Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Sayi the Results of Hew Tonic in
Sit Cue Was Remarkable.
Tkr Fekllc Dsn .t R calls What a
Tavaane..s ibrr ef Feeale
t Large Clttrs Hm Serv
es. Dekllttr.
The most interesting feature connected
with the Introduction at "Tona Vita" la
Omaha Isj the statement from tticse rao
have aetnally tested the remarkable new
tonic. In dtscus&na the merti f this
tonic recently. John Vaifcup. a veteran
of the ct II ar. and reaidina at 703 i julh
Thlrty-slMh street, I. his city:.
"Ever since tha war 1 have been de
bilitated, nervosa and all run down. My
digestion was bad. my stomach
aeetned out of order mwt of the time.
I could eat very II::!- lld food, and
whenever I dd eat anything I weuld suf
fer gred. dlitress. Rheumatism also
bothered me a great deal. Finally my
health became so poor I had to quit
work. 1 tiad tried all the remedies I
ever Beard of and many different physi
cians, but without result'.
"I heard of the good that this new
tonic. Tona Vita.' was doing.- and de
cided ko rty it at once.- 1 got a bottle
and began taking It regularly. The re
sults In my case liava been remarkable.
I feel better than for years. , 1 have been
thoroughly benefited. I feel twenty years
younger; la fact. 1 am a well man."
Many testimonials of the same charac
ter are being received, and the specialists
f The Approved Formula Company, who
i Introducing l.he new tonic, said that
Comrade Walkup's case was not uncom
anon. "Why. it Is possible that some one in
nearly every family in Omaha Is suffer
ing with an attack of nervous debility,"
aid one of these specialists recently.
"Tha public does not realize what a
, tremendous number of people smong
those who lira rn the larger cities like
Omaha are affliitied with this modern
ylacue. In a more or less aggravated
lornu . Most of the so-called kidney
trouble, nearly all Indigestion, and fully
half of the headaches In Omaha can be
attributed solely to nervous debility,
superinduced by the strain of modern
city life. Anyone who has been half sick
alt the time with almost no vLaltty or
energy, a constant sufferer from despon
dency, stomach trouble, weak back, head
aches and a doicn other troubles caused
by debility, Is suit to tell about It whan
they find something thtt: gives them baok
buoyant spirits sound digestion and gen
eral good health." i
The "Tona Vita" specialists are located
at Orandcis drug department, Sixteenth
and Douglas streets, south ; side, main
floor, between the boms of 9 s. m. and
Is p. m. Adv.
Yours (or uui
est leavening
Years far
failing resells. .
Years for parity.
Yours for economy.
Yours for !
thing that foes to
make up a strictlr
high grade, ever-
dependable baking
That h Calumet. Try
it once and note the inr
proreneet io soar bak
ing. See how much mora
economical over the hrrh-
priced trust brands, how
much better than the cheap
ana pig-tan mods.
Calnmet is big beet in quality
moderate in cost. -
Received Highest Award
Werlds Pure Focd
- Expoeirtoeu
Easy to Prevent and
Cure Infection
ard Kwieoftbesmo aMiahtanfsbard
to I"1 h il yotl i-w
Tvttri Airiifmt
easts l ten tor
Ecieats sad
ether saia to-
iertkws. I
equalled ss
Uts solves
ia water.
U.4 by
wot I.
at cot
u. $1.00
tiieptic Powder
see Beet Mat It. 1
Omaha eaeral SeasttU. Dawf . as
as, Ilea. "Utaisa, Bargees UrsaS.a.
XT eaaele to get Booth's Guaranteed
Canned Oysters ef your dealer, cm"
Does. Us tit tar nearest dealer's nam
sTUaber airanata Usnad -City License
Inspector Schneider issued 57 licenses
during the month ef January, the value
being KMi
aVsadimg- ea -Yae Ftps "Mrs. Anna
Uueer-Allan will give a reading of -"The
Piper at the, Young Women's CHrtitlon
asMK-'ttlja r day afternoon at o'ciocii
for the benefit of the Social Settlement
under the auspices of the aetl'eratnt
stars Bolsters at fort Orook Two car
loads of soldiers from New. Tor have
arrived over the Illinois Central, have ben
twitched over to the -Missouri Pacific
and taren to Fort Crook, strengthen!!.
the garrison there. There were WO men
and officers "fh the party. "
Jaaaary 3alldlmf ermilts Tha build
ing rermlu Issued from the efflcj of the
building Inspector for January number
fifty.two. the alu aggregatlhg IU,M.
This Is against seventy-six permits Issued
year" ago for the tame month, the
value of the seventy-six being $322,700.
Oaaiaga Case Transferred The suit
for. tlb.m Instituted aMnt the' North,
western raroad 'by Theodore Armlta.v
administrator of the estate ot Vtssillits
Armltse.-who was killed last May. has
been transferred to federal district court.
Atmitas was killed when he' attemptej
to remove a shovel from the track before
tha approach .of passenger train.
Jsuraaos. Ilea Meet Forty . Westers
official or the Prudential Ufa Insuranca
company ::ld -their semi-annual meeting
at -Hotel -Rome yesterday for the purpose
of discussing business conditions through
out 'the country-. Attending the meeting
were Kdwln F. -Kulp, "chief supervisor:
J. E. Psrklnson, division-manager, and
Van. Vorls. . assistant manager, all of
Newark.. Jr., J .
City Council Cuts..
"Borne Expense, Items
i ' t . i
Diaagrcement.ovtr items .In the January
appropriation. ordinance submtted to the
city council at an adjourned meeting yes
terday resulted In virions amendments
O. A. Scott has' submitted a bill for $l!C,
which Included horse hire the city was
supposed to. pay. . Councilman .Jlrldges
pointed out that Scott could jiot by law
draw ' more than, 118. w.hlcti fact the
finance committee had overlooked. The
item was cut to MS. . ' - ;
A colleetlin was taken up by the coun
dl to reimburse the city In the sum of
(10 charged, against the comptroller's fund
ferjflowers sent to a dead nicmber of his
departmentl , This - Item had been placed
In the; ordinance1 and had tot by the
vigilant finance committee. Mr. CoScroVe
said tils employes had sent the man, many
flowers -during his illness and also after
his death. I , , i ' .
The health department wns next called
lo task, but succeeded In proving an alibi.
H. B. Miller,, emploj-e'.of the hehllb de
partment, -w ho was appointed by . the
county to takchare of the counii" store
house, wis supposed to have taken charge
January U, but worked with the health
department Until .the first of.the month.
When shown that head drawn only one
salary during tlas time, "and (hat Barney
McArdle, who was Instructing. Milder In
his new duties,' hid been in charge of the
storehouse the Irate councilman subsided.
for a New Church
Fortr Will Be Used on the Tive Spe
ciali to Be Sent Out
Naaterasi Seesl Mea Write Is the
tsaiwnruil (lab that They
Have Some Gawd tarm
fee Sate.
Forty speakers wtu beo-equircd for the
five or six trains which are to cover the
state in the sred corn campaign organ
ised by the publicity bureau of the Omaha j
Commercial club and the Omaha Uraln
exchange. The I'nlverslty of Nebraska
will contribute the arv!es of the follow
ing members of the faculty:
Chancellor Samuel Avery. Dean K. A.
Burnett. Proftsaors C. W. Tugjley. F. W.
Chae. Urwin llopt. T. A. Ktesselbach. -'.
B. Lee and II. J. OramlK-h. From the
North Platle Experiment station. Plrec
tor W. P. Snyder ard Prof. W. V. Burr.
"iom the experiment station at Uncoln.
Arthur Anderson and U T. Skinner.
Among other speakers will be K. P.
Brown of Arbor. J. D. Ream of Broken I
Bow, O. Mull ot Alma. S. R. McKelvIe
and A. K. Nelson of Lincoln.. Frank tl.
Odell. sw-retsry Nebraska llttral Life
commission: T. F. Sturgces end C. W.
Hcrvey of The Twentieth Century Farm
er 1. S. lliti-Ln, editor Nebraska Farmer
and II. A. Bereman. cdttu:- The Farm
It li expected that tl.e United States
Dciwrtmeat of Agtlcultuic and ottier
states will be w illlnt io contribute spcak-ers.-
A number of farimva and seed growers
have written 'Manager l'arrljh of the
Commercial club publicity bureau that
they have good seed corn. They are Jo
seph Hall, Teksmah: W. K. Miller. Fort
Calhoun: A. B. Patterson, Harvard: a.
W. Fennerstsln, Gerhard. l.sW buxhels;
Paul Peterson, I'll;. S.0W bushels: Victor
lloff.nan. Ncllgh, i.Vt bi-fhels: T. W.
Hull, Monroe, I, (TO bushels: 11. B. Davis,
Logan, la, MO bushels: Frank llunton.
Bird City, Kan., I,ft bushels. Mr. Parrlsh
advises farmers to test all seed, whether
It conies from men who claim their teed
is good or not.
F. a. Odell. secretary of the Nebraska
Rural Life commUuton, who is advance
agent of the seed com specials, says good
seed corn Is more likely to be found In
dlstilcts that had a normal yield at com.
or abovenTTs. normal, lfc has made a list
of twenty-ono countle-'. where, he says,
the yield, according to offlclil ciop re
ports, was more nearly normal than In
other counties. Following are the coun
ties, showing the decrease or Increase wr
acre for last year, based on a five-year
Cera (raps tar 111.
Increase leeteese
per acre, per acre.
bushels. stushels.
A score of aiea uncreated ia the work
of St. Stephens Episceral mission, met I
at a smoker at the home ot V. G.
Maxfleld. r5H Teuxpleton street Tuesday ;
evening and organised a mens' club for ,
the !urpoee ot promoting the Interests 1
of St. Stephens mission, and assisting 1
the pastor In his work. II. C. Lane
was elected president, end I. S. Mole,
secretary-treasurer. It waa decided that
the mission purchase a alia on Twenty
seventh and Templeton streets, for the
purpose ot erecting a church buildi:ui.
and a committee will be appointed to
consider means of raising monev at once.
The officers of the mission, subject to
the appointment of Bishop A. I. Wil
liams are: F. - B Lowe, warden. 1.
Drlnkwwter. secretary: and A. n. Coo;-r,
treaauter. Serxlcea are b?ln held tern- :
porarlly in Saratogit hall at Twenty- ;
fourth strert and Ames avenue. Tli
liev. Is V Jleaton is pastor of the tieu '
mission, a-d Is reskllnft at Slls Ta l-r
street. i
A Boys' Suits That Are
M Marked Down in Price
$2.50 Boys1 Sail: Reduced to - - $1.50
3.00 Boys1 Suits Reduced to - - 2.03
4.03 Boys Suits Reduced to - - 2.50
6.00 Biys' Suits Reduced to - - 3.50
Bishoj)Beecher to . .
: Have Farm for. Boys
Bishop George: A.. Beecher of the mis
sionary district ot Kearney. will, purchase
a tract of land In central Nebraska some
where, place Jt In charge of an expert-
kenced man . and' his wife and will throw
the -galea Wide-open 10 the boys ot the
atste who cannoi stay la town and be-
bav"e: '"'.:, "
"I have Just oiuMrMh of the money to
start this farm said Bishop Beecher.
11 looking for the good people who
will Increase the amount."'
To establish a farm where boys may
be. taught good fanner and good
boys, and may also learn other manual
vocations has ' been Bishop Beecher' a
dream for many -years. In Omaha-he
knows many little tots. who would con
sider It a paradise to live on a farm with
a good man and wolhah who would be
father and mother to them. .
Not only 'this; thinks Bishop Beecher.
but bis farm, would aolve.the problem of
the young criminal. Influenced toward
evil always -by- his . environments. - It
would deplete, the number .of criminal
sentenced, each -year, would lessen the
ranks. of the boys who must march to
detention homes and would be a great
blessing-for the little unfortunates who
Ight grow Into well beloved, f respected
and worthy cltlsens.
Midway.Dive Jury
;. List , is Suppressed
Jurors drawn yesterdsy to hearvevtdence
In the, case against Billy Crutchfleld and
Jack. Broomfleld, negro i proprietors of
the Midway. dJv. were, withheld from-the
press by Judg foster and Deputy County
Attorney Plattl.; '. , , .i . ; ' . ,'
The order or suppression' did not extend
to those most Interested In the Case, how
ever, for the list of Jurors was given to
Jack Broomfleld before, .he left the court
room-. the' list was 'secured by his at
torney! and. Broomfleld! grasped It eagerly.
Mr. Plattl explained; to the reporters
that the list it withheld for the reason
that If those drawn fiM. out they are
wanted to sit In the boot they will dodge
the server. " -', ;
Sold kr druajieis ewTwbsre
. TTirZ, CksBM. Wssllsglsa, . c
vreoa ?a!nots and App'es
Grown in the famous Willamette val
I ley. are on exhibition at the fnlon
J Pacific ticket office and the Welltng
I ton hotel cafe. 1I7 rTsman- street
f ;
iisviuiiua, B3S ranaeia Blag. i
Robert W. Benyiute of -the. national
monetary comnHssiea will addrets Com
mercial club members at the noon lunch
eon on February Jt on "The Promotion
of -a- Sound Banking -unC ur.der the
auspices ef .It National Cltlsens union.
He will explain the monetary commis
sion's report to emgreaa. ' . . ,
Arthur C. fcmtth.' sraaident of il. E.
SiAiih t CcU is' chairman of the execu
tive of the Nebraska section
of tfte Katldnel' Cltlsens" onion. J. B.
Haynes, whd is paid secretary and pre
agent -xf. numerous associations and so
cieties, is etete eecretary.
i.s. ...
Nemaha s
utoe t
Incaster tnormal) yi . -
heward 3.5
sallr.e (normal) 2.1
Fillmore t
York . I I
I'oik .l
Blunders T
farpy D.i
linuulaa 6
Waalilngton S t
Hurt 114
Dodge ".1
Seven hundred persons have sent In de
signs In the trade mark contest of the
Umaha Manufacturers' association, which
closes today, and In which a t'-OO assort
ment of Omaha made goods, ranging
from a rase ot beer to a tent, will bo
awarded to (he winner. A committee ot
Judges tll oe selected to decide the
A Kesrney ctenogrspher who sent In a
deelgn wrote:
"1 hope I will win, because I need that
shlrt-wslat box. that six gallons of Sun
light paint, that twenty pounds of oandy
snd thst garbage can In my business."
The most
popular bottled
beer In all
localities where
It is sold.
Ask far a fcctftl an
(eg the resuoci.
Order a cage for the I
Q Blatx Csnpany
u ' rw'n!-esiisin
' Feferfnl 'Sraacnivr - j
of d'adly mlcrcbe occurs when throat1
a.-li " luhg dlsegses re treated with Dr. '
King's New : Discovery. tee and ti.s. .
for tale by Beat TO Drug Co. I
Asthma Catarrh
whooping couch atouf
. , . WlllWitltlTI
k llstfl. Mil ftcctt bUWM 4W kfl
trbitri tmi, vum4m9t ite vai
(Vwf. tVeWsl esTtsl IBi-kiii sssw urny wwaBTBs
1 M tit rnlrM f t aMutue, tMflfvl
Wilt try ksrtatsse Btka krsMUaf . witm
nU fMafckJiMii4 aWssi mmSmtmtMm
Try Cwtim AMi
Vftic TfMt TtMMI
ftx tkm IrrUtMsnl ttr.
l w4 mmtfne. Of
w fftar htm
Tap Cretckac C
l CeVttaM Sc. H. T.
lleie is a rcuiely th.t aill nite our i
cold. by waste tl,ue and money expert- I
mentlng when you ran get a preparation
that lias won a woild-w:de reputation by t
ita cures of this disease and can aiaays I
ee aeprnuea uponr it is known every
viiere as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and Is .a medicine uf real merit. For
sale by all dealers.
These nrt genuine price mliiftioiis -lumest price re
tluctions truly extrmutlinuiy price mluetions. The styles
are eorrwl the fabrics sire the newest-the woikiii.iiiship
excellent. Note tliee reJuet ions t lien come to the sale.
(ireat Scott! There"g tho
very boys' suit my son and
I looked at just a moment
ago. at a half price boys'
suit sale, said an excited
tuotiier to one of our gen
ial salesmen Saturday. And
your sale price is only 1.50?
Why, dear me, at the one
half price sale the clerk in
formed me their suit gold
all season for $4.00 and at
t price would cost tue
t! no. This is a conversa
tion tliat took place In our
busy boys' department Sat
urday. Needless to cay tins
lady is now a customer of
ours no doubt she agrees
with ua that Itatlf prite sales
are not Itall what they seem.
Sttmnt uf tlie KkIOO) broach of
promise- suit of Mtn Ma CrouWi uf Min
der.. Neb., against Otilvin P. Kcrs. natt
of a milltoDElr fttlnoVn, lta4 tn
effected and tb suit has hn di-niikwl
at the reqimt of Miss Croui h. The trin
of the settlement have hot officially t?n
made public, but It Is understood lisn
CroiK-li liven t-.tX- to Urop the action.
Victim of Accident
Undergoes Operation1,
Mis. Aoelitve Ktlrnom!, tMer
tttirft, ho s Inji:r.-J by a northbourid
outh Umaha car at fourteenth ami
t'aitili.l avenue at :f o clock Wrtlnestla)
m-ntnf. undernent an tnratlon yes
terday at Omaha General litmpltal. A .
Kinall clot ahtrh had collected at. th
bw- of the brain was r moved. The ,
wumaii in a very itw conuition ami
it U frured that she w ill not i e
tlirutiKmiut the day.
Clarke's Pure Rye,
bottled in bond, 100
proof, guarantees to you
at your club, your fa
vorite bar. or in vnnr
home, a pure and wholeanma
drink. If it is used indicim,.!
only beneficial results will foil
low. WHY? Because it carries
with it nothinc but the natural
grain flavor. Clarke's Pure Rye
is made In the old fashioned three
cnambered still and carries with
it quality, flavor and honesty.
ror more tnan a century the
purest whiskey made.
CUIU lies. en. Pterls. .
r i
Florida is at its best now!
When things here are dullest and all summer pleasures
are dead, Florida is teeming with life. Golf, bathing,
boating, sailing every pleasure seems better than you
. had pictured; and the fishing will renew your faith in
"stones". When are you starting? The
Kansas City-Florida Special
will tike jron to this winter play
ground in tha ihort timt between
tonight and the day after tomorrow
morning. It it complete train of
electric lighted ileepen, Fred Har
vey dinen, electric lighted coachei
and baggie car. It goes through
from Kansas City to Jacksonville, '
without change; independent of
all connections oer the route of
shortest distance and quickest time
the Fristt Siuthtrn Railway.
tearea Kansas City, dally ....6:18 p.m.
Arrives Memphis " felS a. m.
Arrives Birssinhaas. i45 fx sa.
Arrives Atlanta " , :20 p. as,
Arnvea Jaclueaville. ." 740 a. as.
Trains from points north and mat make gtwd connections la Kansas City with
this aplendid new train For tickets, sleeping car reservations, and a free copy
ef a besuiilul book about rionda, call en ot writs
Frisco Ticket Office, Waldheim Building,
11th and Main Sts., Kansas City.
J.Cl3VPiEN,Drrlsioa Passenter Agent, Kansas City.