Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
Thia Day in Omaha
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLT-XO. 195.
Secretary of Hary Arraigns Demo
crata for Befusing Appropria
tion! by Snap lodgment-
The National Capital -NORMS NOT FOR
Taeaday, Janwary S, IP IX.
You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, -
Another Can:ni to Beeomider Hat
. ter Probably Will Be Called.
' Preadnanpht Type Warship of Pres
- ent Day, Sayi Official
The Senate.
Senator Lflrinwri croes-exaininattos
continued before Investigating committee.
Woman's Christian Temperance union
leaders urged favorable action on liuuor
shipment bill and opened "white ribbon'
camna:gn In congress
bill creating children's bureau brought
for passage.
Senator Borah's bill to mate a i-hll-dren'a
bureau tn the Department of l om
merce and Labor waa discussed without
The House.
Instrict of Columbia legislation con
sidered. Pension appropriation bill carrying
llJ2.tnO.0K was reported.
Writes Long Letter to John 0. Teiser
Calling- on Him to Get Behind
Congressman Warned to Get on the
Honn; Band Wagon.
Secretary Tells Democrats It They
Watt Eceassslse ta Gala Csar
ta A boll a Seedless
Naval Yards. ,,
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-Abandonment
( th pros ram (or two battleehipa this
year brought out a statement from Secre
tary of tbt Navy Meyer .today. The
actloa of the democratic caucus last night
also' caused activity In the democratic I
ranks In congress, with the result that
another caucus to reconsider the matater
probably will be called.
Secretary Stayer arraigned the action
of the caucus as "giving another Illus
tration of government by snap Judgment."
Ha asserted that toe Monroe doctrine
la as big as the navy and no bigger and
that tna United States, guaranteeing the
neutrality of the Panama canal, must bs
prepared to make good Ita pledge.
"Even with a continuous program of
two battles hi pe a year." said Secretary
Meyer, "the United estates will fall a
little behind Its present effective strength
for the reason that In another year four
of our battleships, built during the same
period, will become non-effective.
"The dread naught type Is tha warship
of the Present dsy. One dreadnaught
built by a foreign power In excess of
tha number built by ourselrts la equiva
lent to wiping off our Hat at one stroke
tha "Indiana, Massachusetts, Oregon,
Iowa. Kearsarga and Kentucky. .
V "We have an enormous extent of coast
line; wa have Alaska, Porto Rico, the
Philippines and Hawaii, and we have the
obligation to guard and protect Cuba and
maintain Its neutrality. To perform these
obligations satisfactorily we must have
a atrong sea-going fleet. The only sura
defense of lha country and the only as
surance of safety la for the fleet to be
able to seek out Hi enemy on tha high
seas and to cripple or destroy It."
England, the statement declares, has au
thorised for the coming year five dread-
noughts and Germany three dreadnoughts
and one armored cruiser. Japan la said
to have authorised five ships of the lat
est dreadnought type and tha use of 17.-
Oo,"0 for new construction between mi
and 117. .
: Tha ecrstsnr.'MJlkst the demo
crats naaht have brought about economy
fT-they ka "bad tmVeo-araks te aborts
needless nary yards which are costing tha
government severs I mlllloa dollars a year
for .maintenance atone. , r
"A navy for -the nation and not for
local Interests la what should be sought."
tbs statement concludes.
Brandeis Says Many Get Less Than
Cot of Bare Existence. 1
Cssapasy Pas at Hale ef Klve
Per teat Csaaaasa and
Seven aa Preferred Last
Roosevelt Hen Kay Put Man of
Their Own in Field.
Effort te gradient ea the Drlrsa
lioa fraas Nebraska Brlasjs Oat
Some Plala Stateaarala
f Poelllaa.
HIRAM, O., Jan. StAn attempted hal
ing of R. L. Thomas ef Toungstown, a
aophomore la Hiram college, resulted In
:arl Cook being badly cut and William
Oldacre and J. Meus being less seriously
Thomas, a star foot ball and basket ball
player, recently. It la said, tore tha "H"
from hla sweater, declaring ba was
ashamed at Ma college.
Last night a party of students found
tThO0iaa in a restaurant. Thomas turned
nut tha tights and In a fight In the dark
ness Ih three students were wounded.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. J.-That C per cent
or tha employes of the United States Steel
corporation tn the Pittsburgh district
earn less than tbe actual coat of sub
sistence of Uie average American family
In Pittsburgh was a calculation made at
the ateel trust hearing today by Louis
t. Brandeis.
"The Associated Charities of Pittsburgh
have computed the cost of bare exist
ence of a fsmlly of a husband, a I fi
end three children In that city at ITft
a year," he said. "By working twelve
hours a dsy, 965 days a year SS per cent
of the steel workers there earn tl JO less
than the amount actually required for
the bare coat of living."
Brandela declared that In ten years
tha steel corporation had taken from the
American people ftnO.ajo.O0O n excess of
a liberal profit of Its Investment.
VTpls enormous 'profit," he said, "has
been used to grind down Its employes."
lteaalar FHvldrads Declared.
NEW YORK. Jan. FA-Dlrectors of the
United (Mates Steel corporation today
declared the regular quarterly dividend
of m per 'cent on the common stock.
Tha regular quarterly dividend of 1
per cent was declared on the preferred
I'nususl interest attache to the ex
hibit of earnings for the last quarter
of last year. The steel and Iron In
dustry, as Is welt known, is passing
through a period of much uncertainty
snd most finished products are now
selling at the lowest prices In some
years. It Is ripsrted that the report will
show a decline In demand for December,
compared with the month Immediately
pronoun-. .
Estimates ( the corporation's earnings
far tha last quarter of Wit range- from
SS.O0t.OM . to li..UUU0). . with here and
there eoine less favorable forecaets.
- In tht fust three quarters of ttlt the
tee! corporation charged off or appro
priated from Its surplus lE.OWKW, with
sn' additional appropriation St. the end
ef the fourth uartrr of K.Ott.ora, of which
tl.wM.em went to mining royalties. In
tha first three quarters of Mil no appro
prat Ions of any character were made.
Automobile Dealers
Form Combination
Congressman George W. Norria says
that the only time he will U for Rooee-
velt is when I .a Follette la finally out of j
the way. Also, he says the only thing j
ior .soiarita rtonseveti men to no is to j
he Is for the Wisconsin man. first, last
snd always, looks upon the colonel ss an
Interloper, and tells Colonel John O.
Yeiscr In polite terms that his proposition
to divide a delegation from Nebraska be
tween Roosevelt and La Follette Is Impu
dent In the extreme. All this In a lengthy
letter from the congressman to tha or
iginator and promoter of the Roosevelt
Band Wagon la Paula a.
in return, Mr. Yeiser begs to Inform
Mr. Norrts that the Roosevelt band
wagon la passing, moving rapidly, and
that the time to get aboard Is right now
Delays, says Mr. Yeleer, are dangerous.
and It may be that Congressman Norrls
will find himself lonesome when the vehi
cle has gone by. Mr. Velser points out
that the Roosevelt men are realty anxious
to get behind a candidate f ir the Inlted
States senstorshln, and, aa Brown Is out
spoken for Tart, and Norrls Is equally
committed to I.a Follette, It will perhaps
be necessary for them to put the third
candidate In the field. .
In this connection, Mr. Yeiser says Dial
he has been In correspondence with
Alexander H. Revel of Chicago, wh-j Is
chairman of the committee having in
charge the nationalising of the Roosevelt
movement. He has been aaked to come
Into Chicago for a conference on Feb
ruary f, Tuesday of next week, and ex
pects to attend. He also has a number
of letters from other Roosevelt boomers,
and all are encouraging tn tone and tell
of the progress the movement la making.
: WASHINGTON. Jan. .-'The heads
ef tbs railroads of the raited States with
the- one exception of Jamas J. Hill, are
merely clerks for Wall street," said For
mer United States aerator Flint of Cali
fornia before tha bouse Interstate com
' mere ' committee today. "Practically
' trolled by Wall street"
I '
The Weather
Far Nebraska Unsettled, with probably
know flurries.
For Iowa Unsettled, with higher tem-
fo ia!m!";.";;
fi 1 a. m
j, N a. m
h tp. m'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.
I- 2 p. m
P 4 p. m
P. m
- J p. m..
Cwsapsratlve Local Rerwrd
t a. m..
S a. ni
CHICAtJO. Jan. 90. -Of fleers were
elected and permanent organisation was
co-iipleted here today qy tho National!
Automobile Dealers' Association of
America, which was Incorporated under
the laws of Illinois. The charter mem
bership com prises 1,20 dealer In eastern
and middle western autee. The officers
elected are: president. It. S. Winrgar.
Springfield, III.: vice president, . Julian
Broebl, Pans, III.: secretary-treasurer, E.
A. Young. Bloomltigtoo, 111; directors, I,.
F. O Donaell, Jacksonville: Homer W.
rVlleoa, Carllnvllle; D. F. Marqusrd. Lin
coln; James U. Parker, Maroa: C. M.
Jones. Clinton: A. II. Cain, Ruodhouse:
M. ritchford. Granite City, III.
reacreaeaapa rrte Letter.
The text of the letter In which Con
gressman Norrls cuts off all communica
tion with the Roosevelt movement Is:
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. IT.-llon.
John O. Yeiser. Room 41) Bee Building,
Omaha, Neb: Iear Mr. Yeiser I am In
receipts of your latter of January It In
which you say tliat auggnaUona art being
made that my name be placed upon the
ticket In Nebraska as a Roosevelt deln-
gate to the republican national conven
tion. In thia latter you state that It It
understood that tha deletstes will Its
bound by tha preferential vote for presi
dent aa expressed In the primaries, and
you ak me whether I will consent to
ti e use of my name as a delegate. Some
tlma ago I received , quite a number of
suggestions that I permit the use or my
name as a I Pollute delegate. It
seemed to me then and It seems to me
still, I list, my name ought not appeal
more than once on the ticket, and as 1
am a candidate for United Stairs sens'or
I do not feel like asking this additional
honor from the Nebraska republicans,
and . could not, therefore, consent to the
placing of my name upon the ballot as a
candidate for delegate to the national
Korrle Rerlessa Merenesl,
In this connection I feel constrained to
review to you somewhat the history of
the efforts made by the progressive re
publicans to unite upon some progressive
candidate for nomination for president
I at the coming republican national con-
I ventlun. When It was determined that
Governor Sends Letter to Editor
Apologising for Bnuqneness of
Reply at Famous Interview.
From the Oleve'and Plain Dealer.
Secretary of Labor Federation Will
Testify in Indianapolis.
Paarl laresdaallaa DraaasKiaaa
Waala Is Kaon Haw Defraae
Fasd Waa III. bailed
Statement by Morrison.
Mayor Oaynor Opens
Tunnel Under River
... n
STORM KING, N. Y- Jan. 30.-Mayor
Caynor of New York today touched an
electric button and fired the blast that
Jclned the two tunnels, sunk on opposite
sides of the Hudson river for the New
York CstskiU aqueduct Nine feet of
granite separated the two eighteen-foot
shafts when the mayor and his party ar
rived on their special train. Tha blast
tore this rock from Ita bed 1,173 feet be
lt w the bed of the river.
The work of concreting the tunnel will
be started at once. It la estimated It will
ltr.lce about a ear to complete thia part
of the work. -
'an effort should be made to secure the
I nomination of a progressive candidate It
I seemed to be practically the unanimity
of opinion that Colonel Roosevelt should
be that candidate If he would consent to
the use of hla name. There were a great
many conferences held on this particular
subject, and I believe that It was uni
versally agreed tliat Roosevelt should be
tha candidate If we could get him to
consent. As a matter of fact, he posi
tively declined. Ills declination waa very
emphatic. He went so far as to say that
no friend of hla would propose such a
thing. I had several personal Inter views
with Senator I .a Follette on the subject,
and I know of my own personal knowl
edge' that Senator I -a Follette would 'have
refused to permit his name to bo used as
a candidate ir Colonel Roosevelt would
have consented to become a candidate.
In fact. Senator La Follette often said at
those conferences that be would support
any progressive and that he would to the
utmost of his ability assist In bringing
Hlgfcest yesterday..,
Ixiweet yesterday...,
Mean temperature...
Temperature and
t':rwa from tn normal
TCormal temperature
IiefTdetK-y for the day
Total exosas store March 1
Normal precipitation
iJeflctency for the dav...
Total rainfall since March I,
xssnoiency eiooe .starch I.
r-irir-ann i i ..... vw- i" ne nomination oi aucn a candidate.
21 villa might lose Its berth In the Three-!
21 ; league became apparent tonight, when
x I John F. Powers, ownerr of the club.
1't W. U i ' k.h. e. a, ...
zs s at t - -
it 2
T .aa
. .ttttneh
. .E Inch
H.I4 Inches
U.74 incbea
I would like to keep Danville In the
league." Tearney said, "but the citlxens
must arrange to take the club soon, or I
shall be forced to aell It. Before leaving
for Los Angeles tonight Powers advised
ma that ba would aell the franchise to
Danville for I4.K cash. If the franchise
goes to soma other city. Powers will in
sist upon receiving S2S.MS for It in addl-
Ieflciency for cor. period, ism. tt.l inches ! lion to retaining the players now under
"rasa tor our. period, io. in laches reae
ale parts frees Statieae al T p. SI.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
rUMT. p. m. est.
aeienep. clear ....... M
leaver) port. Hear...,
Ienvr. pt. cloudy at
JJea Moines, clear M
Todgw Qty. clear S4
lander, dear a
North Platte, pt. cloudy..
Omaba, rlear tl
PiMblo, pt. ekmdr 44
Rapid City, cloody 4e
Salt Lake City. pt. coudy 44
Sania Fe. dear c
Snertdan. 4- csoudy 4
Siovx ty, pt cloudy 14
valentine, clear.. at 49
tndjoatea below senx
I knolcates trace of precipitation
U A. WELSH, Local Forecxner.
He also expreaaed himself as being per
fectly willing to nolle on Senator Cum
mins and make the fight for hint. At
that lime it looked as though It was an ab
solute Impossibility to prevent the re nomi
nation of President Taft. After a great
many conferences it seemed under all
the circumstances that Senator La Fol
lette waa the logical man to select as
leader. Colonel lEooaevelt not only de-
!cl1ned to be considered, but 1 have II
from the Hps of one of the men who went
to see him In regard to the question tliat
the colonel not only declined himself to
be a candidate, but that he urged thai
Senator La Follette should get Into the
Tars Cass l Fsllelle.
With these conditions existing Senator
La Follette entered the race and It soon
developed that there waa a wonderful
sentiment throughout the country id
I istot ei hjs camuoary ans uie proDaBUi
I Ik- of hla nomination Increased at a
SYDNEY. Autrs'm7Jsn. J0.-A reneral I wooderfnl rate. It soon developed that
presilent Tearney aaid
j given ill in a opuvs oa iae nun
.is j February U.
WASHINGTON, Jan. .-Frank SI'ir
rlsun, secretary of the American Feder
ation of labor, snd Henry II. Flsther,
cashier of the Rlggs National bank,
which Is the depository for the federa
tion's funds snd also for tha McNamara
defense fund, have been subpoenaed to
appear on February l,s before the fed
eral grand Jury at Indianapolis, which
is Investigating dynamite plots.
"I will eppreelstc, this opportunity to
show (II eur books and have the fed-,
rrallon'a accounts Investigated by the
federal antii'iillex" said Murrlron when
he received the subpoena. "1 will leave
for Indlausnolls tudav." '
The records for which the (rand Jury
aaks will fill tao kirge trunks. The
subpoena directs M.irrlson to produce
cancelled checks and records of all re
ceipts and disbursements by the federa
tion, or by himself, between April H,
ll'U and January mi. .
Unary ftearly All Speal.
As those dales cover a period subse
quent to tlie arrest of the Mclsamara
broth trs. Mr. Morrlfon Infers that the
grand Jury Intends to Inquire Into I he
disposition of the McNamara defense
f-.ird. Further than Saying that' out of
aiiroxiniutely rJS.i.ltt paid In, little mora
thHn SS,U remain. Mr. Morrison today
declined to dlscua Ita expenditures. It
lis; been staled by labor leaders, how
ever, that Ihe bulk of the money was
turned o?er to Clarence Darrow. the at
torney UMIcted for bribery yeaterday at
Los Angeles.
An examination of Uie federations
books prior to the dates named' by the
grand Jury. Mr. Morrison declared, would
show no disbursements to the McNamara
brothers or to the Structural Iron Work
ers organisation.
A complete report of the McNamara de
fense fund receipts and expenditures will
be sent to every union which contributed.
Mr. Morrison raid today that thia was
ordered by the executive council of the
Ameiican Iteration' of Labor in ll
quarterly session here early this month.
When the McNamara defense fund com
mittee met here shortly after the con
fessions of the McNamaras It waa an
nounced that disposition of the lemalndar
of tie fund would be left to the execu
tive council.
Today'a announcement by Mr. Morri
son, however, was the first made public
In regard to the action of that body.
NBW YORK. Jan. 30. "That's all right.
I'm very glad to hear It," declared Sam
uel Oompers today on learning that
Frank Morrt.-sn and Henry II. Flather
cad been subpoenaed to testify before
tha federal grand Jury at Imllanapo Is.
Mr. Oompers said he had no statement
to make regarding the Indictment of Clar
ence 8. Darrow at Ioa Angeles.
Others Will Bs (allrd.
INDIANAPOLIS'. Jan. Further than
to reiterate thai the federal grand Jury
is Investigating allegations that national
Women Temperance
Workers Invade the
National Capital
WASHINGTON. Jan. Sft-Leadera of the
Women s Christian Temperance union and
a host of atate workers stormed the
senate Judiciary committee today for a
favorable action on the Kenyon-Sheppard
bill, which would prohibit shipment of
liquor Into "dry" territory.
Mrs. Lillian M. Stevens, national presi
dent of tha organisation. Anna N. Gor
don, vice president, and F.llen M Stone,
missionary and temperance worker,
beaded the delegation.
Temperance workers from southern
prohibition states are especially Interested
In the bill.
The presence of the national leaders in
Washlngtn. wlU signalise a , week of th
"whit ribbon" campaign In tha halls of
aengresa ' ! V
Councilman Johnson and Light In
spector Scott Seriously Injured.
Csssrllmaa Barbs (lets Palafal
raises Party Ost sn laspee
Una Trip sad Tbelr Car
Witness Says Dead Kan Said Koonti
Had Accused Him. -1 ,
I eraser's Jsry Finds kasllh Died by
Friend's Head sad Nerves
saeade (bat letter Be
The motive which prompted K. K.
Koonti. Missouri Psnflo engineer, to
kill hla life-long friend, Frank W. Smith,
conductor, was brought out at the In
quest yesterdsy afternoon In tha testi
mony of R. B. Went worth, an aye wit
ness to tie killing. Went worth said that
on January I while riding between Omaha
and Kails City. Neb.. Smith said to him.
"one of my best friends has accused me
or the last thing in the world I would
do." It Involved Koonts's wife, said
Went worth.
"When I reached the snot where the
two men were talking." said Wentworth.
referring to the murder last week, "I
card Koonts say, 'I know better. I
know,' With these words Koonlx fired
the shot which killed Smith. I went over
and aaked Koonts what he was doing,
and he pointed the gun at me and said.
you keep out of this,' and 1 did."
Chris Larsen, an Inspector, said he saw
the two men talking together, Koonts
keeping a blue sted revolver pointed at
Hmltli, After the shooting he said he
helped carry the wounded man to the
caboose where he tried to get Smith to
talk. He said the only thing Smith said
was "K.l Koonts." and to "rut me out
of my misery."
J. A. Ford, one of the btakemen who
msdo the run to Falls City following tha
shooting, wss called. He said he saw
Smith eixf Wentworth and after the fatal
shot was fired saw the sinoko Irom the
revolver, then the report and next saw
Smith fall, but did not see Koonts. I's
said he could not see who fired the shot.
He said he had never seen Koonti In Ms
life and would not know him If he saw
him now.
A. W. Jefferles acl'l as counsel for
Konts, but Ihe letter waa not brought
to the court room. The Jury was out but
tow minutes when It returned Its ver-
labor leaders were connected with tn d(t mhlct, wu tu ln, effect that Smith
McNamara bribers In Ihe dyaamitliig , had ,hot Dv Koontx. with rrcoot
consplracy, District Attorney Stiller today t ro.n(iation that Koonti he held,
refused to comment on the news tlio: j
Frank Morrison bad been subpoenaed i
to appear here.
"Will President Samuel Gompcra
any other official of tlsa federation be '
nmniiwir Mr. Miller a-as k eil I
-We will not divulge the Identity of SPRINGFIELD, ill.. Jan. -Sentence
any wit lesae, that have been or arc f Th,,n!M J "-. convicted of the
to be subpoenaed." said Mr. Miller. urd" Brl,t ""'"
lnla yetlrs in 1 m mat i5 prniirm nu; mi
Councilman I. B. Johnson and City
Ulht Inspector O. A. Broil wars danger
ously hurt and tour other city officials
were seriously Injured when tha automo
bile In which they were driving sn a light
Inspection tour of tha city overturned at
Park Wild avenue and lteree streets at
7 o'clock last night.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Scott wars taken
from under the machine la en unconscious
tttt and taken home In aa ambulanca.
'Councilman Johnson suffered, savers
bruises sn the head and Ills forehead was
badly lacerated. Ha waa unnonacioiig for
mors than an hour. Mr. Scott regained
consciousness In-a few minutes, but com
plained of Injuries Is hla back.
Other members of tbo party were: Judge
Louis Berks, president of the city coun
cil: Councilman l.ouls Burmester, Prof.
Charles F. Crowley, city gas' commis
sioner, snd Chauffeur Fred Swan, In the
employ of tha city.
Judge Berka waa pinned beneath the
car and received painful bnt not serious
bruise on the head. Cotindlmxn Burmes
ter waa also caught and crushed under
the car, but managed to get from under
It without assistance. Although ha ft a
bruised about Ihe legs, he waa not pain
fully hurt.
Councilman Davie, another member of
the lighting committee, waa left behind
by the party, who waited for him several
minutes at the city hall.
Brigands Looting
Homes of Wealthy
in Manchuria
strike of all trades unionizta has been I tP'r sentiment from one. end of
!; entered is Brisbane. Queensland, la aup-ih country to the other that the repub
VpoTt of the street car employes, who i Tarty ought to nominate a prcgres
'2l demand that thy be allowed ts wear :' ,n" ' became qoite evident that if
KANSAS CITr. Jan. Sti-PMrtck Bos le.
a watchman at the Armour-Swift Burl
ington bridge here whrcb ass dynamftej
Axurnst -3. 1S14, baa been eubpoenaed to
testify before the grand Jury at Indlan-
a polls. Recently be found burled near
the bridge a quantity of nitroglycerine j COAL MINERS REFERRED
at a spot indicated by Ortie ueMsnlgaL
jjoliet ft as commuted today by Governor
Denetn on the recommendation of the
i rftate Boar! of Pardons, to expire Feb-
ruary L MacUn killed Brltt In a Chicago
saloon after a quarrel over labor troublea
, anion button. The iernatiel wu refused
by the board of Bunaa;ea)eBt of the vtreei
tbe control of the atrnatiOD coatd be taken
oat of the haindj of the potttklarjiti ud
(Cjttt.fte4 n f icnaal Face.)
eTiBT nnnn rnn naamartai: DUUIrl run DAUJmri ; matter of a wage scale for bituminous
I coal miners, to go Into effect April 1. was
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jan. Ja-Tbe , today referred to a subcommittee by the
democratic Mate committee today adopted ; jin, conference of miners and operators
a resolution commending o !h drniec- j of Indiana, Illinois. Ohio and western
racy of tbe nation "a rons.derataa of tbe; Petmsvlvanla. Tbe subcommittee con
eminent qualities of Gotemor eimeoa t I sists of two operators and two miners
Baldwin, fur tbs prestdeacy." j from sack St tbe four stales.
PEKING. Jan. SO. -The brigands of
Mukden are systematically raiding the
homes of prominent men suspected of be
ing In sympathy with the rovolutionaiy
party, assassinating thetn ami carrying
oft thslr wives and daughters, according
to a letter from a missionary tn that city
received hers today. Consular reports
oonfiim Ihe accounts of scores of mur
ders nightly. .
The letter of tha missionary continues:
"Whole armlea of mounted robbers are
holding up and plundering travelers along
the roads leading Into Harbin. These
brigands hold the rich for ransom, which
has to be paid either In guns, ammunition
or In money. They torture and kill their
victims If ihe ransom Is not forthcom
ing. Tha law-abiding Chinese of the vi
cinity are praying for the Intervention of
the Japanese In southern Manchuria and
of the Russians In the north."
General Chao Krh-bVng. tho vlrsoy of
the province of Sae-Chuan. who waa de
capitated by the revoit'tiouists at Cheng
Tu In December, was the brother of pen-!
sral Chao Krh-Hsnu, the viceroy of Man-;
The latter Is determined not to share his
brother's fate and perhaps is also exact
ing vengeance for hla brother. General
Chao f:rh-Hsun is the only vigorous op
ponent of reifiibUcanisni among the re
maining viceroys, lie has adoitfed the
method of employing hundreds of briganda
as a police force and Is legalising the as
sassinations and other crimes committed
hy these desperado bands.
At Time He Forgot to Thank Friend
for Support.
Wanted Attitude of Weekly Set
Bight with the People.
Cslsael Replies that There la
Pnrely Personal lease and that
Lasg Frleadsblp Will
"tst Jle BrsWea.
NEW YORK. Jan. SO.-The New York
Evening 1041 has sought, for tbe sake
of Justice to all concerned, to secure the
publtcstlon of the correspondent e between
Governor Wilson and Colonel Harvey. In
that sense It applied to them both.
Neither wished ts be put ln the position
of Riving out private letters, but bo'h
assented to the publication with the dis
tinct understanding that Ins Initiative
came from the Evening Post. ,
Wllssa Reads Apelegy.
The fit at letter addressed to Colonel
Harvey by Governor Wilson is aa fol
ic as: ""
"I'nlverstty Club, r.fth Avenue ami
Fifty-fourth Street. December tl, 1U.
-Pereonel.-My Dear Colonel: Every duy
I am confirmed In the Judgment that my
mind la a one-track mad and can run
only one train of thought at a time. A
long time after that Interview with you
and Marse Henry at the Manhattan club.
It cams sver me that when (at the close
of the Interview) you asked me lhal ques
tion about tha weekly. I answered :t
simply as a matter of fact and sf business
and never ssld a word of my sincere
gratitude to you for all your generous
support, or of my hope that It might be
continued. Forgive me and forget my
manners Faithfully yours.
esse Is Nst Personal.
In reply Colonel Harvey wrote to Gov
ernor Wilson as follows:
"My Dear Governor Wilson: Replying
to your note from the University club.
I think It should go without saying that
no purely personal Issue could arise be
tween you and me. Whatever anybody
alas may surmise, you sorely must know
that, In trying to arouse further your po
litical aspirations during the last few
years I hare been actuated solely by the
belief thai i waa rendering a distinct
public sanies. v . .
"The real point at Ihe time sf our hi-
tarvle waa, aa ysu aptly put II. one sim
ply -of ad. and l smieso and- when -roo
stated the fact ta be thai my sup
port was hurting your candidacy ami
thai you wen experiencing difficulty In
finding a wsy to counteract Its harmful
affect, Ihe only thing poaatbl for me to
do In simple fairness to you, no Ies4
than In consideration of my own self
respect, waa to relieve you of your em
barrassment, so far as It lay within my
power to do so, by ceasing to advocate
your nomination.
"That I think was fully understood be
tween us at the lime, and, acting accord
ingly, I took down your name from tha
head or tha Weekly's editorial page some
dsys before your letter was written.
That seems to be all there Is of It.
"Whatever Utile hurt I may have felt
aa a consequence of tho peremptorlnees
of your attitude toward me Is. of course,
wholly" eliminated by your gracious words.
Very truly yours,
(isverwsrs Seeded Letter.
Oovemor Wilson replied under data of
January II, aa follows:
"My Dear Colonel Haxvey-Oeneroua
and cordial as was your letter written In
reply to my note from tbs University
club. It has left me uneasy, because. In
ita perfect frankness. It shows that I did
hurt yon by what I so tactlessly said at
tha Knickerbocker club. I am very much
ashamed of mysdf. for tilers la nothing
I am more ashamed of than hurting a'
true friend, however unintentional the
hurt may have been. I wanted very much'
to aes you In Washington, but was sbao-,
lutely captured by callers every minute I
was In my rooms, and when I was not
there, was fulfilling publks engagements.
I saw yon at the dinner, but could not get
at you, and after the dinner was sur
rounded and prevented from getting at
you. I am la town today to speak this '
evening and rams in early la tbs hope of
catching you at your office.
"For I owa It to you and to my own
thought sad feeling tu tell ysu bow grate
ful I am for all your generous praise and'
support of me I no one has described me
mors nearly as I would like to believe
myself to be Hum you have); how I have
admired you for tha Independence and un
hesitating courage and Individuality of
your coarse, and bow faj I wss from de
airing that you should cease your support
of me In the Weekly. You will think mo
very stupid, but I did not think of that
as tha result of my blunt s newer to your
question. I thought only of ths means sf
(Continued on Second Page.)
NEW JORK. Jsn. M. -James Davern.
who was arrested here In IMS by mis-1
take for his brother. Steve, wanted In tbe:
west for attacking a non-onion man. ob-1
ulned a K.OA verdict for false arrest to- j
day against Walter Drew, counsel for tke'
National Erectors association. t
Beak et Weealaatss. a. D-. t leers. I
Hrno.V. S. !., Jan. SO.-Spec!a:.V-The
bask examiner tuok charge yeaterday ;
Henderson Stats bank at Wesstngtan.
Ample funas are available to pay de
poaltors In fu;L The loss to stockholders
estimabud at about 49 per rent. The
eapital of ilia bank was $3.0.
Results that come
from sincere in
quirers, who real
ly want what you
have for sale are
the kind you get
from the Bee
Want ads.
Use them, read
them, they pay
both ways.
. . .