10 THE EE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Signs Point Toward Decline in Wtett Receipt. BCYIKG SIDE IS INCOUEAGID tiwmlln alalia la Cera ti '" Have Beea Taking; Profile Hara Xlajwdged the ! Sltaallea. OMAHA. Jan. a. 151i. AH signs point ka a very decided de crease la the wheat receipts from now on, which Is a Tory tacoumiDf argu ment oa the side of th buyer. Than ia a remarkably auonc ton to rut values In ail positions. Castas were a UiUa easier today and this acted as a check to l lie early advance, but senumett. Is bullish, and If corn continues firm higher values will be sura to come. Conservative bulls in corn who have been taking profits, expecting- values to hreak under a heavy run to market, have misjudged the situation, as values sre still advancing. The very heavy demand has absorbed (lis heavy offerings, as a result of a near faiulns In coarse grains is being experienced. Wheat ruled firm and higher oa bullish Canadian news. Cables and local news was relher bearish, and closing values were unchanged. Corn was strong and higher. Sentiment continues bullish and values were ad vancsd by shorts covering. Cash, values were la higher. Primary wheat receipts were 617,060 bu. and shipments were M00O bu.. against receipts isst year of M.wO bu. aud ship ments of TXVJt bu. Primary com receipts were l,?t,fl0 bu. and shipments were 39.000 bu., agatnat receipts last year of v;.v bu. and ship ments of ies.(ul bu. Clearance were bo. of com, WO hu. of oats and wheat and four equal to MOOO bu. Liverpool closed Hd lower on wheat and Httld higher on corn. The fo: lowing rash aalea were reported: WHEAT No. I hard: 1 car, II M, No. 1 hard: 1 car. fl.oiS: t car. Il.oiw- No. : spring: I car. Il.st1; 1 car, tl.wi No. I mixed: 1 car, D 0H. No. I mixed: I car. $101. CORN No. whits: 1 ear. 4.e; t car, & No 4 whits: I ear, CSV:: 1 car, a-. No. t yellow: I cars, etc. No. 4 yel low: 1 car. etc; 4 cars, atc: 1 car. Jc; I cars. 411c; 11 cars, Mr. No. I mixed: I cars. sec. No. 4 mixed: I cars, X; i vs.. OKte. OATS-No. I white. J car, flc: I cars. He No. 4 while: 1 car, iV. Z cars, SOHc Omaka Cask r rices. WHEAT No. I herd. Sl.OMjl 04S: No. I hard. l.iai H: No. 4 hard. OTHootl.tfl CtlUN-No. 1 white. mi4Vr; Nn. 4 white. ewwBV: No. color. 3tti-4'ir. No. 1 ysllow, PsMc; No. 4 yellow, ook (a-; No. I. Ittsttaec; No. I, siitjelc; no grsde, 7Wc OATS-No. t while. He-JIV. standard. iltl'.lV: N. while, Hi(61r: No. while. slrtt6Se: No. t ysllow, W.4cV, No. 4 vellow, &,tjtHte BARI.KY -Mailing. 1 nt?l 11 No. 1 feed. fr-titl.OO; heavy feed, kiclitl l. HVE-.So. 1 soma-: No. , mrwo. t'arlet Mewetpte. Wheat. Corn. Oats. I -bless.) a Ts 15 Minneapolis ..XI Umaha It lis It Uulutk 1 mixed, eld. steady at 0s KM. Fnluiea strong; February, 4a lVd. March, as M. if CHICAGO CiRalM AMD MOVISIOM resleres ef the Trading and (losing Prices ea Beau af Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. n -Wheat prices fell In the last hslf hour today as a result largely of signs ef a let up In the recent exirsordlnsry demand for corn. Tiie olaee wsa weak at StONo to Ho decline from last nlghi. The collapse In the wheat market came chiefly alter the receipt of dispatches from "t. Louis and Kansas City saying II looked as if the southwest and south had been filled up with corn for a while. In addition Peoria sent word ihst sxport bids on corn were Ho lower than of lets. Heerlsh Argentina reports' hid reused a weak openlnc. but (he big hula In coarse grain, especially corn, sent prices for wheat skyward. Ths upturn was aided by statements that Canadian farm ers faosd huge losses unless 30.ouo.uu0 bushels of damp wheal In (he west could be dried and marketed before spring. Profit taking, however, and the heck net la com brought In the end a complete reversal of lone. May fluctuated from II. slt to HiKS with last salea So net lower at IliUHttl.wv Although corn futures today touched a hew high level for the movement the market finished weak under heavy celling en the part of oommlaeVxn houses. May ranged from t!Sc to 0Wrtic, rinsing at 47V. a gain of tan net. cash grades were firm. No. 1 yellow was quoted at 04 Vu Isec. Oats mada new record prices for ths 1 ". put a anerp reaction look piece wnen otner grain Began to sag. May ranged from elo and HMioiHo with the floss U'e, a Cain of te over laal night. Hlg receipts of togs weighed down pro visions. Pork sold off too to Uerlard, to to We. and ribs. Two to into. leading options closed as follows: Article! Open. Hlah. low, Close. Yee'y. Wheatj stay. .July. Kept Cora Jul. irvi, imsi IbarWI wvi evetrisl avsi aiay.HTHtivOMafAi July. kept. oats May. July. Dept. Pork Jan.. May. July. Lara Jan.. May. epU re'ee May. July.l He PL 441 oiw II M M 40 14 00 ti July. I7WN 1 0!tJi 0JSW 0JW It 40 MM IS 1st 0 00 7S MS1 it md it 0 40 4 04,l Ct'OTMlM. S.ClVj I 0ttM0S SEW YORK CENERit. MARKET Oastatlaas af the Day ea Varieas OoV W aaatOaOOjl 1 1 trae XEW YORK. Jan. .q.-FTXUR-teady 'pring patents, fc.2t.lji.r-e. winter strslghts. H Mjlto: winter patents, Kt ; spnni clears, R2SJH-45; Kansas straights. Kye flour, firm: fair to good t.W; choice to fancv. U Afr X. Buckwheat flour, firm: K.idta.90 per NO pounds. CuRNJJKAI. steady; fine whits and yellow. tl K-trt ': coarse. Sl.4Mil.30; kiln dried C3.es. RVE-FIrm: No. i. Sic c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot market easy; No. 2 red. H.0 elevator export basis snd tl.Ofa f. a. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. U.2 t. a. b. afloat. Futurea declined at the start on tower cables and favorable Argentine sdvicea. rallied sharply on ac tive speculative buying and in sympathy with the outplde markets, but eased off under profit taking, closing at Sc decline to c net advance. May closed II Ot 11-14; Jul, ii ii CORN Spot market ea5" aiport, T-Vjc f. o. b. afloat. Futurea nominal. OATS Snot market firmer: standard white. Mc in elevator: No. 1 SVc; No. 1 and 4. Kir; natural white and white clipped. USipilc on track. Futures nomi HAY-Firm: Brlme. il.B: No. 1. 1.W; No. !. U.Wil.20: No. 3. tocDJI (. IHHEri-iitesdy: Central America, Uc; Bogota. r-MtSc. LEATHtK-nrm: nemiorg nrsts, r,c; seconds, it&3Sc; thuds, SlVOe; . re Ject lie. PROViriiONS-Porlc. stesdy: mess, iit.isj trlT.M: famllv. lit WhrfuaJ: short clear. IK.OotrttN. Reef, firm; mess, tU.OOtrUW: ra.mll). n.eUtLS7; beer hama. x.',.uus.w. Cut meats, steady; pickled belllea. Id to 14 pounds. tMi1c: pickled hams. UwllM- Lard, easy: middle west prims, asivir II): refined, steady; continent, a-no. South America. fs.&: compound. CUfric TAIJjiw guiet; prune city nnaa, ec; special. OSc; country. OtieHc. HI TTER I nsettled; creamery specieiv lie; extras, Me; firsts. Kvuic: process specials, Xc; extras, S(ti2iV; firsts, i'.Q ac. - i 1'lfKK.SE-eieady: akims, 7nitvyc. rHi Firm: freeh ssthered. extras. SMl0c: extra firsts. Wc: firsts, 3 use; refrigerator, firsts, c; western gsthered. whites. 943c. rot UK) Alive, steaay: western hlrkens. USIIV: fowls. I:l3c; turkeys. '.fel-: dressed, aulet: western rhlcsens. n'.-.l; fowls, l;VulHc; turkeys, Uyclc. HI. I.oele Ueaerwl Market. KT IJH IS. Jan. ll.-WHKAT-Flrifi. track. No. 1 red. 1.U1MU; No- t bard. S.Miii.M- t:OKi Pteaay; trace, iw, e esc, iio. white. ir;c. OATS-Mteady; trace, fto, x, kc; r.o. j white, MVic. StB-i ncnangeo, smc. i.nji'iL Mteeilv: red winter patents. S4Wu4.lv: extra fancy and atrslsltts, tun ti4.45; hsrd winter clears. H.4WWI rcr.l-.ir- nruoiny, diwvw l-OKNMKALr-.). BHAN-Mteady; sacked, east track, IIAV-rirm: timouy, ea.vwv.wt pii- e. IU.nml7.iO. PKOVI8KNH-Pork, unchanged: lob- bins. IliiO. lard, unchanged: prime learn, lisi'iflut'e. Ih-y sslt meats, un changed: boxed, extra shorts, . clear rll.K. .i0: Fliorl clears, tti'S. Hscon. un changed: boxed, extra shorts, H.M; clrar rum, t.n: shorts clears. t Ti. POIM.TK1 nrm: cnicsens, lie; spring, 15c: tuiHeys. Ho: ducks, IIHc: geeee, Ic. HI TTKlt liwer; crrsmrry, ;.giJC. JiOOfl- Uiwer; c. Receipts. Shipments Plor. this lo.oo ll.wn Wheal, bu 41 W.i (hits, bu et.om v. Corn, bu Ul.m ,ws Kaaeaa rlly tirala sad Prevlaleas. KANHAH CITY, Jan. Il.-WHKAT-Un- eh.nerd: No. t hard. ll.ftMil.ll: No. 1 I1O2SU10S, no. x. reu, ti wxji.ui, no. a. COR.N I ncnangea to wo nigner; no. x n,ed. aaVAtc: No. I. .c; No. I white, vav; No. i, tTHOeac. OAT Mesoy to ya nisoer. rvo. t whlt Ktfc; No. 1 mixed. WMtOe. u v K. w art . HAt-stesdy; choice timothy. IttOOO SW: choice prairie, ntouoit to. Hl'TTKR-creamery, He; firsts, Mc; aeconda, Mr: packing stock, Uf. KtiUO KXtras, SBC, I1I"P, mv, eevunus. Receipts Shipments Wheat, bushels .'i0 M.ono torn, bushelg 1. TO.om oata, bushels 110 U.000 Pklladelpkla r red see Market, PIfllJIDBIJ'HIA, Jan. s1.-rnTTER- Hteady; western creamery, special, one; western creamery, extra. He; nearby nrtnts. extra. 41a. riuun r irm ana cuereni reoeipis e-c- i"i ue hlsher: 1'eniosjlvsnia ana otnsr nearhr f rsts. Ill is per case; rwnnsyi- vanla and other nearoy, current receipt e, free cases, til.30 per case; western firsts, free rases, II! M per ease; western, cur rent receipts, free cases, tiz.sw per esse. CHKrB-nrm: New York full creams, fancy, 1?V; New York, fair to good, Itt Vi ic. Mlaaeaaolla Oral Market, MINNKAPOI.ia Jan. H.-WrlKAT- Mav. II ekiil OfiL.: July, ll.ose.9l tste: caah. No. I hard. II 0S; No. I northern. II.0LH tjl.M; No. 1 northern, si.nvrvi.ot; mi, x. II oi curl . (O. FI.AX-:.Bf, HAKMCY-Wo to J1.SI. COIIN-No. I yellow, Mr. OATH-No. i while. eVio. RVK-No. I. nR.N-!4.sntt'M.7e. KUX'H-First intents. KmiS.Sn: sec ond patents, lt.SMt6.10; first clears, 13. W, second clears, e.emr:.M. 'M UT It 14 4i 11 00 14 40 lO.JVi llsXTWii II I0 4I-7U, ISM gJH;i aryo 100 I 0 W 4'H lHW 4K;Vs!0 wMiVsl I l m so 100 1 11 irnioj i as s ew B i i nwn Cash quotations were as follows. FUJUR-Plrm; winter patente, U M . : winter straights. B eota- patents, sV8.00; spring attslghta, 14.41 jr... "i-riMs pwiesiiaj n.uv bakers, HYB No. X MHc RARITY-reedor mixing. K)c4tl 4; fair o rnwi. iwiihr, l.mn I: 8KKI-Tlmothy, 2.4eeju.0; tlovwr, liewBue. PROVIPIONS-Pork. mesa, eld. tlatSH osw ii . lard (loose), tt.es. Hhort ribs (loose). H ML Total clearances ot wheat and flour uual to bushels. Primary recelnta were ilt,m bushels, compared with 0M os oueneis tne correepoaoing day a yer ago. r-stimata rcipts for tomorrow: Wheat. rem head. vm'. i cars; Bogs, Chl-mgo Cash Prtoee-Wlieei v . . l.oe101.: No. I red. Mcl; No. i hard, tl.0ie1.05; No. I hard, li.0Ujyl.44: n0 t northern. II.II91.1S; No. I northern. ILijO tl.lt; No. I northern, tl 04411.00; No. ' --W'. " - n a spring. 41 Srtfl 11 -No. I spring. HOMtLOT: No t.ZrZ-lh rir.OO; velvet chaff, 00r.i; durum! sue illes. Corn. No. X 04.4e; No k white. V,iV: No. I yellow. OtMMCc- .Na. 4. OlWMVc: No. 4 whlta OAiwu. No. 4 yellow, JV4t)43Sc. Oeia. No. ui 65c: No. white. aSSHOc: No. t white iwwv; no. s wnite, ijtc,c; standard. bib-mi. z. sv. BARLRT-surtill O TIMOTHY 1'.2 Otstu og. ClVKR-lS.a.. blttkr pteady; creameries, BtyHc sai asuaar: receipts. I. ea oases: at Be. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Acute Weakness of Steel Xunet Orer- ihadowT All Other Fektarei. GENERAL LOSSES EEGBTESEO F la Sesae Qaartere Attrlb- ted ta 1 aside trWmm aad la Otkera la I aeertalatr e( . .IMvldeads. NEW YORK. Jan. 1L Acute weaknees of United States Steel overshadowed all ether features of the stock market today. The price fell 4'i points, borne down by an outpouring of stock which smothered all attempts to auooort It. L'nlon Pav rifle a allowing- was little belter, that stock awing iv The collapse or these two leaders In fluenced tiie market to a pronounced de gree. Looses were general among both railroad and Industrial stocks. The total transactions for the day were fcll.wjo shares, tiie largest In several weeks. Transsctlons In L'nlted States Hteel were 3SS.WU shares. The selling movement was apparently dua largely to professional operation and unfilled orders of the United Slates Hteel corporation were estimated as larger than at any time during the laet two years, and Incoming orders were placed at 41.000 tons dally. in some quarters the pressure was at tributed to Inside selling," In others to the belief that the permanency of the dividend rate on United Mates Steel bad seen called into Question. That stock touched oMk, the lowest price of several months, as compared with the high price fteturday of OS7. The preferred fell to lcei. that Issue, as wel as the common. dropping below the figure at which It was offered for subscription to employe of ma steel corporation. pit. Paul touched a new low point on its present movement. Us bottom figure of HH'a oeing tne lowest ot severe years, r'rw stocks showed strength tor a time after the opening. -. London sold United Steles rMeel heav ily, apparently on account of Its Interpre tation of the report. The bond market was broad, with a fair volume of business. Changes In quo tations were moderate. Total salea. par value. CKx.orn. Panama is advanced on call. Numher of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: ales. Ultk. Lew Cl. Allla-Tbalsieni pM 4 4aelaaaale4 dosser ... 14.744 II II AaMrt'Sa AirlaiUaral .. m 41 sets ". is Heel sugar 1.14 Hi l Awerlean (as f " Us HI Amerl.as c. a r. us II as Hi Aw. ouoa oil !. SSMrhas H. A 1. 4 curitiea during the esrij trading today IA1I11T1 1 IVr CTrtPF IflPFrT At noon the market was easy wUb p.'lrea i UifiAIlA Li I LI UlUua. flLfUVlkLl ranging from . above to a below ester- j ,-.1- - T7l.LaaiOT-l S V.U Ul 1 Se. XUuvk ; l-liMe Aaal. AaaeMSe AteSiM se era BaRlw e A OU MHPwaaavl'aala CSaMa Paimc . OtURinS Mn . (3SS.V 1 mfk Oelral Ill's . tieN0Tteia A H'eat-aHia. ,14 ee :4 n iw rattans a WMtera. -1 yt uu i ctU Generally Ten Higher and Fairly Active. HOGS SELL STEADY TO LOWES ?:wK4etns 7S ChL Ureat WeKSra. Useaiaera Rr TTa Mil . lap i s era i Pa Bern !'.oelbe.-a Parine .. til Deaver A Rle 6... tl'.Lalea Pacih. iSTH . ee era m S4 0 Steal.. .. il see na .. ilsWabeih : a. (4 .... .114 ..Ills .. 7V .. lis e4 grle 4e IK Sf4 ... Se U pM ... . Otaad Troak . llnaets Ccstrsl Es 41. SILVER Bsr. steady ounce. MoNET-IMirA, per tent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills is IS per cent: for three months' bills. 3 7-lota's per cent. Shee-s) aad I .a ask Meeelsite Derteast, T4 bile Oessaasl let peeves, Mak iag Trade Mas Active al k-traearer Prleea. 3t U-ltd per Realea Sleek Market. BOSTON. Jan. S -Oloslng quotations en stocks wer- as foUan-s: AltMea nVHokae U Aaul. Coveer ea.Me.a4a Lea IS. A. I. U AS MVNIsiolm maaa .. X T-l. Arisssa Coat I Nona Butte XI A A C. C AIM. 7 Nona Lake II Batle Cealhiee .... oie laiatoe 44 Cal. A Arlaeaa. nwela 104 Ol. A Hecia. (Si gsiacgr 71 Oataaalal 14 gueaoee I Cos. Bante C. -" ... Buaertor . Ms Cut Buna C. M. .. LKBuaener B. M ... 4S Oireex Coa 4eTaiaerack tl Or.sk Oa. M I. t s B. a a... Qfaaee CkBaaaa .... I se era 47S ale Rarale (Apeer, RSI US CM. u K.rr Lake !M US User La..... US iLaaeLVipser jlWlnoee is I La Belle cesser veWelreriae M 'Miami Osper OS UalriaMd. aakad. eaegis. Asi. lea Bersrllles...., esterlela UsaaeS Aawtrlcaa Leisaetlea .. Americas B. A B Ala. B. A R l'4 An. Btel Saui4rlas.... Oaasr Ksllalag..... Aaierlma T. B T Kleaa Taeaeas St4... Amerlraa WmIss AnareaSa Mlalng OS..., Atetaleaa. ei-eif Atchlwa pf4 A! laal le Caest Uas Baltlnwra A OSia BaihUkew SI Ml Broeaira Rasia Tr ranaalaa rarina ...., Cei , II. JM 70S as HH ...i 1M laa is tl S , l.tei ias nit ins 7i na llss "s sal ics srs X Me KS S , t.m M is xs , 1 444 IS4S1 MS 14A S 104) lS 147S Wli las IMS lS itt , I MS Wis 'S 1S4S , . us H US . 1.404 7S '! "S . MM Bt L'S RSS Neer Vark Mlalng; Btaeka. NKW YORK, Jsn. M.-Closlng quota tions on mining stocks were: Alke :U'.1 ciier I Oia. Tusaei stock... LMestcsa 44a do soeSe "Oalarta US On. C.I. A Vs 7Kilur Iree Slim .....ler-suaears LsaOille Oom. lSvellee Jaclet CMIeree. eAas. p. 14. ...lis OMAHA. Jan. SI. Ml. Receipu were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 1.37S e.U 19 S Official Tueacay S,51T U.A3 J.aW proportion of little butcher classes was fully up to requirements, so that heavies brought usual premiums without mucn quibbling. The best lard hogs on sale moved at tr. Jt a nickel under j esterday'r top, while good be coa averages ranged from IS. IS downward. Strong weight butchers largc-ly around li.4Wie.rO. v - RepreeentaCve sales: Sa. At. sk rr. Na A. ss. rr. i s sr zsi ... a a. - 7T. 74. 74. ROW IN THE CITY COUNCIL! - i i Schroeder Charges Fellow Members' with Hampering' Hii Work. ; .. mi -f. I mlim TWO OT , I VJ 1 ft! 1 e ' i ri s.y Bmi rjL3 amtsiJi ,- in 1SK 5 f.vH 315. M.515 .iM 4I.i r.,Q u.aw rr.n r.o tf.OTS 30.7I Estimete Wednesday. Three dav-s this week.. II, 1. Auna days last week..lll Same da-s ! w'ks ago.l4.7t! Same dsvs i w'ks ago. 14,3J Same days 4 w'ks ato liil ' . m Aavm la.t veer..lS114 The following table shows the r?1l1 of cattle, hogs and rl.eo at SouthOmatia for the year to date as compared witn. last yea' liu:. H- lnc- cattle .! :" V;;.u Hoga lil il lM? J;. Sheep lku.OuS ISl.170 LIT Tne following labia showa the range ot prices paid for hogs at Mouth Omaha loa the last few days, witn ccin.i Oate. I 1MJ. 1911.i9l. l-i- I ea 474 I S4 !7I ... M 1M .. I4S is: is i sa m las i as lit ... 1st 114 ... 4 at .sa a l a I 44 -as 44S I IS tit M 4 IS SSI . . S M x ; .V ... 4 M III ... I XI ... i la .. 4 IS ... I sa as I is .. I as .. I s 44 4 44 .. 4 el 04 4 as . m .31 . El .141 .1.4 ..m ..as Tl.. 9.. ,.II ..174 ti. Date. I 1MJ. Ill.l. IW. IW-''- i 71. Jan. a.taH ICj t 4 W 4 M ; Jan. tJ. IOuSsiJW m J Jj g 71. Jsn. 14. alrsi 7 ).!, ' IfetSlS l.n S 4 K 1 1 50! I atl 0 05 4 U l ? 11 ..;i4 ..tn .747 .144 44 444 ... 4 44 ... 4 sa ... 4 44 44 4 aa 44 4 ... 4 44 ... 4 ... 4 44 ... 441 St.. 41.. 4 I 4 44 444 4 14 4S7S 4 s 4 14 4 14 4 14 4 4 IS 4 14 4 le 4 1. . ui ... a ia . mi lie a ia ..ra st a it . El M 4 14 44 4 14 4 14 4 N 4 14 4 W 4 IIS 4 Its . au ... a 14 .M7 la 4 II M w ill . 440 III 144 ... 4 14 - . 741 ... 4 It SU ... 4 14 . tea ... lit ,.n ... 491 ,.ST( ... I M 174 ... ate .tS 44 4 14 .144 . nt Ot si I 14 14 II Caetrel Lealkae St4.. Nee Jataa let 47 lie its 144 4.144 US lite 144 US ItS 1741 , l,tes 14 X4 B4S ma 14 141 s S , ll.ea) 144S 144S 1HS 141 44 MS US laa us ' 14 44 , l.eaa IMS IMS i' 14S , M 171SI 170 M4 lal I.KS 144 HI IIS IIS OS II MS 4.M4 1 lrt IMS 1H I.MS MS M MS MS 14IS fl. UIS 1 tna us 17s us I.M4 US 4S . ItS 444 14S M4 IMS 404 It saw SI III IIS 17 ss IHs rt lS MS mark, cases' included. S4c; ordinary lime. iirvca. eec. CHEEriB Firm; daisies. lTVCITV twins. lCtrOTKSe; young Americas, i;s KV: long horns. 17V417Sc. 1 POTATOES (Steady, receipts. II cars ta.-tl av POL'LTRY-Steedy: turkeys. U4Oc; thlckena. UH4lc; springs Uc. VKAly-Oteady; Ttruic ' - l.lverpsel Crala Market. LIVBRPOOU Jan. Sl.-f-WH KAT-Soot, firm; No. 1 Manitoba, as 1; No. laanl toba. ss 44: No. t Manitoba, as ltd. Fu tures, eteady; March, a ;Sd; May, 7s ISd. July, Is (Sad. CORN-oot, American, mixed, new. firm at ta TA: American, mixed, new, kiln dried, quiet al fa M, American, Mllwaekre (Irala Market. M1LWAVKEK. Jan. M.-WHBAT-No. I northern, I1.I1ITI 11; No. 1 northern, tl nV l.n- No. I hard winter, ll.awi.06; May. 11 oistil.ois; July, sasc. CORN-No 1 yellow, ttc: No. I whlta'1 Mr: No. 1 sMiCV; May, 47So; July, tiSc LiA it ntanoaru, aatc. BAR1JCY Malting, ll.JHr1.el Peerla Market. PKORIA. Jan. SI. CORN Higher: No. t while, (astrSliec; No. I yellow, OMJOIVsc: No. 4 yellow, c; No. I mixaa, sec; No. 4 mixed, OJc; sample svajWc. OATil-Ulgher: No. I white. Ue: stand ard, l;,c. No. I white, II Sc. (effee Market. KF.W YORK. Jan. U.-COPrEB-Pu- Hires opened steady at a decline ef 163 points in response to lower ksiropeaa cables and scattering llnuida'ion. There appeared to be considerable European selling and the market sold oft to a net hsa of about aalu points during ths mid dle of the day. Title wss followed by s Isle rally on bull support and the close was strong, net I points lowsr to I Minis higher. Kales were Of 7SD baga Febru ary, llc: March, llooo; April. llOle; May, Mac; June, ttvtc; July and Au gust, IJ.tev: September, UMOc; October, UlSc; November, little! December, li ar; January. ll7c. Ilavre was SvUN I lower. nam ourg was wncnangeu io S pfg. lower. Owing to a holiday there were no official cables from Brasil. but private advtoea reported B Arm market, with prices an far above a local parity that few firms were making firm offers. rTodsv's special cables from Dantos re ported the market irregular at tor (s. New York warehouse dellverlee were sal bags. Warehouse deliveries, both la this country and In Europe, have been runnlne heavier this month and early ee time tee are for a loss of about karoo bags In ths world's visible supply for January. pot cortee, eieeay; i i ruo. ltsc: No. 4 Sanioa. VV: mild, quiet; Cordova, lis I -So. nominaL Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. a.-METALS-Stsnd-srd roooer. aulet: January. February March. April and May, IH.7S45U.aV Uoa da market easy; spot. a s SI. Futures. tax lae M. Custom Bouse returns enow exports of HUB tons: l.eke copper, livt 14V: electrolytic. 14V014SC: casting, UV rmsc. Tin. steady; spot and January, tu f,-t,4( i: February. n:.iMi4S.xl: March. t42.ktei.n: April. UllHiMliO; May. litis 4Za. London market steady: spot, list lis: futures, tl! Se. Iad. 04 BUJIH New York: M Hqrt.lt Kast St. Loula. Londoa (U 1U 3d. Speller, dull: HaMM.41 New York: H.3KX.4. Kast St. Louis. London. 31 2s U. Antimony, dull; Cookson s T B. Iron, Cleveland warrants 40s iSd In Lon don. Locally Iron was nnw-ttled. No. foundry northern. tniOJtrliSe: No. I rtio till 00; No. 1 tout tiers and No. 1 aouthera scft. fla.0naiS.o0. ST. Lot 18. Jan. st. M BT AT Jt Toad, steady; t4.17 Spelter, firm; M-MrlM. aBasrar Market. NKW YORK. Jan. n.-HUGAR-Rsw, stesd; Muacovado. to test, t.Osc: een trlfvur 1. N test, l ie: molasses sugar, a test. i.Uc; reStssd. quiet. (Setral al ram-all a oata. Chliwsa Alias Olcaa-a O. W CTiteaea O. w. pis.... Our. si A N. W m. a at. r. CAM. U... Catoeaea f. A I CalereSs m Saathara.. OaaaUlaual Uaa Cira ro4ai4s Dalaesrs B Halaaa... tlaaear A Rle Oraaea. p. A R O eft plailllenr Beranuea ,. On. trie Is) e4 Brls 14 Pt4 Oaaeral Bleatria .a Oraat NseiaarB f4 , Oraal Nartaaea Ore Ufa.. Illlaela csetral latereei-eciea Mat later. Mat. eta tnceraallenel Harraat4r.. later-Manas els iBItmtltniiel Paser lnterealteael rSmp lees Central Kaaaaa ltr at k. '. la I4 Lafflete Uaa LoawvMte A HaahnlU... Miss. A m. I.. snsea4.. It.. M. Pill M Mlsnarl. K. A T 3 l K. A T. Shi laeeerl Paelll Natleaal BI4aalt n.iim.1 La N R. R. e( If 04 III Nee Tart CSarrel m v ii a w , N-i.ia a w . a.rlabla. 1.7M IMS 147S 147S Narih Awarkaa SM US 77 S TtS Nerlhere Paelll . 1.SM. IS 1S S .i-i. I4.il . If IIS IIS MS re....l.eala ,M rwslai Oa MS IMS IMS i r . a. r. a ot. L. "J rutaaersb oal "S PraaaaS Steal (Sr. lit Pullaaa ralaaa ear, aa-e. ...... I" u i . uui aertae 1M It 74 W ELai.a ...7T.....U4.IOI IMS IMS IMS neeot.ll. steal 1.ia4 MS nS Haaablta glael I 1.140 41 S "S Reck 1.141 l KM MS MS lack luanl tV I4 S 4J II. I. A A r M sit... 4M MS 01 . Lsala a w law .14 SM 74 70 liaae-aaemeia a a i . ..Mli. 14 44S 1444L I Si VT oalliara Kallear 4 "04 TS MS MS e Ballaar I4 1. S Tanaauaa Coaper. as-4lr Ml a 11 Tasaa A Paellle. M 41-1 sat leas iws re. , I.N4 Ml 144 IMS M ins, ill lis lias , 1,404 ITS IIS lS MS 444 MS S MS M4 144SI 141 111 . 1.M4 M MS MS . M4 M IIS . I7.M4 lit lias HIS I. w ws ai KM 44 4S MS i.sm ins Mas lS I.M4 U US) H T.. SI. L. A W T , . I. A W. (4 . falaa PaeHW 1:1141 raritla aM...... fallal 114144 K44I1T. t'aitat outea naaeer. llaltel luuaa Otaal.... U. 0. Oleal MS tlsS Caspar Ya -CaMlea CSaaaleal Wabaak W4lwaa ra W44tera Marriaae .... WaMlaiaeaaa EMeine Vmuh t'nkaa AM Cesser If" MS s MS nar eaaaaliaaiaa "w w "-a AMac14aa Teaaeae ....... sos ais HI rra n lis ns ts ,. IM IIS "Hi US sua us MS M ..147.M4 IMS 141S 141 us .. rat ns 7 it 744 MS H 44S ..UT SM MS vn Mt T 171 . MS tl US" IS 17S 47S 7 . New Vark Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. H -MONEY -On call, steady, at BO'JS per cent; ruling rate, V per ceni, nwtini nu. ' ivt i , oftered at Ts Par cent. Time loans. lenSSer-. B1K1V atVL IWJVW KT CSHI. ninety days. !CJ4 per cent; six months. PRIMS, buu,asiiuh a-Ariustr-eTwaa Me MUnt. frriaRiJNO BXCHANOU-XMeady. with actual business In bankers' blls at M.lali for xty-day ntua ana ax sa e.ee tor oe mend; rommereutl balla, M.nt. glL,VEH-Bar. MS; Mexican dollara, t"c. ... BONPS-tlovernment. firm; railroad, Irrestilar. - Closing quotations on bones today wot as follows: r a m Sa. fee., let latar. M. M. 4Ss.. rr as eeueee IM Japaa 4a I7S V. A la. rag MIS 4Sa MS at aaasae I41SK. C Oe. Itl St.... T3S B. B 44. rag in u I aa a issl... Ms ae eaaaae 11 LAN. sal. 4e MS Allkvaal. lat aa... USH K. A T. tat St.. MS a-M. as as Mia ea ISa MS A. T. A T. av. M..1I4 H. rarltV 4a t4s am. T.nacea 4a MSx. R R. a( at. ISa RS ea is?l T. 4-. g. asa.... vis Araear A (. 4 Ha.. M 4a oak 4a. KS Atiaiaaa see. 4a.... MSN. T X. H. A H. -. eat aa. aa s. aa 1X sa ct. aa. IM N a w la e. 4a.. MS A C U 144 4a KH ea e. IM - Bel. A Okie ev MSNw PMIH 4a. laaa. - 4a OSS M se M 44 Ss B W. IS! I'SO A I rMg. M Ibaak. Tr av. 4s... M reea re. ISa UU.. 47S atwa. e oa. la 144S a. eea. 1SS CSn. Laatbar la MSRaaltag gen. 4s.... Ms r. a- N 1 I I4...U1SS UAA P. Cg. aa 11 S arsas A OaJe 4S4. WIS a. gea. Is. Ms 4e Sal. 4a MS L. S W . 44.. 41S artneasa A A. ISa- lV SiM S( a ... M c. a a 4. i at.... sa. a. u a aes. aa "ta raa. eat. et..... ns XI I M an ea ae. 4a MS C k I. a r. 1 a 11 Is IM eat ta. M at rig aa. MSBt. Railway as. IMS arvaw IaA aa. TIS et eaa. aa Ta Cats. Ml, aa. M Vatee Pwelria 4B....WS C. A k I. A a 4SS US ea av. 4a Mt P A H. re. 4a s f lat a ret. 4a.. rs en. A R O. 4a. M D. S. Baaaee Sa ...MS aa rat. 4a MS 11. 4 Btaal S4 4a...MS matiuere aa T7 V. -cr. CMa. aa.lMS aria s. L et etwwaaaea mk ae. IS, . eea sea. ea. ns ea let A as. 4a... MS eaa tv 4S ear. A. MSW4atara MA 4a Ms Be eMae Tl WaaL Bias. ev. Is.. S4U Oaa. Maw er. U-...U.Wi. Caatral at.... MS III Cee. IM rat. as. MSMa. Pas. ev. la.... Ms hear. SM. 4SA- HSPaassas 0s Mis Laadaa Iteek Market. LONDON. Jan. ZL-Ught realising caused small declines In Americas se- OMARA Cat.NaiRAL MAKKKT. BITTER No. t 1-ln. cartons, re; No. I. In s-lu. tubs. M-xc; No. t, lac; packing, xuc. CHKBciE Imported Swiss. Sc; Ameri can bwlss, Mc; block Mwlss, sue; twine, Wc, dslalcs, 20r: triplets, Ric; young Americas, tic; blue is pel brick. Mc; 11m aerger, lac; Mb.. -. POL'LiTKY-Hroilers, ll.w per r!ox.; springs, iac; hena, ltc; cocks. Ivc; ducks, lac; geese, iac; turkeys, Sc; pigeons, per dox,, OUsv Alive, broilers, Uito; hens, aac; old roosters and stags, Sc; oid ducka, full feathered, lie; geese, full leathered, ivc; turkuye. Jar; guinea fowls, sac each; pigeons, per dog.. Jar; homers, per dos., 4l.no; squabs. No. L I1S; No. X, boo. Finn (fresh Irosent -J Pickerel. 7c; white, 10c; pike, 0c; trout, lie; large crap piee, 13t)lec; bpanlsh mackerel. 7c; eel, uc; haddocks, Mc; flounders, lie; green catfish, Isc; roe ahad, 11 each; an ad roe. per pair. Oar; salmon, ltc; Halibut, loc, yellow perch, ac; buffalo, Uc; bullheads, lie. BEEP CUT PHILbBKlDS: OO. 2. line; No. X Use; No. 4. lc. Loins: No. 1, Uc; No. I KVac; No. H U1i- Chucks: No. L sc; No, t, 7sc; No. I, c. Mouocu; No i, lS.c; No. t, isc; No. t, c Putiaa. No. I, osc; r-o. x, ac, no. a, stac APPLJikl Looking venules, per bbi.. IJ.is; Jonathan anal Crimea Golden, per bu.. Mall; IK-n Ltavia, par boL, 13.00, fancy winesapa, per Dot., 44.10; laacy aaiaauuri Pippins, per bbl., iiSO; lancy tJanoe, per bbl., 14. 00; California BeHUowar. per box. I1.JS; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy, per box, a7.au; vvaanington npitsenoerg, per box. I2.S0; Wsshingtoa R beauty, per pox, 12 30; Washington ctaman Winssspa, per box, 02.SO. Bananaa, fancy select, per bunch, tlixileu. Jumbo, per buhch, U.H tji ia. Cranberries, Wisconsin fancy, per hlil.. new: per dox. .-.. aatee. Ancoor hrwnd. new. M 1-lb.. pkga. In boxes. Den box, IZ.se; Dromeuary prana. new. av t-iu. pkgs. in box. per box. II uu. Figs. Csll fornla. per case of U 11-ox. pkgs, etc; per case 01 is 11-vs. paga, w se; per case of to 4-os pkgs., 12.00; bulk, In and bO-lb. boxes, per lb . 10c: New Turkish. 4-crown In M-lb. boxes, per lb., lac; 4 crown in 10-lb. boxes, per lb., Mc; 7 -crown In 10-lb, boxss. per lb., 17c Urape fruit, Florida, et-M alses. per crate, lu 40; 00-M-s4 alaea, per crate. I- 75. Urapee, Malaga inuu in bbie.. W5i w. Liemong. umon. slra, selected brand, extra fancy. Wo also. or box. X4.W una umoneira. tancy. WO-MO slaes, per box, Mia; Ml and 4J4 .lees. Son per box less, oranges, California Navels, extra Ism-y. IO-u-i7e-asit-M alaea, per box. ww; sxtra cnoica, ail alses. per box, K-Id. V Ell KTA BLE Cabbage. Wlaoonaln. per lb,. IV-- Celery, California Jumbo, per dos, tucljLOO. Curumbere. hot house, ner dox.. 11 M plant, faney Florida. per dos., $2.00. Uerllr, extra fancy, while. per IP,, iac. aicuuv, rnira isncy leal, u. A.,t etc. Onions. California, white per lb., r; Wlsconalo. yellow and red, In aarks, per lb., xtac; Bpannei, per orate. 11 ml Parsley, fancy southern, per dox. bunches, 60W7V. Potatoes, Mlnneeota Early Ohio, par bu.. ti ll; Wisconsin whits stock, per bu., i.. In 10-aark lou. So I tea. Sweet potatoes, ivansss, per bu. bsk., 12.00. Rutahagaa. In aarka. per lb..lsc Tomatoes. Florida, per 0-bsk. orate. M OO. Mltk-'aMXANEOUS-Almonde, Terra one 1 mm lb.. UVao; In sack lota lc lesa Cocoanuu, per sack. .00. Filberts, per lb... 14o; in earn lois, is ssas. reanuta roasted, per lb., sc; raw. per lb. IHc Pecans, Urge, psr lb.. 17c; In sack lota to leas. Wslnuts. new crop, 1111. Callfor. ma, per lb. 17c; In sack kits, lc lees, cider. New Nehawka, per lS-gsl. H bbl., WOO; per JO-gsl. bbl.. 60: New York Moll's, per U-gal. H hm., 11.60: per W-gal. bbl., pSaO. Honey, new. M fremaa, $3.71. Kraut, per ll-gal. keg, i; per a-sal. keg. II 10; Wisconsin, per is bbl., IS. 60. Kvaporaleal Apples aad Dried! Fralis NEW YORK. Jan. I1.-EV APOKATHD APPLES Hteady, with a quiet Jobbing trade; on the spot, fancy, 10S10o, choice. etiOSe: prima, ISdo-wc. liKlr.u ki'itd-r-runea, quiet and prices somewhat easier; quotations rani a from 4Srilc for California up to M-eoa aad sSttlle (or eOregons. Aprioou. quiet tut firm; choice, ltoiwjc; extra choice, latltSc; fancy. 17(1 lie. Peaches, quiet but rkeady In sympathy with the coast. choice. Utilise; extra choice, 11 SOI-. fancy, laiuse. rtaralita, inactive but ateady: loose, muscatels, stee7c; choice to faney seeded. 7S1Sc; seedless, Ixjic; London layers, 11. a 1.(5. Sunday. ... jiwiiiM nf live stock at the L'nlon Stock Yards. South Omaha, for tna twenty-four hours ending at a o clock yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs, sneep. " - C. M. St. P. Ry Wabash K. R. 1 Mo. Pac. Ry. 5 l'nlon Pacific R. R. C. A N. W.R.. East a C. N. W. hy. W... 44 C.8t. P. M. O.... 14 C. B. .. Kast B. at U. West.... 11 C. R. I. P., East.. I R. I. A P. west Illinois Cen. Ry..r. I C. O. W. Ry 0 Total receipts .. SOI MSPOSITION. Celtle. Hosts. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 441 . 1.0S4 . L170 Swift and Company.... t.'W udahy Packing Co. ( Armour Co... Schwarta 4 Co.... Murphy Morrell Sinclair Benlon, Vansant A l Hill A Son F. B. Lewla Huston A Co..... B. Root A CO If. Bulla Wolf McCreary ft Kellogg... Wertbeimor A Hexen.. H. V. Hamilton Sullivan Bros. Mo. 4 Kan. Calf Co.. Cllna aa Chrlatla Other buyers Totals let tea Market. NEW YORK. Jan. !L COTTON Boot closed quiet. I points higher: middling uplands, 1.70c; middling gulf, I.OSc: salea, 1(00 balea. Futures opened ateady; Jan uary, O.Jse; March. 0.43c; April, I tec; May. IJ-so: Jo y. 0.74c: Auaruat. i.tsc 1 September, I Ttc: October, 0 Me; Novem ber. O.Mc bid: llecemher. I.SOC. - COTTON Puturee closed steady. Clos- nc bids: February. 1.17c: March. 1 esc AnrtL IS7r: Msy. : June. I tec; July, Ttc; August. I 80r: September. I lie; Oc tober, IH7c; November, I.XJc; December, 1.04c. . . OIU suae) Real a. SAVANNAH. Oa, Jan. M. TURPEN TINE Firm, 4e4reiSc sales, xss bbla; receipts. S7 bbla; shipments, asl bbla; stwka XS.OSJ dois. KOS1N Firm: sales. 1.4M bbla: celpxe. bit bbla; shlpmems. 1,407 bbla: stocks. lla-Tll bbla quotations: B, la w D. 45; E, le w; r, u, h ana 1, tcss K. IS.M; M, I7.J0; N and WO, 17 . WW 17.00. , Kaaaaa City Lie gteck Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. Jl.-OATTI.K-Re- celDta. AaW head, raciuoing svs southerns morket steady to iac nigner . areased beef and exoort riteere. sx.io4n.a: tsir to Bond. BVjaas.71: weetern steers, a.wej-i.ie: stock ers and feeders, M.00tMV.aO: southern ateera, avootiASS: smitnrrn cows, noisa ISO: native cowe. 4ioBm.ii: nauve hell ers. HSttwas; nuns, n.wnvxjt. calves. (LOW , JS. lltXiM rieceirve. 1 .- neao: marxet atewdv to ac lower: bulk of salea. n.ftjai CK; heavy. ss jutiaSS: packers and butch ers. x.u-i; ugnis, exauit.tt; pigs, 44.2a4lo.Sa. HHBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10100 heed: market ateady to iac lower: lambs, I.". Kejt-Tl; yearlings. 14 Vsje-60: wethers, IS. 7:414. 40: ewes. aVagLlO; stockers and feeders, xj.,at4.as. la Bight." Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal weeiervn snaraets yesxernay: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Soufh Omaha ........ aSot uaw ;jm St. Josepn l:n ,.eilo Ms Kansas City CV0 Une) 14. o SL LouU X.a I. Sit) , Chicago US 44.000 M.tls) -Trie; recelnta y ftJUBi ti.Ht 11 t al I 4a 10 It 1 1 , 1 1 "i 'i XI l.na X.470 aMIO 4M ' x.7ao urn 13S iiM PIGS. ..m ... 1 a 11 in ... is SHEEP A good Strong undertone ex isted In the market for sheep and lambs, enabling sellers to place anything good in the way of lambs, et least, at prices generally a Utile higher titan thote In force yesterday. Plain to common corn- leas also sold reaaiiy, nut me trsae ss a whole wss rather erratic and any defin ite lmorovement cannot be auoled. Ma tured muttons, princlpslir ewes, found an outlet al figures lilt 1 different from yea tertiay'a valuee. Receipts were moderate and early of ferings were none too attractive In point of quality and flnlin:' balk consisting of In-between classes. Pat king demand bad plenty of life, however, and. moot buyers gsve smsll heed to the character of their purchases, only insofar as cost figures were concerned. The market natureuy covered a wide range, loppy cornfed western Ismbs selling UD to . with tidy Mexicans quote hie at modsrklo premiums ovsr this limit There were no Colorados Included In early , arrivals, but some Mexicans, similar 10 the ts.30 string or yesterday, were expected late In the morning. 1 ' , r at ewes made an s igntiy less man one-half of the total supply and shewed very good action rrom too-siari at levels fully steady Extra good ewes brought $3. SO early. Indicating a top of M .00 or oaKier, wniie nientum 10 cuii .variance ranged from I3.S0 downward. There were no wethers or yearlings of consequence on sale. In the feeder trade, orders were scarce and the supply meager. The few sales that were made Indicated A list of values nominally steady. According 10 packers' tab. the two days' .purchase on country account amounts to about 1,000 hesd. uuolationa on Sheen and Lames Lambs: Good 40 cholcO. KIsjKoO; fair to good. I5 2M1130 Yearlings: Uooti to choice, IS.ISoe.60; fair to good. KTitiS.le. Wethsrs: Oood to choice, s4.xiar4.au: (air to good. tS.tt( 3. KWesr Oood to Choice, S3. TMi 4.00; fair to good, r-0003.73. .1.804 CATTLifC Cattle receipts 1O.05I were l.CO s!ou very modrral. at .11 Ungpolnts this morn w-ch-makTh. tot., rthrweek to date IS.1H head, a slight tailing off compared wllk last we-a . i dicreiV. of t ow head. a. compared with therrespondlng week of last year At has been the case all the week the quality w" decidedly common, there being prac tically no strklly good cattls In sight. ' tS.7a, li.ht recelnts of cattle at leading market points, buyers seemed very anxi ous for auppllea. feeling, doubtless, that receipts would continue light during the remainder ot ine -.. ... nn beef steers opened early in "he morning and was fairly active at prices that were tuny io nisner sou m some casea more inan inac. uiaiiau "i ferlngs changed hnnda In very good sea eon In the morning. - Cows and neuerw BipinrmTi advance aa bee steers, being safely Wc ...I ,h.. veeierday. It did not take buyers very long to clean up ail the early vrtvals. There were very few feeding rattle In lha yards, but what there were met with very ready sale so far aa ths good kinds were concerned. Ught stockers were rath er slow sale awing to the fact that spec ulators have quite a good many on hand, for which ths country demand Is not vary good. guotatlOBS on cattle: Good to Otiolee beef steers. M.0tf7.7O: fair to good beef ateera, H OOtrl .60; common to fair beef leer I4.iiuA4.0O: good to choice heifers. 14 ootrt W; good to choice cows, M .aObi.U; fair to gooa cows ana neuere. ea.ivus.ev; common 10 fair cows and heifers, W OOry 1 7S- good to choice stockers and teeders, K.4M4.; fair to good stockers and feed ... t4.aua-1O.40: common to fair stockers snd feeders, H S0fi4.se; slock heifers, U.ls 0-4.40; veal calves, ri.ovoa.w; buiis, stags, etc., XJ.aUWi.W. Represeniative saiee: Ha 14. 171 I 14 a It 7M 4 M IS Ml 4 a il , m is 4 171 4 M II 44 I 44 B I" I 44 it.; hi in H 441 I II I ...... 'n a e 444 4 n U. 1M4 4 M 11... 414 I M 1444 4 M II.. W IB J 174 I 4S si 1114 40 14 4 , 3 ...... 11 II 34 ........ II. ...... M II.. II.. 31 4..... a..... I 11 I I M... 4... 17.... M.... 11.... 11.... I.... 17.... I I II..-.. I 4 t 14...... 4 14 t t len 4( .... Ms a 1 .....1444 I M ..... MS I M 4X4 I 44 VT1 I W IS ,..,.14M 4M .:.ltl! 4 1M4 4 M ...... 471 4 1414 4 a rm 4 m 471 4 SM 4 M MM 4 44 1IM 4M 1414 4 174 4 M M II Ul 4 45 a., n.. 11.. COW'S. . n "At. IT. ...14.14 4 II ....1444 4 74 .... 1-144 4 M ... 1111 4 14 ....1474 4 14 ....1441 I ....1111 4 44 ....tl7 IM ... IJli I M ..1174 4 M ..IMS 4 U ..UIS 4 H ..nn 4M ....IKS 4 44 ...-1WI 4 It ....111! I M ....IM4 IB ....1M7 I M ....mi t 11 HEIFERS. , 444 4 M ,17 , MS 4 M 4 .Ill 4 M n . M7 4 44 II . 474 4 44 I 1171 I 74 K4 4 74 HOI 4 M .....1144 4 II 1771 4 M HM 4M 1471 4 H im 4 m IM4 4 M 10S 4M 1471 I M I. 1471 I M 17 1114 I M M ISM 4 M 4 IIM I M 14 1114 4 a 7 1744 4 S 1. 1174 IM I 1S4 4 44 .. SM 4 44 .. IM 4 74 ,.1144 IB 11... 4 ..Ml I M .171 I 49 ,.74t in .174 I 11 ..1414 I II ..III I 94 ,. Ml 4 ..MM I I... 14... I.... 4... ... 1444 I 4 14M I II ....1114 I ti ... LW I U ... IM I Si ....1174 I ii IO III IM 7 74 ... 741 4 3 ... 771 I M ... 44 I 11 ..171 t - .. Ml 4 71 ... M m ..Ull I M BULLS. 4X4 171 I 11M 4 1 I4M 4 M 1 114 4 41 1 11 4 I '""cAI.T'Ei 145 I M 1 4 M 1 144 T U IS till 7 M 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. M4 4 S 14 717 4 ti M l U.. 444 4 M .. M is m ... 444 I M 77... ...... 477 I M )S.. ni is tr.. U Ill I 15 IL 741 I H O04 Traders an the selling side o! the bog msrket worked bard during early rounds 10 maintain yesterday a sc-sle of .aloes, but meet buyers refceeu to entr.-r the trade on this basis and prices weakened under the pressure of a heavy supi-ly and bearish demand. Some early bue'.ness was done at steady figures, while the big bulk of offerings had to move at nickel declines. Ca.itlons buying on local packing ac count and a shipping outlet that was al most completely ekieed. were the main featuree of the market and It foilowa of course, that movement was quiet through out with clearance rather late. Outside orders called for less than 10 per cent of the estimate, but the packing demand proved reasonably broad. Receipts amounted to about 1UM head fully two-thirds of the run consisting of weights under XS pounds. Light bacon asnariainr wienyirrd gjod. Hat Na a fed lambs 214 fed lambs 14 fed lambs 110 fed yearlings 4(1 fed ewes 213 lambs, feeders 20 Ismbs, feeders, cults.. SO fed Ismbs 117 fed Iambi til Mexican fed lambs 711 Mexican fed lambs .... 107 fed lambs Av. 10 n 07 IS 91 42 at 75 7S 7S 72 Ill PT. I 00 its I K 4 Tl 1 70 4 OS 100 IS IS 000 too I OS CHICAGO 1.IVI! . STOCK .' MARKJtT Dreaaad tor Cattle Fires Hoge f .ewer .Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Jan. ii.-CATTLJ-Rece!pts. 1L0U0 head. Market firm: beeves, M.ftStJ 8 43; Tsxsa steers.. M aOtJS.OS; weslern steers, I4.7up7.lb; slackers and teeners, n.664C.(: rows and heifers, C.B$.76; calves, eii.aO0l.k -- . - . . . HOUS-Reoelpts. (4 head: Market fairly active at a shade lower: light, IS.se M20; mixed, . 6.wial; heavy.. 4VOSJ II7S.; rough. -Se.H; ptga, M.OOtK.SS; bulk of aales. Itletjt SO. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Reeslpts, JO.Ono heed. Market Beady; native. ttlMHTS; western. W 5004.75: yearlings. M.;S4jffi. Lambs: Native, M.atrJ.7S. .western. KkS 4.00. . . - , St. Lee la Live stack. Market. - ST. lll'IS. Jan. " 87. PA TTIiE Re ceipt a, 1S00 head. Including ' MO TOxans; markst 104 lie higher-, native shipping and export steers. IT.tMrl 00; stressed beef ancp butcher steers, m H.00; steers under 1.000 pounds, USHA-sO; akorkers and feeders. I3.ouuo.oo; cows ana nensrs, K.,4 (14.00; canners. C.OCXJ4.00; bulla, tlcnift 14; calves. tSittrMtt; Texas and Indian steers, $5,004x7.00; cows and helfersr IS.00 (nVOO. . HOOS-Receipts, o.rov head-, market sc higher: pigs and lights. l6.ontJ4.lo. mixed nd Butchers, w.;vti.lo; good heavy, xa.i tjgiO. SHEEP AND liA MBS Receipts, 6,400 head: market steady: - native muttons, C.'7Sf-i.c.; lamba, in.ilkao.rY,: culls and bucks, ll.&JtJJ.ov; stockers. U TitJatn. SI. Joseph Live) Stark Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Jan. IL4?ATTL.f Re ceipts, 1,000 head; markst strong; ateera, K.5Oj.0O: cows and heifers, Sx.0Osm.SO; calves. t3 0o7.l. HOOS Recclpta 7,000 head; market steady: top. $4. IS: bulk of sales. I. . SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipt a, 400 head; markst strong: lambs, I4.?t.60. XA'aol Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jn. ll.-WOOI-Steady; territory and western mediums, lOtjlSc; tine medluma, l.v!17c; fine, 104lSc. lovra Missionary Sate at Past. FORT DODGE, la. Jan. L-(SpeclBl.- Coming" wss the one word In a cable gram from Shanghai. China, received by Mr. aid Mrs. F.. R. Somen ot this city from their daughter, Mrs. Klrlck Wil liams, a young missionary who has been trying to brave It through the Chinese crisis and remain at her post In Chengtu. Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams will come to the United Stltes on a furloueh during this Urns whin no effective missionary work la possible because of the unset tled and terrible conditions In the orient t -Pea coaster" Berka Saoeeeels la) Psslaoalag HoetllKles ta Men. ; day A aether Cloak OWer Pal sa Readers. RebelUous ar-d threatentng utteranceBj disrupted the session of the city council . committee of the whole yesterday arter-i noon. Fred. Schroeder charged his fel- iow members with.rntentlonally hamper-, ins him In his wore and wilfully neglect-' ice bis wartl. He threatened to "msks, a campaign before the election la the' spring to show them up" unless a reso lution ha had submitted received favor able consideration, - This resolution provided for the setting-, aside of 51.503 from -the miscellaneous: fund to defray holt the coat of grading Twenty-seventh street from Ed Creigh- ( -ton avenue to Hickory and Shirley street from Twenty-seventh to Twenty-eighth.' The amount requested would have ex hausted tbe fund, which at the beginning' of the year waa Councilman! Johnson protested that the money would , be more needed elsewhere and Councilman. I Sheldon supported him. - MeSsvers Laade aa Sekrweder. "A ter we have been serving the publlo , faithfully." said Councilman McUovem. I "I think it an act ot unfairnesa for Mr. Schroeder to say that he will ge out ; and cut our heads off tr we don't pas ' this resolution," 1 M. F. Funkhonser poured oil OB the troubled waters when he moved to amend . the resolution to read 11 .000 instead ot 11,300. Johnson and Sheldon still ob jected and Judge Berka proved his title to "peacemaker" by suggesting that the' matter be laid over until Monday when the property-holders along Ihe streets' affected could appear and be given a hearing. This suggestion was approved. A resolution setting- aside U.500 of the general expense fund for paying half the cost of grading Lake street fronij Thirty-third to Forty-first was recom mended for passage. , W eaaeit Heeoaasaestd Pessar. A letter was read from the damesiiai science department of the Omaha Woman's club endorsing the official record of John I! rant Pcgg, city hi. a pec tor of weights and measures, and. requesting that he be sent as a delegate to the seventh national convention oil weights and measures men In Wseh Ington. D. C Kehruury 15 and 14. The' council referred the appointment ot Mr. Pegg aa delegate, expenses to Be paid from his own department funds, to the finance committee with -favorable recom-j mendatlon, , Clash Over yPalm Readers. ! When an ordinance providing- an In-, crease In license and a bond for for tune tellers was Introduced the council men clashed again. Councilman Hummel moved the ordinance be placed on file and that another be drafted prohibiting palm readers from the city. "They prey upon the weak-minded and saltish, people," he said. Kucel objected to this arraignment. Baying ha knew of an in stance where a man's motorcycle wss stolen and he went to clairvoyant who told him that tha man would ride Into Orand Island that night- Burs enough ha did. and was arrested. Schroeder was likewise opposed to such stcJligetK action, declaring that Iota of people liked to have "sweet things told them that only a fortune-teller had tha nerws ta tell." The ordinance was placed oa file. The city council held a abort session last night. Ordinances directing tha Issu ance ot 1100,000 Intersection bonds, tlOO.M sewer bonds and ISl.OUO park bonds ware Placed oa their first, second and third readings and passed. A resolution re questing that money be set aslds to pay one-half tha cost ot grading Ames avenua from Forty-second to Forty-eighth street wag referred to the legal department Looking toward tha compromising and settling of a suit now pending In district court to enjoin collection ot special assess ment taxes on several tracts ot land, an ordinance authorising tha cancellation of one -third of the taxes oa each separate parcel of land was submitted and referred I to the committee of ths whole. The case. Is that of Mlka Cfuinlan s gal nit the cilyl of Omaha. City Comptroller Cosgrave and City Treasurer Urs were directed by resolution, to prepare and submit to tha council tv list of all warrants issued from or regis tered la their offices, with detailed data! concerning each, at the earliest poeslblsi oata. This information Is for tha us I of tha finance committee. Report of rejection of bids for pUMsr. Ing the emergency hospital was mada by I the public buildings and property com mittee and tha clerk was Instructed toi rsadvertlse for bids. j Councilman Funkhouser reported un-. favorably on tha request ot tha Plainer Lumber company to be given permission to erect B sign across Farnara street al Forty-sixth and the report was adopted. Donahue ft Petersen were awarded tha) contract for the construction of seweg districts Nos. 43 and KO. 1 Emll Wahlstrom, superintendent of th, city hall, requested tbe council to hire an other Janitor. The request was -referred to tha public buildings and property com mittee. Permission wss granted the Paxtoa. hotel to construct an artesian wstl la ths1 alley between camera and Harney. ( I Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soil?, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Woant to Know About government land 'laws, location of land of fices, etc How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general fanning, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prctopt attention. tata plainly and specifically what you want to know. TJrite, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Fwirmer 'Omaha, Nebraska