1 Desperate DesmonclSSS"r - - -JY fefeld $ 1 Claud Eclair and Ma sweetheart, th beautiful Rossmond. ar tgata In trium phant mocd. They hav th notorlout villain. Desperate Desmond. In lhair power, and th United State troop will ar that ha dot aot escape. At laat tha villain mm about lo explale Ma erlma. H I being takan to a Chine Jail, and Chine la'l ar not pleasant dwl!lug p.sces. Although confined la a email cell In a Chlnea jail, Desmond docs not abandon hop. IT la alwaya on th alert to tak advantat of any chanc that ma b la sight, and 10 a hen ha pear through th bars and ares th China guard asleep he begins to think that opportunity Is pretcnt. 8o he reachea out and takaa th man's abandoned opium pipe. In th cell Desmond now haV an opium pip. II cannot break any bars w-.th It ' or us It very well to Jimmy his war throuch th walla, but he has a plan. Mixing up soma chloroform, which h carrle (or emergencle. with soap, which h carriea for daily use. Desmond plans to blow soma bubbles that will raus a lot of trouble to others. And now we see th bubble factory In full blast. Th Tills In mlfht be a small boy again, ao busily la ha blowing bub bles from that Strang pip. The ordin ary soap bubble, however. Is a harmless, pretty thin . but the, while Just aa pretty, ar extremely deadly. Desmond's mil Is not on of childish (lea In watch Ins th pretty bubble sail (ally through ' tba air. Outside the Jail, Claude and Rosamond, aot trusting tha vigilance of th Chin guards, at watching closely th cell .In hleh Desmond Is confined. Bad to Bay. . their very caution proves their undoing, for most of tha bubbles come down In their direction, and aa they burst spread th chloroform around. Bo a strange dim ness overtakes hero Claude and beauti ful Roaamond. . . - "la th hoy!" fries Desperate Des mond, and TH ' capture . the sleeping beauty!" He has escaped from th jail with all the guarda drugged, and' now fees Claud and Rosamond lying uncon scious. Til Scoundrel's plan turned out all light-for hlmeelt-and he Is bow msster of the situation, agiln. What will be the fate of Roaamond. and what tha fate of Claude? Sec tomorrow's picture WANT ADS AUTOMOBILES Amu lamp repaired. Omaha Silver Co. W'(at ads received at any time, but t lasure proper daaslflcatloa lnuat b presented before 12 o'clock m.. for 'th eve-Bine; edition and before) 7:30 p, m. for morning and Sunday edl t Uob. Waat ads rereired after such hour will have their first lasertloa ' - uads tha heading "Too Lata . to " Classify." i.rim HATK.."foK WANT ADS. REGULAR CliAHSIKICATIOK-- One laaerUoa 1 H cent per word ) I cent per word for eacli aubseqoent .- taeartloa. Eat lasertioa made oa . add dava 1U reat Per vtord. par Una per awmth. ' Waat ada lor Tba Be mar bo Mi . at aay of ti fol lowing drug store . eaa I roar " corner druggist" they ara all branch office for Tha Be ..aac roar ad wlU b Inserted Just aa promptly and oa tha aama rat as t ,. tba-Btala offlc la Tha ftr.buUdln v beveai teen th and Farnam streets! Albseh. W. C. 4Mh h4..r;r; ..i B uamDrug Co.. l N. Htr, i St. , ., Benson Pharmacy. Beason. Neb. t Hemls Park Pharmacy, Wd and Cuming. Bersoek. S. A., leal A thjn. Blake-Brandtsh, V . "Ji ' .... Caughan. C. B-. C2t I'W."nw.0.rln " m - t erm.., Kmll, lkM-t A '; . ' J'.. Chiton Hill Phajwiacy. au AT f. S Cooney Pharmacy, V3X . 1Mb . J;5iMy Pharmsoy. tth and Us. Sua f 5 KhSr a Co, ul Laiwr,! U ' r WW Drui c"! 11 N. ltth M. , I 3 rivenc Drug Co., rioreoo. Nb. fiOrm; P barmy. Park Av. snd J- Z Oreeaoagh Co.. ih nd Hlekry. . J: 04m.n Pharm y, th J g Jehanaea Drug Jo.. Wth and TORE DOCKS slipovers. painting. Douglas a Pfelffer Carriage Works. Why not Mil your old aJtomobll and buy a new one or. mayb. you can use th money In some other wsy In either event, tia want sds will do the work, liaiea lj tents per word If run only on time or 1 cent per word If run two or roor time eonweeutlvely. UUSINEtiS PCltSOXAUi P'aa4rl. McDonald brsas snd brnns foundry, alu minum, tin. lead eastings, 1J Jackson. a'tarlsts. BKNNETT8. cut flowers. Douglas 137. A. Donahue, laW Fsrnam. D. WW. A-IOOL "HESS"" BWOBODA. 14U Fsrnam 8t EDUCATIONAL OMAHA COMMEHCIAL I'Ol.l.tUE, "BEST IN THIS WEST." Dsr and evening eeulona all th year. Shorthand, Typewriting, bookkeepini. Agriculture. Crvll rienlce. Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman. Pres., lh ana Farnam. HELP wISlKi) FEMALE Murphy Did ItS tKPAIRl.Sa INTIU. TIUMMINU. K.-il K. (-paseenger, fully equipped. In first rlaea condition: bargain. Industrial Uarac Co, Kith and Harney. Tel. vuug- la-i mi . URUMMOND Ss- imf AND HARNBT 8T8. K. MlLl.kH. dudIio stenoarapher. IMS City Nat'l t)k. Doug. 78S r A-ltll. Tu mm in or out jit business, call oa OANGKSTAD, e04 Be Bldg. Tel. D. I4T7. Motion blctur niaeliln snd film bar- gains. Om. Film tsch.. Hth A Doug. Hta UOETOAGES, 6 ON GOOD FAHMS Havings bonds secured by first mortgages ana our capital ana eurpiua of -,- NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bonds for 1MB. tS and an. as suits your saving!. Mak your ' money bring yea god income. ak iot psxtwuiara PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Uth and Farnam His. Omsha, Neb. 5 Hsnseom Parti Pharm y, ll fAK ; f lllnterlong Drig ... tut Ave, aad I p MolstJaiv H N. Wlft ,. J -F lialfT. U, J Iavenworth . King, bu o . " '"""i iiT sua. Kounts Plao Pharmsoy. BO! N. lthrop Pharmacy, th and Hsmllton. Msree, Fvi. U. Central Blvd. Monmouth Phai-meey. M an I f-atnes urns v u., ... r . Karaiosa Drug Co.. tth and Atnes Av Hcheefer s Cut Price, Ulh and Chloag Seller Drug C. til N. th r anon '- j i --"- . .M-,inst Walnut HUI Flifcriiiivcy. 0U n4 CutninB LODGtt HOTICEi, ' 1 T a s-aa-.Tair trifMrn AT. Funeral ef our latj Brother David Jw, will b held from the lempie, nvr-.- , ' . - , clock. Members of th fraternity and friend, ar Invi, q HOKR(JKIli Mastsr ef Capitol Lodge, No. W MAIL ORDER BU8ISEM CJOUBTNEY'S k- mm rmw i.wnier. v L. i. ' h. bwaii deer don't carry It wa n :d. aen for catalogu free, rreight paid 'iv". t purchas within a radius, of lldy auiea. rB m-tlKE FOR MEN. - t. Before yot commence trestment for any ' and all forma f ehronle dmsns. call ar J; ril toe Inforrnailon and sdvlo tree. Dengl.s Blk. Omsha. Neb. j uiTTrn PtltlLTRY. " Highest market price paid. Write tot URAl,- PROLHICK CO.. Wholesalers of Flsu. Oystsrs. Celery. Howard St. Omsha. Nea. " n ft VTrv.Tft UiTllNA CIGAR. Bo of "sr. orerald. tt: try a half desea. If not satisfactory money refunded. HKAVoN unci! CO- 1HB Farnam BL n ANVOUNCKMKJiTIs m . i',-rpl f k XT tlNllKR' J. A. UL itX-U-fVi.v, TAKKR smbalmer. W14 Chlcag gt P. lw. b-ltaa vtttv C'l.i a. Dt'tn ita 8. uth Bu UNDERTAKEKa. JIEAl'EY & IIEAJ'EY, 'St Moved to nil Fsrnam. A-cta. H. rj, WTVIi'VAVROT.AXl). : v w ind. a-iui . Barker, at Res H n. Ju.tloe of Uie Peace. Oee. Paiton Blk. Red 19: A-l ' VOL'I.U alwala be hauuy ll soar ding ring oomem from Hrodegmard's. g. Wth 0t- At the sign of the crown. llt8INK8S IHAXCl.S Siewart'a, Florist A Beedsmen. lit N. it. B R N DE7gr LO R HIT. Brandels Bldg. L.J1 EN PERSON', Hit Farnam. D. lfaA "BATH'S F1XJRIBT8. Boyd Theater BldgT MaraetM, kadalery, loathe tie. Wlchert. harness, lest her good B. 11 Hoepltale. WISB MKMORIAU irth and Harney. laearaM, Alfred CKeniedy, !T.inIur: ance, tM First. Kit Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7M. rlhodea-Montgomery Co. In Ramgs Blk. Irwa aa Wtra Feaclaa. Anchor Fence Co.. W7 N. tT. Tel.' Red tit. Laatbar. Ores fimber wrecking machlnsry A Plumb, list and PatlL Laaadel, FRENCH Hand laundry. Tel. H. HH OUARAN'TKB Lauadry. work. Douglas H I Hits grade Maaeat Maaafaetarera, Skinner", macaroni an4 spaghetti. le pkg HAHOWAHK atura for sale or traue. For address writ win, car Bee, A GOOD cash butcher business In a live town In central Ntbrash. X K Bee. Kl-UMTUHK of a nioely furnished eight-room nous, will sell al a bargain; gooa reasoa lor selling, Aooreaa u. ni. Bee, FIHUT CLAHH daiidy nlctura show. Don't answer unlees you mean ku-Hoess. Iaemi yum Berne. iu rarnam ri. FOR MA UK-Meat market: aplendld lo cation and business. ll.IMI.IW. Address H inn. Bee. . FOR HALU A country newspaper In a thriving southern Iowa town; has cylinder pre, new joueer, ounuenc ok iypw. good subsrrlpilon and advertising patron age. Job work gaiore. Writ fur cample py ot paper ana pnee. r. J. naymuuu. Ulaaesburg. la. UlSIMCHS PKIISONAIJ Artesian Walla. I. . NEBEROALU W'l-H City Kaft KD ROWE, well boring. Benson Ms. Atla IJSTON I.. HALI. weye. Tawter. Meaa-aeate aad Maaaalaassa. . F. Bloom A Co., Klh and Cuming St Mavlag, Stoeaa aad Cleaala. furniture packing, ftrepioof storage. City oriice, siv n. inn.- inwu. ,n. . Twin City Kspresa Hit Howard. Both Tel. Furniture moving, I men. II hour. W.UH. Maele, Art aatt irflaaaaBee. PIANO atudla, Kc Howard: Doug. tM. CleHeaad Of flee. WANTED AN INTELUQEST. NEAT APPEARING WOMAN. MUST BE COM PETENT STENOORAI'HER. CAPABLE OF TAKING CARE OF OFFICB DE TAILS ANSWER. STATINO PAST EX- PERIKNCB, AND GIVB PHONB NUM BER. BOX J lit. BEE OFFICE. HELP WANTED MALE SJIaceliaaeaaa. STOP! READ! He aeeaeeeer aad Uasseetta. TUB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Be. will run your Domee ilo Help Wsnted ad KBKK until you get the desired results.' Bring your sd to Th he off! or telephone Tyler not. for. general house ill A bib Ave. i'el. WANTED Maid work: good wages. risrney ests. KXPKHItNCKD girl for general bouse- work. Small family, Dodge. Hsmer Mlh good wages, ml WiNTEu-A voung girl to assist housework. Tel. Hsmsy 090. OOOD girl fr general housework. Uit Burt t"t. - . WANTED A irood white girl for gen eral housework; good home to right party. 1014 N. iOin SL, South Oman. 'u..n. tutuik 1A. WANTGD AM ainartenced white girl of good cnaraotex tor general nouasww. Good wsges. Hsrney tws. WANTfcD A girl fur g.uersl house- wont; gooa wages, sera, vi, .awe, 1114 8. SJd St. AN sxperleoced girl (sr general house work: good wsges: small family; no laundry. Phon Harnsy bar WANTED atrl for general housework. 4S-0 California, Dundee, i'hona, Harnsy WANTED girl tor general housework; na washing.; 131 llsjmlloa. mona. liar nsy H. , WANTKD girl for geneial housework; no washing, UU Farnam. Get Into a paying profession. Lekrn autaitiobu engineering In our large training ahop. hundreds of sui-esssful graduates. Complets equipment ot auto mobiles and machinery. Addraia National Auto Training Ann , fc Brandeia '1 heater Bldg.. omaha. Neo. tit-tit Wit-KLY far moving picture operatora. Wa teach you how in U days and get you a position. International Motion Picture tVnool. ill Bee Bldg. 7.01 GOVERNMENT lobs open. Write for Ire Hat. .Franklin. Institute. Dept. 211 L., riocheeter, N. 1. MEN W lo Ji.. to Drenara for Railway Mall Service. Salary f to start, rapid promotion to (Q. '11. Permanent. Kxamlra lion May 4th. Sample questions fro. In-ter-Stata, Boa W. Cedar Itsplds. Iowa. ARU vou thinking ot going to an Auto mobile school! If ao, write us first and ?et the hlatory of all the locnl schools bo or you pay your tuition. M, 110, Bee. OOOD chance for couple, man as Jan'lor and lady to run a small slors in apart ment house; about tlOv required. It. Oross, Mil H. rid. HELP WANTKD Mala aad reaaale. I.ADIF.S and gents, atop working hard for little wages. W rile for our free pro pec tu and start a bualnees for yeui self; no peddlltig; something unusually "allva ' tor you. writs lor aetaue. u. A. Piatt, afaryavlll. rs. UVki STO K FOR SALE Uerees aad Vefelvles. FROST, wagon repairs. Mot Leaven wth. LOST AND FOUND optletaaa. B. F. Worn, fitting A rsp'g. 44 Brandeia Oyalrr. David Col Oyster Co. Wholesal only. Oeleur-aikr. Alloa Johnson, Kt-t Brandeia Tha Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, M-e Brsndels Theater. 4M Bea. (1. W. Bnielda. attorney. Ul B. of Trade. Aaslsga aad leal. OMAHA TENT CO. Tsl. t1 Douglsa Bagaaaa aad laaleaks. "THE ONLY WAT. Baggsga checked to destination. Taxi- eala and touring cars. Tel. Douglas 3a BRMIS OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha. Neb. Mas aad Pacaaga Maaataet Wooden Box A Package Co. 1S14 Njsth. Carpealere aad Ceatractare. at even eon. carpenter, cant Both phone IhtrwaeMiUis. DR. ROT. IMS Farnsm. Douglas )7. Cigars aad 1 abases. TH sanitary Crown Pipe, lit 8. Hth. llalhlaa Maaalaelarera. Wear Ideal dreas shirts. M. Tfi. Smith Ca. tasl . Dealers. ( C g John-raw. eoal. ltth A Isard. I phcaea. RKUDKK FURNACE COAL. D. IStl Charlea A. Weitertleld. A-WJ. OALaindjircg. W agner, ajj N. ltth" "KINDLINO. H load. H. Uroea. W. !s I BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. esss Farnam St. Doug. 471, lad. A-aRL . - A beautiful assortment ef etencll aut-.-' fits snd SherwiB-Wtlllams goods. Wa de giasiag aad picture framing at aMderat prices. M. K. Morrill, china paint. SU Brandeia Th NORTHRL'P Letter Duplicating Co., Ml Paxtoo Bla.. circular lottere. any uan t:ij: oldeat established company; experts of MuiTlaTsph snd Nsostyle. Daaclaa Aaadealea. Mackle's Dancing Academy. 1111 Harnsy. Dally classes Won , Thurs . Sat. avemnga M18S ESTHER ROePJITKH School ot Daoclng every Tueeday evening. Aeaembiy l: p. m. METROPOLITAN B1JK1. Uphoiaterlnc. piano, fur-i. rep 3S4 Far Twenty per cent lees than Omsha prlvue. HOMB Fl'RNlTURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sta.. south Omaha . H. Cole St a Co. D. rt. U14 Farnam. WINDOW glass put In, contract work. H. Winter, it N. 17th. Webster eta). Neb. need Co.. 1M Jones Both plionea Maggard Van A Storage. Pack. mova. s'ore snd ship H. H. goods. D. leas. B-tcg. OtT your Uamoooa at br-ndegaard'a MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate, ia sums ta suiL L4 Bee Blue Vtaone Uauc. aui. ISIUft IjOAIS CO. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel lieug. etl. MOViNO ptctura snacnln an suppUe .eaeaeaa rllra ca. Uli rarnam at. BOILER, alteet Iroa and tank work. Omaha iKractaral stee! workn. Ed. Barrtca. gravel, tar roora. lth A Lake AUTOMOBILES OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Astoatatf -wrcldinc. ffw-Mral niaVrMiw 4 tuu Tvtmirmt, Pattcnk aitklnc Vri -itMiaJ mcn mrr 4-jrrvad. Exprt csraaae-rle-i, Uairte aad bappllra. Fairmont' Diadem butter. Alwaya good. DAVID COLKCREAMKRy COMPANY laralos and tv telllaae. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, Omaha. I'aleals. HIRAM A. STDKOIS. patsnt lawyer. U. . and foreign patents, trademark snd copyrights; si years' experience. tn hrsndsis 1 neater, uidg. tol uoug. es. D. O. Barnell. I'sxtjn Blk. Tel.Red Wlllard Eddy, le) City Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-autugraphere. Rlnehart. pl-otoareaar. Uth a rarnam. IBeaegmska Edison phonograph Phults Bros., lets Far 1'latlMS. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 114 B. Wth, , a'riatlac. Lew W. Rabcr, Printer, &t BF.rJ BI.Dtl. ENTRANCB ON COL'KT. Lngalad Printing Co.. Hth Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. 4it for uood printingj WANTKU Ah si penanced mangle gin. Mght, airy laundry, go wagea. Midland Hoiel. j AN experienced girl lor general house- work: best wages; no washing, lus B. SM St. 'Phone H. list QI1U. tor general boussaork; I in fam Uy. 11 Harney. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up tba office of tba Omaha council Blulfa Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left it In tha street can. . . Many articles each dsy ara turned In ana the company hi anxious to restore them lo tha rightful eaaer. Call Doug las as OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAlbWAT COM r An I . OFFERED FOR MEXT a'arau-bed Hawass. MODERN, clean, well furnished room. Few other roomer 1417 Jones. A WIDOW, living a block northwet of postofflc. desires two or three gen tlemen roomers: nresxrasi u oeeireu; rooms beautifully furnished; only best of people need apply. Address H 114. De. Ml 8. Zith Ht.. 7 room strictly modern. 125. J. I. Kemp, 3th and Leavenworth. Doug, sea,, ind. A-1SSS. CLEAN, steam-heated rooms, II. 60 per week. 41 8. K.ih. COMFORTABLE room In modem home. references If desired. x Farnam. VVKLL heated sleeping room lit 8. ?th. - ST. MARY'S AVE.. "SSi-Ono nicely furnished front parlor, with piano, strictly modern; 1J per month. Douglas mi. NICELY furnished, well heated single room; electric lights; private family. Kje Jons. KLK hotel. Klh snd Cuming, special weekly rates. Nswly furnished, steam heated rooms. Faratsbad Haasekc-eplag staaasa, THE MANUEL-Two-room apartment Et.09. The Howard, t-room. private bsth. r.0. Bst and Howard. HjllNISHLIi housekeeping rooms; rsnt ressonable. Red Jst!. 10 PARK AVB-SUte of two furnished or unfurnished front rooms tor light housekeeping. AH modern house; llgat:, heat, telephone. Harney Xfc. ONE front room, furnished for light houackeeplng. 647 B. ath Ave' KT. MARY'8 AVE., tat-Two nicely furnished front rooms: modem: complete for housekeeping; tit per month, afaraleBed saaaavs. BEAUTIFULLY furnished t-room house in llanacom park district, i none itarney wi. - laferalehed Heeaa 4 MODERN rooms, parlor floor, near park. 1MHI 8. atll. FOl'R or five unfurnishsd rooms, modem cottage. Ul N. gd. In atleaellaaeaaa. TOUNO women coming ts Omaha as ttrarmerd are Invilsd tu visit the Young Women's Christian aesoctatton building, at St. Mary a Avs. and l,th St., where I hey will be directed 10 suitable boarding places or othsrwiss assisted. Look fur our travelers" guhle at tha Cnlon siallou. AMAikolu of aMilty for diauiAne show. Apply director, lall tiarney, be tween I a. ro. and la a. HELP WANTED MALE Aateaut Baleeseea aad SaUcliaea. wr WANT local axenta for tha new model rox visible typewriter. Write us for our liberal proposition, typewriter inspection and Supply Co.. Wcstsra Dis tributers, In a., itut Firnam. WANTED--A man In every county to sell recipes to fix ssed corn so mice and squirrels and gophers will not touch It. J. C. llutton, aprlngfleld. 8. D. Clerical, aad Olllee. -CANTJ" High-grade positions, tot Be. lt th CENTRAL PKi.M'LNG CO. do your work. 1417 Douglaa. Tel. D. 1.64. KlILL, areas suits and party dresses for ,ai. u lor rent, al u, m JOHN LLUMAN. Xa N. 17th. U. Rlrs-Hall Ptg. Co . lot g 14. ItKl. A-i4. steaiaarssila. Cark Caf. fcoms cooklr. Wit Dodg OKI the habit, eut at Cneeua. Cap. Ave. kleel Tssk a I'Blveel Campaatea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. In h and Nicholaa. u. B. Miaeellaaeeiaa, n. . -T IIm. MnBtl In rain BOOl. try with tna old Trusty Incubator. Write lor tree catalogue, aru aa. wmm, ' Center. Neb. Stea-aarapBer aad Coart Hrpwrlesa. Myrtle A. rlley. 701 Bren. The. t. SCSS. KM.MA A. TK1.LKH. 417 lisrkxr bk. D Sil R. A. lallorlaa. William, clothes altereJ. i4 tt lake. ouii-date garments ex. lor new, t . Jt.. teats aad Aaststa OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. S Douglas. Iraasia BBat Bait Caaea. Frelmg' Steinle. ISM Farnam St. Wig Maaataetarera. T. S. nrifflth. wig mfg. IS FrenxT Bib. ti-atevtltea. Omsha secret eervloe det agency. Inc.. Bnaded. 4-t Pet ton Blk. D. Ills. A-IIU. L. W. LONONECKER. 117 Karbarh Blk. JAalFJi ALLAN, Nevl le U. Tyirr lui rTL MCLERAN. StMClallst In Plate work. Satlafactloa or a lee. eJl Braaoels Bldg. Bailee, th dentin. City Nat'l. D. a-. Mach Mach. Sd floor Paxtoa. D. Haa DswaeasaktBg. DRESSMAKINO. Mil Hsmey. H. 1W4. Terry's Dreasmaking coliege. 3sth A Far. SEW ING by day In fsml:ls; good work guersnteeo. call evenings, won, au K very lata LleetricaL Burs ew-O ran dec, Co. Kit Howard. D. til Electric lighting tlx-, wholesale and retail. tfvervthlaaj lee VYeiaaea. CON SI XT PR- Bt'RJCX. 41 Doug. Blk. Curtains and pleca washing. Har. 4sU raedl MUla aad ntaraa. Fasd, all Uadg, Wet tfVa. SS IiarA Wlstaa aad LIaeSfa. MAY A CO.. family liquor. WS Douglaa WILLOW tfpilliga beer, linuor. cigara. esndwicnea Alex Jetee. 'ac Douglas. VIRGINIA DARK wine, tie g Urge sot' tie. Klala t louor House Oi si. lath Su EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Comalete courses la Bustnees. Book. keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil service, or BaiesmaneiMr. 1 1 ne catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at one. Address H. B. Hoyles, President. Boyle . College. Omaha. Ieli. V COOKING CLASSES JL; (13 Lessons for $4.00) W. - SEWING, C MILLINERY T GENERAL EDUCATION A. , Clasps B?gin Feb. 12. ZLTORUiU. MitlU gtada. M.K14. aaetary aad radve. Drug stor tsnapai juus. Knlem.Bee Bldg IN Kountae Pls.-e. Bold mounted eye glasses; reward. Mra. Shepard, 8004 Wirt IK vAuna man that found onen-fared watch on railroad tracks north of Flor ence Saturday at t o'clock will leave at Bank cf Florence ha will get rewsru or phone Florence 1544. HAY mare aeisht about S00 pounds; shoes all around: to calk oft left hind shoe. Phon Webster 4011 MEDICAL DR. BACK, specialist: nervoua and all chronic diseases. UU Harnsy. Red Si. MONEY TO LOAN PIPE fitter wanted. 1 lint, care of Bea iou Allal WAKTEU tor goverameot lob. f-w.se montn send postal tor usi oa pueiliona open, siknkitu insutuis. a-epi. le Lfc. swnww. AkAisbss of ability, tor di-amati show. Appiy director, ins uarasy. Be tween TO a. m. an s p u. wiKTKU yok U. A AKMY-Abia- bodieu umuarrleo men. beiweeu the ages ... i. . n.i r: rnlxens of L nited Statea, ot good tna racier and tamp rat hsbits, who can speak, read and write the e.ng!lsB language. For miormation apply to re cruiting officer. 1 tk and Duugss SU, Omaha. Neb.; I7 41 ti St.. Sioux city, la-j 130 fc. RUB gt.. Lincoln. iw. ALTO SCHOOL, ! OMAHA. t LA ROE (-HOI'S. OCARANTKE, htgner uual-Itv- graduates. Mora cars and actual repair aork then any three weetern arhwoHi; let ue phovbi it. Salary aad thattela. MONEY FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Money It always a necessity, but never mora ao than at this lime of the year, allli Ha Increased cost of living, if you ar wrestling with this phaaa ot tha money problem and need financial assist ance we believe we can nelp you. Wa will negotiate a loan for you on your Heal Kstate, Persunal Property. HOCSEHOLD GOODS. PIANO. WARE HOUSE RECEIPT. BANK BOOK. AU TOMOBILE. WAGES, or on your PLAIN NOTE, It permanently employed. Money advanced Quickly, urtvateiy and conn, dent. ally. YOLK CALL WILL BE AP tKECIATED. . RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor, SOS Paitoa Block, 21T So. ltth BL Phon Doug. 1411 n.cou.eui TO LOAN. , My clients have confidence In th uti blluy and turtur growth of Omaha. I am. theref ore In a position loan an residence and buslneae propen.a la sums of si.std up to sny amount desired, where sufficient security Is ottered, and will agree to accept from N to tt par cent of loans on any Interest data. Ixiajis closed promptly. Tour buslneae solicited. W. H. THOMAS. ya First Nstlonsl Hsnk Pljg u. s.; WANTl-.D Men t learn the barber trade. We hav the jeoa waning. Fea- weeks compleu by our system., rrv shsve afford etcady practice, expert in structions quantise you Cor tup wait. Everything in uie Business taugoi piao ticany. Tools a. ran. Diplomas grantej. Positions waiting lit country ami city shops. Hundrede of graduate eent to us tor help Write at one from di.lar.ee or call frera city. Molar Barber UuD. 1M 8. 14th 5t. i v - TELEOHAPH aoeitloa guaxatiieed yea by both Union Pacific and llunots Cen tral railroads It you gain your training In our school. Practice mK.L wires. Ad drere for particulars, at. B. Doyls Pre. Boyle Collage, Omn, Neb. Good men ai lard to get. They don't- wander around ttie streets, looking for signs in window - W hen yeu need good help advertlM la Tha Bee. Re went sds are read by kea h energetk) men who ieb to- better tieir cendl tion.. P.s-es le ner word if run two or more times con aecuDvtiy. Telephone Trier Im. . . - MONEY loaned salaried pwpte. women keeping -house and ethers, without se curity, easy payments. Otriees In 47 prin cipal cities. To.nuxu, be Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., rormsrty t. Lrfle Biag. Hetels and Aaartaaeats. Dewey European Hotel, ltth A Farnam. NICELY FURNlitHKD KOOM8 for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 S. lth r-l. OFFERED VOH REXT Moaaea aad tttaaee. t FOR Rent or Sale Cheap-Beautiful new room house and barn. All modern. Mica location. Telephone Florence 191 Stare aad Offices. STORE rooms, stesm heated, fronting alley at 107 and WD Farnam St. Hara merchandise entrances, glass fronts. Thos. F. Hall. Hi Ratnge bldg, Botu Phones. M'CAUUK BUILDING. Uth and Dodge. Attractive offices, slngie or en suite: hot snd coid water In neany all rooms; rents. 7.w to xsu.ue; service complete. Apply, OMAHA LOAN A BUII.UINti ASS N. lJfT Howard, t floors snd basement, !4t. HOs Fsrnam. I floor snd bssement, lint. II and 112 S 17th. 41x60. cement base ment, tlM. lilt rarnam. garage, fin. F. D. WEAD. IW1 FARNAM JT. Store at WA Harney St., new. Office or salesroom at Uth and Har ney, hew. id floor at 1501 Harney, new. td floor at Uot-l Harney, new. Basement at ltos-lt Harney, new. I Office at 1517 Farnam. second floor. O. C. HED1CK, Attorney. 1617 Farnam St. Stor at MS Cuming St. . Store at Hot Cuming St. Store at m N. Mb St. stor at K7 N. Hth St. Store at SM N. Mth, South Omaha. O. C. RED1CK, Attorney, 117 Fsrnam St. OFFICE room on second floor facing Kth street bM Bo. 14th St., room It. TWO fine suite. Baldrldge Bldg., JOth and Farnam St. F. D. V EAD, lfOl FARNAM ST. Warcheaece. 16.100 sq. ft. and good basement, central -location on lotli St.. with H. R spur la alley, K0O0 per year. Vacant May L Harrison & Morton ' OFFEKED FOR SALE. OXFORD and Arcade, epeial wkly rate Douse, running hot ami vvkt water; tei- epho-ies In svsry rootn pricwt ths asms. . Apartaaeata aad faaia. t-ROOM flat on Sherman Ave. Web. I7fe t ROOM apartments, hrlck. recuon Phone Harney aw. t office rooms; also scant space Ivxtu ft. on id floor. 1311 Douglas. Uf, S. Wth Ave.-Attiactive -room flat, second fioor of practically new Brick. Strictly modern. In best condition: should be seen. Key next huus west facing 27th St. ' ' FOL'R ROOMS, CLOSE IN. Look at tat Howard hi., a strictly modern "SL l-Ouls" fist, within very easy walking distance. t. i rAiM, a oi-Aitov v.u.. Sola Agfa.. 6th Fl.. Omaha NsL Bk. Bldg. Houses aad Cottage cmfwy . Haaaea aad Callage. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Exprsssineo s Delivery co. let. Oouglas en. city otiice, .ia a. aaii ou. Bee Bldg. 7-ROOM house. S4; t-roon:, trJ. Han scQTi prk; modern. Phone Harney UdS. rTnnsoa ,n " bart of the city. .ElUUBes Crfltr) son, j, qq . bi Bldg. MOD. e-rom cottage. Fin rep'r. H. I MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos ta our buslneea. Omaha Van at Storsga Co.. fireproof storage. BN 8. 101 h, by tne vlndilct. Branch Office. 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 4141 A-liat. 9T4 S. 3tu: t rooms, oamplstsly mod sm. fe!7.E. 572 S. xath: g rooms, com' pletely modern, US. Thos. F. . Hall. 439 Kamge Block. D. 7401: A -4404. OCR LbTTKR duplicating work Is un- exceiiea. a irisj win convince you. notft 'phonee. Western Duplicatlnt Co.. 404 Bee. A small cash payment and . . Th Reat You Pay In Omaha Will Bay a Belter Home la BenaoS. F. S. TBULLINGER, BENSON XT-tr.I. U1A.VS- Loaest rate easiest isims. Se others, then sea us and a eohrlnced that wa Will sava you money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. E. Cor. ltth a Doug Sts. D. Ind. ASU RENTAL SNAPS. S-r., city water. 7!4 Bancroft.. 110 . e-r., city sratsr. 2;i6 K. ltth bt It 59 t-r., modern, 14 Coi-bv u.ie) s-r., city ". tfor colored) 14JS Martha li.Oft s-r., modern. Mil weoeter N ot Also sevsrsl othrs. $12 t0 2 ' RUSSELL A JucKITRICK CO. 431 Ramge Bldg. Uth A Harney. D. sal. xtoNRr an furniture, pianos, at erv low rata of loterest. Xebraaka Loan Co. SB BLK SLIM. Doug. I13k ' - A-:rA GET IT bV Mite bnow. O. I- B.. al Star Loan Co.. til Paxtoa Blk.. tl to tltt. without security: t suit you. . DIAMOND JAA.VS si and 5 per cent. I'l-ATAU, !34 Do-ige. TtL Red salt. OFI tvliEll FOIt i.E.VT O. M. - Heard aad Koasaa. E. hauls trunks. D. I1. A-?Bl. LAN I.O.X Viarra looms, aiia 511 . ii:h ft,. . . latt 8. Will 1ST., aarin slug's don tie room, with firet-elas board. f'aralsaiea ttaaaaa FOR REXT-Two furnished parlor rooms rrltM heat ami gas. Us h. trdSL tot MKN. 7 to 4 year old. wanted at aaos tor electric railway motor saea ad conductor; t tl a moaiB; a sx Beriraos necessary: fia opportunity: no strika. Write immediately tor apptlcatioa Adorasa z h. a. .. . Now. wall people ere look ing for more comfortable qrqfters. H t'ie time to sd- ' - vtrtiv trrjar room for rent. Rates le per aoid wtar th d rtm two Or more times. MODERN, well heated, comfortable room: rental reasonable, tit 9. Ed St. DESLRAftLS furnished room, prlvste family. bt!t t. tatb. TeL Webster tri. NICE, new modern roam; prtvsie faru Uy. V B. JCth SL Harney tTU. WKtsl' tarnsm.- new modern stucco horn. Best district. Red 117 t-ROO M cottage, mod., tli S. lith. t. . Fraliare, LIBRARY raws; fumed oak: practically new; too, large for. us; dimension, sxl ft.; ust sen quick; neea tne room, tiarne OOLUEN oak buffet. Hsmey 4J34. NEARLY now hard coal stove ihalark TJ. wen. Aatirees on . nprague. X AAftllAlN'ft 1 taHhl MiHir.1 ran. for tit: sltd 1 Mftnre's P6 hard coal basa burner for tit. See Janitor at Alms Apt., 37th snd Hsrnsy. 'i'el. Harney 2. - HBsleal tastrameata. ATTENTION' .' MOVIVO , PICTITBSI MEN AND OTHERS. We sell, reoair and rnt more automatic pianos than any ulnar concern, west. of. Chicago; modem shops tor nrpalrsj always a number of excellent bargains in ' second-hand In struments. . can or write. - NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Hsmey Sis:, Omaha. Neb. FOR SAI.F. A.hetv hlsh Krsda mahenv. any piano, priced righL ill! Uuorgia Ave., Harney sis.'' v - Typewriters. RENT . an Oliver typewriter (rem tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 591. TYPEWRITERS. . ALL MAKES For sale or rent; largest stock; best bargaina. B. F. BWANPON co., uit rarnam su. Omaha. Call or srlio. - . .. SMITH PRBM1ERS. models No. I or Na. 4, In txrellent co ndition, rented three months fur -It. . -SMITH PRKMIF.R TTPKWR1TKR CO. v ltth and Do-Jtlss. . LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for renL THB MONARCH TTPtt WP.ITEH CO.. 411 '8. ltth. Tsl. D. 40. -' MlaceUaaeoaa. FOR 8ALT4 Two scholsnhlps In tha Omaha Commercial college and one la Bayles college. Business office, Omaha Bee. ' tisD KLECTR1C- fist Irons for tot N. ttth. ...-'- S.it. NO.' 1 BI'FFALO COAT, large else, dark color. M. McVelth, 1112 Georgia Ave., Omaha. Harney tits - Be want ads will sell fur- niture, pianos, stoves, type writers, sewing machines, musical Instruments, bicy cles., etc., at a cost of only a few cent Don't delay; get yeur ad in now. - FOR SALE Ntw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables aad bcwling alley and accerrorlee; bar fix tures of ail kinds: ey payments. The Riunswick-Balke-Coliandar Co., eCi-tOtv S. 'fit "it. . - - , t-ROOM. ground floor, t'f, A -,h. tlu Inoulre It'll 8. Vh. Phone Doug. 2. i-huOM CAtta. e, uaa. ciiy aster, no K !4th Ave. t-ROOM hcuee, tS's't Martha St. In- quire at 91! N. Uis SL; 7. Telephoo :-reom flet. M floor, til N. Slth. t-roora f:L M floor. Ki "S. :h. t-roo.Ti houw art i;C N. 17th. ' t-room house at L43 N. 17th. ' O. C P-ED1CK. Attorney, 1517 Famam St. - e-ROOM modern cottage, tttft nnt St. Phone -bter 1 TLN rooms, mouera. IjC4 So. 27th. Fin for two tam:l;e. -D. LTR NICE modern coom col tag ah Flor ence car line. Large cemented cellar, vapor beau gas and electric light, large yard. 3 j0 per month. Webster e4a. t77l UOHT ioon house with ranxe. rrodern eve-pt neat. Inoulre within, f :j FOR RENT New lew-room roooera buck bouae. not water neat. lxl hamey Si T i. O'Rrien. Henhaw rLoi. pnons ii i;i or Hamey ltw. t-ROOM atraia healed apartnient Tu Xasn, Hat snd Mason Sla, fkiiv. Teie phor.e Doiigie 1S71 S-i;iJOM strictly EiodCi-B bouse, U, Famam. J 1. Kenip. laveuwea-th. Phone Douglss MS or It;-!. 14. t-ROOM etric.lv modern house, till Jones. 4p5r month J. I. Kent?. Phone Poogla SKS or ln.1. A-l? Heasea, loa. Binguail. Bracdsat Ta. Blag. tD SAFES. DKRIOHf. Farnam 8U Trustee Sale LUMBER AND Pt.ANINO MILL At th annual meeting of th Dtawck Lumber Company, South Omaha. Neb., held Januarv stn. v. the stockholders voted lo cioae the company's business, sell alt lb . com pane's property and :i.(u date the company s affair. To that end 1 will sell at public auction Tues day. January Vnli. lli in front ot th compsny's office, located at tit North 24th Street South Omaha, at 10 o'clock e m. (unless sold ai inventoried pric before that date), ail the stock of lum ber, merchsreiiss and material; real as lata consisting ot Lo. 4. Block H. orig inal plat of South O-nxha. Ner... with p anina- mill and machinery, euulpmem. fixtures and office and shed hulldtnea the rev and ether assets of company, all inventoried net at C :"; to ba aoul tor easB io the highest bidder. L. A. DKVINF, Trustee. 3ut Karbacb Block. Omaha. Neb. ov blue grass now on th snow snd have nice velvet lawn next spring and summer. THE NEBRASKA 6TCHD CO, TA Dawglss 1W. till Howard St. SAFKS Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargaina. American Sji ply Co.. 1110 Famam SL PERSONAL YOUNG women coming ta Omana as etrangcr are innted to visit the Young Women Christ an asSociatioa building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., where they aill be directed to suitable boardir.j 'iiares, or etberwlss assisted. Ixyk f eur uavcers' aid at ths Coiob ataiioaa