. It Is proposed to make up a. league of Norfolk. Pierce, Madlxw. Wayne. W Inside and. 8 tan ton. Four of the towns have already axpreei themselves aa pleased with the Idea. A salary limit low enough ao that all can wftord to have a team will be agreed upon and probably a two-gam e-a-week achery- ule will be made. These towns for the last several years have kept up some strong teams, defeating Western league and State league teams In exhibition games. Quite a w players m this vi cinity have secured Jobs la the Bute and Western league. Men Uke Bind alar. Hart- man. Kingdom. Laub and ethers nave srade good in the league. - jy .v t x s .',. . , 'I 1, "' ., ' l l' ' ' t t Y , ,rM . " I i ' t , t r " , . ,. 1 I ;;:: ( v . YOl THFri. AN1 VKTF.IIAV EXPOJKXTS OF T HE 'I''V'jf'E ri-K, WHO MBKT THIS MONTH KK BIU'ARY) 1 NEW ' T011". T,,, WOKLK'M CHAIIPIONWHIP AT BAI. KLIN fc BIARr ABOV b la WILUH IK'I'HK. OF NKW YORK. TH K CHAMPION, AND HhLOV. , OBORGB SUTTON, OK CHICAGO, THE CHALL KNOEK. ,( , DREIGHTON ADDS VICTORY Cold Westher Dtivet Away Spec- Utort in Tri-City league. - FOEFEITID GAME BOOSTS MASK Bellevue Oatelaaaea alatet treas Ceuaell Bluffa "Y," Final Sean Reaaltlas TsveatyTvra to Tea. NEBRASKA LEADS Di VALLEY Cornhnskert Again Beat Aggies by 40 to 14. Ames VARSITY IN FINEST OF FOEM Gatlre Teaas Playa Faat Game, with Gibson in Stellar Bole DaJbey Still Star for Visit era Da ace Fellows. LINCOL.V. Neb., Feb. l.-48pectal Tele gram.) Nebraska stepped well Into the lead In the Missouri valley basket ball championship when the Hunkers decisively defeated the Ames Aggies a second time. by the score of 4d to It, For the first few nilnutrs of play Ames contested fiercely and the game was filled with sensational work. The? Huskers seemed In better physical condition, how ever, and completely denied their op ponents with a bewildering aerlea of play and team work at the opening of the second half. For the flntt fiflMn mlnntM nt the game, the score waa practically tied all of tha time. TheAgglea were weakened by the loss of King, who had been Injured in the Initial game In a badmlxup with Haskell. Dalbey, who scored all of the Aggies' points In the first halt, waa also forced to retire In the second, having exceeded the limit of personal fouls. Toward the close of the first bait Gib son, with a pretty exhibition of goal throwing, overcame the close lead of the Aggies and the half ended IS to (. Ne braska was never headed In the second halt and it was only a question of the lie of the score. The entire Nebraska team played a faat game, with OlbsOn starring In the first game. Dalbey was the etar for the visitors. Gibson played hla hut game and will leave next week for Colorado A dance followed the game. Following Is the summary: NEBRASKA. . AMES. F.G. F. ha V Nasi. If S r Dalbey, If t Haakell, lf... 0! Miller. If e ftl Dowell, rf... I 4 Pfund. e S 1 Chapped, lg.. 5 King, rg .... e aBiabee. rg ... Totals ...,.1 Uoala from foul line: Gibson til. Dslbrv (1 eut of S, Chappell (S out of I). Referee: Mike Hyland of Iowa. DANA'S H0PES SHATTERED Fast Creighton Basket Ball Team Takes Tuck in Intherarrs. DRUBS THEM BY SCORE OF 57-29 Crelgktoa Starte Came with Baah nnd Tfcreaalt Kxeelleat Teaaa Work Ralls l Tre aaeadoaia Scare - BLAIR, Neb.. Feb. 4,-(8perlal.-Dana college's hopes for the basket ball cham pionship of the state were given a rude, set-back Friday afternoon when the fast quintet from Creighton university easily defeated the Lutherans by the score of tV7 to This la the first time that the Blair boya have been beaten, and they were fully confident of winning Friday's gsme. The game played by Creighton waa an exhibition of basket ball the like of which has never been seen before on the local floor. Creighton atarted off with a rush, and with aome very good team work, light ning passing and accurate goal tossing. scored ten points before Dana realised that they were not at a sewing bee. The Omsha team waa handicapped by the small floor, but even at that their team work was excellent. There was no one player who starred, but Ballderaan and iprurba did some fine goal tossing, t. knd T. Lund did the beat work for Dana. The lineup: X . CREIGHTON.' DANA. Pruchn .... Ballderson H of man ... Haller fhlmerda .. ..R.F.iR.F ...UF.IL.F C.C.. ..LO.lL.O ..R.O. R 11 R.O , . Anderson Nelson ...,T. Lund ....J. Lund Raemuasen .... Oaydou Olhaon, rf. HHtnrr. c.. Stryker, c... Carrier. Ig... I'nderw'd, rg. Frank, rg... Totals .H e l fjoo 4 . 1.0W 11 .S 5 . 3 I S . 3 e .!C0 1 S .! .00 Pueblo Fans Prepare to Sue Frank Isbell PUEBLO, Colo.. Feb. A At a meeting today of a committee which closed a deal with Frank labell to bring the Wichita ban club to thla city last season. It waa decided to take action In the courts against labell for selling hla dub to Wlch HYMENEAL ' Mtsel-Vobley. FAIRBIRY. Neb.. Feb. 4.-BpeeleJ.- Th. home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1L Mobley, four miles south of Falrbury. was the scene of a pretty home wedding yester day, when their daughter, Lulu G.. was married to Henry J. NltaeL Rev. Thomas A. Maxwell of the Christian church offi ciated. Mlas Alma Root, a cousin of the bride, slaved the wedding march. A Ita. without giving Pueblo a chance toi sumptuous wedding dinner was served to the guests. The Unas was sitireo w rstla and carried a bouquet of carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Nltsel will make thelr t.ome on n farm five miles east at Fair-bury. Barka aat aleMakea Meet. rrTTUBCROH. Feb. 4 Sailor Burke of Brooklyn. N. Y ., ana Tom mcmsaow ox Spring Valley. 11L. fought alx rounds here tonight. The popular decision gave Burke the first half, but McMahon made a much totter allowing la the last three rounds. Crtaaell Defaatta Dea Meeaxat, PE-i MOINES, Feb. 4.-The GrtnneU basket bail taam aefeataa. Lea Motnee coiiege totugnt. sua, 4 buy. fund waa raised to prosecute in suit and' an attorney retained. The first suit planned Is a civil action against Is bell to recover the money paid him tor four months of base ball la season. SI.Ws, on grounds of breach of contract. a .' DAVIS ANNOUNCES PLANS FOR NAPS' SPRING TRIP CLEVELAND. Feb. A-Manager Harry Davis of the Cleveland American league base ball team today announced com pleted plana tor the spring training trip. With -eleven pitchers and aix catchers Darts will start for Mobile, Ala., on February SK) The other twenty members of the club will leave March S for Mobile. The entire equad will stay In New Orleans from March U until April I. when they start north, arriving here for the opening game on April 11. NEW YORK, Feb. 1 Secretary O'Brien of the New York Nationals announced today that tha dub would surely train In M axil a. Tex. Aa official communlca. tlen was received today from the Board of Health at Martin smylng the team may go te Martha without subjecting the play era te any danger of contracting menin gitis. ' Threw Deaths at Fairfield. FAIRFIELD. Neb., Feb. A tSpeclal Georxe Farley of Atkinson. Neb formerly of Fairfield, died Wednesday. Mlaa Frances Mitchell, daughter of sir. and Mrs. . Mitchell of Lincoln. Neb., died Tuesday, afternoon of typhoid fever. Bur ial service at Fairfield, her rortner home, Thoreday. February . Mrs J. E. Pickett. years of age, who recently moved to Fairfield from the western part of the slate, died at 1 p. m. Friday. The funeral waa at tha Chris tina church Saturday afternoon. I.eagae Steading. Team. Played Omsha High school. Pirates ,i 4 South Omaha H. 8.. ( Creightoa -..r.-.. A -I nl varsity of Omaha I Tigers Bellevue a Council Bluffs "Y'l.. gatarday'e Sewrea. Creighton. 2; Tigera. e. (forfeited ! Belleuve, S; Council Bluffs "Y," 1. Creighton added another victory to Its string .Saturday and Bellevue climbed out of last place. Aside from this there waa very little of Inletest In the games in the Tti-Clty league, which took place at the rniverslty of Omaha- Two or three spectators braved the night , to watch their heroes, and seemed highly pleased when the referee called tint for the last gsme. ' Whether the players on the Tiger team were really chilled or whether they merely had cold feet because they were pitted against Creighton Is not known, but at any rata thsy failed to put In an ap pearance, and so Referee Curtis a warned tbe game, to the collegians, the score being I to a The second game between Bellevue and Council Bluffs was not much more ex citing than the first. The boya from across' the river were outclassed from tha start and never had a chance, while Bellevue showed up much better than at any, time this season, but Is still weak on ' aoal throwing. The lowans Were weakened by the absence of Oertsen and Thomas, and the entire team showed the effects of Fridsy nights game wit the Columbus. Neb.,' Young Men'g Christian association. Tha Quackeptbusch brothers and little Halderman 'for Bellevue played very claaay ball and made moat of their team scores. Hunt and Oliver put up a very good exhibition of basket ball against heavy odds. I - ' Homer 8. Curtis was referee. The lineup: BKLLEVVE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. p ouackenb'h.RF.iR.F Montgomery Maxwell L.E.1UF Oliver Ohman C Hun iL Ouackenb'h.n.G iRG Dlffenbaugh " RG Morrison Halderman ... .L.GJL.G. Wise Field goals: P. Quackenbusch. : Max well a Halderman. 1: Montgomery. 1: Oliver. I Free throw: MaxweH 1; Montgomery. '4: Morrison, a awarded: Bellevue. L Referee: Curtis. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough er cold take Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It can always be de pended upon and la pleasant and safe ts taxe. For sale by all druggists. Caaapaay B Teaaa Wis. OHENAXDOAH. Is-. Feb. A (Specie! V The faat Company E basket tossers kept ud taeir winning streak of thla season by trouncing the Piatts Commercial college INTEREST m DENVER CLUB TO BE OFFERED TO HcNUnlCRo DENVER. Feb. A-JameaMcGll. owner of the local Western league base ball club, will offer a one-fourth Interest In the dub to John D. Hendricks, nvuager of the Denver team, when the two meet In Chicago Monday, according ta an an nouncement by Mr. McGlli today. But three members of the local team have sent In their signed contracts for U3f The Key to success m Dual seas the idiciooa and persistent use of newspaper five of St. Joseph by a score of 34 to 22 iint w inr ih iai mnufiuiiL - a cru--r Woman Killed by . 1 Infernal Machine NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-A package re ceived by Mrs. Grace Willis Walker In an uptown apartment house, last night ex ploded and caused her death almost In stantly. The mystery of the affair hag baffled the police. l The woman, who was S3 years old, was called to the vestibule of the apartment by a messenger who presented her with a good eiaed package and then hurried away. She carried the package to her apartment and as aha placed It on a table it exploded with a loud report. Dr. Charles F. Perkins, who was passing the house st the time,' ran In to aid Mrs. Walker, but ahe died In a few minutes. The package contained dry batteries, one of which waa driven Into the. woman's breast near the heart. Parts of the battery buried themselves in the walls and celling of the roonfVhlle fragments were blown through the windows so cleanly that the glass was not splintered. After several hours of secret investi gation detectives arrested Charles M. Dickinson, who geld he waa aa employe of a motor company, and held him on a technical charge of homicide for ex amination Monday morning. Edna Lamarre. a show girl, 15 years old. who lived In the house, but waa oat at the time the fatality occurred, waa held aa a material witness. Mrs. Walker, a widow, who was also known aa Helen Taylor, tbe police say, Uvea In a six-roam apartment on tbe first floor of a house at MS West Bsvantr-eev- enth street. When Coroner Feinberg was summoned he found her face terribly dis torted with tha left eye driven back Into the head, a deep gash ever the heart and scores of abrasions and cuts on tha body. Coroner Fein berg's version of the ex plosion after several hours Investigation was that the woman waa Bitting in her parlor talking to Dickinson when the mys terious package waa delivered. It was such a package as might contain MS ciga rettes, about four and one-nan ny ten Inches, neatly- wrapped In paper. It bore the typewritten nddress: "Helen Walker." .,i.. M what waa left of the In fernal machine showed that It had been! Ingeniously constructed. There appeared to have been but two of the dry batteries, j one of which had been destroyed by the ; exploeton. while the other was Intact.' What also appeared to have been an Iron ' cylinder which contained thev" explosive was found Imbedded In tbe ceiling, ui rectly above tie body of tbe victim. Dr. Perkins, who amvea at tnv mo ment, found the woman am a but nnxxwaeloun. She died a few minutes later. The Janitor said be naa seen a messenger boy ha a blue uniform leave tha house a few sjstnnue oeiore uas sr plosion occurred. He thought the box might have been aenvereu ur um mes senger. To delve Into the past of the dead woman waa one of tba first efforts of the police tonight, but neighbors seemed to knew Uttle of her history. She had rented the apartment only a tew weeks ago together with the Lamarre woman. It waa said, and they had appeared ta be orderly tenants. Wilde Freed in Omaha Bond Deal PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 4.-Judge J.' I'. Knvanaugh. In the state circuit court yes terday afternoon Instructed the Jury In tha trial of Lewie J. Wilde of San Diego, charged wilh embesilement from the Oregon Trust and Savings bank, now defunct, to return a verdict of not guilty. Tim court's Instructions were given fol lowing a decision that the state had failed to prove the allegations charged In the Indictment and that the Indictment Itself waa Insufficient and waa not returned within the time limit, aa provided by statute. The Indictment charged Wilde with the embesilement of Sn,vs of the bank's funds In connection with tbe sale of tha Omaha Independent Telephone oompany'a bonds, which were sold to tha bank for SHe.Ooa The commission en the sale was alleged to have been SlW.tDS, of which Wilde and W. Cooper Morris, cashier of the bank, are alleged to have received and divided S90.0IU. The balance. IW.000, la alleged to have been paid to F. F. Graves, now of Cleve land, O., and F. H. Stow of Portland, who were officers of the Union Telephone Construction company of Denver, whor with Wilda are alleged to have formed the selling syndicate tor the telephone bonds. Jointly indicted with. Wilde waa W. Cooper Morris, who, a few days agar pleaded guilty to the charge against him. His ease presents a perplexing situation. In that he has pleaded guilty to commit ting an action which Judge Kavanaugh, In today's decision, declared was not a crime. What the state will do In tha case of Morris has not been determined. He Is serving a term In the penitentiary at Salem, having been convicted of re ceiving funds In the Oregon Trust and. Savings bank after ha knew of Ita In' solvent condition. The bank failed August a, iwr. 'V. 1 , I , Klnsella liana aa great. CHICAGO. Feb. 4 -Richard Klnsella, owner of the Springfield. 111. Three-I base ball team, today announced that ha had elgned a contract wtth the St. Louis National league bane bail team as scout for the aason of lli. Stiff Neck For any stiffness or lameness Sloan's Liniment gives relief at once. It acts like massage quickens the blood and limbers up lame muscles and joints. SLOAN'S LINIMENT is good for any kind of pain. laadat a pant Brfeeoal- aera, sad aetlelag year errrertteraeet Is we screes ears l ens a Beat le wales sales re relieved ava.- B. D. BCBOOTXB, stars villa, KeataKky. assaesassB. rvtaBBa..iea.enat. Dr. tart S. Seam - toetosHaee. V -I