THE. REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. .TANTARY 31. mi. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska L Nebraska ' ITTirjf fIPflrJ MnnnP I AW !Bud The tour hsd wml knot In the insurance lew. of ihe stsle. ! niinun UtUn LiyUUIl Lift II I drinks IPaether and durin the tin: they Srhe years ago the t'omracnwralih Life j " i "T ' ln looB a 'so enfsied in a row. ; insurant company of Omaha souclit to OHU Case to Be Taken tn United1 nl n ' inn an accttrni and s'.clt bewnt In- - C.. c ' . damages. Stnllh allf- jsuranc in connection vtth a life business supranc vouru in that while Roehrt did not put out ; and the attorney ceneral's oftVe held that ' " ! W5". e. Is owner of the place and the ; it could not he done uiuto the vhr,.k. T DZAUES EHTEBE5TLT : p"y vh0 M " ,he PrtlripsnU the law under which It sras Imomornted. The nquor. wnicn it is enarged caused we (question now la whether the same restrie row. waa liable. lion applies to foreign cimpanies whose The point on which the federal court la charter, permit them to write all these assea 10 intervene is that the law make the licensed Heller of liquor liable for civil damasks while the unlicensed vendor who sells or (Ires It away la not llaMe. and therefore the law Is ' discriminatory and void. jlewmsed Veadar Liable for CItII Daaaasea, While Inlleeased Keller la ?St Sa Held I ader the at Art. Ptom a Staff Correspondent.) IJNCOUC. Jan. 3. - (Special - The l lotted States supreme court has notified ha supreme court of Nebraska to certify pp to the federal supreme court the case Ford Smith against Kdward A. Rueh- ' and the Title tiuaniiity company of Franton. ra. The action as one against Inehrts;. a ralcon Jteeper of Oira.i-., a-.i bond, the Guamnty companv, fie lonalas district co'.irt Eivinc Smith a .eroict lor and the supreme crjrt toe tiato affirminc the court Mow. K defendant sought to go to the fed eral supreme court on a writ of -error. ut tne state court denied the writ, w hich Has now been granted by the federal court. ; In 1M Roehrlt ran a saloon at IOCS Jiorth Sixteenth street. Fbrd Smith and I-eo Hawklos, colored, entered his place, 'la vhjtu at the time were George and Doctor's Best Formula Brea. Severest Cold la a Bay sad Coras Any Caraals Conga. --, ,, iii-inn.iuuu' ' This has been published here for sev jeial winters and lms trover: the quickest and mom reliable formula obtainable fur I coughs and colds. "IVoin your drurglst get two ounces of (Jlycertaa and half an I ounce Concentrated Pine cinipound. Take these two Ingredients home and put them into a half pint of good, whlskev. Khake It well and take one to two teaspoon fuls after each meal and at bed time, i Smaller dnses to children according to slags. Be sure lo get only the genuine , ,Uloba) Concentrated Pine. Each half i ounce bottle oomea In a sealed tin screw-top esse. Any druggist has It on ;haud or will quickly get It from his 'Wholesale house. IWt experiment with prepsratlois because of cheapness. It , don't pay to fool with a bad cold.-Adv. 'TOOTHACHE I ny suffer) Apply Dent's Toothache Gum j ' , And stop ths ache instantly. Al Drag Store. ISa llard'a Salary Safe. K. C Itiird. engineer of the State Rail way commission, and State Auditor Bar ton, both object to the statement that the auditor Ins or Intends to hold up the pay of Knglneer Hurd on the ground I hit the engineer Is drawing a salary from the Omaha. Lincoln a; lieatrlc In Ururban railway company. Mr. Hurd savs that, he was at one time employed by the company, but that he resigned all connection with It when hentred the eemploy of the state, ami has not since that time had any other employment than engineer for the state. Auditor Bar ton iwi that several months ago some one made a verbal charge of this kind to him and that he Investigated It at the time and ascertained there was nothing to It and dropped the matter, and It had not since eniered his mind. So far as the salary is concerned the ruling on the case of Architect Miller would be a bar to holding up tha pay unless tt was shown that Hurd waa neglecting his du ties to the state. If he waa in reality an employe of the Inierurban road It would ts:id to render him an Improper person to value the inierurban property for the ataie, but Mr. Hurd insists that his connection with that property ceased be fore lie entered the employ of the state. ebrask Hmt Ready The Nebraska State Railway commis sion was not represented at the meeting lug Chicago at which the representative of the Interstate Commerce commission refused to suspend for ttt days the pro posed Increase m rates west of the Mis souri river. The state commission repre sentatives maintain It will require at least that length of time to check up the vari ous rates and ascertain whether they are just and that they would not be prepared to go Into ths case on Its merits sooner. They also Insist that to put ths rates In effect pending a hearing would be unjust to the shippers. While the Nebraska commission was not represented at ths meeting. It will stand by the other states In the protest and take up Its share of the burden In contesting the new rates. Ussatlpvs at Hastings. , Ths outbreak of smallpox .at ths Hast !ngs hospital for the Insane has not yet been celled to the attention of ths offi cials at the capltol, but they say. It would bo nothing strange If-such a thing had occurred. If It has. they say It will be an easy metier to stop Its spread, as a rigid quarantine oan be maintained and the hospital has the best of facilities tor caring for any who might be 'afflicted with the disease. It might be cdmmuuf- cated to Inmates In several ways, from visitors, .contracted by some of ths pa tients who are permitted their liberty, or from soma now Inmate who waa exposed previous to coming to ths hospital. 1 l.ewal lasaraace Kirt. ; .Stats Auditor barton has asked the at torney general to untangle another legal kinds of Insuranc-. There are three such companies which are and for several years have been writing such insurance In Ne braska, via: the Travelers, the Aetna of Connecticut and the Pacific Mutual Iite of San Francisco, Via Will lease ta Oaaahat There has been considerable speculation about the state house as to who would f HARMON ENTERS THE LISTS Ohio Democrat's Name Formally Placed on Primary Ticket FAILS CITY MAN SUBMITS IT Willi. K. Keed at sjadlawa riles far I ailed states sraalar Iras dels ta Kweak at t're-snwat. LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. y -The name of Judson Ilarnton of OhH -as tiled as a presidential candidate here today while that of William J. Bryan wns withdrawn. The Harmon petition was not on file represent the attorney general's office in I ver' l,r,"r the Kran petition, case some on wss delegated, at the ro-1 r"'H, vt month ao. wos taken oot auest of the aovernor. to take a hand In ,no "toy ot the sven-tary f slal. the lnvestlgatloia of the Iwuglas county grand Jury, one guess Is that Mr. Martin or one of his deputies. Messrs Edrerton or Ayres, would go and ancither that an outsider would be designated. If an out sider, the name most frequently men tioned Is Arthur Mullen, who prosecuted the case against Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha. Talk has it that Mullen Is the fan red one with the attorney gen eral, but that the suggestion does not strike a responsive chord In the gov ernor's office. BERTRAND MAN CHARGED WITH STEALING HORSE HOLDRKGE, Neb.. Jan. 3B.-I Special.) Glen Chllds, a young man from the vil lage of Bert rand. In this county, was ar raigned before County Judge U C. Ban on Monday, charged with the theft of a horse. Waiving both the reading of the complaint and the preliminary hearing the young man pleaded not guilty and was at onoe bound over to the district court Bond was fixed in the sum of M and Chllds was sura he could secure bondsmen for this amount, but was un able to do so on Mondsy. John Anders, a resident of Bertrand, Is the complain ing witness and he charges thst young Chllds took the animal from his bsrn one night In November and after driving it to Lexington, sold It to a horse buyer. Clues were soon obtained and the horse ass traced to Illinois and eventually re claimed by Mr. Anders. A Woman Vritos . - v "I am using Solvay Coke and I would not . return to coal fires for any consideration. What are my reasons? , It is cheaper, almost as impor : tant, it is light women can handle it with ease. I Use Milwaukee "The Fuel without Fault" - It is quick to kindle in a very few minutes you can have a bright fire and an oven as hot as you like. It is excellent for ironing no danger of poisoning from gas, and, ' best of all, there are no ashes to sift." 2.000 dealers In the Northwest $tB Milwaukee Sobxtg Coke. Ask your dealer for older or write to us. PIGKANDS, BROWN St COMPANY, OolbyAbbot Building MHwmukm, tWaw FOR SALE BY i OMAHA PUBLISHER BUYS NEBRASKA CITY PAPER NEBRASKA CITf. Jan. . -(Special.) Soma time ago the administrator of Jacob Buetler'a estate put up and sold ths Staata Zeltting, a German weekly paper, which has been published In this city for the last forty-four years. Geore Maurer. a tailor, conceived the Idea he wanted the plant and to become a news paper man. Me purchased the ssme. and operated It for a little over a month. Teaterday he sold the plant to Val J. Paters of the Omaha Tribune, who will move the plant at once to Omaha, where he will consolidate It with the Tribune. This paper Is the oldest German paper In the west and waa estaaullshed by Dr. Fred Renner. This leaves this county wlthout a German publication. , STEVE BALES OF TALMAGE COMMITS SUICIDE AT COOK Central Ceal & Coke Co, of Omaha both 'Phonea -Bell Doug, lasi: Ind. A-l6S Opposite Orphuem ..Theater F IEPOSITS m&de on or before February 10th inlhe SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 6f the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANE will draw interest from Feb ruary 1st. THREE FEB CENT Interest is paid oa avinjs deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY.- Funds may be with, drawn at any time without notice. TV casasisew capltaj and surptai it l,40.8o.C. It la Oa Mast ban la Nakraaka. ' KitahlUhsd In ltSf. UniieJ Slates National Bank of Qmtlu, SefrisSi TKCUMSBll. Neb.. Jan. .-(8psclal Telegram.) itave Bales, a well known laborer of T si mate, committed suicide by hanging himself In the barn at ths homo of his son-in-law, Lou Cook, a mils south of Cook this morning. It Is said that he had been drinking for sev eral days and that hs attempted to com mit' suicide by crawling on to the rails under a car on the Missouri Paciflo at Cook yesterday just as ths train was about, to start,' but trainmen discovered him.' Bales wss aged about K years and leaves a widow and seven grown children Sheriff K. I. Roberts and Coroner C. R. Snell havs goene'to Cook to hold an In quest. , ROUNDHOUSE FIREMAN SUES FOR FIFTEEN THOUSAND MADISON. Neb., Jan. SH-ISpeclal.)-Petsr Cades, an assistant fireman at the roundhouse at Norfolk, who on Novem ber 11. 1U, was severely scalded about the face and upper portion of the body by the expioatoa of a steam pipe, baa commenced suit Jn the district court of this county to recover from the Chicago eV Northwestern Railway company dam ages ia the sun of S15.0M. .Us alleges In .'da petition that ths railroad company was. criminally, negligent In keeping the team pipe In weak, unsound and shaky condition. ,11. F., Harrington of O'Neill 11 Cades' . attorney. tare at Faraaas Robbed. FARKAM. Nab... Jan. JU.-((peolal-Burglars broke Into J. W. Rogers' big department store here early this morn ing, securing about tit In money and sev eral pairs of ahoes and neckties. In light ing matches to secure the goods they evi dently threw sua Into an Inside eellarway and started a Are. Several barrels and boxes were burned and the floor Joist waa nearly burned off. The fire waa In long eeliarway wtlh the Inside door oloeed and It could hot get draft and smothered out. It was not discovered uatll the store was opened at t o'clock. The fire toes wfas eovefad sy lnsu ranee. . K. Zrvwrraaa. &aV Osav - F. ataiswisa, Ass. Oaaa. t. . Beslew, FsaaUsaS. . V. Wattles. Ttos-Prsa. . B. Calars-eU. Ttea-rsaa. -. S. seadaa. ask. Lj. Of- o Saturday latU Jt-.OQ r. M. Haiders Wwataa'e Osk Elect. IIOLDRBGH, Nek., Jan. Jo. -(Special) Ths Holdrage Womsa's alus has elected officers for the year WHm aa follows; President. Mrs. Earnest C. Potts: vice president. Mrs. P. A. ftundeury.; record log sseratary, Mrs. A. A, Johnson: corrr poedlas secretary, Mrs. Harry Heflln; titeasarer, Mrs. A. X Warren, IVoart raent prraMcats were alas selected aa fol low: pusai aria sdenne. Mraa Aletta Neft music, fcrr. C B. Morgan; child at adv. Mrs. B. Jbsea: Uteratoro. acre. J, A. Aa- rede ration atody, Mrs. F. Par. art. Miss Rathertno Schwartln-: partiaaMBtarlaa. Mrs, C. U Duaaam. Tsrk Vkett ta Ftse gkae. TORK. Nh, Jan. l (SpeckU.V-The rapartt tram aO over Tork eonnty, ia rs anrd ta ta eoadltioa of winter wheat at taJS time at that the prospect was aeexr better for a large nron. BsraaXa aasia at Vark. TCSK. NMh. Jan. txpeclal.) Ixnua Bcaadels of Rostaa will maka a polttcal spserli at the opera house al 2: p. m. Friday, Me speaJis In behalf of the ntegremw nepvNtw. wllh a ahoatlan .Vrasr both parties wounded, demands rnlcm, Halve. Heala wounds. anrsa. bums. boUs. cuts or piles. Only Ik. Far sals by Beaton l::ur v by A. A. Artcr. whose nsinc was first Un it and who was for I filing and circulating It. The Harmon petition wits filed In Mwln l'alloon, of Falls City. Ni b., and waa signed b h'm arid thirty other democratic residents of that lily. It whs given to the secretary of stele shortly befurw noon. Harmon's name is now added to those of Woodrow Wilson and Ilobert U. Rosa, the latter an inhabitant of 1-ejUnKton. Neb., whose presidential petition was filed by fellow tesl lonls of that city. Kdwln Kalloon, Frank Smith, A. Zimber. A. J. Ifelmlrk. John Oajrnn. Conam, A. R Fraker. C. C. Itavicl. J U lrd, I. U Al.lrtvh. f. J. Huhcr. K. V. Mr- i iwrr. Krnest U-,.ii. J. y. rTolnl.-k. '. ioree. ,. w. .Morris, It. A. N.lts.1. J. II. Hutrhlngs. F. J tlhcr. I. '. Mut. leis C liWMtils. Auum K. (htlitt, llenrv tlerdes, J II. Moss. Mas J. Ilartnutn. Harvey Wshl. F. N". Pan hen. W. S. Snil ojs, Albert Bode. W. T. Fenton. M. Olaniiini. Mr. Arter filed the following not'.i'S of withdrawal: Secretary of State Ailiilaon Walt. I.ln col.i. Neb : (.earning that it Is not the ili-. lie of William J. Hrvan that his name aptH-ar mi the democratic ticket as a presidential candidate and learning that he deslrt-a lo go to the democratic nt ttonsl convention as s dHi-gale-at-larae from the state of NVbraitke, I hereby wllhdrsw tho petition filed by me. tiSlglied) A. A. ARTER. Reed t ampletea Filing The long expected filing of Willis K. Reed of Madison as a democratic candi date for the t'nlted States senate, was made today. If he should sun-red In Isnd ing the plum It would seem to Indicate hla law firm was a good one for ambi tious politicians to Join, William V. Allen Omaha's Only Modern Clothing Store. The Home of Vuallty Clothe. ATB MaVLF OM OT CIKrTatXb. Even if your boy don't need cloth ing now, it will pay you handsomely to anticipate bla future requirement a Your money Is mere valuable when thus Inveited la clothes than if draw ing i intereat. Come while the nuking Is good. te fit 00 gaits. I1M ts ns.os H-aO to ls.00 Orataoaln. lJilsM.M Don't lose sight of the fact that this great 1 Js a btina-fitlf reduction event H-rtaining to King-Swauson Quality garments. There is no r'peciaHy jmrfliasetl elotliiiifr ineludeJ. Jn other words, we do not follow the usual eustoin of buying job lots for sale purposes ami fortius? them off oil an unsusiHt'tinp puhlie as our regular goods. Every garment Iioars the earmarks of quality and stylo that lias made this store the most talked alniut clothing store in the country. Plenty of sizes and plenty of kinds for all. $10.00 to $35.00 Suits for $5.00 to $17.50 $10.00 to $40.00 Overcoats for $5.00 to $20.00 $10.00 to $35.00 Top Coats for $5.00 to $17.50 $10.00 to $30.00 Raincoats for $5.00 to $15.00 $ 5.00 to $20.00 Slip-Ons for $2.50 to $10.00 was twice a member of tho I'nlted Stains si-nate. the second time through the medium of the famous "sting of In giailiude," and John llnblnson. snothrr menitier of the firm, now dad. was elrrteU to roiurreaa from the Third dis trict. J. W. Kelly. sergent-at-arma of the last house, sent In his filing as a dome i ratio candidate tor secretary ot state on Imtli the democratic and populist tickets. The democratic filing la a personal one and the populist la by petition. J. M. Urace of Mascot. Harlan county, haa filed as a democratic candidate for serstor from the Twenty-rirst district. His petition Is signed among othcra by W. J. Furs. William Kvereon and A. C. Sltallenberger. John C. Yeiaer of Omaha, who admits he Is the father of the Roosevelt boom In Nebraska, while In the city yesterday had a conference with Secretary Oorrlrk of the 1m. Follette organisation, but ndiher was willing lo discuss the under stanrilnK. if any. arrived at between them. The Ia Follette league announces the first speech by Lewis L. Brandeta will be at tho Third district progressiva, con vention at rreuiont. Thursday afternoon, and will sprsk the same evening st David City. FORTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR " LOSS BY FIRE AT PROSSER HASTINGS. Neh.. Jan. .-tSpeclal Telegram.) r Ire spreading from a hot water heating plant In the Plakrnblller barber shop esrly today destroyed four buildings In trosser, twelve ml Irs north west of Hastings. The losses are: Csrson Morrow, drug store and building, owned by . W. Smith. W.K: Tom Itlakenblller, barber chop and building, owned by T. K. Bowlln. tl.eW; R. o. Wlrfel, butcher shop and building, owned by Louis Katsberg, tl.sou; V. J. HoMnson. gsiage and build ing, It.SJ). Total. 10.n; Inauraiice. (.:. DR. SCHEMEL COMMITS SUICIDE AT H0SKINS NORFOLK. Neb., Jan. ML-Desipondetit over lark of medical prat lire and hla own III health, in-. Hchemel of llosktn. Neb , aged ta, aulclded by drinking carbolic at-ld this afternoon. fnana Patient Killed. KASTINUS. Neb.. Jan. M lSperlal Tele. gram.-Theodore Erlck, aged TO, an In mats of Iiurlealde saylum. was killed b a Burlington train a mile from the asylum this artemoon. Ha wandered away from the Institution and was alone when the accldcat occurred. Krh k waa committed from Wayne, county ten years ago and because he waa only mildly Insans had been permitted to stay In ths open ward. Are your folks warm enough? What kind of a home do you serve up to your folks? Is it as "stun-cold" as a frozen pudding and seasoned with ashes, dust, soot, or other unwhole some things, from some old-fashioned gas-leaking, ash-spouting atin monster in the cellar?" Oris it still worse from fuel-greedy stoves up stairs and down? If so, put these enemies to health and happiness out of the house! . Put in an outfit of our ' Frozen Home: W I T M COLD. SAUCE Ameriganx Ideal and have every room cozy and wiirm from kitchen to attic. Then you will serve up to your loved ones a home free from chill, dust, dirt and odors a domicile of delight, thoroughly pro tected against wind and weather. Cleaning work reduced one-halt; and the damage done to furnishings prevented our outfits do much to free the women from house-drudgery. AMERICAN Radiators arc placed along the outside walls and under windows, where prompt heating is insured in severe weather, or where a low fire with little coal burned will take off the chill in mild weather. You get just the degree of heat wanted, where most needed, and no needless burning of coaL Our IDEAL Boilers are built to burn all kinds of Aid -hard, soft, lignite, pea, wood or gas. They are self-regulated and require no running up and down stairs to change the dampers. City water connection not required. The work and fuel required by one stove-fire will in many cases warm the whole house. No parts to wear out, warp or crack outlast the building. mm A He. W-IM IDEAL Boiler sad Ut . ofM. as. AMERICAN Radiaura, castiec lb. semsr $250. seare Bead ts nasi thX eettaee. At Shi. sries lha svnds can as beuctit ot aa reputable, easspetsat fitter. Thi. did not iaclud. easts ot labor, ptpa. vahra, frets-tit, etc., wska ar. sstra ana vary accoraasff . hHj IDEAL "f If you want to serve up genuine ideal comfort to your dew one, and i it with health, cleanness and least caretaking, send for catalog, Ideal Heating" (mailed free). Prices art now most attractive. IDEAL. Boiler. serr poand ef fuel da Its atassst hsstiner sears. Thoy ss aat nasi at ar naj, lastias ssessuuaut. Wt kmvt elm ares tmlAtinl rrsstart trtctical. eafessaffc. imiU Vacuum Clruutr. The sssrsVss- nu Im Ike film: J sfl A Sri It m thanurUtmmJ see. fttfy fthtrt a aVasra frum me rssau mtuufk emmU Inn nctiom fife I mat tt m't. ltd dmst-mutrtim cttler. All Ike kmutketper ar jmmmr kmmdehur mttacM Ssss s area sacvea ptfttptutufiu muttre tfemj room, turn sa rrerrsc SsrM n Hart Cs macMiut iu crUsr, mud una s frw fulu ttrutn tf fas amass, asafscaf Arm Wend, ytm tautamttj swat mtrtutUj aruu eerttU, rma, Jlttrt, weui. etutnfi, erctmex, Jnma, uimun. Julmret, msttruum, eremm. mrmen. erevktu etc TkttuJ frmUdru tr. efur Ike mutt it rtmtved, it ixmttufd tknmfk fipiuf U mt asf aWn ar u0 Ike ckianuy-fu. Put mitk utmmt timpiicily ssss asrs ssW tJtUtr nrm ewtlltui tr tuiUimi. Jut mil rummnt cutuddt tnlefrm mmn HyurmtutU) titctrtdtj ttU. Aim fur efmff AKCO WAND Yeemem Oemm. Ns Sold by nil dealers. Writs Depsuunant N-SO 413-417 Sooth Tenth St, Omaha Public Skowrossss at Cfedeass. New York. Boston, nyswidmee. Pt-iladslphl., Buffalo, Pitt.burrh. Clreeiand. CiacimatL Detralt. Atawta, Wisalmtisis. New Orleans, ladisssselis, . Btiiaraukes. Osaaba, MiDaeapoJis. St. Loots. Ksnass City, Deneer. Seattle. Portlsfcd, apossee, Saa Frssciece, Biaaliaid (OnWt Lcndco, Psria, BruucTt, Berlia, Ducsacldorf, atilao, Vwnaa